Usage: zsweep [--help/-h] [-C work-dir] [--auto] [--func]
[--script] [--src] [--dbg]
--help/-h – this message
-C work-dir – like -C in Git – first cd to a dir
--auto – guess type of Zsh file
--func – set input file type to function
--script – set input file type to binary-script
--src – set input file type to sourced-script
--dbg – enable debug messages
Using is calling of zsweep
binary on the wanted files to
verify. It is good to specify type of file (command script,
sourced script and autoload function, see above), however
in practice one just passes --auto
to autodetect
the type.
To sweep a plugin.zsg
zsweep --auto zsh-sweep.plugin.zsh
To scan autoload functions of the project as example:
zsweep --auto functions/*(.)
To scan a command script of the project with CWD
via -C
option (CWD
is for current working dir):
# -C – cd to the given dir
zsweep -C ~/github/zsh-sweep --auto bin/zsweep
git clone {CLONE-OUT-DIR}
print 'zs_set_path=1' >> ~/.zshrc # add to $PATH
print 'source {CLONE-OUT-DIR}/zsh-sweep.plugin.zsh' >> ~/.zshrc
zinit param'zs_set_path' for @psprint/zsh-sweep
zinit sbin'bin/zsweep' for @psprint/zsh-sweep