import { MapView } from '@rnmapbox/maps';
MapView backed by Mapbox Native GL
number | number[]
The distance from the edges of the map view’s frame to the edges of the map view’s logical viewport.
@deprecated use Camera padding
'mercator' | 'globe'
The projection used when rendering the map
Style URL for map - notice, if non is set it will default to Mapbox.StyleURL.Street
StyleJSON for map - according to TileJSON specs:
iOS: The preferred frame rate at which the map view is rendered. The default value for this property is MGLMapViewPreferredFramesPerSecondDefault, which will adaptively set the preferred frame rate based on the capability of the user’s device to maintain a smooth experience. This property can be set to arbitrary integer values.
Android: The maximum frame rate at which the map view is rendered, but it can't exceed the ability of device hardware. This property can be set to arbitrary integer values.
Enable/Disable zoom on the map
Enable/Disable scroll on the map
defaults to: true
Enable/Disable pitch on map
defaults to: true
Enable/Disable rotation on map
defaults to: true
The Mapbox terms of service, which governs the use of Mapbox-hosted vector tiles and styles, requires these copyright notices to accompany any map that features Mapbox-designed styles, OpenStreetMap data, or other Mapbox data such as satellite or terrain data. If that applies to this map view, do not hide this view or remove any notices from it.
You are additionally required to provide users with the option to disable anonymous usage and location sharing (telemetry). If this view is hidden, you must implement this setting elsewhere in your app. See our website for Android and iOS for implementation details.
Enable/Disable attribution on map. For iOS you need to add MGLMapboxMetricsEnabledSettingShownInApp=YES to your Info.plist
defaults to: true
Adds attribution offset, e.g. {top: 8, left: 8}
will put attribution button in top-left corner of the map. By default on Android, the attribution with information icon (i) will be on the bottom left, while on iOS the mapbox logo will be on bottom left with information icon (i) on bottom right. Read more about mapbox attribution here
string | number[]
MapView's tintColor
Enable/Disable the logo on the map.
defaults to: true
Adds logo offset, e.g. {top: 8, left: 8}
will put the logo in top-left corner of the map
Enable/Disable the compass from appearing on the map
defaults to: false
(v10) implementation only] Enable/Disable if the compass should fade out when the map is pointing north
defaults to: false
(v10) implementation only] Adds compass offset, e.g. {top: 8, left: 8}
will put the compass in top-left corner of the map
Change corner of map the compass starts at. 0: TopLeft, 1: TopRight, 2: BottomLeft, 3: BottomRight
type CompassViewMargins = {
x: number; /* FIX ME NO DESCRIPTION */
y: number; /* FIX ME NO DESCRIPTION */
Add margins to the compass with x and y values
[iOS, mapbox
(v10) implementation only] A string referencing an image key. Requires an Images
(v10) implementation only] Enable/Disable the scale bar from appearing on the map
defaults to: true
(v10) implementation only] Adds scale bar offset, e.g. {top: 8, left: 8}
will put the scale bar in top-left corner of the map
[Android only] Enable/Disable use of GLSurfaceView instead of TextureView.
defaults to: RNMBXModule.MapboxV10 ? true : false
[Android only] Experimental, call requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent on parent with onTochEvent, this allows touch interaction to work when embedded into a scroll view
defaults to: false
| {
/** locale code like `es` or `current` for the device's current locale */
locale: string;
/** layer id to localize. If not specified, all layers will be localized */
layerIds?: string[];
| true
(v10) implementation only]
Set map's label locale, e.g. { "locale": "es" }
will localize labels to Spanish, { "locale": "current" }
will localize labels to system locale.
type GestureSettings = {
doubleTapToZoomInEnabled: boolean; /* Whether double tapping the map with one touch results in a zoom-in animation. */
doubleTouchToZoomOutEnabled: boolean; /* Whether single tapping the map with two touches results in a zoom-out animation. */
pinchPanEnabled: boolean; /* Whether pan/scroll is enabled for the pinch gesture. */
pinchZoomEnabled: boolean; /* Whether zoom is enabled for the pinch gesture. */
pinchZoomDecelerationEnabled: boolean; /* Whether a deceleration animation following a pinch-zoom gesture is enabled. True by default.
(Android only) */
pitchEnabled: boolean; /* Whether the pitch gesture is enabled. */
quickZoomEnabled: boolean; /* Whether the quick zoom gesture is enabled. */
rotateEnabled: boolean; /* Whether the rotate gesture is enabled. */
rotateDecelerationEnabled: boolean; /* Whether a deceleration animation following a rotate gesture is enabled. True by default.
(Android only) */
panEnabled: boolean; /* Whether the single-touch pan/scroll gesture is enabled. */
panDecelerationFactor: number; /* A constant factor that determines how quickly pan deceleration animations happen. Multiplied with the velocity vector once per millisecond during deceleration animations.
On iOS Defaults to UIScrollView.DecelerationRate.normal.rawValue
On android set to 0 to disable deceleration, and non zero to enabled it. */
simultaneousRotateAndPinchZoomEnabled: boolean; /* Whether rotation is enabled for the pinch zoom gesture. */
zoomAnimationAmount: number; /* The amount by which the zoom level increases or decreases during a double-tap-to-zoom-in or double-touch-to-zoom-out gesture. 1.0 by default. Must be positive.
(Android only) */
Gesture configuration allows to control the user touch interaction.
Map press listener, gets called when a user presses the map
signature:(feature:GeoJSON.Feature) => void
Map long press listener, gets called when a user long presses the map
signature:(feature:GeoJSON.Feature) => void
<v10 only
This event is triggered whenever the currently displayed map region is about to change.
- The geojson point feature at the camera center, properties contains zoomLevel, visibleBounds signature:(feature:GeoJSON.Feature) => void
This event is triggered whenever the currently displayed map region is changing.
- The geojson point feature at the camera center, properties contains zoomLevel, visibleBounds signature:(feature:GeoJSON.Feature) => void
This event is triggered whenever the currently displayed map region finished changing.
- The geojson point feature at the camera center, properties contains zoomLevel, visibleBounds signature:(feature:GeoJSON.Feature) => void
v10 only, replaces onRegionIsChanging
signature:(state:{properties: {center: GeoJSON.Position, bounds: {ne: GeoJSON.Position, sw: GeoJSON.Position}, zoom: number, heading: number, pitch: number}, gestures: {isGestureActive: boolean}, timestamp: number}) => void
v10 only, replaces onRegionDidChange
signature:(state:{properties: {center: GeoJSON.Position, bounds: {ne: GeoJSON.Position, sw: GeoJSON.Position}, zoom: number, heading: number, pitch: number}, gestures: {isGestureActive: boolean}, timestamp: number}) => void
This event is triggered when the map is about to start loading a new map style.
signature:() => void
This is triggered when the map has successfully loaded a new map style.
signature:() => void
This event is triggered when the map has failed to load a new map style. On v10 it's deprecated and replaced by onMapLoadingError
DEPRECATED use onMapLoadingError
signature:() => void
This event is tiggered when there is an error during map load. V10 only, replaces onDidFailLoadingMap, might be called multiple times and not exclusive with onDidFinishLoadingMap.
signature:() => void
This event is triggered when the map will start rendering a frame.
signature:() => void
This event is triggered when the map finished rendering a frame.
signature:() => void
This event is triggered when the map fully finished rendering a frame.
signature:() => void
This event is triggered when the map will start rendering the map.
signature:() => void
This event is triggered when the map finished rendering the map.
signature:() => void
This event is triggered when the map fully finished rendering the map.
signature:() => void
This event is triggered when the user location is updated.
signature:(feature:Location) => void
This event is triggered when a style has finished loading.
signature:() => void
The emitted frequency of regionwillchange events
defaults to: 10
The emitted frequency of regiondidchange events
defaults to: 500
Set to true to deselect any selected annotation when the map is tapped. If set to true you will not receive the onPress event for the taps that deselect the annotation. Default is false.
Converts a geographic coordinate to a point in the given view’s coordinate system.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
coordinate |
Position |
Yes |
A point expressed in the map view's coordinate system. |
const pointInView = await this._map.getPointInView([-37.817070, 144.949901]);
Converts a point in the given view’s coordinate system to a geographic coordinate.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
point |
Position |
Yes |
A point expressed in the given view’s coordinate system. |
const coordinate = await this._map.getCoordinateFromView([100, 100]);
The coordinate bounds (ne, sw) visible in the user’s viewport.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
const visibleBounds = await this._map.getVisibleBounds();
Returns an array of rendered map features that intersect with a given point.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
coordinate |
Position |
Yes |
A point expressed in the map view’s coordinate system. |
filter |
Array |
No |
A set of strings that correspond to the names of layers defined in the current style. Only the features contained in these layers are included in the returned array. |
layerIDs |
Array |
No |
A array of layer id's to filter the features by |
this._map.queryRenderedFeaturesAtPoint([30, 40], ['==', 'type', 'Point'], ['id1', 'id2'])
Returns an array of rendered map features that intersect with the given rectangle,
restricted to the given style layers and filtered by the given predicate. In v10,
passing an empty array will query the entire visible bounds of the map.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
bbox |
BBox | [] |
Yes |
A rectangle expressed in the map view’s coordinate system. For v10, this can be an empty array to query the visible map area. |
filter |
Array |
No |
A set of strings that correspond to the names of layers defined in the current style. Only the features contained in these layers are included in the returned array. |
layerIDs |
Array |
No |
A array of layer id's to filter the features by |
this._map.queryRenderedFeaturesInRect([30, 40, 20, 10], ['==', 'type', 'Point'], ['id1', 'id2'])
Returns an array of GeoJSON Feature objects representing features within the specified vector tile or GeoJSON source that satisfy the query parameters.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sourceId |
string |
Yes |
Style source identifier used to query for source features. |
filter |
Array |
No |
A filter to limit query results. |
sourceLayerIDs |
Array |
No |
The name of the source layers to query. For vector tile sources, this parameter is required. For GeoJSON sources, it is ignored. |
this._map.querySourceFeatures('your-source-id', [], ['your-source-layer'])
Map camera will perform updates based on provided config. Deprecated use Camera#setCamera.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Takes snapshot of map with current tiles and returns a URI to the image
Name | Type | Required | Description |
writeToDisk |
Boolean |
No |
If true will create a temp file, otherwise it is in base64 |
Returns the current zoom of the map view.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
const zoom = await this._map.getZoom();
Returns the map's geographical centerpoint
Name | Type | Required | Description |
const center = await this._map.getCenter();
Clears temporary map data from the data path defined in the given resource
options. Useful to reduce the disk usage or in case the disk cache contains
invalid data.
v10 only
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Queries the currently loaded data for elevation at a geographical location.
The elevation is returned in meters relative to mean sea-level.
Returns null if terrain is disabled or if terrain data for the location hasn't been loaded yet.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
coordinate |
Position |
Yes |
the coordinates to query elevation at |
Query Terrain Elevation### setSourceVisibility(visible, sourceId[, sourceLayerId])
Sets the visibility of all the layers referencing the specified sourceLayerId
and/or sourceId
Name | Type | Required | Description |
visible |
boolean |
Yes |
Visibility of the layers |
sourceId |
string |
Yes |
Identifier of the target source (e.g. 'composite') |
sourceLayerId |
String |
No |
Identifier of the target source-layer (e.g. 'building') |
await this._map.setSourceVisibility(false, 'composite', 'building')