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Production Configuration

Step-by-step instructions for setting up the site on a VPS. Ensure that IPv6 is enabled (for Let's Encrypt).

Create Linux User Accounts for Admins

  1. Add the user account with a strong password:

    sudo adduser kyle

  2. Give the user sudo access:

    sudo adduser kyle sudo

  3. Switch to the new user:

    sudo su kyle

  4. Create new public and private SSH keys for the user:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa

  5. Create other files for SSH:

    touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

    touch ~/.ssh/known_hosts

    touch ~/.ssh/config

  6. (On local machine) Find and copy your SSH public key:

    cat ~/.ssh/

  7. Back on the server, open authorized_keys and paste in your public key:

    vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  8. (If not done already), set the server to only allow key-based authentication. Open sshd_config:

    sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

  9. Add the following line and save the file:

    PasswordAuthentication no

  10. Restart the SSH service to apply the change:

    sudo service ssh restart

  11. (On local machine) Test that key based authentication works.

    ssh kyle@servername

Enable the Firewall

  1. Check that OpenSSH is in the ufw list:

    sudo ufw app list

  2. Ensure that we can log in via SSH after the Firewall is enabled:

    sudo ufw allow OpenSSH

  3. Enable ports 80 and 443 for the web application:

    sudo ufw allow 80

    sudo ufw allow 443

  4. Enable to Firewall

    sudo ufw enable

  5. Check that SSH connections and port 80 and 443 are allowed:

    sudo ufw status

Setup Docker

  1. Update the existing list of packages:

    sudo apt update

  2. Install some prerequisite packages which let apt use packages over HTTPS:

    sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common

  3. Add the GPG key for the official Docker repository to the server:

    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

  4. Add the Docker repository to APT sources:

    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"

  5. Update the package database with the Docker packages from the newly added repo:

    sudo apt update

  6. Check that you are about to install from the Docker repo (instead of the default Ubuntu repo):

    apt-cache policy docker-ce

  7. Install Docker:

    sudo apt install docker-ce

  8. Check that Docker is running:

    sudo systemctl status docker

  9. To run the docker command without typing sudo, add your username to the docker group (log out and in again to apply this):

    sudo usermod -aG docker kyle

Setup Docker Compose

  1. Install Docker Compose (update the release number to use the latest on GitHub):

    sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

  2. Apply executable permissions to the binary:

    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

  3. Verify the installation:

    docker-compose --version

Install the CMS Docker Image

  1. Clone the git repo and change into the cloned directory:

    cd /var

    sudo git clone cms

    cd cms

    pwd (should show /var/cms)

  2. Copy .env based on .example.env

    sudo cp .example.env .env

  3. Edit the .env to include the database and mail details.

    sudo vim .env

    [email protected]
  4. If there is already an SSL certificate for this domain, copy an existing certbot directory into /var/cms. Otherwise, temporarily change /var/cms/nginx/default.conf to contain the following contents the first time that the app is built (see next step) to generate new certificate files:

    server {
      listen [::]:80;
      listen 80;
      location ~ /.well-known/acme-challenge {
        allow all;
        root /var/www/certbot;
  5. Build and start the docker containers, which will also run certbot:

    sudo docker-compose -f up --build

    If generating the SSL certificate, you should see a congratulations message and certbot exited with code 0. If certbot exits with a non-zero code, there's an error.

  6. Check that the SSL certificate files were generated successfully. These will exist in a subdirectory for the domain.

    sudo ls -la /var/cms/certbot/conf/live/

  7. If you changed the default.conf in step 4, change it back to what it was and restart the app.

    sudo docker-compose -f down

    sudo docker-compose -f up -d

  8. Ensure that there are no errors in the output. If you go to in your web browser you should see the custom 404 error page. Once the database and Paperclip attachments are restored into the volumes that were created by Docker Compose you can verify that the app is fully working (see next steps).

Copy the CMS's Data From Another Server

  1. On the old server, log in as the web app user:

    sudo su thewilloftheancients

  2. Get the password for the database from database.yml:

    cat ~/thewilloftheancients/shared/config/database.yml

  3. Create a dump of the database as a tar file, pasting in the password from database.yml when prompted:

    pg_dump thewilloftheancients > backup.sql

  4. On the new server, get your public key:

    cat ~/.ssh/

  5. Back on the old server, paste the new web app user's public key into the authorized_keys file of the old web app user:

    vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  6. On the new server, copy the database dump from the old server to the home directory of the webapp user on the new server:

    scp [email protected]:backup.sql ~

  7. On the new server, copy the data files in the system directory from the old server. These must be copied at the same time as the database so that the record IDs remain in sync:

    rsync -av [email protected]:~/thewilloftheancients/shared/public/system ~/

Restore a Database Backup into Docker Volume

  1. Stop the app and start the database container only.

    sudo docker-compose -f stop

    sudo docker-compose -f start database

  2. Open psql in an interactive terminal.

    sudo docker exec -it database psql -U postgres

  3. Create a user for the webapp that matches what is in the backup:


  4. Create a database (drop old database first if required):

    DROP DATABASE panzerdragoonlegacy; (if required)

    CREATE DATABASE panzerdragoonlegacy;

  5. Give the user you created full access to the database:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE panzerdragoonlegacy TO panzerdragoonlegacy;

  6. Set the owner of the database to the user:

    ALTER DATABASE panzerdragoonlegacy OWNER TO panzerdragoonlegacy;

  7. Quit postgres:


  8. Restore the database from a backup.sql file:

    cat ~/backup.sql | sudo docker exec -i database psql -U panzerdragoonlegacy

  9. Restart the containers

    sudo docker-compose -f down

    sudo docker-compose -f up -d

  10. Run any outstanding migrations on the restored database

    sudo docker-compose -f exec app bin/rails db:migrate

Restore Paperclip Attachments into Docker Volume

  1. Copy the system folder from outside of the container into the volume:

    sudo docker cp ~/system app:/cms/public

  2. Inside the container, check that the system directory contains the files

    sudo docker-compose -f exec app bash

    cd /cms/public/system

    ls -la


  3. Restart the app

    sudo docker-compose -f down

    sudo docker-compose -f up -d

Add a Cron Job to call the SSL Certificate Renewal Script

  1. Open the crontab

    sudo crontab -e

  2. Add the following line to call the script every 5 minutes:

    */5 * * * * /var/cms/ >> /var/log/cron.log 2>&1

  3. After 5 minutes, check the cron log to see if it succeeded.

    tail -f /var/log/cron.log

  4. Change the cron job to run every day at noon:

    sudo crontab -e

    0 12 * * * /var/cms/ >> /var/log/cron.log 2>&1

Create a Full Backup to Your Local Machine

  1. Clone the current version of the code repository into a local backup directory. This ensures that data can be restored to the same point in time as the code, if required:

    mkdir ~/Backups (called Backups here, but it could be anything)

    mkdir ~/Backups/cms-backup

    cd ~/Backups/cms-backup

    git clone

  2. On the server, back up the database to your home directory:

    sudo docker exec -t database pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > ~/backup.sql

  3. From your local machine, download the database backup from the server:

    scp kyle@servername:~/backup.sql ~/Backups/cms-backup

  4. On the server, delete the backup files:

    sudo rm ~/backup.sql

  5. Because the Paperclip attachments are quite large, there likely won't be enough disk space to back them up all at once. First, create a copy of the system directory on the server to put these in:

    mkdir ~/system

  6. Copy each non-main (other) pictures subdirectory from the Docker volume into the new system directory:

    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/avatars ~/system/avatars
    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/category_pictures ~/system/category_pictures
    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/download_pictures ~/system/download_pictures
    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/illustrations ~/system/illustrations
    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/music_track_pictures ~/system/music_track_pictures
    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/news_entry_pictures ~/system/news_entry_pictures
    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/page_pictures ~/system/page_pictures
    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/tag_pictures ~/system/tag_pictures
    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/video_pictures ~/system/video_pictures
  7. Create a tarball of the other pictures:

    tar cvzf ~/system-other-pictures.tar.gz ~/system

  8. From your local machine, download the other pictures tarball:

    scp kyle@servername:~/system-other-pictures.tar.gz ~/Backups

  9. Once the download is complete, remove the other pictures from the server to free up space:

    sudo rm -rf ~/system/*

    sudo rm ~/system-other-pictures.tar.gz

  10. Copy the main pictures subdirectory from the Docker volume into the system directory:

    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/pictures ~/system/pictures

  11. Create a tarball of the main pictures:

    tar cvzf ~/system-main-pictures.tar.gz ~/system

  12. From your local machine, download the main pictures tarball:

    scp kyle@servername:~/system-main-pictures.tar.gz ~/Backups

  13. Once the download is complete, remove the main pictures from the server to free up space:

    sudo rm -rf ~/system/*

    sudo rm ~/system-main-pictures.tar.gz

  14. On your local machine, untar the pictures into the system folder and delete the tarball.

    mkdir ~/Backups/cms-backup/system

    cd ~/Backups/cms-backup/system

    tar -xvkf ~/Backups/system-other-pictures.tar.gz

    tar -xvkf ~/Backups/system-main-pictures.tar.gz

    rm ~/Backups/system-other-pictures.tar.gz

    rm ~/Backups/system-main-pictures.tar.gz

  15. On the server, copy the remaining files from the Docker volume in the same way:

    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/paperclip_attachments.yml ~/system/paperclip_attachments.yml
    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/flac_music_tracks ~/system/flac_music_tracks
    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/mp3_music_tracks ~/system/mp3_music_tracks
    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/mp4_videos ~/system/mp4_videos
    sudo docker cp app:/cms/public/system/downloads ~/system/downloads
  16. Since there are fewer large files, we will skip creating a tarball. Download each set of large files seperately:

    scp -r kyle@servername:~/system/paperclip_attachments.yml ~/backups/cms-backup/system/paperclip_attachments.yml
    scp -r kyle@servername:~/system/flac_music_tracks ~/backups/cms-backup/system/flac_music_tracks
    scp -r kyle@servername:~/system/mp3_music_tracks ~/backups/cms-backup/system/mp3_music_tracks
    scp -r kyle@servername:~/system/mp4_videos ~/backups/cms-backup/system/mp4_videos
    scp -r kyle@servername:~/system/downloads ~/backups/cms-backup/system/downloads
  17. Remove the copied files from the server, checking that there are no files remaining in your home directory taking up valuable space on the server:

    sudo rm -rf ~/system

    ls ~

  18. Locally, confirm that the expected directories are present:

    ls ~/Backups/cms-backup

    backup.sql           system                  website

    ls ~/Backups/cms-backup/system

    Expected output:

    avatars              illustrations           page_pictures
    category_pictures    mp3_music_tracks        paperclip_attachments.yml
    download_pictures    mp4_videos              pictures
    downloads            music_track_pictures    tag_pictures
    flac_music_tracks    news_entry_pictures     video_pictures
  19. Create a tarball of the folder containing the three parts of the backup:

    cd ~/Backups

    tar cvzf ~/Backups/cms-backup.tar.gz cms-backup

  20. Rename the tarball to the date of the backup and archive it:

    mv cms-backup.tar.gz panzer-dragoon-legacy-1998-01-29.tar.gz

  21. On your local machine, remove the cms-backup directory to free up space:

    rm -rf ~/Backups/cms-backup