This document has a brief description of how the deployed Riju infrastructure is set up. It's super rough.
When you visit, traffic is routed by CloudFlare proxy (DNS hosted on Namecheap) to an AWS ALB (with TLS cert provided by ACM) pointed at an EC2 ASG. Each EC2 node in the ASG (for now) has its own EBS volume used for Docker data.
The nodes each run a supervisor binary written in Go, which orchestrates Docker and systemd to run the Riju server container and proxy traffic internally to the server to handle blue/green cutovers. Deployment of the supervisor binary is via AMI, and other deployment configuration is done by a JSON file in S3 that the supervisor binary polls for.
Note: in the future, we will probably use EBS multi-attach and a separate supervisor node that uses the EC2 API to manage the attachments and farm out configuration updates to the server nodes. This should help cut costs.
Docker images (for both the server and individual languages) are hosted on AWS ECR, and other intermediate build artifacts are hosted on S3.
Inside the Riju server container itself, which exposes HTTP traffic to the internal supervisor proxy, we have an Express server that receives websocket API messages and translates them into invocations of a C setuid binary that is used to interface with the Docker daemon in a safe way and spin up user containers with appropriate resource restrictions.
Observability is mostly limited, but we have some CloudWatch dashboards and alarms set up, with an SNS topic that goes to PagerDuty.