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raster reprojection without resampling

Michael Sumner edited this page Jun 22, 2016 · 1 revision

We can preserve raster integrity through reprojection with quads or triangles. Need tools to filter out triangles that cross the domain. In grisexamples there's something on the Oblique Mercator for this, and this example shows behaviour with the blue marble. It's the primitives that are at the opposite pole of the projection centre - potentialy may be fixed by increasing triangle density in the original mesh creation at that ante-pole.

f <- ""
lfile <- file.path("data-raw/bluemarble", basename(f))
if (!file.exists(lfile)) download.file(f, lfile, mode = "wb")
bluemarble0 <- setExtent(brick(lfile), extent(-180, 180, -90, 90))
projection(bluemarble0) <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"
dummy <- raster(bluemarble0); res(dummy) <- res(dummy) * 10
decimate <- function(x, smash) {dim(x) <- dim(x)/smash; x}
bluemarble <- decimate(bluemarble0, smash = 5)
bluemarble <- setValues(bluemarble, extract(bluemarble0, coordinates(bluemarble)))

writeRaster(bluemarble, "inst/extdata/bluemarble.tif", options = "COMPRESS=LZW", overwrite = TRUE)

bm <- decimate(bluemarble, 20)

qm <- gris::quadmeshFromRaster(bm)
#qm <- gris::quadmeshFromRaster(r)
segquad <- function(ib) {
  m <- matrix(ib[rep(c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1) , ncol(ib)) + rep(seq(ncol(ib))-1, each = 8) * 4], ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  m[!duplicated(m), ]

clamp <- function(x, min, max) {x[x < min] <- min; x[x > max] <- max; x}
qm$vb[1,] <- clamp(qm$vb[1,], -179.9, 179.9)
qm$vb[2,] <- clamp(qm$vb[2,], -89.9, 89.9)

ps <- pslg(t(qm$vb[1:2, ]), S = segquad(qm$ib) )
tri <- RTriangle::triangulate(ps)

plot(tri$P, type = "n")
cents <- t(apply(tri$T, 1, function(x) apply(tri$P[x, ], 2, mean)))
cols <- extract(bluemarble, cents)
col <- apply(cols, 1, function(x) rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], max = 256))

laeaverts <- rgdal::project(tri$P, "+proj=stere +ellps=WGS84")

 plot(laeaverts, type = "n")
 for (i in seq(nrow(tri$T))) polypath(laeaverts[tri$T[i, ], ], col = col[i], border = NA)
 for (i in seq(nrow(tri$T))) polypath(laeaverts[tri$T[i, ], ], border = col[i])
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