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Angular PatternFly 4 Migration Guide

Brian Leathem edited this page Jan 25, 2017 · 13 revisions

This wiki page will detail changes required to migrate your Angular-PatternFly applications from PatternFly 3 to PatternFly 4.

Dependency management


Upgrade your PatternFly dependency using the npm command:

$ npm install --save patternfly@next


Upgrade your PatternFly dependency using the bower command:

bower install --save patternfly#4.0.0-alpha

Directive to Component Re-factor

In PatternFly 4 the Angular 1.x directives were refactored to Angular 1.5+ components. The naming convention has remaing the same, but all attribute directives will need to be changed to component tags, as in:

<div pf-about-modal ...></div>

would become:

<pf-about-modal ...></pf-about-modal>

Exceptions (these are still attribute directives):

  • pfRemainingCharsCount
  • pfFocused
  • pfValidation
  • pfFixedAccordion

A list of all PatternFly 4 components and their attributes can be seen in the Angualr-PatternFly docs:

Directives removed

In PatternFly 4, three directives have been removed:

  • pfSelect - this can be replace with Angular UI Boostrap's uibDropdown
  • pfDatepicker - this can be replaced with Angular UI Bootstrap's uibDatepicker
  • pfDateTimepicker - currently there is no non-jquery support for this component

Optional jQuery dependency

The angular patternfly code has been adjusted to use the non-JQuery patternfly settings. To keep this jQuery independence, include only patternfly-settings.js rather than patternfly.js.

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