(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00] PW[White]PB[Black]C[This file contains fuseki fixes which are loaded at startup by Pachi. It's used to generate josekifix.gtp which Pachi looks for in the directory where it runs. To regenerate it after making changes type: $ cd josekifix ; make data To get latest version of this file, run: (joseki_fixes branch on github) $ cd josekifix ; make update Actual fixes are moves with an [override\] section at the top of the move comment. See josekifix.sgf for details. ] (;B[pd] (;W[] (;B[pp] ;W[] ;B[pj] ;W[nc] ;B[lc] (;W[qc] (;B[qd] ;W[pc] ;B[od] ;W[nb] (;B[me] (;W[nq] (;B[lq] ;W[no]C[[override\] name = "sanrensei jump" around = P4 around2 = O14 external_engine]) (;B[qq] ;W[kq] ;B[no] ;W[mj]C[[override\] name = "anti sanrensei moyo" around = O6 around2 = O14 Don't invade too deep ! pachipachi past Jul 7 22:24:51 2020 ])) (;W[lb] ;B[kc]C[[override\] name = "sanrensei breakout fix" around = O18 don't hane, deadly match low so don't care about T17 area]) (;W[rc] ;B[rd] ;W[lb] ;B[kc]C[[override\] name = "sanrensei breakout fix" around = O18]) (;W[] ;B[rd] ;W[lb] ;B[kc]C[[override\] name = "sanrensei breakout fix" around = O18])) (;B[nd] ;W[]C[[override\] name = "sanrensei corner tight seal" around = P17 avoid N16 right away, not so good pachipachi half 2023-03-30 ])) (;B[pc] ;W[qd] ;B[pe] ;W[pb] ;B[ob] ;W[qb] ;B[nb] ;W[qf] ;B[pf] ;W[qg] ;B[pg] ;W[qh]C[[override\] name = "anti sanrensei fix" around = S13 don't Q12, sure disaster ! R12 for now Ex: pachipachi kankie 2023-01-03 09:44 ])) (;W[ld] ;B[kd] ;W[md] ;B[pf]C[[override\] name = "sanrensei arkgo" around = O14 simple, don't get in trouble right away. Ex: arkgo pachipachi 2022-11-04])) (;B[pq] (;W[] (;B[qk] (;W[po] ;B[np] ;W[qq] ;B[qr] ;W[qp] ;B[rr] ;W[qm] ;B[nn] ;W[om] ;B[ok] ;W[nm] ;B[kp]C[[override\] name = "chinese high approach profit" around = P4 Don't hane at N7 kakae pachipachi 2023-04-06]) (;W[pp] ;B[qp]C[[override\] name = "anti chinese attach" around = P5 R4 best, then P3 hane, Q5 atari + defend to keep it simple] ;W[oq] ;B[po]C[[override\] ] ;W[op] ;B[qq]C[[override\] ]) (;W[mp] ;B[kp] ;W[pp] ;B[qp] ;W[]C[[override\] name = "chinese pincer crosscut" around = Q4 pachipachi dsazx 2023-04-29])) (;B[pk] ;W[pp] ;B[qp]C[[override\] name = "anti chinese attach" around = "last"] ;W[oq] ;B[po]C[[override\] around = Q4] ;W[op] ;B[qq]C[[override\] ])) (;W[dp] ;B[fq] ;W[cn] (;B[jp] (;W[qn] ;B[po] ;W[rp] (;B[ro] ;W[qo] ;B[qp] ;W[rn]C[[override\] name = "kobayashi trick play" around = "last" S6 or Q6, Don't S3 Ex: pachipachi shawn online-go.com/game/12533278]) (;B[pn] ;W[qm] ;B[pm] ;W[ql]C[[override\] name = "kobayashi press" around = R5 external_engine don't hane at Q8, disaster. Ex: pachipachi globax 2023-02-05]) (;B[pm] (;W[]C[[override\] name = "kobayashi tobi" around = R4 weird variation ]) (;W[pn] ;B[on] ;W[qm] ;B[ql] ;W[]C[[override\] name = "kobayashi tobi double hane" around = R5 pachipachi tomsama 2023-04-23])) (;B[ql] ;W[pn] ;B[qo] ;W[ro] ;B[qq] ;W[pl] ;B[pk] ;W[ol] ;B[rm] ;W[rn] ;B[qj]C[[override\] name = "kobayashi pincer tsuke" around = Q7 spring pachipachi 2023-08-20 ])) (;W[pn] ;B[qo] ;W[pj] ;B[qn] ;W[lq] ;B[kq] ;W[oq] ;B[lp]C[[override\] name = "high kobayashi 2" around = P5 ] ;W[mp] ;B[lo]C[[override\] around = "last" ] ;W[pm] ;B[qm]C[[override\] around = P5 ] ;W[pl] ;B[rk]C[[override\] around = Q6 ])) (;B[ip] (;W[pn] ;B[qo] ;W[pj] ;B[qn] (;W[oq] ;B[mq]C[[override\] name = "high kobayashi" around = O4 Ex: TOSHI1011 pachipachi 2018-02-21 ] ;W[nq] ;B[pr]C[[override\] ] ;W[pm] ;B[qm]C[[override\] around = "last" ]) (;W[kq] ;B[mq]C[[override\] name = "high kobayashi" around = "last" ])) (;W[qn] (;B[po] ;W[rp] (;B[ql] (;W[]C[[log\] name = "kobayashi low pincer" around = R4 ]) (;W[pn] ;B[qo] ;W[ro] ;B[rm] ;W[]C[[override\] name = "kobayashi low pincer trick play" around = R4 pachipachi Beutlin 2023-04-25])) (;B[pl] (;W[]C[[log\] name = "kobayashi high pincer" around = R4]) (;W[pn] ;B[on] ;W[om] ;B[pm] ;W[oo] ;B[nn] ;W[pp] ;B[op] ;W[qo] ;B[no] ;W[oq] ;B[po] ;W[pr] ;B[qp] ;W[qq] ;B[pp] ;W[np]C[[override\] name = "kobayashi high pincer" around = R4 don't forget atari before defending pachipachi Beutlin 2023-04-24]))) (;B[ql] ;W[]C[[override\] name = "kobayashi immediate pincer" around = R4 pachipachi Beutlin 2023-04-24]))) (;B[jq] ;W[qn] ;B[pl] (;W[]C[[override\] name = "kobayashi crosscut trick" around = R5 around2 = M3 can't play crosscut at R3 if b has K3 pachipachi kgsfan2021 2023-02-10]) (;W[qq] ;B[qp] ;W[pp] ;B[po] ;W[op] ;B[qr] ;W[rq] ;B[qo] ;W[oq] ;B[pr] ;W[rr] ;B[or] ;W[nr] ;B[mr] ;W[nq] ;B[ns] ;W[os] ;B[ps] ;W[lq] ;B[kr]C[ tricked. because of K3 b can escape...]))))) (;W[ec] ;B[cd] ;W[df] ;B[ce] ;W[ee] ;B[cg] ;W[nc] ;B[lc]C[[override\] name = "yz_taisha" around = "last" around2 = E15 Try pincer, L16 too good for w YZ1509 special opening.] ;W[])) (;B[dp] ;W[] ;B[pp] ;W[fq] ;B[hq] ;W[fo] ;B[dn] ;W[nq] ;B[kq] ;W[no] ;B[pn] ;W[om] ;B[pm] (;W[jp] ;B[]C[[override\] name = "magoa h4 play" around = "K4" magoa pachipachi 2023-06-19 ]) (;W[ip] ;B[]C[[override\] name = "magoa h4 play" around = "K4" ])))