- Depend on FSharp.Core package
- Integrate fsharp\fsharp and Microsoft\visualfsharp to 262deb017cfcd0f0d4138779ff42ede7dbf44c46
- Integrate fsharp\fsharp and Microsoft\visualfsharp to d0cc249b951374257d5a806939e42714d8a2f4c6
- Expose assumeDotNetFramework in FSharpChecker.GetProjectOptionsFromScript
- SemanticClassificationType should not be internal
- Integrate fsharp\fsharp and Microsoft\visualfsharp to c3e55bf0b10bf08790235dc585b8cdc75f71618e
- Integrate fsharp\fsharp and Microsoft\visualfsharp to 11c0a085c96a91102cc881145ce281271ac159fe
- Some API changes for structured text provision for tagged structured text
- Update names of union fields in AST API
- Fix load closure for ParseAndCheckInteraction
- Fix #631 compiler dependency on MSBuild
- Fixed netcore codegen on Linux
- Explicit error when cracker exe is missing
- Integrate fsharp\fsharp and Microsoft\visualfsharp to c494a9cab525dbd89585f7b733ea5310471a8001
- Then integrate to 2002675f8aba5b3576a924a2e1e47b18e4e9a83d
- Add module values to navigable items
- Optionally remove dependency on MSBuild reference resolution fsharp#649
- Compiler api harmonise
- Various bits of work on .NET Core version (buildable from source but not in nuget package)
- Integrate fsharp\fsharp and Microsoft\visualfsharp to 835b79c041f9032fceeceb39f680e0662cba92ec
- Switch to new major version on assumption integrated F# compiler changes induce API change
- Integrate Microsoft\visualfsharp to 688c26bdbbfc766326fc45e4d918f87fcba1e7ba. F# 4.1 work
- Fixed empty symbol declared pdb #564 from kekyo/fix-empty-pdb
- .NET Core ProjectCracker - updated version and dependencies
- Properly embed 'FSIstrings' resource, fixes #591
- make build.sh work on windows (git bash).
- Added default script references for .NET Core
- Store useMonoResolution flag
- Updated MSBuild version
- Assume FSharp.Core
- Integrate Microsoft\visualfsharp and fsharp\fsharp to master (including portable PDB)
- Remove .NET Framework 4.0 support (now needs .NET Framework 4.5)
- Integrate Microsoft\visualfsharp and fsharp\fsharp to master
- #538 - BackgroundCompiler takes a very long time on a big solution with a very connected project dependency graph
- #544 - Losing operator call when one of operands is application of a partially applied function
- #534 - Function valued property erasing calls
- #495 - Detupling missing when calling a module function value
- #543 - Tuple not being destructured in AST
- #541 - Results of multiple calls to active pattern are always bound to variable with same name
- #539 - BasicPatterns.NewDelegate shows same value for different arguments
- #530 - Adjust ProjectCracker NuGet for VS/NuGet
- #527 - Provide API that includes printf specifier arities along with ranges
- #519 - Change nuget layout for ProjectCracker package
- #523 - Project cracking: spaces in file paths
- #508 - Integrate visualfsharp/master removal of Silverlight #if
- #513 - Make CrackerTool
to prevent accidental usage - #515 - Add simple Visual Studio version detection for project cracker
- Integrate visualfsharp/master and fsharp/master --> master
- Expose QualifiedName and FileName of FSharpImplementationFileContents
- Add FSharpErrorInfo.ErrorNumber
- Fix 452 - FSharpField.IsMutable = true for BCL enum cases
- Fix 414 - Add IsInstanceMemberInCompiledCode
- Feature #470, #478, #479 - Move ProjectCracker to separate nuget package and DLL, used ProjectCrackerTool.exe to run
- Feature #463 - Expose slot signatures of members in object expressions
- Feature #469, #475 - Add EvalExpressionNonThrowing, EvalInteractionNonThrowing, EvalScriptNonThrowing
- Fix #456 - FCS makes calls to kernel32.dll when running on OSX
- Fix #473 - stack overflow in resolution logic
- Fix #460 - Failure getting expression for a provided method call
- Fix bug in loop optimization, apply dotnet/fsharp#756
- #488 - Performance problems with project references
- #450 - Correct generation of ReferencedProjects
- Fix bug in double lookup of cache, see fsharp#447
- Add pause before backgrounnd work starts. The FCS request queue must be empty for 1 second before work will start
- Write trace information about the reactor queue to the event log
- Rewrite reactor to consistently prioritize queued work
- Implement cancellation for queued work if it is cancelled prior to being executed
- Adjust caching to check cache correctly if there is a gap before the request is executed
- FSharpType.Format fix
- Disable maximum-memory trigger by default until use case ironed out
- FSharpType.Format now prettifies type variables. If necessary, FSharpType.Prettify can also be called
- Add maximum-memory trigger to downsize FCS caches. Defaults to 1.7GB of allocaed memory in the system process for a 32-bit process, and 2x this for a 64-bit process
- fix 427 - Make event information available for properties which represent first-class uses of F#-declared events
- fix 410 - Symbols for C# fields (and especially enum fields)
- Expose implemented abstract slots
- Fix problem with obscure filenames caught by Microsoft\visualfsharp tests
- Integrate with visualfsharp master
- fix 423 - Symbols for non-standard C# events
- fix 235 - XmlDocSigs for references assemblies
- fix 177 - GetAllUsesOfAllSymbolsInFile returns nothing for C# nested enum
- make Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing.Position a struct
- Exposing assembly attributes on FSharpAssemblySignature
- clean up IncrementalFSharpBuild.frameworkTcImportsCache
- add more entries to FSharpTokenTag
- add more entries to FSharpTokenTag
- add PrettyNaming.QuoteIdentifierIfNeeded and PrettyNaming.KeywordNames
- integrate Microsoft/visualfsharp OOB cleanup via fsharp/fsharp
- Make Parser and Lexer private
- #387 - types and arrays in F# attribute contructor arguments
- Use FSharp.Core by default for scripting scenarios if not FSharp.Core referenced by host process
- Integrate F# 4.0 support into FSharp.Compiler.Service
- simplified source indexing with new SourceLink
- Add noframework option in AST compiler methods
- Add fix for #343 Use ResolveReferences task
- Expose BinFolderOfDefaultFSharpCompiler to editors
- Fix the registry checking on mono to avoid unnecessary exceptions being thrown
- Fix output location of referenced projects
- Added Fix to allow implicit PCL references to be retrieved
- Don't report fake symbols in indexing #325
- Add EnclosingEntity for an active pattern group #327
- Add ImmediateSubExpressions #284
- integrate fsharp/fsharp master into master
- Fix for FSharpSymbolUse for single case union type #301
- Added supprt for ReturnParameter in nested functions
- Added curried parameter groups for nested functions
- Add Overloads to the symbols signature so it is publicly visible
- Update OnEvaluation event to have FSharpSymbolUse information available
- Better support for Metadata of C# (and other) Assemblies.
- Expose the DefaultFileSystem as a type instead of anonymous
- Update GetDeclarationListSymbols to expose FSharpSymbolUse
- Improve reporting of format specifiers
- Update to latest F# 3.1.3 (inclunding updated FsLex/FsYacc used in build of FCS)
- Report printf specifiers from Service API
- Improve Accessibility of non-F# symbols
- Do not use memory mapped files when cracking a DLL to get an assembly reference
- Fix for multilanguage projects in project cracker
- Reduce background checker memory usage
- add docs on FSharp.Core
- docs on caches and queues
- Update to github.com/fsharp/fsharp 05f426cee85609f2fe51b71473b07d7928bb01c8
- Fix #249 - Fix TryFullName when used on namespaces of provided erased type definitions
- Add OnEvaluation event to FCS to allow detailed information to be exposed
- Do not use shared cursor for IL binaries (fsprojects-archive/zzarchive-VisualFSharpPowerTools#822)
- Extension members are returned as members of current modules
- Fix exceptions while cross-reference a type provider project
- Add AssemblyContents and FSharpExpr to allow access to resolved, checked expression trees
- Populate ReferencedProjects using ProjectFileInfo
- Fix finding symbols declared in signature files
- Add logging to project cracking facility
- Allow project parser to be used on project file with relative paths
- Expose attributes for non-F# symbols
- More renamings in SourceCodeServices API for more consistent use of 'FSharp' prefix
- Make FSharpProjectFileParser public
- Fixes to project parser for Mono (.NET 4.0 component)
- Renamings in SourceCodeServices API for more consistent use of 'FSharp' prefix
- Fixes to project parser for Mono
- Fixes to project parser for Mono
- Use MSBuild v12.0 for reference resolution on .NET 4.5+
- Fixes to project parser
- Add project parser, particularly GetProjectOptionsFromProjectFile
- #221 - Normalize return types of .NET events
- Integrate to latest http://github.com/fsharp/fsharp (#80f9221f811217bd890b3a670d717ebc510aeeaf)
- #216 - Return associated getters/setters from F# properties
- #214 - Added missing XmlDocSig for FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue's Events, Methods and Properties
- #213 - Retrieve information for all active pattern cases
- #188 - Fix leak in file handles when using multiple instances of FsiEvaluationSession, and add optionally collectible assemblies
- #207 - Add IsLiteral/LiteralValue to FSharpField
- #205 - Add IsOptionalArg and related properties to FSharpParameter
- #210 - Check default/override members via 'IsOverrideOrExplicitMember'
- #209 - Add TryFullName to FSharpEntity
- Fix for #184 - Fix EvalScript by using verbatim string for #Load
- Fix for #183 - The line no. reporting is still using 0-based indexes in errors. This is confusing.
- Fix for #156 - The FSharp.Core should be retrieved from the hosting environment
- Second fix for #160 - Nuget package now contains .NET 4.0 and 4.5
- Fix for #160 - Nuget package contains .NET 4.0 and 4.5
- Integrate changes for F# 3.1.x, Fix #166
- Fix for #159 - Unsubscribe from TP Invalidate events when disposing builders
- Add queue length to InteractiveChecker
- Fix caches keeping hold of stale entries
- Add IsAccessible to FSharpSymbol, and ProjectContext.AccessibilityRights to give the context of an access
- Fix #79 - FindUsesOfSymbol returns None at definition of properties with explicit getters and setters
- Fix #138 - Fix symbol equality for provided type members
- Fix #150 - Return IsGetterMethod = true for declarations of F# properties (no separate 'property' symbol is yet returned, see #79)
- Fix #132 - Add IsStaticInstantiation on FSharpEntity to allow clients to detect fake symbols arising from application of static parameters
- Fix #154 - Add IsArrayType on FSharpEntity to allow clients to detect the symbols for array types
- Fix #96 - Return resolutions of 'Module' and 'Type' in "Module.field" and "Type.field"
- Allow own fsi object without referencing FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.dll (#127)
- Adjust fix for #143 for F# types with abstract+default events
- Fix multi-project analysis when referenced projects have changed (#141)
- Fix process exit on bad arguments to FsiEvaluationSession (#126)
- Deprecate FsiEvaluationSession constructor and add FsiEvaluationSession.Create static method to allow for future API that can return errors
- Return additional 'property' and 'event' methods for F#-defined types to regularize symbols (#108, #143)
- Add IsPropertySetterMethod and IsPropertyGetterMethod which only return true for getter/setter methods, not properties. Deprecate IsSetterMethod and IsGetterMethod in favour of these.
- Add IsEventAddMethod and IsEventRemoveMethod which return true for add/remove methods with an associated event
- Change IsProperty and IsEvent to only return true for the symbols for properties and events, rather than the methods assocaited with these
- Fix value of Assembly for some symbols (e.g. property symbols)
- Add optional project cache size parameter to InteractiveChecker
- Switch to openBinariesInMemory for SimpleSourceCodeServices
- Cleanup SimpleSourceCodeServices to avoid code duplication
- Integrate latest changes from visualfsharp.codeplex.com via github.com/fsharp/fsharp
- Fix problem with task that generates description text of declaration
- Add AllInterfaceTypes to FSharpEntity and FSharpType
- Add BaseType to FSharpType to propagate instantiation
- Add Instantiate to FSharpType
- Fix #109 - Duplicates in GetUsesOfSymbolInFile
- Fix #105 - Register enum symbols in patterns
- Fix #107 - Return correct results for inheritance chain of .NET types
- Fix #101 - Add DeclaringEntity property
- Fixed #104 - Make all operations that may utilize the FCS reactor async
- Add FSharpDisplayContext and FSharpType.Format
- Replace GetSymbolAtLocationAlternate by GetSymbolUseAtLocation
- Fixed #86 - Expose Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Shell.Settings.fsi
- Fixed #99 - Add IsNamespace property to FSharpEntity
- Fixed #79 - Usage points for symbols in union patterns
- Fixed #94 and #89 by addition of new properties to the FSharpSymbolUse type
- Fixed #93 by addition of IsOpaque to FSharpEntity type
- Fixed #92 - Issue with nested classes
- Fixed #87 - Allow analysis of members from external assemblies
- Obsolete HasDefaultValue - see fsharp#77
- Fix #71 - Expose static parameters and xml docs of type providers
- Fix #63 - SourceCodeServices: #r ignores include paths passed as command-line flags
- Fix #38 - FSharp.Compiler.Services should tolerate an FSharp.Core without siginfo/optdata in the search path
- Add StaticParameters property to entities, plus FSharpStaticParameter symbol
- Fix #65
- Add FullName and Assembly properties for symbols
- Fix #76
- Add Japanese documentation
- Make ParseFileInProject asynchronous
- Add ParseAndCheckFileInProject
- Use cached results in ParseAndCheckFileInProject if available
- Fix performance problem with CheckFileInProject
- Add initial prototype version of multi-project support, through optional ProjectReferences in ProjectOptions. Leave this empty to use DLL/file-based references to results from other projects.
- Fix symbols for named union fields in patterns
- Fix symbols for named union fields
- Add FSharpActivePatternCase to refine FSharpSymbol
- Fix exception tag symbol reporting
- Fix off-by-one in reporting of range for active pattern name
- Add optional source argument to TryGetRecentTypeCheckResultsForFile to specify that source must match exactly
- Update version number as nuget package may not have published properly
- Move to one-based line numbering everywhere
- Provide better symbol information for active patterns
- Provide symbol location for type parameters
- Add GetUsesOfSymbolInFile
- Better symbol resolution results for type parameter symbols
- Update version number as nuget package may not have published properly
- Change return type of GetAllUsesOfSymbol, GetAllUsesOfAllSymbols and GetAllUsesOfAllSymbolsInFile to FSharpSymbolUse
- Add symbol uses when an abstract member is implemented.
- Add GetAllUsesOfAllSymbols and GetAllUsesOfAllSymbolsInFile
- Improvements to symbol accuracy w.r.t. type abbreviations
- Make FSharpEntity.BaseType return an option
- FsiSesion got a new "EvalScript" method which allows to evaluate .fsx files
- Update version number as nuget package may not have published properly
- Update version number as nuget package may not have published properly
- Fix #39 - Constructor parameters are mistaken for record fields in classes
- Make the parts of the lexer/parser used by 'XmlDoc' tools in F# VS Power tools public
- Add 'IsUnresolved'
- Fix bug where 'multiple references to FSharp.Core' was given as error for scripts
- Fix fsc corrupting assemblies when generating pdb files (really)
- Give better error messages for missing assemblies
- Report more information about symbols returned by GetSymbolAtLocation (through subtypes)
- Fix typos in docs
- Return full project results from ParseAndCheckInteraction
- Be more robust to missing assembly references by default.
- Fix fsc corrupting assemblies when generating pdb files
- Fix docs
- Make symbols more robust to missing assemblies
- Be robust to failures on IncrementalBuilder creation
- Allow use of MSBuild resolution by IncrementalBuilder
- Fix version number
- Added GetUsesOfSymbol(), FSharpSymbol type, GetSymbolAtLocation(...)
- Added documentation of file system API
- Reporte errors correctly from ParseAndCheckProject
- Integrate FSharp.PowerPack.Metadata as the FSharp* symbol API
- Renamed Param --> MethodGroupItemParameter and hid record from view, made into an object
- Renamed Method --> MethodGroupItem and hid record from view, made into an object
- Renamed Methods --> MethodGroup and hid record from view, made into an object
- Renamed MethodGroup.Name --> MethodGroup.MethodName
- Renamed DataTip --> ToolTip consistently across all text
- Renamed CheckOptions --> ProjectOptions
- Renamed TypeCheckAnswer --> CheckFileAnswer
- Renamed UntypedParseInfo --> ParseFileResults
- Removed GetCheckOptionsFromScriptRoot member overload in favour of optional argument
- Renamed GetCheckOptionsFromScriptRoot --> GetProjectOptionsFromScript
- Renamed UntypedParse --> ParseFileInProject
- Renamed TypeCheckSource --> CheckFileInProjectIfReady
- Added numerous methods to API including CheckFileInProject
- Added experimental GetBackgroundCheckResultsForFileInProject, GetBackgroundParseResultsForFileInProject
- Added PartialAssemblySignature to TypeCheckResults/CheckFileResults
- Added CurrentPartialAssemblySignature to FsiEvaluationSession
- Added ParseAndCheckInteraction to FsiEvaluationSession to support intellisense implementation against a script fragment
- Added initial testing in tests/service
- Added ParseAndCheckProject to SourceCodeServices API. This will eventually return "whole project" information such as symbol tables.
- Added GetDefaultConfiguration to simplify process of configuring FsiEvaluationSession
- Added PartialAssemblySignatureUpdated event to FsiEvaluationSession
- Added travis build
- Integrate hosted FSI configuration, SimpleSourceCodeServices, cleanup to SourceCodeServices API