VirtualInput (
virtual keyboard for QT Applications LINUX
This is a fork for linux, removing some linux specific errors and depcreated warnings by the windows remote. Make sure you have:
- sudo apt-get install qtbase5-private-dev if qpa/qplatforminputcontext.h etc. is missing
- sudo apt-get install qttools5-dev if QtUiPlugin/QDesignerExportWidget is missing
numpad layout:
keyboard layout:
Virtual Keyboard for touch-screen devices written in C/C++ Qt, compatible with 5.x The keyboard only works with QLineEdit.
the widget is written by (StrikeByte) I added a simple example to show the usage.
How to use:
- Build the library
- copy the to platforminputcontexts in your application or to plugins/platforminputcontexts in your QtDir (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ in my case)
- Add a custom property named "keyboard" (without the quotes) of the type bool to the QLineEdit and set it to enabled
- For text you can set the maxLength property
- For values you can add a QIntValidator to the QLineEdit
- #include QValidator in numpad.h when using minGW compiler
- build VirtualInput in same way as your project (debug/release)
- copy VirtualInput.dll next to the .exe into a selfcreated folder "platforminputcontexts"