This is a Maven plugin for verifying pacts against a running provider, publishing pacts generated by consumer tests, and checking if you can deploy. The sections below provide details on each of these goals.
If you are running your tests with the JUnit runners, you do not need this plugin
This plugin is used to verify a running provider. If you want to verify your provider using unit tests, refer to the JUnit 4 or JUnit 5 docs.
The Maven plugin provides a verify
goal which will verify all configured pacts against your provider.
You define all the providers and consumers within the configuration element of the maven plugin.
<!-- You can define as many as you need, but each must have a unique name -->
<!-- All the provider properties are optional, and have sensible defaults (shown below) -->
<!-- Again, you can define as many consumers for each provider as you need, but each must have a unique name -->
<!-- currently supports a file path using pactSource or a URL using pactUrl -->
You will have to have your provider running for this to pass.
You can specify a directory that contains pact files, and the Pact plugin will scan for all pact files that match that provider and define a consumer for each pact file in the directory. Consumer name is read from contents of pact file.
<!-- You can define as many as you need, but each must have a unique name -->
<!-- All the provider properties are optional, and have sensible defaults (shown below) -->
If you want to specify multiple directories, you can use pactFileDirectories
. The plugin will only fail the build if
no pact files are loaded after processing all the directories in the list.
Maven supports using expressions in the POM using ${...}
, but these are evaluated when the POM is loaded.
For the provider hostname and port, you can provide expressions of the form {{...}}
which will be evaluated
using JVM system properties when the verify task is run.
For example:
This will use
and pact.port
system properties.
For providers that are running on SSL with self-signed certificates, you need to enable insecure SSL mode by setting
on the provider.
For environments that are running their own certificate chains:
is either relative to the current working (build) directory. trustStorePassword
defaults to changeit
NOTE: The hostname will still be verified against the certificate.
Sometimes you may need to add things to the requests that can't be persisted in a pact file. Examples of these would
be authentication tokens, which have a small life span. The Pact Maven plugin provides a request filter that can be
set to a Groovy script on the provider that will be called before the request is made. This script will receive the HttpRequest
bound to a variable named request
prior to it being executed.
// This is a Groovy script that adds an Authorization header to each request
request.addHeader('Authorization', 'oauth-token eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIm...')
Important Note: You should only use this feature for things that can not be persisted in the pact file. By modifying the request, you are potentially modifying the contract from the consumer tests!
The default HTTP client is used for all requests to providers (created with a call to HttpClients.createDefault()
This can be changed by specifying a closure assigned to createClient on the provider that returns a CloseableHttpClient.
For example:
// This is a Groovy script that will enable the client to accept self-signed certificates
import org.apache.http.ssl.SSLContextBuilder
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.NoopHostnameVerifier
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients
HttpClients.custom().setSSLHostnameVerifier(new NoopHostnameVerifier())
.setSslcontext(new SSLContextBuilder().loadTrustMaterial(null, { x509Certificates, s -> true })
By default the paths loaded from the pact file will be decoded before the request is sent to the provider. To turn this
behaviour off, set the system property pact.verifier.disableUrlPathDecoding
to true
Important Note: If you turn off the url path decoding, you need to ensure that the paths in the pact files are correctly encoded. The verifier will not be able to make a request with an invalid encoded path.
The following plugin properties can be specified with -Dproperty=value
on the command line or in the configuration section:
Property | Description |
pact.showStacktrace |
This turns on stacktrace printing for each request. It can help with diagnosing network errors |
pact.showFullDiff |
This turns on displaying the full diff of the expected versus actual bodies |
pact.filter.consumers |
Comma separated list of consumer names to verify |
pact.filter.description |
Only verify interactions whose description match the provided regular expression |
pact.filter.providerState |
Only verify interactions whose provider state match the provided regular expression. An empty string matches interactions that have no state |
pact.filter.pacturl |
This filter allows just the just the changed pact specified in a webhook to be run. It should be used in conjunction with pact.filter.consumers |
pact.verifier.publishResults |
Publishing of verification results will be skipped unless this property is set to true [version 3.5.18+] |
pact.verifier.disableUrlPathDecoding |
Disables decoding of request paths |
pact.pactbroker.httpclient.usePreemptiveAuthentication |
Enables preemptive authentication with the pact broker when set to true |
pact.consumer.tags |
Overrides the tags used when publishing pacts [version 4.0.7+] |
pact.content_type.override.<TYPE>.<SUBTYPE>=text|json|binary |
Overrides the handling of a particular content type [version 4.1.3+] |
pact.verifier.enableRedirectHandling |
Enables automatically handling redirects [4.1.8+] |
pact.verifier.generateDiff |
Controls the generation of diffs. Can be set to true , false or a size threshold (for instance 1mb or 100kb ) which only enables diffs for payloads of size less than that [4.2.7+] |
pact.verifier.buildUrl |
Specifies buildUrl to report to the broker when publishing verification results [4.3.2+] |
pactbroker.consumerversionselectors.rawjson |
Overrides the consumer version selectors with raw JSON [4.1.29+/4.3.0+] |
Example in the configuration section:
For each provider you can specify a state change URL to use to switch the state of the provider. This URL will receive the providerState description and parameters from the pact file before each interaction via a POST. The stateChangeUsesBody controls if the state is passed in the request body or as query parameters.
These values can be set at the provider level, or for a specific consumer. Consumer values take precedent if both are given.
<stateChangeUsesBody>false</stateChangeUsesBody> <!-- defaults to true -->
<stateChangeUsesBody>false</stateChangeUsesBody> <!-- defaults to true -->
If the stateChangeUsesBody
is not specified, or is set to true, then the provider state description and parameters will be sent as
JSON in the body of the request. If it is set to false, they will passed as query parameters.
As for normal requests (see Modifying the requests before they are sent), a state change request can be modified before
it is sent. Set stateChangeRequestFilter
to a Groovy script on the provider that will be called before the request is made.
You can enable teardown state change calls by setting the property <stateChangeTeardown>true</stateChangeTeardown>
on the provider. This
will add an action
parameter to the state change call. The setup call before the test will receive action=setup
, and
then a teardown call will be made afterwards to the state change URL with action=teardown
You can have values from the provider state callbacks be injected into most places (paths, query parameters, headers, bodies, etc.). This works by using the V3 spec generators with provider state callbacks that return values. One example of where this would be useful is API calls that require an ID which would be auto-generated by the database on the provider side, so there is no way to know what the ID would be beforehand.
There are methods on the consumer DSLs that can provider an expression that contains variables (like '/api/user/${id}'
for the path). The provider state callback can then return a map for values, and the id
attribute from the map will
be expanded in the expression. For URL callbacks, the values need to be returned as JSON in the response body.
You can setup your build to validate against the pacts stored in a pact broker. The pact plugin will query
the pact broker for all consumers that have a pact with the provider based on its name. To use it, just configure the
or pactBroker
value for the provider with the base URL to the pact broker.
For example:
If your pact broker requires authentication (basic and bearer authentication are supported), you can configure the username
and password to use by configuring the authentication
element of the pactBroker
element of your provider.
For example, here is how you configure the plugin to use basic authentication for verifying pacts:
Here is how you configure the plugin to use bearer token authentication for verifying pacts
<!-- Customise the authentication header from the default `Authorization` -->
Preemptive Authentication can be enabled by setting the pact.pactbroker.httpclient.usePreemptiveAuthentication
system property to true
When a consumer publishes a new version of a pact file, the Pact broker can fire off a webhook with the URL of the changed
pact file. To allow only the changed pact file to be verified, you can override the URL by using the pact.filter.consumers
and pact.filter.pacturl
Java system properties.
For example, running:
mvn pact:verify -Dpact.filter.consumers='Foo Web Client' -Dpact.filter.pacturl=
will only run the verification for Foo Web Client with the given pact file URL.
You can use the servers setup in the Maven settings. To do this, setup a server as per the Maven Server Settings. Then set the server ID in the pact broker configuration in your POM.
<serverId>test-pact-broker</serverId> <!-- This must match the server id in the maven settings -->
You can use a number of different selectors to fetch Pact files that match some criteria. See Consumer Version Selectors for more information. The following selectors are available:
The latest version from the main branch of each consumer, as specified by the consumer's mainBranch property.
The latest version from any branch of the consumer that has the same name as the current branch of the provider. Used for coordinated development between consumer and provider teams using matching feature branch names.
The latest version from a particular branch of each consumer, or for a particular consumer if the second parameter is provided. If fallback is provided, falling back to the fallback branch if none is found from the specified branch.
<!--Latest version from the particular branch of each consumer -->
<!-- Latest version from the particular branch of the provided consumer -->
<!-- Fall back to master branch if none is found from the specified feature branch -->
<!-- As above, but for a single consumer -->
All the currently deployed and currently released and supported versions of each consumer. You can also specify if deployed or released to a particular environment.
<!-- All the currently deployed and currently released and supported versions of each consumer. -->
<!-- Any versions currently deployed to the specified environment -->
<!-- Any versions currently released and supported in the specified environment -->
<!-- Any versions currently deployed or released and supported in the specified environment -->
Supports all the forms of selecting Pacts with tags.
<!-- All versions with the specified tag. -->
<!-- The latest version for each consumer with the specified tag -->
<!-- The latest version for each consumer with the specified tag with a fallback -->
You can also provide the raw JSON snippets for selectors.
<json>{"tag": "tagname"}</json>
NOTE: Using tags has been deprecated in favour of using consumer version selectors (above).
If your pacts in your pact broker have been tagged, you can set the tags to fetch by configuring the tags
element of the pactBroker
element of your provider.
For example:
This example will fetch and validate the pacts for the TEST and DEV tags.
You can filter the interactions that are run using three properties: pact.filter.consumers
, pact.filter.description
and pact.filter.providerState
Adding -Dpact.filter.consumers=consumer1,consumer2
to the command line or configuration section will only run the pact files for those
consumers (consumer1 and consumer2). Adding -Dpact.filter.description=a request for payment.*
will only run those interactions
whose descriptions start with 'a request for payment'. -Dpact.filter.providerState=.*payment
will match any interaction that
has a provider state that ends with payment, and -Dpact.filter.providerState=
will match any interaction that does not have a
provider state.
By default, if there are no pact files to verify, the plugin will raise an exception. This is to guard against false positives where the build is passing but nothing has been verified due to mis-configuration.
To disable this behaviour, set the failIfNoPactsFound
parameter to false
The Maven plugin has been updated to allow invoking test methods that can return the message contents from a message
producer. To use it, set the way to invoke the verification to ANNOTATED_METHOD
. This will allow the pact verification
task to scan for test methods that return the message contents.
Add something like the following to your maven pom file:
<!-- packagesToScan is optional, but leaving it out will result in the entire
test classpath being scanned. Set it to the packages where your annotated test method
can be found. -->
Now when the pact verify task is run, will look for methods annotated with @PactVerifyProvider
in the test classpath
that have a matching description to what is in the pact file.
class ConfirmationKafkaMessageBuilderTest {
@PactVerifyProvider('an order confirmation message')
String verifyMessageForOrder() {
Order order = new Order()
order.setGst(new BigDecimal('15.0'))
def message = new ConfirmationKafkaMessageBuilder()
It will then validate that the returned contents matches the contents for the message in the pact file.
By default, the test classpath is scanned for annotated methods. You can override this by setting
the classpathElements
NOTE: There is also a pact CLI that can be used to publish pacts. See
The pact maven plugin provides a publish
goal that can publish all pact files in a directory
to a pact broker. To use it, at a minimum you need to configure the plugin to specify the directory
of the pact files and the URL to the pact broker.
Here is an example configuration:
<pactDirectory>path/to/pact/files</pactDirectory> <!-- Defaults to ${}/pacts -->
<projectVersion>${git.shorthash}</projectVersion> <!-- Defaults to ${project.version}, or you can generate your own version from git -->
<trimSnapshot>true</trimSnapshot> <!-- Defaults to false -->
<skipPactPublish>${pact.skipPublish}</skipPactPublish> <!-- Defaults to false -->
You can now execute mvn pact:publish
to publish the pact files.
NOTE: The pact broker requires a version for the consumer for all published pacts. The plugin will use the maven
property by default, but you can override this using the projectVersion
configuration setting. For
example, you may want to use the git hash as the version identifier.
NOTE: By default, the pact broker has issues parsing SNAPSHOT
versions. You can configure the publisher to
automatically remove -SNAPSHOT
from your version number by setting trimSnapshot
to true. This setting does not modify non-snapshot versions.
It may be that in some situations you want to disable pact publication. You can use the skipPactPublish
to disable publication. For example, you can have this setting be controlled by a system property that you set to false
in some environments.
You can set any tags that the pacts should be published with by setting the tags
list property. A common use of this
is setting the tag to the current source control branch. This supports using pact with feature branches.
<pactDirectory>path/to/pact/files</pactDirectory> <!-- Defaults to ${}/pacts -->
NOTE: You can also specify the tags using the pact.consumer.tags
Java system property [version 4.0.7+].
For an authenticated pact broker, you can pass in the credentials with the pactBrokerUsername
and pactBrokerPassword
properties. Currently, it only supports basic authentication or a bearer token.
For example:
Or to use a bearer token:
<pactBrokerToken>TOKEN</pactBrokerToken> <!-- Replace TOKEN with the actual token -->
Customise the authentication header from the default Authorization
please use pactBrokerAuthenticationScheme
You can use the servers setup in the Maven settings. To do this, setup a server as per the Maven Server Settings. Then set the server ID in the pact broker configuration in your POM.
<pactBrokerServerId>test-pact-broker</pactBrokerServerId> <!-- This must match the server id in the maven settings -->
You can exclude some of the pact files from being published by providing a list of regular expressions that match against the base names of the pact files.
For example:
<exclude>.*\\-\\d+$</exclude> <!-- exclude pact files where the name ends in a dash followed by a number -->
The consumer branch and build URL can be included when the pacts are published. This requires Pact Broker version 2.86.0 or later.
The branch name and build URL can either be configured in the POM or as system properties or environment variables.
There are attributes that can be added to the plugin configuration to set these values.
<buildUrl></buildUrl> <!-- Build URL is not required -->
You can configure these values as system properties using the following keys:
You can configure these values as environment variables using the following keys:
NOTE: version 4.1.3+
By default, bodies will be handled based on their content types. For binary contents, the bodies will be base64
encoded when written to the Pact file and then decoded again when the file is loaded. You can change this with
an override property: pact.content_type.override.<TYPE>.<SUBTYPE>=text|json|binary
. For instance, setting
will treat PDF bodies as a text type and not encode/decode them.
For pacts that are loaded from a Pact Broker, the results of running the verification can be published back to the broker against the URL for the pact. You will be able to then see the result on the Pact Broker home screen.
To turn on the verification publishing, set the system property pact.verifier.publishResults
to true
in the pact maven plugin, not surefire, configuration.
You can have a tag pushed against the provider version before the verification results are published. To do this
you need set the pact.provider.tag
JVM system property to the tag value.
From 4.1.8+, you can specify multiple tags with a comma separated string for the pact.provider.tag
system property.
Requires Pact Broker version 2.86.0 or later
You can have a branch pushed against the provider version before the verification results are published. To do this
you need set the pact.provider.branch
JVM system property to the branch value.
You can specify a URL to link to your CI build output. To do this you need to set the pact.verifier.buildUrl
system property to the URL value.
By default the verification report is written to the console. You can also enable a JSON or Markdown report by setting
the reports
configuration list.
These reports will be written to target/reports/pact
If your Pact broker supports pending pacts, you can enable support for that by enabling that on your Pact broker annotation or with JVM system properties. You also need to provide the tags that will be published with your provider's verification results. The broker will then label any pacts found that don't have a successful verification result as pending. That way, if they fail verification, the verifier will ignore those failures and not fail the build.
For example:
Then any pending pacts will not cause a build failure.
There is a can-i-deploy
goal that you can use to preform a deployment safety check. This task requires two
parameters: pacticipant
and either pacticipantVersion
or latest=true
. It will use the broker configuration values
from the your POM.
NOTE: It is recommended to use the Pact CLI to execute the Can I Deploy check, as it will always be up to date with features in the Pact broker.
$ mvn pact:can-i-deploy -Dpacticipant='Activity Service' -Dlatest=true
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -----------------< >------------------
[INFO] Building pact-gradle-test 1.0.0
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven:4.1.11:can-i-deploy (default-cli) @ pact-gradle-test ---
Computer says no ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The verification between the latest version of Foo Web Client 2 (1.2.3/AB) and the latest version of Activity Service (0.0.3) failed
There is no verified pact between the latest version of Foo Web Client (1.2.3/AB) and the latest version of Activity Service (0.0.3)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1.276 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-11-15T11:04:51+11:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
It can happen that there are still unknown results in the Pact broker because the provider verification is still running.
You can enable a retry with a wait interval to poll for the results to become available. There are two settings that can
be added to the configuration in the POM to enable this: retriesWhenUnknown
and retryInterval
Field | Description | Default |
retriesWhenUnknown | The amount of times to retry while there are unknown results | 0 |
retryInterval | The number of seconds to wait between retries | 10 |
You can specify pacticipants by name or by name and version to ignore from the can-i-deploy check.
To configure it in the POM file, add an ignore section to the configuration
<name>Bob</name> <!-- Will ignore pacticipant named Bob -->
<name>Fred</name> <!-- Will ignore pacticipant name Fred with version 1.2.3 -->
Or add it to the command line using the format -Dignore=<pacticipant>:<version>?,<pacticipant>:<version>?,...
For example, -Dignore=bob,fred:1.2.3
to ignore pacticipant named Bob and pacticipant name Fred with version 1.2.3.
You can specify the environment into which the pacticipant(s) are to be deployed with the toEnvironment
Pact files that require plugins can be verified with version 4.3.0+. For details on how plugins work, see the Pact plugin project.
Each required plugin is defined in the plugins
section in the Pact metadata in the Pact file. The plugins will be
loaded from the plugin directory. By default, this is ~/.pact/plugins
or the value of the PACT_PLUGIN_DIR
variable. Each plugin required by the Pact file must be installed there. You will need to follow the installation
instructions for each plugin, but the default is to unpack the plugin into a sub-directory <plugin-name>-<plugin-version>
(i.e., for the Protobuf plugin 0.0.0 it will be protobuf-0.0.0
). The plugin manifest file must be present for the
plugin to be able to be loaded.
We are tracking anonymous analytics to gather important usage statistics like JVM version and operating system. To disable tracking, set the 'pact_do_not_track' system property or environment variable to 'true'.