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Releases: pulp-platform/axi


18 Feb 17:41
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Changes since 0.12.0


  • axi_xbar_intf: Add interface variant of crossbar.


  • axi_atop_filter: Fix ModelSim warnings by adding default statement. The signal in the case
    has a single bit, and both values were correctly handled in synthesis. However, when starting
    simulation, the signal has an undefined value, and ModelSim threw warnings that this violated the
    unique condition.
  • axi_demux: Move typedef outside generate for compatibility with VCS.
  • axi_id_prepend:
    • Fix text of some assertion messages.
    • Fix case of prepending a single-bit ID.
  • tb_axi_xbar: Fix for localparam AxiIdWidthSlaves to be dependent on the number of masters.


14 Feb 10:47
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Changes since 0.11.0


  • axi_lite_to_apb: AXI4-Lite to APB4 converter.


13 Feb 15:25
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Changes since 0.10.2


  • axi_cdc: Add a safe AXI clock domain crossing (CDC) implementation.


  • The interface variants of axi_demux and axi_mux have been changed to match the convention for
    interface variants in this repository:
    • axi_demux_wrap: Change name to axi_demux_intf and change parameter names to ALL_CAPS.
    • axi_mux_wrap: Change name to axi_mux_intf, and change parameter names to ALL_CAPS.
  • axi_demux: Default parameters to 0.


  • axi_demux: Add parameter case for NoMstPorts == 1.


11 Feb 13:21
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Changes since 0.9.2


  • axi_lite_xbar: fully-connected AXI4-Lite crossbar.
  • axi_lite_demux: AXI4-Lite demultiplexer from one slave port to a configurable number of master
  • axi_lite_mux: AXI4-Lite multiplexer from a configurable number of slave ports to one master


  • axi_test: Extended package with random AXI4-Lite master and slave test bench classes.


16 Jan 12:29
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Changes since 0.8.2


  • axi_test: Constrained randomizing AXI master (rand_axi_master) and slave (rand_axi_slave).
    • rand_axi_master issues a configurable number of read and write transactions to configurable
      memory regions (address ranges with associated memory types) and with random properties within
      constraints (e.g., burst length, exclusive accesses, atomic operations).
    • rand_axi_slave responds to transactions with random delays and data.
  • axi_pkg: AXI memory types (mem_type_t) and functions get_arcache and get_awcache to
    calculate AxCACHE bits for a given memory type.
  • Add axi_decerr_slv.
  • Add axi_id_prepend.
  • Add fully compliant axi_xbar.
  • Add documentation on axi_mux, axi_demux and axi_xbar
  • Module overview to


  • axi_test: The reset tasks in axi_driver and axi_lite_driver are now functions.
  • Bump common_cells to 1.16.0 which contains the address decoding logic used in axi_xbar.


  • axi_intf move import into interface bodies.
  • axi_pkg make functions automatic, fixing a problem with Synopsys.


19 Dec 14:03
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Changes since 0.7.2

All modules have been changed from SystemVerilog interfaces to struct ports. Thus, all modules in
this repository are now available in tools that do not support interfaces. Interfaces are now
opt-in: every module has a variant with _intf suffix that is functionally equivalent but has
interfaces instead of struct ports. If you would like to keep using interfaces, please add an
_intf suffix to any module you are using from this repository. Some _intf variants require more
parameters (e.g., to define the ID width) than the module prior to this release, but otherwise the
_intf variants are drop-in replacements.

We encourage the use of structs to build AXI infrastructure, and we have added a set of typdef
macros and have extended the assign macros to keep designers productive and prevent mismatches.

Additionally, we have removed a set of modules that had known issues. We will provide new
implementations for these modules in near-term releases and no longer support the removed modules.

The individual changes for each module follow.


  • assign.svh:
    • Macros for setting an AXI or AXI-Lite interface from channel or request/response structs inside
      a process (AXI_SET_FROM_* and AXI_LITE_SET_FROM_*) and outside a process like an assignment
    • Macros for setting channel or request/response structs to the signals of an AXI or AXI-Lite
      interface inside a process (AXI_SET_TO_* and AXI_LITE_SET_TO_*) and outside a process like
      an assignment (AXI_ASSIGN_TO_*, AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_TO_*).
  • typedef.svh: Macros for defining AXI or AXI-Lite channel (AXI_TYPEDEF_*_CHAN_T and
    AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_*_CHAN_T) and request/response structs (AXI_TYPEDEF_RE{Q,SP}_T and


  • axi_atop_filter has been changed from interfaces to struct ports. Please use the newly added
    axi_atop_filter_intf module if you prefer interfaces.
  • axi_cut has been changed from interfaces to struct ports. Please use the newly added
    axi_cut_intf module if you prefer interfaces.
  • axi_delayer has been changed from interfaces to struct ports. Please use the newly added
    axi_delayer_intf module if you prefer interfaces.
  • axi_join has been renamed to axi_join_intf, and axi_lite_join has been renamed to
    axi_lite_join_intf. To join two structs, simply assign them instead.
  • axi_multicut has been changed from interfaces to struct ports. Please use the newly added
    axi_multicut_intf module if you prefer interfaces.
  • axi_modify_address has been changed from interfaces to struct ports. Please use the newly added
    axi_modify_address_intf module if you prefer interfaces.
  • axi_lite_to_axi has been changed from interfaces to struct ports. Please use the newly added
    axi_lite_to_axi_intf module if you prefer interfaces.


  • axi_lite_xbar: This interconnect module was not a full crossbar and its routing rules interface
    no longer fits our demands. A replacement will be provided in a near-term release.
  • axi_address_resolver was used together with axi_lite_xbar and is removed along with it. If a
    standalone replacement for this module is required, please use addr_decoder from common_cells.
  • axi_arbiter was used together with axi_lite_xbar and is removed along with it. If a
    standalone replacement of this module is required, please use rr_arb_tree from common_cells.
    A near-term release will introduce an AXI multiplexer and demultiplexer to suit protocol-specific
  • axi_id_remap had problems with ordering and ATOPs. A new, correct implementation will be
    provided in a near-term release.
  • axi_lite_cut has been rendered unnecessary by changing axi_cut to struct ports. To get a cut
    with AXI-Lite ports, simply pass AXI-Lite channels and request/response structs as parameters. If
    you prefer interfaces, please replace any axi_lite_cut with the newly added axi_lite_cut_intf
  • axi_lite_multicut: same rationale and transition procedure as for axi_lite_cut.
  • In axi_pkg, the *Width localparams and the id_t, addr_t, etc. typedefs have been
    removed. There is no one-fits-all value of these parameters, so we cannot provide a generic
    definition for them in this package. Please use the added macros in typedef.svh to define your
    own types with a few lines of code (which you can put into your own package, for example).


28 May 11:27
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Changes since 0.6.0


  • The in and out modports have been removed from the interface definition of both AXI and AXI
    Lite. These modports were "aliases" of Slave and Master, respectively, and caused problems
    because many tools did not recognize the aliases as being identical to Slave and Master.


27 Feb 22:19
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Changes since 0.5.0


  • AXI interfaces now include the aw_atop signal. Interfaces, macros, and existing modules and
    TBs in this repository have been updated. The ReadMe has been updated to guide users of this
    repository on how to deal with the aw_atop signal.


  • Add AXI atomic operations (ATOPs) filter.


  • Replace non-ASCII characters in Solderpad license text.
  • Add a trailing semicolon to the AXI_ASSIGN() and AXI_LITE_ASSIGN() macros in assign.svh
    (#8). Those macros can now be used without a semicolon. Existing code that uses the macros with a
    semicolon do not break.


18 Dec 17:12
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Changes since 0.4.5


  • Add axi channel delayer


  • Remove clock from AXI_BUS and AXI_LITE. Such a clock signal is useful for testing purposes
    but confusing (or even harmful) in hardware designs. For testing purposes, the AXI_BUS_DV and
    AXI_LITE_DV (suffix for "design verification") interfaces have been defined instead.


  • Update src_files.yml to match Bender.yml.
  • Add missing axi_test to compile script.