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Building QtWebKit on Windows (Conan) (OUTDATED)

Konstantin Tokarev edited this page Apr 9, 2020 · 1 revision

WARNING: Following page contains obsolete information. It is left for archive purposes only

This approach is used currently in CI system for building release binaries.


There is no need to repeat this steps for each build, just do it when you build first time

  • Install C++ compiler - this manual works only for Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 or MinGW version shipped with Qt SDK. Using other versions of MinGW is possible but some adjustments to steps below will be needed (feel free to ask if you really need this). As for Visual Studio, older versions just won't work
  • Install Perl >= 5.14 (e.g. ActivePerl or StrawberryPerl)
  • Install Python 2.7 and Ruby >= 1.9
  • Download Ninja from and put ninja.exe into location that it is present in %PATH%
  • Install Conan 0.24 with command pip install conan==0.24.0
  • Run
conan remote add qtproject --insert
  • Clone git repositories:
git clone git://
cd qt5
git checkout 5.9
perl init-repository --module-subset=qtbase,qtdeclarative
git clone git://

If you want to use different version of Qt, replace 5.9 in checkout command and in your download URL with required version.

You may also want to build Qt from git sources that you've just downloaded, in this case you may need to add more modules to --module-subset. Full configuration requires qtlocation, qtsensors, qtwebchannel, and in case of MinGW also qtmultimedia.

Installing QtWebKit dependencies

  • Make build directory, below I assume that it is qt5-build/qtwebkit at the same directory level as your qt5
  • Run following command in the build directory

NOTE: don't try to adjust Windows version in paths to your OS version, it must be used exactly as it's written

MSVC 2015 32-bit:

conan install -f ..\..\qt5\coin\provisioning\qtci-windows-10-x86\conanfiles\qtwebkit.txt -s arch=x86 -s compiler="Visual Studio" -s compiler.version=14 -s compiler.runtime=MD -g cmake

MSVC 2015 64-bit:

conan install -f ..\..\qt5\coin\provisioning\qtci-windows-10-x86\conanfiles\qtwebkit.txt -s arch=x86_64 -s compiler="Visual Studio" -s compiler.version=14 -s compiler.runtime=MD -g cmake

MSVC 2017 32-bit:

conan install -f ..\..\qt5\coin\provisioning\qtci-windows-10-x86\conanfiles\qtwebkit.txt -s arch=x86 -s compiler="Visual Studio" -s compiler.version=15 -s compiler.runtime=MD -g cmake

MSVC 2017 64-bit:

conan install -f ..\..\qt5\coin\provisioning\qtci-windows-10-x86\conanfiles\qtwebkit.txt -s arch=x86_64 -s compiler="Visual Studio" -s compiler.version=15 -s compiler.runtime=MD -g cmake

MinGW-w64 5.3.0 32-bit as bundled with Qt:

conan install -f ..\..\qt5\coin\provisioning\qtci-windows-7-x86\conanfiles\qtwebkit.txt -s arch=x86 -s compiler=gcc -s compiler.version=5.3 -s compiler.libcxx="libstdc++11" -g cmake

Building QtWebKit

  • Set environment variable SQLITE3SRCDIR to absolute path of qt5\qtbase\src\3rdparty\sqlite, e.g.
set SQLITE3SRCDIR=c:\qt5\qtbase\src\3rdparty\sqlite
  • In build directory, run following commands in shell where qmake and compiler are available, i.e. same setup that you use for building any qmake-based project normally.
qmake -r ../../qt5/qtwebkit
cd release

If you didn't install ninja, run command that is shown in qmake output, it is jom or nmake for MSVC, or mingw32-make for MinGW (use -j to specify number of parallel jobs)

For debug build, do cd debug instead of cd release.

If you need to rebuild QtWebKit later, e.g. after updating git sources, just go to release directory again and re-run the last command

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