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Tom Sellers edited this page Sep 3, 2021 · 16 revisions

The data referenced in this document can be found in the UDP Scans section of the Rapid7 Open Data website.


Project Sonar produces multiple UDP datasets every month. This data is gathered by sending protocol-specific UDP probes across the entire IPv4 address space. The types of probes sent each week continues to expand as the project matures.

Data format / schema

The data format is gzip-compressed CSV with one record per line. Each file starts with a list of fields, so any use of this data should either strip the field headers, or pass the appropriate option to the parser. The current fields are timestamp-ts, saddr, sport, daddr, dport, ipid, ttl, and data. The timestamp-ts field is Unix time at UTC. The saddr and sport are the IP address that was scanned and the source port that it replied on respectively. The daddr and dport fields are the IP address and source port of the Project Sonar scanner. The ipid and ttl fields refer to the IP ID and Time to Live values in the response packet. Finally, the data field contains the hex-encoded raw response from the probe.

The example below displays the header and first 9 records from the 2014-10-13 Portmap probe on UDP port 111:

$ curl -s | \
  zcat | head -n 10

timestamp-ts, saddr, sport, daddr, dport, ipid, ttl, data

The table below lists all current and past UDP probes. We use DAP to handle the decoding and processing probe responses. Every probe below has a corresponding DAP decoder filter.

Name Probe Port Description
IPMI ipmi_623.pkt 623 IPMI Channel Authorization Request
MDNS mdns_5353.pkt 5353 Multicast DNS (Bonjour) Services Query
NATPMP natpmp_5351.pkt 5351 NATPMP Ping
NETBIOS netbios_137.pkt 137 NetBIOS Status Request
NTP Monlist ntp_123_monlist.pkt 123 NTP Monlist Request (Mode 7)
NTP Readvar ntp_123.pkt 123 NTP Readvar Request (Mode 6)
PORTMAP portmap_111.pkt 111 SunRPC Portmap Dump Request
SIP sip_options.tpl 5060 SIP OPTIONS Request
UPNP upnp_1900.pkt 1900 UPNP SSDP M-SEARCH Request
WDBRPC wdbrpc_17185.pkt 17185 VxWorks Debugger Connect Request
BACNET bacnet_rpm_47808.pkt 47808 BACNET RPM Request
DNS dns_53.pkt 53 DNS bind.version Request
MSSQL mssql_1434.pkt 1434 MSSQL Ping