This cli contains the core node js code to serve react build and commnads file to make a final release build with both node and react combined.
- Easy to convert your react app into standalone full stack application.
- Automatically push your fullstack app to github branch.
- Single command to make build and release.
- Export industry level react project structure.
- Deploy any folder to github branch.
Install package
$ npm i -g @prabink/react-node-cli
React Node Application Generator & Helpers To Serve React Build, Push to github & Export industry level react project structure
$ react-node-cli --help
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
generate|g Generate React Node Application
export|exp Export React Starter Structure
git_deploy|gdeploy Deploy any folder to github branch
Generate react build and node server to serve your FullStack Node React Application in any Hosting provider. This will give you an options to push your fullstack source code to github branch.
$ react-node-cli g
$ react-node-cli generate
Export industry level react project structure for your reference, This will extract all folder structure that you need to manage your highly scable react app. This has 3 options for user while expoting: Eg
What you want to export? (Use arrow keys) (Use arrow keys)
❯ Export react structure only
Export react structure with materialUI & Mobx
Export react structure with materialUI & Redux
$ react-node-cli export
$ react-node-cli exp
Deploy any folder to github branch This will allow you to choose any folder that you want to push into a github branch.
$ react-node-cli git_deploy
$ react-node-cli gdeploy
Client: React
Server: Node, Express, Git,