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OoO' o'`
Simple one-line zsh prompt theme for minimalist vim-mode user.
This theme is inspired by other themes introducing powerline, such as agnoster and powerlevel9k.
- Simple git status indicator
- Current branch
- Changes not staged for commit
- Changes to be committed
- Vim mode indicator
- Insert mode
- Normal mode
- Current directory name (left prompt)
- Current directory path (right prompt)
- zsh (of course)
- Nerd fonts in your terminal (check Nerdfonts web site)
- Vi-mode is enabled
# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/relastle/eucalyptus.git
# append the root directory to your fpath
fpath=(/path/to/eucalyptus $fpath)
# Add the following lines into your ~/.zshrc
autoload -U promptinit; promptinit
prompt eucalyptus
setopt prompt_subst
- My terminal color scheme is based on Gotham theme.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2019 Hiroki Konishi