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Seite wird neu geladen ...","Logo was uploaded successfully":"Logo wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen.","Manager":"Manager/-in","Managers":"Manager/-innen","Members":"Mitglieder","Modified":"Bearbeitet","Name":"Name","New group":"Neue Gruppe","New user":"Person anlegen","No groups assigned.":"Keine Gruppen zugewiesen","No groups in here":"Keine Gruppen vorhanden","No members found":"Keine Mitglieder gefunden","No restriction":"Unbegrenzt","No spaces in here":"Keine Spaces vorhanden","No users in here":"Keine Personen vorhanden","Overview of the information about the selected group":"Informationen zur ausgewählten Gruppe","Overview of the information about the selected user":"Informationen zur ausgewählten Person","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Password":"Passwort","Password cannot be empty":"Passwort darf nicht leer sein.","Personal quota":"Persönliches Quota","Please enter a valid email":"Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein","Please specify a filter to see results":"Bitte einen Filter angeben, um die Resultate darzustellen","Quota":"Quota","Quota will only be applied to users who logged in at least once.":"Quota wird nur auf Personen angewendet, die sich bereits einmal angemeldet haben.","Remaining quota":"Verbleibende Quota","Remove from groups":"Aus Gruppen entfernen","Remove user \"%{user}\" from groups":["Entferne \"%{user}\" von Gruppen","%{userCount} Personen aus Gruppen entfernen"],"Reset logo":"Logo zurücksetzen","Role":"Rolle","Roles":"Rollen","Search":"Suchen","Secure viewers":"Secure viewers","Select %{ group }":"%{ group } auswählen","Select %{ space }":"%{ space } auswählen","Select %{ user }":"%{ user } auswählen","Select a group to view details":"Wählen Sie eine Gruppe aus der Liste, um hier Details anzuzeigen","Select a resource from the left sidebar to manage it":"Wählen Sie einen Eintrag aus der linken Seitenleiste aus, um ihn zu verwalten","Select a user to view details":"Wählen Sie eine Person aus der Liste, um hier Details anzuzeigen","Select all groups":"Alle Gruppen auswählen","Select all spaces":"Alle Spaces auswählen","Select all users":"Alle Personen auswählen","Select...":"Auswählen ...","Show context menu":"Kontextmenü anzeigen","Show details":"Details anzeigen","Spaces":"Spaces","Status":"Status","The file type is unsupported":"Dieser Dateityp wird nicht unterstützt.","This group is read-only and can't be edited":"Diese Gruppe ist schreibgeschützt.","To set an individual quota, the user needs to have logged in once.":"Um eine individuelle Quota setzen zu können, muss die Person einmal angemeldet gewesen sein.","Total quota":"Gesamtquota","Unaffected users":"Nicht betroffene Personen","Unrestricted":"Uneingeschränkt","Upload logo":"Logo hochladen","Used quota":"Benutzte Quota","User \"%{user}\" was deleted successfully":"Person \"%{user}\" wurde gelöscht","User \"%{userName}\" already exists":"Person \"%{userName}\" existiert bereits.","User name":"Anmeldename","User name cannot be empty":"Anmeldename darf nicht leer sein.","User name cannot contain special characters":"Benutzername darf keine Sonderzeichen enthalten.","User name cannot contain white spaces":"Der Anmeldename darf keine Leerzeichen enthalten.","User name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Der Anmeldename darf nicht länger als 255 Zeichen sein.","User name cannot start with a number":"Der Anmeldename darf nicht mit einer Nummer anfangen.","User quota becomes available once the user has logged in for the first time.":"Die Quota wird nach der ersten Anmeldung angezeigt.","User roles become available once the user has logged in for the first time.":"Die Benutzerrolle wird nach der ersten Anmeldung angezeigt.","User was created successfully":"Person wurde erfolgreich erstellt.","Users":"Personen","Version":"Version","Viewers":"Betrachter/-innen","Web client version":"Web-Client-Version","Your own login status will remain unchanged.":"Ihr eigener Anmeldestatus bleibt unverändert."},"el":{"Actions":"Ενέργειες","Delete":"Διαγραφή","Edit":"Επεξεργασία","Email":"Email","Groups":"Ομάδες","Login":"Σύνδεση","Name":"Όνομα","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Password":"Συνθηματικό","Role":"Ρόλος","Search":"Αναζήτηση","Users":"Χρήστες"},"es":{"%{count} groups selected":"%{count} grupos seleccionados","%{count} users selected":"%{count} usuarios seleccionados","%{groupAssignmentCount} group assignment was added successfully":["%{groupAssignmentCount} asignación grupal se añadió correctamente","%{groupAssignmentCount} asignaciones grupales se añadieron correctamente","%{groupAssignmentCount} asignaciones grupales se añadieron correctamente"],"%{groupAssignmentCount} group assignment was deleted successfully":["%{groupAssignmentCount} asignación de grupo eliminada correctamente","%{groupAssignmentCount} asignaciones de grupo eliminadas correctamente","%{groupAssignmentCount} asignaciones de grupo eliminadas correctamente"],"%{groupCount} group was deleted 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usuarios en total","Actions":"Acciones","Add to groups":"Agregar a grupos","Add user \"%{user}\" to groups":["Añadir a %{user} a grupos","Añadir %{userCount} usuarios a grupos","Añadir %{userCount} usuarios a grupos"],"Admin Settings":"Ajustes de Administrador","Administration Settings":"Configuración de administración","Allowed":"Permitido","Appearance":"Apariencia","Are you sure you want to delete this group?":["¿Quieres eliminar este grupo?","¿Quieres eliminar los %{groupCount} grupos seleccionados?","¿Quieres eliminar los %{groupCount} grupos seleccionados?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user?":["¿Quieres eliminar este usuario?","¿Quieres eliminar los %{userCount} usuarios seleccionados?","¿Quieres eliminar los %{userCount} usuarios seleccionados?"],"Change quota for %{count} users":"Cambiar cuota para %{count} usuarios","Change quota for user \"%{name}\"":"Cambiar cuota para el usuario \"%{name}\"","Create group":"Crear grupo","Create user":"Crear usuario","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete group \"%{group}\"?":["¿Eliminar el grupo «%{group}»?","¿Eliminar %{groupCount} grupos?","¿Eliminar %{groupCount} grupos?"],"Delete user \"%{user}\"?":["¿Eliminar a «%{user}»?","¿Eliminar %{userCount} usuarios?","¿Eliminar %{userCount} usuarios?"],"Details":"Detalles","Disabled":"Deshabilitado","Edit":"Editar","Edit group":"Editar grupo","Edit login":"Editar sesión","Edit login for \"%{user}\"":["Editar identificación para %{user}","Editar identificación para %{userCount} usuarios","Editar identificación para %{userCount} usuarios"],"Edit quota":"Editar cuota","Edit user":"Editar usuario","Edition":"Edición","Editors":"Editores","Email":"Correo electrónico","Enabled":"Habilitado","Failed edit login for user \"%{user}\"":"Fallo en la edición de inicio de sesión para el usuario \"%{user}\"","Failed to add %{groupAssignmentCount} group assignment":["Error al añadir %{groupAssignmentCount} asignación de grupo","Error al añadir %{groupAssignmentCount} asignaciones de grupo","Error al añadir %{groupAssignmentCount} asignaciones de grupo"],"Failed to add group assignment \"%{group}\"":"Error al añadir la asignación de grupo \"%{group}\"","Failed to create group":"Fallo al crear grupo","Failed to create user":"Fallo al crear usuario","Failed to delete %{groupAssignmentCount} group assignment":["Error al eliminar %{groupAssignmentCount} asignación de grupo","Error al eliminar %{groupAssignmentCount} asignaciones de grupo","Error al eliminar %{groupAssignmentCount} asignaciones de grupo"],"Failed to delete %{groupCount} group":["Error al eliminar %{groupCount} grupo","Error al eliminar %{groupCount} grupos","Error al eliminar %{groupCount} grupos"],"Failed to delete %{userCount} user":["Error al eliminar %{userCount} usuario","Error al eliminar %{userCount} usuarios","Error al eliminar %{userCount} usuarios"],"Failed to delete group \"%{group}\"":"Fallo al eliminar el grupo \"%{group}\"","Failed to delete group assignment 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exitosamente","Groups":"Grupos","Info":"Info","Login":"Iniciar sesión","Login for user \"%{user}\" was edited successfully":"El inicio de sesión del usuario \"%{user}\" se ha realizado correctamente.","Logo":"Logo","Logo was reset successfully. 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Recargando página...","Logo was uploaded successfully":"Logotipo subido con éxito","Manager":"Gestor","Managers":"Gestores","Members":"Miembros","Modified":"Modificado","Name":"Nombre","New group":"Nuevo grupo","New user":"Nuevo usuario","No groups assigned.":"No hay grupos asignados","No groups in here":"No hay grupos","No members found":"No se han encontrado miembros","No restriction":"Sin restricciones","No spaces in here":"No hay espacios","No users in here":"No hay usuarios","Overview of the information about the selected group":"Resumen de la información del grupo seleccionado","Overview of the information about the selected user":"Resumen de la información del usuario seleccionado","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Password":"Contraseña","Password cannot be empty":"La contraseña no puede estar vacía","Personal quota":"Cuota personal","Please enter a valid email":"Por favor, introduce un correo electrónico válido","Please specify a filter to see results":"Por favor especifique un filtro para ver los resultados","Quota":"Cuota","Quota will only be applied to users who logged in at least once.":"Solo se aplicará la cuota a los usuarios que hayan iniciado sesión al menos una vez.","Remaining quota":"Cuota restante","Remove from groups":"Remover de los grupos","Remove user \"%{user}\" from groups":["Eliminar a %{user} de grupos","Eliminar %{userCount} usuarios de grupos","Eliminar %{userCount} usuarios de grupos"],"Reset logo":"Reiniciar logotipo","Role":"Rol","Roles":"Roles","Search":"Buscar","Secure viewers":"Visores seguros","Select %{ group }":"Seleccionar %{ group }","Select %{ space }":"Seleccionar %{ space }","Select %{ user }":"Seleccionar %{ user }","Select a group to view details":"Seleccionar un grupo para ver detalles","Select a resource from the left sidebar to manage it":"Seleccione un recurso de la barra lateral izquierda para gestionarlo","Select a user to view details":"Seleccionar un usuario para ver detalles","Select all groups":"Seleccionar todos los grupos","Select all spaces":"Seleccionar todos los espacios","Select all users":"Seleccionar todos los usuarios","Select...":"Seleccionar...","Show context menu":"Mostrar menú contextual","Show details":"Mostrar detalles","Spaces":"Espacios","Status":"Estado","The file type is unsupported":"Tipo de archivo no compatible","This group is read-only and can't be edited":"Este grupo es de solo lectura y no se puede editar","To set an individual quota, the user needs to have logged in once.":"Para establecer una cuota individual, el usuario tiene que haber iniciado sesión al menos una vez.","Total quota":"Cuota total","Unaffected users":"Usuarios no afectados","Unrestricted":"Sin restricciones","Upload logo":"Subir logo","Used quota":"Cuota utilizada","User \"%{user}\" was deleted successfully":"El usuario \"%{user}\" fue eliminado exitosamente","User \"%{userName}\" already exists":"El usuario \"%{userName}\" ya existe","User name":"Nombre del usuario","User name cannot be empty":"El nombre 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результатов","Quota":"Квота","Quota will only be applied to users who logged in at least once.":"Квота будет применяться только к пользователям, которые вошли в систему хотя бы один раз.","Remaining quota":"Оставшаяся квота","Remove from groups":"Удалить из групп","Remove user \"%{user}\" from groups":["Удалить пользователя \"%{user}\" из групп","Удалить %{userCount} пользователей из групп","Удалить %{userCount} пользователей из групп","Удалить %{userCount} пользователей из групп"],"Reset logo":"Сбросить логотип","Role":"Роль","Roles":"Роли","Search":"Найти","Secure viewers":"Могут просматривать без скачивания","Select %{ group }":"Выбрать %{ group }","Select %{ space }":"Выбрать %{ space }","Select %{ user }":"Выбрать %{ user }","Select a group to view details":"Выберите группу для просмотра сведений","Select a resource from the left sidebar to manage it":"Выберите ресурс на левой боковой панели, чтобы управлять им","Select a user to view details":"Выберите пользователя для просмотра сведений","Select all groups":"Выбрать все группы","Select all spaces":"Выбрать все пространства","Select all users":"Выбрать всех пользователей","Select...":"Выбрать...","Show context menu":"Показать контекстное меню","Show details":"Показать сведения","Spaces":"Пространства","Status":"Статус","The file type is unsupported":"Тип файла не поддерживается","This group is read-only and can't be edited":"Эта группа доступна только для чтения и не может быть отредактирована","To set an individual quota, the user needs to have logged in once.":"Чтобы установить индивидуальную квоту, пользователь должен один раз войти в систему.","Total quota":"Общая квота","Unaffected users":"Незатронутые пользователи","Unrestricted":"Без ограничений","Upload logo":"Загрузить логотип","Used quota":"Использованная квота","User \"%{user}\" was deleted successfully":"Пользователь «%{user}» успешно удален","User \"%{userName}\" already exists":"Пользователь \"%{userName}\" уже существует","User name":"Имя 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unchanged.":"Ваш статус входа в систему останется неизменным."},"si":{"Actions":"ක්‍රියාමාර්ග","Edit":"සංස්කරණය","Email":"වි-තැපෑල","Login":"පිවිසෙන්න","Name":"නම","ownCloud":"ඕන්ක්ලවුඩ්","Password":"මුරපදය","Search":"සොයන්න","Status":"තත්ත්වය"},"sk":{"%{groupCount} groups in total":"%{groupCount} skupín celkom","%{userCount} users in total":"%{userCount} používateľov celkom","Actions":"Akcie","Create group":"Vytvoriť skupinu","Create user":"Vytvoriť používateľa","Delete":"Odstrániť","Details":"Podrobnosti","Edit":"Upraviť","Edit group":"Upraviť skupinu","Edit user":"Upraviť používateľa","Email":"Email","Failed to create group":"Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť skupinu","Failed to create user":"Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť používateľa","Failed to delete group \"%{group}\"":"Nepodarilo sa odstrániť skupinuy %{group}.","Failed to delete user \"%{user}\"":"Nepodarilo sa odstrániť používateľa %{user}.","Failed to edit group":"Nepodarilo sa upraviť skupinu","Failed to edit user":"Nepodarilo sa upraviť 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filtër","Quota":"Kuotë","Quota will only be applied to users who logged in at least once.":"Kuota do të aplikohen vetëm mbi përdorues që kanë bërë hyrjen të paktën një herë.","Remaining quota":"Kuota të mbetura","Remove from groups":"Hiqe prej grupesh","Remove user \"%{user}\" from groups":["Hiqe përdoruesin “%{user}” nga grupet","Hiqi %{userCount} përdoruesit nga grupet"],"Reset logo":"Riujdisni stemë","Role":"Rol","Roles":"Role","Search":"Kërko","Select %{ group }":"Përzgjidhni %{ group }","Select %{ space }":"Përzgjidhni %{ space }","Select %{ user }":"Përzgjidhni %{ user }","Select a group to view details":"Përzgjidhni një grup për t’i parë hollësitë","Select a resource from the left sidebar to manage it":"Për ta administruar, përzgjidhni një burim nga anështylla majtas","Select a user to view details":"Përzgjidhni një grup për t’i parë hollësitë","Select all groups":"Përzgjidhi krejt grupet","Select all spaces":"Përzgjidhni krejt hapësirat","Select all users":"Përzgjidhni krejt 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приложена само за потребители, които са влезли в системата поне веднъж.","Remaining quota":"Оставаща квота","Remove from groups":"Премахване от групите","Remove user \"%{user}\" from groups":["Премахване на потребителя \"%{user}\" от групите","Премахване на %{userCount} потребителя от групите"],"Reset logo":"Възстановяване на логото","Role":"Роля","Roles":"Роли","Search":"Търсене","Select %{ group }":"Избор на %{ group }","Select %{ space }":"Избор на %{ space }","Select %{ user }":"Избор на %{ user }","Select a group to view details":"Изберете група, за да видите подробности","Select a user to view details":"Изберете потребител, за да видите подробности","Select all groups":"Избиране на всички групи","Select all spaces":"Избор на всички пространства","Select all users":"Избиране на всички потребители","Select...":"Избор...","Show context menu":"Показване на контекстното меню","Show details":"Показване на подробности","Spaces":"Пространства","Status":"Статус","The file type is 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Seite wird neu geladen ...","Logo was uploaded successfully":"Logo wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen.","Manager":"Manager/-in","Managers":"Manager/-innen","Members":"Mitglieder","Modified":"Bearbeitet","Name":"Name","New group":"Neue Gruppe","New user":"Person anlegen","No groups assigned.":"Keine Gruppen zugewiesen","No groups in here":"Keine Gruppen vorhanden","No members found":"Keine Mitglieder gefunden","No restriction":"Unbegrenzt","No spaces in here":"Keine Spaces vorhanden","No users in here":"Keine Personen vorhanden","Overview of the information about the selected group":"Informationen zur ausgewählten Gruppe","Overview of the information about the selected user":"Informationen zur ausgewählten Person","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Password":"Passwort","Password cannot be empty":"Passwort darf nicht leer sein.","Personal quota":"Persönliches Quota","Please enter a valid email":"Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein","Please specify a filter to see results":"Bitte einen Filter angeben, um die Resultate darzustellen","Quota":"Quota","Quota will only be applied to users who logged in at least once.":"Quota wird nur auf Personen angewendet, die sich bereits einmal angemeldet haben.","Remaining quota":"Verbleibende Quota","Remove from groups":"Aus Gruppen entfernen","Remove user \"%{user}\" from groups":["Entferne \"%{user}\" von Gruppen","%{userCount} Personen aus Gruppen entfernen"],"Reset logo":"Logo zurücksetzen","Role":"Rolle","Roles":"Rollen","Search":"Suchen","Secure viewers":"Secure viewers","Select %{ group }":"%{ group } auswählen","Select %{ space }":"%{ space } auswählen","Select %{ user }":"%{ user } auswählen","Select a group to view details":"Wählen Sie eine Gruppe aus der Liste, um hier Details anzuzeigen","Select a resource from the left sidebar to manage it":"Wählen Sie einen Eintrag aus der linken Seitenleiste aus, um ihn zu verwalten","Select a user to view details":"Wählen Sie eine Person aus der Liste, um hier Details anzuzeigen","Select all groups":"Alle Gruppen auswählen","Select all spaces":"Alle Spaces auswählen","Select all users":"Alle Personen auswählen","Select...":"Auswählen ...","Show context menu":"Kontextmenü anzeigen","Show details":"Details anzeigen","Spaces":"Spaces","Status":"Status","The file type is unsupported":"Dieser Dateityp wird nicht unterstützt.","This group is read-only and can't be edited":"Diese Gruppe ist schreibgeschützt.","To set an individual quota, the user needs to have logged in once.":"Um eine individuelle Quota setzen zu können, muss die Person einmal angemeldet gewesen sein.","Total quota":"Gesamtquota","Unaffected users":"Nicht betroffene Personen","Unrestricted":"Uneingeschränkt","Upload logo":"Logo hochladen","Used quota":"Benutzte Quota","User \"%{user}\" was deleted successfully":"Person \"%{user}\" wurde gelöscht","User \"%{userName}\" already exists":"Person \"%{userName}\" existiert bereits.","User name":"Anmeldename","User name cannot be empty":"Anmeldename darf nicht leer sein.","User name cannot contain special characters":"Benutzername darf keine Sonderzeichen enthalten.","User name cannot contain white spaces":"Der Anmeldename darf keine Leerzeichen enthalten.","User name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Der Anmeldename darf nicht länger als 255 Zeichen sein.","User name cannot start with a number":"Der Anmeldename darf nicht mit einer Nummer anfangen.","User quota becomes available once the user has logged in for the first time.":"Die Quota wird nach der ersten Anmeldung angezeigt.","User roles become available once the user has logged in for the first time.":"Die Benutzerrolle wird nach der ersten Anmeldung angezeigt.","User was created successfully":"Person wurde erfolgreich erstellt.","Users":"Personen","Version":"Version","Viewers":"Betrachter/-innen","Web client version":"Web-Client-Version","Your own login status will remain unchanged.":"Ihr eigener Anmeldestatus bleibt unverändert."},"es":{"%{count} groups selected":"%{count} grupos seleccionados","%{count} users selected":"%{count} usuarios seleccionados","%{groupAssignmentCount} group assignment was added successfully":["%{groupAssignmentCount} asignación grupal se añadió correctamente","%{groupAssignmentCount} asignaciones grupales se añadieron correctamente","%{groupAssignmentCount} asignaciones grupales se añadieron correctamente"],"%{groupAssignmentCount} group assignment was deleted successfully":["%{groupAssignmentCount} asignación de grupo eliminada correctamente","%{groupAssignmentCount} asignaciones de grupo eliminadas correctamente","%{groupAssignmentCount} asignaciones de grupo eliminadas correctamente"],"%{groupCount} group was deleted successfully":["%{groupCount} grupo eliminado con éxito","%{groupCount} grupos eliminados con éxito","%{groupCount} grupos eliminados con éxito"],"%{groupCount} groups in total":"%{groupCount} grupos en total","%{groupCount} matching groups":"%{groupCount} grupos coincidentes","%{groupCount} member":["%{groupCount} 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administración","Allowed":"Permitido","Appearance":"Apariencia","Are you sure you want to delete this group?":["¿Quieres eliminar este grupo?","¿Quieres eliminar los %{groupCount} grupos seleccionados?","¿Quieres eliminar los %{groupCount} grupos seleccionados?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user?":["¿Quieres eliminar este usuario?","¿Quieres eliminar los %{userCount} usuarios seleccionados?","¿Quieres eliminar los %{userCount} usuarios seleccionados?"],"Change quota for %{count} users":"Cambiar cuota para %{count} usuarios","Change quota for user \"%{name}\"":"Cambiar cuota para el usuario \"%{name}\"","Create group":"Crear grupo","Create user":"Crear usuario","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete group \"%{group}\"?":["¿Eliminar el grupo «%{group}»?","¿Eliminar %{groupCount} grupos?","¿Eliminar %{groupCount} grupos?"],"Delete user \"%{user}\"?":["¿Eliminar a «%{user}»?","¿Eliminar %{userCount} usuarios?","¿Eliminar %{userCount} 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para ver los resultados","Quota":"Cuota","Quota will only be applied to users who logged in at least once.":"Solo se aplicará la cuota a los usuarios que hayan iniciado sesión al menos una vez.","Remaining quota":"Cuota restante","Remove from groups":"Remover de los grupos","Remove user \"%{user}\" from groups":["Eliminar a %{user} de grupos","Eliminar %{userCount} usuarios de grupos","Eliminar %{userCount} usuarios de grupos"],"Reset logo":"Reiniciar logotipo","Role":"Rol","Roles":"Roles","Search":"Buscar","Secure viewers":"Visores seguros","Select %{ group }":"Seleccionar %{ group }","Select %{ space }":"Seleccionar %{ space }","Select %{ user }":"Seleccionar %{ user }","Select a group to view details":"Seleccionar un grupo para ver detalles","Select a resource from the left sidebar to manage it":"Seleccione un recurso de la barra lateral izquierda para gestionarlo","Select a user to view details":"Seleccionar un usuario para ver detalles","Select all groups":"Seleccionar todos los grupos","Select all spaces":"Seleccionar todos los espacios","Select all users":"Seleccionar todos los usuarios","Select...":"Seleccionar...","Show context menu":"Mostrar menú contextual","Show details":"Mostrar detalles","Spaces":"Espacios","Status":"Estado","The file type is unsupported":"Tipo de archivo no compatible","This group is read-only and can't be edited":"Este grupo es de solo lectura y no se puede editar","To set an individual quota, the user needs to have logged in once.":"Para establecer una cuota individual, el usuario tiene que haber iniciado sesión al menos una vez.","Total quota":"Cuota total","Unaffected users":"Usuarios no afectados","Unrestricted":"Sin restricciones","Upload logo":"Subir logo","Used quota":"Cuota utilizada","User \"%{user}\" was deleted successfully":"El usuario \"%{user}\" fue eliminado exitosamente","User \"%{userName}\" already exists":"El usuario \"%{userName}\" ya existe","User name":"Nombre del usuario","User name cannot be empty":"El nombre del usuario no puede estar vacío","User name cannot contain special characters":"El nombre de usuario no puede contener caracteres especiales","User name cannot contain white spaces":"El nombre de usuario no puede contener espacios","User name cannot exceed 255 characters":"El nombre de usuario no puede exceder de 255 caracteres","User name cannot start with a number":"El nombre de usuario no puede empezar con un número","User quota becomes available once the user has logged in for the first time.":"La cuota del usuario estará disponible cuando el usuario haya iniciado sesión por primera vez.","User roles become available once the user has logged in for the first time.":"Los roles del usuario estaran disponibles cuando el usuario haya iniciado sesión por primera vez.","User was created successfully":"El usuario fue creado exitosamente","Users":"Usuarios","Version":"Versión","Viewers":"Espectadores","Web client version":"Versión web del cliente","Your own login status will remain unchanged.":"Tu estado de inicio de sesión permanecerá sin cambios."},"et":{},"fr":{"%{count} groups selected":"%{count} groupes sélectionnés","%{count} users selected":"%{count} utilisateurs sélectionnés","%{groupCount} groups in total":"%{groupCount} groupes en tout","%{groupCount} matching groups":"%{groupCount} groupes correspondants","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} espaces correspondants","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} espaces en tout","%{userCount} users in total":"%{userCount} utilisateurs en tout","Actions":"Actions","Administration Settings":"Paramètres d'administration","Create group":"Créer un groupe","Create user":"Créer un utilisateur","Delete":"Supprimer","Details":"Détails","Disabled":"Désactivé","Edit":"Editer","Edit group":"Modifier le groupe","Edit quota":"Modifier le quota","Edit user":"Modifier l'utilisateur","Edition":"Edition","Editors":"Editeurs","Email":"Email","Enabled":"Activé","Failed to create group":"Impossible de créer le 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to delete this user?":["Si è sicuri di voler eliminare questo utente?","Si è sicuri di voler eliminare i %{userCount} utenti selezionati?","Si è sicuri di voler eliminare i %{userCount} utenti selezionati?"],"Create group":"Crea gruppo","Create user":"Crea utente","Delete":"Elimina","Delete group \"%{group}\"?":["Eliminare il gruppo \"%{group}\"?","Eliminare %{groupCount} gruppi?","Eliminare %{groupCount} gruppi?"],"Delete user \"%{user}\"?":["Eliminare l'utente \"%{user}\"?","Eliminare %{userCount} utenti?","Eliminare %{userCount} utenti?"],"Details":"Dettagli","Disabled":"Disabilitato","Edit":"Modifica","Edit group":"Modifica gruppo","Edit login":"Modifica dati di accesso","Edit login for \"%{user}\"":["Modifica dati di accesso per \"%{user}\"","Modifica dati di accesso per %{userCount} utenti","Modifica dati di accesso per %{userCount} utenti"],"Edit quota":"Modifica quota","Edit user":"Modifica 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who logged in at least once.":"La quota sarà applicata solo agli utenti che hanno effettuato il login almeno una volta.","Remaining quota":"Quota rimanente","Remove from groups":"Rimuovi dai gruppi","Remove user \"%{user}\" from groups":["Rimuovere \"%{user}\" dai gruppi","Rimuovere %{userCount} utenti dai gruppi","Rimuovere %{userCount} utenti dai gruppi"],"Reset logo":"Reset del logo","Role":"Ruolo","Roles":"Ruoli","Search":"Cerca","Select %{ group }":"Seleziona %{ group }","Select %{ space }":"Seleziona %{ space }","Select %{ user }":"Seleziona %{ user }","Select a group to view details":"Seleziona un gruppo per visualizzare i dettagli","Select a user to view details":"Seleziona un utente per visualizzare i dettagli","Select all groups":"Seleziona tutti i gruppi","Select all spaces":"Seleziona tutti gli spazi","Select all users":"Seleziona tutti gli utenti","Select...":"Seleziona...","Show context menu":"Visualizza menu contestuale","Show details":"Visualizza dettagli","Spaces":"Spazi","Status":"Stato","The file type is unsupported":"Il tipo di file non è supportato","This group is read-only and can't be edited":"Questo gruppo è di sola lettura e non può essere modificato","To set an individual quota, the user needs to have logged in once.":"Per assegnare una quota individuale, l'utente deve aver effettuato il login almeno una volta.","Total quota":"Quota totale","Unaffected users":"Utenti non affetti","Upload logo":"Carica logo","Used quota":"Quota usata","User \"%{user}\" was deleted successfully":"Utente \"%{user}\" cancellato con successo","User \"%{userName}\" already exists":"Utente \"%{userName}\" esiste già","User name":"Nome utente","User name cannot be empty":"Nome utente non può essere lasciato vuoto","User name cannot contain white spaces":"Nome utente non può contenere spazi","User name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Nome utente non può eccedere 255 caratteri di lunghezza","User name cannot start with a number":"Nome utente non 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filtër","Quota":"Kuotë","Quota will only be applied to users who logged in at least once.":"Kuota do të aplikohen vetëm mbi përdorues që kanë bërë hyrjen të paktën një herë.","Remaining quota":"Kuota të mbetura","Remove from groups":"Hiqe prej grupesh","Remove user \"%{user}\" from groups":["Hiqe përdoruesin “%{user}” nga grupet","Hiqi %{userCount} përdoruesit nga grupet"],"Reset logo":"Riujdisni stemë","Role":"Rol","Roles":"Role","Search":"Kërko","Select %{ group }":"Përzgjidhni %{ group }","Select %{ space }":"Përzgjidhni %{ space }","Select %{ user }":"Përzgjidhni %{ user }","Select a group to view details":"Përzgjidhni një grup për t’i parë hollësitë","Select a resource from the left sidebar to manage it":"Për ta administruar, përzgjidhni një burim nga anështylla majtas","Select a user to view details":"Përzgjidhni një grup për t’i parë hollësitë","Select all groups":"Përzgjidhi krejt grupet","Select all spaces":"Përzgjidhni krejt hapësirat","Select all users":"Përzgjidhni krejt 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Please try again shortly.":"Този файл в момента се обработва и все още не е на разположение за използване. Моля, опитайте отново след малко."},"cs":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Oblast obsahu aplikace \"%{appName}\"","An error occurred":"Objevila se chyba","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Tento soubor se právě zpracovává a zatím není k dispozici pro použití. Zkuste to za chvíli znovu."},"de":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\" Inhaltsbereich","An error occurred":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"Datei kann nicht im Bearbeitungsmodus geöffnet werden, da sie schreibgeschützt ist.","Open in %{app}":"In %{app} öffnen","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Diese Datei wird derzeit bearbeitet und kann noch nicht verwendet werden. Bitte in Kürze erneut versuchen."},"el":{},"es":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\" área de contenido de la aplicación","An error occurred":"Ocurrió un error","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"No se puede abrir el archivo en modo edición porque es de solo lectura.","Open in %{app}":"Abrir en %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Este archivo está siendo procesado y aún no está disponible para su uso. Vuelva a intentarlo más tarde."},"et":{},"fr":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Zone de contenu de l'application \"%{appName}\"","An error occurred":"Une erreur est survenue","Open in %{app}":"Ouvrir avec %{app}"},"gl":{},"he":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"אזור תוכן היישום „%{appName}”","An error occurred":"אירעה שגיאה","Open in %{app}":"פתיחה ב־%{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"הקובץ הזה עובר עיבוד ועדיין אינו זמין לשימוש. נא לנסות שוב בעוד זמן קצר."},"hr":{},"id":{},"ja":{},"it":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Area del contenuto dell'app \"%{appName}\"","An error occurred":"Si è verificato un errore","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Questo file non è al momento disponibile perché viene processato. Si prega di riprovare più tardi."},"nl":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\"-app inhoudsgebied","An error occurred":"Er is een fout opgetreden","Open in %{app}":"Openen in %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Dit bestand wordt momenteel verwerkt en is nog niet beschikbaar voor gebruik. Probeer het binnenkort opnieuw."},"pl":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Zawartość aplikacji \"%{appName}\"","An error occurred":"Wystąpił błąd","Open in %{app}":"Otwórz w %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Ten plik jest obecnie przetwarzany i nie jest jeszcze gotowy do użycia, Spróbuj ponownie za chwilę."},"pt":{},"ka":{},"ko":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\" 앱 내용 영역","An error occurred":"오류가 발생했습니다","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"읽기 전용 파일이기에 편집할 수 없음","Open in %{app}":"%{app}에서 열기","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"이 파일은 현재 처리 중이며 아직 사용할 수 없습니다. 잠시 후 다시 시도하십시오."},"ru":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Область контента \"%{appName}\"","An error occurred":"Произошла ошибка","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"Невозможно открыть файл в режиме редактирования, так как он доступен только для чтения","Open in %{app}":"Открыть в %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Этот файл находится в процессе обработки и пока недоступен для использования. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку в ближайшее время."},"ro":{},"si":{},"sk":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Oblasť obsahu \"%{appName}\""},"sq":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Zonë lënde aplikacioni “%{appName}”","An error occurred":"Ndodhi një gabim","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"S’mund të hapet kartelë nën mënyrën përpunim, ngaqë është vetëm-lexim","Open in %{app}":"Hape me %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Kjo kartelë aktualisht po përpunohet dhe s’është ende gati për përdorim. Ju lutemi, riprovoni pas pak."},"sv":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\" app innehållsyta","An error occurred":"Ett fel uppstod","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"Kan inte öppna filen i redigeringsläge pågrund av att den är i läs-läge","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Den här filen används för tillfället och är inte tillgänglig. Försök igen senare."},"sr":{},"ta":{},"tr":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\" uygulama içerik alanı","An error occurred":"Bir hata oluştu","Open in %{app}":"%{app}'da aç","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Bu dosya şu anda işleniyor ve henüz kullanıma uygun değil. Lütfen kısa süre sonra tekrar deneyin."},"ug":{},"uk":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Робоча область програми \"%{appName}\".","An error occurred":"Виникла помилка","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"Неможливо відкрити файл у режимі редагування, оскільки він доступний лише для читання","Open in %{app}":"Відкрити в %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Цей файл зараз обробляється і ще не доступний для використання. Спробуйте ще раз незабаром."},"zh":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\" 应用内容区域","An error occurred":"发生错误","Open in %{app}":"在 %{app} 中打开","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"该文件当前正在处理中,不可使用。 请稍后重试。"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"af":{},"bs":{},"ar":{},"bg":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Област на съдържанието на приложението \"%{appName}\".","An error occurred":"Възникна грешка","Open in %{app}":"Отваряне в %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Този файл в момента се обработва и все още не е на разположение за използване. Моля, опитайте отново след малко."},"cs":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Oblast obsahu aplikace \"%{appName}\"","An error occurred":"Objevila se chyba","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Tento soubor se právě zpracovává a zatím není k dispozici pro použití. Zkuste to za chvíli znovu."},"de":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\" Inhaltsbereich","An error occurred":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"Datei kann nicht im Bearbeitungsmodus geöffnet werden, da sie schreibgeschützt ist.","Open in %{app}":"In %{app} öffnen","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Diese Datei wird derzeit bearbeitet und kann noch nicht verwendet werden. Bitte in Kürze erneut versuchen."},"el":{},"es":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\" área de contenido de la aplicación","An error occurred":"Ocurrió un error","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"No se puede abrir el archivo en modo edición porque es de solo lectura.","Open in %{app}":"Abrir en %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Este archivo está siendo procesado y aún no está disponible para su uso. Vuelva a intentarlo más tarde."},"fr":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Zone de contenu de l'application \"%{appName}\"","An error occurred":"Une erreur est survenue","Open in %{app}":"Ouvrir avec %{app}"},"et":{},"gl":{},"hr":{},"he":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"אזור תוכן היישום „%{appName}”","An error occurred":"אירעה שגיאה","Open in %{app}":"פתיחה ב־%{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"הקובץ הזה עובר עיבוד ועדיין אינו זמין לשימוש. נא לנסות שוב בעוד זמן קצר."},"id":{},"it":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Area del contenuto dell'app \"%{appName}\"","An error occurred":"Si è verificato un errore","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Questo file non è al momento disponibile perché viene processato. Si prega di riprovare più tardi."},"ja":{},"pl":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Zawartość aplikacji \"%{appName}\"","An error occurred":"Wystąpił błąd","Open in %{app}":"Otwórz w %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Ten plik jest obecnie przetwarzany i nie jest jeszcze gotowy do użycia, Spróbuj ponownie za chwilę."},"nl":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\"-app inhoudsgebied","An error occurred":"Er is een fout opgetreden","Open in %{app}":"Openen in %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Dit bestand wordt momenteel verwerkt en is nog niet beschikbaar voor gebruik. Probeer het binnenkort opnieuw."},"pt":{},"ka":{},"ko":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\" 앱 내용 영역","An error occurred":"오류가 발생했습니다","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"읽기 전용 파일이기에 편집할 수 없음","Open in %{app}":"%{app}에서 열기","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"이 파일은 현재 처리 중이며 아직 사용할 수 없습니다. 잠시 후 다시 시도하십시오."},"ro":{},"ru":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Область контента \"%{appName}\"","An error occurred":"Произошла ошибка","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"Невозможно открыть файл в режиме редактирования, так как он доступен только для чтения","Open in %{app}":"Открыть в %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Этот файл находится в процессе обработки и пока недоступен для использования. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку в ближайшее время."},"sk":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Oblasť obsahu \"%{appName}\""},"sq":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Zonë lënde aplikacioni “%{appName}”","An error occurred":"Ndodhi një gabim","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"S’mund të hapet kartelë nën mënyrën përpunim, ngaqë është vetëm-lexim","Open in %{app}":"Hape me %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Kjo kartelë aktualisht po përpunohet dhe s’është ende gati për përdorim. Ju lutemi, riprovoni pas pak."},"sv":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\" app innehållsyta","An error occurred":"Ett fel uppstod","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"Kan inte öppna filen i redigeringsläge pågrund av att den är i läs-läge","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Den här filen används för tillfället och är inte tillgänglig. Försök igen senare."},"ta":{},"sr":{},"tr":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\" uygulama içerik alanı","An error occurred":"Bir hata oluştu","Open in %{app}":"%{app}'da aç","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Bu dosya şu anda işleniyor ve henüz kullanıma uygun değil. Lütfen kısa süre sonra tekrar deneyin."},"ug":{},"si":{},"uk":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"Робоча область програми \"%{appName}\".","An error occurred":"Виникла помилка","Cannot open file in edit mode as it is read-only":"Неможливо відкрити файл у режимі редагування, оскільки він доступний лише для читання","Open in %{app}":"Відкрити в %{app}","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"Цей файл зараз обробляється і ще не доступний для використання. Спробуйте ще раз незабаром."},"zh":{"\"%{appName}\" app content area":"\"%{appName}\" 应用内容区域","An error occurred":"发生错误","Open in %{app}":"在 %{app} 中打开","This file is currently being processed and is not yet available for use. Please try again shortly.":"该文件当前正在处理中,不可使用。 请稍后重试。"}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/web-app-files/l10n/translations.json b/packages/web-app-files/l10n/translations.json index b1dbdbe6f36..05c2d08ef92 100644 --- a/packages/web-app-files/l10n/translations.json +++ b/packages/web-app-files/l10n/translations.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"af":{},"bs":{},"bg":{"“via folder”":"\"чрез папка\"","(me)":"(аз)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ foldersCount } файл","%{ foldersCount } файла"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } папка","%{ foldersCount } папки"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } избран елемент","%{ itemCount } избрани елемента"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["Общо %{ itemsCount } елемент (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Общо %{ itemsCount } елемента (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["Общо %{ itemsCount } елемент (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Общо %{ itemsCount } елемента (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } елемент с %{ itemSize } общо (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } елемента с %{ itemSize } общо (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } елемент с общо %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } елемента с общо %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } пространство","%{ spacesCount } пространства"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (аз)","%{count} member":["%{count} член","%{count} члена"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} сподели с вас тази папка за качване","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType} няма достъп до %{resourceName}","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} съвпадащи пространства","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} съответстващи кошчета","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} пространства общо","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"Общо %{spaceCount} кошчета","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (деактивирано)","Access denied":"Отказан достъп","Access details":"Достъп до подробности","Access expires":"Срокът за достъп изтича","Access was denied successfully":"Достъпът успешно е забранен","Access was granted successfully":"Достъпът е разрешен успешно","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Изисква се профил и вход. Достъп имат само хората от списъка \"Поканени\".","Actions":"Действия","Add":"Добавяне","Add link":"Добавяне на връзка","Add members to this Space":"Добавяне на членове към това пространство","Add password":"Добавяне на парола","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Възникна грешка при зареждането на публичната връзка","Apply":"Прилагане","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете тази връзка? Повторното създаване на същата връзка не е възможно.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да премахнете този член?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да премахнете това споделяне?","Cancel":"Отказ","Choose how access is granted":"Избор на начина на предоставяне на достъп","Close filter":"Затваряне на филтъра","Context menu of the share":"Контекстно меню на споделянето","Copied":"Копирано","Copy":"Копиране","Copy link to clipboard":"Копиране на връзката в клипборда","Copy private link to clipboard":"Копиране на поверителната връзка в клипборда","Create":"Създаване","Create a new space":"Създаване на ново пространство","Create link":"Създаване на връзка","Create new files or folders":"Създаване на нови файлове или папки","Creating space failed…":"Неуспешно създаване на пространство...","Delete":"Изтриване","Delete link":"Изтриване на връзка","Deleted files":"Изтрити файлове","Deny access":"Отказан достъп","Deselect %{label}":"Премахване на избора от %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"Премахване избора на %{name}","Details":"Подробности","Disabled":"Деактивирано","Download":"Изтегляне","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Плъзнете тук файлове и папки или използвайте бутоните \"Нов\" или \"Качване\", за да добавите файлове.","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Пуснете файлове тук, за да ги качите, или натиснете ако искате да изберете файл","Edit expiration date":"Редактиране на датата на изтичане на валидността","Edit image":"Редактиране на изображението","Edit name":"Редактиране на името","Edit password":"Редактиране на паролата","Edit permission":"Редактиране на разрешенията","Enabled":"Активирано","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Въведете име, за да добавите хора или групи като членове на това пространство.","Error while editing the share.":"Грешка при редактиране на споделянето.","Everyone with the link":"Всички с връзката","Expires %{expires}":"Изтича на %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Изтича на %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to apply expiration date":"Неуспешно прилагане на датата на валидност","Failed to apply new permissions":"Неуспешно прилагане на новите разрешения","Failed to delete link":"Неуспех при изтриването на връзка","Failed to deny access":"Отказът за достъп е неуспешен","Failed to edit tags":"Неуспешна промяна на етикетите","Failed to grant access":"Предоставянето на достъп е неуспешно","Failed to remove share":"Неуспех при премахването на споделяне","Failed to update link":"Неуспех при актуализирането на връзка","Failed to upload space image":"Неуспешно качване на изображение на пространството","Favorites":"Любими","File already exists":"Файлът вече съществува","Files":"Файлове","Filter members":"Филтър за членове","Filter tags":"Филтър за етикети","Filter:":"Филтър:","Folder":"Папка","Folder already exists":"Папката вече съществува","Folders":"Папки","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"Намерени %{totalResults}, показващи %{itemCount} от най-подходящите резултати","Go to »Personal« page":"Отидете на страницата »Лични«.","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Отидете на \"Преглед на пространства\"","Group":"Група","Guest user":"Гост потребител","Hide":"Скриване","How to edit indirect links":"Как да редактирате непреки връзки","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Ако споделите папка, цялото ѝ съдържание и подпапки също ще бъдат споделени.","Incognito":"Инкогнито","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Непреки връзки (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Индиректните връзки са връзки, даващи достъп чрез основната папка.","Invited by":"Поканен от","Last modified":"Последна промяна","Link":"Връзка","Link name":"Име на връзка","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Името на връзката не може да надвишава 255 символа","Link was deleted successfully":"Връзката е изтрита успешно","Link was updated successfully":"Връзката е актуализирана успешно","Loading list of shares":"Зареждане на списък със споделяния","Member capabilities":"Възможности на члена","Members":"Членове","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Членовете могат да виждат кой има достъп до това пространство и да имат достъп до всички файлове в него. Разрешенията за четене или писане могат да бъдат зададени чрез задаване на роля.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Членовете с роля Мениджър могат да редактират всички свойства и съдържание на Пространство, например да добавят или премахват членове, да споделят подпапки с нечленове или да създават връзки за споделяне.","Merge":"Обединяване","Name":"Име","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Преминаване към '%{folder}'","Navigate to parent folder":"Преминаване към основната папка","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Преминаване към основната (%{folderName})","New":"Нов","New folder":"Нова папка","New Folder":"Нова папка","New space":"Ново пространство","New Space":"Ново пространство","no":"няма","No information to display":"Няма информация за показване","No link":"Няма връзка","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"Не се изисква влизане в системата. Всеки, който има връзка може да получи достъп. Ако споделите тази връзка с хора от списъка \"Поканени хора\", те ще трябва да влязат в системата, за да се задействат техните индивидуално зададени права. Ако те не са влезли в системата, влизат в сила разрешенията на връзката.","No resources found":"Няма намерени ресурси","No results found":"Няма намерени резултати","No users or groups found.":"Няма намерени потребители или групи.","No Versions available for this file":"За този файл няма налични версии","Not enough quota":"Недостатъчна квота","Notification":"Известие","Only invited people can access":"Само поканени имат достъп до","Open context menu and show members":"Отваряне на контекстното меню и показване на членовете","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Преглед на информацията за избрания файл","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Преглед на информацията за избраните файлове","Owner":"Собственик","Password":"Парола","Paste here":"Поставяне тук","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Хората, с които споделяте ресурси, не могат да видят кой друг има достъп до тях.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Хората, с които споделяте ресурси, ще бъдат уведомени чрез имейл или известие в приложението.","Person was added":"Лицето е добавено","Personal":"Лични","Private link":"Поверителна връзка","Private link copied":"Поверителната връзка е копирана","Public link":"Публична връзка","Reload public link":"Презареждане на публичната връзка","Remote user":"Отдалечен потребител","Remove":"Премахване","Remove expiration date":"Премахване на датата на изтичане на срока на валидност","Remove member":"Изтриване на член","Remove password":"Премахване на парола","Remove share":"Премахване на споделяне","Rename":"Преименуване","Replace":"Замяна","Resource not found":"Ресурсът не е намерен","Restore":"Възстановяване","Save":"Запазване","Search":"Търсене","Search for files":"Търсене на файлове","Search for service or secondary Account":"Търсене на услуга или допълнителен профил","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"Резултати от търсенето за \"%{searchTerm}\"","See all versions":"Вижте всички версии","Select permission":"Избор на разрешение","Select role for the invitation":"Избор на роля за поканата","Set expiration date":"Задаване на дата на валидност","Share":"Споделяне","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Споделянето е валидно до %{ expiry Date Relative } (%{ expiry Date })","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Име на получателя на споделянето: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Споделяне на получатели","Share successfully changed":"Споделянето е успешно променено","Share via link":"Споделяне чрез връзка","Share was added successfully":"Споделянето е добавено успешно","Share was removed successfully":"Споделянето беше успешно премахнато","Share with people":"Споделяне с хората","Shared by":"Споделено от","Shared on":"Споделено на","Shared via":"Споделено чрез","Shared via link":"Споделено чрез връзка","Shared with":"Споделено с","Shared with me":"Споделено с мен","Shared with others":"Споделено с други","Shares":"Споделяния","Shares pages navigation":"Навигация на страниците със споделяния","Show":"Показване","Show all":"Показване на всички","Show context menu":"Показване на контекстното меню","Show less":"Показване на по-малко","Show members":"Показване на членовете","Show more":"Показване на повече","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Показват се до %{searchLimit} резултатa","Size":"Размер","Space has no deleted files":"В пространството няма изтрити файлове","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Изображението на пространството е успешно качено","Space manager capabilities":"Възможности на мениджъра на пространство","Space members":"Членове на пространството","Space name":"Име на пространството","Space was created successfully":"Пространството беше създадено успешно","Spaces":"Пространства","Subfolders":"Подпапки","Switch to condensed table view":"Превключване към съкратен изглед на таблицата","Switch to default table view":"Превключване към изглед по подразбиране на таблицата","Switch to tiles view":"Превключване към изглед с плочки","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"Етикетът не може да се състои единствено от празни полета.","Tags":"Етикети","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"\"Чрез папка\" се показва до споделяне, ако вече е даден достъп чрез основната папка. Щракнете върху \"чрез папка\", за да редактирате споделянето в основната му папка.","The file type is unsupported":"Типът файл не се поддържа","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Връзката „%{linkName}“ е копирана в клипборда.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Връзката е копирана в клипборда.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Поверителната връзка е копирана в клипборда.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Няма ресурси, отбелязани като любими","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"Недостатъчна квота за %{spaceName}, имате нужда от допълнително %{missingSpace}, за да качите тези файлове","This file has been shared.":"Този файл е споделен.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Тази папка съдържа %{ amount } елемент.","Тази папка съдържа %{ amount } елемента."],"This folder has been shared.":"Тази папка е споделена.","This folder has no content.":"В папката няма съдържание.","This link is password-protected":"Тази връзка е защитена с парола","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"За търсене на служебни или допълнителни профили използвайте префикс на потребителското име с \"a:\" (например \"a:doe\"), а за профили на гости използвайте префикс на потребителското име с \"l:\" (например \"l:doe\").","Type":"Тип","Upload":"Качване","Upload files or folders":"Качване на файлове и папки","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Използвайте полето за въвеждане, за да търсите потребители и групи. Изберете ги, за да споделите елемента.","User":"Потребител","Versions":"Версии","via":"чрез","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Търсихме навсякъде, но не успяхме да открием избрания ресурс.","What are indirect links?":"Какво представляват непреките връзки?","You do not have permission to create links":"Нямате необходимите права за създаване на връзки","You don't have access to any spaces":"Нямате достъп до никакви пространства","You don't have access to any trashbins":"Нямате достъп до кошчето","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Нямате необходимите права за споделяне на този файл.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Нямате необходимите права за споделяне на тази папка","You have no deleted files":"Нямате изтрити файлове","You have no permission to create new files!":"Нямате необходимите права за създаване на нови файлове!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"Нямате необходимите права да поставяте файлове тук!","You have no permission to upload!":"Нямате необходимите права за качване!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"Не сте споделили никакъв ресурс чрез връзка.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"Не сте споделили никакви ресурси с други хора."},"cs":{"“via folder”":"“složkou”","(me)":"(já)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } soubor","%{ filesCount } soubory","%{ filesCount } souborů","%{ filesCount } souborů"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } adresář","%{ foldersCount } adresáře","%{ foldersCount } adresářů","%{ foldersCount } adresářů"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } položka vybrána","%{ itemCount } položky vybrány","%{ itemCount } položek vybráno","%{ itemCount } položek vybráno"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } položka celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } položky celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } položka celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } položky celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } položka s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } položky s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } položka s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } položky s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } místo","%{ spacesCount } místa","%{ spacesCount } míst","%{ spacesCount } míst"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (já)","%{count} member":["%{count} člen","%{count} členové","%{count} členů","%{count} členů"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} s vámi sdílí tuto složku k nahrávání","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} odpovídajících míst","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} odpovídajících košů","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} míst celkem","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"Celkem %{spaceCount} košů","Access denied":"Přístup odepřen","Access details":"Podrobnosti o přístupu","Access expires":"Přístup vyprší","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Vyžaduje se účet a přihlášení. Přístup mají pouze lidé ze seznamu „Pozvaní lidé“.","Actions":"Akce","Add":"Přidat","Add link":"Přidat link","Add password":"Přidat heslo","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Při načítání veřejného odkazu došlo k chybě","Apply":"Aplikovat","Cancel":"Zrušit","Close filter":"Zavřít filtr","Copied":"Zkopírováno","Copy":"Kopírovat","Copy link to clipboard":"Zkopírovat link do schránky","Copy private link to clipboard":"Zkopírovat soukromý link do schránky","Create":"Vytvořit","Create a new space":"Vytvořit nové místo","Create link":"Vytvořit link","Delete":"Odstranit","Delete link":"Smazat link","Deleted files":"Smazané soubory","Deny access":"Zamítnout přístup","Deselect %{label}":"Zrušit výběr %{label}","Details":"Detaily","Disabled":"Zakázáno","Download":"Stáhnout","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Sem přetáhněte soubory, které chcete nahrát, nebo kliknutím vyberte soubor","Edit expiration date":"Změnit datum platnosti","Edit image":"Změnit obrázek","Edit name":"Změnit jméno","Edit password":"Změnit heslo","Enabled":"Povoleno","Everyone with the link":"Všichni s linkem","Expires %{expires}":"Vyprší %{expires}","Failed to delete link":"Nezdařilo se smazat odkaz","Favorites":"Oblíbené","Files":"Soubory","Folders":"Složky","Group":"Skupina","Link":"Odkaz","Members":"Členové","Name":"Název","New":"Nový","New folder":"Nová složka","No Versions available for this file":"Pro tento soubor nejsou dostupné žádné verze","Owner":"Vlastník","Password":"Heslo","Personal":"Osobní","Private link":"Soukromý odkaz","Public link":"Veřejný odkaz","Remove password":"Odstranit heslo","Rename":"Přejmenovat","Restore":"Obnovit","Save":"Uložit","Search":"Hledat","Share":"Sdílet","Shared with me":"Sdíleno se mnou","Show":"Ukázat","Show context menu":"Ukázat kontextovou nabídku","Size":"Velikost","Space name":"Název místa","Spaces":"Místa","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Soukromý odkaz byl úspěšně zkopírován","Upload":"Nahrát","User":"Uživatel","Versions":"Verze","You have no permission to upload!":"Nemáte oprávnění nahrávat soubory."},"de":{"“via folder”":"\"durch Ordner\"","(me)":"(ich)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } Datei","%{ filesCount } Dateien"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } Ordner","%{ foldersCount } Ordner"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } Datei ausgewählt","%{ itemCount } Elemente ausgewählt"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } Elemente gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } Elemente gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } Datei gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } Elemente gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } Elemente mit %{ itemSize } gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } Elemente mit %{ itemSize } gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } Datei mit %{ itemSize } gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } Elemente mit %{ itemSize } gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } Spaces","%{ spacesCount } Spaces"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (Ich)","%{count} member":["%{count} Mitglied","%{count} Mitglieder"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} hat diesen Ordner zum Upload geteilt.","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType} kann nicht zugreifen auf %{resourceName}","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} Suchergebnisse","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} Suchergebnisse im Papierkorb","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} Spaces insgesamt","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"%{spaceCount} Papierkörbe insgesamt","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (deaktiviert)","Access denied":"Zugriff verweigert","Access details":"Zugriffdetails","Access expires":"Freigabe läuft ab","Access was denied successfully":"Zugriff wurde erfolgreich verweigert.","Access was granted successfully":"Zugriff wurde erfolgreich gewährt.","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Konto und Anmeldung sind erforderlich. Nur Personen aus der Liste \"Geteilt mit\" haben Zugang.","Account type":"Art des Kontos","Actions":"Aktionen","Add":"Hinzufügen","Add link":"Link hinzufügen","Add members to this Space":"Mitglieder zu diesem Space hinzufügen","Add password":"Passwort setzen","Album":"Album","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Beim Laden des öffentlichen Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","Apply":"Anwenden","Archive":"Archiv","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Soll der ausgewählte Link wirklich gelöscht werden? Derselbe Link kann danach nicht wieder erzeugt werden.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Soll dieses Mitglied wirklich entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Soll die Freigabe wirklich entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?":"Soll wirklich eine Erinnerung wegen dieser Freigabe verschickt werden?","Attach as copy":"Als Kopie anhängen","Audio":"Audio","Audio Info":"Audio-Informationen","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Choose":"Auswählen","Choose how access is granted":"Bitte auswählen, wie der Zugriff erteilt wird","Close filter":"Filter schließen","Context menu of the share":"Kontextmenü der Freigabe","Copied":"Kopiert","Copy":"Kopieren","Copy link to clipboard":"Link in die Zwischenablage kopieren","Copy private link to clipboard":"Privaten Link in die Zwischenablage kopieren","Create":"Erstellen","Create a new space":"Neuen Space erstellen","Create link":"Link erstellen","Create new files or folders":"Dateien oder Ordner neu erstellen","Creating space failed…":"Anlegen des Space fehlgeschlagen","Delete":"Löschen","Delete link":"Link löschen","Deleted files":"Gelöschte Dateien","Deny access":"Zugriff verweigern","Deselect %{label}":"%{label} abwählen","Deselect %{name}":"Auswahl für %{name} aufheben","Details":"Details","Device make":"Marke","Device model":"Gerätemodell","Dimensions":"Abmessungen","Disabled":"Deaktiviert","Disc":"Disc","Document":"Dokument","Download":"Herunterladen","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Dateien oder Ordner hierherziehen oder die \"Neu\" oder \"Hochladen\" Buttons nutzen, um Dateien hinzuzufügen","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Dateien hierher ziehen oder klicken, um die Dateiauswahl zu öffnen.","Duration":"Dauer","Edit expiration date":"Ablaufdatum bearbeiten","Edit image":"Bild bearbeiten","Edit name":"Namen bearbeiten","Edit password":"Passwort bearbeiten","Edit permission":"Berechtigungen bearbeiten","Edit third party notification":"Dritte benachrichtigen","Email address":"E-Mail-Adresse","Email can't be empty":"E-Mail darf nicht leer sein.","Email is invalid":"E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig.","Enabled":"Aktiviert","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Geben Sie einen Namen ein, um Personen oder Gruppen als Mitglieder zu diesem Space hinzuzufügen.","Enter text to create a Tag":"Text eingeben, um einen Tag zu erzeugen","Error while editing the share.":"Fehler beim Bearbeiten der Freigabe.","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"Wer die Datei sehen kann, sieht auch die Schlagworte. Ebenso können alle, die die Datei bearbeiten können, auch die Schlagworte ändern.","Everyone with the link":"Alle, die den Link kennen","Expires %{expires}":"Läuft ab: %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Läuft %{timeToExpiry} ab (%{expiryDate})","Exposure time":"Belichtungsdauer","F number":"Blende","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"Hinzufügen der Freigabe für \"%{displayName}\" fehlgeschlagen","Failed to apply expiration date":"Fehler beim Anwenden des Ablaufdatums","Failed to apply new permissions":"Fehler beim Setzen der Berechtigungen","Failed to delete link":"Fehler beim Löschen des Links","Failed to deny access":"Zugriffsverweigerung fehlgeschlagen","Failed to edit tags":"Schlagworte konnten nicht bearbeitet werden","Failed to grant access":"Erteilung von Zugriffsrechten fehlgeschlagen.","Failed to remove share":"Fehler beim Löschen der Freigabe","Failed to update link":"Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Links","Failed to upload space image":"Fehler beim Hochladen des Space-Bildes","Favorites":"Favoriten","File":"Datei","File already exists":"Die Datei existiert bereits.","Files":"Dateien","Filter members":"Mitglieder filtern","Filter share types":"Nach Freigabentyp filtern","Filter shared by":"Geteiltes filtern nach","Filter tags":"Schlagworte filtern","Filter:":"Filter:","Focal length":"Brennweite","Folder":"Ordner","Folder already exists":"Der Ordner existiert bereits.","Folders":"Ordner","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"%{totalResults} Ergebnisse gefunden, zeige die %{itemCount} besten passenden Treffer","Genre":"Genre","Go to »Personal« page":"Persönliche Seite anzeigen","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Zur »Spaces Übersicht« gehen","Group":"Gruppe","Guest user":"Gastnutzer/-in","Hidden Shares":"Ausgeblendete Freigaben","Hide":"Ausblenden","How to edit indirect links":"Bearbeiten von indirekten Links","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Wenn Sie einen Ordner teilen, werden alle seine Inhalte und Unterordner ebenfalls geteilt.","Image":"Bild","Image Info":"Bild-Informationen","Incognito":"Inkognito","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Indirekte Links (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Indirekte Links sind Links, die den Zugriff durch einen übergeordneten Ordner ermöglichen.","Invited by":"Eingeladen von","ISO":"ISO","last 30 days":"letzte 30 Tage","last 7 days":"letzte 7 Tage","Last modified":"Zuletzt bearbeitet","Last Modified":"Zuletzt bearbeitet","last month":"letzten Monat","last week":"letzte Woche","last year":"letztes Jahr","Learn about spaces":"Mehr über Spaces herausfinden","Link":"Link","Link name":"Link-Name","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Der Space-Name darf nicht länger als 255 Zeichen sein.","Link was deleted successfully":"Der Link wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.","Link was updated successfully":"Der Link wurde erfolgreich bearbeitet.","Loading list of shares":"Lade die Liste der Freigaben.","Location":"Standort","Locked by":"Gesperrt von","Member capabilities":"Berechtigungen für Mitglieder","Members":"Mitglieder","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Mitglieder können sehen, wer Zugriff auf diesen Space und alle darin enthaltenen Datein hat. Lese- und Schreibberechtigungen können mittels Rollen zugewiesen werden.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Mitglieder mit der Rolle Management können alle Eigenschaften und Inhalte eines Spaces bearbeiten. Zum Beispiel können sie Personen hinzufügen oder entfernen, Unterordner mit Personen teilen, die nicht zum Space gehören, oder Freigabe-Links erstellen.","Merge":"Zusammenführen","Name":"Name","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Zu '%{folder}' navigieren","Navigate to parent folder":"In den übergeordneten Ordner navigieren","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"In den übergeordneten Ordner (%{folderName}) navigieren","New":"Neu","New folder":"Neuer Ordner","New Folder":"Neuer Ordner","New space":"Neuer Space","New Space":"Neuer Space","no":"nein","No hidden shares":"Keine ausgeblendeten Freigaben","No information to display":"Keine Informationen anzeigbar.","No link":"Kein Link","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"Keine Anmeldung erforderlich. Alle, die den Link kennen, können zugreifen. Wenn Sie diesen Link mit Personen aus der Liste „Eingeladene Personen“ teilen, müssen sich diese anmelden, damit ihre individuell zugewiesenen Berechtigungen wirksam sind. Wenn Sie sich nicht einloggen, verfügen Sie nur über die Berechtigungen des Links.","No resources found":"Keine Dateien gefunden","No results found":"Keine Ergebnisse gefunden","No shares":"Keine Freigaben","No users or groups found.":"Keine Personen oder Gruppen gefunden.","No Versions available for this file":"Für diese Datei sind keine Versionen verfügbar. ","Not enough quota":"Zu wenig Speicherplatz","Note: Transfer of nested folder structures is not possible. Instead, all files from the subfolders will be uploaded individually.":"Hinweis: Die Übertragung von verschachtelten Ordnerstrukturen ist nicht möglich. Stattdessen werden alle Dateien aus den Unterordnern einzeln hochgeladen.","Notification":"Benachrichtigung","Notify a third party about uploads":"Dritte über Uploads benachrichtigen.","Notify me about uploads":"Mich über Uploads benachrichtigen","Notify via mail":"Per E-Mail benachrichtigen","Only invited people can access":"Nur eingeladene Personen haben Zugriff","Open context menu and show members":"Kontextmenü öffnen und Mitglieder anzeigen","Orientation":"Ausrichtung","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Übersicht der Informationen für die ausgewählte Datei","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Überblick der Informationen zu den ausgewählten Dateien","Owner":"Besitzer/-in","Password":"Passwort","Paste here":"Hier einfügen","PDF":"PDF","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Personen, mit denen Ressourcen geteilt werden, können nicht sehen, wer noch Zugriff hat.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Personen, mit denen Sie Ressourcen teilen, werden darüber per E-Mail oder App benachrichtigt.","Person was added":"Person hinzugefügt","Personal":"Persönlich","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Bitte warten, bis alle Importe abgeschlossen sind.","Presentation":"Presentation","Private link":"Privater Link","Private link copied":"Privater Link kopiert","Public link":"Öffentlicher Link","Reload public link":"Öffentlichen Link neu laden","Remote user":"Externe Person","Remove":"Entfernen","Remove expiration date":"Entferne Ablaufdatum","Remove member":"Mitglied entfernen","Remove password":"Entferne Passwort","Remove share":"Freigabe entfernen","Rename":"Umbenennen","Replace":"Ersetzen","Resource is temporarily locked, unable to manage share":"Die Ressource ist vorübergehend gesperrt und kann die Freigabe nicht verwalten","Resource not found":"Datei nicht gefunden","Restore":"Wiederherstellen","Save":"Speichern","Search":"Suchen","Search for files":"Suche nach Dateien","Search for service or secondary Account":"Suche nach Dienst oder Zweitkonto","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"Suchergebnisse für \"%{searchTerm}\"","See all versions":"Alle Versionen anzeigen","Select permission":"Berechtigung auswählen","Select role for the invitation":"Rolle für Freigabe-Einladung auswählen","Send":"Verschicken","Send a reminder":"Erinnerung verschicken","Set expiration date":"Ablaufdatum setzen","Share":"Teilen","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Freigabe läuft ab %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share link(s)":"Link(s) teilen","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Freigabe für: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Empfänger/-in der Freigabe","Share successfully changed":"Freigabe erfolgreich geändert","Share Type":"Freigabentyp","Share via link":"Per Link teilen","Share was added successfully":"Freigabe wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt.","Share was removed successfully":"Freigabe wurde erfolgreich entfernt.","Share with people":"Mit Personen teilen","Shared by":"Geteilt von","Shared By":"Geteilt von","Shared on":"Geteilt am","Shared via":"Geteilt durch","Shared via link":"Per Link geteilt","Shared with":"Geteilt mit","Shared with me":"Mit mir geteilt","Shared with others":"Mit anderen geteilt","Shares":"Freigaben","Shares pages navigation":"Navigation der geteilten Dateien Seiten","Shortcut":"Verknüpfung","Show":"Anzeigen","Show all":"Alle anzeigen","Show context menu":"Kontextmenü anzeigen","Show less":"Weniger anzeigen","Show members":"Mitglieder anzeigen","Show more":"Mehr anzeigen","Show more actions":"Mehr Aktionen anzeigen","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Zeige bis zu %{searchLimit} Ergebnisse","Size":"Größe","Space has no deleted files":"Der Space hat keine gelöschten Dateien.","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Das Space-Bild wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen.","Space manager capabilities":"Berechtigungen für Space-Verwalter/-innen","Space members":"Space-Mitglieder","Space name":"Name des Spaces","Space was created successfully":"Der Space wurde erfolgreich angelegt.","Spaces":"Spaces","Spaces are special folders built for collaboration.":"Spaces sind besondere Order für die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen.","Spreadsheet":"Tabellenkalkulation","Subfolders":"Unterordner","Switch to condensed table view":"Zur verdichteten Tabellenansicht wechseln","Switch to default table view":"Zur normalen Tabellenansicht wechseln","Switch to tiles view":"Zur Kachelansicht wechseln","Synced with your devices":"Mit deinen Geräten synchronisiert","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"Tag darf nicht nur aus Leerzeichen bestehen.","Tags":"Schlagworte","Taken time":"Aufnahmedatum","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"Das Symbol \"via Ordner\" wird neben einer Freigabe angezeigt, wenn die Freigabe bereits über einen übergeordneten Ordner gewährt wurde. Klicken Sie auf \"via Ordner\", um die Freigabe in ihrem übergeordneten Ordner zu bearbeiten.","The file type is unsupported":"Dieser Dateityp wird nicht unterstützt.","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Der Link \"%{linkName}\" wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Der Link wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Der private Link wurde in die Zwichenablage kopiert.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Keine Elemente als Favoriten ausgewählt","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"Zu wenig Speicherplatz in %{spaceName}, weitere %{missingSpace} benötigt, um diese Dateien hochzuladen.","This file has been shared.":"Diese Datei wurde geteilt.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Der Ordner enthält %{ amount } Datei.","Der Ordner enthält %{ amount } Dateien."],"This folder has been shared.":"Dieser Ordner wurde geteilt.","This folder has no content.":"Dieser Ordner ist leer.","This link is password-protected":"Dieser Link ist passwortgeschützt.","this month":"diesen Monat","this week":"diese Woche","this year":"dieses Jahr","Title":"Titel","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Für die Suche nach Service- oder Zweitaccounts muss ein „a:“ (Beispielsweise „a:Martina“) vor den Nutzernamen hinzugefügt werden, für Gastaccounts ein „l:“ (Beispielsweise „l:Max“).","today":"heute","Track":"Track","Type":"Typ","Unrestricted":"Uneingeschränkt","Upload":"Hochladen","Upload files or folders":"Dateien oder Ordner hochladen","Uploads will be notified to a third party":"Uploads werden Dritten gemeldet","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Benutzen Sie das Eingabefeld, um nach Personen und Gruppen zu suchen.","User":"Person","Versions":"Versionen","via":"durch","Video":"Video","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Wir haben überall gesucht, konnten das ausgewählte Element aber nicht finden.","What are indirect links?":"Was sind indirekte Links?","When a file is uploaded, this address will be notified as well.":"Wenn eine Datei hochgeladen wurde, wird eine Benachrichtigung an diese Adresse verschickt.","Who can view tags?":"Wer kann Schlagworte sehen?","Year recorded":"Aufnahmejahr","yesterday":"gestern","You do not have permission to create links":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung Links zu erstellen.","You don't have access to any spaces":"Sie haben aktuell keinen Zugriff auf einen Space.","You don't have access to any trashbins":"Sie haben aktuell keinen Zugriff auf Papierkörbe","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung diese Datei zu teilen.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung diesen Ordner zu teilen.","You have no deleted files":"Sie haben keine gelöschten Dateien.","You have no permission to create new files!":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung, um neue Dateien zu erstellen.","You have no permission to paste files here!":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung, um Dateien hier einzufügen.","You have no permission to upload!":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Hochladen.","You have not shared any resource via link.":"Sie haben keine Ressourcen per Link geteilt.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"Sie haben keine Ressourcen mit anderen Personen geteilt."},"el":{"Actions":"Ενέργειες","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την φόρτωση του δημόσιου συνδέσμου","Cancel":"Ακύρωση","Create":"Δημιουργία","Delete":"Διαγραφή","Deleted files":"Διαγραμμένα αρχεία","Download":"Λήψη","Favorites":"Αγαπημένα","Files":"Αρχεία","Folders":"Φάκελοι","Group":"Ομάδα","Name":"Όνομα","No Versions available for this file":"Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες εκδόσεις για αυτό το αρχείο","Password":"Συνθηματικό","Rename":"Μετονομασία","Restore":"Επαναφορά","Save":"Αποθήκευση","Search":"Αναζήτηση","Shared with":"Διαμοιράστηκε με","Shared with others":"Διαμοιρασμένα με άλλους","Size":"Μέγεθος","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Ο ιδιωτικός σύνδεσμος έχει αντιγραφεί στο πρόχειρο σας.","User":"Χρήστης","Versions":"Εκδόσεις","You have no permission to upload!":"Δεν έχετε δικαιώματα για μεταφόρτωση!"},"es":{"“via folder”":"\"via carpeta\"","(me)":"(yo)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } archivo","%{ filesCount } archivos","%{ filesCount } archivos"],"%{ filesCount } file including %{ filesHiddenCount } hidden":["%{ filesCount } archivo incluyendo %{ filesHiddenCount } oculto","%{ filesCount } archivos incluyendo %{ filesHiddenCount } ocultos","%{ filesCount } archivos incluyendo %{ filesHiddenCount } ocultos"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } carpeta","%{ foldersCount } carpetas","%{ foldersCount } carpetas"],"%{ foldersCount } folder including %{ foldersHiddenCount } hidden":["%{ foldersCount } carpeta incluyendo %{ foldersHiddenCount } oculta","%{ foldersCount } carpetas incluyendo %{ foldersHiddenCount } ocultas","%{ foldersCount } carpetas incluyendo %{ foldersHiddenCount } ocultas"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } elemento seleccionado","%{ itemCount } elementos seleccionados","%{ itemCount } elementos seleccionados"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } elemento en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } elemento en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } elemento con %{ itemSize } en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos con %{ itemSize } en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos con %{ itemSize } en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } elemento con %{ itemSize } en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos con %{ itemSize } en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos con %{ itemSize } en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } espacio","%{ spacesCount } espacios","%{ spacesCount } espacios"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (yo)","%{count} member":["%{count} miembro","%{count} miembros","%{count} miembros"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} compartió esta carpeta con usted para subir archivos.","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType} no puede acceder a %{resourceName}","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} spaces coincidentes","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} papeleras coinciden","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} spaces en total","%{spaceCount} spaces in total (including %{disabledSpaceCount} disabled)":"%{spaceCount} espacios en total (including %{disabledSpaceCount} desactivados)","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"%{spaceCount} papeleras en total","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (deshabilitado)","Access denied":"Acceso denegado","Access details":"Datos de acceso","Access expires":"Acceso caducado","Access was denied successfully":"Acceso denegado con éxito","Access was granted successfully":"El acceso se ha concedido con éxito","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Es necesario tener una cuenta e iniciar sesión. Solo pueden acceder las personas de la lista \"personas Invitadas\".","Account type":"Tipo de cuenta","Actions":"Acciones","Add":"Añadir","Add link":"Añadir enlace","Add members to this Space":"Añadir miembros a este espacio","Add password":"Añadir contraseña","Album":"Álbum","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Se ha producido un error al cargar el enlace público","Apply":"Aplicar","Archive":"Archivador","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este enlace? No es posible volver a crear el mismo enlace.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar a este miembro?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta acción?","Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?":"¿Está seguro de que desea enviar un recordatorio sobre esta acción?","Attach as copy":"Adjuntar como copia","Audio":"Audio","Audio Info":"Información del audio","Authors":"Autores","Cancel":"Cancelar","Choose":"Elige","Choose how access is granted":"Elija cómo se concede el acceso","Close filter":"Cerrar filtro","Context menu of the share":"Menú contextual de la acción","Copied":"Copiada/o","Copy":"Copiar","Copy link to clipboard":"Copiar el enlace al portapapeles","Copy location to clipboard":"Copiar localización al portapapeles","Copy private link to clipboard":"Copiar el enlace privado al portapapeles","Create":"Crear","Create a new space":"Crear un nuevo espacio","Create link":"Crear enlace","Create new files or folders":"Crear nuevos archivos y carpetas?","Creating space failed…":"Error al crear el espacio....","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete link":"Eliminar enlace","Deleted at":"Eliminado a las","Deleted files":"Archivos borrados","Deny access":"Acceso denegado","Deselect %{label}":"Deseleccionar %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"Deseleccionar %{nombre}","Details":"Detalles","Device make":"Fabricante","Device model":"Modelo","Dimensions":"Dimensiones","Disabled":"Deshabilitado","Disc":"Disco","Document":"Documento","Download":"Descargar","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Arrastre archivos y carpetas aquí o utilice los botones \"Nuevo\" o \"Cargar\" para añadir archivos","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Arrastra archivos aquí o haz clic para seleccionar un archivo","Duration":"Duración","Edit expiration date":"Editar fecha de expiración","Edit image":"Editar imagen","Edit name":"Editar nombre","Edit password":"Editar contraseña","Edit permission":"Editar permisos","Edit third party notification":"Editar notificación a terceros","Email address":"Dirección de correo electrónico","Email can't be empty":"El correo electrónico no puede estar vacío","Email is invalid":"El correo electrónico no es válido","Enabled":"Habilitado","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Introduzca un nombre para añadir personas o grupos como miembros de este espacio.","Enter text to create a Tag":"Introduzca texto para crear una Etiqueta","Error while editing the share.":"Error al editar la acción.","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"Todos los que pueden ver el archivo pueden ver sus etiquetas. Del mismo modo, todos los que pueden editar el archivo pueden editar sus etiquetas.","Everyone with the link":"Todos con el enalce","Expires %{expires}":"Expira %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Expira %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Exposure time":"Tiempo de exposición","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"Fallo al añadir recurso compartido para \"%{displayName}\"","Failed to apply expiration date":"Error al aplicar la fecha de expiración","Failed to apply new permissions":"Error al aplicar los nuevos permisos","Failed to delete link":"Error al eliminar el enlace","Failed to deny access":"No se ha podido denegar el acceso","Failed to edit tags":"Error al editar etiquetas","Failed to grant access":"No se ha podido conceder el acceso","Failed to remove share":"No se ha podido eliminar la acción","Failed to update link":"Error al actualizar el enlace","Failed to upload space image":"Error al subir la imagen al espacio","Favorites":"Favoritos","File":"Archivo","File already exists":"El archivo ya existe","Files":"Archivos","Filter members":"Filtrar miebros","Filter share types":"Filtrar tipos de recursos compartidos","Filter shared by":"Filtrar compartido por","Filter tags":"Filtrar etiquetas","Filter:":"Filtrar:","Focal length":"Distancia focal","Folder":"Carpeta","Folder already exists":"La carpeta ya existe","Folders":"Carpetas","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"Encontrados %{totalResults}, mostrando los %{itemCount} mejores resultados coincidentes.","Genre":"Género","Go to »Personal« page":"Ir a la página »Personal«","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Ir a »Visión general de los espacios«","Group":"Grupo","Guest user":"Usuario invitado","Hidden Shares":"Acciones ocultas","Hide":"Ocultar","How to edit indirect links":"Cómo editar enlaces indirectos","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Si compartes una carpeta, todos sus contenidos y subcarpetas se compartirán también.","Image":"Imagen","Image Info":"Información de la imagen","Include disabled":"Incluir desactivados","Incognito":"Incógnito","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Enlaces indirectos (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Los enlaces indirectos son enlaces que dan acceso mediante una carpeta padre.","Invited by":"Invitado por","last 30 days":"últimos 30 días","last 7 days":"últimos 7 días","Last modified":"Última modificación","Last Modified":"Última modificación","last month":"último mes","last week":"última semana","last year":"último año","Learn about spaces":"Aprende sobre los espacios","Link":"Enlace","Link name":"Nombre del enlace","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"El nombre del enlace no puedo exceder de los 255 caracteres ","Link was deleted successfully":"Enlace eliminado correctamente","Link was updated successfully":"Enlace actualizado correctamente","Loading list of shares":"Cargar lista de compartidos","Location":"Localización","Locked by":"Bloqueado por","Member capabilities":"Capacidades del miembro","Members":"Miembros","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Los miembros pueden ver quién tiene acceso a este espacio y acceder a todos los archivos de este espacio. Los permisos de lectura o escritura pueden establecerse asignando un rol.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Los miembros con el rol de administrador pueden editar todas las propiedades y contenidos de un espacio, como añadir o eliminar miembros, compartir subcarpetas con no miembros o crear enlaces para compartir.","Merge":"Combinar","Name":"Nombre","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Navegar a '%{carpeta}'","Navigate to parent folder":"Ir a la carpeta principal","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Navegar a la carpeta principal (%{folderName})","New":"Nuevo","New folder":"Nueva carpeta","New Folder":"Nueva carpeta","New space":"Nuevo espacio","New Space":"Nuevo espacio","no":"no","No hidden shares":"No hay compartidos ocultos","No information to display":"No hay información que mostrar","No link":"Sin enlace","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"No es necesario iniciar sesión. Todos los que tengan el enlace pueden acceder. Si compartes este enlace con personas de la lista \"Personas invitadas\", deberán iniciar sesión para que surtan efecto los permisos individuales asignados. Si no inician sesión, los permisos del enlace surtirán efecto.","No resources found":"No se han encontrado recursos","No results found":"No se han encontrado resultados","No shares":"No hay compartidos","No users or groups found.":"No se han encontrado usuarios ni grupos.","No Versions available for this file":"No hay versiones disponibles para este archivo","Not enough quota":"Cuota insuficiente","Note: Transfer of nested folder structures is not possible. Instead, all files from the subfolders will be uploaded individually.":"Nota: No es posible transferir carpetas anidadas. En vez de eso, todos los archivos de las subcarpetas serán subidos individualmente","Notification":"Notificación","Notify a third party about uploads":"Notificar a terceros sobre las cargas","Notify me about uploads":"Notificarme sobre las subidas","Notify via mail":"Notificar por correo","Only invited people can access":"Sólo pueden acceder las personas invitadas","Open context menu and show members":"Abrir el menú contextual y mostrar los miembros","Open context menu with share editing options":"Abir menú de contexto con opciones de edición compartida","Orientation":"Orientación","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Resumen de la información sobre el archivo seleccionado","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Resumen de la información sobre los archivos seleccionados","Owner":"Propietario","Password":"Contraseña","Paste here":"Pegar aquí","PDF":"PDF","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Las personas con las que compartes recursos no pueden ver quién más tiene acceso.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Las personas con las que compartas recursos recibirán una notificación por correo electrónico o a través de la aplicación.","Person was added":"La persona ha sido agregada","Personal":"Personal","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Espere a que finalicen todas las importaciones","Presentation":"Presentación","Private link":"Enlace privado","Private link copied":"Enlace privado copiado","Public link":"Enlace público","Reload public link":"Recargar enlace público","Remote user":"Usuario remoto","Remove":"Eliminar","Remove expiration date":"Eliminar fecha de vencimiento","Remove member":"Eliminar miembro","Remove password":"Eliminar contraseña","Remove share":"Eliminar recurso compartido","Rename":"Renombrar","Replace":"Reemplazar","Resource is temporarily locked, unable to manage share":"El recurso está bloqueado temporalmente, no se puede gestionar el recurso","Resource not found":"Recurso no encontrado","Restore":"Restaurar","Save":"Guardar","Search":"Buscar","Search for files":"Buscar archivos","Search for service or secondary Account":"Buscar servicio o cuenta secundaria","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"Resultados de la búsqueda para \"%{searchTerm}\"","See all versions":"Ver todas las versiones","Select a file or folder to view details":"Selecciona un archivo o carpeta para ver los detalles","Select a trash to view details":"Seleccione una papelera para ver los detalles","Select permission":"Seleccionar permisos","Select role for the invitation":"Seleccione un rol para la invitación","Send":"Enviar","Send a reminder":"Enviar un recordatorio","Set expiration date":"Fijar la fecha de caducidad","Share":"Compartir","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"El recurso expira %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share link(s)":"Compartir enlace(s)","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Nombre del receptor: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Receptores de recursos","Share successfully changed":"Recurso modificado con éxito","Share Type":"Tipo de recurso compartido","Share via link":"Compartir a través del enlace","Share was added successfully":"La compartición se ha añadido correctamente","Share was removed successfully":"La compartición se ha eliminado correctamente","Share with people":"Compartir con los demás","Shared by":"Compartido por","Shared By":"Compartido por","Shared on":"Compartido en","Shared via":"Compartido a través de","Shared via link":"Compartido vía enlace","Shared with":"Compartido con","Shared with me":"Compartido conmigo","Shared with others":"Compartido con otros","Shares":"Compartidos","Shares pages navigation":"Navegación por las páginas de recursos compartidos","Shortcut":"Acceso directo","Show":"Mostrar","Show all":"Mostrar todo","Show context menu":"Mostrar menú contextual","Show less":"Mostrar menos","Show members":"Mostrar miembros","Show more":"Mostrar más","Show more actions":"Mostrar más acciones","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Presentarse a %{searchLimit} results","Size":"Tamaño","Space has no deleted files":"El espacio no tiene archivos eliminados","Space image was uploaded successfully":"La imagen espacial se ha cargado correctamente","Space manager capabilities":"Capacidades del gestor espacial","Space members":"Miembros del espacio","Space name":"Nombre del espacio","Space was created successfully":"El espacio se ha creado correctamente","Spaces":"Espacios","Spaces are special folders built for collaboration.":"Los espacios son carpetas especiales diseñadas para la colaboración","Spreadsheet":"Hoja de cálculo","Subfolders":"Sub-carpetas","Switch to condensed table view":"Cambiar a la vista de tabla condensada","Switch to default table view":"Cambiar a la vista de tabla por defecto","Switch to tiles view":"Cambiar a la vista de mosaicos","Synced with your devices":"Sincronizado con tus dispositivos","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"La etiqueta no debe constar únicamente de espacios en blanco","Tags":"Etiquetas","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"La opción \"a través de carpeta\" aparece junto a un recurso compartido si ya se ha dado acceso a través de una carpeta principal. Haga clic en \"a través de carpeta\" para editar el recurso compartido en su carpeta principal.","The file type is unsupported":"Tipo de archivo no compatible","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"El enlace \"%{linkName}\" se ha copiado en el portapapeles.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"El enlace se ha copiado en el portapapeles.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"El enlace privado ha sido copiado al portapapeles","There are no resources marked as favorite":"No hay recursos marcados como favoritos","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"No hay cuota suficiente en %{spaceName}, necesitas más %{missingSpace} para cargar estos archivos","This file has been shared.":"Este archivo ha sido compartido.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Esta carpeta contiene %{ amount } elemento.","Esta carpeta contiene %{ amount } elementos.","Esta carpeta contiene %{ amount } elementos."],"This folder has been shared.":"Esta carpeta ha sido compartida","This folder has no content.":"Esta carpeta no tiene contenido","This link is password-protected":"Este enlace está protegido por contraseña","this month":"este mes","this week":"esta semana","this year":"este año","Title":"Título","Title only":"Solo título","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Para buscar cuentas de servicio o secundarias, escriba el nombre de usuario con \"a:\" (por ejemplo, \"a:doe\") y, para las cuentas de invitado, escriba el nombre de usuario con \"l:\" (por ejemplo, \"l:doe\").","today":"hoy","Track":"Pista","Type":"Tipo","Unrestricted":"Sin restricciones","Upload":"Subir","Upload files or folders":"cargar archivos y carpetas","Uploads will be notified to a third party":"Las cargas se notificarán a un tercero","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Utiliza el campo de entrada para buscar usuarios y grupos. Selecciónalos para compartir el elemento.","User":"Usuario","Versions":"Versiones","via":"a través de","Video":"Video","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Buscamos por todas partes, pero no pudimos encontrar el recurso seleccionado.","What are indirect links?":"¿Qué son los enlaces indirectos?","When a file is uploaded, this address will be notified as well.":"Cuando se cargue un archivo, también se notificará a esta dirección.","Who can view tags?":"¿Quién puede ver las etiquetas?","yesterday":"ayer","You do not have permission to create links":"Usted no tiene permisos para crear enlaces","You don't have access to any spaces":"No tienes acceso a ningún espacio","You don't have access to any trashbins":"No tienes acceso a ninguna papelera","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Usted no tiene permisos para compartir este archivo","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Usted no tiene permisos para compartir esta carpeta","You have no deleted files":"Tu no tienes archivos eliminados","You have no permission to create new files!":"No tienes permiso para crear nuevos archivos.","You have no permission to paste files here!":"No tienes permiso para pegar archivos aquí.","You have no permission to upload!":"No tienes permisos para subir.","You have not shared any resource via link.":"No has compartido ningún recurso mediante enlace.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"No has compartido ningún recurso con otras personas."},"et":{},"fr":{"“via folder”":"Via le dossier","(me)":"(moi)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } fichier","%{ filesCount } fichier","%{ filesCount } fichiers"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ filesCount } dossier","%{ filesCount } dossiers","%{ filesCount } dossiers"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } fichier sélectionner","%{ itemCount } fichiers sélectionnés","%{ itemCount } éléments sélectionnés"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (Moi)","%{count} member":["%{count} membre","%{count} membres","%{count} membres"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} a partagé ce dossier avec vous pour uploader.","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} espaces correspondants","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} espaces en tout","Access denied":"Accès refusé","Access details":"Détails de l'accès","Access expires":"Accès expirée","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Compte obligatoire. Seuls les utilisateurs dans la liste des \"Invité\" dispose d'un accès.","Actions":"Actions","Add":"Ajouter","Add link":"Ajouter un lien","Add members to this Space":"Ajouter des membres a l'Espace","Add password":"Ajouter un mot de passe","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Une erreur est apparue lors du chargement du lien public","Apply":"Appliquer","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce lien ? Recréer le même lien ne sera pas possibe à l'avenir.","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce partage ?","Cancel":"Annuler","Choose how access is granted":"Choisissez qu'elle accès sont accordés","Context menu of the share":"Menu contextuel de partage","Copied":"Copié","Copy":"Copier","Copy link to clipboard":"Copier le lien dans le presse papier","Copy private link to clipboard":"Copier le lien privé vers le presse papier","Create":"Créer","Create a new space":"Créer un nouvel espace","Create link":"Créer un lien","Create new files or folders":"Créer de nouveaux fichiers ou dossiers","Creating space failed…":"Erreur lors de la création de l'espace...","Delete":"Supprimer","Delete link":"Supprimer le lien","Deleted files":"Fichiers supprimés","Deny access":"Refuser l'accès","Deselect %{name}":"désélectionner %{name}","Details":"Détails","Disabled":"Désactivé","Download":"Télécharger","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Déposer des fichiers ici pour uploader ou cliquer pour sélectionner des fichiers","Edit expiration date":"Modifier la date d'expiration","Edit image":"Modifier l'image","Edit name":"Modifier le nom","Edit password":"Modifier le mot de passe","Enabled":"Activé","Everyone with the link":"Tous les utilisateurs disposant du lieu","Expires %{expires}":"Expire le %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoris","Files":"Fichiers","Filter members":"Filtrer les membres","Folder":"Dossier","Folders":"Dossiers","Group":"Groupe","Guest user":"Utilisateur invité","Hide":"Masquer","Last modified":"Dernière modification","Link":"Lien","Link name":"Nom du lien","Members":"Membres","Name":"Nom","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Aller à \"%{folder}\"","New":"Nouveau","New folder":"Nouveau dossier","New space":"Nouvel espace","New Space":"Nouvel Espace","No information to display":"Aucune information à afficher","No link":"Aucun lien","No resources found":"Aucune ressource trouvée","No users or groups found.":"Aucun utilisateur ou groupe n'a été trouvé","No Versions available for this file":"Aucune version n'existe pour ce fichier","Not enough quota":"Quota insuffisant","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Aperçu des informations sur le fichier sélectionné","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Aperçu des informations sur les fichiers sélectionnés","Owner":"Propriétaire","Password":"Mot de passe","Paste here":"Coller ici","Person was added":"Une personne a été ajoutée","Personal":"Personnel","Private link":"Lien privé","Private link copied":"Lien privé copié","Public link":"Lien public","Reload public link":"Recharger le lien public","Remote user":"Utilisateur distant","Remove":"Retirer","Remove expiration date":"Supprimer date d'expiration","Remove password":"Supprimer mot de passe","Rename":"Renommer","Resource not found":" Ressource introuvable ","Restore":"Restaurer","Save":"Sauvegarder","Search":"Recherche","See all versions":"Voir toutes les versions","Set 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dossier est vide.","Upload":"Envoyer","Upload files or folders":"Envoyer des fichiers ou des dossiers","User":"Utilisateur","Versions":"Versions","via":"via","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Nous avons cherché partout, mais nous n’avons pas pu trouver la ressource sélectionnée.","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Vous n'avez pas la permission de partager ce fichier.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Vous n'avez pas la permission de partager ce dossier.","You have no deleted files":"Vous n'avez aucun fichier supprimé","You have no permission to create new files!":"Vous n'avez pas les droits pour créer de nouveaux fichiers !","You have no permission to upload!":"Vous n'avez pas la permission d'uploader !"},"gl":{"(me)":"(eu)","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} compartiu este cartafol con vostede para envialo","Actions":"Accións","An error occurred while loading the public 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זו.","You have no deleted files":"אין לך קבצים שנמחקו","You have no permission to create new files!":"אין לך הרשאה ליצור קבצים חדשים!","You have no permission to upload!":"אין לך הרשאות להעלאה!"},"id":{"Cancel":"Batal","Create":"Buat","Delete":"Hapus","Deny access":"Tolak Akses","Group":"Grup","Link":"Tautan","Search":"Cari"},"it":{"(me)":"(io)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } file","%{ filesCount } files","%{ filesCount } files"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } cartella","%{ foldersCount } cartelle","%{ foldersCount } cartelle"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } elemento selezionato","%{ itemCount } elementi selezionati","%{ itemCount } elementi selezionati"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } elemento in totale (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementi totali (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementi totali (%{ filesStr}, 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accesso","Access expires":"Scadenza accesso","Access was denied successfully":"Accesso negato con successo","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"È necessario possedere un account ed accedervi. Solo le persone sulla lista \"Persone invitate\" possono accedere.","Actions":"Azioni","Add":"Aggiungi","Add link":"Aggiungi collegamento","Add members to this Space":"Aggiungi membri a questo Spazio","Add password":"Aggiungi password","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Si è verificato un errore nel caricamento del collegamento pubblico","Apply":"Applica","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Si è sicuri di voler eliminare questo collegamento? Non sarà possibile ricreare lo stesso collegamento in futuro.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Si è sicuri di voler rimuovere questo membro?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Si è sicuri di voler rimuovere questa condivisione?","Cancel":"Cancella","Close filter":"Chiudi filtri","Context menu of the share":"Menu contestuale della condivisione","Copied":"Copiato","Copy":"Copia","Copy link to clipboard":"Copia collegamento negli appunti","Copy private link to clipboard":"Copia collegamento privato negli appunti","Create":"Creare","Create a new space":"Creare uno spazio nuovo","Create link":"Creare collegamento","Create new files or folders":"Creare nuovi file o cartelle","Creating space failed…":"Creazione spazio non riuscita...","Delete":"Elimina","Delete link":"Elimina collegamento","Deleted files":"File eliminati","Deny access":"Negare l'accesso","Deselect %{label}":"Deseleziona %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"Deseleziona %{name}","Details":"Dettagli","Disabled":"Disabilitato","Download":"Scarica","Edit expiration date":"Modifica data di scadenza","Edit image":"Modifica immagine","Edit name":"Modifica nome","Edit password":"Modifica password","Edit permission":"Modifica permessi","Enabled":"Abilitato","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Scrivi un nome per aggiungere persone o gruppi come membri di questo Spazio","Error while editing the share.":"Errore nella modifica della condivisione","Everyone with the link":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento","Expires %{expires}":"Scade %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Scade tra %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to apply expiration date":"Applicazione della data di scadenza non riuscita","Failed to apply new permissions":"Applicazione di nuovi permessi non riuscita","Failed to delete link":"Non è stato possibile rimuovere il collegamento","Failed to deny access":"Non è stato possibile negare l'accesso","Failed to edit tags":"Non è stato possibile modificare i tag","Failed to grant access":"Non è stato possibile dare l'accesso","Failed to remove share":"Non è stato possibile rimuovere la condivisione","Failed to update link":"Non è stato possibile caricare il collegamento","Failed to upload space image":"Non è stato possibile caricare l'immagine dello spazio","Favorites":"Preferiti","File already exists":"Il file esiste già","Files":"Files","Filter members":"Filtra membri","Filter:":"Filtra:","Folder":"Cartella","Folders":"Cartelle","Group":"Gruppo","Guest user":"Ospite","Link":"Collegamento","Members":"Membri","Name":"Nome","Password":"Password","Personal":"Personale","Private link":"Link privato","Public link":"Link pubblico","Search":"Cerca","Share":"Condividi","Show context menu":"Visualizza menu contestuale","Spaces":"Spazi","The file type is unsupported":"Il tipo di file non è supportato","User":"Utente"},"ja":{},"nl":{"“via folder”":"“via map”","(me)":"(mijzelf)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } bestand","%{ filesCount } bestanden"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } map","%{ foldersCount } mappen"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } item geselecteerd","%{ itemCount } items geselecteerd"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } item in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } items in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } item in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } items in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } item met %{ itemSize } in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } items met %{ itemSize } in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } item met %{ itemSize } in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } items met %{ itemSize } in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } ruimte","%{ spacesCount } ruimtes"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (ik)","%{count} member":["%{count} lid","%{count} leden"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} heeft deze map met u gedeeld om te uploaden","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} overeenkomende ruimtes","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} ruimtes in totaal","Access denied":"Toegang geweigerd","Access details":"Toegangsgegevens","Access expires":"Toegang verloopt","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Account en login is vereist. Alleen personen uit de lijst \"Uitgenodigde personen\" hebben toegang.","Actions":"Acties","Add":"Toevoegen","Add link":"Link toevoegen","Add members to this Space":"Leden toevoegen aan deze ruimte","Add password":"Wachtwoord toevoegen","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het laden van de openbare link","Apply":"Toepassen","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Weet u zeker dat u deze link wilt verwijderen? Dezelfde link opnieuw maken is niet mogelijk.","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Weet u zeker dat u dit gedeelde item wilt verwijderen?","Cancel":"Annuleer","Choose how access is granted":"Kiezen hoe toegang wordt verleend","Close filter":"Filter sluiten","Context menu of the share":"Contextmenu van het gedeelde item","Copied":"Gekopieerd","Copy":"Kopiëren","Copy link to clipboard":"Link naar klembord kopiëren","Copy private link to clipboard":"Privélink naar klembord kopiëren","Create":"Creëren","Create a new space":"Maak een nieuwe ruimte aan","Create link":"Maak link","Create new files or folders":"Maak nieuwe bestanden of mappen","Creating space failed…":"Ruimte maken mislukte...","Delete":"Verwijder","Delete link":"Link verwijderen","Deleted files":"Verwijderde bestanden","Deny access":"Toegang weigeren","Deselect %{name}":"Deselecteer %{name}","Details":"Details","Disabled":"Uitgeschakeld","Download":"Downloaden","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Sleep bestanden en mappen hierheen of gebruik de knoppen \"Nieuw\" of \"Uploaden\" om bestanden toe te voegen","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Zet bestanden hier neer om te uploaden of klik om het bestand te selecteren","Edit expiration date":"Vervaldatum bewerken","Edit image":"Bewerk afbeelding","Edit name":"Naam bewerken","Edit password":"Wachtwoord bewerken","Enabled":"Ingeschakeld","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Voer een naam in om personen of groepen als leden aan deze ruikte toe te voegen.","Error while editing the share.":"Fout tijdens het bewerken van het gedeelde item.","Everyone with the link":"Iedereen met de link","Expires %{expires}":"Verloopt %{expires}","Failed to apply expiration date":"Kan vervaldatum niet toepassen","Failed to apply new permissions":"Kan geen nieuwe machtigingen toepassen","Failed to delete link":"Kan link niet verwijderen","Failed to remove share":"Kan gedeeld item niet verwijderen","Failed to update link":"Kan link niet bijwerken","Failed to upload space image":"Kan image van ruimte niet uploaden","Favorites":"Favorieten","File already exists":"Bestand bestaat al","Files":"Bestanden","Filter members":"Filter leden","Filter:":"Filter:","Folder":"Map","Folder already exists":"Map bestaat al","Folders":"Mappen","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"%{totalResults} gevonden, en tonen van de %{itemCount} best overeenkomende resultaten","Go to »Personal« page":"Ga naar de »Persoonlijk« pagina","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Ga naar »Overzicht ruimtes«","Group":"Groep","Guest user":"Gastgebruiker","Hide":"Verbergen","How to edit indirect links":"Hoe indirecte link te bewerken","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Als u een map deelt, worden alle inhoud en submappen ook gedeeld.","Incognito":"Incognito","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Indirecte links (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Indirecte links zijn links die toegang geven tot een bovenliggende map.","Invited by":"Uitgenodigd door","Last modified":"Laatst gewijzigd","Link":"Link","Link name":"Link naam","Link was deleted successfully":"Link is met succes verwijderd","Link was updated successfully":"Link is met succes bijgewerkt","Loading list of shares":"Laden van lijst met gedeelde items","Members":"Leden","Merge":"Samenvoegen","Name":"Naam","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Navigeer naar '%{folder}'","Navigate to parent folder":"Navigeer naar bovenliggende map","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Navigeer naar de bovenliggende (%{folderName})","New":"Nieuw","New folder":"Nieuwe map","New Folder":"Nieuwe map","New space":"Nieuwe ruimte","New Space":"Nieuwe ruimte","no":"nee","No information to display":"Geen informatie om weer te geven","No link":"Geen link","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"Inloggen is niet nodig. Iedereen met de link heeft toegang. Als je deze link deelt met personen uit de lijst \"Uitgenodigde personen\", moeten ze inloggen zodat hun individueel toegewezen machtigingen van kracht kunnen worden. Als ze niet zijn ingelogd, worden de machtigingen van de link van kracht.","No resources found":"Geen bronnen gevonden","No results found":"Geen resultaten gevonden","No users or groups found.":"Geen gebruikers of groepen gevonden.","No Versions available for this file":"Er zijn geen versies beschikbaar voor dit bestand","Not enough quota":"Niet genoeg quotum","Notification":"Bekendmaking","Only invited people can access":"Alleen uitgenodigde personen hebben toegang","Open context menu and show members":"Contextmenu openen en laat leden zien","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Overzicht van de informatie over het geselecteerde bestand","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Overzicht van de informatie over de geselecteerde bestanden","Owner":"Eigenaar","Password":"Wachtwoord","Paste here":"Hier plakken","Person was added":"Persoon is toegevoegd","Personal":"Persoonlijk","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Wacht svp tot alle imports zijn voltooid","Private link":"Privé koppeling","Private link copied":"Privélink gekopieerd","Public link":"Publieke koppeling","Reload public link":"Openbare link opnieuw laden","Remote user":"Externe gebruiker","Remove":"Verwijderen","Remove expiration date":"Vervaldatum verwijderen","Remove password":"Wachtwoord verwijderen","Remove share":"Gedeeld item verwijderen","Rename":"Hernoemen","Replace":"Vervangen","Resource not found":"Bron niet gevonden","Restore":"Herstellen","Save":"Opslaan","Search":"Zoek","Search for service or secondary Account":"Zoeken naar service of secundair account","See all versions":"Zie alle versies","Select role for the invitation":"Rol selecteren voor de uitnodiging","Set expiration date":"Vervaldatum instellen","Share":"Delen","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Item delen verloopt op %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Gedeeld item ontvangersnaam: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Ontvangers van gedeelde item","Share via link":"Delen via link","Share was removed successfully":"Gedeeld item is met succes verwijderd","Share with people":"Delen met personen","Shared by":"Gedeeld door","Shared on":"Gedeeld op","Shared via":"Delen via","Shared via link":"Gedeeld via link","Shared with":"Gedeeld met","Shared with me":"Met mij gedeeld","Shared with others":"Gedeeld met anderen","Shares":"Gedeelde items","Shares pages navigation":"Gedeelde items pagina navigatie","Show":"Toon","Show all":"Alles tonen","Show context menu":"Toon contextmenu","Show less":"Toon minder","Show members":"Toon leden","Show more":"Toon meer","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Weergave van maximaal %{searchLimit} resultaten","Size":"Grootte","Space has no deleted files":"Ruimte heeft geen verwijderde bestanden","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Image van ruimte met succes geüpload","Space members":"Ruimte leden","Space name":"Ruimtenaam","Spaces":"Ruimtes","Subfolders":"Submappen","Switch to condensed table view":"Overschakelen naar verkorte tabelweergave","Switch to default table view":"Overschakelen naar de standaardtabelweergave","Switch to tiles view":"Overschakelen naar de tegel weergave","Tags":"Tags","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"De \"via map\" wordt naast een gedeeld item getoond, als er al toegang is gegeven via een bovenliggende map. Klik op de \"via map\" om het gedeelde item in de bovenliggende map te bewerken.","The file type is unsupported":"Het bestandstype wordt niet ondersteund","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"De link \"%{linkName}\" is naar uw klembord gekopieerd.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"De privélink is gekopieerd naar uw klembord.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Er zijn geen bronnen gemarkeerd als favoriet","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"Er is niet genoeg quotum op %{spaceName}, u hebt extra %{missingSpace} nodig om deze bestanden te uploaden","This file has been shared.":"Dit bestand wordt gedeeld.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Deze map bevat %{ amount } item.","Deze map bevat %{ amount } items."],"This folder has been shared.":"Deze map wordt gedeeld.","This folder has no content.":"Deze map heeft geen inhoud.","This link is password-protected":"Deze link is beveiligd met een wachtwoord","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Om te zoeken naar service- of secundaire accounts, wordt de gebruikersnaam voorafgegaan door \"a:\" (zoals \"a:jansen\") en voor gastaccounts de gebruikersnaam met \"l:\" (zoals \"l:jansen\").","Type":"Type","Unrestricted":"Onbeperkt","Upload":"Uploaden","Upload files or folders":"Upload bestanden of mappen","User":"Gebruiker","Versions":"Versies","via":"via","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"We gingen overal zoeken, maar konden de geselecteerde bron niet vinden.","What are indirect links?":"Wat zijn indirecte links?","You don't have access to any spaces":"U hebt geen toegang tot enige ruimtes","You don't have permission to share this file.":"U bent niet gemachtigd dit bestand te delen.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"U bent niet gemachtigd om deze map te delen.","You have no deleted files":"U hebt geen verwijderde bestanden","You have no permission to create new files!":"U heeft geen toestemming om nieuwe bestanden te maken!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"Je hebt geen toestemming om hier bestanden te plakken!","You have no permission to upload!":"Je hebt geen toestemming om te uploaden!"},"pl":{"“via folder”":"“poprzez folder”","(me)":"(ja)","%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } folder","%{ foldersCount } foldery","%{ foldersCount } folderów","%{ foldersCount } folderów"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["Łącznie %{ itemsCount } element (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementy (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["Łącznie %{ itemsCount } element (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementy (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["Łącznie %{ itemsCount } element z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementy z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["Łącznie %{ itemsCount } element z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementy z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} udostępnił Ci ten folder do przesyłania","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"Dopasowano %{spaceCount} przestrzeni","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} przestrzeni całkowitej","Access denied":"Odmowa dostępu","Actions":"Akcje","Add password":"Dodaj hasło","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Wystąpił problem przy próbie załadowania publicznego linku","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten link? Odzyskanie tego linku nie będzie możliwe.","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć to udostępnienie?","Cancel":"Anuluj","Context menu of the share":"Menu kontekstowe dla udostępnienia","Copied":"Skopiowano","Copy":"Kopiuj","Copy link to clipboard":"Kopiuj link do schowka","Create":"Utwórz","Create new files or folders":"Utwórz nowe pliki lub foldery","Delete":"Usuń","Delete link":"Usuń link","Deleted files":"Usunięte pliki","Deny access":"Odmów dostępu","Deselect %{label}":"Odznacz %{label}","Details":"Szczegóły","Disabled":"Wyłączone","Download":"Pobierz","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Przeciągnij tutaj pliki i foldery lub użyj przycisków \"Nowy\" oraz \"Prześlij\" aby dodać pliki","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Przeciągnij pliki tutaj lub kliknij aby wybrać pliki","Edit expiration date":"Zmień datę ważności","Edit image":"Edytuj obraz","Edit name":"Edytuj nazwę","Edit password":"Zmień hasło","Enabled":"Włączone","Error while editing the share.":"Wystąpił problem w czasie edycji udostępnienia.","Expires %{expires}":"Wygasa %{expires}","Failed to apply expiration date":"Nie udało się zmienić daty ważności","Failed to remove share":"Nie udało się usunąć udostępnienia","Favorites":"Ulubione","Files":"Pliki","Filter:":"Filtr:","Folder":"Folder","Folder already exists":"Folder już istnieje","Folders":"Foldery","Group":"Grupa","Guest user":"Gość","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Jeśli udostępnisz folder, cała jego zawartość oraz podfoldery również zostaną udostępnione.","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Linki pośrednie to linki, które dają dostęp poprzez folder nadrzędny.","Link":"Link","Loading list of shares":"Ładowanie listy udostępnień","Members":"Członkowie","Name":"Nazwa","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Przejdź do '%{folder}'","Navigate to parent folder":"Przejdź do folderu nadrzędnego","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Przejdź do folderu nadrzędnego (%{folderName})","New":"Nowy","New folder":"Nowy folder","New Folder":"Nowy folder","No Versions available for this file":"Brak dostępnych wersji dla tego pliku.","Not enough quota":"Nie ma wystarczającej ilości miejsca","Password":"Hasło","Paste here":"Wklej tutaj","Person was added":"Osoba została dodana","Personal":"Prywatne","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Poczekaj, aż import się zakończy","Private link":"Link prywatny","Private link copied":"Skopiowano prywatny link","Public link":"Link publiczny","Reload public link":"Załaduj link publiczny","Remote user":"Użytkownik zdalny","Remove expiration date":"Usuń datę ważności","Remove password":"Usuń hasło","Remove share":"Usuń udostępnienie","Rename":"Zmień nazwę","Resource not found":"Nie znaleziono zasobów","Restore":"Przywróć","Save":"Zapisz","Search":"Szukaj","Set expiration date":"Ustaw datę ważności","Share":"Udostępnij","Share receivers":"Odbiorcy udostępnienia","Share successfully changed":"Udostępnienie zostało pomyślnie zmodyfikowane","Share via link":"Udostępnij poprzez link","Share was added successfully":"Udostępnienie zostało pomyślnie dodane","Share was removed successfully":"Udostępnienie zostało pomyślnie usunięte","Share with people":"Udostępnij innym osobom","Shared by":"Udostępnione przez","Shared via":"Udostępnione poprzez","Shared via link":"Udostępnione poprzez link","Shared with":"Udostępnione dla","Shared with me":"Udostępnione dla mnie","Shared with others":"Udostępnione dla innych","Shares":"Udostępnione","Show":"Pokaż","Subfolders":"Podfoldery","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"\"poprzez folder\" jest wyświetlane obok udostępnienia, jeśli dostęp został już nadany poprzez folder nadrzędny. Kliknij na \"poprzez folder\" aby wyedytować udostępnienie z poziomu katalogu nadrzędnego.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Nie ma zasobów oznaczonych jako ulubione","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"Nie ma wystarczającej ilości miejsca w %{spaceName}, potrzebujesz dodatkowo %{missingSpace} aby przesłać te pliki","This file has been shared.":"Ten plik został udostępniony.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Ten folder zawiera %{ amount } element.","Ten folder zawiera %{ amount } elementy.","Ten folder zawiera %{ amount } elementów.","Ten folder zawiera %{ amount } elementów."],"This folder has been shared.":"Ten folder został udostępniony.","This folder has no content.":"Ten folder jest pusty.","This link is password-protected":"Ten link jest chroniony hasłem","Upload":"Prześlij","Upload files or folders":"Prześlij pliki lub foldery","User":"Użytkownik","via":"przez","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Sprawdzaliśmy wszędzie, ale nie byliśmy w stanie znaleźć wybranego zasobu.","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Nie masz uprawnień aby udostępnić ten plik.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Nie masz uprawnień aby udostępnić ten folder.","You have no deleted files":"Nie masz usuniętych plików","You have no permission to create new files!":"NIe masz uprawnień aby tworzyć nowe pliki!","You have no permission to upload!":"Nie masz uprawnień aby przesyłać!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"Nie udostępniasz nic poprzez link.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"Nie udostępniasz nic innym osobom."},"ka":{},"pt":{},"ro":{"%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} spații potrivite","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} spații în total","Actions":"Acțiuni","Cancel":"Anulează","Create":"Crează","Delete":"Șterge","Details":"Detalii","Disabled":"Dezactivat","Enabled":"Activat","Filter members":"Filtrează membrii","Filter:":"Filtrează","Members":"Membrii","Name":"Nume","Password":"Parola","Search":"Caută","Show context menu":"Arată meniul contextual","Spaces":"Spații","The file type is unsupported":"Tipul de fișier nu este suportat","Unrestricted":"Nerestricționat"},"ko":{"“via folder”":"\"폴더를 통해\"","(me)":"(나)","%{ filesCount } file":"파일 %{ filesCount }개","%{ foldersCount } folder":"폴더 %{ foldersCount }개","%{ itemCount } item selected":"항목 %{ itemCount }개 선택됨","%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":"항목 총 %{ itemsCount }개 (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":"항목 총 %{ itemsCount }개 (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":"총 %{ itemSize } 크기를 가진 항목 총 %{ itemsCount }개 (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":"총 %{ itemSize } 크기를 가진 항목 총 %{ itemsCount }개 (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ spacesCount } space":"스페이스 총 %{ spacesCount }개","%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (나)","%{count} member":"%{count}명의 구성원","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner}이(가) 업로드를 위해 이 폴더를 공유했습니다","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType}(이)가 %{resourceName}에 접근할 수 없음","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"일치하는 스페이스 %{spaceCount}개","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"휴지통 내 일치 항목 %{spaceCount}개","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"스페이스 총 %{spaceCount}개","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"휴지통 내 총 항목 %{spaceCount}개","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (꺼짐)","Access denied":"접근 거부됨","Access details":"액세스 세부 정보","Access expires":"액세스가 만료됨","Access was denied successfully":"접근 거부됨","Access was granted successfully":"접근 허용됨","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"계정 및 로그인이 필요합니다. \"초대받은 사용자\" 목록의 사용자만 접근할 수 있습니다.","Account type":"계정 유형","Actions":"작업","Add":"추가","Add link":"링크 추가","Add members to this Space":"이 스페이스에 구성원 추가","Add password":"암호 추가","An error occurred while loading the public link":"공개 링크를 불러오는 중 오류 발생","Apply":"적용","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"이 링크를 삭제하시겠습니까? 동일한 링크를 다시 만들 수 없습니다.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"이 사용자를 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"이 공유를 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?":"이 공유에 대한 리마인더를 보내시겠습니까?","Attach as copy":"사본으로 첨부","Audio":"오디오","Cancel":"취소","Choose":"선택","Choose how access is granted":"액세스 권한 부여 방법 선택","Close filter":"필터 닫기","Context menu of the share":"공유된 컨텍스트 메뉴","Copied":"복사됨","Copy":"복사","Copy link to clipboard":"링크를 클립보드에 복사하기","Copy private link to clipboard":"개인 링크를 클립보드에 복사하기","Create":"제작","Create a new space":"새 스페이스 만들기","Create link":"링크 생성","Create new files or folders":"새 파일 또는 폴더 만들기","Creating space failed…":"스페이스 생성 실패...","Delete":"삭제","Delete link":"링크 제거","Deleted files":"삭제된 파일","Deny access":"접근 거부","Deselect %{label}":"%{label} 선택 해제","Deselect %{name}":"%{name} 선택 취소","Details":"자세히","Disabled":"꺼짐","Document":"문서","Download":"다운로드","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"파일 및 폴더를 여기로 끌거나 \"새로 만들기\" 또는 \"업로드\" 단추를 사용하여 파일 추가","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"업로드할 파일을 여기에 끌어다 놓거나 파일을 클릭하여 선택","Edit expiration date":"만료 날짜 수정","Edit image":"이미지 편집","Edit name":"이름 편집","Edit password":"암호 편집","Edit permission":"권한 편집","Edit third party notification":"제삼자 알림 편집","Email address":"이메일 주소","Email can't be empty":"이메일은 비워둘 수 없음","Email is invalid":"잘못된 이메일 형식","Enabled":"켜짐","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"이 스페이스에 사람 또는 그룹을 추가하려면 이름을 입력하세요.","Enter text to create a Tag":"문구를 입력하여 태그 만들기","Error while editing the share.":"공유를 편집하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"파일을 볼 수 있는 모든 사람이 태그를 볼 수 있습니다. 마찬가지로 파일을 편집할 수 있는 모든 사람은 태그를 편집할 수 있습니다.","Everyone with the link":"링크가 있는 모든 사람","Expires %{expires}":"만료 %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"%{timeToExpiry}에 만료 (%{expiryDate})","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"\"%{displayName}\"에 공유 추가 실패","Failed to apply expiration date":"만료 날짜를 적용하지 못했습니다","Failed to apply new permissions":"새 권한을 적용하지 못했습니다","Failed to delete link":"링크를 삭제하지 못했습니다","Failed to deny access":"접근 거부 실패","Failed to edit tags":"태그 편집 실패","Failed to grant access":"접근 허용 실패","Failed to remove share":"공유를 제거하지 못했습니다","Failed to update link":"링크를 업데이트하지 못했습니다","Failed to upload space image":"스페이스 이미지를 업로드하지 못했습니다","Favorites":"즐겨찾기","File":"파일","File already exists":"파일이 이미 있습니다","Files":"파일","Filter members":"구성원 필터","Filter share types":"공유 유형 필터","Filter shared by":"공유 대상 필터","Filter tags":"태그 필터","Filter:":"필터:","Folder":"폴더","Folder already exists":"폴더가 이미 있습니다","Folders":"폴더","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"%{totalResults}을(를) 찾았습니다. %{itemCount}개의 가장 적합한 결과를 표시합니다.","Go to »Personal« page":"»Personal« 페이지로 이동","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"»Spaces Overview«로 가세요","Group":"그룹","Guest user":"게스트 사용자","Hidden Shares":"숨겨진 공유","Hide":"숨기기","How to edit indirect links":"간접 링크 편집 방법","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"폴더를 공유하면 폴더의 모든 내용과 하위 폴더도 공유됩니다.","Image":"이미지","Incognito":"신원 미상의","Indirect links (%{ count })":"간접 링크(%{count})","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"간접 링크는 상위 폴더를 통해 액세스할 수 있는 링크입니다.","Invited by":"를 통해 초대됨","last 30 days":"최근 30일","last 7 days":"최근 7일","Last modified":"최종 수정됨","Last Modified":"마지막 수정","last month":"지난달","last week":"지난 주","last year":"작년","Learn about spaces":"스페이스에 대해 알아보기","Link":"링크","Link name":"링크 이름","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"링크 이름은 255자를 초과할 수 없음","Link was deleted successfully":"링크 제거됨","Link was updated successfully":"링크 업데이트됨","Loading list of shares":"공유 목록 불러오는 중","Locked by":"잠근 이: ","Member capabilities":"멤버 기능","Members":"구성원","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"구성원들은 이 스페이스의 모든 파일에 접근할 수 있으며, 접근 가능한 사람 목록을 볼 수 있습니다. 역할을 배정하여 읽기/쓰기 권한을 설정할 수 있습니다.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"운영자 역할을 가진 구성원은 구성원 추가 및 제거, 구성원이 아닌 이와 하위 폴더 공유, 공유를 위한 링크 생성 등 스페이스의 모든 속성과 콘텐츠를 편집할 수 있습니다.","Merge":"병합","Name":"이름","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"'%{folder}'(으)로 이동합니다","Navigate to parent folder":"상위 폴더로 이동","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"상위(%{folderName})로 이동합니다","New":"새로 만들기","New folder":"새 폴더","New Folder":"새 폴더","New space":"새 스페이스","New Space":"새 스페이스","no":"아니오","No hidden shares":"숨겨진 공유 없음","No information to display":"표시할 정보가 없습니다","No link":"링크 없음","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"로그인할 필요가 없습니다. 링크가 있는 모든 사용자가 액세스할 수 있습니다. 이 링크를 \"초대받은 사용자\" 목록에 있는 사용자와 공유할 경우 사용자가 로그인해야 개별적으로 할당된 사용 권한이 적용됩니다. 로그인하지 않은 경우 링크의 사용 권한이 적용됩니다.","No resources found":"리소스를 찾을 수 없습니다","No results found":"결과를 찾을 수 없습니다","No shares":"공유 없음","No users or groups found.":"사용자 또는 그룹을 찾을 수 없습니다.","No Versions available for this file":"이 파일에 사용할 수 있는 버전이 없습니다","Not enough quota":"할당량 부족","Note: Transfer of nested folder structures is not possible. Instead, all files from the subfolders will be uploaded individually.":"참고: 중첩된 폴더 구조는 전송할 수 없습니다. 대신 하위 폴더의 모든 파일이 개별적으로 업로드됩니다.","Notification":"알림","Notify a third party about uploads":"제삼자에게 업로드 알림","Notify me about uploads":"나에게 업로드 알림","Notify via mail":"메일로 알림","Only invited people can access":"초대된 사용자만 액세스할 수 있습니다","Open context menu and show members":"상황에 맞는 메뉴 열기 및 구성원 표시","Overview of the information about the selected file":"선택한 파일에 대한 정보 개요","Overview of the information about the selected files":"선택한 파일들에 대한 정보 개요","Owner":"주인","Password":"암호","Paste here":"여기에 붙여넣기","PDF":"PDF","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"이 리소스를 공유 받은 사람은 자신 외 다른 이가 이 콘텐츠에 접근할 수 있는지 확인할 수 없습니다.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"이 리소스를 공유 받은 사람은 이메일 또는 인 앱 알림을 통해 알림을 받게 됩니다.","Person was added":"사용자가 추가되었습니다","Personal":"개인","Please wait until all imports have finished":"내보내기가 완료될 때까지 잠시 기다려주세요","Presentation":"프레젠테이션","Private link":"개인 링크","Private link copied":"개인 링크 복사됨","Public link":"공개 링크","Reload public link":"공개 링크 다시 로드","Remote user":"원격 사용자","Remove":"제거","Remove expiration date":"만료 날짜 삭제","Remove member":"구성원 제거","Remove password":"암호 삭제","Remove share":"공유 삭제","Rename":"이름 바꾸기","Replace":"교체","Resource not found":"리소스를 찾을 수 없습니다","Restore":"복원","Save":"저장","Search":"검색","Search for files":"파일 검색","Search for service or secondary Account":"서비스 또는 보조 계정 검색","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"\"%{searchTerm}\" 검색 결과","See all versions":"모든 버전 보기","Select permission":"권한 선택","Select role for the invitation":"초대에 대한 역할 선택","Send":"보내기","Send a reminder":"리마인더 보내기","Set expiration date":"만료 날짜 설정","Share":"공유","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"공유 만료 %{expiryDateRelative}(%{expiryDate})","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"공유 수신자 이름: %{displayName}","Share receivers":"수취인 공유","Share successfully changed":"공유 변경됨","Share Type":"공유 유형","Share via link":"링크로 공유","Share was added successfully":"공유 추가됨","Share was removed successfully":"공유 제거됨","Share with people":"사용자와 공유","Shared by":"에 의해 공유 ","Shared By":"공유한 이: ","Shared on":"공유 위치","Shared via":"를 통해 공유","Shared via link":"링크를 통해 공유됨","Shared with":"공유 대상","Shared with me":"나와 공유됨","Shared with others":"다른 사람과 공유됨","Shares":"공유","Shares pages navigation":"공유 페이지 탐색","Show":"보이기","Show all":"모두 보기","Show context menu":"상황에 맞는 메뉴 표시","Show less":"적게 보기","Show members":"구성원 보이기","Show more":"더 보기","Show more actions":"더 많은 액션 표시","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"최대 %{searchLimit} 결과 표시","Size":"크기","Space has no deleted files":"스페이스에 삭제된 파일이 없습니다","Space image was uploaded successfully":"스페이스 이미지 업로드됨","Space members":"스페이스 구성원","Space name":"스페이스 이름","Space was created successfully":"스페이스 생성됨","Spaces":"스페이스","Spreadsheet":"스프레드시트","Subfolders":"하위 폴더","Switch to condensed table view":"축약된 표 보기로 전환","Switch to default table view":"기본 테이블 보기로 전환","Switch to tiles view":"타일 보기로 전환","Synced with your devices":"내 장치와 동기화됨","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"태그는 공백으로 설정할 수 없습니다","Tags":"태그","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"상위 폴더를 통해 이미 액세스 권한이 부여된 경우 \"폴더를 통해\"가 공유 옆에 표시됩니다. 상위 폴더에서 공유를 편집하려면 \"폴더를 통해\"를 클릭합니다.","The file type is unsupported":"파일 형식이 지원되지 않습니다","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"%{linkName} 링크가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"링크가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"개인 링크가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"즐겨찾기로 표시된 리소스가 없습니다","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"%{spaceName}에 할당량이 부족합니다. 이 파일을 업로드하려면 %{missingSpace}이(가) 추가로 필요합니다.","This file has been shared.":"이 파일은 공유되었습니다.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":"이 폴더에는 %{amout}개의 항목이 있습니다.","This folder has been shared.":"이 폴더는 공유되었습니다.","This folder has no content.":"이 폴더에는 내용이 없습니다.","This link is password-protected":"이 링크는 암호로 보호됩니다","this month":"이번달","this week":"이번 주","this year":"올해","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"서비스 또는 보조 계정을 검색하려면 사용자 이름 앞에 \"a:\" 같은(\"a:doe\"와 같은) 접두사를 붙이고 게스트 계정의 경우 사용자 이름 앞에 \"I:\" 같은(\"l:doe\"와 같은) 접두사를 붙입니다.","today":"오늘","Type":"유형","Unrestricted":"무제한","Upload":"업로드","Upload files or folders":"파일 또는 폴더 업로드","Uploads will be notified to a third party":"업로드가 제삼자에게 통보됩니다","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"입력란을 사용하여 사용자 및 그룹을 검색합니다. 원하는 사용자와 그룹을 선택한 후 항목을 공유할 수 있습니다.","User":"유저","Versions":"버전","via":"을 통해","Video":"비디오","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"모든 곳을 찾아보았지만 선택한 자원을 찾을 수 없었다.","What are indirect links?":"간접 링크란 무엇입니까?","When a file is uploaded, this address will be notified as well.":"파일이 업로드될 때, 이 주소 또한 알림을 받습니다.","Who can view tags?":"누가 태그를 볼 수 있나요?","yesterday":"어제","You do not have permission to create links":"링크 생성 권한 없음","You don't have access to any spaces":"스페이스에 접근할 수 없습니다.","You don't have access to any trashbins":"모든 휴지통에 접근할 수 없음","You don't have permission to share this file.":"이 파일을 공유할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"이 폴더를 공유할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다.","You have no deleted files":"삭제된 파일이 없습니다","You have no permission to create new files!":"새 파일을 만들 수 있는 권한이 없습니다!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"여기에 파일을 붙여넣을 수 있는 권한이 없습니다!","You have no permission to upload!":"업로드 권한이 없습니다!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"링크를 통해 리소스를 공유한 적이 없습니다.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"다른 사람과 리소스를 공유한 적이 없습니다."},"ru":{"“via folder”":"«через папку»","(me)":"(я)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } файл","%{ filesCount } файлов","%{ filesCount } файлов","%{ filesCount } файлов"],"%{ filesCount } file including %{ filesHiddenCount } hidden":["%{ filesCount } файл, включая %{ filesHiddenCount } скрытый","%{ filesCount } файлов, включая %{ filesHiddenCount } скрытые","%{ filesCount } файлов, включая %{ filesHiddenCount } скрытые","%{ filesCount } файлов, включая %{ filesHiddenCount } скрытые"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } папка","%{ foldersCount } папок","%{ foldersCount } папок","%{ foldersCount } папок"],"%{ foldersCount } folder including %{ foldersHiddenCount } hidden":["%{ foldersCount } папка, включая %{ foldersHiddenCount } скрытых","%{ foldersCount } папок, включая %{ 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denied":"Доступ запрещен","Access details":"Сведения о доступе","Access expires":"Доступ истекает","Access was denied successfully":"Доступ успешно запрещен","Access was granted successfully":"Доступ успешно предоставлен","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Требуется наличие аккаунта и вход. Доступ могут получить только люди из списка приглашенных.","Account type":"Тип аккаунта","Actions":"Действия","Add":"Добавить ","Add link":"Добавить ссылку","Add members to this Space":"Добавить участников в это пространство","Add password":"Добавить пароль","Album":"Альбом","An error occurred while loading the public link":"При загрузке публичной ссылки возникла ошибка","Apply":"Применить","Archive":"Архив","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту ссылку? Невозможно создать такую же ссылку снова.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этого участника?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот общий доступ?","Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?":"Вы уверены, что хотите отправить напоминание об этом общем доступе?","Attach as copy":"Прикрепить в виде копии","Audio":"Аудио","Audio Info":"Информация о треке","Authors":"Авторы","Cancel":"Отмена","Choose":"Выбрать","Choose how access is granted":"Выбрать способ предоставления доступа","Close filter":"Закрыть фильтр","Context menu of the share":"Контекстное меню общего ресурса","Copied":"Скопировано","Copy":"Копировать","Copy link to clipboard":"Копировать ссылку в буфер обмена","Copy location to clipboard":"Копировать геопозицию в буфер обмена","Copy private link to clipboard":"Копировать приватную ссылку в буфер обмена","Create":"Создать","Create a new space":"Создать новое пространство","Create link":"Создать ссылку","Create new files or folders":"Создать новые файлы или папки","Creating space failed…":"Не удалось создать пространство…","Delete":"Удалить","Delete link":"Удалить ссылку","Deleted at":"Удалено в","Deleted files":"Удаленные файлы","Deny access":"Отказать в доступе","Deselect %{label}":"Отменить выбор %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"Отменить выбор %{name}","Details":"Сведения","Device make":"Изготовитель устройства","Device model":"Модель устройства","Dimensions":"Размеры","Disabled":"Отключено","Disc":"Диск","Document":"Документ","Download":"Скачать","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Перетащите сюда файлы и папки или используйте кнопки «Новый» или «Загрузить» для добавления файлов.","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Перетащите файлы сюда для загрузки или нажмите для выбора файла","Duration":"Длительность","Edit expiration date":"Редактировать срок действия","Edit image":"Редактировать изображение","Edit name":"Редактировать имя","Edit password":"Редактировать пароль","Edit permission":"Редактировать разрешения","Edit third party notification":"Редактировать уведомления других","Email address":"Адрес Email","Email can't be empty":"Адрес Email не может быть пустым","Email is invalid":"Недопустимый адрес Email","Enabled":"Включено","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Введите имя, чтобы добавить людей или группы в качестве участников этого пространства.","Enter text to create a Tag":"Введите текст, чтобы создать тег","Error while editing the share.":"Ошибка при изменении общего доступа","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"Все, кто могут просматривать файл, могут видеть и его теги. Аналогично, все, кто могут редактировать файл, могут редактировать и его теги.","Everyone with the link":"Все, у кого есть ссылка","Expires %{expires}":"Истекает %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Истекает %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Exposure time":"Время выдержки","F number":"Диафрагма","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"Не удалось добавить общий доступ для «%{displayName}».","Failed to apply expiration date":"Не удалось применить срок действия","Failed to apply new permissions":"Не удалось применить новые разрешения","Failed to delete link":"Не удалось удалить ссылку","Failed to deny access":"Не удалось запретить доступ","Failed to edit tags":"Не удалось изменить теги","Failed to grant access":"Не удалось предоставить доступ","Failed to remove share":"Не удалось удалить общий доступ","Failed to update link":"Не удалось обновить ссылку","Failed to upload space image":"Не удалось загрузить изображение пространства","Favorites":"Избранное","File":"Файл","File already exists":"Файл уже существует","Files":"Файлы","Filter members":"Фильтр участников","Filter share types":"Фильтровать по типу общего доступа","Filter shared by":"Фильтровать по предоставившему доступ","Filter tags":"Фильтр тегов","Filter:":"Фильтр:","Focal length":"Фокусное расстояние","Folder":"Папка","Folder already exists":"Папка уже существует","Folders":"Папки","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"Найдено %{totalResults}, показано %{itemCount} лучших результатов совпадений","Genre":"Жанр","Go to »Personal« page":"Перейти на страницу «Личные».","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Перейти к »Обзор пространств«.","Group":"Группа","Guest user":"Гостевой пользователь","Hidden Shares":"Скрытые общие ресурсы","Hide":"Скрыть","How to edit indirect links":"Как редактировать косвенные ссылки","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Если вы предоставляете общий доступ к папке, всё её содержимое и вложенные папки также будут предоставлены в общий доступ.","Image":"Изображение","Image Info":"Информация об изображении","Incognito":"Инкогнито","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Косвенные ссылки (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Косвенные ссылки - это ссылки, предоставляющие доступ через родительскую папку.","Indirect links can only be edited in their parent folder. Click on the folder icon below the link to navigate to the parent folder.":"Косвенные ссылки можно редактировать только в их родительской папке. Нажмите на значок папки под ссылкой, чтобы перейти к родительской папке.","Invited by":"Приглашен","ISO":"ISO","last 30 days":"последние 30 дней","last 7 days":"последние 7 дней","Last modified":"Последнее изменение","Last Modified":"Последнее изменение","last month":"в прошлом месяце","last week":"на прошлой неделе","last year":"в прошлом году","Learn about spaces":"Узнать о пространствах","Link":"Ссылка","Link name":"Имя ссылки","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Имя ссылки не может превышать 255 символов","Link was deleted successfully":"Ссылка успешно удалена","Link was updated successfully":"Ссылка успешно обновлена","Loading list of shares":"Загрузка списка общих ресурсов","Location":"Геопозиция","Locked by":"Заблокирован","Member capabilities":"Возможности участников","Members":"Участники","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Участники могут видеть, кто имеет доступ к этому пространству, и получать доступ ко всем файлам в этом пространстве. Разрешения на чтение или запись можно установить, назначив роль.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Участники с ролью менеджера могут редактировать все свойства и содержимое пространства, например добавлять или удалять участников, предоставлять общий доступ к вложенным папкам другим пользователям или создавать ссылки общего доступа.","Merge":"Объединить","Name":"Имя","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Перейти в папку '%{folder}'.","Navigate to parent folder":"Перейти в родительскую папку","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Перейти в родительскую папку (%{folderName})","New":"Новый","New folder":"Новая папка","New Folder":"Новая папка","New space":"Новое пространство","New Space":"Новое пространство","no":"нет","No hidden shares":"Нет скрытых общих ресурсов","No information to display":"Нет информации для отображения","No link":"Нет ссылки","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"Вход не требуется. Доступ имеют все, у кого есть ссылка. Если вы поделитесь этой ссылкой с людьми из списка \"Поделиться с людьми\", им нужно будет войти в систему, чтобы вступили в силу их индивидуально назначенные разрешения. Если они не вошли в систему, вступают в силу разрешения ссылки.","No resources found":"Ресурсы не найдены","No results found":"Результаты не найдены","No shares":"Нет общих ресурсов","No users or groups found.":"Не найдено ни одного пользователя или группы.","No Versions available for this file":"Для этого файла нет доступных версий","Not enough quota":"Недостаточная квота","Note: Transfer of nested folder structures is not possible. Instead, all files from the subfolders will be uploaded individually.":"Примечание. Перенос структур вложенных папок невозможен. Вместо этого все файлы из подпапок будут загружены индивидуально.","Notification":"Уведомление","Notify a third party about uploads":"Уведомлять других о загрузках","Notify me about uploads":"Уведомлять меня о загрузках","Notify via mail":"Уведомлять по Email","Only invited people can access":"Доступ имеют только приглашенные","Open context menu and show members":"Открыть контекстное меню и показать участников","Open context menu with share editing options":"Открыть контекстное меню с опциями редактирования общего доступа","Orientation":"Ориентация","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Обзор информации о выбранном файле","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Обзор информации о выбранных файлах","Owner":"Владелец","Password":"Пароль","Paste here":"Вставить сюда","PDF":"PDF","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Люди, с которыми вы делитесь ресурсами, не могут видеть, кто еще имеет доступ.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Люди, с которыми вы делитесь ресурсами, будут уведомлены по Email или через уведомление в приложении.","Person was added":"Человек был добавлен","Personal":"Личные","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Пожалуйста, подождите, пока весь импорт не завершится.","Presentation":"Презентация","Private link":"Приватная ссылка","Private link copied":"Приватная ссылка скопирована","Public link":"Публичная ссылка","Reload public link":"Перезагрузить публичную ссылку","Remote user":"Удаленный пользователь","Remove":"Удалить","Remove expiration date":"Удалить срок действия","Remove member":"Удалить участника","Remove password":"Удалить пароль","Remove share":"Удалить общее использование","Rename":"Переименовать","Replace":"Заменить","Resource is temporarily locked, unable to manage share":"Ресурс временно заблокирован, невозможно управлять общим доступом","Resource not found":"Ресурс не найден","Restore":"Восстановить","Save":"Сохранить","Search":"Найти","Search for files":"Поиск файлов","Search for service or secondary Account":"Поиск служебного или дополнительного аккаунта","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"Результаты поиска для \"%{searchTerm}\"","See all versions":"Посмотреть все версии","Select a file or folder to view details":"Выберите файл или папку для просмотра сведений","Select a trash to view details":"Выберите корзину для просмотра сведений","Select permission":"Выбрать разрешение","Select role for the invitation":"Выбрать роль для приглашения","Send":"Отправить","Send a reminder":"Отправить напоминание","Set expiration date":"Установить срок действия","Share":"Поделиться","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Общий доступ истекает %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share link(s)":"Ссылка(и) на общий ресурс","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Имя получателя общего доступа: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Получатели общего доступа","Share successfully changed":"Общий доступ успешно изменен","Share Type":"Тип общего доступа","Share via link":"Поделиться по ссылке","Share was added successfully":"Общий доступ был успешно добавлен","Share was removed successfully":"Общий доступ был успешно удален","Share with people":"Поделиться с людьми","Shared by":"Поделился","Shared By":"Поделился","Shared on":"Поделился","Shared via":"Поделился через","Shared via link":"Поделился по ссылке","Shared with":"Поделился с","Shared with me":"Поделились со мной","Shared with others":"Поделился с другими","Shares":"Общие ресурсы","Shares pages navigation":"Навигация по страницам общих ресурсов","Shortcut":"Ярлык","Show":"Показать","Show all":"Показать все","Show context menu":"Показать контекстное меню","Show less":"Показать меньше","Show members":"Показать участников","Show more":"Показать больше","Show more actions":"Показать больше действий","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Отображение до %{searchLimit} результатов","Size":"Размер","Space has no deleted files":"В пространстве нет удаленных файлов","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Изображение пространства успешно загружено","Space manager capabilities":"Возможности менеджера пространства","Space members":"Участники пространства","Space name":"Название пространства","Space was created successfully":"Пространство успешно создано","Spaces":"Пространства","Spaces are special folders built for collaboration.":"Пространства - это специальные папки, предназначенные для совместных доступа и работы.","Spreadsheet":"Электронная таблица","Subfolders":"Подпапки","Switch to condensed table view":"Переключить на сжатый вид таблицы","Switch to default table view":"Переключить на вид таблицы по умолчанию","Switch to tiles view":"Переключить на просмотр плиток","Synced with your devices":"Синхронизировано с вашими устройствами","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"Тег не должен состоять только из пробелов","Tags":"Теги","Taken time":"Время съёмки","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"\"Через папку\" отображается рядом с общим ресурсом, если доступ уже предоставлен через родительскую папку. Щелкните на \"через папку\", чтобы отредактировать доступ в родительской папке.","The file type is unsupported":"Тип файла не поддерживается","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Ссылка \"%{linkName}\" скопирована в буфер обмена.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена.","The location has been copied to your clipboard.":"Геопозиция скопирована в буфер обмена.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Приватная ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Нет ресурсов, отмеченных как избранные","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"Недостаточно квоты в %{spaceName}, вам нужно дополнительно %{missingSpace}, чтобы загрузить эти файлы","This file has been shared.":"К этому файлу предоставлен общий доступ.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Эта папка содержит %{ amount } элемент.","Эта папка содержит %{ amount } элементов.","Эта папка содержит %{ amount } элементов.","Эта папка содержит %{ amount } элементов."],"This folder has been shared.":"К этой папке предоставлен общий доступ.","This folder has no content.":"Эта папка не содержит содержимого.","This link is password-protected":"Эта ссылка защищена паролем","this month":"в этом месяце","this week":"на этой неделе","this year":"в этом году","Title":"Название","Title only":"Только заголовок","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Для поиска служебных или дополнительных учетных записей добавьте \"a:\" перед именем пользователя (например, \"a:john\"), а для гостевых учетных записей добавьте \"l:\" (например, \"l:john\").","today":"сегодня","Track":"Трек","Type":"Тип","Unrestricted":"Без ограничений","Upload":"Загрузить","Upload files or folders":"Загрузить файлы или папки","Uploads will be notified to a third party":"Другие будут уведомлены о загрузках","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Используйте поле ввода для поиска пользователей и групп. Выберите их, чтобы поделиться ресурсом.","User":"Пользователь","Versions":"Версии","via":"через","Video":"Видео","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Мы искали везде, но не смогли найти выбранный ресурс.","What are indirect links?":"Что такое косвенные ссылки?","When a file is uploaded, this address will be notified as well.":"Когда файл будет загружен, на этот адрес также придет уведомление.","Who can view tags?":"Кто может видеть теги?","Year recorded":"Год записи","yesterday":"вчера","You do not have permission to create links":"У вас нет разрешения на создание ссылок","You don't have access to any spaces":"У вас нет доступа к пространствам","You don't have access to any trashbins":"У вас нет доступа к корзинам","You don't have permission to share this file.":"У вас нет разрешения на предоставление общего доступа к этому файлу.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"У вас нет разрешения на предоставление общего доступа к этой папке.","You have no deleted files":"У вас нет удаленных файлов","You have no permission to create new files!":"У вас нет разрешения на создание новых файлов!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"У вас нет разрешения на вставку файлов сюда!","You have no permission to upload!":"У вас нет разрешения на загрузку","You have not shared any resource via link.":"Вы не делились ни одним ресурсом по ссылке.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"Вы не делились ресурсами с другими людьми."},"sk":{"(me)":"(ja)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } súbor","%{ filesCount } súbory","%{ filesCount } súborov","%{ filesCount } súborov"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } priečinok","%{ foldersCount } priečinky","%{ foldersCount } priečinkov","%{ foldersCount } priečinkov"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } označená položka","%{ itemCount } označené položky","%{ itemCount } označených položiek","%{ itemCount } označených položiek"],"Access denied":"Prístup zamietnutý","Actions":"Akcie","Cancel":"Zrušiť","Create":"Vytvoriť","Delete":"Odstrániť","Details":"Podrobnosti","Password":"Heslo","Private link":"Súkromný odkaz","Public link":"Verejný odkaz","Save":"Uložiť"},"sv":{"Access denied":"Åtkomst nekad","Actions":"Åtgärder","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Ett fel uppstod när den publika länken laddades","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Är du säker på att du vill radera denna länk? Det är ej möjligt att återskapa samma länk igen.","Attach as copy":"Bifoga som kopia","Audio":"Ljud","Cancel":"Avbryt","Choose":"Välj","Copied":"Kopierad","Copy":"Kopiera","Create":"Skapa","Create link":"Skapa länk","Create new files or folders":"Skapa nya filer eller mappar","Delete":"Ta bort","Delete link":"Ta bort länk","Deleted files":"Radera filer","Deny access":"Neka åtkomst","Details":"Detaljer","Disabled":"Inaktiverat","Document":"Dokument","Download":"Ladda ned","Email address":"E-postadress","Email can't be empty":"E-postadress kan inte vara tom","Email is invalid":"E-postadress är felaktig","Enabled":"Aktiverad","Failed to delete link":"Misslyckades med att ta bort länk","Failed to remove share":"MIsslyckades med att ta bort delning","Failed to update link":"Misslyckades med att uppdatera länk","Failed to upload space image":"Misslyckades med att ladda upp rumsbild","Favorites":"Favoriter","File":"Fil","Files":"Filer","Filter members":"Filtrera medlemmar","Filter:":"Filter:","Folder":"Mapp","Folders":"Mappar","Group":"Grupp","Guest user":"Gästanvändare","Hidden Shares":"Gömda delade ytor","Hide":"Dölj","How to edit indirect links":"Hur man redigerar indirekta länkar","Image":"Bild","Link":"Länk","Members":"Medlem","Name":"Namn","New":"Ny","New Folder":"Ny mapp","Owner":"Ägare","Password":"Lösenord","PDF":"PDF","Personal":"Personlig","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Vänligen vänta tills importeringen blir klar","Private link":"Privat länk","Private link copied":"Privat länk kopierad","Public link":"Publik länk","Restore":"Återställ","Save":"Spara","Search":"Sök","Search for files":"Sök efter filer","See all versions":"Visa alla versioner","Send":"Skicka","Send a reminder":"Skicka en påminnelse","Share":"Dela","Share Type":"Delningstyp","Share via link":"Dela via länk","Shared by":"Delad av","Shared on":"Delad på","Shared via":"Delad via","Shared via link":"Delad via länk","Shared with":"Delad med","Shared with me":"Delad med mig","Shared with others":"Delad med andra","Shortcut":"Genväg","Show":"Visa","Show all":"Visa allt","Show context menu":"Visa innehållsmeny","Show less":"Visa mindre","Show members":"Visa medlemmar","Show more":"Visa mer","Size":"Storlek","Spaces":"Ytor","Tags":"Taggar","The file type is unsupported":"Filtypen stöds inte","today":"idag","User":"Användare"},"si":{"(me)":"(මා)","Actions":"ක්‍රියාමාර්ග","Cancel":"අවලංගු","Copy":"පිටපත්","Create":"සාදන්න","Download":"බාගන්න","Files":"ගොනු","Group":"සමූහය","Name":"නම","New":"නව","New folder":"නව බහාලුම","Owner":"හිමිකරු","Password":"මුරපදය","Paste here":"මෙහි අලවන්න","Remote user":"දුරස්ථ පරිශීලක","Remove password":"මුරපදය ඉවත් කරන්න","Rename":"නැවත නම් කරන්න","Save":"සුරකින්න","Search":"සොයන්න","Share":"හුවමාරු කරන්න","Size":"ප්‍රමාණය","User":"පරිශීලක","Versions":"අනුවාද"},"sq":{"“via folder”":"“përmes dosjeje”","(me)":"(unë)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } kartelë","%{ filesCount } kartela"],"%{ filesCount } file 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%{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } objekt me %{ itemSize } gjithsej (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } objekte me %{ itemSize } gjithsej (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } objekt me %{ itemSize } gjithsej (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } objekte me %{ itemSize } gjithsej (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } hapësirë","%{ spacesCount } hapësira"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (unë)","%{count} member":["%{count} anëtar","%{count} anëtarë"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} ndau këtë dosje me ju për ngarkime","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType} s’mund të përdorë %{resourceName}","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} hapësira me përkim","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} hedhurina me përputhje","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} hapësira gjithsej","%{spaceCount} spaces in total (including %{disabledSpaceCount} disabled)":"%{spaceCount} hapësira gjithsej (përfshi %{disabledSpaceCount} të çaktivizuara)","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"%{spaceCount} hedhurina gjithsej","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (e çaktivizuar)","Access denied":"Hyrje e mohuar","Access details":"Hollësi hyrjeje","Access expires":"Hyrja skadon","Access was denied successfully":"Hyrja u mohua me sukses","Access was granted successfully":"Hyrja u akordua me sukses","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Llogaria dhe kredencialet e hyrjes janë të domosdoshme. Mund të hyjnë vetëm persona nga lista “Persona të ftuar”.","Account type":"Lloj llogarie","Actions":"Veprime","Add":"Shto","Add link":"Shtoni lidhje","Add members to this Space":"Shtoni anëtarë te kjo Hapësirë","Add password":"Shtoni fjalëkalim","Album":"Album","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Ndodhi një gabim gjatë ngarkimit të lidhjes publike","Apply":"Aplikoje","Archive":"Arkiv","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihet kjo lidhje? Rikrijimi sërish i të njëjtës lidhje s’është i mundur.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të hiqet ky anëtar?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të hiqet kjo pjesë?","Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të dërgoni një kujtues për këtë pjesë?","Attach as copy":"Bashkëngjite si kopje","Audio":"Audio","Audio Info":"Informacion Audio","Authors":"Autorë","Cancel":"Anuloje","Choose":"Zgjidhni","Choose how access is granted":"Zgjidhni si akordohet hyrje","Close filter":"Mbylle filtrin","Context menu of the share":"Menu konteksti për pjesën","Copied":"U kopjua","Copy":"Kopjoje","Copy link to clipboard":"Kopjoja lidhjen në të papastër","Copy location to clipboard":"Kopjoje vendndodhjen në të papastër","Copy private link to clipboard":"Kopjoje lidhjen private në të papastër","Create":"Krijoje","Create a new space":"Krijoni një hapësirë të re","Create link":"Krijo lidhje","Create new files or folders":"Krijoni kartela ose dosje të reja","Creating space failed…":"Krijimi i hapësirës dështoi…","Delete":"Fshije","Delete link":"Fshije lidhjen","Deleted at":"Fshirë më","Deleted files":"Kartela të fshira","Deny access":"Mohoji hyrjen","Deselect %{label}":"Shpërzgjidheni %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"Shpërzgjidhe %{name}","Details":"Hollësi","Device make":"Prodhues pajisjeje","Device model":"Model pajisjeje","Dimensions":"Përmasa","Disabled":"E çaktivizuar","Disc":"Disk","Document":"Dokument","Download":"Shkarkoje","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Që të shtoni kartela, tërhiqni kartela dhe dosje këtu, ose përdorni butonat “E re” ose “Ngarkoni”","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Hidhni kartela për ngarkim këtu, ose klikoni që të përzgjidhni kartelë","Duration":"Kohëzgjatje","Edit expiration date":"Përpunoni datë skadimi","Edit image":"Përpunoni figurë","Edit name":"Përpunoni emër","Edit password":"Përpunoni fjalëkalim","Edit permission":"Përpunoni leje","Edit third party notification":"Përpunoni njoftim palësh të treta","Email address":"Adresë email","Email can't be empty":"Email-i s’mund të jetë i zbrazët","Email is invalid":"Email-i është i pavlefshëm","Enabled":"E aktivizuar","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Jepni një emër që të shtohen persona ose grupe si anëtarë te kjo Hapësirë.","Enter text to create a Tag":"Jepni tekst për krijimin e një Etikete","Error while editing the share.":"Gabim teksa përpunohej pjesa.","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"Cilido që mund të shohë kartelën, mundet të shohë etiketat për të. Po njësoj, cilido që mund të përpunojë kartelën, mund të përpunojë etiketat e saj.","Everyone with the link":"Cilido me lidhjen","Expires %{expires}":"Skadon më %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Skadon më %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Exposure time":"Kohë ekspozimi","F number":"Vlerë F","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"S’u arrit të shtohej pjesë për “%{displayName}”","Failed to apply expiration date":"S’u arrit të aplikohet datë skadimi","Failed to apply new permissions":"S’u arrit të aplikohen leje të reja","Failed to delete link":"S’u arrit të fshihej lidhje","Failed to deny access":"S’u arrit të mohohej hyrje","Failed to edit tags":"S’u arrit të përpunohen etiketa","Failed to grant access":"S’u arrit të akordohej hyrje","Failed to remove share":"S’u arrit të hiqej pjesë","Failed to update link":"S’u arrit të përditësohej lidhje","Failed to upload space image":"S’u arrit të ngarkohet figurë hapësire","Favorites":"Të parapëlqyera","File":"Kartelë","File already exists":"Kartela ekziston tashmë","Files":"Kartela","Filter members":"Filtroni anëtarë","Filter share types":"Filtroni lloj pjesësh","Filter shared by":"Filtroji sipas “ndarë nga”","Filter tags":"Filtroni etiketa","Filter:":"Filtroji sipas:","Folder":"Dosje","Folder already exists":"Ka tashmë një dosje të tillë","Folders":"Dosje","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"U gjetën %{totalResults}, po shfaqen %{itemCount} përfundimet me përkimin më të mirë","Genre":"Zhanër","Go to »Personal« page":"Kalo te faqja »Personale«","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Kalo te »Përmbledhje Hapësirash«","Group":"Grup","Guest user":"Përdorues mysafir","Hidden Shares":"Pjesë të Fshehura","Hide":"Fshihe","How to edit indirect links":"Si të përpunohen lidhje jo të drejtpërdrejta","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Nëse ndani me dikë një dosje, do të ndahen dhe krejt lënda dhe nëndosjet e saj.","Image":"Figurë","Image Info":"Hollësi Figure","Include disabled":"Përfshi të çaktivizuarat","Incognito":"Ndarë Nga","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Lidhje të tërthorta (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Lidhjet e tërthorta janë lidhje që lejojnë hyrje te një dosje mëmë.","Indirect links can only be edited in their parent folder. Click on the folder icon below the link to navigate to the parent folder.":"Lidhjet e tërthorta mund të përpunohen vetëm në dosjen e tyre mëmë. Klikoni mbi ikonën dosje nën lidhjen që të kaloni te dosja mëmë.","Invited by":"Ftuar nga","ISO":"ISO","last 30 days":"30 ditët e fundit","last 7 days":"7 ditët e fundit","Last modified":"Ndryshuar së fundi më","Last Modified":"Ndryshuar Së Fundi Më","last month":"muajin e kaluar","last week":"javën e kaluar","last year":"vitin e kaluar","Learn about spaces":"Mësoni rreth hapësirash","Link":"Lidhje","Link name":"Emër lidhjeje","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Emri i lidhjes s’mund të tejkalojë 255 shenja","Link was deleted successfully":"Lidhja u fshi me sukses","Link was updated successfully":"Lidhja u përditësua me sukses","Loading list of shares":"Po ngarkohet listë e pjesëve","Location":"Vendndodhje","Locked by":"Kyçur nga","Member capabilities":"Aftësi anëtarësh","Members":"Anëtarë","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Anëtarët janë në gjendje të shohin se kush ka hyrje në këtë hapësirë dhe hyrje te krejt kartelat në këtë hapësirë. Lejet për lexim ose shkrim mund të ujdisen duke akorduar një rol.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Anëtarë me rolin Përgjegjës janë në gjendje të përpunojnë krejt vetitë dhe lëndën e një Hapësire, bie fjala, të shtojnë ose të heqin anëtarë, të ndajnë nëndosje me jo anëtarë, ose të krijojnë lidhje për ndarje me të tjerë.","Merge":"Përzieji","Name":"Emër","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Kalo te '%{folder}'","Navigate to parent folder":"Kaloni te dosja mëmë","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Kalo te mëma (%{folderName})","New":"E re","New folder":"Dosje e re","New Folder":"Dosje e Re","New space":"Hapësirë e re","New Space":"Hapësirë e Re","no":"jo","No hidden shares":"Pa pjesë të fshehura","No information to display":"S’ka hollësi për shfaqje","No link":"Pa lidhje","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"S’lyp bërjen e hyrjes. Cilido me lidhjen mund ta përdorë. Nëse e ndani këtë lidhje me persona prej listës “Persona të ftuar”, atyre u duhet të bëjnë hyrjen, që të mund të kenë veprim lejet individuale dhënë atyre. Nëse s’kanë bërë hyrjen, në fuqi do të jenë lejet e lidhjes.","No resources found":"S’u gjetën përfundime","No results found":"S’u gjetën përfundime","No shares":"Pa pjesë","No users or groups found.":"S’u gjetën përdorues ose grupe.","No Versions available for this file":"S’ka versione të gatshëm për këtë kartelë","Not enough quota":"Kuotë e pamjaftueshme","Note: Transfer of nested folder structures is not possible. Instead, all files from the subfolders will be uploaded individually.":"Shënim: S’është e mundur shpërngulje strukturash dosjesh brenda njëra-tjetrës. Në vend të kësaj, krejt kartelat prej nëndosjeve do të ngarkohen individualisht.","Notification":"Njoftim","Notify a third party about uploads":"Njoftoni një palë të tretë rreth ngarkimesh","Notify me about uploads":"Njoftomë rreth ngarkimesh","Notify via mail":"Njofto përmes email-i","Only invited people can access":"Mund të hyjnë vetëm persona të ftuar","Open context menu and show members":"Hap menu konteksti dhe shfaq anëtarë","Open context menu with share editing options":"Hap menu konteksti me mundësi përpunimi pjese","Orientation":"Orientim","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Përmbledhje e hollësive rreth kartelës së përzgjedhur","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Përmbledhje e hollësive rreth kartelave të përzgjedhura","Owner":"Pronar","Password":"Fjalëkalim","Paste here":"Ngjite këtu","PDF":"PDF","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Personat me të cilët ndani burime s’mund të shohin se kush tjetër mund t’i përdorë.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Personat me të cilët ndani burime do të njoftohen me email, ose me njoftime nga aplikacioni.","Person was added":"Personi u shtua","Personal":"Personale","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Ju lutemi, pritni deri sa të kenë përfunduar krejt importimet","Presentation":"Paraqitje","Private link":"Lidhje private","Private link copied":"Lidhja private u kopjua","Public link":"Lidhje publike","Reload public link":"Ringarko lidhjen publike","Remote user":"Përdorues i largët","Remove":"Hiqe","Remove expiration date":"Hiqi datë skadimi","Remove member":"Hiqe anëtarin","Remove password":"Hiqe fjalëkalimin","Remove share":"Hiqe pjesën","Rename":"Riemërtoje","Replace":"Zëvendësoje","Resource is temporarily locked, unable to manage share":"Burimi është përkohësisht i kyçur, s’arrihet të administrohet pjesë","Resource not found":"Burimi s’u gjet","Restore":"Riktheje","Save":"Ruaje","Search":"Kërko","Search for files":"Kërkoni për kartela","Search for service or secondary Account":"Kërkoni për shërbim, ose Llogari dytësore","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"Përfundime kërkimi për “%{searchTerm}”","See all versions":"Shihini krejt versionet","Select a file or folder to view details":"Që të shihni hollësitë, përzgjidhni një kartelë ose dosje.","Select a trash to view details":"Përzgjidhni një kosh hedhurinash për t’i parë hollësitë","Select permission":"Përzgjidhni leje","Select role for the invitation":"Përzgjidhni rol për ftesën","Send":"Dërgoje","Send a reminder":"Dërgoje si kujtues","Set expiration date":"Caktoni datë skadimi","Share":"Pjesë","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Ndarja skadon më %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share link(s)":"Ndani lidhje me të tjerë","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Emër marrësi pjese: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Marrës pjesësh","Share successfully changed":"Pjesa u ndryshua me sukses","Share Type":"Lloj Pjese","Share via link":"Ndajeni me të tjerë përmes një lidhjeje","Share was added successfully":"Pjesa u shtua me sukses","Share was removed successfully":"Pjesa u hoq me sukses","Share with people":"Ndajeni me të tjerë","Shared by":"Ndarë me të tjerët nga","Shared By":"Ndarë nga","Shared on":"Ndarë më","Shared via":"Ndarë me të tjerë përmes","Shared via link":"Ndarë përmes lidhjeje","Shared with":"Ndarë me","Shared with me":"Ndarë me","Shared with others":"Ndarë me të tjerë","Shares":"Pjesë","Shares pages navigation":"Lëvizje në faqe pjesësh","Shortcut":"Shkurtore","Show":"Shfaqe","Show all":"Shfaqi krejt","Show context menu":"Shfaq menu konteksti","Show less":"Shfaq më pak","Show members":"Shfaqi anëtarët","Show more":"Shfaq më shumë","Show more actions":"Shfaq më tepër veprime","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Po shfaqen deri në %{searchLimit} përfundime","Size":"Madhësi","Space has no deleted files":"Hapësira s’ka kartela të fshira","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Figura e hapësirë u ngarkua me sukses","Space manager capabilities":"Aftësi përgjegjësi hapësire","Space members":"Anëtarë hapësire","Space name":"Emër hapësire","Space was created successfully":"Hapësira u krijua me sukses","Spaces":"Hapësira","Spaces are special folders built for collaboration.":"Hapësirat janë dosje speciale të krijuara për bashkëpunim.","Spreadsheet":"Fletëllogaritje","Subfolders":"Nëndosje","Switch to condensed table view":"Kalo te pamje e ngjeshur e tabelës","Switch to default table view":"Kalo te pamje parazgjedhje e tabelës","Switch to tiles view":"Kalo te pamja me kuadrate","Synced with your devices":"Njëkohësuar me pajisjet tuaja","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"Etiketa s’duhet të jetë vetëm hapësira të zbrazëta","Tags":"Etiketa","Taken time":"Kohë kur është bërë","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"Në krah të një pjesë shfaqe “përmes dosjeje”, nëse është dhënë tashmë hyrje përmes një dosjeje mëmë. Klikoni mbi “përmes dosjeje”, që të përpunoni pjesën te dosja e vet mëmë.","The file type is unsupported":"Lloji i kartelës nuk mbulohet","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Lidhja “%{linkName}” u kopjua në të papastrën tuaj.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Lidhja u kopjua te e papastra juaj.","The location has been copied to your clipboard.":"Vendndodhja u kopjua në të papastrën tuaj.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"The private link has been copied to your clipboard.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"S’ka burime me shenjë si të parapëlqyer","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"S’ka kuotë të mjaftueshme te %{spaceName}, ju duhen edhe %{missingSpace} që të ngarkoni këto kartela","This file has been shared.":"Kjo kartelë është ndarë me të tjerë.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Kjo dosje përmban %{ amount } objekt.","Kjo dosje përmban %{ amount } objekte."],"This folder has been shared.":"Kjo dosje është ndarë me të tjerë.","This folder has no content.":"Kjo dosje s’ka lëndë.","This link is password-protected":"Kjo lidhje është e mbrojtur me fjalëkalim","this month":"këtë muaj","this week":"këtë javë","this year":"këtë vit","Title":"Titull","Title only":"Vetëm titull","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Që të kërkohet për një shërbim ose llogari dytësore, paraprijeni emrin e përdoruesit me “a:” (pra, “a:gimi”) dhe për llogari mysafire paraprijeni emrin e përdoruesit me “l:” (pra, “l:gimi”).","today":"sot","Track":"Pjesë","Type":"Lloj","Unrestricted":"E pakufizuar","Upload":"Ngarkoni","Upload files or folders":"Ngarkoni kartela ose dosje","Uploads will be notified to a third party":"Ngarkimet do t’i njoftohen një pale të tretë","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Përdorni fusha dhënieje që të kërkoni për përdorues dhe grupe. Që të ndani me të tjerë objektin, përzgjidheni.","User":"Përdorues","Versions":"Versione","via":"përmes","Video":"Video","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Kërkuam ngado, por s’qemë në gjendje të gjejmë burimin e përzgjedhur.","What are indirect links?":"Ç’janë lidhjet e tërthorta?","When a file is uploaded, this address will be notified as well.":"Kur ngarkohet një kartelë, do të njoftohet dhe kjo adresë.","Who can view tags?":"Cilët mund të shohin etiketat?","Year recorded":"Vit incizimi","yesterday":"dje","You do not have permission to create links":"S’keni leje të krijoni lidhje","You don't have access to any spaces":"S’keni hyrje te ndonjë hapësirë","You don't have access to any trashbins":"S’keni hyrje te ndonjë kosh hedhurinash","You don't have permission to share this file.":"S’keni leje të ndani këtë kartelë me të tjerë.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"S’keni leje të ndani këtë dosje me të tjerë.","You have no deleted files":"S’keni kartela të fshira","You have no permission to create new files!":"S’keni leje të krijoni kartela të reja!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"S’keni leje të ngjitni kartela këtu!","You have no permission to upload!":"S’keni leje të ngarkoni!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"S’keni ndarë ndonjë burim përmes lidhjeje.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"S’keni ndarë ndonjë burim me persona të tjerë."},"ta":{"(me)":"(நான்)","Actions":"செயல்கள்","Cancel":"ரத்துசெய்","Copy":"நகலெடுக்கவும்","Download":"பதிவிறக்க"},"sr":{},"tr":{"“via folder”":"\"klasör aracılığıyla\"","(me)":"(ben)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } dosya","%{ filesCount } dosya"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } klasör","%{ foldersCount } klasör"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } öge seçildi","%{ itemCount } öge seçildi"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } öge toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } öge toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } öge toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } öge toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } öge ile %{ itemSize } toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } öge ile %{ itemSize } toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } öge ile %{ itemSize } toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } öge ile %{ itemSize } toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } alan","%{ spacesCount } alan"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (ben)","%{count} member":["%{count} üye","%{count} üye"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} yüklemeden önce bu klasörü sizinle paylaştı","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType}, %{resourceName} öğesine erişemez","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} eşleşen alan","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} eşleşen çöp","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"Toplamda %{spaceCount} alan","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"Toplamda %{spaceCount} çöp","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (devre dışı)","Access denied":"Erişim reddedildi","Access details":"Erişim detayları","Access expires":"Erişim sona eriyor","Access was denied successfully":"Erişim başarıyla reddedildi","Access was granted successfully":"Erişim başarıyla verildi","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Hesap ve giriş gereklidir. Yalnızca \"Davet edilen kişiler\" listesindeki kişiler erişebilir.","Actions":"Aksiyonlar","Add":"Ekle","Add link":"Bağlantı ekle","Add members to this Space":"Bu Alana üyeler ekle","Add password":"Parola ekle","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Herkese açık bağlantı yüklenirken bir hata oluştu","Apply":"Uygula","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Bu bağlantıyı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Aynı bağlantıyı yeniden oluşturmak mümkün değildir.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Bu üyeyi kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Bu paylaşımı kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Cancel":"İptal","Choose how access is granted":"Erişimin nasıl verileceğini seçin","Close filter":"Filtreyi kapat","Context menu of the share":"Paylaşımın içerik menüsü","Copied":"Kopyalandı","Copy":"Kopyala","Copy link to clipboard":"Bağlantıyı panoya kopyala","Copy private link to clipboard":"Özel bağlantıyı panoya kopyala","Create":"Yarat","Create a new space":"Yeni bir alan oluştur","Create link":"Bağlantı oluştur","Create new files or folders":"Yeni dosyalar veya klasörler oluştur","Creating space failed…":"Alan oluşturma başarısız...","Delete":"Sil","Delete link":"Bağlantıyı sil","Deleted files":"Silinen dosyalar","Deny access":"Erişimi reddet","Deselect %{label}":"Seçimi kaldır %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"%{name}'yi seçme","Details":"Detaylar","Disabled":"Devre dışı bırakıldı","Download":"İndir","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Dosyaları ve klasörleri buraya sürükleyin veya dosya eklemek için \"Yeni\" veya \"Yükle\" düğmelerini kullanın","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Dosyaları yüklemek için buraya bırakın veya dosya seçmek için tıklayın","Edit expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihini düzenle","Edit image":"Resmi düzenle","Edit name":"Adı düzenle","Edit password":"Parolayı düzenle","Edit permission":"İzni düzenle","Enabled":"Etkin","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Kişileri veya grupları bu Alana üye olarak eklemek için bir ad girin.","Error while editing the share.":"Paylaşım düzenlenirken hata.","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"Dosyayı görüntüleyebilen herkes, etiketlerini görüntüleyebilir. Aynı şekilde, dosyayı düzenleyebilen herkes onun etiketlerini de düzenleyebilir.","Everyone with the link":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes","Expires %{expires}":"%{expires} sona eriyor","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"%{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate}) tarihinde sona eriyor","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"\"%{displayName}\" için paylaşım ekleme başarısız","Failed to apply expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihi uygulanamadı","Failed to apply new permissions":"Yeni izinler uygulanamadı","Failed to delete link":"Bağlantı silinemedi","Failed to deny access":"Erişim reddetme başarısız","Failed to edit tags":"Etiketleri düzenleme başarısız","Failed to grant access":"Erişim izni verme başarısız","Failed to remove share":"Paylaşım kaldırılamadı","Failed to update link":"Bağlantı güncellenemedi","Failed to upload space image":"Alan resmi yüklenemedi","Favorites":"Favoriler","File already exists":"Dosya zaten mevcut","Files":"Dosyalar","Filter members":"Filtre üyeleri","Filter tags":"Filtre etiketleri","Filter:":"Filtre:","Folder":"Klasör","Folder already exists":"Klasör zaten mevcut","Folders":"Klasörler","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"%{totalResults} sonuç bulundu, en iyi eşleşen %{itemCount} tanesi gösteriliyor","Go to »Personal« page":"»Kişisel« sayfasına git","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"»Alanlara Genel Bakış«'a git","Group":"Grup","Guest user":"Misafir kullanıcı","Hide":"Gizle","How to edit indirect links":"Dolaylı bağlantılar nasıl düzenlenir","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Bir klasörü paylaşırsanız, tüm içeriği ve alt klasörleri de paylaşılacaktır.","Incognito":"Gizli","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Dolaylı bağlantılar (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Dolaylı bağlantılar, bir üst klasör tarafından erişim sağlayan bağlantılardır.","Invited by":"Davet eden:","Last modified":"Son değiştirme","Link":"Bağlantı","Link name":"Bağlantı adı","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Bağlantı adı 255 karakterden uzun olamaz","Link was deleted successfully":"Bağlantı başarıyla silindi","Link was updated successfully":"Bağlantı başarıyla güncellendi","Loading list of shares":"Paylaşım listesi yükleniyor","Locked by":"Kilitleyen","Member capabilities":"Üye yetenekleri","Members":"Üyeler","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Üyeler, bu alana kimlerin erişimi olduğunu görebilir ve bu alandaki tüm dosyalara erişebilir. Bir rol atanarak okuma veya yazma izinleri ayarlanabilir.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Yönetici rolüne sahip üyeler, üye ekleme veya kaldırma, üye olmayanlarla alt klasör paylaşma veya paylaşım için bağlantılar oluşturma gibi bir Alanın tüm özelliklerini ve içeriğini düzenleyebilir.","Merge":"Birleştir","Name":"İsim","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"'%{folder}''e yönlendir","Navigate to parent folder":"Ana klasöre yönlendir","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"(%{folderName}) üstte yönlendir","New":"Yeni","New folder":"Yeni klasör","New Folder":"Yeni Klasör","New space":"Yeni alan","New Space":"Yeni Alan","no":"yok","No information to display":"Gösterilecek bilgi yok","No link":"Bağlantı yok","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"Giriş gerekmez. Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes erişebilir. Bu bağlantıyı \"Davet edilen kişiler\" listesindeki kişilerle paylaşırsanız, kendilerine atanan bireysel izinlerin geçerli olabilmesi için giriş yapmaları gerekir. Oturum açmamışlarsa, bağlantının izinleri geçerli olur.","No resources found":"Kaynaklar bulunamadı","No results found":"Sonuç bulunamadı","No users or groups found.":"Kullanıcılar veya gruplar bulunamadı.","No Versions available for this file":"Bu dosya için sürüm yok","Not enough quota":"Yeterli kota yok","Notification":"Bildirim","Only invited people can access":"Yalnızca davet edilen kişiler erişebilir","Open context menu and show members":"İçerik menüsünü aç ve üyeleri göster","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Seçilen dosya hakkındaki bilgilere genel bakış","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Seçilen klasör hakkındaki bilgilere genel bakış","Owner":"Sahip","Password":"Parola","Paste here":"Buraya yapıştır","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Kaynakları paylaştığınız kişiler, başka kimlerin erişime sahip olduğunu göremez.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Kaynak paylaştığınız kişiler, e-posta veya uygulama içi bildirim yoluyla bilgilendirilir.","Person was added":"Kişi eklendi","Personal":"Kişisel","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Lütfen tüm içe aktarma işlemleri bitene kadar bekleyin","Private link":"Gizli bağlantı","Private link copied":"Özel bağlantı kopyalandı","Public link":"Herkese açık bağlantı","Reload public link":"Herkese açık bağlantıyı yeniden yükle","Remote user":"Uzaktan kullanıcı","Remove":"Kaldır","Remove expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihini kaldır","Remove member":"Üyeyi kaldır","Remove password":"Parolayı kaldır","Remove share":"Paylaşımı kaldır","Rename":"Yeniden adlandır","Replace":"Yer değiştir","Resource not found":"Kaynak bulunamadı","Restore":"Geri yükle","Save":"Kaydet","Search":"Ara","Search for files":"Dosyalarda ara","Search for service or secondary Account":"Servis veya ikincil Hesap ara","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"\"%{searchTerm}\" için arama sonuçları","See all versions":"Tüm sürümleri gör","Select permission":"İzin seç","Select role for the invitation":"Davet için rol seç","Set expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihini ayarla","Share":"Paylaş","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"%{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate }) tarihinde paylaşım süresi doluyor","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Alıcı adını paylaş: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Alıcıları paylaş","Share successfully changed":"Paylaşım başarıyla değiştirildi","Share via link":"Bağlantı aracılığıyla paylaş","Share was added successfully":"Paylaşım başarıyla eklendi","Share was removed successfully":"Paylaşım başarıyla kaldırıldı","Share with people":"Kişilerle paylaş","Shared by":"Paylaşıldı","Shared on":"Şurada paylaşıldı:","Shared via":"Paylaşıldı:","Shared via link":"Bağlantı aracılığıyla paylaşıldı","Shared with":"Paylaşlaşılmış","Shared with me":"Benimle paylaşıldı","Shared with others":"Diğerleri ile paylaşılmış","Shares":"Paylaşımlar","Shares pages navigation":"Paylaşımlar sayfa yönlendirmesi","Show":"Göster","Show all":"Tümünü göster","Show context menu":"İçerik menüsünü göster","Show less":"Daha az göster","Show members":"Üyeleri göster","Show more":"Daha fazla göster","Show more actions":"Daha fazla eylem göster","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"%{searchLimit} adede kadar sonuç gösteriliyor","Size":"Boyut","Space has no deleted files":"Alanda silinmiş dosya yok","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Alan resmi başarıyla yüklendi","Space manager capabilities":"Alan yöneticisi yetenekleri","Space members":"Alan üyeleri","Space name":"Alan adı","Space was created successfully":"Alan başarıyla oluşturuldu","Spaces":"Alanlar","Subfolders":"Alt klasörler","Switch to condensed table view":"Yoğunlaştırılmış tablo görünümüne geç","Switch to default table view":"Varsayılan tablo görünümüne geç","Switch to tiles view":"Karo görünümüne geç","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"Etiket yalnızca boşluklardan oluşmamalıdır","Tags":"Etiketler","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"Erişim zaten bir üst klasör aracılığıyla verilmişse, bir paylaşımın yanında \"klasör aracılığıyla\" gösterilir. Paylaşımı üst klasöründe düzenlemek için “klasör aracılığıyla” tıklayın.","The file type is unsupported":"Bu dosya türü desteklenmiyor","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"\"%{linkName}\" bağlantısı panonuza kopyalandı.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Bağlantı panonuza kopyalandı.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Özel bağlantı panonuza kopyalandı","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Favori olarak işaretlenmiş kaynak yok","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"%{spaceName} için yeterli kota yok, bu dosyaları yüklemek için ek %{missingSpace}'e ihtiyacınız var","This file has been shared.":"Bu dosya paylaşıldı.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Bu klasör %{ amount } öge içeriyor.","Bu klasör %{ amount } öge içeriyor."],"This folder has been shared.":"Bu klasör paylaşıldı.","This folder has no content.":"Bu klasörde içerik yok.","This link is password-protected":"Bu bağlantı parola korumalı","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Hizmet veya ikincil hesapları aramak için kullanıcı adının önüne \"a:\" (\"a:doe\" gibi) ve misafir hesapları için kullanıcı adının önüne \"l:\" (\"l:doe\" gibi) gelir.","Type":"Tür","Unrestricted":"Sınırsız","Upload":"Yükle","Upload files or folders":"Dosyaları veya klasörleri yükle","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Kullanıcıları ve grupları aramak için giriş alanını kullanın. Ögeyi paylaşmak için onları seçin.","User":"Kullanıcı","Versions":"Sürümler","via":"aracılığıyla","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Her yere baktık, ancak seçilen kaynağı bulamadık.","What are indirect links?":"Dolaylı bağlantılar nedir?","Who can view tags?":"Etiketleri kim görebilir?","You do not have permission to create links":"Bağlantı oluşturma izniniz yok","You don't have access to any spaces":"Hiçbir alana erişiminiz yok","You don't have access to any trashbins":"Herhangi bir çöp kutusuna erişiminiz yok","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Bu dosyayı paylaşmak için izniniz yok.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Bu klasörü paylaşmak için izniniz yok.","You have no deleted files":"Silinen dosyanız yok","You have no permission to create new files!":"Yeni dosyalar oluşturmak için izniniz yok!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"Dosyaları buraya yapıştırma izniniz yok!","You have no permission to upload!":"Yükleme için izniniz yok!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"Bağlantı aracılığıyla herhangi bir kaynak paylaşmadınız.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"Diğer kişiler aracılığıyla herhangi bir kaynak paylaşmadınız."},"ug":{},"zh":{"“via folder”":"“通过文件夹”","(me)":"(我)","%{ filesCount } file":"%{ filesCount } 个文件","%{ foldersCount } folder":"%{ foldersCount } 个文件夹","%{ itemCount } item selected":"已选择 %{ itemCount } 项","%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":"总计 %{ itemsCount } 项 (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":"总计 %{ itemsCount } 项 (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":"%{ itemsCount } 项,总计 %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":"%{ itemsCount } 项,总计 %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ spacesCount } space":"%{ spacesCount } 个空间","%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (我)","%{count} member":"%{count} 个成员","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} 与您共享此文件夹以便上传","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType} 无法访问 %{resourceName}","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} 个匹配的空间","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} 个匹配的回收站","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"总计 %{spaceCount} 个空间","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"总计 %{spaceCount} 个回收站","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (已禁用)","Access denied":"拒绝访问","Access details":"查看详情","Access expires":"访问权限过期","Access was denied successfully":"已取消权限","Access was granted successfully":"已授予权限","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"需要登录且只有“受邀者”列表中的人员可以访问。","Actions":"操作","Add":"添加","Add link":"添加链接","Add members to this Space":"添加成员到空间","Add password":"添加密码","An error occurred while loading the public link":"加载公开链接时出错","Apply":"应用","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"确定删除此链接吗?无法再次重新创建相同的链接。","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"确定移除这些成员吗?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"确定移除此共享吗?","Cancel":"取消","Choose how access is granted":"选择如何授权","Close filter":"清除过滤","Context menu of the share":"菜单","Copied":"已复制","Copy":"复制","Copy link to clipboard":"复制链接到剪贴板","Copy private link to clipboard":"复制私有链接到剪贴板","Create":"创建","Create a new space":"创建新空间","Create link":"创建链接","Create new files or folders":"创建新文件或文件夹","Creating space failed…":"创建空间失败...","Delete":"删除","Delete link":"删除链接","Deleted files":"已删除的文件","Deny access":"拒绝访问","Deselect %{label}":"取消选择 %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"取消选择 %{name}","Details":"详情","Disabled":"已禁用","Download":"下载","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"将文件和文件夹拖至此处或使用“新建”或“上传”按钮添加文件","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"将文件拖放到此处上传或单击选择文件","Edit expiration date":"修改到期日期","Edit image":"修改图片","Edit name":"修改名称","Edit password":"修改密码","Edit permission":"修改权限","Enabled":"已启用","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"输入名称以将人员或群组添加为该空间的成员。","Error while editing the share.":"修改此共享时出错","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"所有可以查看文件的人都可以查看其标签。同样,所有可以编辑文件的人都可以编辑其标签。","Everyone with the link":"任何人知道此链接的人","Expires %{expires}":"过期 %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"%{timeToExpiry} 后到期 (%{expiryDate})","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"添加“%{displayName}”的共享失败。","Failed to apply expiration date":"应用到期日期失败","Failed to apply new permissions":"应用新权限失败","Failed to delete link":"删除链接失败","Failed to deny access":"取消授权失败","Failed to edit tags":"修改标签失败","Failed to grant access":"授权失败","Failed to remove share":"移除共享失败","Failed to update link":"更新链接失败","Failed to upload space image":"上传空间图片失败","Favorites":"收藏","File already exists":"文件已存在","Files":"文件","Filter members":"按成员过滤","Filter tags":"按标签过滤","Filter:":"过滤:","Folder":"文件夹","Folder already exists":"文件夹已存在","Folders":"文件夹","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"找到 %{totalResults} 个,显示 %{itemCount} 个最佳匹配结果","Go to »Personal« page":"跳转到 »个人« 页面","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"跳转到 »空间预览«","Group":"分组","Guest user":"访客用户","Hide":"隐藏","How to edit indirect links":"怎么修改间接链接","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"如果您共享文件夹,则其所有内容和子文件夹也将被共享。","Incognito":"匿名","Indirect links (%{ count })":"间接链接 (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"间接链接是由父文件夹提供访问权限的链接。","Invited by":"邀请者","Last modified":"最后修改于","Link":"链接","Link name":"链接名称","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"链接名称不能超过255个字符","Link was deleted successfully":"链接删除成功","Link was updated successfully":"链接更新成功","Loading list of shares":"正在加载共享列表","Member capabilities":"成员功能","Members":"成员","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"成员可以查看谁有权访问该空间并访问该空间中的所有文件。 可以通过分配角色来设置读取或写入权限。","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"具有管理员角色的成员可以编辑空间的所有属性和内容,例如添加或删除成员、与非成员共享子文件夹或创建共享链接。","Name":"文件名称","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"导航到 '%{folder}'","Navigate to parent folder":"导航到父级文件夹","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"导航到父级 (%{folderName})","New":"创建","New folder":"创建文件夹","New Folder":"创建文件夹","New space":"创建空间","New Space":"创建空间","no":"没有","No information to display":"没有可显示的信息","No link":"没有链接","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"无需登录。 知道链接的每个人都可以访问。 如果您与“受邀人员”列表中的人员共享此链接,他们需要登录才能生效。 如果未登录,则链接的权限生效。","No resources found":"未找到资源","No results found":"未找到结果","No users or groups found.":"未找到用户或组。","No Versions available for this file":"该文件没有可用的版本","Not enough quota":"配额不足","Notification":"通知","Only invited people can access":"只有受邀请的人才能访问","Open context menu and show members":"打开菜单并显示成员","Overview of the information about the selected file":"有关所选文件的信息概述","Overview of the information about the selected files":"有关所选文件的信息概述","Owner":"拥有者","Password":"密码","Paste here":"状态到此处","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"被您共享资源的人无法看到其他人是否有权访问。","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"您与之共享资源的人将通过电子邮件或应用内通知收到通知。","Person was added":"人员已添加","Personal":"个人","Please wait until all imports have finished":"请等待所有导入完成。","Private link":"私人链接","Private link copied":"私人链接已复制","Public link":"公开链接","Reload public link":"重新加载公开链接","Remote user":"远程用户","Remove":"移除","Remove expiration date":"移除到期时间","Remove member":"移除成员","Remove password":"移除密码","Remove share":"移除共享","Rename":"重命名","Replace":"替换","Resource not found":"找不到资源","Restore":"恢复","Save":"保存","Search":"搜索","Search for files":"搜索文件","Search for service or secondary Account":"搜索服务或辅助帐户","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"\"%{searchTerm}\" 的搜索结果","See all versions":"查看所有版本","Select permission":"选择权限","Select role for the invitation":"选择邀请的角色","Set expiration date":"设置到期日期","Share":"共享","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"共享于 %{ expiryDateRelative } 后到期 (%{ expiryDate })","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"共享接收者名称:%{ displayName }","Share receivers":"共享接受者","Share successfully changed":"共享更改成功","Share via link":"通过链接分享","Share was added successfully":"共享添加成功","Share was removed successfully":"共享移除成功","Share with people":"与人共享","Shared by":"共享通过","Shared on":"共享于","Shared via":"共享通过","Shared via link":"通过链接共享","Shared with":"共享给","Shared with me":"与我共享","Shared with others":"与其他人共享","Shares":"共享","Shares pages navigation":"共享页面导航","Show":"显示","Show all":"显示所有","Show context menu":"显示菜单","Show less":"显示更少","Show members":"显示成员","Show more":"显示更多","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"显示最多 %{search Limit} 个结果","Size":"大小","Space has no deleted files":"空间没有已删除的文件","Space image was uploaded successfully":"空间图片上传成功","Space manager capabilities":"空间管理员功能","Space members":"空间成员","Space name":"空间名称","Space was created successfully":"空间创建成功","Spaces":"空间","Subfolders":"子文件夹","Switch to condensed table view":"切换至紧凑视图","Switch to default table view":"切换至默认视图","Switch to tiles view":"切换至网格视图","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"标签不得仅包含空格","Tags":"标签","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"如果已通过父文件夹授予访问权限,则“通过文件夹”将显示在共享旁边。 单击“通过文件夹”可编辑其父文件夹上的共享。","The file type is unsupported":"不支持该文件类型","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"链接 \"%{linkName}\" 已复制到您的剪贴板。","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"该链接已复制到您的剪贴板。","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"私人链接已复制到您的剪贴板。","There are no resources marked as favorite":"没有标记为收藏的资源","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"%{spaceName} 的配额不足,您需要额外 %{missingSpace} 来上传这些文件","This file has been shared.":"文件已共享。","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":"该文件夹包含 %{ amount } 个项目。","This folder has been shared.":"文件夹已共享。","This folder has no content.":"该文件夹没有内容。","This link is password-protected":"该链接受密码保护","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"要搜索服务或辅助帐户,请在用户名前添加“a:”(如“a:doe”),而要搜索访客帐户,请在用户名前添加“l:”(如“l:doe”)。","Type":"类型","Unrestricted":"无限制","Upload":"上传","Upload files or folders":"上传文件或文件夹","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"使用下方输入框搜索用户和组。 选择他们来共享该项目。","User":"用户","Versions":"版本","via":"通过","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"我们到处寻找,但找不到所选的资源。","What are indirect links?":"什么是间接链接?","Who can view tags?":"谁可以查看标签?","You do not have permission to create links":"您无权创建链接","You don't have access to any spaces":"您无权访问任何空间","You don't have access to any trashbins":"您无权访问任何回收站","You don't have permission to share this file.":"您无权共享此文件。","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"您无权共享此文件夹。","You have no deleted files":"您没有已删除的文件","You have no permission to create new files!":"您无权创建新文件!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"您无权把文件粘贴到此处!","You have no permission to upload!":"您无权上传文件!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"您尚未通过链接与其他人共享任何资源。","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"您尚未与其他人共享任何资源。"},"uk":{"“via folder”":"«через папку»","(me)":"(я)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } file","%{ filesCount } files","%{ filesCount } files","%{ filesCount } файлів"],"%{ filesCount } file including %{ filesHiddenCount } hidden":["%{ filesCount } file including %{ filesHiddenCount } hidden","%{ filesCount } files including %{ filesHiddenCount } hidden","%{ filesCount } files including %{ filesHiddenCount } hidden","%{ filesCount } файлів, включаючи %{ filesHiddenCount } прихованих"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } folder","%{ foldersCount } folders","%{ foldersCount } folders","%{ foldersCount } папок"],"%{ foldersCount } folder including %{ foldersHiddenCount } hidden":["%{ foldersCount } folder including %{ foldersHiddenCount } hidden","%{ foldersCount } folders including %{ foldersHiddenCount } hidden","%{ foldersCount } folders including %{ foldersHiddenCount } hidden","%{ foldersCount } папок, включаючи %{ foldersHiddenCount } приховано"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } item selected","%{ itemCount } items selected","%{ itemCount } items selected","Вибрано %{ itemCount } елементів"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } items in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } items in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Загалом %{ itemsCount } елементів (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } items in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } items in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Загалом %{ itemsCount } елементів (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } items with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } items with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } елементів із %{ itemSize } загалом (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } items with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } items with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } елементів із %{ itemSize } загалом (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } space","%{ spacesCount } spaces","%{ spacesCount } spaces","%{ spacesCount } Просторів"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (я)","%{count} member":["%{count} member","%{count} members","%{count} members","%{count} учасників"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} надав вам доступ до цієї папки для відвантаження","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType} не може отримати доступ до %{resourceName}","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} відповідних Просторів","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} відповідних Кошиків","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"Усього %{spaceCount} Просторів","%{spaceCount} spaces in total (including %{disabledSpaceCount} disabled)":"Усього %{spaceCount} Просторів (включно з вимкненими %{disabledSpaceCount})","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"Загально %{spaceCount} кошиків ","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (вимкнено)","Access denied":"Доступ заборонено","Access details":"Деталі доступу","Access expires":"Термін доступу спливає","Access was denied successfully":"У доступі відмовлено","Access was granted successfully":"Успішно надано доступ ","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Необхідно увійти в обліковий запис. Доступ мають лише особи зі списку «Запрошені».","Account type":"Тип аккаунту","Actions":"Дії","Add":"Додати","Add link":"Додайте посилання","Add members to this Space":"Додайте учасників до цього простору","Add password":"Додайте пароль","Album":"Альбом","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Під час завантаження загальнодоступного посилання сталася помилка","Apply":"Застосувати","Archive":"Архів","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити це посилання? Повторне створення того самого посилання неможливе.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цього учасника?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити спільний доступ?","Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?":"Ви впевнені, що бажаєте надіслати нагадування про цей спільний доступ?","Attach as copy":"Прикріпити як копію","Audio":"Аудіо","Audio Info":"Аудіо інформація","Authors":"Автори","Cancel":"Скасувати","Choose":"Вибрати","Choose how access is granted":"Виберіть спосіб надання доступу","Close filter":"Закрити фільтр","Context menu of the share":"Контекстне меню спільного доступу","Copied":"Скопійовано","Copy":"Копіювати","Copy link to clipboard":"Копіювати посилання в буфер обміну","Copy location to clipboard":"Копіювати розташування в буфер обміну","Copy private link to clipboard":"Копіювати приватне посилання в буфер обміну","Create":"Створити","Create a new space":"Створіть новий Простір","Create link":"Створити посилання","Create new files or folders":"Створити нові файли або папки","Creating space failed…":"Не вдалося створити Простір…","Delete":"Видалити","Delete link":"Видалити посилання","Deleted at":"Видалено","Deleted files":"Видалені файли","Deny access":"Відмовити у доступі","Deselect %{label}":"Скасувати вибір %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"Скасувати вибір %{name}","Details":"Деталі","Device make":"Марка пристрою","Device model":"Модель пристрою","Dimensions":"Розміри","Disabled":"Вимкнено","Disc":"Диск","Document":"Документ","Download":"Завантажити","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Перетягніть файли та папки сюди або скористайтеся кнопками «Додати» або «Відвантажити», щоб додати файли","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Перетягніть файли сюди, щоб відвантажити, або натисніть, щоб вибрати файл","Duration":"Тривалість","Edit expiration date":"Редагувати термін дії","Edit image":"Редагувати зображення","Edit name":"Редагувати назву","Edit password":"Змінити пароль","Edit permission":"Дозвіл на редагування","Edit third party notification":"Редагувати сповіщення третьої сторони","Email address":"Адреса електронної пошти","Email can't be empty":"Поле електронної пошти не може бути порожнім","Email is invalid":"Електронна адреса недійсна","Enabled":"Увімкнено","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Введіть ім’я особи або групи, щоб додати їх до цього Простору.","Enter text to create a Tag":"Введіть текст, щоб створити Тег","Error while editing the share.":"Помилка під час редагування спільного доступу.","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"Кожен, хто може переглядати файл, може переглядати його теги. Аналогічно, кожен, хто може редагувати файл, може редагувати його теги.","Everyone with the link":"Всі за посиланням","Expires %{expires}":"Термін дії спливає %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Термін дії спливає %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Exposure time":"Витримка","F number":"F-число","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"Не вдалося додати спільний доступ для \"%{displayName}\"","Failed to apply expiration date":"Не вдалося застосувати термін придатності","Failed to apply new permissions":"Не вдалося застосувати нові дозволи","Failed to delete link":"Не вдалося видалити посилання","Failed to deny access":"Не вдалося заборонити доступ","Failed to edit tags":"Не вдалося редагувати теги","Failed to grant access":"Не вдалося надати доступ","Failed to remove share":"Не вдалося видалити спільний доступ","Failed to update link":"Не вдалося оновити посилання","Failed to upload space image":"Не вдалося завантажити зображення Простору","Favorites":"Обрані","File":"Файл","File already exists":"Файл уже існує","Files":"Файли","Filter members":"Фільтрувати учасників","Filter share types":"Типи спільних фільтрів","Filter shared by":"Фільтр спільного доступу за","Filter tags":"Теги фільтрів","Filter:":"Фільтр:","Focal length":"Фокусна відстань","Folder":"Папка","Folder already exists":"Папка вже існує","Folders":"Папки","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"Знайдено %{totalResults}, що показує %{itemCount} найкращих результатів","Genre":"Жанр","Go to »Personal« page":"Перейдіть на сторінку «Особисті».","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Перейдіть до »Огляду Просторів«","Group":"Група","Guest user":"Гість користувач","Hidden Shares":"Приховані ресурси","Hide":"Сховати","How to edit indirect links":"Як редагувати непрямі посилання","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Якщо ви надаєте спільний доступ до папки, весь її вміст і вкладені папки також будуть доступні.","Image":"Зображення","Image Info":"Інформація про зображення","Incognito":"Інкогніто","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Непрямі посилання (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Непрямі посилання – це посилання, які дають доступ через батьківську папку.","Indirect links can only be edited in their parent folder. Click on the folder icon below the link to navigate to the parent folder.":"Непрямі посилання можна редагувати лише в їхній батьківській папці. Натисніть значок папки під посиланням, щоб перейти до батьківської папки.","Invited by":"Запрошено участником","ISO":"ISO","last 30 days":"останні 30 днів","last 7 days":"останні 7 днів","Last modified":"Востаннє змінено","Last Modified":"Остання зміна","last month":"минулого місяця","last week":"минулого тижня","last year":"минулого року","Learn about spaces":"Дізнайтеся про Простори","Link":"Посилання","Link name":"Назва посилання","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Назва посилання не може перевищувати 255 символів","Link was deleted successfully":"Посилання успішно видалено","Link was updated successfully":"Посилання успішно оновлено","Loading list of shares":"Завантаження списку спільного доступу","Location":"Місцезнаходження","Locked by":"Заблоковано","Member capabilities":"Можливості учасників","Members":"Учасники","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Учасники можуть бачити, хто має доступ до цього Простору, і мати доступ до всіх файлів у цьому Просторі. Дозволи на читання або запис можна встановити шляхом призначення ролі.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Учасники з роллю менеджера можуть редагувати всі властивості та вміст Простору, наприклад додавати або видаляти учасників, ділитися підпапками з особами, які не є учасниками, або створювати посилання для спільного доступу.","Merge":"Об’єднати","Name":"Ім'я","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Перейдіть до '%{folder}'","Navigate to parent folder":"Перейдіть до батьківської папки","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Перейдіть до батьківської папки (%{folderName})","New":"Новий","New folder":"Нова папка","New Folder":"Нова Папка","New space":"Новий Простір","New Space":"Новий Простір","no":"відсутній","No hidden shares":"Відсутні приховані спільні ресурси","No information to display":"Немає інформації для відображення","No link":"Посилання відсутнє","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"Логін не потрібен. Усі, хто має посилання, можуть отримати доступ. Якщо ви поділитеся цим посиланням з особами зі списку «Запрошені», їм потрібно буде ввійти, щоб їхні індивідуальні призначені дозволи могли набути чинності. Якщо вони не ввійшли в систему, дозволи за посиланням набувають чинності.","No resources found":"Ресурси не знайдено","No results found":"Нічого не знайдено","No shares":"Немає спільного доступу","No users or groups found.":"Користувачів або груп не знайдено.","No Versions available for this file":"Немає доступних версій для цього файлу","Not enough quota":"Не вистачає квоти","Note: Transfer of nested folder structures is not possible. Instead, all files from the subfolders will be uploaded individually.":"Примітка. Передача вкладених структур папок неможлива. Замість цього всі файли з вкладених папок будуть відвантажені окремо.","Notification":"Сповіщення","Notify a third party about uploads":"Повідомити третю сторону про відвантаження","Notify me about uploads":"Сповіщати мене про відвантаження","Notify via mail":"Повідомити електронною поштою","Only invited people can access":"Доступ мають лише запрошені особи","Open context menu and show members":"Відкрити контекстне меню та показати учасників","Open context menu with share editing options":"Відкрити контекстне меню з параметрами спільного редагування","Orientation":"Орієнтація","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Огляд інформації про вибраний файл","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Огляд інформації про вибрані файли","Owner":"Власник","Password":"Пароль","Paste here":"Вставте сюди","PDF":"PDF","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Особи, з якими ви ділитеся спільними ресурсами, не бачать, хто ще має доступ.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Особи, з якими ви ділитеся ресурсами, отримають сповіщення електронною поштою або через сповіщення в програмі.","Person was added":"Додано особу","Personal":"Особисті","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Будь ласка, зачекайте, доки всі імпорти завершаться","Presentation":"Презентація","Private link":"Приватне посилання","Private link copied":"Приватне посилання скопійовано","Public link":"Загальнодоступне посилання","Reload public link":"Перезавантажити загальнодоступне посилання","Remote user":"Віддалений користувач","Remove":"Видалити","Remove expiration date":"Видалити термін дії","Remove member":"Видалити учасника","Remove password":"Видалити пароль","Remove share":"Видалити спільний доступ","Rename":"Перейменувати","Replace":"Замінити","Resource is temporarily locked, unable to manage share":"Ресурс тимчасово заблоковано, неможливо керувати спільним доступом","Resource not found":"Ресурс не знайдено","Restore":"Відновлення","Save":"Зберегти","Search":"Пошук","Search for files":"Пошук файлів","Search for service or secondary Account":"Знайдіть службу або додатковий обліковий запис","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"Результати пошуку для \"%{searchTerm}\"","See all versions":"Переглянути всі версії","Select a file or folder to view details":"Виберіть файл або папку, щоб переглянути деталі","Select a trash to view details":"Виберіть кошик, щоб переглянути деталі","Select permission":"Виберіть дозвіл","Select role for the invitation":"Виберіть роль для запрошення","Send":"Надіслати","Send a reminder":"Надіслати нагадування","Set expiration date":"Встановіть термін дії","Share":"Поділитися","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Термін дії спільного доступу спливає %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share link(s)":"Поділитися посиланням(ами)","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Назва одержувача для спільного доступу: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Спільні отримувачі","Share successfully changed":"Спільний доступ успішно змінено","Share Type":"Тип спільного доступу","Share via link":"Спільний доступ за посиланням","Share was added successfully":"Спільний доступ успішно додано","Share was removed successfully":"Спільний доступ успішно видалено","Share with people":"Спільний доступ з людьми","Shared by":"Спільний доступ від","Shared By":"Спільний доступ від","Shared on":"Поділилися","Shared via":"Поділився через","Shared via link":"Поділитися за посиланням","Shared with":"Спільний доступ з","Shared with me":"Спільний доступ зі мною","Shared with others":"Спільний доступ з іншими","Shares":"Спільний доступ","Shares pages navigation":"Навігація по сторінках","Shortcut":"Ярлик","Show":"Показати","Show all":"Показати всі","Show context menu":"Показати контекстне меню","Show less":"Показувати менше","Show members":"Показати учасників","Show more":"Показати більше","Show more actions":"Показати більше дій","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Показано до %{searchLimit} результатів","Size":"Розмір","Space has no deleted files":"У Просторі немає видалених файлів","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Зображення Простору успішно відвантажено","Space manager capabilities":"Можливості менеджера Простору","Space members":"Учасники Простору","Space name":"Назва Простору","Space was created successfully":"Простір успішно створено","Spaces":"Простори","Spaces are special folders built for collaboration.":"Простори — це спеціальні папки, створені для співпраці.","Spreadsheet":"Електронна таблиця","Subfolders":"Вкладені папки","Switch to condensed table view":"Перейти до перегляду згорнутої таблиці","Switch to default table view":"Обрати перегляд у вигляді таблиці за замовчуванням","Switch to tiles view":"Переключитися на режим плитки","Synced with your devices":"Синхронізовано з вашими пристроями","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"Тег не повинен складатися лише з пробілів","Tags":"Теги","Taken time":"Витрачений час","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"«Через папку» відображається поруч із спільним доступом, якщо доступ уже надано через батьківську папку. Натисніть «через папку», щоб редагувати спільний доступ у його батьківській папці.","The file type is unsupported":"Тип файлу не підтримується","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Посилання \"%{linkName}\" було скопійовано до буфера обміну.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Посилання скопійовано до буфера обміну.","The location has been copied to your clipboard.":"Розташування скопійовано в буфер обміну.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Приватне посилання скопійовано до буфера обміну.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Відсутні ресурси, позначених як обрані","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"Недостатньо квоти на %{spaceName}, вам бракує %{missingSpace}, щоб відвантажити ці файли","This file has been shared.":"До цього файлу надано спільний доступ.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["This folder contains %{ amount } item.","This folder contains %{ amount } items.","This folder contains %{ amount } items.","Ця папка містить %{ сума } елементів."],"This folder has been shared.":"До цієї папки надано спільний доступ.","This folder has no content.":"Ця папка не має вмісту.","This link is password-protected":"Це посилання захищене паролем","this month":"цього місяця","this week":"цього тижня","this year":"цього року","Title":"Назва","Title only":"Лише заголовок","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Для пошуку службових або додаткових префіксів до імені користувача, додайте префікс «a:» (наприклад, «a:doe»), а для облікових записів гостей — «l:» (наприклад, «l:doe»).","today":"сьогодні","Track":"Трек","Type":"Тип","Unrestricted":"Без обмежень","Upload":"Відвантажити","Upload files or folders":"Відвантажте файли або папки","Uploads will be notified to a third party":"Про відвантаження буде сповіщено третю сторону","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Використовуйте поле введення для пошуку користувачів і груп. Виберіть їх, щоб поділитися елементом.","User":"Користувач","Versions":"Версії","via":"через","Video":"Відео","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Ми шукали всюди, але не змогли знайти вибраний ресурс.","What are indirect links?":"Що таке непрямі посилання?","When a file is uploaded, this address will be notified as well.":"Коли файл буде відвантажено, ця адреса також буде повідомлена.","Who can view tags?":"Хто може переглядати теги?","Year recorded":"Рік запису","yesterday":"вчора","You do not have permission to create links":"Ви не маєте дозволу на створення посилань","You don't have access to any spaces":"Ви не маєте доступу до жодного Простору","You don't have access to any trashbins":"Ви не маєте доступу до жодного Кошику","You don't have permission to share this file.":"У вас немає дозволу на поширення цього файлу.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"У вас немає дозволу на поширення цієї папки.","You have no deleted files":"У вас відсутні видалені файли","You have no permission to create new files!":"У вас немає дозволу на створення нових файлів!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"У вас немає дозволу вставляти сюди файли!","You have no permission to upload!":"У вас немає дозволу на відвантаження!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"Ви не поділилися жодним ресурсом за посиланням.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"Ви не ділилися ресурсами з іншими людьми."}} \ No newline at end of file +{"af":{},"bs":{},"ar":{"(me)":"(أنا)","Access denied":"الدخول مرفوض","Actions":"إجراءات","An error occurred while loading the public link":"حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الرابط العام","Cancel":"إلغاء","Copy":"نسخ","Create":"أنشأ","Delete":"حذف","Deleted files":"الملفات المحذوفة","Details":"التفاصيل","Disabled":"تعطيل","Download":"تحميل","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"قم بإسقاط الملفات هنا للتحميل أو انقر لتحديد الملف","Enabled":"تمكين","Expires %{expires}":"تنتهي في٪ {expires}","Favorites":"التفضيلات","Files":"ملفات","Filter members":"تصفية الأعضاء","Filter:":"تصفيه","Group":"مجموعة","Link":"رابط","Members":"اعضاء","Name":"اسم","New":"جديد","New folder":"ملف جديد","No Versions available for this file":"لا توجد إصدارات متاحة لهذا الملف","Owner":"المالك","Password":"كلمة المرور","Paste here":"الصق هنا","Person was added":"تمت إضافة الشخص","Private link":"رابط خاص","Public link":"رابط عام","Reload public link":"إعادة تحميل الرابط العام","Remote user":"مستخدم بعيد","Remove expiration date":"إزالة تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية","Remove password":"إزالة كلمة المرور ","Rename":"إعادة تسمية","Resource not found":"لم يتم العثور على المورد","Restore":"استرجع","Save":"حفظ","Search":"بحث","Share":"شارك","Shared by":"تمت المشاركة بواسطة","Shared via link":"تمت المشاركة عبر الرابط","Shared with me":"مشاركة معي","Shared with others":"مشاركة مع الآخرين","Show context menu":"إظهار قائمة السياق","Spaces":"مسافات","The file type is unsupported":"نوع الملف غير معتمد","There are no resources marked as favorite":"لا توجد موارد تم تحديدها كمفضلة","User":"مستخدم","Versions":"إصدارات","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"قمنا بالبحث في كل مكان ، ولكن لم نتمكن من العثور على المورد المحدد.","You don't have permission to share this file.":"ليس لديك إذن بمشاركة هذا الملف.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"ليس لديك إذن بمشاركة هذا المجلد.","You have no deleted files":"ليس لديك ملفات محذوفة","You have no permission to upload!":"ليس لديك إذن للتحميل!"},"bg":{"“via folder”":"\"чрез папка\"","(me)":"(аз)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ foldersCount } файл","%{ foldersCount } файла"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } папка","%{ foldersCount } папки"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } избран елемент","%{ itemCount } избрани елемента"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["Общо %{ itemsCount } елемент (%{ filesStr}, 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Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Изисква се профил и вход. Достъп имат само хората от списъка \"Поканени\".","Actions":"Действия","Add":"Добавяне","Add link":"Добавяне на връзка","Add members to this Space":"Добавяне на членове към това пространство","Add password":"Добавяне на парола","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Възникна грешка при зареждането на публичната връзка","Apply":"Прилагане","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете тази връзка? Повторното създаване на същата връзка не е възможно.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да премахнете този член?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да премахнете това споделяне?","Cancel":"Отказ","Choose how access is granted":"Избор на начина на предоставяне на достъп","Close filter":"Затваряне на филтъра","Context menu of the share":"Контекстно меню на споделянето","Copied":"Копирано","Copy":"Копиране","Copy link to clipboard":"Копиране на връзката в клипборда","Copy private link to clipboard":"Копиране на поверителната връзка в клипборда","Create":"Създаване","Create a new space":"Създаване на ново пространство","Create link":"Създаване на връзка","Create new files or folders":"Създаване на нови файлове или папки","Creating space failed…":"Неуспешно създаване на пространство...","Delete":"Изтриване","Delete link":"Изтриване на връзка","Deleted files":"Изтрити файлове","Deny access":"Отказан достъп","Deselect %{label}":"Премахване на избора от %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"Премахване избора на %{name}","Details":"Подробности","Disabled":"Деактивирано","Download":"Изтегляне","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Плъзнете тук файлове и папки или използвайте бутоните \"Нов\" или \"Качване\", за да добавите файлове.","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Пуснете файлове тук, за да ги качите, или натиснете ако искате да изберете файл","Edit expiration date":"Редактиране на датата на изтичане на валидността","Edit image":"Редактиране на изображението","Edit name":"Редактиране на името","Edit password":"Редактиране на паролата","Edit permission":"Редактиране на разрешенията","Enabled":"Активирано","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Въведете име, за да добавите хора или групи като членове на това пространство.","Error while editing the share.":"Грешка при редактиране на споделянето.","Everyone with the link":"Всички с връзката","Expires %{expires}":"Изтича на %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Изтича на %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to apply expiration date":"Неуспешно прилагане на датата на валидност","Failed to apply new permissions":"Неуспешно прилагане на новите разрешения","Failed to delete link":"Неуспех при изтриването на връзка","Failed to deny access":"Отказът за достъп е неуспешен","Failed to edit tags":"Неуспешна промяна на етикетите","Failed to grant access":"Предоставянето на достъп е неуспешно","Failed to remove share":"Неуспех при премахването на споделяне","Failed to update link":"Неуспех при актуализирането на връзка","Failed to upload space image":"Неуспешно качване на изображение на пространството","Favorites":"Любими","File already exists":"Файлът вече съществува","Files":"Файлове","Filter members":"Филтър за членове","Filter tags":"Филтър за етикети","Filter:":"Филтър:","Folder":"Папка","Folder already exists":"Папката вече съществува","Folders":"Папки","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"Намерени %{totalResults}, показващи %{itemCount} от най-подходящите резултати","Go to »Personal« page":"Отидете на страницата »Лични«.","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Отидете на \"Преглед на пространства\"","Group":"Група","Guest user":"Гост потребител","Hide":"Скриване","How to edit indirect links":"Как да редактирате непреки връзки","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Ако споделите папка, цялото ѝ съдържание и подпапки също ще бъдат споделени.","Incognito":"Инкогнито","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Непреки връзки (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Индиректните връзки са връзки, даващи достъп чрез основната папка.","Invited by":"Поканен от","Last modified":"Последна промяна","Link":"Връзка","Link name":"Име на връзка","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Името на връзката не може да надвишава 255 символа","Link was deleted successfully":"Връзката е изтрита успешно","Link was updated successfully":"Връзката е актуализирана успешно","Loading list of shares":"Зареждане на списък със споделяния","Member capabilities":"Възможности на члена","Members":"Членове","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Членовете могат да виждат кой има достъп до това пространство и да имат достъп до всички файлове в него. Разрешенията за четене или писане могат да бъдат зададени чрез задаване на роля.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Членовете с роля Мениджър могат да редактират всички свойства и съдържание на Пространство, например да добавят или премахват членове, да споделят подпапки с нечленове или да създават връзки за споделяне.","Merge":"Обединяване","Name":"Име","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Преминаване към '%{folder}'","Navigate to parent folder":"Преминаване към основната папка","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Преминаване към основната (%{folderName})","New":"Нов","New folder":"Нова папка","New Folder":"Нова папка","New space":"Ново пространство","New Space":"Ново пространство","no":"няма","No information to display":"Няма информация за показване","No link":"Няма връзка","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"Не се изисква влизане в системата. Всеки, който има връзка може да получи достъп. Ако споделите тази връзка с хора от списъка \"Поканени хора\", те ще трябва да влязат в системата, за да се задействат техните индивидуално зададени права. 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Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"\"Чрез папка\" се показва до споделяне, ако вече е даден достъп чрез основната папка. Щракнете върху \"чрез папка\", за да редактирате споделянето в основната му папка.","The file type is unsupported":"Типът файл не се поддържа","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Връзката „%{linkName}“ е копирана в клипборда.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Връзката е копирана в клипборда.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Поверителната връзка е копирана в клипборда.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Няма ресурси, отбелязани като любими","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"Недостатъчна квота за %{spaceName}, имате нужда от допълнително %{missingSpace}, за да качите тези файлове","This file has been shared.":"Този файл е споделен.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Тази папка съдържа %{ amount } елемент.","Тази папка съдържа %{ amount } елемента."],"This folder has been shared.":"Тази папка е споделена.","This folder has no content.":"В папката няма съдържание.","This link is password-protected":"Тази връзка е защитена с парола","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"За търсене на служебни или допълнителни профили използвайте префикс на потребителското име с \"a:\" (например \"a:doe\"), а за профили на гости използвайте префикс на потребителското име с \"l:\" (например \"l:doe\").","Type":"Тип","Upload":"Качване","Upload files or folders":"Качване на файлове и папки","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Използвайте полето за въвеждане, за да търсите потребители и групи. Изберете ги, за да споделите елемента.","User":"Потребител","Versions":"Версии","via":"чрез","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Търсихме навсякъде, но не успяхме да открием избрания ресурс.","What are indirect links?":"Какво представляват непреките връзки?","You do not have permission to create links":"Нямате необходимите права за създаване на връзки","You don't have access to any spaces":"Нямате достъп до никакви пространства","You don't have access to any trashbins":"Нямате достъп до кошчето","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Нямате необходимите права за споделяне на този файл.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Нямате необходимите права за споделяне на тази папка","You have no deleted files":"Нямате изтрити файлове","You have no permission to create new files!":"Нямате необходимите права за създаване на нови файлове!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"Нямате необходимите права да поставяте файлове тук!","You have no permission to upload!":"Нямате необходимите права за качване!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"Не сте споделили никакъв ресурс чрез връзка.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"Не сте споделили никакви ресурси с други хора."},"cs":{"“via folder”":"“složkou”","(me)":"(já)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } soubor","%{ filesCount } soubory","%{ filesCount } souborů","%{ filesCount } souborů"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } adresář","%{ foldersCount } adresáře","%{ foldersCount } adresářů","%{ foldersCount } adresářů"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } položka vybrána","%{ itemCount } položky vybrány","%{ itemCount } položek vybráno","%{ itemCount } položek vybráno"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } položka celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } položky celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } položka celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } položky celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } položka s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } položky s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } položka s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } položky s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } položek s %{ itemSize } celkem (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } místo","%{ spacesCount } místa","%{ spacesCount } míst","%{ spacesCount } míst"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (já)","%{count} member":["%{count} člen","%{count} členové","%{count} členů","%{count} členů"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} s vámi sdílí tuto složku k nahrávání","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} odpovídajících míst","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} odpovídajících košů","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} míst celkem","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"Celkem %{spaceCount} košů","Access denied":"Přístup odepřen","Access details":"Podrobnosti o přístupu","Access expires":"Přístup vyprší","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Vyžaduje se účet a přihlášení. 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zkopírován","Upload":"Nahrát","User":"Uživatel","Versions":"Verze","You have no permission to upload!":"Nemáte oprávnění nahrávat soubory."},"el":{"Actions":"Ενέργειες","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την φόρτωση του δημόσιου συνδέσμου","Cancel":"Ακύρωση","Create":"Δημιουργία","Delete":"Διαγραφή","Deleted files":"Διαγραμμένα αρχεία","Download":"Λήψη","Favorites":"Αγαπημένα","Files":"Αρχεία","Folders":"Φάκελοι","Group":"Ομάδα","Name":"Όνομα","No Versions available for this file":"Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες εκδόσεις για αυτό το αρχείο","Password":"Συνθηματικό","Rename":"Μετονομασία","Restore":"Επαναφορά","Save":"Αποθήκευση","Search":"Αναζήτηση","Shared with":"Διαμοιράστηκε με","Shared with others":"Διαμοιρασμένα με άλλους","Size":"Μέγεθος","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Ο ιδιωτικός σύνδεσμος έχει αντιγραφεί στο πρόχειρο σας.","User":"Χρήστης","Versions":"Εκδόσεις","You have no permission to upload!":"Δεν έχετε δικαιώματα για μεταφόρτωση!"},"de":{"“via folder”":"\"durch Ordner\"","(me)":"(ich)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } Datei","%{ filesCount } Dateien"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } Ordner","%{ foldersCount } Ordner"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } Datei ausgewählt","%{ itemCount } Elemente ausgewählt"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } Elemente gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } Elemente gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } Datei gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } Elemente gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } Elemente mit %{ itemSize } gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } Elemente mit %{ itemSize } gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } Datei mit %{ itemSize } gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } Elemente mit %{ itemSize } gesamt (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } Spaces","%{ spacesCount } Spaces"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (Ich)","%{count} member":["%{count} Mitglied","%{count} Mitglieder"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} hat diesen Ordner zum Upload geteilt.","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType} kann nicht zugreifen auf %{resourceName}","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} Suchergebnisse","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} Suchergebnisse im Papierkorb","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} Spaces insgesamt","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"%{spaceCount} Papierkörbe insgesamt","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (deaktiviert)","Access denied":"Zugriff verweigert","Access details":"Zugriffdetails","Access expires":"Freigabe läuft ab","Access was denied successfully":"Zugriff wurde erfolgreich verweigert.","Access was granted successfully":"Zugriff wurde erfolgreich gewährt.","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Konto und Anmeldung sind erforderlich. Nur Personen aus der Liste \"Geteilt mit\" haben Zugang.","Account type":"Art des Kontos","Actions":"Aktionen","Add":"Hinzufügen","Add link":"Link hinzufügen","Add members to this Space":"Mitglieder zu diesem Space hinzufügen","Add password":"Passwort setzen","Album":"Album","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Beim Laden des öffentlichen Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","Apply":"Anwenden","Archive":"Archiv","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Soll der ausgewählte Link wirklich gelöscht werden? Derselbe Link kann danach nicht wieder erzeugt werden.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Soll dieses Mitglied wirklich entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Soll die Freigabe wirklich entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?":"Soll wirklich eine Erinnerung wegen dieser Freigabe verschickt werden?","Attach as copy":"Als Kopie anhängen","Audio":"Audio","Audio Info":"Audio-Informationen","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Choose":"Auswählen","Choose how access is granted":"Bitte auswählen, wie der Zugriff erteilt wird","Close filter":"Filter schließen","Context menu of the share":"Kontextmenü der Freigabe","Copied":"Kopiert","Copy":"Kopieren","Copy link to clipboard":"Link in die Zwischenablage kopieren","Copy private link to clipboard":"Privaten Link in die Zwischenablage kopieren","Create":"Erstellen","Create a new space":"Neuen Space erstellen","Create link":"Link erstellen","Create new files or folders":"Dateien oder Ordner neu erstellen","Creating space failed…":"Anlegen des Space fehlgeschlagen","Delete":"Löschen","Delete link":"Link löschen","Deleted files":"Gelöschte Dateien","Deny access":"Zugriff verweigern","Deselect %{label}":"%{label} abwählen","Deselect %{name}":"Auswahl für %{name} aufheben","Details":"Details","Device make":"Marke","Device model":"Gerätemodell","Dimensions":"Abmessungen","Disabled":"Deaktiviert","Disc":"Disc","Document":"Dokument","Download":"Herunterladen","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Dateien oder Ordner hierherziehen oder die \"Neu\" oder \"Hochladen\" Buttons nutzen, um Dateien hinzuzufügen","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Dateien hierher ziehen oder klicken, um die Dateiauswahl zu öffnen.","Duration":"Dauer","Edit expiration date":"Ablaufdatum bearbeiten","Edit image":"Bild bearbeiten","Edit name":"Namen bearbeiten","Edit password":"Passwort bearbeiten","Edit permission":"Berechtigungen bearbeiten","Edit third party notification":"Dritte benachrichtigen","Email address":"E-Mail-Adresse","Email can't be empty":"E-Mail darf nicht leer sein.","Email is invalid":"E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig.","Enabled":"Aktiviert","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Geben Sie einen Namen ein, um Personen oder Gruppen als Mitglieder zu diesem Space hinzuzufügen.","Enter text to create a Tag":"Text eingeben, um einen Tag zu erzeugen","Error while editing the share.":"Fehler beim Bearbeiten der Freigabe.","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"Wer die Datei sehen kann, sieht auch die Schlagworte. Ebenso können alle, die die Datei bearbeiten können, auch die Schlagworte ändern.","Everyone with the link":"Alle, die den Link kennen","Expires %{expires}":"Läuft ab: %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Läuft %{timeToExpiry} ab (%{expiryDate})","Exposure time":"Belichtungsdauer","F number":"Blende","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"Hinzufügen der Freigabe für \"%{displayName}\" fehlgeschlagen","Failed to apply expiration date":"Fehler beim Anwenden des Ablaufdatums","Failed to apply new permissions":"Fehler beim Setzen der Berechtigungen","Failed to delete link":"Fehler beim Löschen des Links","Failed to deny access":"Zugriffsverweigerung fehlgeschlagen","Failed to edit tags":"Schlagworte konnten nicht bearbeitet werden","Failed to grant access":"Erteilung von Zugriffsrechten fehlgeschlagen.","Failed to remove share":"Fehler beim Löschen der Freigabe","Failed to update link":"Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Links","Failed to upload space image":"Fehler beim Hochladen des Space-Bildes","Favorites":"Favoriten","File":"Datei","File already exists":"Die Datei existiert bereits.","Files":"Dateien","Filter members":"Mitglieder filtern","Filter share types":"Nach Freigabentyp filtern","Filter shared by":"Geteiltes filtern nach","Filter tags":"Schlagworte filtern","Filter:":"Filter:","Focal length":"Brennweite","Folder":"Ordner","Folder already exists":"Der Ordner existiert bereits.","Folders":"Ordner","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"%{totalResults} Ergebnisse gefunden, zeige die %{itemCount} besten passenden Treffer","Genre":"Genre","Go to »Personal« page":"Persönliche Seite anzeigen","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Zur »Spaces Übersicht« gehen","Group":"Gruppe","Guest user":"Gastnutzer/-in","Hidden Shares":"Ausgeblendete Freigaben","Hide":"Ausblenden","How to edit indirect links":"Bearbeiten von indirekten Links","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Wenn Sie einen Ordner teilen, werden alle seine Inhalte und Unterordner ebenfalls geteilt.","Image":"Bild","Image Info":"Bild-Informationen","Incognito":"Inkognito","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Indirekte Links (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Indirekte Links sind Links, die den Zugriff durch einen übergeordneten Ordner ermöglichen.","Invited by":"Eingeladen von","ISO":"ISO","last 30 days":"letzte 30 Tage","last 7 days":"letzte 7 Tage","Last modified":"Zuletzt bearbeitet","Last Modified":"Zuletzt bearbeitet","last month":"letzten Monat","last week":"letzte Woche","last year":"letztes Jahr","Learn about spaces":"Mehr über Spaces herausfinden","Link":"Link","Link name":"Link-Name","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Der Space-Name darf nicht länger als 255 Zeichen sein.","Link was deleted successfully":"Der Link wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.","Link was updated successfully":"Der Link wurde erfolgreich bearbeitet.","Loading list of shares":"Lade die Liste der Freigaben.","Location":"Standort","Locked by":"Gesperrt von","Member capabilities":"Berechtigungen für Mitglieder","Members":"Mitglieder","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Mitglieder können sehen, wer Zugriff auf diesen Space und alle darin enthaltenen Datein hat. Lese- und Schreibberechtigungen können mittels Rollen zugewiesen werden.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Mitglieder mit der Rolle Management können alle Eigenschaften und Inhalte eines Spaces bearbeiten. Zum Beispiel können sie Personen hinzufügen oder entfernen, Unterordner mit Personen teilen, die nicht zum Space gehören, oder Freigabe-Links erstellen.","Merge":"Zusammenführen","Name":"Name","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Zu '%{folder}' navigieren","Navigate to parent folder":"In den übergeordneten Ordner navigieren","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"In den übergeordneten Ordner (%{folderName}) navigieren","New":"Neu","New folder":"Neuer Ordner","New Folder":"Neuer Ordner","New space":"Neuer Space","New Space":"Neuer Space","no":"nein","No hidden shares":"Keine ausgeblendeten Freigaben","No information to display":"Keine Informationen anzeigbar.","No link":"Kein Link","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"Keine Anmeldung erforderlich. Alle, die den Link kennen, können zugreifen. Wenn Sie diesen Link mit Personen aus der Liste „Eingeladene Personen“ teilen, müssen sich diese anmelden, damit ihre individuell zugewiesenen Berechtigungen wirksam sind. Wenn Sie sich nicht einloggen, verfügen Sie nur über die Berechtigungen des Links.","No resources found":"Keine Dateien gefunden","No results found":"Keine Ergebnisse gefunden","No shares":"Keine Freigaben","No users or groups found.":"Keine Personen oder Gruppen gefunden.","No Versions available for this file":"Für diese Datei sind keine Versionen verfügbar. ","Not enough quota":"Zu wenig Speicherplatz","Note: Transfer of nested folder structures is not possible. Instead, all files from the subfolders will be uploaded individually.":"Hinweis: Die Übertragung von verschachtelten Ordnerstrukturen ist nicht möglich. Stattdessen werden alle Dateien aus den Unterordnern einzeln hochgeladen.","Notification":"Benachrichtigung","Notify a third party about uploads":"Dritte über Uploads benachrichtigen.","Notify me about uploads":"Mich über Uploads benachrichtigen","Notify via mail":"Per E-Mail benachrichtigen","Only invited people can access":"Nur eingeladene Personen haben Zugriff","Open context menu and show members":"Kontextmenü öffnen und Mitglieder anzeigen","Orientation":"Ausrichtung","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Übersicht der Informationen für die ausgewählte Datei","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Überblick der Informationen zu den ausgewählten Dateien","Owner":"Besitzer/-in","Password":"Passwort","Paste here":"Hier einfügen","PDF":"PDF","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Personen, mit denen Ressourcen geteilt werden, können nicht sehen, wer noch Zugriff hat.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Personen, mit denen Sie Ressourcen teilen, werden darüber per E-Mail oder App benachrichtigt.","Person was added":"Person hinzugefügt","Personal":"Persönlich","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Bitte warten, bis alle Importe abgeschlossen sind.","Presentation":"Presentation","Private link":"Privater Link","Private link copied":"Privater Link kopiert","Public link":"Öffentlicher Link","Reload public link":"Öffentlichen Link neu laden","Remote user":"Externe Person","Remove":"Entfernen","Remove expiration date":"Entferne Ablaufdatum","Remove member":"Mitglied entfernen","Remove password":"Entferne Passwort","Remove share":"Freigabe entfernen","Rename":"Umbenennen","Replace":"Ersetzen","Resource is temporarily locked, unable to manage share":"Die Ressource ist vorübergehend gesperrt und kann die Freigabe nicht verwalten","Resource not found":"Datei nicht gefunden","Restore":"Wiederherstellen","Save":"Speichern","Search":"Suchen","Search for files":"Suche nach Dateien","Search for service or secondary Account":"Suche nach Dienst oder Zweitkonto","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"Suchergebnisse für \"%{searchTerm}\"","See all versions":"Alle Versionen anzeigen","Select permission":"Berechtigung auswählen","Select role for the invitation":"Rolle für Freigabe-Einladung auswählen","Send":"Verschicken","Send a reminder":"Erinnerung verschicken","Set expiration date":"Ablaufdatum setzen","Share":"Teilen","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Freigabe läuft ab %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share link(s)":"Link(s) teilen","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Freigabe für: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Empfänger/-in der Freigabe","Share successfully changed":"Freigabe erfolgreich geändert","Share Type":"Freigabentyp","Share via link":"Per Link teilen","Share was added successfully":"Freigabe wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt.","Share was removed successfully":"Freigabe wurde erfolgreich entfernt.","Share with people":"Mit Personen teilen","Shared by":"Geteilt von","Shared By":"Geteilt von","Shared on":"Geteilt am","Shared via":"Geteilt durch","Shared via link":"Per Link geteilt","Shared with":"Geteilt mit","Shared with me":"Mit mir geteilt","Shared with others":"Mit anderen geteilt","Shares":"Freigaben","Shares pages navigation":"Navigation der geteilten Dateien Seiten","Shortcut":"Verknüpfung","Show":"Anzeigen","Show all":"Alle anzeigen","Show context menu":"Kontextmenü anzeigen","Show less":"Weniger anzeigen","Show members":"Mitglieder anzeigen","Show more":"Mehr anzeigen","Show more actions":"Mehr Aktionen anzeigen","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Zeige bis zu %{searchLimit} Ergebnisse","Size":"Größe","Space has no deleted files":"Der Space hat keine gelöschten Dateien.","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Das Space-Bild wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen.","Space manager capabilities":"Berechtigungen für Space-Verwalter/-innen","Space members":"Space-Mitglieder","Space name":"Name des Spaces","Space was created successfully":"Der Space wurde erfolgreich angelegt.","Spaces":"Spaces","Spaces are special folders built for collaboration.":"Spaces sind besondere Order für die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen.","Spreadsheet":"Tabellenkalkulation","Subfolders":"Unterordner","Switch to condensed table view":"Zur verdichteten Tabellenansicht wechseln","Switch to default table view":"Zur normalen Tabellenansicht wechseln","Switch to tiles view":"Zur Kachelansicht wechseln","Synced with your devices":"Mit deinen Geräten synchronisiert","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"Tag darf nicht nur aus Leerzeichen bestehen.","Tags":"Schlagworte","Taken time":"Aufnahmedatum","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"Das Symbol \"via Ordner\" wird neben einer Freigabe angezeigt, wenn die Freigabe bereits über einen übergeordneten Ordner gewährt wurde. Klicken Sie auf \"via Ordner\", um die Freigabe in ihrem übergeordneten Ordner zu bearbeiten.","The file type is unsupported":"Dieser Dateityp wird nicht unterstützt.","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Der Link \"%{linkName}\" wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Der Link wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Der private Link wurde in die Zwichenablage kopiert.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Keine Elemente als Favoriten ausgewählt","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"Zu wenig Speicherplatz in %{spaceName}, weitere %{missingSpace} benötigt, um diese Dateien hochzuladen.","This file has been shared.":"Diese Datei wurde geteilt.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Der Ordner enthält %{ amount } Datei.","Der Ordner enthält %{ amount } Dateien."],"This folder has been shared.":"Dieser Ordner wurde geteilt.","This folder has no content.":"Dieser Ordner ist leer.","This link is password-protected":"Dieser Link ist passwortgeschützt.","this month":"diesen Monat","this week":"diese Woche","this year":"dieses Jahr","Title":"Titel","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Für die Suche nach Service- oder Zweitaccounts muss ein „a:“ (Beispielsweise „a:Martina“) vor den Nutzernamen hinzugefügt werden, für Gastaccounts ein „l:“ (Beispielsweise „l:Max“).","today":"heute","Track":"Track","Type":"Typ","Unrestricted":"Uneingeschränkt","Upload":"Hochladen","Upload files or folders":"Dateien oder Ordner hochladen","Uploads will be notified to a third party":"Uploads werden Dritten gemeldet","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Benutzen Sie das Eingabefeld, um nach Personen und Gruppen zu suchen.","User":"Person","Versions":"Versionen","via":"durch","Video":"Video","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Wir haben überall gesucht, konnten das ausgewählte Element aber nicht finden.","What are indirect links?":"Was sind indirekte Links?","When a file is uploaded, this address will be notified as well.":"Wenn eine Datei hochgeladen wurde, wird eine Benachrichtigung an diese Adresse verschickt.","Who can view tags?":"Wer kann Schlagworte sehen?","Year recorded":"Aufnahmejahr","yesterday":"gestern","You do not have permission to create links":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung Links zu erstellen.","You don't have access to any spaces":"Sie haben aktuell keinen Zugriff auf einen Space.","You don't have access to any trashbins":"Sie haben aktuell keinen Zugriff auf Papierkörbe","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung diese Datei zu teilen.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung diesen Ordner zu teilen.","You have no deleted files":"Sie haben keine gelöschten Dateien.","You have no permission to create new files!":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung, um neue Dateien zu erstellen.","You have no permission to paste files here!":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung, um Dateien hier einzufügen.","You have no permission to upload!":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Hochladen.","You have not shared any resource via link.":"Sie haben keine Ressourcen per Link geteilt.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"Sie haben keine Ressourcen mit anderen Personen geteilt."},"es":{"“via folder”":"\"via carpeta\"","(me)":"(yo)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } archivo","%{ filesCount } archivos","%{ filesCount } archivos"],"%{ filesCount } file including %{ filesHiddenCount } hidden":["%{ filesCount } archivo incluyendo %{ filesHiddenCount } 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%{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } elemento en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } elemento con %{ itemSize } en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos con %{ itemSize } en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos con %{ itemSize } en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } elemento con %{ itemSize } en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos con %{ itemSize } en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementos con %{ itemSize } en total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } espacio","%{ spacesCount } espacios","%{ spacesCount } espacios"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (yo)","%{count} member":["%{count} miembro","%{count} miembros","%{count} miembros"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} compartió esta carpeta con usted para subir archivos.","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType} no puede acceder a %{resourceName}","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} spaces coincidentes","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} papeleras coinciden","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} spaces en total","%{spaceCount} spaces in total (including %{disabledSpaceCount} disabled)":"%{spaceCount} espacios en total (including %{disabledSpaceCount} desactivados)","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"%{spaceCount} papeleras en total","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (deshabilitado)","Access denied":"Acceso denegado","Access details":"Datos de acceso","Access expires":"Acceso caducado","Access was denied successfully":"Acceso denegado con éxito","Access was granted successfully":"El acceso se ha concedido con éxito","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Es necesario tener una cuenta e iniciar sesión. Solo pueden acceder las personas de la lista \"personas Invitadas\".","Account type":"Tipo de cuenta","Actions":"Acciones","Add":"Añadir","Add link":"Añadir enlace","Add members to this Space":"Añadir miembros a este espacio","Add password":"Añadir contraseña","Album":"Álbum","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Se ha producido un error al cargar el enlace público","Apply":"Aplicar","Archive":"Archivador","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este enlace? No es posible volver a crear el mismo enlace.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar a este miembro?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta acción?","Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?":"¿Está seguro de que desea enviar un recordatorio sobre esta acción?","Attach as copy":"Adjuntar como copia","Audio":"Audio","Audio Info":"Información del audio","Authors":"Autores","Cancel":"Cancelar","Choose":"Elige","Choose how access is granted":"Elija cómo se concede el acceso","Close filter":"Cerrar filtro","Context menu of the share":"Menú contextual de la acción","Copied":"Copiada/o","Copy":"Copiar","Copy link to clipboard":"Copiar el enlace al portapapeles","Copy location to clipboard":"Copiar localización al portapapeles","Copy private link to clipboard":"Copiar el enlace privado al portapapeles","Create":"Crear","Create a new space":"Crear un nuevo espacio","Create link":"Crear enlace","Create new files or folders":"Crear nuevos archivos y carpetas?","Creating space failed…":"Error al crear el espacio....","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete link":"Eliminar enlace","Deleted at":"Eliminado a las","Deleted files":"Archivos borrados","Deny access":"Acceso denegado","Deselect %{label}":"Deseleccionar %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"Deseleccionar %{nombre}","Details":"Detalles","Device make":"Fabricante","Device model":"Modelo","Dimensions":"Dimensiones","Disabled":"Deshabilitado","Disc":"Disco","Document":"Documento","Download":"Descargar","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Arrastre archivos y carpetas aquí o utilice los botones \"Nuevo\" o \"Cargar\" para añadir archivos","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Arrastra archivos aquí o haz clic para seleccionar un archivo","Duration":"Duración","Edit expiration date":"Editar fecha de expiración","Edit image":"Editar imagen","Edit name":"Editar nombre","Edit password":"Editar contraseña","Edit permission":"Editar permisos","Edit third party notification":"Editar notificación a terceros","Email address":"Dirección de correo electrónico","Email can't be empty":"El correo electrónico no puede estar vacío","Email is invalid":"El correo electrónico no es válido","Enabled":"Habilitado","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Introduzca un nombre para añadir personas o grupos como miembros de este espacio.","Enter text to create a Tag":"Introduzca texto para crear una Etiqueta","Error while editing the share.":"Error al editar la acción.","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"Todos los que pueden ver el archivo pueden ver sus etiquetas. Del mismo modo, todos los que pueden editar el archivo pueden editar sus etiquetas.","Everyone with the link":"Todos con el enalce","Expires %{expires}":"Expira %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Expira %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Exposure time":"Tiempo de exposición","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"Fallo al añadir recurso compartido para \"%{displayName}\"","Failed to apply expiration date":"Error al aplicar la fecha de expiración","Failed to apply new permissions":"Error al aplicar los nuevos permisos","Failed to delete link":"Error al eliminar el enlace","Failed to deny access":"No se ha podido denegar el acceso","Failed to edit tags":"Error al editar etiquetas","Failed to grant access":"No se ha podido conceder el acceso","Failed to remove share":"No se ha podido eliminar la acción","Failed to update link":"Error al actualizar el enlace","Failed to upload space image":"Error al subir la imagen al espacio","Favorites":"Favoritos","File":"Archivo","File already exists":"El archivo ya existe","Files":"Archivos","Filter members":"Filtrar miebros","Filter share types":"Filtrar tipos de recursos compartidos","Filter shared by":"Filtrar compartido por","Filter tags":"Filtrar etiquetas","Filter:":"Filtrar:","Focal length":"Distancia focal","Folder":"Carpeta","Folder already exists":"La carpeta ya existe","Folders":"Carpetas","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"Encontrados %{totalResults}, mostrando los %{itemCount} mejores resultados coincidentes.","Genre":"Género","Go to »Personal« page":"Ir a la página »Personal«","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Ir a »Visión general de los espacios«","Group":"Grupo","Guest user":"Usuario invitado","Hidden Shares":"Acciones ocultas","Hide":"Ocultar","How to edit indirect links":"Cómo editar enlaces indirectos","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Si compartes una carpeta, todos sus contenidos y subcarpetas se compartirán también.","Image":"Imagen","Image Info":"Información de la imagen","Include disabled":"Incluir desactivados","Incognito":"Incógnito","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Enlaces indirectos (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Los enlaces indirectos son enlaces que dan acceso mediante una carpeta padre.","Invited by":"Invitado por","last 30 days":"últimos 30 días","last 7 days":"últimos 7 días","Last modified":"Última modificación","Last Modified":"Última modificación","last month":"último mes","last week":"última semana","last year":"último año","Learn about spaces":"Aprende sobre los espacios","Link":"Enlace","Link name":"Nombre del enlace","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"El nombre del enlace no puedo exceder de los 255 caracteres ","Link was deleted successfully":"Enlace eliminado correctamente","Link was updated successfully":"Enlace actualizado correctamente","Loading list of shares":"Cargar lista de compartidos","Location":"Localización","Locked by":"Bloqueado por","Member capabilities":"Capacidades del miembro","Members":"Miembros","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Los miembros pueden ver quién tiene acceso a este espacio y acceder a todos los archivos de este espacio. Los permisos de lectura o escritura pueden establecerse asignando un rol.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Los miembros con el rol de administrador pueden editar todas las propiedades y contenidos de un espacio, como añadir o eliminar miembros, compartir subcarpetas con no miembros o crear enlaces para compartir.","Merge":"Combinar","Name":"Nombre","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Navegar a '%{carpeta}'","Navigate to parent folder":"Ir a la carpeta principal","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Navegar a la carpeta principal (%{folderName})","New":"Nuevo","New folder":"Nueva carpeta","New Folder":"Nueva carpeta","New space":"Nuevo espacio","New Space":"Nuevo espacio","no":"no","No hidden shares":"No hay compartidos ocultos","No information to display":"No hay información que mostrar","No link":"Sin enlace","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"No es necesario iniciar sesión. Todos los que tengan el enlace pueden acceder. Si compartes este enlace con personas de la lista \"Personas invitadas\", deberán iniciar sesión para que surtan efecto los permisos individuales asignados. Si no inician sesión, los permisos del enlace surtirán efecto.","No resources found":"No se han encontrado recursos","No results found":"No se han encontrado resultados","No shares":"No hay compartidos","No users or groups found.":"No se han encontrado usuarios ni grupos.","No Versions available for this file":"No hay versiones disponibles para este archivo","Not enough quota":"Cuota insuficiente","Note: Transfer of nested folder structures is not possible. Instead, all files from the subfolders will be uploaded individually.":"Nota: No es posible transferir carpetas anidadas. En vez de eso, todos los archivos de las subcarpetas serán subidos individualmente","Notification":"Notificación","Notify a third party about uploads":"Notificar a terceros sobre las cargas","Notify me about uploads":"Notificarme sobre las subidas","Notify via mail":"Notificar por correo","Only invited people can access":"Sólo pueden acceder las personas invitadas","Open context menu and show members":"Abrir el menú contextual y mostrar los miembros","Open context menu with share editing options":"Abir menú de contexto con opciones de edición compartida","Orientation":"Orientación","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Resumen de la información sobre el archivo seleccionado","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Resumen de la información sobre los archivos seleccionados","Owner":"Propietario","Password":"Contraseña","Paste here":"Pegar aquí","PDF":"PDF","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Las personas con las que compartes recursos no pueden ver quién más tiene acceso.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Las personas con las que compartas recursos recibirán una notificación por correo electrónico o a través de la aplicación.","Person was added":"La persona ha sido agregada","Personal":"Personal","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Espere a que finalicen todas las importaciones","Presentation":"Presentación","Private link":"Enlace privado","Private link copied":"Enlace privado copiado","Public link":"Enlace público","Reload public link":"Recargar enlace público","Remote user":"Usuario remoto","Remove":"Eliminar","Remove expiration date":"Eliminar fecha de vencimiento","Remove member":"Eliminar miembro","Remove password":"Eliminar contraseña","Remove share":"Eliminar recurso compartido","Rename":"Renombrar","Replace":"Reemplazar","Resource is temporarily locked, unable to manage share":"El recurso está bloqueado temporalmente, no se puede gestionar el recurso","Resource not found":"Recurso no encontrado","Restore":"Restaurar","Save":"Guardar","Search":"Buscar","Search for files":"Buscar archivos","Search for service or secondary Account":"Buscar servicio o cuenta secundaria","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"Resultados de la búsqueda para \"%{searchTerm}\"","See all versions":"Ver todas las versiones","Select a file or folder to view details":"Selecciona un archivo o carpeta para ver los detalles","Select a trash to view details":"Seleccione una papelera para ver los detalles","Select permission":"Seleccionar permisos","Select role for the invitation":"Seleccione un rol para la invitación","Send":"Enviar","Send a reminder":"Enviar un recordatorio","Set expiration date":"Fijar la fecha de caducidad","Share":"Compartir","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"El recurso expira %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share link(s)":"Compartir enlace(s)","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Nombre del receptor: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Receptores de recursos","Share successfully changed":"Recurso modificado con éxito","Share Type":"Tipo de recurso compartido","Share via link":"Compartir a través del enlace","Share was added successfully":"La compartición se ha añadido correctamente","Share was removed successfully":"La compartición se ha eliminado correctamente","Share with people":"Compartir con los demás","Shared by":"Compartido por","Shared By":"Compartido por","Shared on":"Compartido en","Shared via":"Compartido a través de","Shared via link":"Compartido vía enlace","Shared with":"Compartido con","Shared with me":"Compartido conmigo","Shared with others":"Compartido con otros","Shares":"Compartidos","Shares pages navigation":"Navegación por las páginas de recursos compartidos","Shortcut":"Acceso directo","Show":"Mostrar","Show all":"Mostrar todo","Show context menu":"Mostrar menú contextual","Show less":"Mostrar menos","Show members":"Mostrar miembros","Show more":"Mostrar más","Show more actions":"Mostrar más acciones","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Presentarse a %{searchLimit} results","Size":"Tamaño","Space has no deleted files":"El espacio no tiene archivos eliminados","Space image was uploaded successfully":"La imagen espacial se ha cargado correctamente","Space manager capabilities":"Capacidades del gestor espacial","Space members":"Miembros del espacio","Space name":"Nombre del espacio","Space was created successfully":"El espacio se ha creado correctamente","Spaces":"Espacios","Spaces are special folders built for collaboration.":"Los espacios son carpetas especiales diseñadas para la colaboración","Spreadsheet":"Hoja de cálculo","Subfolders":"Sub-carpetas","Switch to condensed table view":"Cambiar a la vista de tabla condensada","Switch to default table view":"Cambiar a la vista de tabla por defecto","Switch to tiles view":"Cambiar a la vista de mosaicos","Synced with your devices":"Sincronizado con tus dispositivos","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"La etiqueta no debe constar únicamente de espacios en blanco","Tags":"Etiquetas","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"La opción \"a través de carpeta\" aparece junto a un recurso compartido si ya se ha dado acceso a través de una carpeta principal. Haga clic en \"a través de carpeta\" para editar el recurso compartido en su carpeta principal.","The file type is unsupported":"Tipo de archivo no compatible","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"El enlace \"%{linkName}\" se ha copiado en el portapapeles.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"El enlace se ha copiado en el portapapeles.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"El enlace privado ha sido copiado al portapapeles","There are no resources marked as favorite":"No hay recursos marcados como favoritos","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"No hay cuota suficiente en %{spaceName}, necesitas más %{missingSpace} para cargar estos archivos","This file has been shared.":"Este archivo ha sido compartido.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Esta carpeta contiene %{ amount } elemento.","Esta carpeta contiene %{ amount } elementos.","Esta carpeta contiene %{ amount } elementos."],"This folder has been shared.":"Esta carpeta ha sido compartida","This folder has no content.":"Esta carpeta no tiene contenido","This link is password-protected":"Este enlace está protegido por contraseña","this month":"este mes","this week":"esta semana","this year":"este año","Title":"Título","Title only":"Solo título","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Para buscar cuentas de servicio o secundarias, escriba el nombre de usuario con \"a:\" (por ejemplo, \"a:doe\") y, para las cuentas de invitado, escriba el nombre de usuario con \"l:\" (por ejemplo, \"l:doe\").","today":"hoy","Track":"Pista","Type":"Tipo","Unrestricted":"Sin restricciones","Upload":"Subir","Upload files or folders":"cargar archivos y carpetas","Uploads will be notified to a third party":"Las cargas se notificarán a un tercero","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Utiliza el campo de entrada para buscar usuarios y grupos. Selecciónalos para compartir el elemento.","User":"Usuario","Versions":"Versiones","via":"a través de","Video":"Video","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Buscamos por todas partes, pero no pudimos encontrar el recurso seleccionado.","What are indirect links?":"¿Qué son los enlaces indirectos?","When a file is uploaded, this address will be notified as well.":"Cuando se cargue un archivo, también se notificará a esta dirección.","Who can view tags?":"¿Quién puede ver las etiquetas?","yesterday":"ayer","You do not have permission to create links":"Usted no tiene permisos para crear enlaces","You don't have access to any spaces":"No tienes acceso a ningún espacio","You don't have access to any trashbins":"No tienes acceso a ninguna papelera","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Usted no tiene permisos para compartir este archivo","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Usted no tiene permisos para compartir esta carpeta","You have no deleted files":"Tu no tienes archivos eliminados","You have no permission to create new files!":"No tienes permiso para crear nuevos archivos.","You have no permission to paste files here!":"No tienes permiso para pegar archivos aquí.","You have no permission to upload!":"No tienes permisos para subir.","You have not shared any resource via link.":"No has compartido ningún recurso mediante enlace.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"No has compartido ningún recurso con otras personas."},"et":{},"fr":{"“via folder”":"Via le dossier","(me)":"(moi)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } fichier","%{ filesCount } fichier","%{ filesCount } fichiers"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ filesCount } dossier","%{ filesCount } dossiers","%{ filesCount } dossiers"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } fichier sélectionner","%{ itemCount } fichiers sélectionnés","%{ itemCount } éléments sélectionnés"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (Moi)","%{count} member":["%{count} membre","%{count} membres","%{count} membres"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} a partagé ce dossier avec vous pour uploader.","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} espaces correspondants","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} espaces en tout","Access denied":"Accès refusé","Access details":"Détails de l'accès","Access expires":"Accès expirée","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Compte obligatoire. Seuls les utilisateurs dans la liste des \"Invité\" dispose d'un accès.","Actions":"Actions","Add":"Ajouter","Add link":"Ajouter un lien","Add members to this Space":"Ajouter des membres a l'Espace","Add password":"Ajouter un mot de passe","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Une erreur est apparue lors du chargement du lien public","Apply":"Appliquer","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce lien ? Recréer le même lien ne sera pas possibe à l'avenir.","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce partage ?","Cancel":"Annuler","Choose how access is granted":"Choisissez qu'elle accès sont accordés","Context menu of the share":"Menu contextuel de partage","Copied":"Copié","Copy":"Copier","Copy link to clipboard":"Copier le lien dans le presse papier","Copy private link to clipboard":"Copier le lien privé vers le presse papier","Create":"Créer","Create a new space":"Créer un nouvel espace","Create link":"Créer un lien","Create new files or folders":"Créer de nouveaux fichiers ou dossiers","Creating space failed…":"Erreur lors de la création de l'espace...","Delete":"Supprimer","Delete link":"Supprimer le lien","Deleted files":"Fichiers supprimés","Deny access":"Refuser l'accès","Deselect %{name}":"désélectionner %{name}","Details":"Détails","Disabled":"Désactivé","Download":"Télécharger","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Déposer des fichiers ici pour uploader ou cliquer pour sélectionner des fichiers","Edit expiration date":"Modifier la date d'expiration","Edit image":"Modifier l'image","Edit name":"Modifier le nom","Edit password":"Modifier le mot de passe","Enabled":"Activé","Everyone with the link":"Tous les utilisateurs disposant du lieu","Expires %{expires}":"Expire le %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoris","Files":"Fichiers","Filter members":"Filtrer les membres","Folder":"Dossier","Folders":"Dossiers","Group":"Groupe","Guest user":"Utilisateur invité","Hide":"Masquer","Last modified":"Dernière modification","Link":"Lien","Link name":"Nom du lien","Members":"Membres","Name":"Nom","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Aller à \"%{folder}\"","New":"Nouveau","New folder":"Nouveau dossier","New space":"Nouvel espace","New Space":"Nouvel Espace","No information to display":"Aucune information à afficher","No link":"Aucun lien","No resources found":"Aucune ressource trouvée","No users or groups found.":"Aucun utilisateur ou groupe n'a été trouvé","No Versions available for this file":"Aucune version n'existe pour ce fichier","Not enough quota":"Quota insuffisant","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Aperçu des informations sur le fichier sélectionné","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Aperçu des informations sur les fichiers sélectionnés","Owner":"Propriétaire","Password":"Mot de passe","Paste here":"Coller ici","Person was added":"Une personne a été ajoutée","Personal":"Personnel","Private link":"Lien privé","Private link copied":"Lien privé copié","Public link":"Lien public","Reload public link":"Recharger le lien public","Remote user":"Utilisateur distant","Remove":"Retirer","Remove expiration date":"Supprimer date d'expiration","Remove password":"Supprimer mot de passe","Rename":"Renommer","Resource not found":" Ressource introuvable ","Restore":"Restaurer","Save":"Sauvegarder","Search":"Recherche","See all versions":"Voir toutes les versions","Set expiration date":"Définir la date d'expiration","Share":"Partager","Share via link":"Partager par lien","Share with people":"Partager avec des personnes","Shared by":"Partagé par","Shared via link":"Partagé par lien","Shared with":"Partagé avec","Shared with me":"Partagé avec moi","Shared with others":"Partagé avec autres","Shares":"Partages","Show all":"Tout afficher","Show less":"Afficher moins","Show members":"Afficher les membres","Show more":"Afficher plus","Size":"Taille","Space has no deleted files":"L’espace n'a pas de fichier supprimé","Spaces":"Espaces","Tags":"Étiquettes","The file type is unsupported":"Type de fichier non supporté","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Le lien privé a été copié dans le presse-papier.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Il n'y a aucun élément marqué comme favoris","This file has been shared.":"Ce fichier a été partagé","This folder has been shared.":"Ce dossier est partagé.","This folder has no content.":"Ce dossier est vide.","Upload":"Envoyer","Upload files or folders":"Envoyer des fichiers ou des dossiers","User":"Utilisateur","Versions":"Versions","via":"via","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Nous avons cherché partout, mais nous n’avons pas pu trouver la ressource sélectionnée.","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Vous n'avez pas la permission de partager ce fichier.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Vous n'avez pas la permission de partager ce dossier.","You have no deleted files":"Vous n'avez aucun fichier supprimé","You have no permission to create new files!":"Vous n'avez pas les droits pour créer de nouveaux fichiers !","You have no permission to upload!":"Vous n'avez pas la permission d'uploader !"},"hr":{},"he":{"(me)":"(אני)","%{ filesCount } file":["קובץ אחד","%{ filesCount } קבצים","%{ filesCount } קבצים","%{ filesCount } קבצים"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["תייקיה אחת","%{ foldersCount } תיקיות","%{ foldersCount } תיקיות","%{ foldersCount } תיקיות"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["פריט אחד נבחר","%{ itemCount } פריטים נבחרו","%{ itemCount } פריטים נבחרו","%{ itemCount } פריטים נבחרו"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["פריט אחד בסך הכול (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } פריטים בסך הכול (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } פריטים בסך הכול (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } פריטים בסך הכול (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["פריט אחד בגודל כולל של %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } פריטים בגודל כולל של %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } פריטים בגודל כולל של %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (אני)","%{count} member":["חבר/ה","%{count} חברים","%{count} חברים","%{count} חברים"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for 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Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"למחוק את הקישור הזה? יצירת אותו הקישור שוב אינה אפשרית.","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"להסיר את השיתוף הזה?","Cancel":"ביטול","Choose how access is granted":"נא לבחור איך מוענקת גישה","Context menu of the share":"תפריט ההקשר של השיתוף","Copied":"הועתק","Copy":"העתקה","Copy link to clipboard":"העתקת קישור ללוח גזירים","Copy private link to clipboard":"העתקת קישור פרטי ללוח גזירים","Create":"יצירה","Create a new space":"יצירת מרחב חדש","Create link":"יצירת קישור","Create new files or folders":"יצירת קבצים או תיקיות חדשים","Creating space failed…":"יצירת מרחב נכשלה…","Delete":"מחיקה","Delete link":"מחיקת קישור","Deleted files":"קבצים מחוקים","Deselect %{label}":"ביטול הבחירה ב־%{label}","Deselect %{name}":"ביטול הבחירה ב־%{name}","Details":"פרטים","Disabled":"מושבת","Download":"הורדה","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"אפשר לגרור קבצים ולשחרר לכאן או להשתמש בכפתורים „חדש” 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%{missingSpace} to upload these files":"אין מספיק מיכסה ב־%{spaceName}, יש להוסיף עוד %{missingSpace} כדי לשלח את הקבצים האלה.","This file has been shared.":"הקובץ שותף.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["התיקייה מכילה פריט אחד.","התיקייה מכילה %{ amount } פריטים.","התיקייה מכילה %{ amount } פריטים.","התיקייה מכילה %{ amount } פריטים."],"This folder has been shared.":"התיקייה הזאת שותפה.","This folder has no content.":"בתיקייה הזאת אין תוכן.","This link is password-protected":"הקישור הזה מוגן בסיסמה","Upload":"העלאה","Upload files or folders":"העלאת קבצים או תיקיות","User":"משתמש","Versions":"גרסאות","via":"דרך","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"חפשנו בכל מקום, אך לא הצלחנו למצוא את המשאב שנבחר.","You don't have access to any spaces":"אין לך מפתחות גישה לאף אחד מהמרחבים","You don't have permission to share this file.":"אין לך הרשאות לשיתוף קובץ זה.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"אין לך הרשאות לשיתוף תיקייה זו.","You have no deleted files":"אין לך קבצים שנמחקו","You have no permission to create new files!":"אין לך הרשאה ליצור קבצים חדשים!","You have no permission to upload!":"אין לך הרשאות להעלאה!"},"gl":{"(me)":"(eu)","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} compartiu este cartafol con vostede para envialo","Actions":"Accións","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Produciuse un erro ao cargar a ligazón pública","Cancel":"Cancelar","Copy":"Copiar","Create":"Crear","Delete":"Eliminar","Deleted files":"Ficheiros eliminados","Download":"Descargar","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Solte os ficheiros aquí para envialos ou prema para seleccionar ficheiro","Expires %{expires}":"Caduca %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoritos","Files":"Ficheiros","Folders":"Cartafoles","Group":"Grupo","Name":"Nome","New":"Novo","New folder":"Novo cartafol","No Versions available for this file":"Non hai versións dispoñíbeis para este 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compartir este ficheiro.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Non ten permiso para compartir este cartafol.","You have no permission to upload!":"Non ten permiso para facer envíos!"},"id":{"Cancel":"Batal","Create":"Buat","Delete":"Hapus","Deny access":"Tolak Akses","Group":"Grup","Link":"Tautan","Search":"Cari"},"it":{"(me)":"(io)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } file","%{ filesCount } files","%{ filesCount } files"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } cartella","%{ foldersCount } cartelle","%{ foldersCount } cartelle"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } elemento selezionato","%{ itemCount } elementi selezionati","%{ itemCount } elementi selezionati"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } elemento in totale (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementi totali (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } elementi totali (%{ filesStr}, 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accesso","Access expires":"Scadenza accesso","Access was denied successfully":"Accesso negato con successo","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"È necessario possedere un account ed accedervi. Solo le persone sulla lista \"Persone invitate\" possono accedere.","Actions":"Azioni","Add":"Aggiungi","Add link":"Aggiungi collegamento","Add members to this Space":"Aggiungi membri a questo Spazio","Add password":"Aggiungi password","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Si è verificato un errore nel caricamento del collegamento pubblico","Apply":"Applica","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Si è sicuri di voler eliminare questo collegamento? Non sarà possibile ricreare lo stesso collegamento in futuro.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Si è sicuri di voler rimuovere questo membro?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Si è sicuri di voler rimuovere questa condivisione?","Cancel":"Cancella","Close filter":"Chiudi filtri","Context menu of the share":"Menu contestuale della condivisione","Copied":"Copiato","Copy":"Copia","Copy link to clipboard":"Copia collegamento negli appunti","Copy private link to clipboard":"Copia collegamento privato negli appunti","Create":"Creare","Create a new space":"Creare uno spazio nuovo","Create link":"Creare collegamento","Create new files or folders":"Creare nuovi file o cartelle","Creating space failed…":"Creazione spazio non riuscita...","Delete":"Elimina","Delete link":"Elimina collegamento","Deleted files":"File eliminati","Deny access":"Negare l'accesso","Deselect %{label}":"Deseleziona %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"Deseleziona %{name}","Details":"Dettagli","Disabled":"Disabilitato","Download":"Scarica","Edit expiration date":"Modifica data di scadenza","Edit image":"Modifica immagine","Edit name":"Modifica nome","Edit password":"Modifica password","Edit permission":"Modifica permessi","Enabled":"Abilitato","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Scrivi un nome per aggiungere persone o gruppi come membri di questo Spazio","Error while editing the share.":"Errore nella modifica della condivisione","Everyone with the link":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento","Expires %{expires}":"Scade %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Scade tra %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to apply expiration date":"Applicazione della data di scadenza non riuscita","Failed to apply new permissions":"Applicazione di nuovi permessi non riuscita","Failed to delete link":"Non è stato possibile rimuovere il collegamento","Failed to deny access":"Non è stato possibile negare l'accesso","Failed to edit tags":"Non è stato possibile modificare i tag","Failed to grant access":"Non è stato possibile dare l'accesso","Failed to remove share":"Non è stato possibile rimuovere la condivisione","Failed to update link":"Non è stato possibile caricare il collegamento","Failed to upload space image":"Non è stato possibile caricare l'immagine dello spazio","Favorites":"Preferiti","File already exists":"Il file esiste già","Files":"Files","Filter members":"Filtra membri","Filter:":"Filtra:","Folder":"Cartella","Folders":"Cartelle","Group":"Gruppo","Guest user":"Ospite","Link":"Collegamento","Members":"Membri","Name":"Nome","Password":"Password","Personal":"Personale","Private link":"Link privato","Public link":"Link pubblico","Search":"Cerca","Share":"Condividi","Show context menu":"Visualizza menu contestuale","Spaces":"Spazi","The file type is unsupported":"Il tipo di file non è supportato","User":"Utente"},"ja":{},"nl":{"“via folder”":"“via map”","(me)":"(mijzelf)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } bestand","%{ filesCount } bestanden"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } map","%{ foldersCount } mappen"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } item geselecteerd","%{ itemCount } items geselecteerd"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } item in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } items in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } item in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } items in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } item met %{ itemSize } in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } items met %{ itemSize } in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } item met %{ itemSize } in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } items met %{ itemSize } in totaal (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } ruimte","%{ spacesCount } ruimtes"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (ik)","%{count} member":["%{count} lid","%{count} leden"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} heeft deze map met u gedeeld om te uploaden","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} overeenkomende ruimtes","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} ruimtes in totaal","Access denied":"Toegang geweigerd","Access details":"Toegangsgegevens","Access expires":"Toegang verloopt","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Account en login is vereist. Alleen personen uit de lijst \"Uitgenodigde personen\" hebben toegang.","Actions":"Acties","Add":"Toevoegen","Add link":"Link toevoegen","Add members to this Space":"Leden toevoegen aan deze ruimte","Add password":"Wachtwoord toevoegen","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het laden van de openbare link","Apply":"Toepassen","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Weet u zeker dat u deze link wilt verwijderen? Dezelfde link opnieuw maken is niet mogelijk.","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Weet u zeker dat u dit gedeelde item wilt verwijderen?","Cancel":"Annuleer","Choose how access is granted":"Kiezen hoe toegang wordt verleend","Close filter":"Filter sluiten","Context menu of the share":"Contextmenu van het gedeelde item","Copied":"Gekopieerd","Copy":"Kopiëren","Copy link to clipboard":"Link naar klembord kopiëren","Copy private link to clipboard":"Privélink naar klembord kopiëren","Create":"Creëren","Create a new space":"Maak een nieuwe ruimte aan","Create link":"Maak link","Create new files or folders":"Maak nieuwe bestanden of mappen","Creating space failed…":"Ruimte maken mislukte...","Delete":"Verwijder","Delete link":"Link verwijderen","Deleted files":"Verwijderde bestanden","Deny access":"Toegang weigeren","Deselect %{name}":"Deselecteer %{name}","Details":"Details","Disabled":"Uitgeschakeld","Download":"Downloaden","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Sleep bestanden en mappen hierheen of gebruik de knoppen \"Nieuw\" of \"Uploaden\" om bestanden toe te voegen","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Zet bestanden hier neer om te uploaden of klik om het bestand te selecteren","Edit expiration date":"Vervaldatum bewerken","Edit image":"Bewerk afbeelding","Edit name":"Naam bewerken","Edit password":"Wachtwoord bewerken","Enabled":"Ingeschakeld","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Voer een naam in om personen of groepen als leden aan deze ruikte toe te voegen.","Error while editing the share.":"Fout tijdens het bewerken van het gedeelde item.","Everyone with the link":"Iedereen met de link","Expires %{expires}":"Verloopt %{expires}","Failed to apply expiration date":"Kan vervaldatum niet toepassen","Failed to apply new permissions":"Kan geen nieuwe machtigingen toepassen","Failed to delete link":"Kan link niet verwijderen","Failed to remove share":"Kan gedeeld item niet verwijderen","Failed to update link":"Kan link niet bijwerken","Failed to upload space image":"Kan image van ruimte niet uploaden","Favorites":"Favorieten","File already exists":"Bestand bestaat al","Files":"Bestanden","Filter members":"Filter leden","Filter:":"Filter:","Folder":"Map","Folder already exists":"Map bestaat al","Folders":"Mappen","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"%{totalResults} gevonden, en tonen van de %{itemCount} best overeenkomende resultaten","Go to »Personal« page":"Ga naar de »Persoonlijk« pagina","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Ga naar »Overzicht ruimtes«","Group":"Groep","Guest user":"Gastgebruiker","Hide":"Verbergen","How to edit indirect links":"Hoe indirecte link te bewerken","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Als u een map deelt, worden alle inhoud en submappen ook gedeeld.","Incognito":"Incognito","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Indirecte links (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Indirecte links zijn links die toegang geven tot een bovenliggende map.","Invited by":"Uitgenodigd door","Last modified":"Laatst gewijzigd","Link":"Link","Link name":"Link naam","Link was deleted successfully":"Link is met succes verwijderd","Link was updated successfully":"Link is met succes bijgewerkt","Loading list of shares":"Laden van lijst met gedeelde items","Members":"Leden","Merge":"Samenvoegen","Name":"Naam","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Navigeer naar '%{folder}'","Navigate to parent folder":"Navigeer naar bovenliggende map","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Navigeer naar de bovenliggende (%{folderName})","New":"Nieuw","New folder":"Nieuwe map","New Folder":"Nieuwe map","New space":"Nieuwe ruimte","New Space":"Nieuwe ruimte","no":"nee","No information to display":"Geen informatie om weer te geven","No link":"Geen link","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"Inloggen is niet nodig. Iedereen met de link heeft toegang. Als je deze link deelt met personen uit de lijst \"Uitgenodigde personen\", moeten ze inloggen zodat hun individueel toegewezen machtigingen van kracht kunnen worden. Als ze niet zijn ingelogd, worden de machtigingen van de link van kracht.","No resources found":"Geen bronnen gevonden","No results found":"Geen resultaten gevonden","No users or groups found.":"Geen gebruikers of groepen gevonden.","No Versions available for this file":"Er zijn geen versies beschikbaar voor dit bestand","Not enough quota":"Niet genoeg quotum","Notification":"Bekendmaking","Only invited people can access":"Alleen uitgenodigde personen hebben toegang","Open context menu and show members":"Contextmenu openen en laat leden zien","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Overzicht van de informatie over het geselecteerde bestand","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Overzicht van de informatie over de geselecteerde bestanden","Owner":"Eigenaar","Password":"Wachtwoord","Paste here":"Hier plakken","Person was added":"Persoon is toegevoegd","Personal":"Persoonlijk","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Wacht svp tot alle imports zijn voltooid","Private link":"Privé koppeling","Private link copied":"Privélink gekopieerd","Public link":"Publieke koppeling","Reload public link":"Openbare link opnieuw laden","Remote user":"Externe gebruiker","Remove":"Verwijderen","Remove expiration date":"Vervaldatum verwijderen","Remove password":"Wachtwoord verwijderen","Remove share":"Gedeeld item verwijderen","Rename":"Hernoemen","Replace":"Vervangen","Resource not found":"Bron niet gevonden","Restore":"Herstellen","Save":"Opslaan","Search":"Zoek","Search for service or secondary Account":"Zoeken naar service of secundair account","See all versions":"Zie alle versies","Select role for the invitation":"Rol selecteren voor de uitnodiging","Set expiration date":"Vervaldatum instellen","Share":"Delen","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Item delen verloopt op %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Gedeeld item ontvangersnaam: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Ontvangers van gedeelde item","Share via link":"Delen via link","Share was removed successfully":"Gedeeld item is met succes verwijderd","Share with people":"Delen met personen","Shared by":"Gedeeld door","Shared on":"Gedeeld op","Shared via":"Delen via","Shared via link":"Gedeeld via link","Shared with":"Gedeeld met","Shared with me":"Met mij gedeeld","Shared with others":"Gedeeld met anderen","Shares":"Gedeelde items","Shares pages navigation":"Gedeelde items pagina navigatie","Show":"Toon","Show all":"Alles tonen","Show context menu":"Toon contextmenu","Show less":"Toon minder","Show members":"Toon leden","Show more":"Toon meer","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Weergave van maximaal %{searchLimit} resultaten","Size":"Grootte","Space has no deleted files":"Ruimte heeft geen verwijderde bestanden","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Image van ruimte met succes geüpload","Space members":"Ruimte leden","Space name":"Ruimtenaam","Spaces":"Ruimtes","Subfolders":"Submappen","Switch to condensed table view":"Overschakelen naar verkorte tabelweergave","Switch to default table view":"Overschakelen naar de standaardtabelweergave","Switch to tiles view":"Overschakelen naar de tegel weergave","Tags":"Tags","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"De \"via map\" wordt naast een gedeeld item getoond, als er al toegang is gegeven via een bovenliggende map. Klik op de \"via map\" om het gedeelde item in de bovenliggende map te bewerken.","The file type is unsupported":"Het bestandstype wordt niet ondersteund","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"De link \"%{linkName}\" is naar uw klembord gekopieerd.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"De privélink is gekopieerd naar uw klembord.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Er zijn geen bronnen gemarkeerd als favoriet","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"Er is niet genoeg quotum op %{spaceName}, u hebt extra %{missingSpace} nodig om deze bestanden te uploaden","This file has been shared.":"Dit bestand wordt gedeeld.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Deze map bevat %{ amount } item.","Deze map bevat %{ amount } items."],"This folder has been shared.":"Deze map wordt gedeeld.","This folder has no content.":"Deze map heeft geen inhoud.","This link is password-protected":"Deze link is beveiligd met een wachtwoord","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Om te zoeken naar service- of secundaire accounts, wordt de gebruikersnaam voorafgegaan door \"a:\" (zoals \"a:jansen\") en voor gastaccounts de gebruikersnaam met \"l:\" (zoals \"l:jansen\").","Type":"Type","Unrestricted":"Onbeperkt","Upload":"Uploaden","Upload files or folders":"Upload bestanden of mappen","User":"Gebruiker","Versions":"Versies","via":"via","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"We gingen overal zoeken, maar konden de geselecteerde bron niet vinden.","What are indirect links?":"Wat zijn indirecte links?","You don't have access to any spaces":"U hebt geen toegang tot enige ruimtes","You don't have permission to share this file.":"U bent niet gemachtigd dit bestand te delen.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"U bent niet gemachtigd om deze map te delen.","You have no deleted files":"U hebt geen verwijderde bestanden","You have no permission to create new files!":"U heeft geen toestemming om nieuwe bestanden te maken!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"Je hebt geen toestemming om hier bestanden te plakken!","You have no permission to upload!":"Je hebt geen toestemming om te uploaden!"},"pl":{"“via folder”":"“poprzez folder”","(me)":"(ja)","%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } folder","%{ foldersCount } foldery","%{ foldersCount } folderów","%{ foldersCount } folderów"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["Łącznie %{ itemsCount } element (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementy (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["Łącznie %{ itemsCount } element (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementy (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["Łącznie %{ itemsCount } element z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementy z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["Łącznie %{ itemsCount } element z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementy z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","Łącznie %{ itemsCount } elementów z %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} udostępnił Ci ten folder do przesyłania","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"Dopasowano %{spaceCount} przestrzeni","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} przestrzeni całkowitej","Access denied":"Odmowa dostępu","Actions":"Akcje","Add password":"Dodaj hasło","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Wystąpił problem przy próbie załadowania publicznego linku","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten link? Odzyskanie tego linku nie będzie możliwe.","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć to udostępnienie?","Cancel":"Anuluj","Context menu of the share":"Menu kontekstowe dla udostępnienia","Copied":"Skopiowano","Copy":"Kopiuj","Copy link to clipboard":"Kopiuj link do schowka","Create":"Utwórz","Create new files or folders":"Utwórz nowe pliki lub foldery","Delete":"Usuń","Delete link":"Usuń link","Deleted files":"Usunięte pliki","Deny access":"Odmów dostępu","Deselect %{label}":"Odznacz %{label}","Details":"Szczegóły","Disabled":"Wyłączone","Download":"Pobierz","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Przeciągnij tutaj pliki i foldery lub użyj przycisków \"Nowy\" oraz \"Prześlij\" aby dodać pliki","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Przeciągnij pliki tutaj lub kliknij aby wybrać pliki","Edit expiration date":"Zmień datę ważności","Edit image":"Edytuj obraz","Edit name":"Edytuj nazwę","Edit password":"Zmień hasło","Enabled":"Włączone","Error while editing the share.":"Wystąpił problem w czasie edycji udostępnienia.","Expires %{expires}":"Wygasa %{expires}","Failed to apply expiration date":"Nie udało się zmienić daty ważności","Failed to remove share":"Nie udało się usunąć udostępnienia","Favorites":"Ulubione","Files":"Pliki","Filter:":"Filtr:","Folder":"Folder","Folder already exists":"Folder już istnieje","Folders":"Foldery","Group":"Grupa","Guest user":"Gość","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Jeśli udostępnisz folder, cała jego zawartość oraz podfoldery również zostaną udostępnione.","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Linki pośrednie to linki, które dają dostęp poprzez folder nadrzędny.","Link":"Link","Loading list of shares":"Ładowanie listy udostępnień","Members":"Członkowie","Name":"Nazwa","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Przejdź do '%{folder}'","Navigate to parent folder":"Przejdź do folderu nadrzędnego","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Przejdź do folderu nadrzędnego (%{folderName})","New":"Nowy","New folder":"Nowy folder","New Folder":"Nowy folder","No Versions available for this file":"Brak dostępnych wersji dla tego pliku.","Not enough quota":"Nie ma wystarczającej ilości miejsca","Password":"Hasło","Paste here":"Wklej tutaj","Person was added":"Osoba została dodana","Personal":"Prywatne","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Poczekaj, aż import się zakończy","Private link":"Link prywatny","Private link copied":"Skopiowano prywatny link","Public link":"Link publiczny","Reload public link":"Załaduj link publiczny","Remote user":"Użytkownik zdalny","Remove expiration date":"Usuń datę ważności","Remove password":"Usuń hasło","Remove share":"Usuń udostępnienie","Rename":"Zmień nazwę","Resource not found":"Nie znaleziono zasobów","Restore":"Przywróć","Save":"Zapisz","Search":"Szukaj","Set expiration date":"Ustaw datę ważności","Share":"Udostępnij","Share receivers":"Odbiorcy udostępnienia","Share successfully changed":"Udostępnienie zostało pomyślnie zmodyfikowane","Share via link":"Udostępnij poprzez link","Share was added successfully":"Udostępnienie zostało pomyślnie dodane","Share was removed successfully":"Udostępnienie zostało pomyślnie usunięte","Share with people":"Udostępnij innym osobom","Shared by":"Udostępnione przez","Shared via":"Udostępnione poprzez","Shared via link":"Udostępnione poprzez link","Shared with":"Udostępnione dla","Shared with me":"Udostępnione dla mnie","Shared with others":"Udostępnione dla innych","Shares":"Udostępnione","Show":"Pokaż","Subfolders":"Podfoldery","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"\"poprzez folder\" jest wyświetlane obok udostępnienia, jeśli dostęp został już nadany poprzez folder nadrzędny. Kliknij na \"poprzez folder\" aby wyedytować udostępnienie z poziomu katalogu nadrzędnego.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Nie ma zasobów oznaczonych jako ulubione","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"Nie ma wystarczającej ilości miejsca w %{spaceName}, potrzebujesz dodatkowo %{missingSpace} aby przesłać te pliki","This file has been shared.":"Ten plik został udostępniony.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Ten folder zawiera %{ amount } element.","Ten folder zawiera %{ amount } elementy.","Ten folder zawiera %{ amount } elementów.","Ten folder zawiera %{ amount } elementów."],"This folder has been shared.":"Ten folder został udostępniony.","This folder has no content.":"Ten folder jest pusty.","This link is password-protected":"Ten link jest chroniony hasłem","Upload":"Prześlij","Upload files or folders":"Prześlij pliki lub foldery","User":"Użytkownik","via":"przez","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Sprawdzaliśmy wszędzie, ale nie byliśmy w stanie znaleźć wybranego zasobu.","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Nie masz uprawnień aby udostępnić ten plik.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Nie masz uprawnień aby udostępnić ten folder.","You have no deleted files":"Nie masz usuniętych plików","You have no permission to create new files!":"NIe masz uprawnień aby tworzyć nowe pliki!","You have no permission to upload!":"Nie masz uprawnień aby przesyłać!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"Nie udostępniasz nic poprzez link.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"Nie udostępniasz nic innym osobom."},"pt":{},"ka":{},"ko":{"“via folder”":"\"폴더를 통해\"","(me)":"(나)","%{ filesCount } file":"파일 %{ filesCount }개","%{ foldersCount } folder":"폴더 %{ foldersCount }개","%{ itemCount } item selected":"항목 %{ itemCount }개 선택됨","%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":"항목 총 %{ itemsCount }개 (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":"항목 총 %{ itemsCount }개 (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":"총 %{ itemSize } 크기를 가진 항목 총 %{ itemsCount }개 (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":"총 %{ itemSize } 크기를 가진 항목 총 %{ itemsCount }개 (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ spacesCount } space":"스페이스 총 %{ spacesCount }개","%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (나)","%{count} member":"%{count}명의 구성원","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner}이(가) 업로드를 위해 이 폴더를 공유했습니다","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType}(이)가 %{resourceName}에 접근할 수 없음","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"일치하는 스페이스 %{spaceCount}개","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"휴지통 내 일치 항목 %{spaceCount}개","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"스페이스 총 %{spaceCount}개","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"휴지통 내 총 항목 %{spaceCount}개","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (꺼짐)","Access denied":"접근 거부됨","Access details":"액세스 세부 정보","Access expires":"액세스가 만료됨","Access was denied successfully":"접근 거부됨","Access was granted successfully":"접근 허용됨","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"계정 및 로그인이 필요합니다. \"초대받은 사용자\" 목록의 사용자만 접근할 수 있습니다.","Account type":"계정 유형","Actions":"작업","Add":"추가","Add link":"링크 추가","Add members to this Space":"이 스페이스에 구성원 추가","Add password":"암호 추가","An error occurred while loading the public link":"공개 링크를 불러오는 중 오류 발생","Apply":"적용","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"이 링크를 삭제하시겠습니까? 동일한 링크를 다시 만들 수 없습니다.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"이 사용자를 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"이 공유를 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?":"이 공유에 대한 리마인더를 보내시겠습니까?","Attach as copy":"사본으로 첨부","Audio":"오디오","Cancel":"취소","Choose":"선택","Choose how access is granted":"액세스 권한 부여 방법 선택","Close filter":"필터 닫기","Context menu of the share":"공유된 컨텍스트 메뉴","Copied":"복사됨","Copy":"복사","Copy link to clipboard":"링크를 클립보드에 복사하기","Copy private link to clipboard":"개인 링크를 클립보드에 복사하기","Create":"제작","Create a new space":"새 스페이스 만들기","Create link":"링크 생성","Create new files or folders":"새 파일 또는 폴더 만들기","Creating space failed…":"스페이스 생성 실패...","Delete":"삭제","Delete link":"링크 제거","Deleted files":"삭제된 파일","Deny access":"접근 거부","Deselect %{label}":"%{label} 선택 해제","Deselect %{name}":"%{name} 선택 취소","Details":"자세히","Disabled":"꺼짐","Document":"문서","Download":"다운로드","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"파일 및 폴더를 여기로 끌거나 \"새로 만들기\" 또는 \"업로드\" 단추를 사용하여 파일 추가","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"업로드할 파일을 여기에 끌어다 놓거나 파일을 클릭하여 선택","Edit expiration date":"만료 날짜 수정","Edit image":"이미지 편집","Edit name":"이름 편집","Edit password":"암호 편집","Edit permission":"권한 편집","Edit third party notification":"제삼자 알림 편집","Email address":"이메일 주소","Email can't be empty":"이메일은 비워둘 수 없음","Email is invalid":"잘못된 이메일 형식","Enabled":"켜짐","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"이 스페이스에 사람 또는 그룹을 추가하려면 이름을 입력하세요.","Enter text to create a Tag":"문구를 입력하여 태그 만들기","Error while editing the share.":"공유를 편집하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"파일을 볼 수 있는 모든 사람이 태그를 볼 수 있습니다. 마찬가지로 파일을 편집할 수 있는 모든 사람은 태그를 편집할 수 있습니다.","Everyone with the link":"링크가 있는 모든 사람","Expires %{expires}":"만료 %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"%{timeToExpiry}에 만료 (%{expiryDate})","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"\"%{displayName}\"에 공유 추가 실패","Failed to apply expiration date":"만료 날짜를 적용하지 못했습니다","Failed to apply new permissions":"새 권한을 적용하지 못했습니다","Failed to delete link":"링크를 삭제하지 못했습니다","Failed to deny access":"접근 거부 실패","Failed to edit tags":"태그 편집 실패","Failed to grant access":"접근 허용 실패","Failed to remove share":"공유를 제거하지 못했습니다","Failed to update link":"링크를 업데이트하지 못했습니다","Failed to upload space image":"스페이스 이미지를 업로드하지 못했습니다","Favorites":"즐겨찾기","File":"파일","File already exists":"파일이 이미 있습니다","Files":"파일","Filter members":"구성원 필터","Filter share types":"공유 유형 필터","Filter shared by":"공유 대상 필터","Filter tags":"태그 필터","Filter:":"필터:","Folder":"폴더","Folder already exists":"폴더가 이미 있습니다","Folders":"폴더","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"%{totalResults}을(를) 찾았습니다. %{itemCount}개의 가장 적합한 결과를 표시합니다.","Go to »Personal« page":"»Personal« 페이지로 이동","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"»Spaces Overview«로 가세요","Group":"그룹","Guest user":"게스트 사용자","Hidden Shares":"숨겨진 공유","Hide":"숨기기","How to edit indirect links":"간접 링크 편집 방법","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"폴더를 공유하면 폴더의 모든 내용과 하위 폴더도 공유됩니다.","Image":"이미지","Incognito":"신원 미상의","Indirect links (%{ count })":"간접 링크(%{count})","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"간접 링크는 상위 폴더를 통해 액세스할 수 있는 링크입니다.","Invited by":"를 통해 초대됨","last 30 days":"최근 30일","last 7 days":"최근 7일","Last modified":"최종 수정됨","Last Modified":"마지막 수정","last month":"지난달","last week":"지난 주","last year":"작년","Learn about spaces":"스페이스에 대해 알아보기","Link":"링크","Link name":"링크 이름","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"링크 이름은 255자를 초과할 수 없음","Link was deleted successfully":"링크 제거됨","Link was updated successfully":"링크 업데이트됨","Loading list of shares":"공유 목록 불러오는 중","Locked by":"잠근 이: ","Member capabilities":"멤버 기능","Members":"구성원","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"구성원들은 이 스페이스의 모든 파일에 접근할 수 있으며, 접근 가능한 사람 목록을 볼 수 있습니다. 역할을 배정하여 읽기/쓰기 권한을 설정할 수 있습니다.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"운영자 역할을 가진 구성원은 구성원 추가 및 제거, 구성원이 아닌 이와 하위 폴더 공유, 공유를 위한 링크 생성 등 스페이스의 모든 속성과 콘텐츠를 편집할 수 있습니다.","Merge":"병합","Name":"이름","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"'%{folder}'(으)로 이동합니다","Navigate to parent folder":"상위 폴더로 이동","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"상위(%{folderName})로 이동합니다","New":"새로 만들기","New folder":"새 폴더","New Folder":"새 폴더","New space":"새 스페이스","New Space":"새 스페이스","no":"아니오","No hidden shares":"숨겨진 공유 없음","No information to display":"표시할 정보가 없습니다","No link":"링크 없음","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"로그인할 필요가 없습니다. 링크가 있는 모든 사용자가 액세스할 수 있습니다. 이 링크를 \"초대받은 사용자\" 목록에 있는 사용자와 공유할 경우 사용자가 로그인해야 개별적으로 할당된 사용 권한이 적용됩니다. 로그인하지 않은 경우 링크의 사용 권한이 적용됩니다.","No resources found":"리소스를 찾을 수 없습니다","No results found":"결과를 찾을 수 없습니다","No shares":"공유 없음","No users or groups found.":"사용자 또는 그룹을 찾을 수 없습니다.","No Versions available for this file":"이 파일에 사용할 수 있는 버전이 없습니다","Not enough quota":"할당량 부족","Note: Transfer of nested folder structures is not possible. Instead, all files from the subfolders will be uploaded individually.":"참고: 중첩된 폴더 구조는 전송할 수 없습니다. 대신 하위 폴더의 모든 파일이 개별적으로 업로드됩니다.","Notification":"알림","Notify a third party about uploads":"제삼자에게 업로드 알림","Notify me about uploads":"나에게 업로드 알림","Notify via mail":"메일로 알림","Only invited people can access":"초대된 사용자만 액세스할 수 있습니다","Open context menu and show members":"상황에 맞는 메뉴 열기 및 구성원 표시","Overview of the information about the selected file":"선택한 파일에 대한 정보 개요","Overview of the information about the selected files":"선택한 파일들에 대한 정보 개요","Owner":"주인","Password":"암호","Paste here":"여기에 붙여넣기","PDF":"PDF","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"이 리소스를 공유 받은 사람은 자신 외 다른 이가 이 콘텐츠에 접근할 수 있는지 확인할 수 없습니다.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"이 리소스를 공유 받은 사람은 이메일 또는 인 앱 알림을 통해 알림을 받게 됩니다.","Person was added":"사용자가 추가되었습니다","Personal":"개인","Please wait until all imports have finished":"내보내기가 완료될 때까지 잠시 기다려주세요","Presentation":"프레젠테이션","Private link":"개인 링크","Private link copied":"개인 링크 복사됨","Public link":"공개 링크","Reload public link":"공개 링크 다시 로드","Remote user":"원격 사용자","Remove":"제거","Remove expiration date":"만료 날짜 삭제","Remove member":"구성원 제거","Remove password":"암호 삭제","Remove share":"공유 삭제","Rename":"이름 바꾸기","Replace":"교체","Resource not found":"리소스를 찾을 수 없습니다","Restore":"복원","Save":"저장","Search":"검색","Search for files":"파일 검색","Search for service or secondary Account":"서비스 또는 보조 계정 검색","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"\"%{searchTerm}\" 검색 결과","See all versions":"모든 버전 보기","Select permission":"권한 선택","Select role for the invitation":"초대에 대한 역할 선택","Send":"보내기","Send a reminder":"리마인더 보내기","Set expiration date":"만료 날짜 설정","Share":"공유","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"공유 만료 %{expiryDateRelative}(%{expiryDate})","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"공유 수신자 이름: %{displayName}","Share receivers":"수취인 공유","Share successfully changed":"공유 변경됨","Share Type":"공유 유형","Share via link":"링크로 공유","Share was added successfully":"공유 추가됨","Share was removed successfully":"공유 제거됨","Share with people":"사용자와 공유","Shared by":"에 의해 공유 ","Shared By":"공유한 이: ","Shared on":"공유 위치","Shared via":"를 통해 공유","Shared via link":"링크를 통해 공유됨","Shared with":"공유 대상","Shared with me":"나와 공유됨","Shared with others":"다른 사람과 공유됨","Shares":"공유","Shares pages navigation":"공유 페이지 탐색","Show":"보이기","Show all":"모두 보기","Show context menu":"상황에 맞는 메뉴 표시","Show less":"적게 보기","Show members":"구성원 보이기","Show more":"더 보기","Show more actions":"더 많은 액션 표시","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"최대 %{searchLimit} 결과 표시","Size":"크기","Space has no deleted files":"스페이스에 삭제된 파일이 없습니다","Space image was uploaded successfully":"스페이스 이미지 업로드됨","Space members":"스페이스 구성원","Space name":"스페이스 이름","Space was created successfully":"스페이스 생성됨","Spaces":"스페이스","Spreadsheet":"스프레드시트","Subfolders":"하위 폴더","Switch to condensed table view":"축약된 표 보기로 전환","Switch to default table view":"기본 테이블 보기로 전환","Switch to tiles view":"타일 보기로 전환","Synced with your devices":"내 장치와 동기화됨","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"태그는 공백으로 설정할 수 없습니다","Tags":"태그","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"상위 폴더를 통해 이미 액세스 권한이 부여된 경우 \"폴더를 통해\"가 공유 옆에 표시됩니다. 상위 폴더에서 공유를 편집하려면 \"폴더를 통해\"를 클릭합니다.","The file type is unsupported":"파일 형식이 지원되지 않습니다","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"%{linkName} 링크가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"링크가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"개인 링크가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"즐겨찾기로 표시된 리소스가 없습니다","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"%{spaceName}에 할당량이 부족합니다. 이 파일을 업로드하려면 %{missingSpace}이(가) 추가로 필요합니다.","This file has been shared.":"이 파일은 공유되었습니다.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":"이 폴더에는 %{amout}개의 항목이 있습니다.","This folder has been shared.":"이 폴더는 공유되었습니다.","This folder has no content.":"이 폴더에는 내용이 없습니다.","This link is password-protected":"이 링크는 암호로 보호됩니다","this month":"이번달","this week":"이번 주","this year":"올해","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"서비스 또는 보조 계정을 검색하려면 사용자 이름 앞에 \"a:\" 같은(\"a:doe\"와 같은) 접두사를 붙이고 게스트 계정의 경우 사용자 이름 앞에 \"I:\" 같은(\"l:doe\"와 같은) 접두사를 붙입니다.","today":"오늘","Type":"유형","Unrestricted":"무제한","Upload":"업로드","Upload files or folders":"파일 또는 폴더 업로드","Uploads will be notified to a third party":"업로드가 제삼자에게 통보됩니다","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"입력란을 사용하여 사용자 및 그룹을 검색합니다. 원하는 사용자와 그룹을 선택한 후 항목을 공유할 수 있습니다.","User":"유저","Versions":"버전","via":"을 통해","Video":"비디오","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"모든 곳을 찾아보았지만 선택한 자원을 찾을 수 없었다.","What are indirect links?":"간접 링크란 무엇입니까?","When a file is uploaded, this address will be notified as well.":"파일이 업로드될 때, 이 주소 또한 알림을 받습니다.","Who can view tags?":"누가 태그를 볼 수 있나요?","yesterday":"어제","You do not have permission to create links":"링크 생성 권한 없음","You don't have access to any spaces":"스페이스에 접근할 수 없습니다.","You don't have access to any trashbins":"모든 휴지통에 접근할 수 없음","You don't have permission to share this file.":"이 파일을 공유할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"이 폴더를 공유할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다.","You have no deleted files":"삭제된 파일이 없습니다","You have no permission to create new files!":"새 파일을 만들 수 있는 권한이 없습니다!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"여기에 파일을 붙여넣을 수 있는 권한이 없습니다!","You have no permission to upload!":"업로드 권한이 없습니다!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"링크를 통해 리소스를 공유한 적이 없습니다.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"다른 사람과 리소스를 공유한 적이 없습니다."},"si":{"(me)":"(මා)","Actions":"ක්‍රියාමාර්ග","Cancel":"අවලංගු","Copy":"පිටපත්","Create":"සාදන්න","Download":"බාගන්න","Files":"ගොනු","Group":"සමූහය","Name":"නම","New":"නව","New folder":"නව බහාලුම","Owner":"හිමිකරු","Password":"මුරපදය","Paste here":"මෙහි අලවන්න","Remote user":"දුරස්ථ පරිශීලක","Remove password":"මුරපදය ඉවත් කරන්න","Rename":"නැවත නම් කරන්න","Save":"සුරකින්න","Search":"සොයන්න","Share":"හුවමාරු කරන්න","Size":"ප්‍රමාණය","User":"පරිශීලක","Versions":"අනුවාද"},"ro":{"%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} spații potrivite","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"%{spaceCount} spații în total","Actions":"Acțiuni","Cancel":"Anulează","Create":"Crează","Delete":"Șterge","Details":"Detalii","Disabled":"Dezactivat","Enabled":"Activat","Filter members":"Filtrează 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%{spaceCount}","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (отключено)","Access denied":"Доступ запрещен","Access details":"Сведения о доступе","Access expires":"Доступ истекает","Access was denied successfully":"Доступ успешно запрещен","Access was granted successfully":"Доступ успешно предоставлен","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Требуется наличие аккаунта и вход. Доступ могут получить только люди из списка приглашенных.","Account type":"Тип аккаунта","Actions":"Действия","Add":"Добавить ","Add link":"Добавить ссылку","Add members to this Space":"Добавить участников в это пространство","Add password":"Добавить пароль","Album":"Альбом","An error occurred while loading the public link":"При загрузке публичной ссылки возникла ошибка","Apply":"Применить","Archive":"Архив","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту ссылку? Невозможно создать такую же ссылку снова.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этого участника?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот общий доступ?","Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?":"Вы уверены, что хотите отправить напоминание об этом общем доступе?","Attach as copy":"Прикрепить в виде копии","Audio":"Аудио","Audio Info":"Информация о треке","Authors":"Авторы","Cancel":"Отмена","Choose":"Выбрать","Choose how access is granted":"Выбрать способ предоставления доступа","Close filter":"Закрыть фильтр","Context menu of the share":"Контекстное меню общего ресурса","Copied":"Скопировано","Copy":"Копировать","Copy link to clipboard":"Копировать ссылку в буфер обмена","Copy location to clipboard":"Копировать геопозицию в буфер обмена","Copy private link to clipboard":"Копировать приватную ссылку в буфер обмена","Create":"Создать","Create a new space":"Создать новое пространство","Create link":"Создать ссылку","Create new files or folders":"Создать новые файлы или папки","Creating space failed…":"Не удалось создать пространство…","Delete":"Удалить","Delete link":"Удалить ссылку","Deleted at":"Удалено в","Deleted files":"Удаленные файлы","Deny access":"Отказать в доступе","Deselect %{label}":"Отменить выбор %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"Отменить выбор %{name}","Details":"Сведения","Device make":"Изготовитель устройства","Device model":"Модель устройства","Dimensions":"Размеры","Disabled":"Отключено","Disc":"Диск","Document":"Документ","Download":"Скачать","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Перетащите сюда файлы и папки или используйте кнопки «Новый» или «Загрузить» для добавления файлов.","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Перетащите файлы сюда для загрузки или нажмите для выбора файла","Duration":"Длительность","Edit expiration date":"Редактировать срок действия","Edit image":"Редактировать изображение","Edit name":"Редактировать имя","Edit password":"Редактировать пароль","Edit permission":"Редактировать разрешения","Edit third party notification":"Редактировать уведомления других","Email address":"Адрес Email","Email can't be empty":"Адрес Email не может быть пустым","Email is invalid":"Недопустимый адрес Email","Enabled":"Включено","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Введите имя, чтобы добавить людей или группы в качестве участников этого пространства.","Enter text to create a Tag":"Введите текст, чтобы создать тег","Error while editing the share.":"Ошибка при изменении общего доступа","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"Все, кто могут просматривать файл, могут видеть и его теги. Аналогично, все, кто могут редактировать файл, могут редактировать и его теги.","Everyone with the link":"Все, у кого есть ссылка","Expires %{expires}":"Истекает %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Истекает %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Exposure time":"Время выдержки","F number":"Диафрагма","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"Не удалось добавить общий доступ для «%{displayName}».","Failed to apply expiration date":"Не удалось применить срок действия","Failed to apply new permissions":"Не удалось применить новые разрешения","Failed to delete link":"Не удалось удалить ссылку","Failed to deny access":"Не удалось запретить доступ","Failed to edit tags":"Не удалось изменить теги","Failed to grant access":"Не удалось предоставить доступ","Failed to remove share":"Не удалось удалить общий доступ","Failed to update link":"Не удалось обновить ссылку","Failed to upload space image":"Не удалось загрузить изображение пространства","Favorites":"Избранное","File":"Файл","File already exists":"Файл уже существует","Files":"Файлы","Filter members":"Фильтр участников","Filter share types":"Фильтровать по типу общего доступа","Filter shared by":"Фильтровать по предоставившему доступ","Filter tags":"Фильтр тегов","Filter:":"Фильтр:","Focal length":"Фокусное расстояние","Folder":"Папка","Folder already exists":"Папка уже существует","Folders":"Папки","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"Найдено %{totalResults}, показано %{itemCount} лучших результатов совпадений","Genre":"Жанр","Go to »Personal« page":"Перейти на страницу «Личные».","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Перейти к »Обзор пространств«.","Group":"Группа","Guest user":"Гостевой пользователь","Hidden Shares":"Скрытые общие ресурсы","Hide":"Скрыть","How to edit indirect links":"Как редактировать косвенные ссылки","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Если вы предоставляете общий доступ к папке, всё её содержимое и вложенные папки также будут предоставлены в общий доступ.","Image":"Изображение","Image Info":"Информация об изображении","Include disabled":"Включение отключено","Incognito":"Инкогнито","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Косвенные ссылки (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Косвенные ссылки - это ссылки, предоставляющие доступ через родительскую папку.","Indirect links can only be edited in their parent folder. Click on the folder icon below the link to navigate to the parent folder.":"Косвенные ссылки можно редактировать только в их родительской папке. Нажмите на значок папки под ссылкой, чтобы перейти к родительской папке.","Invited by":"Приглашен","ISO":"ISO","last 30 days":"последние 30 дней","last 7 days":"последние 7 дней","Last modified":"Последнее изменение","Last Modified":"Последнее изменение","last month":"в прошлом месяце","last week":"на прошлой неделе","last year":"в прошлом году","Learn about spaces":"Узнать о пространствах","Link":"Ссылка","Link name":"Имя ссылки","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Имя ссылки не может превышать 255 символов","Link was deleted successfully":"Ссылка успешно удалена","Link was updated successfully":"Ссылка успешно обновлена","Loading list of shares":"Загрузка списка общих ресурсов","Location":"Геопозиция","Locked by":"Заблокирован","Member capabilities":"Возможности участников","Members":"Участники","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Участники могут видеть, кто имеет доступ к этому пространству, и получать доступ ко всем файлам в этом пространстве. Разрешения на чтение или запись можно установить, назначив роль.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Участники с ролью менеджера могут редактировать все свойства и содержимое пространства, например добавлять или удалять участников, предоставлять общий доступ к вложенным папкам другим пользователям или создавать ссылки общего доступа.","Merge":"Объединить","Name":"Имя","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Перейти в папку '%{folder}'.","Navigate to parent folder":"Перейти в родительскую папку","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Перейти в родительскую папку (%{folderName})","New":"Новый","New folder":"Новая папка","New Folder":"Новая папка","New space":"Новое пространство","New Space":"Новое пространство","no":"нет","No hidden shares":"Нет скрытых общих ресурсов","No information to display":"Нет информации для отображения","No link":"Нет ссылки","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"Вход не требуется. Доступ имеют все, у кого есть ссылка. Если вы поделитесь этой ссылкой с людьми из списка \"Поделиться с людьми\", им нужно будет войти в систему, чтобы вступили в силу их индивидуально назначенные разрешения. Если они не вошли в систему, вступают в силу разрешения ссылки.","No resources found":"Ресурсы не найдены","No results found":"Результаты не найдены","No shares":"Нет общих ресурсов","No users or groups found.":"Не найдено ни одного пользователя или группы.","No Versions available for this file":"Для этого файла нет доступных версий","Not enough quota":"Недостаточная квота","Note: Transfer of nested folder structures is not possible. Instead, all files from the subfolders will be uploaded individually.":"Примечание. Перенос структур вложенных папок невозможен. Вместо этого все файлы из подпапок будут загружены индивидуально.","Notification":"Уведомление","Notify a third party about uploads":"Уведомлять других о загрузках","Notify me about uploads":"Уведомлять меня о загрузках","Notify via mail":"Уведомлять по Email","Only invited people can access":"Доступ имеют только приглашенные","Open context menu and show members":"Открыть контекстное меню и показать участников","Open context menu with share editing options":"Открыть контекстное меню с опциями редактирования общего доступа","Orientation":"Ориентация","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Обзор информации о выбранном файле","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Обзор информации о выбранных файлах","Owner":"Владелец","Password":"Пароль","Paste here":"Вставить сюда","PDF":"PDF","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Люди, с которыми вы делитесь ресурсами, не могут видеть, кто еще имеет доступ.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Люди, с которыми вы делитесь ресурсами, будут уведомлены по Email или через уведомление в приложении.","Person was added":"Человек был добавлен","Personal":"Личные","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Пожалуйста, подождите, пока весь импорт не завершится.","Presentation":"Презентация","Private link":"Приватная ссылка","Private link copied":"Приватная ссылка скопирована","Public link":"Публичная ссылка","Reload public link":"Перезагрузить публичную ссылку","Remote user":"Удаленный пользователь","Remove":"Удалить","Remove expiration date":"Удалить срок действия","Remove member":"Удалить участника","Remove password":"Удалить пароль","Remove share":"Удалить общее использование","Rename":"Переименовать","Replace":"Заменить","Resource is temporarily locked, unable to manage share":"Ресурс временно заблокирован, невозможно управлять общим доступом","Resource not found":"Ресурс не найден","Restore":"Восстановить","Save":"Сохранить","Search":"Найти","Search for files":"Поиск файлов","Search for service or secondary Account":"Поиск служебного или дополнительного аккаунта","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"Результаты поиска для \"%{searchTerm}\"","See all versions":"Посмотреть все версии","Select a file or folder to view details":"Выберите файл или папку для просмотра сведений","Select a trash to view details":"Выберите корзину для просмотра сведений","Select permission":"Выбрать разрешение","Select role for the invitation":"Выбрать роль для приглашения","Send":"Отправить","Send a reminder":"Отправить напоминание","Set expiration date":"Установить срок действия","Share":"Поделиться","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Общий доступ истекает %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share link(s)":"Ссылка(и) на общий ресурс","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Имя получателя общего доступа: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Получатели общего доступа","Share successfully changed":"Общий доступ успешно изменен","Share Type":"Тип общего доступа","Share via link":"Поделиться по ссылке","Share was added successfully":"Общий доступ был успешно добавлен","Share was removed successfully":"Общий доступ был успешно удален","Share with people":"Поделиться с людьми","Shared by":"Поделился","Shared By":"Поделился","Shared on":"Поделился","Shared via":"Поделился через","Shared via link":"Поделился по ссылке","Shared with":"Поделился с","Shared with me":"Поделились со мной","Shared with others":"Поделился с другими","Shares":"Общие ресурсы","Shares pages navigation":"Навигация по страницам общих ресурсов","Shortcut":"Ярлык","Show":"Показать","Show all":"Показать все","Show context menu":"Показать контекстное меню","Show less":"Показать меньше","Show members":"Показать участников","Show more":"Показать больше","Show more actions":"Показать больше действий","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Отображение до %{searchLimit} результатов","Size":"Размер","Space has no deleted files":"В пространстве нет удаленных файлов","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Изображение пространства успешно загружено","Space manager capabilities":"Возможности менеджера пространства","Space members":"Участники пространства","Space name":"Название пространства","Space was created successfully":"Пространство успешно создано","Spaces":"Пространства","Spaces are special folders built for collaboration.":"Пространства - это специальные папки, предназначенные для совместных доступа и работы.","Spreadsheet":"Электронная таблица","Subfolders":"Подпапки","Switch to condensed table view":"Переключить на сжатый вид таблицы","Switch to default table view":"Переключить на вид таблицы по умолчанию","Switch to tiles view":"Переключить на просмотр плиток","Synced with your devices":"Синхронизировано с вашими устройствами","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"Тег не должен состоять только из пробелов","Tags":"Теги","Taken time":"Время съёмки","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"\"Через папку\" отображается рядом с общим ресурсом, если доступ уже предоставлен через родительскую папку. Щелкните на \"через папку\", чтобы отредактировать доступ в родительской папке.","The file type is unsupported":"Тип файла не поддерживается","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Ссылка \"%{linkName}\" скопирована в буфер обмена.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена.","The location has been copied to your clipboard.":"Геопозиция скопирована в буфер обмена.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Приватная ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Нет ресурсов, отмеченных как избранные","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"Недостаточно квоты в %{spaceName}, вам нужно дополнительно %{missingSpace}, чтобы загрузить эти файлы","This file has been shared.":"К этому файлу предоставлен общий доступ.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Эта папка содержит %{ amount } элемент.","Эта папка содержит %{ amount } элементов.","Эта папка содержит %{ amount } элементов.","Эта папка содержит %{ amount } элементов."],"This folder has been shared.":"К этой папке предоставлен общий доступ.","This folder has no content.":"Эта папка не содержит содержимого.","This link is password-protected":"Эта ссылка защищена паролем","this month":"в этом месяце","this week":"на этой неделе","this year":"в этом году","Title":"Название","Title only":"Только заголовок","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Для поиска служебных или дополнительных учетных записей добавьте \"a:\" перед именем пользователя (например, \"a:john\"), а для гостевых учетных записей добавьте \"l:\" (например, \"l:john\").","today":"сегодня","Track":"Трек","Type":"Тип","Unrestricted":"Без ограничений","Upload":"Загрузить","Upload files or folders":"Загрузить файлы или папки","Uploads will be notified to a third party":"Другие будут уведомлены о загрузках","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Используйте поле ввода для поиска пользователей и групп. Выберите их, чтобы поделиться ресурсом.","User":"Пользователь","Versions":"Версии","via":"через","Video":"Видео","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Мы искали везде, но не смогли найти выбранный ресурс.","What are indirect links?":"Что такое косвенные ссылки?","When a file is uploaded, this address will be notified as well.":"Когда файл будет загружен, на этот адрес также придет уведомление.","Who can view tags?":"Кто может видеть теги?","Year recorded":"Год записи","yesterday":"вчера","You do not have permission to create links":"У вас нет разрешения на создание ссылок","You don't have access to any spaces":"У вас нет доступа к пространствам","You don't have access to any trashbins":"У вас нет доступа к корзинам","You don't have permission to share this file.":"У вас нет разрешения на предоставление общего доступа к этому файлу.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"У вас нет разрешения на предоставление общего доступа к этой папке.","You have no deleted files":"У вас нет удаленных файлов","You have no permission to create new files!":"У вас нет разрешения на создание новых файлов!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"У вас нет разрешения на вставку файлов сюда!","You have no permission to upload!":"У вас нет разрешения на загрузку","You have not shared any resource via link.":"Вы не делились ни одним ресурсом по ссылке.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"Вы не делились ресурсами с другими людьми."},"sk":{"(me)":"(ja)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } súbor","%{ filesCount } súbory","%{ filesCount } súborov","%{ filesCount } súborov"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } priečinok","%{ foldersCount } priečinky","%{ foldersCount } priečinkov","%{ foldersCount } priečinkov"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } označená položka","%{ itemCount } označené položky","%{ itemCount } označených položiek","%{ itemCount } označených položiek"],"Access 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successfully":"Hyrja u akordua me sukses","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Llogaria dhe kredencialet e hyrjes janë të domosdoshme. Mund të hyjnë vetëm persona nga lista “Persona të ftuar”.","Account type":"Lloj llogarie","Actions":"Veprime","Add":"Shto","Add link":"Shtoni lidhje","Add members to this Space":"Shtoni anëtarë te kjo Hapësirë","Add password":"Shtoni fjalëkalim","Album":"Album","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Ndodhi një gabim gjatë ngarkimit të lidhjes publike","Apply":"Aplikoje","Archive":"Arkiv","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihet kjo lidhje? Rikrijimi sërish i të njëjtës lidhje s’është i mundur.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të hiqet ky anëtar?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të hiqet kjo pjesë?","Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të dërgoni një kujtues për këtë pjesë?","Attach as copy":"Bashkëngjite si kopje","Audio":"Audio","Audio Info":"Informacion Audio","Authors":"Autorë","Cancel":"Anuloje","Choose":"Zgjidhni","Choose how access is granted":"Zgjidhni si akordohet hyrje","Close filter":"Mbylle filtrin","Context menu of the share":"Menu konteksti për pjesën","Copied":"U kopjua","Copy":"Kopjoje","Copy link to clipboard":"Kopjoja lidhjen në të papastër","Copy location to clipboard":"Kopjoje vendndodhjen në të papastër","Copy private link to clipboard":"Kopjoje lidhjen private në të papastër","Create":"Krijoje","Create a new space":"Krijoni një hapësirë të re","Create link":"Krijo lidhje","Create new files or folders":"Krijoni kartela ose dosje të reja","Creating space failed…":"Krijimi i hapësirës dështoi…","Delete":"Fshije","Delete link":"Fshije lidhjen","Deleted at":"Fshirë më","Deleted files":"Kartela të fshira","Deny access":"Mohoji hyrjen","Deselect %{label}":"Shpërzgjidheni %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"Shpërzgjidhe %{name}","Details":"Hollësi","Device make":"Prodhues pajisjeje","Device model":"Model pajisjeje","Dimensions":"Përmasa","Disabled":"E çaktivizuar","Disc":"Disk","Document":"Dokument","Download":"Shkarkoje","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Që të shtoni kartela, tërhiqni kartela dhe dosje këtu, ose përdorni butonat “E re” ose “Ngarkoni”","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Hidhni kartela për ngarkim këtu, ose klikoni që të përzgjidhni kartelë","Duration":"Kohëzgjatje","Edit expiration date":"Përpunoni datë skadimi","Edit image":"Përpunoni figurë","Edit name":"Përpunoni emër","Edit password":"Përpunoni fjalëkalim","Edit permission":"Përpunoni leje","Edit third party notification":"Përpunoni njoftim palësh të treta","Email address":"Adresë email","Email can't be empty":"Email-i s’mund të jetë i zbrazët","Email is invalid":"Email-i është i pavlefshëm","Enabled":"E aktivizuar","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Jepni një emër që të shtohen persona ose grupe si anëtarë te kjo Hapësirë.","Enter text to create a Tag":"Jepni tekst për krijimin e një Etikete","Error while editing the share.":"Gabim teksa përpunohej pjesa.","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"Cilido që mund të shohë kartelën, mundet të shohë etiketat për të. Po njësoj, cilido që mund të përpunojë kartelën, mund të përpunojë etiketat e saj.","Everyone with the link":"Cilido me lidhjen","Expires %{expires}":"Skadon më %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Skadon më %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Exposure time":"Kohë ekspozimi","F number":"Vlerë F","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"S’u arrit të shtohej pjesë për “%{displayName}”","Failed to apply expiration date":"S’u arrit të aplikohet datë skadimi","Failed to apply new permissions":"S’u arrit të aplikohen leje të reja","Failed to delete link":"S’u arrit të fshihej lidhje","Failed to deny access":"S’u arrit të mohohej hyrje","Failed to edit tags":"S’u arrit të përpunohen etiketa","Failed to grant access":"S’u arrit të akordohej hyrje","Failed to remove share":"S’u arrit të hiqej pjesë","Failed to update link":"S’u arrit të përditësohej lidhje","Failed to upload space image":"S’u arrit të ngarkohet figurë hapësire","Favorites":"Të parapëlqyera","File":"Kartelë","File already exists":"Kartela ekziston tashmë","Files":"Kartela","Filter members":"Filtroni anëtarë","Filter share types":"Filtroni lloj pjesësh","Filter shared by":"Filtroji sipas “ndarë nga”","Filter tags":"Filtroni etiketa","Filter:":"Filtroji sipas:","Folder":"Dosje","Folder already exists":"Ka tashmë një dosje të tillë","Folders":"Dosje","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"U gjetën %{totalResults}, po shfaqen %{itemCount} përfundimet me përkimin më të mirë","Genre":"Zhanër","Go to »Personal« page":"Kalo te faqja »Personale«","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Kalo te »Përmbledhje Hapësirash«","Group":"Grup","Guest user":"Përdorues mysafir","Hidden Shares":"Pjesë të Fshehura","Hide":"Fshihe","How to edit indirect links":"Si të përpunohen lidhje jo të drejtpërdrejta","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Nëse ndani me dikë një dosje, do të ndahen dhe krejt lënda dhe nëndosjet e saj.","Image":"Figurë","Image Info":"Hollësi Figure","Include disabled":"Përfshi të çaktivizuarat","Incognito":"Ndarë Nga","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Lidhje të tërthorta (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Lidhjet e tërthorta janë lidhje që lejojnë hyrje te një dosje mëmë.","Indirect links can only be edited in their parent folder. Click on the folder icon below the link to navigate to the parent folder.":"Lidhjet e tërthorta mund të përpunohen vetëm në dosjen e tyre mëmë. Klikoni mbi ikonën dosje nën lidhjen që të kaloni te dosja mëmë.","Invited by":"Ftuar nga","ISO":"ISO","last 30 days":"30 ditët e fundit","last 7 days":"7 ditët e fundit","Last modified":"Ndryshuar së fundi më","Last Modified":"Ndryshuar Së Fundi Më","last month":"muajin e kaluar","last week":"javën e kaluar","last year":"vitin e kaluar","Learn about spaces":"Mësoni rreth hapësirash","Link":"Lidhje","Link name":"Emër lidhjeje","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Emri i lidhjes s’mund të tejkalojë 255 shenja","Link was deleted successfully":"Lidhja u fshi me sukses","Link was updated successfully":"Lidhja u përditësua me sukses","Loading list of shares":"Po ngarkohet listë e pjesëve","Location":"Vendndodhje","Locked by":"Kyçur nga","Member capabilities":"Aftësi anëtarësh","Members":"Anëtarë","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Anëtarët janë në gjendje të shohin se kush ka hyrje në këtë hapësirë dhe hyrje te krejt kartelat në këtë hapësirë. Lejet për lexim ose shkrim mund të ujdisen duke akorduar një rol.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Anëtarë me rolin Përgjegjës janë në gjendje të përpunojnë krejt vetitë dhe lëndën e një Hapësire, bie fjala, të shtojnë ose të heqin anëtarë, të ndajnë nëndosje me jo anëtarë, ose të krijojnë lidhje për ndarje me të tjerë.","Merge":"Përzieji","Name":"Emër","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Kalo te '%{folder}'","Navigate to parent folder":"Kaloni te dosja mëmë","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Kalo te mëma (%{folderName})","New":"E re","New folder":"Dosje e re","New Folder":"Dosje e Re","New space":"Hapësirë e re","New Space":"Hapësirë e Re","no":"jo","No hidden shares":"Pa pjesë të fshehura","No information to display":"S’ka hollësi për shfaqje","No link":"Pa lidhje","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"S’lyp bërjen e hyrjes. Cilido me lidhjen mund ta përdorë. Nëse e ndani këtë lidhje me persona prej listës “Persona të ftuar”, atyre u duhet të bëjnë hyrjen, që të mund të kenë veprim lejet individuale dhënë atyre. Nëse s’kanë bërë hyrjen, në fuqi do të jenë lejet e lidhjes.","No resources found":"S’u gjetën përfundime","No results found":"S’u gjetën përfundime","No shares":"Pa pjesë","No users or groups found.":"S’u gjetën përdorues ose grupe.","No Versions available for this file":"S’ka versione të gatshëm për këtë kartelë","Not enough quota":"Kuotë e pamjaftueshme","Note: Transfer of nested folder structures is not possible. Instead, all files from the subfolders will be uploaded individually.":"Shënim: S’është e mundur shpërngulje strukturash dosjesh brenda njëra-tjetrës. Në vend të kësaj, krejt kartelat prej nëndosjeve do të ngarkohen individualisht.","Notification":"Njoftim","Notify a third party about uploads":"Njoftoni një palë të tretë rreth ngarkimesh","Notify me about uploads":"Njoftomë rreth ngarkimesh","Notify via mail":"Njofto përmes email-i","Only invited people can access":"Mund të hyjnë vetëm persona të ftuar","Open context menu and show members":"Hap menu konteksti dhe shfaq anëtarë","Open context menu with share editing options":"Hap menu konteksti me mundësi përpunimi pjese","Orientation":"Orientim","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Përmbledhje e hollësive rreth kartelës së përzgjedhur","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Përmbledhje e hollësive rreth kartelave të përzgjedhura","Owner":"Pronar","Password":"Fjalëkalim","Paste here":"Ngjite këtu","PDF":"PDF","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Personat me të cilët ndani burime s’mund të shohin se kush tjetër mund t’i përdorë.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Personat me të cilët ndani burime do të njoftohen me email, ose me njoftime nga aplikacioni.","Person was added":"Personi u shtua","Personal":"Personale","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Ju lutemi, pritni deri sa të kenë përfunduar krejt importimet","Presentation":"Paraqitje","Private link":"Lidhje private","Private link copied":"Lidhja private u kopjua","Public link":"Lidhje publike","Reload public link":"Ringarko lidhjen publike","Remote user":"Përdorues i largët","Remove":"Hiqe","Remove expiration date":"Hiqi datë skadimi","Remove member":"Hiqe anëtarin","Remove password":"Hiqe fjalëkalimin","Remove share":"Hiqe pjesën","Rename":"Riemërtoje","Replace":"Zëvendësoje","Resource is temporarily locked, unable to manage share":"Burimi është përkohësisht i kyçur, s’arrihet të administrohet pjesë","Resource not found":"Burimi s’u gjet","Restore":"Riktheje","Save":"Ruaje","Search":"Kërko","Search for files":"Kërkoni për kartela","Search for service or secondary Account":"Kërkoni për shërbim, ose Llogari dytësore","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"Përfundime kërkimi për “%{searchTerm}”","See all versions":"Shihini krejt versionet","Select a file or folder to view details":"Që të shihni hollësitë, përzgjidhni një kartelë ose dosje.","Select a trash to view details":"Përzgjidhni një kosh hedhurinash për t’i parë hollësitë","Select permission":"Përzgjidhni leje","Select role for the invitation":"Përzgjidhni rol për ftesën","Send":"Dërgoje","Send a reminder":"Dërgoje si kujtues","Set expiration date":"Caktoni datë skadimi","Share":"Pjesë","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Ndarja skadon më %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share link(s)":"Ndani lidhje me të tjerë","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Emër marrësi pjese: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Marrës pjesësh","Share successfully changed":"Pjesa u ndryshua me sukses","Share Type":"Lloj Pjese","Share via link":"Ndajeni me të tjerë përmes një lidhjeje","Share was added successfully":"Pjesa u shtua me sukses","Share was removed successfully":"Pjesa u hoq me sukses","Share with people":"Ndajeni me të tjerë","Shared by":"Ndarë me të tjerët nga","Shared By":"Ndarë nga","Shared on":"Ndarë më","Shared via":"Ndarë me të tjerë përmes","Shared via link":"Ndarë përmes lidhjeje","Shared with":"Ndarë me","Shared with me":"Ndarë me","Shared with others":"Ndarë me të tjerë","Shares":"Pjesë","Shares pages navigation":"Lëvizje në faqe pjesësh","Shortcut":"Shkurtore","Show":"Shfaqe","Show all":"Shfaqi krejt","Show context menu":"Shfaq menu konteksti","Show less":"Shfaq më pak","Show members":"Shfaqi anëtarët","Show more":"Shfaq më shumë","Show more actions":"Shfaq më tepër veprime","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Po shfaqen deri në %{searchLimit} përfundime","Size":"Madhësi","Space has no deleted files":"Hapësira s’ka kartela të fshira","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Figura e hapësirë u ngarkua me sukses","Space manager capabilities":"Aftësi përgjegjësi hapësire","Space members":"Anëtarë hapësire","Space name":"Emër hapësire","Space was created successfully":"Hapësira u krijua me sukses","Spaces":"Hapësira","Spaces are special folders built for collaboration.":"Hapësirat janë dosje speciale të krijuara për bashkëpunim.","Spreadsheet":"Fletëllogaritje","Subfolders":"Nëndosje","Switch to condensed table view":"Kalo te pamje e ngjeshur e tabelës","Switch to default table view":"Kalo te pamje parazgjedhje e tabelës","Switch to tiles view":"Kalo te pamja me kuadrate","Synced with your devices":"Njëkohësuar me pajisjet tuaja","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"Etiketa s’duhet të jetë vetëm hapësira të zbrazëta","Tags":"Etiketa","Taken time":"Kohë kur është bërë","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"Në krah të një pjesë shfaqe “përmes dosjeje”, nëse është dhënë tashmë hyrje përmes një dosjeje mëmë. Klikoni mbi “përmes dosjeje”, që të përpunoni pjesën te dosja e vet mëmë.","The file type is unsupported":"Lloji i kartelës nuk mbulohet","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Lidhja “%{linkName}” u kopjua në të papastrën tuaj.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Lidhja u kopjua te e papastra juaj.","The location has been copied to your clipboard.":"Vendndodhja u kopjua në të papastrën tuaj.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"The private link has been copied to your clipboard.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"S’ka burime me shenjë si të parapëlqyer","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"S’ka kuotë të mjaftueshme te %{spaceName}, ju duhen edhe %{missingSpace} që të ngarkoni këto kartela","This file has been shared.":"Kjo kartelë është ndarë me të tjerë.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Kjo dosje përmban %{ amount } objekt.","Kjo dosje përmban %{ amount } objekte."],"This folder has been shared.":"Kjo dosje është ndarë me të tjerë.","This folder has no content.":"Kjo dosje s’ka lëndë.","This link is password-protected":"Kjo lidhje është e mbrojtur me fjalëkalim","this month":"këtë muaj","this week":"këtë javë","this year":"këtë vit","Title":"Titull","Title only":"Vetëm titull","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Që të kërkohet për një shërbim ose llogari dytësore, paraprijeni emrin e përdoruesit me “a:” (pra, “a:gimi”) dhe për llogari mysafire paraprijeni emrin e përdoruesit me “l:” (pra, “l:gimi”).","today":"sot","Track":"Pjesë","Type":"Lloj","Unrestricted":"E pakufizuar","Upload":"Ngarkoni","Upload files or folders":"Ngarkoni kartela ose dosje","Uploads will be notified to a third party":"Ngarkimet do t’i njoftohen një pale të tretë","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Përdorni fusha dhënieje që të kërkoni për përdorues dhe grupe. Që të ndani me të tjerë objektin, përzgjidheni.","User":"Përdorues","Versions":"Versione","via":"përmes","Video":"Video","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Kërkuam ngado, por s’qemë në gjendje të gjejmë burimin e përzgjedhur.","What are indirect links?":"Ç’janë lidhjet e tërthorta?","When a file is uploaded, this address will be notified as well.":"Kur ngarkohet një kartelë, do të njoftohet dhe kjo adresë.","Who can view tags?":"Cilët mund të shohin etiketat?","Year recorded":"Vit incizimi","yesterday":"dje","You do not have permission to create links":"S’keni leje të krijoni lidhje","You don't have access to any spaces":"S’keni hyrje te ndonjë hapësirë","You don't have access to any trashbins":"S’keni hyrje te ndonjë kosh hedhurinash","You don't have permission to share this file.":"S’keni leje të ndani këtë kartelë me të tjerë.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"S’keni leje të ndani këtë dosje me të tjerë.","You have no deleted files":"S’keni kartela të fshira","You have no permission to create new files!":"S’keni leje të krijoni kartela të reja!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"S’keni leje të ngjitni kartela këtu!","You have no permission to upload!":"S’keni leje të ngarkoni!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"S’keni ndarë ndonjë burim përmes lidhjeje.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"S’keni ndarë ndonjë burim me persona të tjerë."},"sr":{},"sv":{"Access denied":"Åtkomst nekad","Actions":"Åtgärder","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Ett fel uppstod när den publika länken laddades","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Är du säker på att du vill radera denna länk? Det är ej möjligt att återskapa samma länk igen.","Attach as copy":"Bifoga som kopia","Audio":"Ljud","Cancel":"Avbryt","Choose":"Välj","Copied":"Kopierad","Copy":"Kopiera","Create":"Skapa","Create link":"Skapa länk","Create new files or folders":"Skapa nya filer eller mappar","Delete":"Ta bort","Delete link":"Ta bort länk","Deleted files":"Radera filer","Deny access":"Neka åtkomst","Details":"Detaljer","Disabled":"Inaktiverat","Document":"Dokument","Download":"Ladda ned","Email address":"E-postadress","Email can't be empty":"E-postadress kan inte vara tom","Email is invalid":"E-postadress är felaktig","Enabled":"Aktiverad","Failed to delete link":"Misslyckades med att ta bort länk","Failed to remove share":"MIsslyckades med att ta bort delning","Failed to update link":"Misslyckades med att uppdatera länk","Failed to upload space image":"Misslyckades med att ladda upp rumsbild","Favorites":"Favoriter","File":"Fil","Files":"Filer","Filter members":"Filtrera medlemmar","Filter:":"Filter:","Folder":"Mapp","Folders":"Mappar","Group":"Grupp","Guest user":"Gästanvändare","Hidden Shares":"Gömda delade ytor","Hide":"Dölj","How to edit indirect links":"Hur man redigerar indirekta länkar","Image":"Bild","Link":"Länk","Members":"Medlem","Name":"Namn","New":"Ny","New Folder":"Ny mapp","Owner":"Ägare","Password":"Lösenord","PDF":"PDF","Personal":"Personlig","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Vänligen vänta tills importeringen blir klar","Private link":"Privat länk","Private link copied":"Privat länk kopierad","Public link":"Publik länk","Restore":"Återställ","Save":"Spara","Search":"Sök","Search for files":"Sök efter filer","See all versions":"Visa alla versioner","Send":"Skicka","Send a reminder":"Skicka en påminnelse","Share":"Dela","Share Type":"Delningstyp","Share via link":"Dela via länk","Shared by":"Delad av","Shared on":"Delad på","Shared via":"Delad via","Shared via link":"Delad via länk","Shared with":"Delad med","Shared with me":"Delad med mig","Shared with others":"Delad med andra","Shortcut":"Genväg","Show":"Visa","Show all":"Visa allt","Show context menu":"Visa innehållsmeny","Show less":"Visa mindre","Show members":"Visa medlemmar","Show more":"Visa mer","Size":"Storlek","Spaces":"Ytor","Tags":"Taggar","The file type is unsupported":"Filtypen stöds inte","today":"idag","User":"Användare"},"ta":{"(me)":"(நான்)","Actions":"செயல்கள்","Cancel":"ரத்துசெய்","Copy":"நகலெடுக்கவும்","Download":"பதிவிறக்க"},"tr":{"“via folder”":"\"klasör aracılığıyla\"","(me)":"(ben)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } dosya","%{ filesCount } dosya"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } klasör","%{ foldersCount } klasör"],"%{ itemCount } item selected":["%{ itemCount } öge seçildi","%{ itemCount } öge seçildi"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } öge toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } öge toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } öge toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } öge toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":["%{ itemsCount } öge ile %{ itemSize } toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } öge ile %{ itemSize } toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})"],"%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":["%{ itemsCount } öge ile %{ itemSize } toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } öge ile %{ itemSize } toplamda (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } alan","%{ spacesCount } alan"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (ben)","%{count} member":["%{count} üye","%{count} üye"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} yüklemeden önce bu klasörü sizinle paylaştı","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType}, %{resourceName} öğesine erişemez","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} eşleşen alan","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} eşleşen çöp","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"Toplamda %{spaceCount} alan","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"Toplamda %{spaceCount} çöp","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (devre dışı)","Access denied":"Erişim reddedildi","Access details":"Erişim detayları","Access expires":"Erişim sona eriyor","Access was denied successfully":"Erişim başarıyla reddedildi","Access was granted successfully":"Erişim başarıyla verildi","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Hesap ve giriş gereklidir. Yalnızca \"Davet edilen kişiler\" listesindeki kişiler erişebilir.","Actions":"Aksiyonlar","Add":"Ekle","Add link":"Bağlantı ekle","Add members to this Space":"Bu Alana üyeler ekle","Add password":"Parola ekle","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Herkese açık bağlantı yüklenirken bir hata oluştu","Apply":"Uygula","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Bu bağlantıyı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Aynı bağlantıyı yeniden oluşturmak mümkün değildir.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Bu üyeyi kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Bu paylaşımı kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Cancel":"İptal","Choose how access is granted":"Erişimin nasıl verileceğini seçin","Close filter":"Filtreyi kapat","Context menu of the share":"Paylaşımın içerik menüsü","Copied":"Kopyalandı","Copy":"Kopyala","Copy link to clipboard":"Bağlantıyı panoya kopyala","Copy private link to clipboard":"Özel bağlantıyı panoya kopyala","Create":"Yarat","Create a new space":"Yeni bir alan oluştur","Create link":"Bağlantı oluştur","Create new files or folders":"Yeni dosyalar veya klasörler oluştur","Creating space failed…":"Alan oluşturma başarısız...","Delete":"Sil","Delete link":"Bağlantıyı sil","Deleted files":"Silinen dosyalar","Deny access":"Erişimi reddet","Deselect %{label}":"Seçimi kaldır %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"%{name}'yi seçme","Details":"Detaylar","Disabled":"Devre dışı bırakıldı","Download":"İndir","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Dosyaları ve klasörleri buraya sürükleyin veya dosya eklemek için \"Yeni\" veya \"Yükle\" düğmelerini kullanın","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Dosyaları yüklemek için buraya bırakın veya dosya seçmek için tıklayın","Edit expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihini düzenle","Edit image":"Resmi düzenle","Edit name":"Adı düzenle","Edit password":"Parolayı düzenle","Edit permission":"İzni düzenle","Enabled":"Etkin","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Kişileri veya grupları bu Alana üye olarak eklemek için bir ad girin.","Error while editing the share.":"Paylaşım düzenlenirken hata.","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"Dosyayı görüntüleyebilen herkes, etiketlerini görüntüleyebilir. Aynı şekilde, dosyayı düzenleyebilen herkes onun etiketlerini de düzenleyebilir.","Everyone with the link":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes","Expires %{expires}":"%{expires} sona eriyor","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"%{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate}) tarihinde sona eriyor","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"\"%{displayName}\" için paylaşım ekleme başarısız","Failed to apply expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihi uygulanamadı","Failed to apply new permissions":"Yeni izinler uygulanamadı","Failed to delete link":"Bağlantı silinemedi","Failed to deny access":"Erişim reddetme başarısız","Failed to edit tags":"Etiketleri düzenleme başarısız","Failed to grant access":"Erişim izni verme başarısız","Failed to remove share":"Paylaşım kaldırılamadı","Failed to update link":"Bağlantı güncellenemedi","Failed to upload space image":"Alan resmi yüklenemedi","Favorites":"Favoriler","File already exists":"Dosya zaten mevcut","Files":"Dosyalar","Filter members":"Filtre üyeleri","Filter tags":"Filtre etiketleri","Filter:":"Filtre:","Folder":"Klasör","Folder already exists":"Klasör zaten mevcut","Folders":"Klasörler","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"%{totalResults} sonuç bulundu, en iyi eşleşen %{itemCount} tanesi gösteriliyor","Go to »Personal« page":"»Kişisel« sayfasına git","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"»Alanlara Genel Bakış«'a git","Group":"Grup","Guest user":"Misafir kullanıcı","Hide":"Gizle","How to edit indirect links":"Dolaylı bağlantılar nasıl düzenlenir","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Bir klasörü paylaşırsanız, tüm içeriği ve alt klasörleri de paylaşılacaktır.","Incognito":"Gizli","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Dolaylı bağlantılar (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Dolaylı bağlantılar, bir üst klasör tarafından erişim sağlayan bağlantılardır.","Invited by":"Davet eden:","Last modified":"Son değiştirme","Link":"Bağlantı","Link name":"Bağlantı adı","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Bağlantı adı 255 karakterden uzun olamaz","Link was deleted successfully":"Bağlantı başarıyla silindi","Link was updated successfully":"Bağlantı başarıyla güncellendi","Loading list of shares":"Paylaşım listesi yükleniyor","Locked by":"Kilitleyen","Member capabilities":"Üye yetenekleri","Members":"Üyeler","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Üyeler, bu alana kimlerin erişimi olduğunu görebilir ve bu alandaki tüm dosyalara erişebilir. Bir rol atanarak okuma veya yazma izinleri ayarlanabilir.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Yönetici rolüne sahip üyeler, üye ekleme veya kaldırma, üye olmayanlarla alt klasör paylaşma veya paylaşım için bağlantılar oluşturma gibi bir Alanın tüm özelliklerini ve içeriğini düzenleyebilir.","Merge":"Birleştir","Name":"İsim","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"'%{folder}''e yönlendir","Navigate to parent folder":"Ana klasöre yönlendir","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"(%{folderName}) üstte yönlendir","New":"Yeni","New folder":"Yeni klasör","New Folder":"Yeni Klasör","New space":"Yeni alan","New Space":"Yeni Alan","no":"yok","No information to display":"Gösterilecek bilgi yok","No link":"Bağlantı yok","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"Giriş gerekmez. Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes erişebilir. Bu bağlantıyı \"Davet edilen kişiler\" listesindeki kişilerle paylaşırsanız, kendilerine atanan bireysel izinlerin geçerli olabilmesi için giriş yapmaları gerekir. Oturum açmamışlarsa, bağlantının izinleri geçerli olur.","No resources found":"Kaynaklar bulunamadı","No results found":"Sonuç bulunamadı","No users or groups found.":"Kullanıcılar veya gruplar bulunamadı.","No Versions available for this file":"Bu dosya için sürüm yok","Not enough quota":"Yeterli kota yok","Notification":"Bildirim","Only invited people can access":"Yalnızca davet edilen kişiler erişebilir","Open context menu and show members":"İçerik menüsünü aç ve üyeleri göster","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Seçilen dosya hakkındaki bilgilere genel bakış","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Seçilen klasör hakkındaki bilgilere genel bakış","Owner":"Sahip","Password":"Parola","Paste here":"Buraya yapıştır","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Kaynakları paylaştığınız kişiler, başka kimlerin erişime sahip olduğunu göremez.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Kaynak paylaştığınız kişiler, e-posta veya uygulama içi bildirim yoluyla bilgilendirilir.","Person was added":"Kişi eklendi","Personal":"Kişisel","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Lütfen tüm içe aktarma işlemleri bitene kadar bekleyin","Private link":"Gizli bağlantı","Private link copied":"Özel bağlantı kopyalandı","Public link":"Herkese açık bağlantı","Reload public link":"Herkese açık bağlantıyı yeniden yükle","Remote user":"Uzaktan kullanıcı","Remove":"Kaldır","Remove expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihini kaldır","Remove member":"Üyeyi kaldır","Remove password":"Parolayı kaldır","Remove share":"Paylaşımı kaldır","Rename":"Yeniden adlandır","Replace":"Yer değiştir","Resource not found":"Kaynak bulunamadı","Restore":"Geri yükle","Save":"Kaydet","Search":"Ara","Search for files":"Dosyalarda ara","Search for service or secondary Account":"Servis veya ikincil Hesap ara","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"\"%{searchTerm}\" için arama sonuçları","See all versions":"Tüm sürümleri gör","Select permission":"İzin seç","Select role for the invitation":"Davet için rol seç","Set expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihini ayarla","Share":"Paylaş","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"%{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate }) tarihinde paylaşım süresi doluyor","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Alıcı adını paylaş: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Alıcıları paylaş","Share successfully changed":"Paylaşım başarıyla değiştirildi","Share via link":"Bağlantı aracılığıyla paylaş","Share was added successfully":"Paylaşım başarıyla eklendi","Share was removed successfully":"Paylaşım başarıyla kaldırıldı","Share with people":"Kişilerle paylaş","Shared by":"Paylaşıldı","Shared on":"Şurada paylaşıldı:","Shared via":"Paylaşıldı:","Shared via link":"Bağlantı aracılığıyla paylaşıldı","Shared with":"Paylaşlaşılmış","Shared with me":"Benimle paylaşıldı","Shared with others":"Diğerleri ile paylaşılmış","Shares":"Paylaşımlar","Shares pages navigation":"Paylaşımlar sayfa yönlendirmesi","Show":"Göster","Show all":"Tümünü göster","Show context menu":"İçerik menüsünü göster","Show less":"Daha az göster","Show members":"Üyeleri göster","Show more":"Daha fazla göster","Show more actions":"Daha fazla eylem göster","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"%{searchLimit} adede kadar sonuç gösteriliyor","Size":"Boyut","Space has no deleted files":"Alanda silinmiş dosya yok","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Alan resmi başarıyla yüklendi","Space manager capabilities":"Alan yöneticisi yetenekleri","Space members":"Alan üyeleri","Space name":"Alan adı","Space was created successfully":"Alan başarıyla oluşturuldu","Spaces":"Alanlar","Subfolders":"Alt klasörler","Switch to condensed table view":"Yoğunlaştırılmış tablo görünümüne geç","Switch to default table view":"Varsayılan tablo görünümüne geç","Switch to tiles view":"Karo görünümüne geç","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"Etiket yalnızca boşluklardan oluşmamalıdır","Tags":"Etiketler","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"Erişim zaten bir üst klasör aracılığıyla verilmişse, bir paylaşımın yanında \"klasör aracılığıyla\" gösterilir. Paylaşımı üst klasöründe düzenlemek için “klasör aracılığıyla” tıklayın.","The file type is unsupported":"Bu dosya türü desteklenmiyor","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"\"%{linkName}\" bağlantısı panonuza kopyalandı.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Bağlantı panonuza kopyalandı.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Özel bağlantı panonuza kopyalandı","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Favori olarak işaretlenmiş kaynak yok","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"%{spaceName} için yeterli kota yok, bu dosyaları yüklemek için ek %{missingSpace}'e ihtiyacınız var","This file has been shared.":"Bu dosya paylaşıldı.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["Bu klasör %{ amount } öge içeriyor.","Bu klasör %{ amount } öge içeriyor."],"This folder has been shared.":"Bu klasör paylaşıldı.","This folder has no content.":"Bu klasörde içerik yok.","This link is password-protected":"Bu bağlantı parola korumalı","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Hizmet veya ikincil hesapları aramak için kullanıcı adının önüne \"a:\" (\"a:doe\" gibi) ve misafir hesapları için kullanıcı adının önüne \"l:\" (\"l:doe\" gibi) gelir.","Type":"Tür","Unrestricted":"Sınırsız","Upload":"Yükle","Upload files or folders":"Dosyaları veya klasörleri yükle","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Kullanıcıları ve grupları aramak için giriş alanını kullanın. Ögeyi paylaşmak için onları seçin.","User":"Kullanıcı","Versions":"Sürümler","via":"aracılığıyla","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Her yere baktık, ancak seçilen kaynağı bulamadık.","What are indirect links?":"Dolaylı bağlantılar nedir?","Who can view tags?":"Etiketleri kim görebilir?","You do not have permission to create links":"Bağlantı oluşturma izniniz yok","You don't have access to any spaces":"Hiçbir alana erişiminiz yok","You don't have access to any trashbins":"Herhangi bir çöp kutusuna erişiminiz yok","You don't have permission to share this file.":"Bu dosyayı paylaşmak için izniniz yok.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"Bu klasörü paylaşmak için izniniz yok.","You have no deleted files":"Silinen dosyanız yok","You have no permission to create new files!":"Yeni dosyalar oluşturmak için izniniz yok!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"Dosyaları buraya yapıştırma izniniz yok!","You have no permission to upload!":"Yükleme için izniniz yok!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"Bağlantı aracılığıyla herhangi bir kaynak paylaşmadınız.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"Diğer kişiler aracılığıyla herhangi bir kaynak paylaşmadınız."},"ug":{},"uk":{"“via folder”":"«через папку»","(me)":"(я)","%{ filesCount } file":["%{ filesCount } file","%{ filesCount } files","%{ filesCount } files","%{ filesCount } файлів"],"%{ filesCount } file including %{ filesHiddenCount } hidden":["%{ filesCount } file including %{ filesHiddenCount } hidden","%{ filesCount } files including %{ filesHiddenCount } hidden","%{ filesCount } files including %{ filesHiddenCount } hidden","%{ filesCount } файлів, включаючи %{ filesHiddenCount } прихованих"],"%{ foldersCount } folder":["%{ foldersCount } folder","%{ foldersCount } folders","%{ foldersCount } folders","%{ foldersCount } папок"],"%{ foldersCount } folder including %{ foldersHiddenCount } hidden":["%{ foldersCount } folder 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%{foldersStr})"],"%{ spacesCount } space":["%{ spacesCount } space","%{ spacesCount } spaces","%{ spacesCount } spaces","%{ spacesCount } Просторів"],"%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (я)","%{count} member":["%{count} member","%{count} members","%{count} members","%{count} учасників"],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} надав вам доступ до цієї папки для відвантаження","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType} не може отримати доступ до %{resourceName}","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} відповідних Просторів","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} відповідних Кошиків","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"Усього %{spaceCount} Просторів","%{spaceCount} spaces in total (including %{disabledSpaceCount} disabled)":"Усього %{spaceCount} Просторів (включно з вимкненими %{disabledSpaceCount})","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"Загально %{spaceCount} кошиків ","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (вимкнено)","Access denied":"Доступ заборонено","Access details":"Деталі доступу","Access expires":"Термін доступу спливає","Access was denied successfully":"У доступі відмовлено","Access was granted successfully":"Успішно надано доступ ","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"Необхідно увійти в обліковий запис. Доступ мають лише особи зі списку «Запрошені».","Account type":"Тип аккаунту","Actions":"Дії","Add":"Додати","Add link":"Додайте посилання","Add members to this Space":"Додайте учасників до цього простору","Add password":"Додайте пароль","Album":"Альбом","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Під час завантаження загальнодоступного посилання сталася помилка","Apply":"Застосувати","Archive":"Архів","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити це посилання? Повторне створення того самого посилання неможливе.","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цього учасника?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити спільний доступ?","Are you sure you want to send a reminder about this share?":"Ви впевнені, що бажаєте надіслати нагадування про цей спільний доступ?","Attach as copy":"Прикріпити як копію","Audio":"Аудіо","Audio Info":"Аудіо інформація","Authors":"Автори","Cancel":"Скасувати","Choose":"Вибрати","Choose how access is granted":"Виберіть спосіб надання доступу","Close filter":"Закрити фільтр","Context menu of the share":"Контекстне меню спільного доступу","Copied":"Скопійовано","Copy":"Копіювати","Copy link to clipboard":"Копіювати посилання в буфер обміну","Copy location to clipboard":"Копіювати розташування в буфер обміну","Copy private link to clipboard":"Копіювати приватне посилання в буфер обміну","Create":"Створити","Create a new space":"Створіть новий Простір","Create link":"Створити посилання","Create new files or folders":"Створити нові файли або папки","Creating space failed…":"Не вдалося створити Простір…","Delete":"Видалити","Delete link":"Видалити посилання","Deleted at":"Видалено","Deleted files":"Видалені файли","Deny access":"Відмовити у доступі","Deselect %{label}":"Скасувати вибір %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"Скасувати вибір %{name}","Details":"Деталі","Device make":"Марка пристрою","Device model":"Модель пристрою","Dimensions":"Розміри","Disabled":"Вимкнено","Disc":"Диск","Document":"Документ","Download":"Завантажити","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"Перетягніть файли та папки сюди або скористайтеся кнопками «Додати» або «Відвантажити», щоб додати файли","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Перетягніть файли сюди, щоб відвантажити, або натисніть, щоб вибрати файл","Duration":"Тривалість","Edit expiration date":"Редагувати термін дії","Edit image":"Редагувати зображення","Edit name":"Редагувати назву","Edit password":"Змінити пароль","Edit permission":"Дозвіл на редагування","Edit third party notification":"Редагувати сповіщення третьої сторони","Email address":"Адреса електронної пошти","Email can't be empty":"Поле електронної пошти не може бути порожнім","Email is invalid":"Електронна адреса недійсна","Enabled":"Увімкнено","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"Введіть ім’я особи або групи, щоб додати їх до цього Простору.","Enter text to create a Tag":"Введіть текст, щоб створити Тег","Error while editing the share.":"Помилка під час редагування спільного доступу.","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"Кожен, хто може переглядати файл, може переглядати його теги. Аналогічно, кожен, хто може редагувати файл, може редагувати його теги.","Everyone with the link":"Всі за посиланням","Expires %{expires}":"Термін дії спливає %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Термін дії спливає %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Exposure time":"Витримка","F number":"F-число","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"Не вдалося додати спільний доступ для \"%{displayName}\"","Failed to apply expiration date":"Не вдалося застосувати термін придатності","Failed to apply new permissions":"Не вдалося застосувати нові дозволи","Failed to delete link":"Не вдалося видалити посилання","Failed to deny access":"Не вдалося заборонити доступ","Failed to edit tags":"Не вдалося редагувати теги","Failed to grant access":"Не вдалося надати доступ","Failed to remove share":"Не вдалося видалити спільний доступ","Failed to update link":"Не вдалося оновити посилання","Failed to upload space image":"Не вдалося завантажити зображення Простору","Favorites":"Обрані","File":"Файл","File already exists":"Файл уже існує","Files":"Файли","Filter members":"Фільтрувати учасників","Filter share types":"Типи спільних фільтрів","Filter shared by":"Фільтр спільного доступу за","Filter tags":"Теги фільтрів","Filter:":"Фільтр:","Focal length":"Фокусна відстань","Folder":"Папка","Folder already exists":"Папка вже існує","Folders":"Папки","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"Знайдено %{totalResults}, що показує %{itemCount} найкращих результатів","Genre":"Жанр","Go to »Personal« page":"Перейдіть на сторінку «Особисті».","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"Перейдіть до »Огляду Просторів«","Group":"Група","Guest user":"Гість користувач","Hidden Shares":"Приховані ресурси","Hide":"Сховати","How to edit indirect links":"Як редагувати непрямі посилання","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"Якщо ви надаєте спільний доступ до папки, весь її вміст і вкладені папки також будуть доступні.","Image":"Зображення","Image Info":"Інформація про зображення","Incognito":"Інкогніто","Indirect links (%{ count })":"Непрямі посилання (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"Непрямі посилання – це посилання, які дають доступ через батьківську папку.","Indirect links can only be edited in their parent folder. Click on the folder icon below the link to navigate to the parent folder.":"Непрямі посилання можна редагувати лише в їхній батьківській папці. Натисніть значок папки під посиланням, щоб перейти до батьківської папки.","Invited by":"Запрошено участником","ISO":"ISO","last 30 days":"останні 30 днів","last 7 days":"останні 7 днів","Last modified":"Востаннє змінено","Last Modified":"Остання зміна","last month":"минулого місяця","last week":"минулого тижня","last year":"минулого року","Learn about spaces":"Дізнайтеся про Простори","Link":"Посилання","Link name":"Назва посилання","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Назва посилання не може перевищувати 255 символів","Link was deleted successfully":"Посилання успішно видалено","Link was updated successfully":"Посилання успішно оновлено","Loading list of shares":"Завантаження списку спільного доступу","Location":"Місцезнаходження","Locked by":"Заблоковано","Member capabilities":"Можливості учасників","Members":"Учасники","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"Учасники можуть бачити, хто має доступ до цього Простору, і мати доступ до всіх файлів у цьому Просторі. Дозволи на читання або запис можна встановити шляхом призначення ролі.","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"Учасники з роллю менеджера можуть редагувати всі властивості та вміст Простору, наприклад додавати або видаляти учасників, ділитися підпапками з особами, які не є учасниками, або створювати посилання для спільного доступу.","Merge":"Об’єднати","Name":"Ім'я","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"Перейдіть до '%{folder}'","Navigate to parent folder":"Перейдіть до батьківської папки","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"Перейдіть до батьківської папки (%{folderName})","New":"Новий","New folder":"Нова папка","New Folder":"Нова Папка","New space":"Новий Простір","New Space":"Новий Простір","no":"відсутній","No hidden shares":"Відсутні приховані спільні ресурси","No information to display":"Немає інформації для відображення","No link":"Посилання відсутнє","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"Логін не потрібен. Усі, хто має посилання, можуть отримати доступ. Якщо ви поділитеся цим посиланням з особами зі списку «Запрошені», їм потрібно буде ввійти, щоб їхні індивідуальні призначені дозволи могли набути чинності. Якщо вони не ввійшли в систему, дозволи за посиланням набувають чинності.","No resources found":"Ресурси не знайдено","No results found":"Нічого не знайдено","No shares":"Немає спільного доступу","No users or groups found.":"Користувачів або груп не знайдено.","No Versions available for this file":"Немає доступних версій для цього файлу","Not enough quota":"Не вистачає квоти","Note: Transfer of nested folder structures is not possible. Instead, all files from the subfolders will be uploaded individually.":"Примітка. Передача вкладених структур папок неможлива. Замість цього всі файли з вкладених папок будуть відвантажені окремо.","Notification":"Сповіщення","Notify a third party about uploads":"Повідомити третю сторону про відвантаження","Notify me about uploads":"Сповіщати мене про відвантаження","Notify via mail":"Повідомити електронною поштою","Only invited people can access":"Доступ мають лише запрошені особи","Open context menu and show members":"Відкрити контекстне меню та показати учасників","Open context menu with share editing options":"Відкрити контекстне меню з параметрами спільного редагування","Orientation":"Орієнтація","Overview of the information about the selected file":"Огляд інформації про вибраний файл","Overview of the information about the selected files":"Огляд інформації про вибрані файли","Owner":"Власник","Password":"Пароль","Paste here":"Вставте сюди","PDF":"PDF","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"Особи, з якими ви ділитеся спільними ресурсами, не бачать, хто ще має доступ.","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"Особи, з якими ви ділитеся ресурсами, отримають сповіщення електронною поштою або через сповіщення в програмі.","Person was added":"Додано особу","Personal":"Особисті","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Будь ласка, зачекайте, доки всі імпорти завершаться","Presentation":"Презентація","Private link":"Приватне посилання","Private link copied":"Приватне посилання скопійовано","Public link":"Загальнодоступне посилання","Reload public link":"Перезавантажити загальнодоступне посилання","Remote user":"Віддалений користувач","Remove":"Видалити","Remove expiration date":"Видалити термін дії","Remove member":"Видалити учасника","Remove password":"Видалити пароль","Remove share":"Видалити спільний доступ","Rename":"Перейменувати","Replace":"Замінити","Resource is temporarily locked, unable to manage share":"Ресурс тимчасово заблоковано, неможливо керувати спільним доступом","Resource not found":"Ресурс не знайдено","Restore":"Відновлення","Save":"Зберегти","Search":"Пошук","Search for files":"Пошук файлів","Search for service or secondary Account":"Знайдіть службу або додатковий обліковий запис","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"Результати пошуку для \"%{searchTerm}\"","See all versions":"Переглянути всі версії","Select a file or folder to view details":"Виберіть файл або папку, щоб переглянути деталі","Select a trash to view details":"Виберіть кошик, щоб переглянути деталі","Select permission":"Виберіть дозвіл","Select role for the invitation":"Виберіть роль для запрошення","Send":"Надіслати","Send a reminder":"Надіслати нагадування","Set expiration date":"Встановіть термін дії","Share":"Поділитися","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"Термін дії спільного доступу спливає %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })","Share link(s)":"Поділитися посиланням(ами)","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"Назва одержувача для спільного доступу: %{ displayName }","Share receivers":"Спільні отримувачі","Share successfully changed":"Спільний доступ успішно змінено","Share Type":"Тип спільного доступу","Share via link":"Спільний доступ за посиланням","Share was added successfully":"Спільний доступ успішно додано","Share was removed successfully":"Спільний доступ успішно видалено","Share with people":"Спільний доступ з людьми","Shared by":"Спільний доступ від","Shared By":"Спільний доступ від","Shared on":"Поділилися","Shared via":"Поділився через","Shared via link":"Поділитися за посиланням","Shared with":"Спільний доступ з","Shared with me":"Спільний доступ зі мною","Shared with others":"Спільний доступ з іншими","Shares":"Спільний доступ","Shares pages navigation":"Навігація по сторінках","Shortcut":"Ярлик","Show":"Показати","Show all":"Показати всі","Show context menu":"Показати контекстне меню","Show less":"Показувати менше","Show members":"Показати учасників","Show more":"Показати більше","Show more actions":"Показати більше дій","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"Показано до %{searchLimit} результатів","Size":"Розмір","Space has no deleted files":"У Просторі немає видалених файлів","Space image was uploaded successfully":"Зображення Простору успішно відвантажено","Space manager capabilities":"Можливості менеджера Простору","Space members":"Учасники Простору","Space name":"Назва Простору","Space was created successfully":"Простір успішно створено","Spaces":"Простори","Spaces are special folders built for collaboration.":"Простори — це спеціальні папки, створені для співпраці.","Spreadsheet":"Електронна таблиця","Subfolders":"Вкладені папки","Switch to condensed table view":"Перейти до перегляду згорнутої таблиці","Switch to default table view":"Обрати перегляд у вигляді таблиці за замовчуванням","Switch to tiles view":"Переключитися на режим плитки","Synced with your devices":"Синхронізовано з вашими пристроями","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"Тег не повинен складатися лише з пробілів","Tags":"Теги","Taken time":"Витрачений час","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"«Через папку» відображається поруч із спільним доступом, якщо доступ уже надано через батьківську папку. Натисніть «через папку», щоб редагувати спільний доступ у його батьківській папці.","The file type is unsupported":"Тип файлу не підтримується","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"Посилання \"%{linkName}\" було скопійовано до буфера обміну.","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Посилання скопійовано до буфера обміну.","The location has been copied to your clipboard.":"Розташування скопійовано в буфер обміну.","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Приватне посилання скопійовано до буфера обміну.","There are no resources marked as favorite":"Відсутні ресурси, позначених як обрані","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"Недостатньо квоти на %{spaceName}, вам бракує %{missingSpace}, щоб відвантажити ці файли","This file has been shared.":"До цього файлу надано спільний доступ.","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":["This folder contains %{ amount } item.","This folder contains %{ amount } items.","This folder contains %{ amount } items.","Ця папка містить %{ сума } елементів."],"This folder has been shared.":"До цієї папки надано спільний доступ.","This folder has no content.":"Ця папка не має вмісту.","This link is password-protected":"Це посилання захищене паролем","this month":"цього місяця","this week":"цього тижня","this year":"цього року","Title":"Назва","Title only":"Лише заголовок","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"Для пошуку службових або додаткових префіксів до імені користувача, додайте префікс «a:» (наприклад, «a:doe»), а для облікових записів гостей — «l:» (наприклад, «l:doe»).","today":"сьогодні","Track":"Трек","Type":"Тип","Unrestricted":"Без обмежень","Upload":"Відвантажити","Upload files or folders":"Відвантажте файли або папки","Uploads will be notified to a third party":"Про відвантаження буде сповіщено третю сторону","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"Використовуйте поле введення для пошуку користувачів і груп. Виберіть їх, щоб поділитися елементом.","User":"Користувач","Versions":"Версії","via":"через","Video":"Відео","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"Ми шукали всюди, але не змогли знайти вибраний ресурс.","What are indirect links?":"Що таке непрямі посилання?","When a file is uploaded, this address will be notified as well.":"Коли файл буде відвантажено, ця адреса також буде повідомлена.","Who can view tags?":"Хто може переглядати теги?","Year recorded":"Рік запису","yesterday":"вчора","You do not have permission to create links":"Ви не маєте дозволу на створення посилань","You don't have access to any spaces":"Ви не маєте доступу до жодного Простору","You don't have access to any trashbins":"Ви не маєте доступу до жодного Кошику","You don't have permission to share this file.":"У вас немає дозволу на поширення цього файлу.","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"У вас немає дозволу на поширення цієї папки.","You have no deleted files":"У вас відсутні видалені файли","You have no permission to create new files!":"У вас немає дозволу на створення нових файлів!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"У вас немає дозволу вставляти сюди файли!","You have no permission to upload!":"У вас немає дозволу на відвантаження!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"Ви не поділилися жодним ресурсом за посиланням.","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"Ви не ділилися ресурсами з іншими людьми."},"zh":{"“via folder”":"“通过文件夹”","(me)":"(我)","%{ filesCount } file":"%{ filesCount } 个文件","%{ foldersCount } folder":"%{ foldersCount } 个文件夹","%{ itemCount } item selected":"已选择 %{ itemCount } 项","%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":"总计 %{ itemsCount } 项 (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } item in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":"总计 %{ itemsCount } 项 (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})":"%{ itemsCount } 项,总计 %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr}, %{spacesStr})","%{ itemsCount } item with %{ itemSize } in total (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})":"%{ itemsCount } 项,总计 %{ itemSize } (%{ filesStr}, %{foldersStr})","%{ spacesCount } space":"%{ spacesCount } 个空间","%{collaboratorName} (me)":"%{collaboratorName} (我)","%{count} member":"%{count} 个成员","%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} 与您共享此文件夹以便上传","%{shareType} cannot access %{resourceName}":"%{shareType} 无法访问 %{resourceName}","%{spaceCount} matching spaces":"%{spaceCount} 个匹配的空间","%{spaceCount} matching trashes":"%{spaceCount} 个匹配的回收站","%{spaceCount} spaces in total":"总计 %{spaceCount} 个空间","%{spaceCount} trashes in total":"总计 %{spaceCount} 个回收站","%{spaceName} (disabled)":"%{spaceName} (已禁用)","Access denied":"拒绝访问","Access details":"查看详情","Access expires":"访问权限过期","Access was denied successfully":"已取消权限","Access was granted successfully":"已授予权限","Account and login is required. Only people from the list \"Invited people\" can access.":"需要登录且只有“受邀者”列表中的人员可以访问。","Actions":"操作","Add":"添加","Add link":"添加链接","Add members to this Space":"添加成员到空间","Add password":"添加密码","An error occurred while loading the public link":"加载公开链接时出错","Apply":"应用","Are you sure you want to delete this link? Recreating the same link again is not possible.":"确定删除此链接吗?无法再次重新创建相同的链接。","Are you sure you want to remove this member?":"确定移除这些成员吗?","Are you sure you want to remove this share?":"确定移除此共享吗?","Cancel":"取消","Choose how access is granted":"选择如何授权","Close filter":"清除过滤","Context menu of the share":"菜单","Copied":"已复制","Copy":"复制","Copy link to clipboard":"复制链接到剪贴板","Copy private link to clipboard":"复制私有链接到剪贴板","Create":"创建","Create a new space":"创建新空间","Create link":"创建链接","Create new files or folders":"创建新文件或文件夹","Creating space failed…":"创建空间失败...","Delete":"删除","Delete link":"删除链接","Deleted files":"已删除的文件","Deny access":"拒绝访问","Deselect %{label}":"取消选择 %{label}","Deselect %{name}":"取消选择 %{name}","Details":"详情","Disabled":"已禁用","Download":"下载","Drag files and folders here or use the \"New\" or \"Upload\" buttons to add files":"将文件和文件夹拖至此处或使用“新建”或“上传”按钮添加文件","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"将文件拖放到此处上传或单击选择文件","Edit expiration date":"修改到期日期","Edit image":"修改图片","Edit name":"修改名称","Edit password":"修改密码","Edit permission":"修改权限","Enabled":"已启用","Enter a name to add people or groups as members to this Space.":"输入名称以将人员或群组添加为该空间的成员。","Error while editing the share.":"修改此共享时出错","Everyone who can view the file can view its tags. Likewise, everyone who can edit the file can edit its tags.":"所有可以查看文件的人都可以查看其标签。同样,所有可以编辑文件的人都可以编辑其标签。","Everyone with the link":"任何人知道此链接的人","Expires %{expires}":"过期 %{expires}","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"%{timeToExpiry} 后到期 (%{expiryDate})","Failed to add share for \"%{displayName}\"":"添加“%{displayName}”的共享失败。","Failed to apply expiration date":"应用到期日期失败","Failed to apply new permissions":"应用新权限失败","Failed to delete link":"删除链接失败","Failed to deny access":"取消授权失败","Failed to edit tags":"修改标签失败","Failed to grant access":"授权失败","Failed to remove share":"移除共享失败","Failed to update link":"更新链接失败","Failed to upload space image":"上传空间图片失败","Favorites":"收藏","File already exists":"文件已存在","Files":"文件","Filter members":"按成员过滤","Filter tags":"按标签过滤","Filter:":"过滤:","Folder":"文件夹","Folder already exists":"文件夹已存在","Folders":"文件夹","Found %{totalResults}, showing the %{itemCount} best matching results":"找到 %{totalResults} 个,显示 %{itemCount} 个最佳匹配结果","Go to »Personal« page":"跳转到 »个人« 页面","Go to »Spaces Overview«":"跳转到 »空间预览«","Group":"分组","Guest user":"访客用户","Hide":"隐藏","How to edit indirect links":"怎么修改间接链接","If you share a folder, all of its contents and subfolders will be shared as well.":"如果您共享文件夹,则其所有内容和子文件夹也将被共享。","Incognito":"匿名","Indirect links (%{ count })":"间接链接 (%{ count })","Indirect links are links giving access by a parent folder.":"间接链接是由父文件夹提供访问权限的链接。","Invited by":"邀请者","Last modified":"最后修改于","Link":"链接","Link name":"链接名称","Link name cannot exceed 255 characters":"链接名称不能超过255个字符","Link was deleted successfully":"链接删除成功","Link was updated successfully":"链接更新成功","Loading list of shares":"正在加载共享列表","Member capabilities":"成员功能","Members":"成员","Members are able to see who has access to this space and access all files in this space. Read or write permissions can be set by assigning a role.":"成员可以查看谁有权访问该空间并访问该空间中的所有文件。 可以通过分配角色来设置读取或写入权限。","Members with the Manager role are able to edit all properties and content of a Space, such as adding or removing members, sharing subfolders with non-members, or creating links to share.":"具有管理员角色的成员可以编辑空间的所有属性和内容,例如添加或删除成员、与非成员共享子文件夹或创建共享链接。","Name":"文件名称","Navigate to '%{folder}'":"导航到 '%{folder}'","Navigate to parent folder":"导航到父级文件夹","Navigate to the parent (%{folderName})":"导航到父级 (%{folderName})","New":"创建","New folder":"创建文件夹","New Folder":"创建文件夹","New space":"创建空间","New Space":"创建空间","no":"没有","No information to display":"没有可显示的信息","No link":"没有链接","No login required. Everyone with the link can access. If you share this link with people from the list \"Invited people\", they need to login so that their individual assigned permissions can take effect. If they are not logged-in, the permissions of the link take effect.":"无需登录。 知道链接的每个人都可以访问。 如果您与“受邀人员”列表中的人员共享此链接,他们需要登录才能生效。 如果未登录,则链接的权限生效。","No resources found":"未找到资源","No results found":"未找到结果","No users or groups found.":"未找到用户或组。","No Versions available for this file":"该文件没有可用的版本","Not enough quota":"配额不足","Notification":"通知","Only invited people can access":"只有受邀请的人才能访问","Open context menu and show members":"打开菜单并显示成员","Overview of the information about the selected file":"有关所选文件的信息概述","Overview of the information about the selected files":"有关所选文件的信息概述","Owner":"拥有者","Password":"密码","Paste here":"状态到此处","People you share resources with can not see who else has access.":"被您共享资源的人无法看到其他人是否有权访问。","People you share resources with will be notified via email or in-app notification.":"您与之共享资源的人将通过电子邮件或应用内通知收到通知。","Person was added":"人员已添加","Personal":"个人","Please wait until all imports have finished":"请等待所有导入完成。","Private link":"私人链接","Private link copied":"私人链接已复制","Public link":"公开链接","Reload public link":"重新加载公开链接","Remote user":"远程用户","Remove":"移除","Remove expiration date":"移除到期时间","Remove member":"移除成员","Remove password":"移除密码","Remove share":"移除共享","Rename":"重命名","Replace":"替换","Resource not found":"找不到资源","Restore":"恢复","Save":"保存","Search":"搜索","Search for files":"搜索文件","Search for service or secondary Account":"搜索服务或辅助帐户","Search results for \"%{searchTerm}\"":"\"%{searchTerm}\" 的搜索结果","See all versions":"查看所有版本","Select permission":"选择权限","Select role for the invitation":"选择邀请的角色","Set expiration date":"设置到期日期","Share":"共享","Share expires %{ expiryDateRelative } (%{ expiryDate })":"共享于 %{ expiryDateRelative } 后到期 (%{ expiryDate })","Share receiver name: %{ displayName }":"共享接收者名称:%{ displayName }","Share receivers":"共享接受者","Share successfully changed":"共享更改成功","Share via link":"通过链接分享","Share was added successfully":"共享添加成功","Share was removed successfully":"共享移除成功","Share with people":"与人共享","Shared by":"共享通过","Shared on":"共享于","Shared via":"共享通过","Shared via link":"通过链接共享","Shared with":"共享给","Shared with me":"与我共享","Shared with others":"与其他人共享","Shares":"共享","Shares pages navigation":"共享页面导航","Show":"显示","Show all":"显示所有","Show context menu":"显示菜单","Show less":"显示更少","Show members":"显示成员","Show more":"显示更多","Showing up to %{searchLimit} results":"显示最多 %{search Limit} 个结果","Size":"大小","Space has no deleted files":"空间没有已删除的文件","Space image was uploaded successfully":"空间图片上传成功","Space manager capabilities":"空间管理员功能","Space members":"空间成员","Space name":"空间名称","Space was created successfully":"空间创建成功","Spaces":"空间","Subfolders":"子文件夹","Switch to condensed table view":"切换至紧凑视图","Switch to default table view":"切换至默认视图","Switch to tiles view":"切换至网格视图","Tag must not consist of blanks only":"标签不得仅包含空格","Tags":"标签","The “via folder” is shown next to a share, if access has already been given via a parent folder. Click on the “via folder” to edit the share on its parent folder.":"如果已通过父文件夹授予访问权限,则“通过文件夹”将显示在共享旁边。 单击“通过文件夹”可编辑其父文件夹上的共享。","The file type is unsupported":"不支持该文件类型","The link \"%{linkName}\" has been copied to your clipboard.":"链接 \"%{linkName}\" 已复制到您的剪贴板。","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"该链接已复制到您的剪贴板。","The private link has been copied to your clipboard.":"私人链接已复制到您的剪贴板。","There are no resources marked as favorite":"没有标记为收藏的资源","There is not enough quota on %{spaceName}, you need additional %{missingSpace} to upload these files":"%{spaceName} 的配额不足,您需要额外 %{missingSpace} 来上传这些文件","This file has been shared.":"文件已共享。","This folder contains %{ amount } item.":"该文件夹包含 %{ amount } 个项目。","This folder has been shared.":"文件夹已共享。","This folder has no content.":"该文件夹没有内容。","This link is password-protected":"该链接受密码保护","To search for service or secondary accounts prefix the username with \"a:\" (like \"a:doe\") and for guest accounts prefix the username with \"l:\" (like \"l:doe\").":"要搜索服务或辅助帐户,请在用户名前添加“a:”(如“a:doe”),而要搜索访客帐户,请在用户名前添加“l:”(如“l:doe”)。","Type":"类型","Unrestricted":"无限制","Upload":"上传","Upload files or folders":"上传文件或文件夹","Use the input field to search for users and groups. Select them to share the item.":"使用下方输入框搜索用户和组。 选择他们来共享该项目。","User":"用户","Versions":"版本","via":"通过","We went looking everywhere, but were unable to find the selected resource.":"我们到处寻找,但找不到所选的资源。","What are indirect links?":"什么是间接链接?","Who can view tags?":"谁可以查看标签?","You do not have permission to create links":"您无权创建链接","You don't have access to any spaces":"您无权访问任何空间","You don't have access to any trashbins":"您无权访问任何回收站","You don't have permission to share this file.":"您无权共享此文件。","You don't have permission to share this folder.":"您无权共享此文件夹。","You have no deleted files":"您没有已删除的文件","You have no permission to create new files!":"您无权创建新文件!","You have no permission to paste files here!":"您无权把文件粘贴到此处!","You have no permission to upload!":"您无权上传文件!","You have not shared any resource via link.":"您尚未通过链接与其他人共享任何资源。","You have not shared any resources with other people.":"您尚未与其他人共享任何资源。"}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/web-app-importer/l10n/translations.json 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all imports have finished":"Будь ласка, зачекайте, доки всі імпорти завершаться"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"af":{},"ar":{"Cancel":"إلغاء"},"bs":{},"cs":{"Cancel":"Zrušit"},"de":{"Cancel":"Abbrechen","Import":"Importieren","Import files":"Dateien importieren","Import files from:":"Dateien importieren von:","Import from %{name}":"Importieren von %{name}","Importer":"Importeur","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Bitte warten, bis alle Importe abgeschlossen sind."},"bg":{"Cancel":"Отказ","Import":"Импортиране","Import files":"Импортиране на файлове","Import files from:":"Импортиране на файлове от:","Import from %{name}":"Импортиране от %{name}"},"el":{"Cancel":"Ακύρωση"},"es":{"Cancel":"Cancelar","Import":"Importar","Import files":"Importar archivos","Import files from:":"Importar archivos de:","Import from %{name}":"Importar de %{name}","Importer":"Importador","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Espere a que finalicen todas las 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zakończy"},"pt":{},"ka":{},"ko":{"Cancel":"취소","Import":"가져오기","Import files":"파일 가져오기","Import files from:":"다음에서 파일 가져오기:","Import from %{name}":"%{name}에서 가져오기","Please wait until all imports have finished":"내보내기가 완료될 때까지 잠시 기다려주세요"},"ro":{"Cancel":"Anulează"},"ru":{"Cancel":"Отмена","Import":"Импорт","Import files":"Импортировать файлы","Import files from:":"Импортировать файлы из:","Import from %{name}":"Импортировать из %{name}","Importer":"Импортируется посредством","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Пожалуйста, подождите, пока весь импорт не завершится."},"si":{"Cancel":"අවලංගු"},"sk":{"Cancel":"Zrušiť"},"sq":{"Cancel":"Anuloje","Import":"Importo","Import files":"Importo kartela","Import files from:":"Importo kartela prej:","Import from %{name}":"Importo prej %{name}","Importer":"Importues","Please wait until all imports have finished":"Ju lutemi, pritni deri sa të kenë përfunduar krejt importimet"},"sv":{"Cancel":"Avbryt","Import":"Importera","Import 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%{name} 导入","Importer":"导入器","Please wait until all imports have finished":"请等待所有导入完成。"}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/web-app-ocm/l10n/translations.json b/packages/web-app-ocm/l10n/translations.json index 66d576e8697..a116f7ea011 100644 --- a/packages/web-app-ocm/l10n/translations.json +++ b/packages/web-app-ocm/l10n/translations.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"af":{"An error occurred":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten"},"ar":{"Actions":"إجراءات","Cancel":"إلغاء","Delete":"حذف","Email":"بريد إلكتروني","Link":"رابط","User":"مستخدم"},"bs":{},"bg":{"Actions":"Действия","An error occurred":"Възникна грешка","Cancel":"Отказ","Delete":"Изтриване","Email":"Имейл","Link":"Връзка","User":"Потребител"},"cs":{"Actions":"Akce","An error occurred":"Objevila se chyba","Cancel":"Zrušit","Delete":"Odstranit","Email":"Email","Link":"Odkaz","User":"Uživatel"},"de":{"Accept invitation":"Einladung annehmen","Accept invitations":"Einladungen annehmen","Actions":"Aktionen","Add a description (optional)":"Beschreibung hinzufügen (optional)","An error occurred":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.","An error occurred when generating the token":"Beim Erstellen des Tokens ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Copy invitation link":"Einladungslink kopieren","Copy invite token":"Einladungstoken kopieren","Couldn't open remotely":"Fernzugriff fehlgeschlagen","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Einladungslink erstellen und an die Person verschicken, mit der geteilt werden soll.","Delete":"Löschen","Description":"Beschreibung","Email":"E-Mail","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"E-Mail zum Verschicken der Einladung (optional)","Enter invite token":"Einladungstoken eingeben","Error":"Fehler","Expires":"Läuft ab","Federated conections for mutual sharing. To share, go to \"Files\" app, select the resource click \"Share\" in the context menu and select account type \"federated\".":"Föderierte Verbindungen für gegenseitige Freigaben. Über die \"Files\"-App kann eine Ressource ausgewählt und über die Freigabe-Option im Kontextmenü der Kontotyp \"föderiert\" zugewiesen werden.","Federated connections":"Föderierte Verbindungen","Federated shares with me":"Mit mir geteilte föderierten Freigaben","Federated shares:":"Föderierte Freigaben","Generate":"Erstellen","Generate invitation":"Einladung erstellen","Generate invitation link that can be shared with one or more invitees":"Einladungslink erstellen, der mit einer oder mehr Personen geteilt werden kann","Generate new invitation":"Neue Einladung erstellen","Institution":"Einrichtung","Invitation link":"Einladungslink","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Einladungslink wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","Invitations":"Einladungen","Invite code":"Einladungstoken","Invite token copied":"Einladungstoken wurde kopiert","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"Einladungstoken wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","Invite users":"Benutzer einladen","Invition link copied":"Einladungslink wurde kopiert","Link":"Link","New federated connection":"Neue föderierte Verbindung","New federated connections":"Neue föderierte Verbindungen","New invitation link has been created and copied to your clipboard. Send it to the invitee(s).":"Neuer Einladungslink wurde erstellt und in die Zwischenablage kopiert und kann an die Einzuladenden verschickt werden.","New invitation link has been created and sent to %{recipient}.":"Neuer Einladungslink wurde erstellt und verschickt an: %{recipient}.","Once you accept the invitation, the inviter will be added to your connections.":"Sobald Sie die Einladung akzeptieren, wird der Sender zu Ihren Verbindungen hinzugefügt.","Open remotely":"Fernzugriff","Please enter a valid email address!":"Bitte eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse eingeben","ScienceMesh":"ScienceMesh","Select institution of inviter":"Einrichtung des Ladenden auswählen","Success":"Erfolg","Unknown institution. Check invitation url or select from list":"Unbekannte Einrichtung. Bitte URL der Einladung prüfen oder aus der Liste auswählen","User":"Person","with me":"mit mir","with others":"mit anderen","You can share with and receive shares from %{ connections } now":"Sie können jetzt mit %{ connections } Freigaben empfangen und erteilen","You can share with and recieve shares from %{user} now":"Sie können jetzt mit %{ user } Freigaben empfangen und erteilen","You have no invitation links":"Sie haben keine Einladungslinks","You have no sharing connections":"Sie haben keine Freigabeverbindungen"},"el":{"Actions":"Ενέργειες","Cancel":"Ακύρωση","Delete":"Διαγραφή","Email":"Email","Expires":"Λήγει","User":"Χρήστης"},"es":{"Accept invitation":"Aceptar invitación","Accept invitations":"Aceptar invitaciones","Actions":"Acciones","Add a description (optional)":"Añadir descripción (opcional)","An error occurred":"Ocurrió un error","Cancel":"Cancelar","Copy invitation link":"Copiar el link de la invitación","Couldn't open remotely":"No se puede abrir de forma remota","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Crea un enlace de invitación y envíaselo a la persona con la que quieras compartirlo.","Delete":"Eliminar","Description":"Descripción","Email":"Correo electrónico","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"Correo electrónico para enviar la invitación (opcional)","Error":"Error","Expires":"Expira","Generate":"Generar","Generate invitation":"Generar invitación","Generate new invitation":"Generar nueva invitación","Institution":"Institución","Invitation link":"Enlace de invitación","Link":"Enlace","Success":"Éxito","User":"Usuario"},"et":{},"fr":{"Actions":"Actions","An error occurred":"Une erreur est survenue","Cancel":"Annuler","Delete":"Supprimer","Email":"Email","Expires":"Expire","Link":"Lien","User":"Utilisateur"},"gl":{"Actions":"Accións","Cancel":"Cancelar","Delete":"Eliminar","Expires":"Caduca","User":"Usuario"},"he":{"Actions":"פעולות","An error occurred":"אירעה שגיאה","Cancel":"ביטול","Delete":"מחיקה","Email":"דוא״ל","Expires":"פג תוקף","Link":"קישור","User":"משתמש"},"hr":{},"id":{"Cancel":"Batal","Delete":"Hapus","Link":"Tautan"},"ja":{},"it":{"Actions":"Azioni","An error occurred":"Si è verificato un errore","Cancel":"Cancella","Delete":"Elimina","Email":"Email","Link":"Collegamento","User":"Utente"},"nl":{"Actions":"Acties","An error occurred":"Er is een fout opgetreden","Cancel":"Annuleer","Delete":"Verwijder","Email":"E-mail","Link":"Link","User":"Gebruiker"},"pt":{},"pl":{"Accept invitation":"Zaakceptuj zaproszenie","Accept invitations":"Zaakceptuj zaproszenia","Actions":"Akcje","Add a description (optional)":"Dodaj opis (opcjonalnie)","An error occurred":"Wystąpił błąd","An error occurred when generating the token":"Wystąpił błąd podczas generowania tokenu","Cancel":"Anuluj","Copy invitation link":"Kopiuj link zaproszenia","Copy invite token":"Kopiuj token zaproszenia","Couldn't open remotely":"Nie można otworzyć zdalnie","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Utwórz link do zaproszenia i wyślij go do osoby, której chcesz go udostępnić.","Delete":"Usuń","Description":"Opis","Email":"Email","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"E-mail do wysłania zaproszenia (opcjonalnie)","Enter invite token":"Wprowadź token zaproszenia","Error":"Błąd","Expires":"Wygasa","Federated conections for mutual sharing. To share, go to \"Files\" app, select the resource click \"Share\" in the context menu and select account type \"federated\".":"Grupowe połączenia do wzajemnego udostępniania. Aby udostępnić, przejdź do aplikacji „Pliki”, wybierz \"Udostępnij\" w menu kontekstowym i wybierz typ konta „Grupowe”.","Federated connections":"Połączenia grupowe","Federated shares with me":"Grupowe udostępnienia ze mną","Federated shares:":"Grupowe udostępnienia:","Generate":"Generuj","Generate invitation":"Generuj zaproszenie","Generate invitation link that can be shared with one or more invitees":"Wygeneruj link zaproszenia, który można udostępnić jednemu lub większej liczbie zaproszonych","Generate new invitation":"Generuj nowe zaproszenie","Institution":"Instytucja","Invitation link":"Link zaproszenia","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Link zaproszenia został skopiowany do twojego schowka.","Invitations":"Zaproszenia","Invite code":"Kod zaproszenia","Invite token copied":"Skopiowano token zaproszenia","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"Token zaproszenia został skopiowany do twojego schowka.","Invite users":"Zaproś użytkowników","Invition link copied":"Link zaproszenia skopiowany","Link":"Link","New federated connection":"Nowe połączenie grupowe","New federated connections":"Nowe połączenia grupowe","New invitation link has been created and copied to your clipboard. Send it to the invitee(s).":"Nowy link do zaproszenia został utworzony i skopiowany do schowka. Wyślij go do zaproszonych.","Open remotely":"Otwórz zdalnie","Please enter a valid email address!":"Wprowadź prawidłowy adres email!","User":"Użytkownik"},"ka":{},"ko":{"Accept invitation":"초대 승낙","Accept invitations":"초대 승낙","Actions":"작업","Add a description (optional)":"설명 추가 (선택)","An error occurred":"오류가 발생했습니다","An error occurred when generating the token":"토큰 생성 중 오류 발생","Cancel":"취소","Copy invitation link":"초대 링크 복사","Copy invite token":"초대 토큰 복사","Couldn't open remotely":"원격으로 열 수 없음","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"초대 링크를 생성한 후 공유하고 싶은 사람에게 보내세요.","Delete":"삭제","Description":"설명","Email":"이메일","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"초대를 보낼 이메일 (선택)","Enter invite token":"초대 토큰 입력","Error":"오류","Expires":"만료","Federated conections for mutual sharing. To share, go to \"Files\" app, select the resource click \"Share\" in the context menu and select account type \"federated\".":"상호 공유를 위해 연합을 연결합니다. 공유하려면 \"파일\" 앱에서 리소스를 선택한 후 컨텍스트 메뉴에서 \"공유\"를 클릭한 다음 계정 유형에서 \"연합\"을 선택하세요.","Federated connections":"연합 연결","Federated shares with me":"나와 연합 공유한 파일","Federated shares:":"연합 공유:","Generate":"생성","Generate invitation":"초대 생성","Generate new invitation":"새 초대 생성","Invitation link":"초대 링크","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"클립보드에 초대 링크가 복사되었습니다.","Invitations":"초대","Invite code":"초대 코드","Invite token copied":"초대 토큰 복사됨","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"클립보드에 초대 토큰이 복사되었습니다.","Invite users":"사용자 초대","Link":"링크","New federated connection":"새 연합 연결","New federated connections":"새 연합 연결","New invitation link has been created and copied to your clipboard. Send it to the invitee(s).":"새 초대 링크가 생성되었으며 클립보드에 복사되었습니다. 초대할 사람에게 보내세요.","New invitation link has been created and sent to %{recipient}.":"새 초대 링크가 생성되었으며 %{recipient}에게 보냈습니다.","Once you accept the invitation, the inviter will be added to your connections.":"초대를 수락하면 초대받은 사람이 내 연결에 추가됩니다.","Open remotely":"원격으로 열기","Please enter a valid email address!":"올바른 이메일을 입력하세요!","ScienceMesh":"ScienceMesh","Success":"성공","User":"사용자"},"ru":{"Accept invitation":"Принять приглашение","Accept invitations":"Принять приглашения","Actions":"Действия","Add a description (optional)":"Добавить описание (необязательно)","An error occurred":"Произошла ошибка","An error occurred when generating the token":"Произошла ошибка при генерации токена","Cancel":"Отмена","Copy invitation link":"Копировать ссылку приглашения","Copy invite token":"Копировать токен приглашения","Couldn't open remotely":"Не удалось открыть удаленно","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Создайте ссылку приглашения и отправьте её человеку, с которым хотите поделиться.","Delete":"Удалить","Description":"Описание","Email":"Email","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"Email для отправки приглашения (необязательно)","Enter invite token":"Введите токен приглашения","Error":"Ошибка","Expires":"Истекает","Federated conections for mutual sharing. To share, go to \"Files\" app, select the resource click \"Share\" in the context menu and select account type \"federated\".":"Федеративные соединения для взаимного предоставления доступа. Чтобы поделиться, перейдите в приложение \"Файлы\", выберите ресурс, нажмите \"Поделиться\" в контекстном меню и выберите тип аккаунта \"федеративный\".","Federated connections":"Федеративные соединения","Federated shares with me":"Федеративные общие ресурсы со мной","Federated shares:":"Федеративные общие ресурсы:","Generate":"Создать","Generate invitation":"Создать приглашение","Generate invitation link that can be shared with one or more invitees":"Создать ссылку приглашения, которой можно поделиться с одним или несколькими приглашенными","Generate new invitation":"Создать новое приглашение","Institution":"Учреждение","Invitation link":"Ссылка приглашения","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Ссылка приглашения скопирована в буфер обмена.","Invitations":"Приглашения","Invite code":"Код приглашения","Invite token copied":"Токен приглашения скопирован","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"Токен приглашения скопирован в буфер обмена.","Invite users":"Пригласить пользователей","Invition link copied":"Ссылка приглашения скопирована","Link":"Ссылка","New federated connection":"Новое федеративное соединение","New federated connections":"Новые федеративные соединения","New invitation link has been created and copied to your clipboard. Send it to the invitee(s).":"Новая ссылка приглашения создана и скопирована в буфер обмена. Отправьте ее приглашенным.","New invitation link has been created and sent to %{recipient}.":"Новая ссылка приглашения создана и была отправлена %{recipient}.","Once you accept the invitation, the inviter will be added to your connections.":"Как только вы примете приглашение, приглашающая сторона будет добавлена в ваши федеративные соединения.","Open remotely":"Открыть удаленно","Please enter a valid email address!":"Пожалуйста, введите действующий адрес Email.","ScienceMesh":"ScienceMesh","Select institution of inviter":"Выберите учреждение приглашающего","Success":"Успех","Unknown institution. Check invitation url or select from list":"Неизвестное учреждение. Проверьте URL приглашения или выберите из списка","User":"Пользователь","with me":"со мной","with others":"с другими","You can share with and receive shares from %{ connections } now":"Теперь вы можете обмениваться общими ресурсами с %{ connections }","You can share with and recieve shares from %{user} now":"Теперь вы можете обмениваться общими ресурсами с %{user}","You have no invitation links":"У вас нет ссылок на приглашения","You have no sharing connections":"У вас нет соединений для обмена общими ресурсами"},"ro":{"Actions":"Acțiuni","Cancel":"Anulează","Delete":"Șterge","Email":"Email"},"si":{"Actions":"ක්‍රියාමාර්ග","Cancel":"අවලංගු","Email":"වි-තැපෑල","User":"පරිශීලක"},"sk":{"Actions":"Akcie","Cancel":"Zrušiť","Delete":"Odstrániť","Email":"Email"},"sq":{"Accept invitation":"Pranoni ftesën","Accept invitations":"Pranoni ftesa","Actions":"Veprime","Add a description (optional)":"Shtoni një përshkrim (në daçi)","An error occurred":"Ndodhi një gabim","An error occurred when generating the token":"Ndodhi një gabim teksa prodhohej token-i","Cancel":"Anuloje","Copy invitation link":"Kopjo lidhje ftese","Copy invite token":"Kopjo token ftese","Couldn't open remotely":"S’u hap dot së largëti","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Krijoni një lidhje ftese dhe dërgojeni te personi me të cilin doni të ndani.","Delete":"Fshije","Description":"Përshkrim","Email":"Email","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"Email për të dërguar ftesën (në daçi)","Enter invite token":"Jepni token ftese","Error":"Gabim","Expires":"Skadon më","Federated conections for mutual sharing. To share, go to \"Files\" app, select the resource click \"Share\" in the context menu and select account type \"federated\".":"Lidhje të federuara, për ndarje dypalëshe. Për të ndarë, kaloni te aplikacioni “Kartela”, përzgjidhni burimin, klikoni “Ndaje me të tjerë”, që nga menuja e kontekstit dhe përzgjidhni llojin “e federuar”.","Federated connections":"Lidhje të federuara","Federated shares with me":"Ndarje të federuara me","Federated shares:":"Ndarje të federuara:","Generate":"Prodhoje","Generate invitation":"Prodhoje ftesën","Generate invitation link that can be shared with one or more invitees":"Lidhje për prodhim ftese, që mund të ndahet me një ose më tepër të ftuar","Generate new invitation":"Prodhoni ftesë të re","Institution":"Institucion","Invitation link":"Lidhje ftese","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Lidhja e ftesës është kopjuar në të papastrën tuaj.","Invitations":"Ftesa","Invite code":"Kod ftese","Invite token copied":"Token-i i ftesës u kopjua","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"Token-i i ftesës u kopjua në të papastrën tuaj.","Invite users":"Ftoni përdorues","Invition link copied":"Lidhja e ftesës u kopjua","Link":"Lidhje","New federated connection":"Lidhje e re e federuar","New federated connections":"Lidhje të reja të federuara","New invitation link has been created and copied to your clipboard. Send it to the invitee(s).":"Lidhja e re për ftesën është krijuar dhe kopjuar në të papastrën tuaj. Dërgojani të ftuarit(ve).","New invitation link has been created and sent to %{recipient}.":"Lidhja e re për ftesën është krijuar dhe dërguar për %{recipient}.","Once you accept the invitation, the inviter will be added to your connections.":"Pasi të pranoni ftesën, ftuesi do të shtohet te lidhjet tuaja.","Open remotely":"Hape së largëti","Please enter a valid email address!":"Ju lutemi, jepni një adresë email të vlefshme!","Select institution of inviter":"Përzgjidhni institucion të ftuesit","Success":"Sukses","Unknown institution. Check invitation url or select from list":"Institucion i panjohur. Kontrolloni URL ftese, ose përzgjidhni nga lista","User":"Përdorues","with me":"me mua","with others":"me të tjerë","You can share with and receive shares from %{ connections } now":"Tani mund të ndani me dhe të merrni ndarje që nga %{ connections }","You can share with and recieve shares from %{user} now":"Tani mund të ndani me dhe të merrni ndarje që nga %{ user }","You have no invitation links":"S’keni lidhje ftesash","You have no sharing connections":"S’keni lidhje për ndarje"},"sv":{"Accept invitation":"Acceptera inbjudan","Accept invitations":"Acceptera inbjudningar","Actions":"Åtgärder","Add a description (optional)":"Lägg till beskrivning (valfri)","An error occurred":"Ett fel uppstod","An error occurred when generating the token":"Ett fel uppstod när token genererades","Cancel":"Avbryt","Copy invitation link":"Kopiera inbjudningslänk","Copy invite token":"Kopiera inbjudningnyckel","Couldn't open remotely":"Kunde inte öppna fjärranslutning","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Skapa en inbjudningslänk och skicka till personen som du vill dela med.","Delete":"Ta bort","Description":"Beskrivning","Email":"Email","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"Epost att skicka inbjudningen till","Enter invite token":"Fyll i inbjudningsnyckel","Error":"Fel","Expires":"Utgår","Federated connections":"Federerade anslutningar","Generate":"Skapa","Generate invitation":"Skapa inbjudan","Invitation link":"Inbjudningslänk","Link":"Länk","User":"Användare"},"sr":{},"ta":{"Actions":"செயல்கள்","Cancel":"ரத்துசெய்"},"tr":{"Accept invitation":"Daveti kabul et","Accept invitations":"Davetleri kabul et","Actions":"Aksiyonlar","Add a description (optional)":"Bir açıklama ekle (isteğe bağlı)","An error occurred":"Bir hata oluştu","An error occurred when generating the token":"Jeton oluşturulurken bir hata meydana geldi","Cancel":"İptal","Copy invitation link":"Davet bağlantısını kopyala","Copy invite token":"Davet jetonunu kopyala","Delete":"Sil","Description":"Açıklama","Email":"E-posta","Enter invite token":"Davet jetonunu gir","Error":"Hata","Expires":"Bitiş","Generate":"Oluştur","Generate invitation":"Davet oluştur","Generate new invitation":"Yeni davet oluştur","Invitation link":"Davet bağlantısı","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Davet bağlantısı panonuza kopyalandı.","Invitations":"Davetler","Invite code":"Davet kodu","Invite token copied":"Davet jetonu kopyalandı","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"Davet jetonu panonuza kopyalandı.","Invite users":"Kullanıcıları davet et","Invition link copied":"Davet bağlantısı kopyalandı","Link":"Bağlantı","User":"Kullanıcı","with me":"benimle","with others":"diğerleri ile"},"ug":{},"uk":{"Accept invitation":"Прийняти запрошення","Accept invitations":"Прийміть запрошення","Actions":"Дії","Add a description (optional)":"Додайте опис (необов'язково)","An error occurred":"Виникла помилка","An error occurred when generating the token":"Під час створення токену сталася помилка","Cancel":"Скасувати","Copy invitation link":"Копіювати посилання на запрошення","Copy invite token":"Копіювати токен запрошення","Couldn't open remotely":"Не вдалося відкрити віддалено","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Створіть посилання для запрошення та надішліть його людині, з якою хочете поділитися.","Delete":"Видалити","Description":"опис","Email":"Електронна пошта","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"Електронна адреса для надсилання запрошення (необов’язково)","Enter invite token":"Введіть токен запрошення","Error":"Помилка","Expires":"Термін дії закінчується","Federated conections for mutual sharing. To share, go to \"Files\" app, select the resource click \"Share\" in the context menu and select account type \"federated\".":"Спільні зв'язки для колективного використання. Щоб поділитися, перейдіть у програму «Файли», виберіть ресурс, натисніть «Поділитися» в контекстному меню та виберіть тип облікового запису «об’єднаний».","Federated connections":"Спільні з'єднання","Federated shares with me":"Спільний доступ зі мною","Federated shares:":"Спільні доступи:","Generate":"Генерувати","Generate invitation":"Згенерувати запрошення","Generate invitation link that can be shared with one or more invitees":"Створіть посилання для запрошення, яким можна поділитися з одним або кількома зпрошеними","Generate new invitation":"Створити нове запрошення","Institution":"Заклад","Invitation link":"Посилання на запрошення","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Посилання на запрошення скопійовано до буфера обміну.","Invitations":"Запрошення","Invite code":"Код запрошення","Invite token copied":"Токен запрошення скопійовано","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"Токен запрошення скопійовано до буфера обміну.","Invite users":"Запросіть користувачів","Invition link copied":"Посилання на запрошення скопійовано","Link":"Посилання","New federated connection":"Нове спільне підключення","New federated connections":"Нові спільні з'єднання","New invitation link has been created and copied to your clipboard. Send it to the invitee(s).":"Нове посилання для запрошення створено та скопійовано до буфера обміну. Надішліть його запрошеному(-ям).","New invitation link has been created and sent to %{recipient}.":"Нове посилання для запрошення було створено та надіслано %{recipient}.","Once you accept the invitation, the inviter will be added to your connections.":"Щойно ви приймете запрошення, запрошеного буде додано до ваших зв’язків.","Open remotely":"Відкрити дистанційно","Please enter a valid email address!":"Будь ласка, введіть дійсну адресу електронної пошти!","ScienceMesh":"ScienceMesh","Select institution of inviter":"Виберіть установу запрошувача","Success":"Успіх","Unknown institution. Check invitation url or select from list":"Невідома установа. Перевірте URL-адресу запрошення або виберіть зі списку","User":"Користувач","with me":"зі мною","with others":"з іншими","You can share with and receive shares from %{ connections } now":"Тепер ви можете ділитися з %{connections} і отримувати спільні файли","You can share with and recieve shares from %{user} now":"Ви можете ділитися з %{user} і отримувати від нього спільні файли","You have no invitation links":"У вас немає посилань для запрошень","You have no sharing connections":"У вас немає спільних з’єднань"},"zh":{"Accept invitation":"接受邀请","Accept invitations":"接受邀请","Actions":"操作","Add a description (optional)":"添加描述(可选)","An error occurred":"发生错误","An error occurred when generating the token":"生成令牌时发生错误。","Cancel":"取消","Copy invitation link":"复制邀请链接","Copy invite token":"复制邀请令牌","Couldn't open remotely":"无法打开远程","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"创建一个邀请链接并发送给您想要分享的人。","Delete":"删除","Description":"描述","Email":"邮箱","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"发送邀请的电子邮件(可选)","Enter invite token":"输入邀请令牌","Error":"错误","Expires":"过期","Federated conections for mutual sharing. To share, go to \"Files\" app, select the resource click \"Share\" in the context menu and select account type \"federated\".":"互相分享的联邦连接。要分享,请转到“文件”应用程序,选择资源,在上下文菜单中点击“分享”,然后选择“联邦”帐户类型。","Federated connections":"联邦连接","Federated shares with me":"给我的联邦分享","Federated shares:":"联邦共享:","Generate":"生成","Generate invitation":"生成邀请","Generate invitation link that can be shared with one or more invitees":"生成可以与一个或多个被邀请者共享的邀请链接","Generate new invitation":"Generate new invitation","Institution":"机构","Invitation link":"邀请链接","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"该链接已复制到您的剪贴板。","Invitations":"邀请","Invite code":"邀请码","Invite token copied":"邀请令牌已复制","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"该令牌已复制到您的剪贴板。","Invite users":"邀请用户","Invition link copied":"邀请链接已复制","Link":"链接","New federated connection":"新的联邦连接","New federated connections":"新的联邦连接","New invitation link has been created and copied to your clipboard. Send it to the invitee(s).":"新的邀请链接已创建并复制到您的剪贴板。将其发送给被邀请者。","New invitation link has been created and sent to %{recipient}.":"新的邀请链接已创建并发送给%{recipient}。","Once you accept the invitation, the inviter will be added to your connections.":"一旦您接受邀请,邀请者将被添加到您的联系人中。","Open remotely":"打开远程","Please enter a valid email address!":"请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址!","ScienceMesh":"科学网格","Select institution of inviter":"选择邀请者的机构","Success":"成功","Unknown institution. Check invitation url or select from list":"未知机构。检查邀请链接或从列表中选择","User":"用户","with me":"与我","with others":"与他人","You can share with and receive shares from %{ connections } now":"你现在可以与%{ connections }分享并接收分享","You can share with and recieve shares from %{user} now":"你现在可以与%{user}分享并接收分享。","You have no invitation links":"你没有邀请链接","You have no sharing connections":"你没有共享连接"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"af":{"An error occurred":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten"},"bs":{},"ar":{"Actions":"إجراءات","Cancel":"إلغاء","Delete":"حذف","Email":"بريد إلكتروني","Link":"رابط","User":"مستخدم"},"bg":{"Actions":"Действия","An error occurred":"Възникна грешка","Cancel":"Отказ","Delete":"Изтриване","Email":"Имейл","Link":"Връзка","User":"Потребител"},"cs":{"Actions":"Akce","An error occurred":"Objevila se chyba","Cancel":"Zrušit","Delete":"Odstranit","Email":"Email","Link":"Odkaz","User":"Uživatel"},"de":{"Accept invitation":"Einladung annehmen","Accept invitations":"Einladungen annehmen","Actions":"Aktionen","Add a description (optional)":"Beschreibung hinzufügen (optional)","An error occurred":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.","An error occurred when generating the token":"Beim Erstellen des Tokens ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Copy invitation link":"Einladungslink kopieren","Copy invite token":"Einladungstoken kopieren","Couldn't open remotely":"Fernzugriff fehlgeschlagen","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Einladungslink erstellen und an die Person verschicken, mit der geteilt werden soll.","Delete":"Löschen","Description":"Beschreibung","Email":"E-Mail","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"E-Mail zum Verschicken der Einladung (optional)","Enter invite token":"Einladungstoken eingeben","Error":"Fehler","Expires":"Läuft ab","Federated conections for mutual sharing. To share, go to \"Files\" app, select the resource click \"Share\" in the context menu and select account type \"federated\".":"Föderierte Verbindungen für gegenseitige Freigaben. Über die \"Files\"-App kann eine Ressource ausgewählt und über die Freigabe-Option im Kontextmenü der Kontotyp \"föderiert\" zugewiesen werden.","Federated connections":"Föderierte Verbindungen","Federated shares with me":"Mit mir geteilte föderierten Freigaben","Federated shares:":"Föderierte Freigaben","Generate":"Erstellen","Generate invitation":"Einladung erstellen","Generate invitation link that can be shared with one or more invitees":"Einladungslink erstellen, der mit einer oder mehr Personen geteilt werden kann","Generate new invitation":"Neue Einladung erstellen","Institution":"Einrichtung","Invitation link":"Einladungslink","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Einladungslink wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","Invitations":"Einladungen","Invite code":"Einladungstoken","Invite token copied":"Einladungstoken wurde kopiert","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"Einladungstoken wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","Invite users":"Benutzer einladen","Invition link copied":"Einladungslink wurde kopiert","Link":"Link","New federated connection":"Neue föderierte Verbindung","New federated connections":"Neue föderierte Verbindungen","New invitation link has been created and copied to your clipboard. Send it to the invitee(s).":"Neuer Einladungslink wurde erstellt und in die Zwischenablage kopiert und kann an die Einzuladenden verschickt werden.","New invitation link has been created and sent to %{recipient}.":"Neuer Einladungslink wurde erstellt und verschickt an: %{recipient}.","Once you accept the invitation, the inviter will be added to your connections.":"Sobald Sie die Einladung akzeptieren, wird der Sender zu Ihren Verbindungen hinzugefügt.","Open remotely":"Fernzugriff","Please enter a valid email address!":"Bitte eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse eingeben","ScienceMesh":"ScienceMesh","Select institution of inviter":"Einrichtung des Ladenden auswählen","Success":"Erfolg","Unknown institution. Check invitation url or select from list":"Unbekannte Einrichtung. Bitte URL der Einladung prüfen oder aus der Liste auswählen","User":"Person","with me":"mit mir","with others":"mit anderen","You can share with and receive shares from %{ connections } now":"Sie können jetzt mit %{ connections } Freigaben empfangen und erteilen","You can share with and recieve shares from %{user} now":"Sie können jetzt mit %{ user } Freigaben empfangen und erteilen","You have no invitation links":"Sie haben keine Einladungslinks","You have no sharing connections":"Sie haben keine Freigabeverbindungen"},"el":{"Actions":"Ενέργειες","Cancel":"Ακύρωση","Delete":"Διαγραφή","Email":"Email","Expires":"Λήγει","User":"Χρήστης"},"es":{"Accept invitation":"Aceptar invitación","Accept invitations":"Aceptar invitaciones","Actions":"Acciones","Add a description (optional)":"Añadir descripción (opcional)","An error occurred":"Ocurrió un error","Cancel":"Cancelar","Copy invitation link":"Copiar el link de la invitación","Couldn't open remotely":"No se puede abrir de forma remota","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Crea un enlace de invitación y envíaselo a la persona con la que quieras compartirlo.","Delete":"Eliminar","Description":"Descripción","Email":"Correo electrónico","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"Correo electrónico para enviar la invitación (opcional)","Error":"Error","Expires":"Expira","Generate":"Generar","Generate invitation":"Generar invitación","Generate new invitation":"Generar nueva invitación","Institution":"Institución","Invitation link":"Enlace de invitación","Link":"Enlace","Success":"Éxito","User":"Usuario"},"et":{},"fr":{"Actions":"Actions","An error occurred":"Une erreur est survenue","Cancel":"Annuler","Delete":"Supprimer","Email":"Email","Expires":"Expire","Link":"Lien","User":"Utilisateur"},"gl":{"Actions":"Accións","Cancel":"Cancelar","Delete":"Eliminar","Expires":"Caduca","User":"Usuario"},"he":{"Actions":"פעולות","An error occurred":"אירעה שגיאה","Cancel":"ביטול","Delete":"מחיקה","Email":"דוא״ל","Expires":"פג תוקף","Link":"קישור","User":"משתמש"},"hr":{},"it":{"Actions":"Azioni","An error occurred":"Si è verificato un errore","Cancel":"Cancella","Delete":"Elimina","Email":"Email","Link":"Collegamento","User":"Utente"},"id":{"Cancel":"Batal","Delete":"Hapus","Link":"Tautan"},"ja":{},"nl":{"Actions":"Acties","An error occurred":"Er is een fout opgetreden","Cancel":"Annuleer","Delete":"Verwijder","Email":"E-mail","Link":"Link","User":"Gebruiker"},"pt":{},"pl":{"Accept invitation":"Zaakceptuj zaproszenie","Accept invitations":"Zaakceptuj zaproszenia","Actions":"Akcje","Add a description (optional)":"Dodaj opis (opcjonalnie)","An error occurred":"Wystąpił błąd","An error occurred when generating the token":"Wystąpił błąd podczas generowania tokenu","Cancel":"Anuluj","Copy invitation link":"Kopiuj link zaproszenia","Copy invite token":"Kopiuj token zaproszenia","Couldn't open remotely":"Nie można otworzyć zdalnie","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Utwórz link do zaproszenia i wyślij go do osoby, której chcesz go udostępnić.","Delete":"Usuń","Description":"Opis","Email":"Email","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"E-mail do wysłania zaproszenia (opcjonalnie)","Enter invite token":"Wprowadź token zaproszenia","Error":"Błąd","Expires":"Wygasa","Federated conections for mutual sharing. To share, go to \"Files\" app, select the resource click \"Share\" in the context menu and select account type \"federated\".":"Grupowe połączenia do wzajemnego udostępniania. Aby udostępnić, przejdź do aplikacji „Pliki”, wybierz \"Udostępnij\" w menu kontekstowym i wybierz typ konta „Grupowe”.","Federated connections":"Połączenia grupowe","Federated shares with me":"Grupowe udostępnienia ze mną","Federated shares:":"Grupowe udostępnienia:","Generate":"Generuj","Generate invitation":"Generuj zaproszenie","Generate invitation link that can be shared with one or more invitees":"Wygeneruj link zaproszenia, który można udostępnić jednemu lub większej liczbie zaproszonych","Generate new invitation":"Generuj nowe zaproszenie","Institution":"Instytucja","Invitation link":"Link zaproszenia","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Link zaproszenia został skopiowany do twojego schowka.","Invitations":"Zaproszenia","Invite code":"Kod zaproszenia","Invite token copied":"Skopiowano token zaproszenia","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"Token zaproszenia został skopiowany do twojego schowka.","Invite users":"Zaproś użytkowników","Invition link copied":"Link zaproszenia skopiowany","Link":"Link","New federated connection":"Nowe połączenie grupowe","New federated connections":"Nowe połączenia grupowe","New invitation link has been created and copied to your clipboard. Send it to the invitee(s).":"Nowy link do zaproszenia został utworzony i skopiowany do schowka. Wyślij go do zaproszonych.","Open remotely":"Otwórz zdalnie","Please enter a valid email address!":"Wprowadź prawidłowy adres email!","User":"Użytkownik"},"ka":{},"ko":{"Accept invitation":"초대 승낙","Accept invitations":"초대 승낙","Actions":"작업","Add a description (optional)":"설명 추가 (선택)","An error occurred":"오류가 발생했습니다","An error occurred when generating the token":"토큰 생성 중 오류 발생","Cancel":"취소","Copy invitation link":"초대 링크 복사","Copy invite token":"초대 토큰 복사","Couldn't open remotely":"원격으로 열 수 없음","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"초대 링크를 생성한 후 공유하고 싶은 사람에게 보내세요.","Delete":"삭제","Description":"설명","Email":"이메일","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"초대를 보낼 이메일 (선택)","Enter invite token":"초대 토큰 입력","Error":"오류","Expires":"만료","Federated conections for mutual sharing. To share, go to \"Files\" app, select the resource click \"Share\" in the context menu and select account type \"federated\".":"상호 공유를 위해 연합을 연결합니다. 공유하려면 \"파일\" 앱에서 리소스를 선택한 후 컨텍스트 메뉴에서 \"공유\"를 클릭한 다음 계정 유형에서 \"연합\"을 선택하세요.","Federated connections":"연합 연결","Federated shares with me":"나와 연합 공유한 파일","Federated shares:":"연합 공유:","Generate":"생성","Generate invitation":"초대 생성","Generate new invitation":"새 초대 생성","Invitation link":"초대 링크","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"클립보드에 초대 링크가 복사되었습니다.","Invitations":"초대","Invite code":"초대 코드","Invite token copied":"초대 토큰 복사됨","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"클립보드에 초대 토큰이 복사되었습니다.","Invite users":"사용자 초대","Link":"링크","New federated connection":"새 연합 연결","New federated connections":"새 연합 연결","New invitation link has been created and copied to your clipboard. Send it to the invitee(s).":"새 초대 링크가 생성되었으며 클립보드에 복사되었습니다. 초대할 사람에게 보내세요.","New invitation link has been created and sent to %{recipient}.":"새 초대 링크가 생성되었으며 %{recipient}에게 보냈습니다.","Once you accept the invitation, the inviter will be added to your connections.":"초대를 수락하면 초대받은 사람이 내 연결에 추가됩니다.","Open remotely":"원격으로 열기","Please enter a valid email address!":"올바른 이메일을 입력하세요!","ScienceMesh":"ScienceMesh","Success":"성공","User":"사용자"},"si":{"Actions":"ක්‍රියාමාර්ග","Cancel":"අවලංගු","Email":"වි-තැපෑල","User":"පරිශීලක"},"ro":{"Actions":"Acțiuni","Cancel":"Anulează","Delete":"Șterge","Email":"Email"},"ru":{"Accept invitation":"Принять приглашение","Accept invitations":"Принять приглашения","Actions":"Действия","Add a description (optional)":"Добавить описание (необязательно)","An error occurred":"Произошла ошибка","An error occurred when generating the token":"Произошла ошибка при генерации токена","Cancel":"Отмена","Copy invitation link":"Копировать ссылку приглашения","Copy invite token":"Копировать токен приглашения","Couldn't open remotely":"Не удалось открыть удаленно","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Создайте ссылку приглашения и отправьте её человеку, с которым хотите поделиться.","Delete":"Удалить","Description":"Описание","Email":"Email","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"Email для отправки приглашения (необязательно)","Enter invite token":"Введите токен приглашения","Error":"Ошибка","Expires":"Истекает","Federated conections for mutual sharing. To share, go to \"Files\" app, select the resource click \"Share\" in the context menu and select account type \"federated\".":"Федеративные соединения для взаимного предоставления доступа. Чтобы поделиться, перейдите в приложение \"Файлы\", выберите ресурс, нажмите \"Поделиться\" в контекстном меню и выберите тип аккаунта \"федеративный\".","Federated connections":"Федеративные соединения","Federated shares with me":"Федеративные общие ресурсы со мной","Federated shares:":"Федеративные общие ресурсы:","Generate":"Создать","Generate invitation":"Создать приглашение","Generate invitation link that can be shared with one or more invitees":"Создать ссылку приглашения, которой можно поделиться с одним или несколькими приглашенными","Generate new invitation":"Создать новое приглашение","Institution":"Учреждение","Invitation link":"Ссылка приглашения","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Ссылка приглашения скопирована в буфер обмена.","Invitations":"Приглашения","Invite code":"Код приглашения","Invite token copied":"Токен приглашения скопирован","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"Токен приглашения скопирован в буфер обмена.","Invite users":"Пригласить пользователей","Invition link copied":"Ссылка приглашения скопирована","Link":"Ссылка","New federated connection":"Новое федеративное соединение","New federated connections":"Новые федеративные соединения","New invitation link has been created and copied to your clipboard. Send it to the invitee(s).":"Новая ссылка приглашения создана и скопирована в буфер обмена. Отправьте ее приглашенным.","New invitation link has been created and sent to %{recipient}.":"Новая ссылка приглашения создана и была отправлена %{recipient}.","Once you accept the invitation, the inviter will be added to your connections.":"Как только вы примете приглашение, приглашающая сторона будет добавлена в ваши федеративные соединения.","Open remotely":"Открыть удаленно","Please enter a valid email address!":"Пожалуйста, введите действующий адрес Email.","ScienceMesh":"ScienceMesh","Select institution of inviter":"Выберите учреждение приглашающего","Success":"Успех","Unknown institution. Check invitation url or select from list":"Неизвестное учреждение. Проверьте URL приглашения или выберите из списка","User":"Пользователь","with me":"со мной","with others":"с другими","You can share with and receive shares from %{ connections } now":"Теперь вы можете обмениваться общими ресурсами с %{ connections }","You can share with and recieve shares from %{user} now":"Теперь вы можете обмениваться общими ресурсами с %{user}","You have no invitation links":"У вас нет ссылок на приглашения","You have no sharing connections":"У вас нет соединений для обмена общими ресурсами"},"sk":{"Actions":"Akcie","Cancel":"Zrušiť","Delete":"Odstrániť","Email":"Email"},"sq":{"Accept invitation":"Pranoni ftesën","Accept invitations":"Pranoni ftesa","Actions":"Veprime","Add a description (optional)":"Shtoni një përshkrim (në daçi)","An error occurred":"Ndodhi një gabim","An error occurred when generating the token":"Ndodhi një gabim teksa prodhohej token-i","Cancel":"Anuloje","Copy invitation link":"Kopjo lidhje ftese","Copy invite token":"Kopjo token ftese","Couldn't open remotely":"S’u hap dot së largëti","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Krijoni një lidhje ftese dhe dërgojeni te personi me të cilin doni të ndani.","Delete":"Fshije","Description":"Përshkrim","Email":"Email","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"Email për të dërguar ftesën (në daçi)","Enter invite token":"Jepni token ftese","Error":"Gabim","Expires":"Skadon më","Federated conections for mutual sharing. To share, go to \"Files\" app, select the resource click \"Share\" in the context menu and select account type \"federated\".":"Lidhje të federuara, për ndarje dypalëshe. Për të ndarë, kaloni te aplikacioni “Kartela”, përzgjidhni burimin, klikoni “Ndaje me të tjerë”, që nga menuja e kontekstit dhe përzgjidhni llojin “e federuar”.","Federated connections":"Lidhje të federuara","Federated shares with me":"Ndarje të federuara me","Federated shares:":"Ndarje të federuara:","Generate":"Prodhoje","Generate invitation":"Prodhoje ftesën","Generate invitation link that can be shared with one or more invitees":"Lidhje për prodhim ftese, që mund të ndahet me një ose më tepër të ftuar","Generate new invitation":"Prodhoni ftesë të re","Institution":"Institucion","Invitation link":"Lidhje ftese","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Lidhja e ftesës është kopjuar në të papastrën tuaj.","Invitations":"Ftesa","Invite code":"Kod ftese","Invite token copied":"Token-i i ftesës u kopjua","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"Token-i i ftesës u kopjua në të papastrën tuaj.","Invite users":"Ftoni përdorues","Invition link copied":"Lidhja e ftesës u kopjua","Link":"Lidhje","New federated connection":"Lidhje e re e federuar","New federated connections":"Lidhje të reja të federuara","New invitation link has been created and copied to your clipboard. Send it to the invitee(s).":"Lidhja e re për ftesën është krijuar dhe kopjuar në të papastrën tuaj. Dërgojani të ftuarit(ve).","New invitation link has been created and sent to %{recipient}.":"Lidhja e re për ftesën është krijuar dhe dërguar për %{recipient}.","Once you accept the invitation, the inviter will be added to your connections.":"Pasi të pranoni ftesën, ftuesi do të shtohet te lidhjet tuaja.","Open remotely":"Hape së largëti","Please enter a valid email address!":"Ju lutemi, jepni një adresë email të vlefshme!","Select institution of inviter":"Përzgjidhni institucion të ftuesit","Success":"Sukses","Unknown institution. Check invitation url or select from list":"Institucion i panjohur. Kontrolloni URL ftese, ose përzgjidhni nga lista","User":"Përdorues","with me":"me mua","with others":"me të tjerë","You can share with and receive shares from %{ connections } now":"Tani mund të ndani me dhe të merrni ndarje që nga %{ connections }","You can share with and recieve shares from %{user} now":"Tani mund të ndani me dhe të merrni ndarje që nga %{ user }","You have no invitation links":"S’keni lidhje ftesash","You have no sharing connections":"S’keni lidhje për ndarje"},"sv":{"Accept invitation":"Acceptera inbjudan","Accept invitations":"Acceptera inbjudningar","Actions":"Åtgärder","Add a description (optional)":"Lägg till beskrivning (valfri)","An error occurred":"Ett fel uppstod","An error occurred when generating the token":"Ett fel uppstod när token genererades","Cancel":"Avbryt","Copy invitation link":"Kopiera inbjudningslänk","Copy invite token":"Kopiera inbjudningnyckel","Couldn't open remotely":"Kunde inte öppna fjärranslutning","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Skapa en inbjudningslänk och skicka till personen som du vill dela med.","Delete":"Ta bort","Description":"Beskrivning","Email":"Email","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"Epost att skicka inbjudningen till","Enter invite token":"Fyll i inbjudningsnyckel","Error":"Fel","Expires":"Utgår","Federated connections":"Federerade anslutningar","Generate":"Skapa","Generate invitation":"Skapa inbjudan","Invitation link":"Inbjudningslänk","Link":"Länk","User":"Användare"},"sr":{},"ta":{"Actions":"செயல்கள்","Cancel":"ரத்துசெய்"},"ug":{},"tr":{"Accept invitation":"Daveti kabul et","Accept invitations":"Davetleri kabul et","Actions":"Aksiyonlar","Add a description (optional)":"Bir açıklama ekle (isteğe bağlı)","An error occurred":"Bir hata oluştu","An error occurred when generating the token":"Jeton oluşturulurken bir hata meydana geldi","Cancel":"İptal","Copy invitation link":"Davet bağlantısını kopyala","Copy invite token":"Davet jetonunu kopyala","Delete":"Sil","Description":"Açıklama","Email":"E-posta","Enter invite token":"Davet jetonunu gir","Error":"Hata","Expires":"Bitiş","Generate":"Oluştur","Generate invitation":"Davet oluştur","Generate new invitation":"Yeni davet oluştur","Invitation link":"Davet bağlantısı","Invitation link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Davet bağlantısı panonuza kopyalandı.","Invitations":"Davetler","Invite code":"Davet kodu","Invite token copied":"Davet jetonu kopyalandı","Invite token has been copied to your clipboard.":"Davet jetonu panonuza kopyalandı.","Invite users":"Kullanıcıları davet et","Invition link copied":"Davet bağlantısı kopyalandı","Link":"Bağlantı","User":"Kullanıcı","with me":"benimle","with others":"diğerleri ile"},"uk":{"Accept invitation":"Прийняти запрошення","Accept invitations":"Прийміть запрошення","Actions":"Дії","Add a description (optional)":"Додайте опис (необов'язково)","An error occurred":"Виникла помилка","An error occurred when generating the token":"Під час створення токену сталася помилка","Cancel":"Скасувати","Copy invitation link":"Копіювати посилання на запрошення","Copy invite token":"Копіювати токен запрошення","Couldn't open remotely":"Не вдалося відкрити віддалено","Create an invitation link and send it to the person you want to share with.":"Створіть посилання для запрошення та надішліть його людині, з якою хочете поділитися.","Delete":"Видалити","Description":"опис","Email":"Електронна пошта","Email to send the invitation (optional)":"Електронна адреса для надсилання запрошення (необов’язково)","Enter invite token":"Введіть токен запрошення","Error":"Помилка","Expires":"Термін дії закінчується","Federated conections for mutual sharing. 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Send it to the invitee(s).":"Нове посилання для запрошення створено та скопійовано до буфера обміну. Надішліть його запрошеному(-ям).","New invitation link has been created and sent to %{recipient}.":"Нове посилання для запрошення було створено та надіслано %{recipient}.","Once you accept the invitation, the inviter will be added to your connections.":"Щойно ви приймете запрошення, запрошеного буде додано до ваших зв’язків.","Open remotely":"Відкрити дистанційно","Please enter a valid email address!":"Будь ласка, введіть дійсну адресу електронної пошти!","ScienceMesh":"ScienceMesh","Select institution of inviter":"Виберіть установу запрошувача","Success":"Успіх","Unknown institution. Check invitation url or select from list":"Невідома установа. 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Send it to the invitee(s).":"新的邀请链接已创建并复制到您的剪贴板。将其发送给被邀请者。","New invitation link has been created and sent to %{recipient}.":"新的邀请链接已创建并发送给%{recipient}。","Once you accept the invitation, the inviter will be added to your connections.":"一旦您接受邀请,邀请者将被添加到您的联系人中。","Open remotely":"打开远程","Please enter a valid email address!":"请输入一个有效的电子邮件地址!","ScienceMesh":"科学网格","Select institution of inviter":"选择邀请者的机构","Success":"成功","Unknown institution. 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Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } избран елемент. Действията са достъпни над таблицата.","%{ amount } избрани елемента. Действията са достъпни над таблицата."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } избрано пространство","%{ itemCount } избрани пространства"],"%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} елемент беше копиран успешно","%{count} елемента бяха копирани успешно"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} елемент беше преместен успешно","%{count} елемента бяха преместени успешно"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (аз)","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} връзка, даваща достъп.","%{linkShareCount} връзки, даващи достъп."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} вече съществува","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} е успешно възстановен","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} файла бяха възстановени успешно","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} от %{total} използвани (%{percentage}% used)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} използвани (без ограничение)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"А-Я","Actions":"Действия","Add to favorites":"Добавяне към любими","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"Добавени %{numFiles} файл(а)","All Actions":"Цялата дейност","All deleted files were removed":"Всички изтрити файлове бяха премахнати","All files":"Всички файлове","An error occurred":"Възникна грешка","Anyone with the link can edit":"Всеки, който има връзката може да редактира","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Всеки, който има връзката може само да качва, а съществуващото съдържание не се разкрива.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Всеки, който има връзката може да качва","Anyone with the link can view":"Всеки, който има връзка може да преглежда","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Всеки, който разполага с връзката може да преглежда и изтегля.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Всеки, който има връзката може да разглежда, изтегля и редактира.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Всеки, който има връзката може да разглежда, изтегля и качва.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Прилагане за всички %{count} конфликта","Apply to all %{count} files":"Прилага се за всички %{count} файла","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Прилага се за всички %{count} папки","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете всички избрани ресурси? Цялото им съдържание ще бъде премахнато завинаги. Това действие не може да бъде отменено.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете избраното пространство?","Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете %{count} избрани пространства?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете този файл? Цялото му съдържание ще бъде премахнато завинаги. Това действие не може да бъде отменено.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете тази папка? Цялото ѝ съдържание ще бъде премахнато за постоянно. Това действие не може да бъде отменено.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете окончателно изброените елементи? Не можете да върнете това действие.","Back to %{panel} panel":"Назад към панела %{panel}","Can edit":"Може да редактира","Can upload":"Може да качва","Can view":"Може да преглежда","Cancel":"Отказ","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Промяна на квотата за %{count} Пространства","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Промяна на квотата за Пространството \"%{name}\"","Change subtitle for space":"Промяна на подзаглавието за пространството","Changes saved":"Промените са запазени","Close":"Затваряне","Close file sidebar":"Затваряне на страничната лента на файла","Confirm":"Потвърждаване","Copied to clipboard!":"Копирано в клипборда!","Copy":"Копиране","Copy here":"Копиране тук","Copy here?":"Да се копира ли тук?","Copy link":"Копиране на връзка","Create":"Създаване","Create a new file":"Създаване на нов файл","Create a new folder":"Създаване на нова папка","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Създаване на Пространство \"%{resourceName}\"","Създаване на Пространство от избор"],"Create Space from selection":"Създаване на Пространство от избор","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Създаване на пространство със съдържанието на \"%{resourceName}\".","Създаване на Пространство с избраните файлове."],"Creating space failed…":"Неуспешно създаване на пространство...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"Изрязване","Cut to clipboard!":"Изрязване в клипборда!","Delete":"Изтриване","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["Изтриване на Пространството \"%{space}\"?","Изтриване на %{spaceCount} Пространства?"],"Deleted":"Изтрито","Details":"Подробности","Disable":"Деактивиране","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Деактивиране на Пространството \"%{space}\"?","Деактивиране на %{spaceCount} Пространства?"],"Disabled":"Деактивирано","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"Деактивиране на пространства, в които не може да се въвежда","Disabled:":"Деактивирано:","Display customization options of the files list":"Показване на опциите за персонализиране на списъка с файлове","Don't Save":"Без запазване","Download":"Изтегляне","Download failed":"Неуспешно изтегляне","Edit description":"Редактиране на описание","Edit expiration date":"Редактиране на датата на изтичане на валидността","Edit quota":"Редактиране на квота","Edit subtitle":"Редактиране на подзаглавие","Empty trash bin":"Изпразване на кошчето","Enable":"Активиране","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Активиране на Пространството \"%{space}\"?","Активиране на %{spaceCount} Пространства?"],"Enabled:":"Активирано:","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Изтича на %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Неуспешна промяна на статуса любим на файла \"%{file}\"","Failed to change quota":"Неуспех при промяна на квотата","Failed to change space quota":["Неуспешна промяна на квотата за пространството","Неуспешна промяна на квотата за %{count} пространства"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"Неуспешна промяна на подзаглавието на пространството","Failed to change user quota":["Неуспешна промяна на квотата за потребителя","Неуспешна промяна на квотата за %{count} потребителя"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Неуспешно копиране на \"%{name}\"","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Неуспешно копиране на %{count} ресурса","Failed to create file":"Неуспех при създаването на файл","Failed to create folder":"Неуспех при създаването на папка","Failed to download the selected folder.":["Неуспех при изтеглянето на избраната папка.","Неуспех при изтеглянето на избраните файлове."],"Failed to empty trash bin":"Неуспешно изпразване на кошчето","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Неуспех при преместването на \"%{name}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Неуспешно преместване на %{count} ресурса","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Неуспешно преименуване на \"%{file}\" на \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Неуспешно преименуване на \"%{file}\" на \"%{newName}\" - файлът е заключен","Failed to rename space":"Неуспех при преименуването на пространство","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Неуспешно възстановяване на \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Неуспешно възстановяване на %{resourceCount} файла","Failed to set space description":"Неуспешно задаване на описание на пространството","Failed to set space image":"Неуспешно задаване на изображение на пространство","Favorite files":"Любими файлове","file":"файл","File already exists":"Файлът вече съществува","File autosaved":"Файлът е автоматично запазен","File could not be located":"Файлът не може да бъде намерен","File name":"Име на файл","File name cannot be empty":"Името на файла не може да бъде празно","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Името на файла не може да бъде равно на \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Името на файла не може да бъде равно на \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Името на файла не може да съдържа \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Името на файла не може да завършва с интервал","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Файлът с име \"%{name}\" вече съществува.","Files shared via link":"Файлове, споделени чрез връзка","Files shared with me":"Файлове, споделени с мен","Files shared with others":"Файлове, споделени с други","Filter list":"Списък с филтри","folder":"папка","Folder already exists":"Папката вече съществува","Folder name":"Име на папка","Folder name cannot be empty":"Името на папката не може да бъде празно","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Името на папката не може да бъде равно на \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Името на папката не може да бъде равно на \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Името на папката не може да съдържа \"/\"","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Папка с име \"%{name}\" вече съществува.","Hide":"Скриване","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Ако деактивирате избраното пространство, достъпът до него вече няма да е възможен. Само мениджърите на пространството ще имат достъп до него. Забележка: Никакви файлове няма да бъдат изтрити от сървъра.","Ако деактивирате избраните %{count} пространства, те вече няма да могат да бъдат достъпни. Само мениджърите на пространства все още ще имат достъп. Забележка: Никакви файлове няма да бъдат изтрити от сървъра."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Ако активирате избраното пространство, то ще бъде отново достъпно.","Ако активирате избраните пространства %{count}, те ще бъдат отново достъпни."],"Invited people":"поканени хора","Items per page":"Елемента на страница","Keep both":"Запазване и на двете","Largest":"Най-голямото","Last activity":"Последна активност","Link":"Връзка","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Връзката функционира само за поканени хора. Изисква се вход.","Loading app":"Зареждане на приложение","Log out":"Излизане","Manager":"Мениджър","Members":"Членове","Modified":"Променено","Name":"Име","New file":"Нов файл","New folder":"Нова папка","New Folder":"Нова папка","Newest":"Най-новото","No changes":"Без промени","No items selected.":"Няма избрани елементи.","No restriction":"Без ограничение","Oldest":"Най-старото","Only for invited people":"Само поканените хора","Open folder":"Отваряне на папка","Open in %{app}":"Отваряне в %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Отваряне на списъка с връзки в панела за споделяне","Open member list in share panel":"Отваряне на списъка с членове в панела за споделяне","Open share panel":"Отваряне на панела за споделяне","Opens in a new window":"Отваряне в нов прозорец","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Преглед на информацията за избраното пространство","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Преглед на информацията за избраните пространства","Password":"Парола","Paste":"Поставяне","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Да се изтрие ли за постоянно избраният ресурс?","Да се изтрият ли за постоянно избраните %{amount} ресурса?"],"Personal":"Лични","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Моля въведете стойност, равна или по-малка от %{ quotaLimit }","Please enter only numbers":"Моля, въведете само числа","Public file upload":"Публично качване на файл","Quota":"Квота","Quota was changed successfully":"Квотата е променена успешно","Remaining quota":"Оставаща квота","Remaining quota:":"Оставаща квота:","Remove expiration date":"Премахване на датата на изтичане на срока на валидност","Remove from favorites":"Премахване от любими","Rename":"Преименуване","Rename file %{name}":"Преименуване на файла %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Преименуване на папката %{name}","Rename space":"Преименуване на пространството","Replace":"Замяна","Restore":"Възстановяване","Restrictions":"Ограничения","Revert":"Връщане","Save":"Запазване","Search results":"Резултати от търсенето","Secret File Drop":"Secret File Drop","Select a space to view details":"Изберете пространство, за да видите подробности","Select all resources":"Избиране на всички ресурси","Select file":"Избиране на файл","Select folder":"Избиране на папка","Select space":"Избор на пространство","Set as space description":"Задаване като описание на пространството","Set as space image":"Задаване като изображение на пространството","Set expiration date":"Задаване на дата на валидност","Share":"Споделяне","Shared by":"Споделено от","Shared on":"Споделено на","Shared with":"Споделено с","Shared with me":"Споделено с мен","Shares":"Споделяния","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Споделянията, версиите и етикетите няма да бъдат копирани.","Show":"Показване","Show context menu":"Показване на контекстното меню","Show file extensions":"Показване на файловите разширения","Show hidden files":"Показване на скрити файлове","Show invited people":"Показване на поканените","Show links":"Показване на връзки","Size":"Размер","Skip":"Пропускане","Smallest":"Най-малкото","Sort by %{ name }":"Подреждане по %{ name }","Sort by: ":"Сортиране по:","Space description was set successfully":"Описанието на пространството е успешно зададено","Space image was set successfully":"Изображението на пространството е успешно зададено","Space name":"Име на пространството","Space name cannot be empty":"Името на пространството не може да бъде празно","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Името на пространството не може да съдържа следните символи: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Името на пространството не може да надвишава 255 символа","Space name was changed successfully":"Името на пространството е успешно променено","Space quota was changed successfully":["Квотата на пространството е променена успешно","Квотата на %{count} пространства е променена успешно"],"Space subtitle":"Подзаглавие на пространство","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Подзаглавието на пространството е успешно променено","Space was created successfully":"Пространството беше създадено успешно","Spaces":"Пространства","Status":"Статус","Subtitle":"Подзаглавие","Tags":"Етикети","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Връзката е копирана в клипборда.","The marked elements will be copied.":"Маркираните елементи ще бъдат копирани.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Името \"%{name}\" вече е заето","The name cannot be empty":"Името не може да бъде празно","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Името не може да бъде равно на \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Името не може да бъде равно на \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Името не може да съдържа \"/\".","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Името не може да завършва с интервал","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"Изборът надвишава допустимия размер на архива (макс. %{maxSize})","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Квотата в \"%{spaceName}\" не е достатъчна за запазването на този файл","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Няма достатъчно квота за запазване на този файл","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Този %{ resourceType } се споделя чрез %{ shareCount } покана","Този %{ resourceType } се споделя чрез %{ shareCount } покани"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Този файл е актуализиран извън този прозорец. Моля, презаредете страницата (всички промени ще бъдат загубени).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Този елемент се споделя директно чрез връзки.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Този елемент се споделя директно с други лица.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Този елемент се споделя чрез връзки в една от основните папки.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Този елемент е споделен с други потребители чрез една от основните папки.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Това пространство има %{memberShareCount} член.","Това пространство има %{memberShareCount} члена."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"Това пространство има %{memberShareCount} члена и %{linkShareCount} връзки.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Това пространство има %{memberShareCount} члена и една връзка.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Това пространство има един член и %{linkShareCount} връзка.","Това пространство има един член и %{linkShareCount} връзки."],"Tile size":"Размер на плочките","Toggle selection":"Превключване на избора","Total quota":"Обща квота","Total quota:":"Обща квота:","Trash overview":"Преглед на кошчето","Unsaved changes":"Промените нe са запазени","Used quota":"Използвана квота","Used quota:":"Използвана квота:","User quota was changed successfully":["Квотата на потребителя е променена успешно","Квотата на %{count} потребителя е променена успешно"],"You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["Не можете да поставите избрания файл на това място, защото не можете да поставите елемент в самия него.","Не можете да поставите избраните файлове на това място, защото не можете да поставите елемент в самия него."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"Не сте упълномощени да запазите този файл","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Промените ви не са запазени. Искате ли да ги запазите?","Z-A":"Я-А"},"cs":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" úspěšně vytvořen","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" úspěšně vytvořena","(Opens in new window)":"(Otevře se v novém okně)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["Vybrána %{ amount } položka. Akce jsou k dispozici nad tabulkou.","Vybrány %{ amount } položky. Akce jsou k dispozici nad tabulkou.","Vybráno %{ amount } položek. Akce jsou k dispozici nad tabulkou.","Vybráno %{ amount } položek. Akce jsou k dispozici nad tabulkou."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } místo vybráno","%{ itemCount } místa vybrána","%{ itemCount } míst vybráno","%{ itemCount } míst vybráno"],"%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} položka byla úspěšně zkopírována","%{count} položky byly úspěšně zkopírovány","%{count} položek bylo úspěšně zkopírováno","%{count} položek bylo úspěšně zkopírováno"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} položka byla úspěšně přesunuta","%{count} položky byly úspěšně přesunuty","%{count} položek bylo úspěšně přesunuto","%{count} položek bylo úspěšně přesunuto"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (já)","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} odkaz zprostředkovávající přistup.","%{linkShareCount} odkazy zprostředkovávající přistup.","%{linkShareCount} odkazů zprostředkovávajících přistup.","%{linkShareCount} odkazů zprostředkovávajících přistup."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} již existuje","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} byl úspěšně obnoven","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} souborů bylo úspěšně obnoveno","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} z %{total} využito (%{percentage}% využito)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} využito (bez omezení)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Akce","Add to favorites":"Přidat k oblíbeným","All deleted files were removed":"Všechny smazané soubory byly odstraněny","All files":"Všechny soubory","An error occurred":"Objevila se chyba","Anyone with the link can edit":"Kdokoliv s odkazem může upravit","Anyone with the link can upload":"Kdokoliv s odkazem může nahrávat","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Opravdu smazat vybrané místo?","Opravdu smazat %{count} vybraná místa?","Opravdu smazat %{count} vybraných míst?","Opravdu smazat %{count} vybraných míst?"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Zpátky k %{panel} panelu","Cancel":"Zrušit","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Změnit kvótu pro %{count} míst","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Změnit kvótu pro místo \"%{name}\"","Change subtitle for space":"Změnit podtitulek pro místo","Changes saved":"Změny uloženy","Close":"Zavřít","Close file sidebar":"Zavřít postranní panel souboru","Confirm":"Potvrdit","Copied to clipboard!":"Zkopírováno do schránky!","Copy":"Kopírovat","Copy here":"Kopírovat sem","Copy here?":"Kopírovat sem?","Create":"Vytvořit","Create a new file":"Vytvořit nový soubor","Create a new folder":"Vytvořit novou složku","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"Vyjmout","Delete":"Odstranit","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["Smazat %{spaceCount} místo?","Smazat %{spaceCount} místa?","Smazat %{spaceCount} míst?","Smazat %{spaceCount} míst?"],"Deleted":"Smazáno","Details":"Detaily","Disable":"Deaktivovat","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Deaktivovat místo \"%{space}\"?","Deaktivovat %{spaceCount} místa?","Deaktivovat %{spaceCount} míst?","Deaktivovat %{spaceCount} míst?"],"Disabled":"Zakázáno","Disabled:":"Deaktivováno:","Don't Save":"Neukládat","Download":"Stáhnout","Download failed":"Stahování selhalo","Edit description":"Změnit popisek","Edit expiration date":"Změnit datum platnosti","Edit quota":"Změnit kvótu","Edit subtitle":"Změnit titulek","Empty trash bin":"Vyprázdnit koš","Enable":"Povolit","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Aktivovat místo \"%{space}\"?","Aktivovat %{spaceCount} místa?","Aktivovat %{spaceCount} míst?","Aktivovat %{spaceCount} míst?"],"Enabled:":"Povoleno:","Failed to change quota":"Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu","Failed to change space quota":["Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu místa","Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu pro %{count} místa","Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu pro %{count} míst","Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu pro %{count} míst"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"Nezdařilo se změnit podtitulek místa","Failed to change user quota":["Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu uživatele","Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu pro %{count} uživatele","Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu pro %{count} uživatelů","Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu pro %{count} uživatelů"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Nezdařilo se zkopírovat \"%{name}\"","Failed to create file":"Nezdařilo se vytvořit soubor","Failed to create folder":"Nezdařilo se vytvořit složku","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Nezdařilo se přesunout \"%{name}\"","Failed to rename space":"Nezdařilo se přejmenovat místo","Failed to set space description":"Nezdařilo se nastavit popisek místa","File autosaved":"Soubor automaticky uložen","File could not be located":"Soubor se nepodařilo najít","File name":"Název souboru","File name cannot be empty":"Jméno souboru nemůže být prázdné","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název souboru nemůže být \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název souboru nemůže být \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název souboru nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Název souboru 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Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Pokud vybrané místo bude deaktivováno, nebude nadále přístupné. Pouze Manažeři místa budou stále mít přístup. Poznámka: Žádné soubory nebudou smazány ze serveru.","Pokud %{count} vybraná místa budou deaktivována, nebudou nadále přístupná. Pouze Manažeři míst budou stále mít přístup. Poznámka: Žádné soubory nebudou smazány ze serveru.","Pokud %{count} vybraných míst bude deaktivováno, nebudou nadále přístupná. Pouze Manažeři míst budou stále mít přístup. Poznámka: Žádné soubory nebudou smazány ze serveru.","Pokud %{count} vybraných míst bude deaktivováno, nebudou nadále přístupná. Pouze Manažeři míst budou stále mít přístup. Poznámka: Žádné soubory nebudou smazány ze serveru."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Pokud bude vybrané místo aktivováno, bude možno k němu opět přistupovat.","Pokud budou %{count} vybraná místa aktivována, bude možno k nim opět přistupovat.","Pokud bude %{count} vybraných míst aktivováno, bude možno k nim opět přistupovat.","Pokud bude %{count} vybraných míst aktivováno, bude možno k nim opět přistupovat."],"Invited people":"Pozvaní lidé","Last activity":"Poslední aktivita","Link":"Odkaz","Loading app":"Načítání aplikace","Log out":"Odhlásit","Manager":"Manažer","Members":"Členové","Modified":"Změněno","Name":"Název","New file":"Nový soubor","New folder":"Nová složka","No changes":"Žádné změny","No restriction":"Žádná omezení","Open link list in share panel":"Otevřít seznam odkazů v panelu sdílení ","Open member list in share panel":"Otevřít seznam členů v panelu sdílení","Open share panel":"Otevřít panel sdílení","Opens in a new window":"Otevřít v novém okně","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Přehled informací o vybraném místě","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Přehled informací o vybraných místech","Password":"Heslo","Personal":"Osobní","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Prosím vložte hodnotu menší nebo rovnou %{ quotaLimit }","Please enter only numbers":"Prosím vkládejte pouze čísla","Quota":"Kvóta","Quota was changed successfully":"Kvóta byla změněna úspěšně","Remaining quota":"Zbývající kvóta","Remaining quota:":"Zbývající kvóta:","Rename":"Přejmenovat","Rename file %{name}":"Přejmenovat soubor %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Přejmenovat složku %{name}","Rename space":"Přejmenovat místo","Restore":"Obnovit","Revert":"Vrátit zpět","Save":"Uložit","Select a space to view details":"Vybrat místo pro prohlížení detailů","Set as space description":"Nastavit jako popisek místa","Share":"Sdílet","Shared with me":"Sdíleno se mnou","Show":"Ukázat","Show context menu":"Ukázat kontextovou nabídku","Size":"Velikost","Sort by %{ name }":"Seřadit podle %{ name }","Space description was set successfully":"Popisek místa byl úspěšně nastaven","Space name":"Název místa","Space name cannot be empty":"Název místa nesmí být prázdný","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Název místa nesmí obsahovat následující znaku: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Název místa nesmí překročit 255 znaků","Space name was changed successfully":"Název místa byl úspěšně změněn","Space quota was changed successfully":["Kvóta místa byla změněna úspěšně","Kvóta %{count} míst byla změněna úspěšně","Kvóta %{count} míst byla změněna úspěšně","Kvóta %{count} míst byla změněna úspěšně"],"Space subtitle":"Podtitulek místa","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Podtitulek místa byl změněn úspěšně","Spaces":"Místa","Status":"Stav","Subtitle":"Podtitulek","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Jméno \"%{name}\" je již obsazeno","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název nemůže být \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název nemůže být \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Název nemůže končit mezerou","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Na \"%{spaceName}\" není dostatečná kvóta pro uložení tohoto souboru","There is not enough quota to save this file":"K uložení tohoto souboru není dostatečná kvóta","This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Tento soubor byl aktualizován mimo toto okno. Obnovte prosím stránku (všechny změny budou ztraceny).","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Toto místo má %{memberShareCount} člena.","Toto místo má %{memberShareCount} členy.","Toto místo má %{memberShareCount} členů.","Toto místo má %{memberShareCount} členů."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"Toto místo má %{memberShareCount} členů a %{linkShareCount} odkazů.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Toto místo má %{memberShareCount} členů a jeden odkaz.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Toto místo má jednoho člena a %{linkShareCount} odkaz.","Toto místo má jednoho člena a %{linkShareCount} odkazy.","Toto místo má jednoho člena a %{linkShareCount} odkazů.","Toto místo má jednoho člena a %{linkShareCount} odkazů."],"Toggle selection":"Přepínací výběr","Total quota":"Celková kvóta","Total quota:":"Celková kvóta:","Unsaved changes":"Neuložené změny","Used quota":"Využitá kvóta","Used quota:":"Využitá kvóta:","User quota was changed successfully":["Kvóta uživatele byla změněna úspěšně","Kvóta %{count} uživatelů byla změněna úspěšně","Kvóta %{count} uživatelů byla změněna úspěšně","Kvóta %{count} uživatelů byla změněna úspěšně"],"You're not authorized to save this file":"K uložení tohoto souboru nemáte oprávnění","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Změny nebyly uloženy. Chcete je uložit?"},"de":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" wurde erfolgreich erstellt.","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" wurde erfolgreich erstellt.","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" wurde in den Papierkorb verschoben.","(Opens in new window)":"(Wird in neuem Fenster geöffnet)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } Element ausgewählt. Aktionen sind oberhalb der Tabelle verfügbar.","%{ amount } Elemente ausgewählt. Aktionen sind oberhalb der Tabelle verfügbar."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } spaces ausgewählt","%{ itemCount } Spaces ausgewählt"],"%{appName} for %{fileName}":"%{appName} für %{fileName}","%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} Dateie wurde erfolgreich kopiert","%{count} Elemente wurden erfolgreich kopiert."],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} Datei wurde erfolgreich verschoben","%{count} Elemente wurden erfolgreich verschoben."],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (ich)","%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":["%{itemCount} Element wurde in den Papierkorb verschoben.","%{itemCount} Elemente wurden in den Papierkorb verschoben."],"%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} Link gewährt Zugriff.","%{linkShareCount} Links gewähren Zugriff."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} existiert bereits.","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} erfolgreich wiederhergestellt","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} Dateien erfolgreich wiederhergestellt","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":["%{spaceCount} Space wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.","%{spaceCount} Spaces wurden erfolgreich gelöscht."],"%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} Space wurden erfolgreich deaktiviert.","%{spaceCount} Spaces wurden erfolgreich deaktiviert."],"%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} Space wurden erfolgreich aktiviert.","%{spaceCount} Spaces wurden erfolgreich aktiviert."],"%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} von %{total} benutzt (%{percentage}% verwendet)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} benutzt (unbegrenzt)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Aktionen","Add to favorites":"Zu Favoriten hinzufügen","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"%{numFiles} Datei(en) hinzugefügt","All Actions":"Alle Interaktionen","All deleted files were removed":"Alle gelöschten Dateien wurden entfernt","All files":"Alle Dateien","An error occurred":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.","Anyone with the link can edit":"Alle mit dem Link können bearbeiten.","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Alle mit dem Link können nur hochladen; bestehende Inhalte werden nicht angezeigt.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Alle mit dem Link können hochladen.","Anyone with the link can view":"Alle mit dem Link können anzeigen.","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Alle mit dem Link können anzeigen und herunterladen.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Alle mit dem Link können anzeigen, herunterladen und bearbeiten.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Alle mit dem Link können anzeigen, herunterladen und hochladen.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Auf alle %{count} Konflikte anwenden","Apply to all %{count} files":"Auf alle %{count} Dateien anwenden","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Auf alle %{count} Ordner anwenden","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Sollen die gewählten Elemente wirklich gelöscht werden? Der gesamte Inhalt wird endgültig gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Soll der ausgewählte Space wirklich gelöscht werden?","Sollen %{count} ausgewählte Spaces wirklich gelöscht werden?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Soll diese Datei wirklich gelöscht werden? Der gesamte Inhalt wird endgültig gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Soll dieser Ordner wirklich gelöscht werden? Der gesamte Inhalt wird endgültig gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Sollen die aufgelisteten Elemente wirklich dauerhaft gelöscht werden? Diese Aktion lässt sich nicht rückgängig machen.","At least %{param1} character long":["mindestens %{param1} Zeichen lang","mindestens %{param1} Zeichen lang"],"At least %{param1} lowercase character":["mindestens %{param1} Kleinbuchstabe","mindestens %{param1} Kleinbuchstaben"],"At least %{param1} number":["mindestens %{param1} Ziffer","mindestens %{param1} Ziffern"],"At least %{param1} of the special characters: %{param2}":"mindestens %{param1} Sonderzeichen: %{param2}","At least %{param1} uppercase character":["mindestens %{param1} Großbuchstabe","mindestens %{param1} Großbuchstaben"],"At most %{param1} character long":["höchstens %{param1} Zeichen lang","höchstens %{param1} Zeichen lang"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Zurück zum %{panel} Panel","Back to main panels":"Zurück zur Hauptansicht","Can edit":"Kann bearbeiten","Can upload":"Kann hochladen","Can view":"Kann anzeigen","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Quota für %{count} Spaces ändern","Change quota for 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erstellen","Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"":["Link für \"%{resourceName}\" erstellen","Links für die ausgewählten Objekte erstellen"],"Create links":"Links erstellen","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Aus \"%{resourceName}\" einen Space erstellen","Space aus Auswahl erstellen"],"Create Space from selection":"Space aus Auswahl erstellen","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Neuen Space mit aus Inhalten von \"%{resourceName}\" erstellen.","Neuen Space aus ausgewählten Dateien erstellen."],"Creating space failed…":"Anlegen des Spaces fehlgeschlagen","Ctrl + C":"Strg + C","Ctrl + V":"Strg + V","Ctrl + X":"Strg + X","Current folder":"Aktueller Ordner","Cut":"Ausschneiden","Cut to clipboard!":"In die Zwischenablage verschobenen","Delete":"Löschen","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["Space \"%{space}\" löschen?","%{spaceCount} Spaces löschen?"],"Deleted":"Gelöscht","Details":"Details","Disable":"Deaktivieren","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Space \"%{space}\" 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fehlgeschlagen"],"Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"Löschen von Space \"%{space}\" fehlgeschlagen","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":["Deaktivieren von %{spaceCount} Space fehlgeschlagen","Deaktivieren von %{spaceCount} Spaces fehlgeschlagen"],"Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"Dektivieren von Space \"%{space}\" fehlgeschlagen","Failed to disable sync for the the selected share":["Deaktivierung der Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigabe fehlgeschlagen","Deaktivierung der Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigaben fehlgeschlagen"],"Failed to download the selected folder.":["Fehler beim Herunterladen der ausgewählten Datei.","Fehler beim Herunterladen der ausgewählten Dateien."],"Failed to duplicate space \"%{space}\"":"Duplizieren von Space \"%{space}\" fehlgeschlagen","Failed to empty trash bin":"Leeren des Papierkorbs fehlgeschlagen","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":["Aktivieren von %{spaceCount} Space fehlgeschlagen","Aktivieren von %{spaceCount} Spaces fehlgeschlagen"],"Failed to enable sync for the the selected share":["Aktivierung der Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigabe fehlgeschlagen.","Aktivierung der Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigaben fehlgeschlagen."],"Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"Aktivieren von Space \"%{space}\" fehlgeschlagen","Failed to hide the share":"Ausblenden der Freigabe fehlgeschlagen","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Fehler beim Verschieben von \"%{name}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Fehler beim Verschieben von %{count} Dateien","Failed to open shortcut":"Verknüpfung konnte nicht geöffnet werden","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Fehler beim Umbenennen von \"%{file}\" in \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Fehler beim Umbenennen von \"%{file}\" in \"%{newName}\" - die Datei ist gesperrt","Failed to rename space":"Fehler beim Umbenennen des Space","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Fehler beim Wiederherstellen von \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Fehler beim Wiederherstellen von %{resourceCount} Dateien","Failed to set space description":"Fehler beim Speichern der Space-Beschreibung","Failed to set space icon":"Das Space Symbol konnte nicht festgelegt werden","Failed to set space image":"Fehler beim Speichern des Space-Bildes","Failed to unhide share share":"Einblenden der Freigabe fehlgeschlagen","Favorite files":"Als Favoriten markierte Dateien","file":"Datei","File already exists":"Die Datei existiert bereits.","File autosaved":"Datei automatisch gespeichert!","File could not be located":"Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden","File name":"Dateiname","File name cannot be empty":"Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Dateiname darf nicht \"..\" sein.","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Dateiname darf nicht \".\" sein.","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Dateiname darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Dateiname darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden.","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Die Datei \"%{name}\" existiert bereits.","Files shared via link":"Per Link geteilte Dateien","Files shared with me":"Mit mir geteilte Dateien","Files shared with others":"Mit anderen geteilte Dateien","Filter list":"Liste filtern","folder":"Ordner","Folder already exists":"Der Ordner existiert bereits.","Folder name":"Ordnername","Folder name cannot be empty":"Der Ordnername darf nicht leer sein.","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Ordnername darf nicht \"..\" sein.","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Ordnername darf nicht \".\" sein.","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Ordnername darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Der Ordner \"%{name}\" existiert bereits.","Group By:":"Gruppieren nach:","Hide":"Ausblenden","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Wenn Sie den ausgewählten Space deaktivieren, kann auf ihn nicht mehr zugegriffen werden. Nur Space-Manager haben noch Zugriff.\nHinweis: Es werden keine Dateien von dem Server gelöscht.","Wenn Sie die %{count} ausgewählten Spaces deaktivieren, kann auf sie nicht mehr zugegriffen werden. Nur Space-Verwalter/-innen haben noch Zugriff.\nHinweis: Es werden keine Dateien von dem Server gelöscht."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Wenn Sie den ausgewählten Space aktivieren, kann auf ihn wieder zugegriffen werden.","Wenn Sie die %{count} ausgewählten Spaces aktivieren, kann auf sie wieder zugegriffen werden."],"Importing failed":"Import fehlgeschlagen","Invited people":"Eingeladene Personen","Item in processing":"Position in Bearbeitung","Item locked":"Position gesperrt","Items per page":"Dateien pro Seite","Keep both":"Beide behalten","Largest":"Größte","Last activity":"Letzte Aktivitäten","Link":"Link","Link has been created successfully":"Link wurde erfolgreich erstellt.","Link to a file":"Link zu einer Datei","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Link funktioniert nur für eingeladene Personen. Anmeldung ist erforderlich.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"%{numFiles} Dateien geladen","Loading app":"Lade Anwendung","Loading...":"Laden ...","Log out":"Abmelden","Manager":"Manager/-in","Members":"Mitglieder","Modified":"Bearbeitet","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"Dateien von einem Space in einen anderen zu verschieben ist nicht möglich. Sollen sie stattdessen kopiert werden?","Must not be empty":"darf nicht leer sein","Name":"Name","New file":"Neue Datei","New folder":"Neuer Ordner","New Folder":"Neuer Ordner","New project":"Neues Projekt","New Shortcut":"Neue Verknüpfung","Newest":"Neueste","No changes":"Keine Änderungen","No items selected.":"Keine Elemente ausgewählt.","No restriction":"Unbegrenzt","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"Hinweis: Links und Freigaben der Originaldatei werden nicht kopiert.","Oldest":"Älteste","Only for invited people":"Nur für eingeladene Personen.","Open folder":"Ordner öffnen","Open in %{app}":"In %{app} öffnen","Open link list in share panel":"Liste der Linkfreigaben in der Seitenleiste öffnen","Open member list in share panel":"Liste der Mitglieder in der Seitenleiste öffnen","Open share panel":"Geteilt-mit Bereich öffnen","Open shortcut":"Verknüpfung öffnen","Opens in a new window":"Öffnet in einem neuen Fenster","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Alle Infos zum ausgewählten Space","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Alle Infos zum ausgewählten Space","Password":"Passwort","Password cannot be set for internal links":"Für interne Links kann kein Passwort vergeben werden.","Password must not be empty":"Passwort darf nicht leer sein.","Paste":"Einfügen","Permanently delete file \"%{name}\"":"Datei \"%{name}\" endgültig löschen","Permanently delete folder \"%{name}\"":"Ordner \"%{name}\" endgültig löschen","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Ausgewählte Ressource endgültig löschen?","%{amount} ausgewählte Dateien endgültig löschen?"],"Personal":"Persönlich","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Bitte mit %{pluginName} authentifizieren, um Dateien auszuwählen.","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Bitte geben Sie einen Wert ein, der gleich oder kleiner als %{ quotaLimit } ist.","Please enter only numbers":"Bitte nur Zahlen eingeben.","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Bitte URL zu einem öffentlichen Link ohne Passwortabfrage angeben","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"Bitte schalten Sie Pop-ups und Umleitungen in Ihren Browser-Einstellungen ein, um sicherzustellen, dass alles korrekt funktioniert.","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"Pop-ups und Umleitungen werden geblockt.","Public file upload":"Öffentlicher Datei-Upload","Public Link URL":"URL des öffentlichem Links","Quota":"Quota","Quota was changed successfully":"Quota wurde erfolgreich geändert.","Remaining quota":"Verbleibende Quota","Remaining quota:":"Verbleibende Quota","Remove expiration date":"Ablaufdatum entfernen","Remove from favorites":"Aus Favoriten entfernen","Rename":"Umbenennen","Rename file %{name}":"Datei %{name} umbenennen","Rename folder %{name}":"Ordner %{name} umbenennen","Rename space":"Space umbenennen","Replace":"Ersetzen","Request new project":"Neues Projekt anfordern","Restore":"Wiederherstellen","Restrictions":"Einschränkungen","Revert":"Zurücknehmen","Save":"Speichern","Search results":"Suchergebnisse","Secret File Drop":"File Drop (geheim)","Select %{smart_count}":"%{smart_count} auswählen","Select a role":"Rolle auswählen","Select a space to view details":"Wählen Sie einen Space aus, um hier Details anzuzeigen.","Select all resources":"Alle auswählen","Select file":"Datei auswählen","Select folder":"Ordner auswählen","Select space":"Space auswählen","Set as space description":"Als Space-Beschreibung festlegen","Set as space image":"Als Space-Bild festlegen","Set expiration date":"Ablaufdatum setzen","Set icon":"Symbol festlegen","Set icon for %{space}":"Symbol für %{space} festlegen","Share":"Teilen","Share link(s)":"Link(s) teilen","Shared by":"Geteilt von","Shared on":"Geteilt am","Shared with":"Geteilt mit","Shared with me":"Mit mir geteilt","Shares":"Freigaben","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Freigaben, Versionen und Schlagworte werden nicht kopiert.","Shortcut name":"Name der Verknüpfung","Shortcut was created successfully":"Verknüpfung wurde erfolgreich angelegt.","Show":"Anzeigen","Show context menu":"Kontextmenü anzeigen","Show deleted files":"Gelöschte Dateien anzeigen","Show file extensions":"Dateiendungen anzeigen","Show hidden files":"Versteckte Dateien anzeigen","Show invited people":"Zeige eingeladene Personen","Show links":"Links anzeigen","Sign in with Google":"Über Google anmelden","Size":"Größe","Skip":"Überspringen","Smallest":"Kleinste","Sort by %{ name }":"Nach %{ name } sortieren","Sort by: ":"Sortieren nach:","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"Space \"%{space}\" wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"Space \"%{space}\" wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert.","Space \"%{space}\" was duplicated successfully":"Space \"%{space}\" wurde erfolgreich dupliziert.","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"Space \"%{space}\" wurde erfolgreich aktiviert.","Space description was set successfully":"Die Space-Beschreibung wurde erfolgreich festgelegt.","Space icon was set successfully":"Das Space Symbol wurde erfolgreich gesetzt","Space image was set successfully":"Das Space-Bild wurde erfolgreich festgelegt.","Space name":"Name des Spaces","Space name cannot be empty":"Der Name des Spaces darf nicht leer sein.","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Space-Namen dürfen folgende Zeichen nicht enthalten: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Der Space-Name darf nicht länger als 255 Zeichen sein.","Space name was changed successfully":"Der Space-Name wurde erfolgreich geändert.","Space quota was changed successfully":["Die Space-Quota wurde erfolgreich geändert.","Quota für %{count} Spaces wurde erfolgreich geändert."],"Space subtitle":"Space-Untertitel","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Der Space-Untertitel wurde erfolgreich geändert.","Space was created successfully":"Der Space wurde erfolgreich angelegt.","Spaces":"Spaces","Status":"Status","Subtitle":"Untertitel","Sync for the selected share was disabled successfully":["Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigabe wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert.","Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigaben wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert."],"Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully":["Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigabe wurde erfolgreich aktiviert.","Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigaben wurde erfolgreich aktiviert."],"Tags":"Schlagworte","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Der Link wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","The marked elements will be copied.":"Die ausgewählten Elemente werden kopiert.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Der Name \"%{name}\" ist bereits vergeben.","The name cannot be empty":"Der Name darf nicht leer sein.","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Name darf nicht \"..\" sein.","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Name darf nicht \".\" sein.","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Name darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Name darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden.","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"Die Auswahl überschreitet die mögliche Archiv-Größe (max. %{maxSize})","The share was hidden successfully":"Freigabe wurde erfolgreich ausgeblendet.","The share was unhidden successfully":"Freigabe wurde erfolgreich eingeblendet.","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Das Kontingent für \"%{spaceName}\" reicht nicht, um die Datei zu speichern.","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Das Kontingent reicht nicht, um die Datei zu speichern.","This %{ resourceType } is shared by %{ user }":"%{ resourceType } wird von %{ user } geteilt.","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Der/die %{ resourceType } ist via %{ linkCount } Freigabe geteilt","%{ resourceType } ist durch %{ linkCount } Freigaben geteilt."],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Die Datei wurde außerhalb des Fensters aktualisiert. Bitte die Seite neu laden (alle Änderungen gehen verloren).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Dieses Element wurde direkt über Links geteilt.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Dieses Element wurde direkt mit anderen Personen geteilt.","This item is in processing":"Diese Position ist in Bearbeitung","This item is locked":"Dieses Element ist geblockt.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Dieses Element wurde durch einen übergeordneten Ordner über Links geteilt.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Dieses Element wurde durch einen übergeordneten Ordner mit anderen Personen geteilt.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Dieser Space hat %{memberShareCount} Mitglied.","Dieser Space hat %{memberShareCount} Mitglieder."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"Dieser Space hat %{memberShareCount} Mitglieder und %{linkShareCount} Links.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Dieser Space hat %{memberShareCount} Mitglieder und einen Link.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Dieser Space hat ein Mitglied und %{linkShareCount} Link.","Dieser Space hat ein Mitglied und %{linkShareCount} Links."],"Tile size":"Kachelgröße","Toggle selection":"Auswahl umschalten","Total quota":"Gesamtquota","Total quota:":"Gesamtquota","Trash overview":"Papierkorb-Überblick","Unhide":"Einblenden","Unsaved changes":"Ungespeicherte Änderungen","Used quota":"Benutzte Quota","Used quota:":"Benutzte Quota","User quota was changed successfully":["Benutzerquota erfolgreich geändert","Quota für %{count} Personen wurde erfolgreich geändert."],"You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["Ordner können nicht in sich selbst eingefügt werden.","Die ausgewählten Dateien können nicht an dieser Stelle eingefügt werden, da ein Element nicht in sich selbst eingefügt werden kann."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"Keine ausreichenden Berechtigungen für das Speichern der Datei ","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Ungesicherte Änderungen vorhanden. Speichern? ","Z-A":"Z-A"},"el":{"%{name} already exists":"Υπάρχει ήδη το %{name}","Actions":"Ενέργειες","All files":"Όλα τα αρχεία","Cancel":"Ακύρωση","Create":"Δημιουργία","Delete":"Διαγραφή","Download":"Λήψη","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Το όνομα αρχείου δεν μπορεί να ισούται με \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Το όνομα αρχείου δεν μπορεί να ισούται με \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Το όνομα αρχείου δεν μπορεί να περιέχει την \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Το όνομα αρχείου δεν μπορεί να τελειώνει με κενό διάστημα","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Το όνομα φακέλου δεν μπορεί να είναι ίσο με \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Το όνομα φακέλου δεν μπορεί να είναι ίσο με \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Το όνομα φακέλου δεν μπορεί να περιέχει την \"/\"","Log out":"Αποσύνδεση","Name":"Όνομα","Password":"Συνθηματικό","Rename":"Μετονομασία","Rename file %{name}":"Μετονομασία αρχείου %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Μετονομασία φακέλου %{name}","Restore":"Επαναφορά","Save":"Αποθήκευση","Shared with":"Διαμοιράστηκε με","Size":"Μέγεθος","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Το όνομα \"%{name}\" υπάρχει ήδη","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Το όνομα δεν μπορεί να ισούται με \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Το όνομα δεν μπορεί να ισούται με \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Το όνομα δεν μπορεί να περιέχει το σύμβολο \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Το όνομα δεν μπορεί να τελειώνει με κενό διάστημα"},"es":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" fue creado correctamente","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" fue creado correctamente","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" fue movido a la papelera","(Opens in new window)":"(Abrir en nueva ventana)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } objeto seleccionado. Las acciones están disponibles sobre la tabla.","%{ amount } objetos seleccionados. Las acciones están disponibles sobre la tabla.","%{ amount } objetos seleccionados. Las acciones están disponibles sobre la tabla."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } espacio seleccionado","%{ itemCount } espacios seleccionados","%{ itemCount } espacios seleccionados"],"%{appName} for %{fileName}":"%{appName} para %{fileName}","%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} elemento copiado con éxito","%{count} elementos copiados con éxito","%{count} elementos copiados con éxito"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} elemento movido con éxito","%{count} elementos movidos con éxito","%{count} elementos movidos con éxito"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (yo)","%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":["%{itemCount} elemento movido a la papelera","%{itemCount} elementos movidos a la papelera","%{itemCount} elementos movidos a la papelera"],"%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} enlace que da acceso.","%{linkShareCount} enlaces que dan acceso.","%{linkShareCount} enlaces que dan acceso."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} ya existe","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{recurso} se ha restaurado correctamente","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} archivos restaurados correctamente","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":["%{spaceCount} espacio eliminado con éxito","%{spaceCount} espacios eliminados con éxito","%{spaceCount} espacios eliminados con éxito"],"%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} espacio fue desactivado con éxito","%{spaceCount} espacios fueron desactivados con éxito","%{spaceCount} espacios fueron desactivados con éxito"],"%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} espacio fue habilitado con éxito","%{spaceCount} espacios fueron habilitados con éxito","%{spaceCount} espacios fueron habilitados con éxito"],"%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} del %{total} utilizado (%{percentage}% used)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} utilizado (sin restricciones)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Acciones","Add to favorites":"Agregar a favoritos","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"Añadido(s) %{numFiles} archivo(s)","All Actions":"Todas las acciones","All deleted files were removed":"Todos los archivos fueron eliminados","All files":"Todos los archivos","An error occurred":"Ocurrió un error","Anyone with the link can edit":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede editar","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede solamente subir contenido; no se revelara el contenido existente.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede subir contenido","Anyone with the link can view":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede ver","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede ver y descargar","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede ver, descargar y editar.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede ver, descargar y subir contenido.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Aplicar a todos los %{count} conflictos","Apply to all %{count} files":"Aplicar a todos los %{count} archivos","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Aplicar a todas las %{count} carpetas ","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar todos los recursos seleccionados? Se eliminará permanentemente todo su contenido. Esta acción no se puede deshacer.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar el espacio seleccionado?","¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar %{count} espacios seleccionados?","¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar %{count} espacios seleccionados?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este archivo? Todo su contenido será eliminado permanentemente. Esta acción no se puede deshacer.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta carpeta? Todo su contenido será eliminado permanentemente. Esta acción no se puede deshacer.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar permanentemente los elementos de la lista? No puedes deshacer esta acción.","At least %{param1} character long":["Al menos %{param1} carácter de longitud","Al menos %{param1} caracteres de longitud","Al menos %{param1} caracteres de longitud"],"At least %{param1} lowercase character":["Al menos %{param1} carácter en minúscula","Al menos %{param1} caracteres en minúsculas","Al menos %{param1} caracteres en minúsculas"],"At least %{param1} number":["Al menos %{param1} número","Al menos %{param1} números","Al menos %{param1} números"],"At least %{param1} of the special characters: %{param2}":"Al menos %{param1} de los caracteres especiales: %{param2}","At least %{param1} uppercase character":["Al menos %{param1} carácter en mayúscula","Al menos %{param1} caracteres en mayúsculas","Al menos %{param1} caracteres en mayúsculas"],"At most %{param1} character long":["Como máximo %{param1} carácter de longitud","Como máximo %{param1} caracteres de longitud","Como máximo %{param1} caracteres de longitud"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Volver al panel %{panel}","Can edit":"Puede editar","Can upload":"Puede cargar","Can view":"Puede ver","Cancel":"Cancelar","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Cambiar la cuota para el espacio %{count}","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Cambiar cuota para el espacio \"%{name}\"","Change subtitle for space":"Cambiar el subtítulo para el espacio","Changes saved":"Cambios guardados","Close":"Cerrar","Close file sidebar":"Cerrar la barra lateral de archivos","Confirm":"Confirmar","Connect to %{pluginName}":"Conectar a %{pluginName}","Connection with Companion failed":"Conexión con el Compañero fallida","Copied to clipboard!":"Copiado al portapapeles","Copy":"Copiar","Copy here":"Copiar aquí","Copy here?":"Copiar aquí?","Copy link":"Enlace copiado","Copy link failed":"Error al copiar el enlace","Copy WebDAV path":"Copiar ruta WebDAV","Copy WebDAV path to clipboard":"Copiar ruta WebDAV al portapapeles","Copy WebDAV URL":"Copiar URL WebDAV","Copy WebDAV URL to clipboard":"Copiar URL WebDAV al portapapeles","Create":"Crear","Create a new file":"Crear un nuevo archivo","Create a new folder":"Crear una nueva carpeta","Create a Shortcut":"Crear un acceso directo","Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"":["Crear enlace para \"%{resourceName}\"","Crear enlaces para los elementos selecionados","Crear enlaces para los elementos selecionados"],"Create links":"Crear enlaces","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Crear espacio a partir de \"%{resourceName}\"","Crear espacio a partir de la selección","Crear espacio a partir de la selección"],"Create Space from selection":"Crear espacio a partir de la selección","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Crear espacio con el contenido de \"%{resourceName}\".","Crear espacio con los archivos seleccionados.","Crear espacio con los archivos seleccionados."],"Creating space failed…":"Error al crear el espacio....","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Current folder":"Carpeta actual","Cut":"Cortar","Cut to clipboard!":"Cortar al portapapeles","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["¿Borrar espacio \"%{space}\"?","¿Borrar %{spaceCount} espacios?","¿Borrar %{spaceCount} espacios?"],"Deleted":"Eliminado","Details":"Detalles","Disable":"Deshabilitar","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["¿Desactivar espacio %{spaceCount}?","¿Desactivar %{spaceCount} espacios?","¿Desactivar %{spaceCount} espacios?"],"Disable sync":"Deshabilitar sincronización","Disabled":"Deshabilitado/a","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"No se pueden introducir espacios para deshabilitados","Disabled:":"Deshabilitado","Display customization options of the files list":"Mostrar las opciones de personalización de la lista de archivos","Don't Save":"No guardar","Download":"Descargar","Download failed":"Descarga fallida","Duplicate":"Duplicar","Edit description":"Editar la descripción","Edit expiration date":"Editar fecha de expiración","Edit quota":"Editar cuota","Edit subtitle":"Editar subtítulo","Empty trash bin":"Vaciar papelera","Enable":"Habilitar","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["¿Habilitar %{spaceCount} espacio?","¿Habilitar %{spaceCount} espacios?","¿Habilitar %{spaceCount} espacios?"],"Enable sync":"Habilitar sincronización","Enabled:":"Habilitado","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Expira %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Error al cambiar el estado favorito de \"%{file}\"","Failed to change quota":"Fallo al cambiar la cuota","Failed to change space quota":["Error al cambiar la cuota para el espacio","Error al cambiar la cuota para %{count} espacios","Error al cambiar la cuota para %{count} espacios"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"Error al cambiar el subtítulo del espacio","Failed to change user quota":["Error al cambiar la cuota de usuario","Error al cambiar la cuota para %{count} usuarios","Error al cambiar la cuota para %{count} usuarios"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Error al copiar \"%{name}\"","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Error al copiar %{count} recursos","Failed to create file":"Error al crear el archivo","Failed to create folder":"Error al crear la carpeta","Failed to create link":["Fallo al crear enlace","Fallo al crear enlaces","Fallo al crear enlace(s)"],"Failed to create shortcut":"Error al crear acceso directo","Failed to delete \"%{item}\"":"Error al eliminar \"%{item}\"","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\"":"Error al eliminar \"%{resource}\"","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\" - the file is locked":"Error al eliminar \"%{resource}\" - el archivo está bloqueado","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":["Error al eliminar %{spaceCount} espacio","Error al eliminar %{spaceCount} espacios","Error al eliminar %{spaceCount} espacios"],"Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"Error al borrar el espacio \"%{space}\"","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":["Error al deshabilitar %{spaceCount} espacio","Error al deshabilitar %{spaceCount} espacios","Error al deshabilitar %{spaceCount} espacios"],"Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"Error al deshabilitar el espacio \"%{space}\"","Failed to disable sync for the the selected share":["No se ha podido deshabilitar la sincronización de la acción seleccionada.","No se ha podido deshabilitar la sincronización de las acciones seleccionadas.","No se ha podido deshabilitar la sincronización de las acciones seleccionadas."],"Failed to download the selected folder.":["No se ha podido descargar la carpeta seleccionada.","No se han podido descargar los archivos seleccionados.","No se han podido descargar los archivos seleccionados."],"Failed to duplicate space \"%{space}\"":"Error al duplicar el espacio \"%{space}\"","Failed to empty trash bin":"Error al vaciar la papelera","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":["Error al habilitar %{spaceCount} espacio","Error al habilitar %{spaceCount} espacios","Error al habilitar %{spaceCount} espacios"],"Failed to enable sync for the the selected share":["No se ha podido habilitar la sincronización de la acción seleccionada.","No se ha podido habilitar la sincronización de las acciones seleccionadas.","No se ha podido habilitar la sincronización de las acciones seleccionadas."],"Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"Error al habilitar el espacio \"%{space}\"","Failed to hide the share":"Error al ocultar la acción","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Error al mover \"%{name}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Error al mover %{count} recursos","Failed to open shortcut":"Error al abrir el acceso directo","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Error al renombrar \"%{file}\" a \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Error al renombrar \"%{file}\" a \"%{newName}\" - el archivo está bloqueado","Failed to rename space":"Error al renombrar el espacio","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Error al restaurar \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Error al restaurar %{resourceCount} archivos","Failed to set space description":"Fallo al establecer la descripción del espacio","Failed to set space icon":"Error al establecer el icono","Failed to set space image":"Fallo al establecer la imagen espacial","Failed to unhide share share":"Fallo al desocultar el recurso compartido","Favorite files":"Archivos favoritos","file":"Archivo","File already exists":"El archivo ya existe","File autosaved":"Archivo auto-guardado","File could not be located":"No se ha podido encontrar el archivo","File name":"Nombre de archivo","File name cannot be empty":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser vacío","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser igual a \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser igual a \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre del archivo no puede contener \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre del archivo no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"El archivo con el nombre \"%{name}\" ya existe.","Files shared via link":"Archivos compartidos mediante enlace","Files shared with me":"Archivos compartidos conmigo","Files shared with others":"Archivos compartidos con otros","Filter list":"Filtrar lista","folder":"Carpeta","Folder already exists":"La carpeta ya existe","Folder name":"Nombre de carpeta","Folder name cannot be empty":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser vacío","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser igual a \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser igual a \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre de la carpeta no puede contener \"/\"","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"La carpeta con el nombre \"%{name}\" ya existe.","Group By:":"Agrupado por:","Hide":"Ocultar","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Si desactiva el espacio seleccionado, ya no se podrá acceder a el. Solo los administradores del espacio seguirán teniendo acceso. Nota: No se eliminará ningún archivo del servidor.","Si desactiva los %{count} espacios seleccionados, ya no se podrá acceder a ellos. Sólo los administradores de espacios seguirán teniendo acceso. Nota: No se eliminará ningún archivo del servidor.","Si desactiva los %{count} espacios seleccionados, ya no se podrá acceder a ellos. Solo los administradores de espacios seguirán teniendo acceso. Nota: No se eliminará ningún archivo del servidor."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Si habilita el espacio seleccionado, podrá volver a acceder a el.","Si habilita los %{count} espacios seleccionados, podrá volver a acceder a ellos.","Si habilita los %{count} espacios seleccionados, podrá volver a acceder a ellos."],"Importing failed":"Error de importación","Invited people":"Personas invitadas","Item in processing":"Procesando elemento","Item locked":"Elemento bloqueado","Items per page":"Elementos por página","Keep both":"Mantener ambos","Largest":"Mayor","Last activity":"Última actividad","Link":"Enlace","Link has been created successfully":"Enlace creado correctamente","Link to a file":"Enlace a un archivo","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"El enlace funciona solamente para personas invitadas. Se necesita iniciar sesión.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"%{numFiles} archivos cargados","Loading app":"Cargando app","Loading...":"Cargando...","Log out":"Salir","Manager":"Gestor","Members":"Miembros","Modified":"Modificado","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"Mover archivos de un espacio a otro no es posible. ¿Desea copiar en su lugar?","Must not be empty":"No debe estar vacío","Name":"Nombre","New file":"Nuevo archivo","New folder":"Nueva carpeta","New Folder":"Nueva carpeta","New project":"Nuevo proyecto","New Shortcut":"Nuevo acceso directo","Newest":"Más reciente","No changes":"Sin cambios","No items selected.":"No hay elementos seleccionados ","No restriction":"Sin restricciones","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"Nota: Los enlaces y recursos compartidos del archivo original no se copian.","Oldest":"Más antiguo","Only for invited people":"Solo para personas invitadas","Open folder":"Abrir carpeta","Open in %{app}":"Abrir en %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Abrir la lista de enlaces en el panel \"Compartir\"","Open member list in share panel":"Abrir la lista de miembros en el panel de acciones","Open share panel":"Abrir el panel de acciones","Open shortcut":"Abrir acceso directo","Opens in a new window":"Se abre en una nueva ventana","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Resumen de la información sobre el espacio seleccionado","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Resumen de la información sobre los espacios seleccionados","Password":"Contraseña","Password cannot be set for internal links":"No se puede establecer una contraseña para enlaces internos","Password must not be empty":"La contraseña no puede estar vacía","Paste":"Pegar","Permanently delete file \"%{name}\"":"Eliminar archivo \"%{name}\" permanentemente","Permanently delete folder \"%{name}\"":"Eliminar carpeta \"%{name}\" permanentemente","Permanently delete selected resource?":["¿Suprimir permanentemente el recurso seleccionado?","¿Borrar permanentemente los %{amount} recursos seleccionados?","¿Borrar permanentemente los %{amount} recursos seleccionados?"],"Personal":"Personal","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Por favor, autentifíquese con %{pluginName} para seleccionar archivos","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Introduzca un valor igual o inferior a %{ quotaLimit }","Please enter only numbers":"Por favor, introduzca solo números","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Por favor, proporcione un URL a un enlace público sin protección por contraseña.","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"Por favor, activa las ventanas emergentes y las redirecciones en la configuración de tu navegador para asegurarte de que todo funciona correctamente.","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"Bloqueo de ventanas emergentes y redirecciones detectado","Public file upload":"Cargar archivo público","Public Link URL":"URL de enlace público","Quota":"Cuota","Quota was changed successfully":"La cuota se ha modificado correctamente","Remaining quota":"Cuota restante","Remaining quota:":"Cuota restante","Remove expiration date":"Eliminar fecha de vencimiento","Remove from favorites":"Eliminar de favoritos","Rename":"Renombrar","Rename file %{name}":"Renombrar archivo %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renombrar carpeta %{name}","Rename space":"Renombrar espacio","Replace":"Reemplazar","Request new project":"Solicitar nuevo proyecto","Restore":"Restaurar","Restrictions":"Restricciones ","Revert":"Revertir","Save":"Guardar","Search results":"Resultados de la búsqueda","Secret File Drop":"Archivo secreto","Select %{smart_count}":"Seleccione %{smart_count}","Select a role":"Seleccione un rol","Select a space to view details":"Seleccione un espacio para ver los detalles","Select all resources":"Seleccionar todos los recursos","Select file":"Seleccionar archivo","Select folder":"Seleccionar carpeta","Select space":"Seleccione el espacio","Set as space description":"Establecer como descripción del espacio","Set as space image":"Establecer como imagen espacial","Set expiration date":"Fijar la fecha de caducidad","Set icon":"Editar icono","Set icon for %{space}":"Establecer icono para %{space}","Share":"Compartir","Share link(s)":"Compartir enlace(s)","Shared by":"Compartido por","Shared on":"Compartido en","Shared with":"Compartido con","Shared with me":"Compartido conmigo","Shares":"Acciones","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Las acciones, versiones y etiquetas no se copiarán.","Shortcut name":"Nombre del acceso directo","Shortcut name as it will appear in the file list.":"Nombre del atajo tal como aparecerá en la lista de archivos","Shortcut was created successfully":"El acceso directo se ha creado correctamente","Show":"Mostrar","Show context menu":"Mostrar menú contextual","Show deleted files":"Mostrar archivos eliminados","Show file extensions":"Mostrar extensiones de archivo","Show hidden files":"Mostrar archivos ocultos","Show invited people":"Mostrar las personas invitadas","Show links":"Mostrar enlaces","Sign in with Google":"Iniciar sesión con Google","Size":"Tamaño","Skip":"Omitir","Smallest":"Más pequeño","Sort by %{ name }":"Ordenar por nombre }","Sort by: ":"Ordenar por:","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"Se ha eliminado correctamente el espacio \"%{space}\".","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"El espacio \"%{space}\" se ha desactivado correctamente","Space \"%{space}\" was duplicated successfully":"\"%{space}\" duplicado correctamente","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"El espacio \"%{space}\" se ha activado correctamente","Space description was set successfully":"La descripción del espacio se ha establecido correctamente","Space icon was set successfully":"El icono del espacio se ha establecido correctamente","Space image was set successfully":"La imagen del esapcio se ha configurado correctamente","Space name":"Nombre del espacio","Space name cannot be empty":"El nombre del espacio no puede estar vacío","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"El nombre del espacio no puede contener los siguientes caracteres: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"El nombre del espacio no puede superar los 255 caracteres","Space name was changed successfully":"El nombre del espacio se ha cambiado correctamente","Space quota was changed successfully":["La cuota del espacio se ha modificado correctamente","La cuota de %{count} espacios se ha modificado correctamente","La cuota de %{count} espacios se ha modificado correctamente"],"Space subtitle":"Subtítulo del espacio","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"El subtítulo del espacio se ha modificado correctamente","Space was created successfully":"El espacio se ha creado correctamente","Spaces":"Espacios","Status":"Estado","Subtitle":"Subtitulo","Sync for the selected share was disabled successfully":["La sincronización del recurso compartido seleccionado se ha desactivado correctamente","La sincronización de los recursos compartidos seleccionados se ha desactivado correctamente","La sincronización de los recursos compartidos seleccionados se ha desactivado correctamente"],"Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully":["La sincronización del recurso compartido seleccionado se ha activado correctamente","La sincronización de los recursos compartidos seleccionados se ha activado correctamente","La sincronización de los recursos compartidos seleccionados se ha activado correctamente"],"Tags":"Etiquetas","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"El enlace se ha copiado en el portapapeles.","The marked elements will be copied.":"Se copiarán los elementos marcados.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"El nombre \"%{name}\" ya está tomado","The name cannot be empty":"El nombre no puede estar vacío","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre no puede ser igual a \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre no puede ser igual a \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre no puede contener \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"La selección supera el tamaño de archivo permitido (max. %{maxSize})","The share was hidden successfully":"La acción se ha ocultado correctamente","The share was unhidden successfully":"La acción se ha desocultado correctamente","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"No hay espacio en %{spaceName} para guardar el archivo","There is not enough quota to save this file":"No hay espacio para guardar el archivo","This %{ resourceType } is shared by %{ user }":"Este/a %{ resourceType } es compartido por %{ user }","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Este %{ resourceType } se ha compartido a través de %{ shareCount } invitación","Este %{ resourceType } se ha compartido a través de %{ shareCount } invitaciones","Este %{ resourceType } se ha compartido a través de %{ shareCount } invitaciones"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"El archivo se actualizó fuera de la ventana. Actualiza la página (todos los cambios se perderán).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Este artículo se comparte directamente a través de enlaces.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Este elemento es directamente compartido con otros","This item is in processing":"Eeste elemento esta en procesamiento","This item is locked":"Este elemento está bloqueado","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Este elemento se comparte mediante enlaces a través de una de las carpetas principales.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Este elemento se comparte con otros a través de una de las carpetas principales.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Este espacio tiene %{memberShareCount} miembro.","Este espacio tiene %{memberShareCount} miembros.","Este espacio tiene %{memberShareCount} miembros."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"Este espacio tiene %{memberShareCount} miembros y %{linkShareCount} enlaces.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Este espacio tiene %{memberShareCount} miembros y un enlace.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Este espacio tiene un miembro y %{linkShareCount} enlace.","Este espacio tiene un miembro y %{linkShareCount} enlaces.","Este espacio tiene un miembro y %{linkShareCount} enlaces."],"Tile size":"Tamaño de baldosa","Toggle selection":"Alternar selección","Total quota":"Cuota total","Total quota:":"Cuota total","Trash overview":"Visión general de la basura","Unhide":"Desocultar","Unsaved changes":"Cambios sin guardar","Used quota":"Cuota utilizada","Used quota:":"Cuota utilizada","User quota was changed successfully":["La cuota del usuario se ha modificado correctamente","La cuota de %{count} usuarios se ha modificado correctamente","La cuota de %{count} usuarios se ha modificado correctamente"],"Webpage or file":"Página web o archivo","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["No puedes pegar el archivo seleccionado en esta ubicación porque no puedes pegar un elemento en sí mismo.","No puedes pegar los archivos seleccionados en esta ubicación porque no puedes pegar un elemento en sí mismo.","No puedes pegar los archivos seleccionados en esta ubicación porque no puedes pegar un elemento en sí mismo."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"Usted no tiene autorización a guardar este archivo.","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Cambios sin guardar. ¿Quieres guaradarlos?","Z-A":"Z-A"},"et":{},"fr":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" a été créé correctement","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" a été créé correctement","(Opens in new window)":"(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } élément sélectionné. Les actions sont disponibles sous le tableau.","%{ amount } éléments sélectionnés. Les actions sont disponibles sous le tableau.","%{ amount } éléments sélectionnés. Les actions sont disponibles sous le tableau."],"%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} fichier a été copié","%{count} fichier ont été copiés","%{count} fichier ont été copiés"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} fichier a été déplacé","%{count} fichiers ont été déplacés","%{count} fichier ont été copiés"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (Moi)","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} lien donnant accès.","%{linkShareCount} liens donnant accès","%{linkShareCount} liens donnant accès"],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} existe déjà","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} a été restauré avec succès","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} fichier restauré","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} utilisé sur %{total} (%{percentage}% utilisée)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} utilisée (Pas de restriction)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","Actions":"Actions","Add to favorites":"Ajouter aux favoris","All Actions":"Toutes les actions","All deleted files were removed":"Tous les fichiers supprimés ont été retirés","All files":"Tous les fichiers","An error occurred":"Une erreur est survenue","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Appliquer aux %{count} conflits","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer toutes les ressources sélectionnées ? Tout leur contenu sera définitivement supprimé. Cette action ne peut pas être annulée. ","Cancel":"Annuler","Change subtitle for space":"Changer les sous-titres de l''espace","Close":"Fermer","Close file sidebar":"Ouvrir le panneau latéral de fichier.","Confirm":"Confirmer","Copied to clipboard!":"Copier dans le presse papier","Copy":"Copier","Copy here":"Copier ici","Create":"Créer","Create a new file":"Créer un nouveau fichier...","Create a new folder":"Créer un nouveau dossier...","Creating space failed…":"Erreur lors de la création de l'espace...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"Couper","Delete":"Supprimer","Deleted":"Supprimé","Details":"Détails","Disable":"Désactiver","Disabled":"Désactivé","Display customization options of the files list":"Afficher les options de customisation de la liste de fichier","Don't Save":"Ne pas enregistrer","Download":"Télécharger","Download failed":"Echec de téléchargement","Edit description":"Modifier la description","Edit expiration date":"Modifier la date d'expiration","Edit quota":"Modifier le quota","Edit subtitle":"Modifier les sous-titres","Empty trash bin":"Vider la corbeille","Enable":"Activer","Failed to create file":"Echec de création du fichier","Failed to create folder":"Echec de création du dossier","Favorite files":"Fichiers favoris","file":"fichier","File could not be located":"Le fichier n'a pas été trouvé","File name":"Nom de fichier","File name cannot be empty":"Nom de fichier ne peut pas être vide","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas être \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas être \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas se terminer avec un espace","Files shared via link":"Fichier partagé avec un lien","Files shared with me":"Fichiers partagés avec moi","Files shared with others":"Fichiers partagés avec d'autres personnes","folder":"dossier","Folder name":"Nom de dossier","Folder name cannot be empty":"Nom de dossier ne peut pas être vide","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas être \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas être \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","Hide":"Masquer","Invited people":"Invités","Items per page":"Éléments par page","Keep both":"Garder les deux","Last activity":"Dernière activité","Link":"Lien","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Lien disponible seulement pour les invités. Identification requise.","Loading app":"Chargement de l'app","Log out":"Se déconnecter","Manager":"Gestionnaire","Members":"Membres","Modified":"Modifié","Name":"Nom","New file":"Nouveau fichier","New folder":"Nouveau dossier","No changes":"Aucune modification","No items selected.":"Aucun élément séléctionné","No restriction":"Aucune restriction","Only for invited people":"Réservé aux personnes invitées","Open folder":"Ouvrir le dossie","Open in %{app}":"Ouvrir avec %{app}","Opens in a new window":"Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre","Password":"Mot de passe","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Supprimer définitivement la ressource sélectionnée ?"," Supprimer définitivement les %{amount} ressources sélectionnées?"," Supprimer définitivement les %{amount} ressources sélectionnées?"],"Personal":"Personnel","Please enter only numbers":"Merci de ne saisir que des chiffres","Public file upload":"Fichier public téléchargé","Quota":"Quota","Remaining quota":"Quota restant","Remove expiration date":"Supprimer date d'expiration","Remove from favorites":"Retirer des favoris","Rename":"Renommer","Rename file %{name}":"Renommer fichier %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renommer dossier %{name}","Restore":"Restaurer","Revert":"Rétablir","Save":"Enregistrer","Secret File Drop":"Dépôt de fichier secret","Select all resources":"Sélectionner toutes les ressources","Select file":"Sélectionnez un fichier","Select folder":"Sélectionnez un dossier","Set expiration date":"Définir la date d'expiration","Share":"Partager","Shared by":"Partagé par","Shared with":"Partagé avec","Shared with me":"Partagé avec moi","Shares":"Partages","Show file extensions":"Afficher les extensions du fichier","Show hidden files":"Afficher les fichiers masqués","Show invited people":"Voir les personnes invitées","Show links":"Afficher les liens","Size":"Taille","Skip":"Passer","Sort by %{ name }":"trier par %{ name }","Spaces":"Espaces","Status":"État","Subtitle":"Sous-titre","Tags":"Étiquettes","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Le nom \"%{name}\" existe déjà","The name cannot be empty":"Le nom ne peut pas être vide","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom ne peut pas être \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom ne peut pas être \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom ne peut pas finir avec un espace","This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Ce fichier a été modifié en dehors de cette fenêtre. Veuillez rafraîchir la page (tous les changements seront perdus).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Cet élément est diretement partagé par lien.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Cet élément est directement partagé avec d'autres.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Cet élément est partagé par lien au travers de l'un des dossiers parents","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Cet élément est partagé avec d'autres par lien au travers de l'un des dossiers parents","Total quota":"Quota total","Unsaved changes":"Modifications non enregistrées","Used quota":"Quota utilisateur","You're not authorized to save this file":"Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à enregistrer ce fichier","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Les modifications n'ont pas été enregistrées, souhaitez-vous les enregistrer ?"},"gl":{"%{name} already exists":"%{name} xa existe","Actions":"Accións","All deleted files were removed":"Retiráronse todos os ficheiros eliminados","All files":"Todos os ficheiros","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":" \nConfirma que quere eliminar todos os recursos seleccionados? Todo o seu contido eliminarase definitivamente. Esta acción non se pode desfacer.","Cancel":"Cancelar","Confirm":"Confirmar","Copy":"Copiar","Create":"Crear","Create a new file":"Crear un novo ficheiro","Create a new folder":"Crear un novo cartafol","Delete":"Eliminar","Download":"Descargar","Download failed":"Produciuse un fallo na descarga","Empty trash bin":"Cesto do lixo baleiro","File could not be located":"Non foi posíbel localizar o ficheiro","File name":"Nome de ficheiro","File name cannot be empty":"O nome do ficheiro non pode estar baleiro","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode ser igual a «..»","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode ser igual a «.»","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode conter unha «/»","File name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome do ficheiro non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","Folder name":"Nome do cartafol","Folder name cannot be empty":"O nome do cartafol non pode estar baleiro","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode ser igual a «..»","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode ser igual a «.»","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode conter unha «/»","Log out":"Saír","Name":"Nome","New file":"Novo ficheiro","New folder":"Novo cartafol","Open folder":"Abrir cartafol","Password":"Contrasinal","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Eliminar de xeito permanente o recurso seleccionado?","Eliminar de xeito permanente os %{amount} recursos seleccionados?"],"Remove expiration date":"Retirar a data de caducidade","Rename":"Renomear","Rename file %{name}":"Renomear o ficheiro %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renomear o cartafol %{name}","Restore":"Restaurar","Save":"Gardar","Share":"Compartir","Shared with":"Compartido con","Shared with me":"Compartido comigo","Size":"Tamaño","Status":"Estado","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"O nome «%{name}» xa está ocupado","The name cannot be empty":"O nome non pode estar baleiro","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome non pode ser igual a «..»","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome non pode ser igual a «.»","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome non pode conter unha «/»","The name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome non pode rematar cun espazo en branco"},"he":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"„%{fileName}” נוצר בהצלחה","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"„%{folderName}” נוצרה בהצלחה","(Opens in new window)":"(נפתח בחלון חדש)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["פריט אחד נבחר. הפעולות זמינות מעל הטבלה.","%{ amount } פריטים נבחרו. הפעולות זמינות מעל הטבלה.","%{ amount } פריטים נבחרו. הפעולות זמינות מעל הטבלה.","%{ amount } פריטים נבחרו. הפעולות זמינות מעל הטבלה."],"%{count} item was copied successfully":["פריט הועתק בהצלחה","%{count} פריטים הועתקו בהצלחה","%{count} פריטים הועתקו בהצלחה"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["פריט הועבר בהצלחה","%{count} פריטים הועברו בהצלחה","%{count} פריטים הועברו בהצלחה","%{count} פריטים הועברו בהצלחה"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (אני)","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["קישור אחד מעניק גישה.","%{linkShareCount} קישורים מעניקים גישה.","%{linkShareCount} קישורים מעניקים גישה.","%{linkShareCount} קישורים מעניקים גישה."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} כבר קיים","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} שוחזר בהצלחה","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} קבצים שוחזרו בהצלחה","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} מתוך %{total} מנוצלים (%{percentage}% מנוצלים)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} מנוצלים (אין הגבלה)","Actions":"פעולות","Add to favorites":"הוספה למועדפים","All Actions":"כל הפעולות","All deleted files were removed":"כל הקבצים למחיקה הוסרו","All files":"כל הקבצים","An error occurred":"אירעה שגיאה","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"למחוק את כל המשאבים שנבחרו? כל התוכן שלהם יוסר לצמיתות. לא ניתן לבטל פעולה זו. ","Cancel":"ביטול","Change subtitle for space":"החלפת כתובית למרחב","Changes saved":"שינויים נשמרו","Close":"סגירה","Close file sidebar":"סגירת סרגל הצד של הקבצים","Confirm":"אישור","Copied to clipboard!":"הועתק ללוח הגזירים!","Copy":"העתקה","Copy here":"העתקה לכאן","Create":"יצירה","Create a new file":"יצירת קובץ חדש","Create a new folder":"יצירת תיקייה חדשה","Creating space failed…":"יצירת מרחב נכשלה…","Cut":"גזירה","Cut to clipboard!":"גזירה ללוח הגזירים","Delete":"מחיקה","Deleted":"נמחק","Details":"פרטים","Disable":"השבתה","Disabled":"מושבת","Disabled:":"מושבתים:","Display customization options of the files list":"הצגת אפשרות כוונון לרשימת הקבצים","Don't Save":"לא לשמור","Download":"הורדה","Download failed":"הורדה נכשלה","Edit description":"עריכת תיאור","Edit expiration date":"עריכת תאריך תפוגת תוקף","Edit quota":"עריכת מיכסה","Edit subtitle":"עריכת כתובית","Empty trash bin":"פינוי פח אשפה","Enable":"הפעלה","Enabled:":"פעילים:","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"החלפת מצב ההעדפה של „%{file}” נכשל","Failed to change quota":"שינוי המכסה נכשל","Failed to change space subtitle":"שינוי כתובית המרחב נכשל","Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"ההעתקה של „%{name}” נכשלה","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"העתקת %{count} משאבים נכשלה","Failed to create file":"יצירת קובץ נכשלה","Failed to create folder":"יצירת תיקייה נכשלה","Failed to download the selected folder.":["הורדת הקובץ הנבחר נכשלה.","הורדת הקבצים הנבחרים נכשלה.","הורדת הקבצים הנבחרים נכשלה."],"Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"העברת „%{name}” נכשלה","Failed to move %{count} resources":"העברת %{count} משאבים נכשלה","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"שינוי השם של „%{file}” לשם „%{newName}” נכשל","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"שינוי השם „%{file}” לשם „%{newName}” נכשל - הקובץ נעול","Failed to rename space":"שינוי שם המרחב נכשל","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"השחזור של „%{resource}” נכשל","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"שחזור %{resourceCount} נכשל","Failed to set space description":"הגדרת תיאור המרחב נכשל","Failed to set space image":"הגדרת תמונת המרחב נכשלה","Favorite files":"קבצים מועדפים","file":"קובץ","File autosaved":"הקובץ נשמר אוטומטית","File could not be located":"לא ניתן היה למצוא קובץ","File name":"שם קובץ","File name cannot be empty":"השם לא יכול להיות ריק","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"שם הקובץ לא יכול להיות „..”","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"שם הקובץ לא יכול להיות „.”","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"שם הקובץ לא יכול להכיל „/”","File name cannot end with whitespace":"שם קובץ לא יכול להסתיים ברווח","Files shared via link":"קבצים שותפו דרך קישור","Files shared with me":"קבצים שותפו אתי","Files shared with others":"קבצים שותפו עם אחרים","folder":"תיקייה","Folder name":"שם תיקייה","Folder name cannot be empty":"שם תיקייה לא יכול להיות ריק","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"שם התיקייה לא יכול להיות „..”","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"שם התיקייה לא יכול להיות „.”","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"שם תיקייה לא יכול להכיל „/”","Items per page":"פריטים לעמוד","Keep both":"להשאיר את שניהם","Last activity":"פעילות אחרונה","Link":"קישור","Loading app":"יישום נטען","Log out":"יציאה","Manager":"הנהלה","Members":"חברים","Modified":"שינוי","Name":"שם","New file":"קובץ חדש","New folder":"תיקייה חדשה","No changes":"אין שינויים","No items selected.":"לא נבחרו פריטים.","No restriction":"אין מגבלה","Open folder":"פתיחת תיקייה","Open in %{app}":"פתיחה ב־%{app}","Overview of the information about the selected space":"סקירת פרטים על המרחב הנבחר","Password":"סיסמה:","Permanently delete selected resource?":["מחיקה לצמיתות של משאב נבחר?","מחיקה לצמיתות של %{amount} משאבים נבחרים?","מחיקה לצמיתות של %{amount} משאבים נבחרים?"],"Personal":"אישי","Please enter only numbers":"נא למלא מספרים בלבד","Public file upload":"העלאת קובץ ציבורי","Quota":"מיכסה","Remaining quota":"מכסה פנויה","Remove expiration date":"הסרת תאריך תפוגה","Remove from favorites":"הסרה מהמועדפים","Rename":"שינוי שם","Rename file %{name}":"שינוי שם קובץ %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"שינוי שם תיקייה %{name}","Rename space":"שינוי שם מרחב","Replace":"החלפה","Restore":"שחזור","Revert":"שחזור","Save":"שמירה","Search results":"תוצאות חיפוש","Select all resources":"בחירת כל המשאבים","Select file":"בחירת קובץ","Select folder":"בחירת תיקייה","Set as space description":"הגדרה כתיאור המרחב","Set as space image":"הגדרה כתמונת המרחב","Set expiration date":"הגדרת תאריך תפוגה","Share":"שיתוף","Shared by":"שותף על ידי","Shared on":"שותף על גבי","Shared with":"שיתוף עם","Shared with me":"שיתוף איתי","Shares":"שיתופים","Show":"הצגה","Show context menu":"הצגת תפריט הקשר","Show file extensions":"הצגת סיומות הקבצים","Show hidden files":"הצגת קבצים נסתרים","Show invited people":"הצגת אנשים שהוזמנו","Show links":"הצגת קישורים","Size":"גודל","Skip":"דילוג","Space description was set successfully":"תיאור המרחב הוגדר בהצלחה","Space image was set successfully":"תמונת המרחב הוגדרה בהצלחה","Space name":"שם המרחב","Space name cannot be empty":"שם המרחב לא יכול להישאר ריק","Space name was changed successfully":"שם המרחב נערך בהצלחה","Space subtitle":"כתובית מרחב","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"כתובית המרחב נערכה בהצלחה","Spaces":"מרחבים","Status":"מצב","Subtitle":"כתובית","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"השם \"%{name}\" כבר קיים","The name cannot be empty":"השם לא יכול להיות ריק","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"השם אינו יכול להיות זהה ל- \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"השם אינו יכול להיות זהה ל- \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"השם אינו יכול להכיל \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"השם לא יכול להכיל „/”","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"אין מספיק מכסה על גבי „%{spaceName}” כדי לשמור את הקובץ הזה","There is not enough quota to save this file":"אין מספיק מכסה כדי לשמור את הקובץ הזה","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["%{ resourceType } זה משותף דרך הזמנה אחת","%{ resourceType } זה משותף דרך %{ linkCount } הזמנות","%{ resourceType } זה משותף דרך %{ linkCount } הזמנות","%{ resourceType } זה משותף דרך %{ linkCount } הזמנות"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"קובץ זה עודכן מחוץ לחלון. נא לעדכן את העמוד (כל השינויים יאבדו).","This item is directly shared via links.":"הפריט הזה משותף ישירות דרך קישורים.","This item is directly shared with others.":"הפריט הזה משותף ישירות עם אחרים.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"פריט זה משותף באמצעות קישורים דרך אחת מתיקיות ההורה שלו.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"פריט זה משותף עם אחרים דרך אחת מתיקיות ההורה.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["במרחב זה יש חבר אחד","במרחב זה יש %{memberShareCount} חברים","במרחב זה יש %{memberShareCount} חברים"],"Total quota":"מכסה כוללת","Unsaved changes":"שינויים שלא נשמרו","Used quota":"מכסה מנוצלת","You're not authorized to save this file":"אין לך הרשאה לשמור את הקובץ הזה","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"השינויים שלך לא נשמרו. לשמור אותם?"},"hr":{},"id":{"Cancel":"Batal","Create":"Buat","Delete":"Hapus","Link":"Tautan","Manager":"Manajer","Opens in a new window":"Buka di jendela baru","Sort by %{ name }":"Urutkan berdasarkan %{ name }"},"ja":{},"it":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" è stato creato con successo","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"La cartella \"%{folderName}\" è stata creata con successo","(Opens in new window)":"(Apre in una nuova finestra)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } oggetto selezionato. È possibile selezionare le azioni disponibili sopra la tabella.","%{ amount } oggetti selezionati. È possibile selezionare le azioni disponibili sopra la tabella.","%{ amount } oggetti selezionati. È possibile selezionare le azioni disponibili sopra la tabella."],"%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} elemento copiato con successo","%{count} elementi copiati con successo","%{count} elementi copiati con successo"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} elemento spostato con successo","%{count} elementi spostati con successo","%{count} elementi spostati con successo"],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} esiste già","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} ripristinata con successo","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} file ripristinati con successo","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Azioni","Add to favorites":"Aggiungi ai preferiti","All Actions":"Tutte le Azioni","All deleted files were removed":"Tutti i file eliminati sono stati rimossi","All files":"Tutti i file","An error occurred":"Si è verificato un errore","Anyone with the link can edit":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può modificare","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può solamente caricare, il contenuto esistente non sarà visibile.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può caricare","Anyone with the link can view":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può visualizzare","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può visualizzare e scaricare.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può visualizzare, scaricare e modificare.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può visualizzare, scaricare e caricare.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Applica a tutti e %{count} i conflitti","Apply to all %{count} files":"Applica a tutti e %{count} i file","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Applica a tutti e %{count} le cartelle","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Si è sicuri di voler eliminare tutte le risorse selezionate? Tutto il loro contenuto verrà eliminato definitivamente. Questa azione non è reversibile.","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Si è sicuri di voler eliminare questo file? Tutto il contenuto verrà eliminato definitivamente. Questa azione non è reversibile.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Si è sicuri di voler eliminare questa cartella? Tutto il contenuto verrà eliminato definitivamente. Questa azione non è reversibile.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Si è sicuri di voler eliminare definitivamente gli elementi della lista? Questa azione non è reversibile.","Can edit":"Può modificare","Can upload":"Può caricare","Can view":"Può visualizzare","Cancel":"Cancella","Close":"Chiudi","Confirm":"Conferma","Copied to clipboard!":"Copiato negli appunti!","Copy":"Copia","Copy here":"Copia qui","Copy here?":"Copiare qui?","Copy link":"Copia collegamento","Create":"Creare","Create a new file":"Creare un nuovo file","Create a new folder":"Creare nuova cartella","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Creare Spazio da \"%{resourceName}\"","Creare Spazio dalla selezione","Creare Spazio dalla selezione"],"Create Space from selection":"Creare Spazio dalla selezione","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Creare spazio con il contenuto \"%{resourceName}\".","Creare spazio con i file selezionati.","Creare spazio con i file selezionati."],"Creating space failed…":"Creazione spazio non riuscita...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"Taglia","Cut to clipboard!":"Taglia negli appunti!","Delete":"Elimina","Deleted":"Eliminato","Details":"Dettagli","Disabled":"Disabilitato","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"Gli spazi disabilitati non possono essere immessi","Download":"Scarica","Download failed":"Download fallito","Edit expiration date":"Modifica data di scadenza","Edit quota":"Modifica quota","Empty trash bin":"Svuota cestino","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Scade tra %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Cambiamento di stato preferito del file \"%{file}\" non riuscito","Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Non è stato possibile copiare \"%{name}\"","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Non è stato possibile copiare %{count} risorse","Failed to create file":"Non è stato possibile creare il file","Failed to create folder":"Non è stato possibile creare la cartella","Failed to empty trash bin":"Non è stato possibile svuotare il cestino","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Non è stato possibile spostare \"%{name}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Non è stato possibile spostare %{count} risorse","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Non è stato possibile rinominare \"%{file}\" come \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Non è stato possibile rinominare \"%{file}\" come \"%{newName}\" - il file è bloccato","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Non è stato possibile ripristinare \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Non è stato possibile ripristinare %{resourceCount} file","Failed to set space image":"Non è stato possibile impostare l'immagine dello spazio","Favorite files":"File preferiti","file":"file","File already exists":"Il file esiste già","File could not be located":"Il file non è stato trovato","File name":"Nome file","Files shared via link":"File condivisi tramite collegamento","Files shared with me":"File condivisi con me","Files shared with others":"File condivisi con altri","folder":"cartella","Link":"Collegamento","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Collegamento funzionante solo per persone invitate. È necessario accedere.","Loading app":"Caricamento app","Log out":"Esci","Manager":"Manager","Members":"Membri","Modified":"Modificato","Name":"Nome","No restriction":"Nessuna restrizione","Only for invited people":"Solo per persone invitate","Opens in a new window":"Apri in una nuova finestra","Password":"Password","Personal":"Personale","Quota":"Quota","Remaining quota":"Quota rimanente","Secret File Drop":"Condivisione segreta \"File Drop\"","Share":"Condividi","Show context menu":"Visualizza menu contestuale","Sort by %{ name }":"Ordina per %{ name }","Spaces":"Spazi","Status":"Stato","Total quota":"Quota totale","Used quota":"Quota usata"},"nl":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" is met succes aangemaakt","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" is met succes aangemaakt","(Opens in new window)":"(Opent in nieuw venster)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } onderdelen geselecteerd. Beschikbare acties zichtbaar boven de tabel.","%{ amount } onderdelen geselecteerd. Beschikbare acties zichtbaar boven de tabel."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } ruimte geselecteerd","%{ itemCount } ruimtes geselecteerd"],"%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} item is met succes gekopieerd","%{count} items zijn met succes gekopieerd"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} item is verplaatst","%{count} items zijn verplaatst"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (ik)","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} link geeft toegang.","%{linkShareCount} links die toegang geven."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} bestaat al","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} is met succes hersteld","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} bestanden met succes hersteld","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} van %{total} gebruikt (%{percentage}% gebruikt)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} gebruikt (geen beperking)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","Actions":"Acties","Add to favorites":"Toevoegen aan favorieten","All Actions":"Alle acties","All deleted files were removed":"Alle gewiste bestanden zijn verwijderd","All files":"Alle bestanden","An error occurred":"Er is een fout opgetreden","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Toepassen op alle %{count} conflicten","Apply to all %{count} files":"Toepassen op alle %{count} bestanden","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Toepassen op alle %{count} mappen","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Weet u zeker dat u alle geselecteerde bronnen wilt verwijderen? Al hun inhoud wordt permanent verwijderd. Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde ruimte wilt verwijderen?","Weet u zeker dat u %{count} geselecteerde ruimtes wilt verwijderen?"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Terug naar het deelvenster %{panel}","Cancel":"Annuleer","Change subtitle for space":"Ondertiteling voor ruimte wijzigen","Changes saved":"Wijzigingen opgeslagen","Close":"Sluit","Close file sidebar":"Sluit de zijbalk van het bestand","Confirm":"confirmeren","Copied to clipboard!":"Gekopieerd naar klembord!","Copy":"Kopiëren","Copy here":"Hier kopiëren","Copy here?":"Hier kopiëren?","Create":"Creëren","Create a new file":"Maak een nieuw bestand","Create a new folder":"Maak een nieuwe map","Creating space failed…":"Ruimte maken mislukte...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"Knippen","Cut to clipboard!":"Knip naar klembord!","Delete":"Verwijder","Deleted":"Verwijderd","Details":"Details","Disable":"Uitschakelen","Disabled":"Uitgeschakeld","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"Uitgeschakelde ruimtes kan men niet binnengaan","Disabled:":"Uitgeschakeld:","Display customization options of the files list":"Weergaveopties van de bestandenlijst weergeven","Don't Save":"Niet opslaan","Download":"Downloaden","Download failed":"Download mislukt","Edit description":"Beschrijving bewerken","Edit expiration date":"Vervaldatum bewerken","Edit quota":"Quotum bewerken","Edit subtitle":"Ondertitel bewerken","Empty trash bin":"Prullenbak leegmaken","Enable":"Inschakelen","Enabled:":"Ingeschakeld:","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Kan favoriete status van \"%{file}\" niet wijzigen","Failed to change space subtitle":"Kan de ondertitel van de ruimte niet wijzigen","Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Kan \"%{name}\" niet kopiëren","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Kan %{count} bronnen niet kopiëren","Failed to create file":"Kan bestand niet maken","Failed to create folder":"Kan map niet maken","Failed to download the selected folder.":["Kan geselecteerd bestand niet downloaden.","Kan de geselecteerde bestanden niet downloaden."],"Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Kan \"%{name}\" niet verplaatsen","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Kan %{count} bronnen niet verplaatsen","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Kan de naam van \"%{file}\" niet wijzigen in \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Kan de naam van \"%{file}\" niet wijzigen in \"%{newName}\" - het bestand is vergrendeld","Failed to rename space":"Kan de naam van de ruimte niet wijzigen","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Kan \"%{resource}\" niet herstellen","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Kan %{resourceCount} bestanden niet herstellen","Failed to set space description":"Kan de beschrijving van de spatie niet instellen","Failed to set space image":"Kan image van ruimte niet instellen","Favorite files":"Favoriete bestanden","file":"Bestand","File already exists":"Bestand bestaat al","File could not be located":"Bestand kon niet gevonden worden","File name":"Bestandsnaam","File name cannot be empty":"Bestandsnaam mag niet leeg zijn","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Bestandsnaam mag niet gelijk zijn aan \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Bestandsnaam kan niet gelijk zijn aan ''.","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Bestandsnaam mag geen \"/\" bevatten","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Bestandsnaam kan niet eindigen met een spatie","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Bestand met naam \"%{name}\" bestaat al.","Files shared via link":"Bestanden gedeeld via link","Files shared with me":"Bestanden die met mij zijn gedeeld","Files shared with others":"Bestanden gedeeld met anderen","folder":"Map","Folder already exists":"Map bestaat al","Folder name":"Mapnaam","Folder name cannot be empty":"Mapnaam mag niet leeg zijn","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Mapnaam mag niet gelijk zijn aan \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Mapnaam mag niet gelijk zijn aan \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Mapnaam mag geen \"/\" bevatten","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Map met de naam \"%{name}\" bestaat al.","Hide":"Verbergen","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Als u de geselecteerde ruimte uitschakelt, is deze niet meer toegankelijk. Alleen Ruimte beheerders hebben nog toegang. Opmerking: Er worden geen bestanden van de server verwijderd.","Als u de %{count} geselecteerde ruimtes uitschakelt, zijn deze niet meer toegankelijk. Alleen Ruimte beheerders hebben nog toegang. Opmerking: Er worden geen bestanden van de server verwijderd."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Als u de geselecteerde ruimte inschakelt, kunt u deze opnieuw openen.","Als u de %{count} geselecteerde ruimtes inschakelt, zijn deze opnieuw toegankelijk."],"Items per page":"Items per pagina","Keep both":"Bewaar beide","Last activity":"Laatste activiteit","Link":"Link","Loading app":"App aan het laden","Log out":"Afmelden","Manager":"Beheerder","Members":"Leden","Modified":"Gemodificeerd","Name":"Naam","New file":"Nieuw bestand","New folder":"Nieuwe map","New Folder":"Nieuwe map","No changes":"Geen wijzigingen","No items selected.":"Geen items geselecteerd.","No restriction":"Geen beperking","Open folder":"Open map","Open in %{app}":"Openen in %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Linklijst openen in deelvenster Delen","Open member list in share panel":"Ledenlijst openen in deelvenster Delen","Open share panel":"Deelvenster Delen openen","Opens in a new window":"Opent in een nieuw venster","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Overzicht van de informatie over de geselecteerde ruimte","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Overzicht van de informatie over de geselecteerde ruimtes","Password":"Wachtwoord","Paste":"Plakken","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Geselecteerde bron permanent verwijderen?","%{amount} Geselecteerde bronnen permanent verwijderen?"],"Personal":"Persoonlijk","Please enter only numbers":"Voer alleen nummers in","Public file upload":"Openbaar bestand uploaden","Quota":"Quotum","Remaining quota":"Resterend quotum","Remaining quota:":"Resterend quotum:","Remove expiration date":"Vervaldatum verwijderen","Remove from favorites":"Verwijderen uit favorieten","Rename":"Hernoemen","Rename file %{name}":"Naam van bestand %{name} wijzigen","Rename folder %{name}":"Map %{name} hernoemen","Rename space":"De ruimte hernoemen","Replace":"Vervangen","Restore":"Herstellen","Revert":"Terugdraaien","Save":"Opslaan","Search results":"Zoekresultaten","Select a space to view details":"Selecteer een ruimte om details weer te geven","Select all resources":"Selecteer alle bronnen","Select file":"Selecteer bestand","Select folder":"Selecteer map","Select space":"Ruimte selecteren ","Set as space description":"Beschrijving van de ruimte instellen","Set as space image":"Stel in als image van ruimte","Set expiration date":"Vervaldatum instellen","Share":"Delen","Shared by":"Gedeeld door","Shared on":"Gedeeld op","Shared with":"Gedeeld met","Shared with me":"Met mij gedeeld","Shares":"Gedeelde items","Show":"Toon","Show context menu":"Contextmenu weergeven","Show file extensions":"Toon bestandextensies","Show hidden files":"Toon verborgen bestanden","Show invited people":"Uitgenodigden weergeven","Show links":"Links weergeven","Size":"Grootte","Skip":"Overslaan","Sort by %{ name }":"Sorteren op %{ name }","Space description was set successfully":"Beschrijving van de ruimte is met succes ingesteld","Space image was set successfully":"Image van ruimte met succes ingesteld","Space name":"Ruimtenaam","Space name cannot be empty":"Naam van ruimte kan niet leeg blijven","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Naam van de ruimte kan niet meer dan 255 lettertekens bevatten","Space name was changed successfully":"De naam van de spatie is met succes gewijzigd","Space subtitle":"Ondertitel ruimte","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"De ruimteondertitel is met succes gewijzigd","Spaces":"Ruimtes","Status":"Status","Subtitle":"Ondertitel","Tags":"Tags","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"De naam \"%{name}\" is al in gebruik","The name cannot be empty":"De naam mag niet leeg zijn","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"De naam kan niet gelijk zijn aan \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"De naam kan niet gelijk zijn aan ''.\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"De naam mag geen \"/\" bevatten","The name cannot end with whitespace":"De naam mag niet eindigen met een spatie","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Er is niet genoeg quotum op \"%{spaceName}\" om dit bestand op te slaan","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Er is niet genoeg quotum om dit bestand op te slaan","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Deze %{ resourceType } wordt gedeeld via %{ shareCount } uitnodiging","Deze %{ resourceType } wordt gedeeld via %{ shareCount } uitnodigingen"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Dit bestand is buiten dit venster bijgewerkt. Vernieuw de pagina (alle wijzigingen gaan verloren).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Dit item wordt direct gedeeld via links.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Dit item wordt rechtstreeks met anderen gedeeld.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Dit item wordt gedeeld via links door een van de bovenliggende mappen.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Dit item wordt met anderen gedeeld via een van de bovenliggende mappen.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Deze ruimte heeft %{memberShareCount} lid.","Deze ruimte heeft %{memberShareCount} leden."],"This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Deze ruimte heeft één lid en %{linkShareCount} link.","Deze ruimte heeft één lid en %{linkShareCount} links."],"Tile size":"Tegel grootte","Toggle selection":"Selectie in-/uitschakelen","Total quota":"Totaal quotum","Total quota:":"Totale quotum:","Unsaved changes":"Niet opgeslagen wijzigingen","Used quota":"Gebruikt quotum","Used quota:":"Gebruikt quotum:","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["U kunt het geselecteerde bestand niet op deze locatie plakken omdat u een item niet op zichzelf kunt plakken.","U kunt de geselecteerde bestanden niet op deze locatie plakken omdat u een item niet op zichzelf kunt plakken."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"U bent niet gemachtigd om dit bestand op te slaan","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Uw wijzigingen zijn niet opgeslagen. Wil je ze opslaan?"},"pl":{"\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" został pomyślnie utworzony","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} link nadający dostęp.","%{linkShareCount} linki nadające dostęp.","%{linkShareCount} linków nadających dostęp.","%{linkShareCount} linków nadających dostęp."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} już istnieje","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} został przywrócony pomyślnie ","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Akcje","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"Dodano %{numFiles} plik(i)","All Actions":"Wszystkie akcje","All deleted files were removed":"Wszystkie usunięte pliki zostały usunięte","All files":"Wszystkie pliki","An error occurred":"Wystąpił błąd","Anyone with the link can edit":"Każdy, kto ma link, może edytować","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Każdy kto ma link może jedynie przesłać, obecna zawartość nie zostanie pokazana.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Każdy kto ma link może przesłać.","Anyone with the link can view":"Każdy z linkiem może wyświetlić","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Każdy, kto ma link, może wyświetlić i pobrać.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Każdy, kto ma link, może wyświetlić, pobierać i edytować.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Każdy kto ma link może zobaczyć, pobrać i przesłać.","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Zastosuj do wszystkich %{count} folderów","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie wybrane zasoby? Cała ich zawartość zostanie bezpowrotnie usunięta. Tej czynności nie da się cofnąć.","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten plik? Cała jego zawartość zostanie bezpowrotnie usunięta. Tej czynności nie da się cofnąć.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten folder? Cała jego zawartość zostanie bezpowrotnie usunięta. Tej czynności nie da się cofnąć.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Czy na pewno chcesz bezpowrotnie usunąć wymienione elementy? Tej czynności nie da się cofnąć.","Can edit":"Może edytować","Can upload":"Może przesłać","Can view":"Może zobaczyć","Cancel":"Anuluj","Changes saved":"Zmiany zapisane","Close":"Zamknij","Confirm":"Potwierdź","Connect to %{pluginName}":"Połącz z %{pluginName}","Copy":"Kopiuj","Create":"Utwórz","Create a new file":"Utwórz nowy plik","Create a new folder":"Utwórz nowy folder","Delete":"Usuń","Details":"Szczegóły","Disabled":"Wyłączone","Don't Save":"Nie zapisuj","Download":"Pobierz","Download failed":"Pobieranie nieudane","Edit description":"Edytuj opis","Edit expiration date":"Zmień datę ważności","Edit quota":"Zmień limit","Empty trash bin":"Opróżnij kosz","Failed to create folder":"Nie udało się utworzyć folderu","Failed to download the selected folder.":["Nie udało się pobrać wybranego folderu.","Nie udało się pobrać wybranych plików.","Nie udało się pobrać wybranych plików.","Nie udało się pobrać wybranych plików."],"File autosaved":"Plik zapisany automatycznie","File could not be located":"Nie znaleziono pliku","File name":"Nazwa pliku","File name cannot be empty":"Nazwa pliku nie może być pusta","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"\"..\" nie może być nazwą pliku","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"\".\" nie może być nazwą pliku","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Nazwa pliku nie może zawierać \"/\" ","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Nazwa pliku nie może kończyć się niedrukowalnym znakiem","Files shared via link":"Pliki udostępnione poprzez link","Files shared with me":"Pliki udostępnione dla mnie","Files shared with others":"Pliki udostępnione dla innych","Filter list":"Lista filtrów","folder":"folder","Folder already exists":"Folder już istnieje","Folder name":"Nazwa folderu","Folder name cannot be empty":"Nazwa folderu nie może być pusta","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"\"..\" nie może być nazwą folderu","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"\".\" nie może być nazwą folderu","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Nazwa folderu nie może zawierać \"/\"","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Folder o nazwie \"%{name}\" już istnieje.","Invited people":"Zaproszone osoby","Link":"Link","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Link działa tylko dla zaproszonych osób. Wymagane jest zalogowanie się.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"Załadowano %{numFiles} plików","Loading app":"Ładowanie aplikacji","Loading...":"Ładowanie...","Log out":"Wyloguj","Manager":"Zarządca","Members":"Członkowie","Name":"Nazwa","New file":"Nowy plik","New folder":"Nowy folder","New Folder":"Nowy folder","No changes":"Brak zmian","Only for invited people":"Tylko dla zaproszonych osób","Open folder":"Otwórz folder","Open in %{app}":"Otwórz w %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Otwórz listę linków w panelu udostępniania","Open member list in share panel":"Otwórz listę uczestników w panelu udostępniania","Open share panel":"Otwórz panel udostępniania","Opens in a new window":"Otwieranie w nowym oknie","Password":"Hasło","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Czy bezpowrotnie usunąć wybrany zasób?","Czy bezpowrotnie usunąć %{amount} wybrane zasoby?","Czy bezpowrotnie usunąć %{amount} wybranych zasobów?","Czy bezpowrotnie usunąć %{amount} wybranych zasobów?"],"Personal":"Prywatne","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Uwierzytelnij się za pomocą %{PluginName}, aby wybrać pliki","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Podaj wartość równą lub mniejszą niż %{ quotaLimit }","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Podaj adres URL linku publicznego bez ochrony hasłem.","Public file upload":"Przesyłanie pliku publicznego","Public Link URL":"URL linku publicznego","Quota":"Limit","Remaining quota":"Pozostałe dostępne miejsce","Remaining quota:":"Pozostałe dostępne miejsce:","Remove expiration date":"Usuń datę ważności","Rename":"Zmień nazwę","Rename file %{name}":"Zmień nazwę pliku %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Zmień nazwę folderu %{name}","Restore":"Przywróć","Save":"Zapisz","Select %{smart_count}":"Wybierz %{smart_count}","Select folder":"Wybierz folder","Set expiration date":"Ustaw datę ważności","Share":"Udostępnij","Shared by":"Udostępnione przez","Shared with":"Udostępnione dla","Shared with me":"Udostępnione dla mnie","Shares":"Udostępnione","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Udostępnienia, wersje ani tagi nie zostaną skopiowane.","Show":"Pokaż","Show invited people":"Pokaż zaproszone osoby","Show links":"Pokaż linki","Sign in with Google":"Zaloguj się z Google","Sort by %{ name }":"Sortuj wg %{ name }","Status":"Status","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Nazwa \"%{name}\" jest już zajęta","The name cannot be empty":"Nazwa nie może być pusta","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"\"..\" nie może być użyte jako nazwa","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"\".\" nie może być użyte jako nazwa","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Nazwa nie może zawieać \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Nazwa nie może kończyć się niedrukowalnym znakiem","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Nie ma wystarczającej ilości miejsca na %{spaceName}, aby zapisać ten plik","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Nie ma wystarczającej ilości miejsca, aby zapisać ten plik","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Ten %{ resourceType } jest udostępniany poprzez %{ linkCount } zaproszenie","Ten %{ resourceType } jest udostępniany poprzez %{ linkCount } zaproszenia","Ten %{ resourceType } jest udostępniany poprzez %{ linkCount } zaproszeń","Ten %{ resourceType } jest udostępniany poprzez %{ linkCount } zaproszeń"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Ten plik został zaktualizowany poza tym oknem. Odśwież stronę (wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Ten element jest bezpośrednio udostępniony poprzez linki.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Ten element jest bezpośrednio udostępniony dla innych.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Ten element jest udostępniony poprzez link do jednego z folderów nadrzędnych.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Ten element jest udostępniony dla innych poprzez jeden z folderów nadrzędnych.","Total quota":"Całkowite dostępne miejsce","Total quota:":"Całkowite dostępne miejsce:","Unsaved changes":"Niezapisane zmiany","Used quota":"Użyte miejsce","Used quota:":"Użyte miejsce:","You're not authorized to save this file":"Nie masz uprawnień do zapisu tego pliku","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Twoje zmiany nie są zapisane. Czy chcesz je zapisać?"},"pt":{},"ka":{},"ro":{"Actions":"Acțiuni","Cancel":"Anulează","Confirm":"Confirmă","Create":"Crează","Delete":"Șterge","Details":"Detalii","Disabled":"Dezactivat","Edit quota":"Editează spațiul","Manager":"Manager","Members":"Membrii","Modified":"Modificat","Name":"Nume","No restriction":"Nicio restricție","Password":"Parola","Quota":"Spațiu","Remaining quota":"Spațiu rămas","Show context menu":"Arată meniul contextual","Spaces":"Spații","Status":"Status","Total quota":"Spațiu total","Used quota":"Spațiu folosit"},"ko":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" 파일 생성됨","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" 폴더 생성됨","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" 휴지통으로 이동됨","(Opens in new window)":"(새 윈도우에서 열기)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":"%{ amount }개 항목을 선택했습니다. 작업은 표 위에서 사용할 수 있습니다.","%{ itemCount } space selected":"스페이스 %{ itemCount }개 선택됨","%{count} item was copied successfully":"%{count}개 항목이 복사되었습니다.","%{count} item was moved successfully":"항목 %{count}개 이동됨","%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (나)","%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":"항목 %{itemCount}개 휴지통으로 이동됨","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":"%{linkShareCount} 링크에 액세스할 수 있습니다.","%{name} already exists":"%{name}이(가) 이미 있습니다.","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} 복원됨","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"파일 %{resourceCount}개 복원됨","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개 제거됨","%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개 꺼짐","%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개 켜짐","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{total} 중 %{used} 사용(%{percentage}% 사용)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} 사용됨(제한 없음)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"이름순","Actions":"작업","Add to favorites":"즐겨찾기에 추가하기","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"파일 %{numFiles}개 추가됨","All Actions":"모든 작업","All deleted files were removed":"모든 삭제된 파일이 제거되었습니다","All files":"모든 파일","An error occurred":"오류가 발생했습니다","Anyone with the link can edit":"링크가 있는 모든 사람이 편집 가능","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"링크가 있는 사람은 업로드할 수 있지만 기존 콘텐츠는 표시되지 않음","Anyone with the link can upload":"링크가 있는 모든 사람이 업로드 가능","Anyone with the link can view":"링크가 있는 모든 사람이 열람 가능","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"링크가 있는 모든 사람이 열람 및 다운로드 가능","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"링크가 있는 모든 사람이 열람, 다운로드 및 편집 가능","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"링크가 있는 모든 사람이 열람, 다운로드 및 업로드 가능","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"모든 %{count}개 충돌에 적용","Apply to all %{count} files":"모든 %{count}개 파일에 적용","Apply to all %{count} folders":"모든 %{count}개 폴더에 적용","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"선택한 리소스를 모두 삭제하시겠습니까? 모든 콘텐츠가 영구적으로 제거됩니다. 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":"선택한 스페이스 %{count}개를 삭제하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"이 파일을 삭제하시겠습니까? 모든 콘텐츠가 영구적으로 삭제됩니다. 이 작업은 취소할 수 없습니다.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"이 폴더를 삭제하시겠습니까? 모든 콘텐츠가 영구적으로 삭제됩니다. 이 작업은 취소할 수 없습니다.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"나열된 항목을 영구적으로 삭제하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 취소할 수 없습니다.","At least %{param1} character long":"최소 %{param1}글자 이상","At least %{param1} lowercase character":"소문자 최소 %{param1}글자 이상","At least %{param1} number":"숫자 최소 %{param1}글자 이상","At least %{param1} of the special characters: %{param2}":"%{param2} 특수 문자 최소 %{param1}글자 이상","At least %{param1} uppercase character":"대문자 최소 %{param1} 이상","At most %{param1} character long":"최대 %{param1}글자","Back to %{panel} panel":"%{panel} 패널로 돌아가기","Can edit":"편집 가능","Can upload":"업로드 가능","Can view":"열람 가능","Cancel":"취소","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"스페이스 %{count}개 할당량 변경","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"\"%{name}\" 스페이스 할당량 변경","Change subtitle for space":"스페이스 부 제목 변경","Changes saved":"변경사항 저장됨","Close":"닫기","Close file sidebar":"파일 사이드바 닫기","Confirm":"확인","Connect to %{pluginName}":"%{pluginName}에 연결","Connection with Companion failed":"컴패니언과의 연결 실패","Copied to clipboard!":"클립보드에 복사됨!","Copy":"복사","Copy here":"여기에 복사","Copy here?":"여기에 복사?","Copy link":"링크 복사","Copy link failed":"링크 복사 실패","Copy WebDAV path":"WebDAV 경로 복사","Copy WebDAV path to clipboard":"클립보드에 WebDAV 경로 복사","Copy WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL 복사","Copy WebDAV URL to clipboard":"클립보드에 WebDAV URL 복사","Create":"만들기","Create a new file":"새 파일 만들기","Create a new folder":"새 폴더 만들기","Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"":"선택한 아이템으로 링크 생성","Create links":"링크 생성","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":"선택한 항목으로 스페이스 생성","Create Space from selection":"선택한 항목으로 스페이스 생성","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":"선택한 아이템으로 스페이스를 생성합니다.","Creating space failed…":"스페이스 생성 실패...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Current folder":"현재 폴더","Cut":"잘라내기","Cut to clipboard!":"클립보드로 잘라내기!","Delete":"삭제","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개를 삭제하시겠습니까?","Deleted":"삭제됨","Details":"자세히","Disable":"사용 안함","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개를 끄시겠습니까?","Disable sync":"동기화 끄기","Disabled":"꺼짐","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"꺼진 스페이스에는 입장할 수 없습니다","Disabled:":"꺼짐:","Display customization options of the files list":"파일 목록의 사용자 지정 옵션 표시","Don't Save":"저장 안 함","Download":"다운로드","Download failed":"다운로드 실패","Duplicate":"복제","Edit description":"설명 편집","Edit expiration date":"만료 날짜 수정","Edit quota":"할당량 편집","Edit subtitle":"부제 편집","Empty trash bin":"휴지통 비우기","Enable":"활성화","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개를 켜시겠습니까?","Enable sync":"동기화 켜기","Enabled:":"켜짐:","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"%{timeToExpiry}에 만료 (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"즐겨찾기 상태인 \"%{file}\"을(를) 변경하지 못했습니다","Failed to change quota":"할당량을 변경하지 못했습니다","Failed to change space quota":"스페이스 %{count}개의 할당량을 변경하지 못했습니다","Failed to change space subtitle":"스페이스 부 제목을 변경하지 못했습니다","Failed to change user quota":"사용자 %{count}명의 할당량을 변경하지 못했습니다","Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"%{name}을(를) 복사하지 못했습니다.","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"%{count}개의 리소스를 복사하지 못했습니다","Failed to create file":"파일을 만들지 못했습니다","Failed to create folder":"폴더를 만들지 못했습니다","Failed to create link":"링크 생성 실패","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개 삭제 실패","Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 삭제 실패","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개 끄기 실패","Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 끄기 실패","Failed to disable sync for the the selected share":"선택한 공유의 동기화 끄기 실패","Failed to download the selected folder.":"선택된 파일을 다운로드하지 못했습니다.","Failed to duplicate space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 복제 실패","Failed to empty trash bin":"휴지통 비우기 실패","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"%{name}을(를) 이동하지 못했습니다","Failed to move %{count} resources":"%{count}개의 리소스를 이동시키지 못했습니다","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"\"%{file}\"의 이름을 \"%{newName}\"(으)로 바꾸지 못했습니다","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"\"%{file}\"의 이름을 \"%{newName}\"(으)로 바꾸지 못했습니다 - 파일이 잠겨 있습니다","Failed to rename space":"스페이스 이름을 바꾸지 못했습니다","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"\"%{resource}\"을(를) 복원하지 못했습니다","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"%{resourceCount}개의 파일을 복원하지 못했습니다","Failed to set space description":"스페이스 설명을 설정하지 못했습니다","Failed to set space image":"스페이스 이미지를 설정하지 못했습니다","Favorite files":"즐겨찾기 파일","file":"파일","File already exists":"파일이 이미 있습니다","File autosaved":"파일 자동 저장됨","File could not be located":"파일을 찾을 수 없습니다","File name":"파일 이름","File name cannot be empty":"파일 이름은 비워 둘 수 없습니다","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"파일 이름은 \"..\"와 같을 수 없습니다.","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"파일 이름은 \".\"와 같을 수 없습니다.","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"파일 이름에 \"/\"를 포함할 수 없습니다","File name cannot end with whitespace":"파일 이름은 공백으로 끝날 수 없습니다.","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"이름이 %{name}인 파일이 이미 있습니다.","Files shared via link":"링크를 통해 공유된 파일","Files shared with me":"나와 공유한 파일","Files shared with others":"다른 사용자와 공유된 파일","Filter list":"필터 목록","folder":"폴더","Folder already exists":"폴더가 이미 있습니다","Folder name":"폴더 이름","Folder name cannot be empty":"폴더 이름은 비워 둘 수 없습니다","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"폴더 이름은 \"..\"와 같을 수 없습니다.","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"폴더 이름은 \".\"와 같을 수 없습니다.","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"폴더 이름에 \"/\"를 포함할 수 없습니다","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"이름이 %{name}인 폴더가 이미 있습니다.","Group By:":"그룹 만든 이:","Hide":"숨기기","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":"선택한 스페이스 %{count}개를 끄면 더는 접근할 수 없으며, 오직 스페이스 관리자만 접근할 수 있습니다. 참고: 파일은 서버에서 삭제되지 않습니다.","If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":"선택한 스페이스 %{count}개를 켜면 다시 접근할 수 있습니다.","Importing failed":"가져오기 실패","Invited people":"초대한 사람","Items per page":"한 페이지당 아이템","Keep both":"둘 유지","Largest":"크기순","Last activity":"마지막 활동","Link":"링크","Link to a file":"파일에 링크 걸기","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"초대한 사람만 링크를 이용할 수 있으며 로그인이 필요합니다.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"파일 %{numFiles}개 불러옴","Loading app":"앱 불러오는 중","Loading...":"불러오는 중...","Log out":"로그아웃","Manager":"운영자","Members":"구성원","Modified":"수정된","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"다른 스페이스로 파일을 이동할 수 없습니다. 대신 복사하시겠습니까?","Must not be empty":"비워둘 수 없음","Name":"이름","New file":"새 파일","New folder":"새 폴더","New Folder":"새 폴더","New project":"새 프로젝트","Newest":"새로운 항목 순","No changes":"변경 사항 없음","No items selected.":"아무 항목도 선택되지 않았습니다.","No restriction":"제한 없음","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"참고: 원본 파일의 링크와 공유는 복사되지 않습니다.","Oldest":"오래된 항목 순","Only for invited people":"초대한 사람만","Open folder":"폴더 열기","Open in %{app}":"%{app}에서 열기","Open link list in share panel":"공유 패널에서 링크 목록 열기","Open member list in share panel":"공유 패널에서 구성원 목록 열기","Open share panel":"공유 패널 열기","Opens in a new window":"새 창에서 열림","Overview of the information about the selected space":"선택한 스페이스에 대한 정보 개요","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"선택한 스페이스에 대한 정보 개요","Password":"암호","Password cannot be set for internal links":"암호는 내부 링크로 설정할 수 없음","Password must not be empty":"암호는 비워둘 수 없음","Paste":"붙여넣기","Permanently delete selected resource?":"선택한 리소스 %{amount}개를 영구적으로 삭제하시겠습니까?","Personal":"개인","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"파일을 선택하려면 %{pluginName} 플러그인으로 인증","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"%{ quotaLimit } 이하의 값을 입력하십시오","Please enter only numbers":"숫자만 입력하십시오","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"암호 보호 기능이 없는 공개 링크의 URL을 입력하세요.","Public file upload":"공용 파일 업로드","Public Link URL":"공개 링크 URL","Quota":"할당량","Quota was changed successfully":"할당량 변경됨","Remaining quota":"남은 할당량","Remaining quota:":"남은 할당량:","Remove expiration date":"만료 날짜 삭제","Remove from favorites":"즐겨찾기에서 제거","Rename":"이름 바꾸기","Rename file %{name}":"%{name} 파일 이름 바꾸기","Rename folder %{name}":"%{name} 폴더 이름 바꾸기","Rename space":"스페이스 이름 바꾸기","Replace":"교체","Request new project":"새 프로젝트 요청","Restore":"복원","Restrictions":"제한 사항","Revert":"리비전","Save":"저장","Search results":"검색 결과","Secret File Drop":"비밀 파일 드롭","Select %{smart_count}":"%{smart_count}개 선택","Select a role":"역할 선택","Select a space to view details":"세부 정보를 볼 스페이스 선택","Select all resources":"모든 리소스 선택","Select file":"파일 선택","Select folder":"폴더 선택","Select space":"스페이스 선택","Set as space description":"스페이스 설명으로 설정","Set as space image":"스페이스 이미지로 설정","Set expiration date":"만료 날짜 설정","Share":"공유","Shared by":"에 의해 공유 ","Shared on":"공유 위치","Shared with":"공유 대상","Shared with me":"나와 공유됨","Shares":"공유","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"공유, 버전 및 태그는 복사되지 않습니다.","Show":"보이기","Show context menu":"상황에 맞는 메뉴 표시","Show deleted files":"삭제된 파일 표시","Show file extensions":"파일 확장명 표시","Show hidden files":"숨겨진 파일 표시","Show invited people":"초대된 사용자 보기","Show links":"링크 표시","Sign in with Google":"Google로 로그인","Size":"크기","Skip":"건너뛰기","Smallest":"크기 역순","Sort by %{ name }":"%{name}별로 정렬","Sort by: ":"정렬:","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 삭제됨","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 꺼짐","Space \"%{space}\" was duplicated successfully":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 복제됨","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 켜짐","Space description was set successfully":"스페이스 설명 설정됨","Space image was set successfully":"스페이스 이미지 설정됨","Space name":"스페이스 이름","Space name cannot be empty":"스페이스 이름은 비워 둘 수 없습니다","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"스페이스 이름에는 다음 문자를 사용할 수 없습니다: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"스페이스 이름은 255자를 초과할 수 없습니다","Space name was changed successfully":"스페이스 이름 변경됨","Space quota was changed successfully":"스페이스 %{count}개의 할당량 변경됨","Space subtitle":"스페이스 부 제목","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"스페이스 부 제목 변경됨","Space was created successfully":"스페이스 생성됨","Spaces":"스페이스","Status":"상태","Subtitle":"부제","Sync for the selected share was disabled successfully":"선택한 공유 동기화 꺼짐","Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully":"선택한 공유 동기화 켜짐","Tags":"태그","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"링크가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다.","The marked elements will be copied.":"표시된 요소가 복사됩니다.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"이름 \"%{name}\"이(가) 이미 존재합니다","The name cannot be empty":"이름은 비워 둘 수 없습니다","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"이름은 \"..\"와 같을 수 없습니다.","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"이름은 \".\"와 같을 수 없습니다.","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"이름에 \"/\"를 포함할 수 없습니다","The name cannot end with whitespace":"이름은 공백으로 끝날 수 없습니다.","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"선택된 항목이 허용된 아카이브 크기를 초과함 (최대 %{maxSize})","The share was hidden successfully":"공유 숨김","The share was unhidden successfully":"공유 숨김 해제함","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"\"%{spaceName}\" 할당량이 부족하여 이 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다.","There is not enough quota to save this file":"할당량이 부족하여 이 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":"이 %{resourceType}은(는) %{shareCount} 초대를 통해 공유됩니다","This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"이 파일은 이 창 밖에서 업데이트되었습니다. 페이지를 새로 고치십시오(모든 변경 내용이 손실됨).","This item is directly shared via links.":"이 항목은 링크를 통해 직접 공유됩니다.","This item is directly shared with others.":"이 항목은 다른 사용자와 직접 공유됩니다.","This item is locked":"이 항목이 잠김","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"이 항목은 상위 폴더 중 하나를 통해 링크를 통해 공유됩니다.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"이 항목은 상위 폴더 중 하나를 통해 다른 사용자와 공유됩니다.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":"이 스페이스에는 구성원 %{memberShareCount}명이 있습니다.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"이 스페이스에는 구성원 %{memberShareCount}명과 링크 %{linkShareCount}개가 있습니다.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"이 스페이스에는 구성원 %{memberShareCount}명과 링크 1개가 있습니다.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":"이 공간에는 구성원 1명과 링크 %{linkShareCount}개가 있습니다.","Tile size":"타일 크기","Toggle selection":"선택 항목 토글","Total quota":"총 할당량","Total quota:":"총 할당량:","Trash overview":"휴지통 개요","Unhide":"숨김 해제","Unsaved changes":"저장되지 않은 변경 사항","Used quota":"이용 중인 할당량","Used quota:":"이용 중인 할당량:","User quota was changed successfully":"사용자 %{count}명의 할당량 변경됨","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":"항목을 이 위치에 붙여넣을 수 없으므로 선택한 파일을 이 위치에 붙여넣을 수 없습니다.","You're not authorized to save this file":"이 파일을 저장할 권한이 없습니다","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"변경 내용이 저장되지 않았습니다. 저장하시겠습니까?","Z-A":"이름 역순"},"ru":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"Файл \"%{fileName}\" успешно создан","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"Папка \"%{folderName}\" успешно создана","\"%{item}\" was deleted successfully":"\"%{item}\" успешно удален","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" перемещен в корзину","(Opens in new window)":"(Открывается в новом окне)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } элемент выбран. Действия доступны над таблицей.","%{ amount } элементов выбрано. Действия доступны над таблицей.","%{ amount } элементов выбрано. Действия доступны над таблицей.","%{ amount } элементов выбрано. Действия доступны над таблицей."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } пространство выбрано","%{ itemCount } пространств выбрано","%{ itemCount } пространств выбрано","%{ itemCount } пространств выбрано"],"%{appName} for %{fileName}":"%{appName} для %{fileName}","%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} элемент успешно скопирован","%{count} элементов успешно скопированы","%{count} элементов успешно скопированы","%{count} элементов успешно скопированы"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} элемент успешно перемещен","%{count} элементов успешно перемещены","%{count} элементов успешно перемещены","%{count} элементов успешно перемещены"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (я)","%{itemCount} item was deleted successfully":["%{itemCount} элемент успешно удален","%{itemCount} элементов успешно удалено","%{itemCount} элементов успешно удалено","%{itemCount} элементов успешно удалено"],"%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":["%{itemCount} элемент перемещен в корзину","%{itemCount} элементов перемещены в корзину","%{itemCount} элементов перемещены в корзину","%{itemCount} элементов перемещены в корзину"],"%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} ссылка, предоставляющая доступ.","%{linkShareCount} ссылок, предоставляющих доступ.","%{linkShareCount} ссылок, предоставляющих доступ.","%{linkShareCount} ссылок, предоставляющих доступ."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} уже существует","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} успешно восстановлен","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} файлов успешно восстановлены","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":["%{spaceCount} пространство было успешно удалено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно удалено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно удалено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно удалено"],"%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} пространство было успешно отключено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно отключено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно отключено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно отключено"],"%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} пространство было успешно включено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно включено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно включено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно включено"],"%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"Использовано %{used} из %{total} (%{percentage}% использовано)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} использовано (не ограничено)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"А-Я","Actions":"Действия","Add to favorites":"Добавить в избранное","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"Добавлено %{numFiles} файл(ов)","All Actions":"Все действия","All deleted files were removed":"Все удаленные файлы были удалены","All files":"Все файлы","An error occurred":"Произошла ошибка","Anyone with the link can edit":"Любой с этой ссылкой может редактировать","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Любой с этой ссылкой может только загружать, существующее содержимое не отображается.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Любой с этой ссылкой может загружать","Anyone with the link can view":"Любой с этой ссылкой может просматривать","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Любой с этой ссылкой может просматривать и скачивать.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Любой с этой ссылкой может просматривать, скачивать и редактировать.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Любой с этой ссылкой может просматривать, скачивать и загружать.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Применить ко всем %{count} конфликтам","Apply to all %{count} files":"Применить ко всем %{count} файлам","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Применить ко всем %{count} папкам","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить все выбранные ресурсы? Всё их содержимое будет окончательно удалено. Это действие невозможно отменить.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Вы уверены, что хотите удалить выбранное пространство?","Вы уверены, что хотите удалить %{count} выбранных пространств?","Вы уверены, что хотите удалить %{count} выбранных пространств?","Вы уверены, что хотите удалить %{count} выбранных пространств?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот файл? Всё его содержимое будет окончательно удалено. Это действие невозможно отменить.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту папку? Всё её содержимое будет окончательно удалено. Это действие невозможно отменить.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Вы уверены, что хотите окончательно удалить перечисленные элементы? Это действие невозможно отменить.","At least %{param1} character long":["Длиной минимум %{param1} символ","Длиной минимум %{param1} символов","Длиной минимум %{param1} символов","Длиной минимум %{param1} символов"],"At least %{param1} lowercase character":["Минимум %{param1} символ нижнего регистра","Минимум %{param1} символов нижнего регистра","Минимум %{param1} символов нижнего регистра","Минимум %{param1} символов нижнего регистра"],"At least %{param1} number":["Минимум %{param1} цифра","Минимум %{param1} цифр","Минимум %{param1} цифр","Минимум %{param1} цифр"],"At least %{param1} of the special characters: %{param2}":"Минимум %{param1} специальных символов: %{param2}","At least %{param1} uppercase character":["Минимум %{param1} символ верхнего регистра","Минимум %{param1} символов верхнего регистра","Минимум %{param1} символов верхнего регистра","Минимум %{param1} символов верхнего регистра"],"At most %{param1} character long":["Длиной максимум %{param1} символ","Длиной максимум %{param1} символов","Длиной максимум %{param1} символов","Длиной максимум %{param1} символов"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Назад к панели %{panel}","Can edit":"Может редактировать","Can upload":"Может загружать","Can view":"Может просматривать","Cancel":"Отмена","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Изменить квоту для %{count} пространств","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Изменить квоту для пространства \"%{name}\"","Change subtitle for space":"Изменить подзаголовок для пространства","Changes saved":"Изменения сохранены","Close":"Закрыть","Close file sidebar":"Закрыть файловую боковую панель","Confirm":"Подтвердить","Connect to %{pluginName}":"Соединиться с %{pluginName}","Connection with Companion failed":"Не удалось подключиться к Компаньону","Copied to clipboard!":"Скопировано в буфер обмена!","Copy":"Копировать","Copy here":"Копировать сюда","Copy here?":"Копировать сюда?","Copy link":"Копировать ссылку","Copy link failed":"Копировать ссылку не удалось","Copy WebDAV path":"Копировать путь WebDAV","Copy WebDAV path to clipboard":"Копировать путь WebDAV в буфер обмена","Copy WebDAV URL":"Копировать URL WebDAV","Copy WebDAV URL to clipboard":"Копировать URL WebDAV в буфер обмена","Create":"Создать","Create a new file":"Создать новый файл","Create a new folder":"Создать новую папку","Create a Shortcut":"Создать ярлык","Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"":["Создать ссылку для \"%{resourceName}\"","Создать ссылки для выбранных элементов","Создать ссылки для выбранных элементов","Создать ссылки для выбранных элементов"],"Create links":"Создать ссылки","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Создать пространство из \"%{resourceName}\"","Создать пространство из выбранного","Создать пространство из выбранного","Создать пространство из выбранного"],"Create Space from selection":"Создать пространство из выбранного","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Создать пространство с \"%{resourceName}\".","Создать пространство с выбранными файлами.","Создать пространство с выбранными файлами.","Создать пространство с выбранными файлами."],"Creating space failed…":"Не удалось создать пространство…","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Current folder":"Текущая папка","Cut":"Вырезать","Cut to clipboard!":"Вырезать в буфер обмена!","Delete":"Удалить","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["Удалить пространство \"%{space}\"?","Удалить %{spaceCount} пространств?","Удалить %{spaceCount} пространств?","Удалить %{spaceCount} пространств?"],"Deleted":"Удалено","Details":"Сведения","Disable":"Отключить","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Отключить пространство \"%{space}\"?","Отключить %{spaceCount} пространств?","Отключить %{spaceCount} пространств?","Отключить %{spaceCount} пространств?"],"Disable sync":"Отключить синхронизацию","Disabled":"Отключено","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"В отключенные пространства нельзя войти","Disabled:":"Отключено:","Display customization options of the files list":"Отобразить параметры настройки списка файлов","Don't Save":"Не сохранять","Download":"Скачать","Download failed":"Не удалась скачать","Duplicate":"Дублировать","Edit description":"Редактировать описание","Edit expiration date":"Редактировать срок действия","Edit quota":"Редактировать квоту","Edit subtitle":"Редактировать подзаголовок","Empty trash bin":"Очистить корзину","Enable":"Включить","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Включить пространство \"%{space}\"?","Включить %{spaceCount} пространств?","Включить %{spaceCount} пространств?","Включить %{spaceCount} пространств?"],"Enable sync":"Включить синхронизацию","Enabled:":"Включено:","Enter the target URL of a webpage or the name of a file. Users will be directed to this webpage or file.":"Введите целевой URL-адрес веб-страницы или имя файла. Пользователи будут перенаправлены на эту веб-страницу или файл.","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Истекает %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Не удалось изменить статус избранного файла \"%{file}\"","Failed to change quota":"Не удалось изменить квоту","Failed to change space quota":["Не удалось изменить квоту пространства","Не удалось изменить квоту %{count} пространств","Не удалось изменить квоту %{count} пространств","Не удалось изменить квоту %{count} пространств"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"Не удалось изменить подзаголовок пространства","Failed to change user quota":["Не удалось изменить квоту пользователя","Не удалось изменить квоту %{count} пользователей","Не удалось изменить квоту %{count} пользователей","Не удалось изменить квоту %{count} пользователей"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Не удалось скопировать \"%{name}\"","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Не удалось скопировать %{count} ресурсов","Failed to create file":"Не удалось создать файл","Failed to create folder":"Не удалось создать папку","Failed to create link":["Не удалось создать ссылку","Не удалось создать ссылки","Не удалось создать ссылки","Не удалось создать ссылки"],"Failed to create shortcut":"Не удалось создать ярлык","Failed to delete \"%{item}\"":"Не удалось удалить \"%{item}\"","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\"":"Не удалось удалить \"%{resource}\"","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\" - the file is locked":"Не удалось удалить \"%{resource}\" - файл заблокирован","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":["Не удалось удалить %{spaceCount} пространство","Не удалось удалить %{spaceCount} пространств","Не удалось удалить %{spaceCount} пространств","Не удалось удалить %{spaceCount} пространств"],"Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"Не удалось удалить пространство \"%{space}\"","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":["Не удалось отключить %{spaceCount} пространство","Не удалось отключить %{spaceCount} пространств","Не удалось отключить %{spaceCount} пространств","Не удалось отключить %{spaceCount} пространств"],"Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"Не удалось отключить пространство \"%{space}\"","Failed to disable sync for the the selected share":["Не удалось отключить синхронизацию для выбранного общего ресурса","Не удалось отключить синхронизацию для выбранных общих ресурсов","Не удалось отключить синхронизацию для выбранных общих ресурсов","Не удалось отключить синхронизацию для выбранных общих ресурсов"],"Failed to download the selected folder.":["Не удалось скачать выбранную папку.","Не удалось скачать выбранные файлы.","Не удалось скачать выбранные файлы.","Не удалось скачать выбранные файлы."],"Failed to duplicate space \"%{space}\"":"Не удалось дублировать пространство \"%{space}\"","Failed to empty trash bin":"Не удалось очистить корзину","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":["Не удалось включить %{spaceCount} пространство","Не удалось включить %{spaceCount} пространств","Не удалось включить %{spaceCount} пространств","Не удалось включить %{spaceCount} пространств"],"Failed to enable sync for the the selected share":["Не удалось включить синхронизацию для выбранного общего ресурса","Не удалось включить синхронизацию для выбранных общих ресурсов","Не удалось включить синхронизацию для выбранных общих ресурсов","Не удалось включить синхронизацию для выбранных общих ресурсов"],"Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"Не удалось включить пространство \"%{space}\"","Failed to hide the share":"Не удалось скрыть общий ресурс","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Не удалось переместить \"%{name}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Не удалось переместить %{count} ресурсов","Failed to open shortcut":"Не удалось открыть ярлык","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Не удалось переименовать \"%{file}\" в \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Не удалось переименовать \"%{file}\" в \"%{newName}\" - файл заблокирован","Failed to rename space":"Не удалось переименовать пространство","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Не удалось восстановить \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Не удалось восстановить %{resourceCount} файлов","Failed to set space description":"Не удалось задать описание пространства","Failed to set space icon":"Не удалось задать иконку пространства","Failed to set space image":"Не удалось задать изображение пространства","Failed to unhide share share":"Не удалось отменить скрытие общего ресурса","Favorite files":"Избранные файлы","file":"файл","File already exists":"Файл уже существует","File autosaved":"Файл автоматически сохранен","File could not be located":"Файл не удалось найти","File name":"Имя файла","File name cannot be empty":"Имя файла не может быть пустым","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Имя файла не может быть \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Имя файла не может быть \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Имя файла не должно содержать \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Имя файла не должно заканчиваться пробелом","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Файл с именем \"%{name}\" уже существует.","Files shared via link":"Файлы, которыми поделился по ссылке","Files shared with me":"Файлы, которыми поделились со мной","Files shared with others":"Файлы, которыми поделился с другими","Filter list":"Список фильтров","folder":"папка","Folder already exists":"Папка уже существует","Folder name":"Имя папки","Folder name cannot be empty":"Имя папки не может быть пустым","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Имя папки не может быть \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Имя папки не может быть \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Имя папки не должно содержать \"/\"","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Папка с именем \"%{name}\" уже существует.","Group By:":"Группировать по:","Hide":"Скрыть","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Если вы отключите выбранное пространство, доступ к нему больше не будет возможен. Только менеджеры пространства будут иметь доступ. Примечание: никакие файлы не будут удалены с сервера.","Если вы отключите выбранные %{count} пространств, доступ к ним больше не будет возможен. Только менеджеры пространств будут иметь доступ. Примечание: никакие файлы не будут удалены с сервера.","Если вы отключите выбранные %{count} пространств, доступ к ним больше не будет возможен. Только менеджеры пространств будут иметь доступ. Примечание: никакие файлы не будут удалены с сервера.","Если вы отключите выбранные %{count} пространств, доступ к ним больше не будет возможен. Только менеджеры пространств будут иметь доступ. Примечание: никакие файлы не будут удалены с сервера."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Если вы включите выбранное пространство, к нему можно будет снова получить доступ.","Если вы включите выбранные %{count} пространств, к ним можно будет снова получить доступ.","Если вы включите выбранные %{count} пространств, к ним можно будет снова получить доступ.","Если вы включите выбранные %{count} пространств, к ним можно будет снова получить доступ."],"Importing failed":"Импорт не удался","Invited people":"Приглашенные люди","Item in processing":"Элемент в обработке","Item locked":"Элемент заблокирован","Items per page":"Элементов на страницу","Keep both":"Сохранить оба","Largest":"Наибольший","Last activity":"Последняя активность","Link":"Ссылка","Link has been created successfully":"Ссылка успешно создана","Link to a file":"Ссылка на файл","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Ссылка работает только для приглашенных людей. Требуется вход.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"Загружено %{numFiles} файлов","Loading app":"Загрузка приложения","Loading...":"Загрузка...","Log out":"Выйти","Manager":"Менеджер","Members":"Участники","Modified":"Изменено","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"Перемещение файлов из одного пространства в другое невозможно. Хотите вместо этого скопировать?","Must not be empty":"Не должно быть пустым","Name":"Имя","New file":"Новый файл","New folder":"Новая папка","New Folder":"Новая папка","New project":"Новый проект","New Shortcut":"Новый ярлык","Newest":"Самое новое","No changes":"Изменений нет","No items selected.":"Нет выбранных элементов.","No restriction":"Без ограничений","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"Примечание. Ссылки и общий доступ к исходному файлу не копируются.","Oldest":"Самое старое","Only for invited people":"Только для приглашенных людей","Open folder":"Открыть папку","Open in %{app}":"Открыть в %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Открыть список ссылок в панели общего доступа","Open member list in share panel":"Открыть список участников на панели общего доступа","Open share panel":"Открыть панель общего доступа","Open shortcut":"Открыть ярлык","Opens in a new window":"Откроется в новом окне","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Обзор информации о выбранном пространстве","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Обзор информации о выбранных пространствах","Password":"Пароль","Password cannot be set for internal links":"Пароль не может быть установлен для внутренних ссылок","Password must not be empty":"Пароль не должен быть пустым","Paste":"Вставить","Permanently delete file \"%{name}\"":"Окончательно удалить файл \"%{name}\"","Permanently delete folder \"%{name}\"":"Окончательно удалить папку \"%{name}\"","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Окончательно удалить выбранный ресурс?","Окончательно удалить %{amount} выбранных ресурсов?","Окончательно удалить %{amount} выбранных ресурсов?","Окончательно удалить %{amount} выбранных ресурсов?"],"Personal":"Личные","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь с помощью %{pluginName}, чтобы выбрать файлы","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Пожалуйста, введите значение, равное или меньше %{ quotaLimit }","Please enter only numbers":"Пожалуйста, введите только цифры","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Укажите URL публичной ссылки без защиты паролем.","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"Пожалуйста, включите всплывающие окна и перенаправления в настройках вашего браузера, чтобы всё работало правильно.","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"Обнаружена блокировка всплывающих окон и перенаправлений","Public file upload":"Публичная загрузка файлов","Public Link URL":"URL-адрес публичной ссылки","Quota":"Квота","Quota was changed successfully":"Квота была успешно изменена","Remaining quota":"Оставшаяся квота","Remaining quota:":"Оставшаяся квота:","Remove expiration date":"Удалить срок действия","Remove from favorites":"Удалить из избранного","Rename":"Переименовать","Rename file %{name}":"Переименовать файл %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Переименовать папку %{name}","Rename space":"Переименовать пространство","Replace":"Заменить","Request new project":"Запросить новый проект","Restore":"Восстановить","Restrictions":"Ограничения","Revert":"Вернуть","Save":"Сохранить","Search results":"Результаты поиска","Secret File Drop":"Слепая загрузка файла","Select %{smart_count}":"Выбрать %{smart_count}","Select a role":"Выбрать роль","Select a space to view details":"Выберите пространство для просмотра сведений","Select all resources":"Выбрать все ресурсы","Select file":"Выбрать файл","Select folder":"Выбрать папку","Select space":"Выбрать пространство","Set as space description":"Установить как описание пространства","Set as space image":"Установить как изображение пространства","Set expiration date":"Установить срок действия","Set icon":"Установить иконку","Set icon for %{space}":"Установить иконку для %{space}","Share":"Поделиться","Share link(s)":"Ссылка(и) на общий ресурс","Shared by":"Поделился","Shared on":"Поделился","Shared with":"Поделился с","Shared with me":"Поделились со мной","Shares":"Общие ресурсы","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Общий доступ, версии и теги не будут скопированы.","Shortcut name":"Имя ярлыка","Shortcut name as it will appear in the file list.":"Имя ярлыка, которое будет отображаться в списке файлов.","Shortcut was created successfully":"Ярлык успешно создан","Show":"Показать","Show context menu":"Показать контекстное меню","Show 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успешно установлено","Space name":"Название пространства","Space name cannot be empty":"Название пространства не может быть пустым","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Название пространства не может содержать следующие символы: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Название пространства не может превышать 255 символов","Space name was changed successfully":"Название пространства успешно изменено","Space quota was changed successfully":["Квота пространства успешно изменена","Квота %{count} пространств успешно изменена","Квота %{count} пространств успешно изменена","Квота %{count} пространств успешно изменена"],"Space subtitle":"Подзаголовок пространства","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Подзаголовок пространства успешно изменен","Space was created successfully":"Пространство успешно создано","Spaces":"Пространства","Status":"Статус","Subtitle":"Подзаголовок","Sync for the selected share was disabled successfully":["Синхронизация выбранного общего ресурса успешно отключена","Синхронизация выбранных общих ресурсов успешно отключена","Синхронизация выбранных общих ресурсов успешно отключена","Синхронизация выбранных общих ресурсов успешно отключена"],"Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully":["Синхронизация выбранного общего ресурса успешно включена","Синхронизация выбранных общих ресурсов успешно включена","Синхронизация выбранных общих ресурсов успешно включена","Синхронизация выбранных общих ресурсов успешно включена"],"Tags":"Теги","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена.","The marked elements will be copied.":"Отмеченные элементы будут скопированы.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Имя \"%{name}\" уже занято","The name cannot be empty":"Имя не может быть пустым","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Имя не может быть \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Имя не может быть равно \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Имя не должно содержать \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Имя не должно заканчиваться пробелом","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"Выбор превышает допустимый размер архива (макс. %{maxSize})","The share was hidden successfully":"Общий ресурс успешно скрыт","The share was unhidden successfully":"Отмена скрытия общего ресурса успешна","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Недостаточно квоты \"%{spaceName}\", чтобы сохранить этот файл","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Недостаточно квоты, чтобы сохранить этот файл","This %{ resourceType } is shared by %{ user }":"Этим \"%{ resourceType }\" поделился %{ user }","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Этим \"%{ resourceType }\" поделились через %{ shareCount } приглашение","Этим \"%{ resourceType }\" поделились через %{ shareCount } приглашений","Этим \"%{ resourceType }\" поделились через %{ shareCount } приглашений","Этим \"%{ resourceType }\" поделились через %{ shareCount } приглашений"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Этот файл был обновлен вне этого окна. Пожалуйста, обновите страницу (все изменения будут потеряны).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Этот элемент непосредственно находится в общем доступе по ссылке.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Этим элементом непосредственно поделился с другими.","This item is in processing":"Этот элемент находится в обработке","This item is locked":"Этот элемент заблокирован","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Этот элемент находится в общем доступе по ссылке через одну из родительских папок.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Этим элементом поделился с другими через одну из родительских папок.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["У этого пространства %{memberShareCount} участник.","У этого пространства %{memberShareCount} участников.","У этого пространства %{memberShareCount} участников.","У этого пространства %{memberShareCount} участников."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"У этого пространства %{memberShareCount} участников и %{linkShareCount} ссылок.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"У этого пространства %{memberShareCount} участников и одна ссылка.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["У этого пространства один участник и %{linkShareCount} ссылка.","У этого пространства один участник и %{linkShareCount} ссылок.","У этого пространства один участник и %{linkShareCount} ссылок.","У этого пространства один участник и %{linkShareCount} ссылок."],"Tile size":"Размер плитки","Toggle selection":"Переключить выбор","Total quota":"Общая квота","Total quota:":"Общая квота:","Trash overview":"Обзор корзины","Unhide":"Отменить скрытие","Unsaved changes":"Несохраненные изменения","Used quota":"Использованная квота","Used quota:":"Использованная квота:","User quota was changed successfully":["Квота пользователя успешно изменена","Квота %{count} пользователей успешно изменена","Квота %{count} пользователей успешно изменена","Квота %{count} пользователей успешно изменена"],"Webpage or file":"Веб-страница или файл","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["Вы не можете вставить выбранный файл в это место, так как невозможно вставить элемент в самого себя.","Вы не можете вставить выбранные файлы в это место, так как невозможно вставить элемент в самого себя.","Вы не можете вставить выбранные файлы в это место, так как невозможно вставить элемент в самого себя.","Вы не можете вставить выбранные файлы в это место, так как невозможно вставить элемент в самого себя."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"Вы не авторизованы для сохранения этого файла","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Ваши изменения не были сохранены. Хотите сохранить их?","Z-A":"Я-А"},"sk":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" je úspešne vytvorený","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" je úspešne vytvorený","(Opens in new window)":"(Otvorí v novom okne)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } označený položka. Akcie sú dostupné nad tabuľkou.","%{ amount } označené položky. Akcie sú dostupné nad tabuľkou.","%{ amount } označených položiek. Akcie sú dostupné nad tabuľkou.","%{ amount } označených položiek. Akcie sú dostupné nad tabuľkou."],"Actions":"Akcie","Cancel":"Zrušiť","Create":"Vytvoriť","Delete":"Odstrániť","Details":"Podrobnosti","Download failed":"Stiahnutie zlyhalo","File could not be located":"Súbor sa nenašiel","Loading app":"Načítanie aplikácie","Log out":"Odhlásiť","No changes":"Žiadne zmeny","Password":"Heslo","Revert":"Vrátiť","Save":"Uložiť","Unsaved changes":"Neuložené zmeny"},"si":{"Actions":"ක්‍රියාමාර්ග","All files":"සියලුම ගොනු","Cancel":"අවලංගු","Copy":"පිටපත්","Create":"සාදන්න","Download":"බාගන්න","Download failed":"බාගැනීමට අසමත් විය","File name":"ගොනුවේ නම","Folder name":"බහාලුෙමේ නම","Loading app":"යෙදුම පූරණය වෙමින්","Log out":"නික්මෙන්න","Name":"නම","New file":"නව ගොනුව","New folder":"නව බහාලුම","Open folder":"බහාලුම විවෘත කරන්න","Password":"මුරපදය","Rename":"නැවත නම් කරන්න","Save":"සුරකින්න","Share":"හුවමාරු කරන්න","Size":"ප්‍රමාණය","Status":"තත්ත්වය"},"sv":{"Actions":"Åtgärder","All files":"Alla filer","An error occurred":"Ett fel uppstod","Anyone with the link can edit":"Alla med en länk kan redigera","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Alla med länken kan bara ladda upp, existerande innehåll avslöjas inte.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Alla med länken kan ladda upp","Anyone with the link can view":"Alla med länken kan visa","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Alla med länken kan visa och ladda ner.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Alla med länken kan visa, ladda ner och redigera.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Alla med länken kan visa, ladda ner och ladda upp.","Can edit":"Kan redigera","Can upload":"Kan ladda upp","Can view":"Kan visa","Cancel":"Avbryt","Close":"Stäng","Confirm":"Bekräfta","Copied to clipboard!":"Kopierad till urklipp!","Copy":"Kopiera","Create":"Skapa","Create a new folder":"Skapa en ny mapp","Delete":"Ta bort","Details":"Detaljer","Disabled":"Inaktiverat","Download":"Ladda ned","Edit quota":"Redigera tröskelvärde","Hide":"Dölj","Invited people":"Inbjudna personer","Largest":"Största","Link":"Länk","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Länkar fungerar bara för inbjudna personer. Inloggning krävs.","Log out":"Logga ut","Members":"Medlem","Name":"Namn","New file":"Ny fil","New Folder":"Ny mapp","Newest":"Nyast","No restriction":"Inga begränsningar","Oldest":"Äldsta","Only for invited people":"Bara för inbjudna personer.","Password":"Lösenord","Personal":"Personlig","Quota":"Kvot","Restore":"Återställ","Save":"Spara","Secret File Drop":"Hemlig filyta","Select file":"Välj fil","Select folder":"Välj mapp","Share":"Dela","Shared by":"Delad av","Shared on":"Delad på","Shared with":"Delad med","Shared with me":"Delad med mig","Show":"Visa","Show context menu":"Visa innehållsmeny","Size":"Storlek","Spaces":"Ytor","Status":"Status","Tags":"Taggar"},"sq":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"“%{fileName}” u krijua me sukses","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"“%{folderName}” u krijua me sukses","\"%{item}\" was deleted successfully":"“%{item}” u fshi me sukses","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"“%{item}” u shpu te koshi i hedhurinave","(Opens in new window)":"(Hapet në dritare të re)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } objekt i përzgjedhur. Veprimet shihen sipër tabelës.","%{ amount } objekte të përzgjedhur. Veprimet shihen sipër tabelës."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } hapësirë e përzgjedhur","%{ itemCount } hapësia të përzgjedhura"],"%{appName} for %{fileName}":"%{appName} për %{fileName}","%{count} item was copied successfully":["U kopjua me sukses %{count} objekt","U kopjuan me sukses %{count} objekte"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["U hoq me sukses %{count} objekt","U hoqën me sukses %{count} objekte"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (unë)","%{itemCount} item was deleted successfully":["U fshi me sukses %{itemCount} objekt","U fshinë me sukses %{itemCount} objekte"],"%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":["U shpu te koshi i hedhurinave %{itemCount} objekt","U shpunë te koshi i hedhurinave %{itemCount} objekte"],"%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} lidhje që lejon hyrje.","%{linkShareCount} lidhje që lejojnë hyrje."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} ekziston tashmë","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} u rikthye me sukses","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"U rikthyen me sukses %{resourceCount} kartela","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":["U fshi me sukses %{spaceCount} hapësirë","U fshinë me sukses %{spaceCount} hapësira"],"%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":["U çaktivizua me sukses %{spaceCount} hapësirë","U çaktivizuan me sukses %{spaceCount} hapësira"],"%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":["U aktivizua me sukses %{spaceCount} hapësirë","U aktivizuan me sukses %{spaceCount} hapësira"],"%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} nga %{total} të përdorur (%{percentage}% të përdorur)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} të përdorur (pa kufizim)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Veprime","Add to favorites":"Shtoje te të parapëlqyerit","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"U shtua %{numFiles} kartelë(a)","All Actions":"Krejt Veprimet","All deleted files were removed":"U hoqën krejt kartelat e fshira","All files":"Krejt kartelat","An error occurred":"Ndodhi një gabim","Anyone with the link can edit":"Cilido që ka lidhjen mund të përpunojë","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Cilido që ka lidhjen mundet vetëm të ngarkojë, lënda ekzistuese nuk tregohet.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Cilido me lidhjen mund të ngarkojë","Anyone with the link can view":"Cilido me lidhjen mund të shohë","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Cilido me lidhjen mund të shohë dhe shkarkojë.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Cilido me lidhjen mund të shohë, shkarkojë dhe përpunojë.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Cilido me lidhjen mund të shohë, shkarkojë dhe ngarkojë.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Zbatoje te krejt %{count} përplasjet","Apply to all %{count} files":"Aplikoje mbi krejt %{count} kartelat","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Aplikoje mbi krejt %{count} dosjet","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihen krejt burimet e përzgjedhur? Krejt lënda e tyre do të hiqet përgjithnjë. Ky veprim s’mund të zhbëhet.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihet hapësira e përzgjedhur?","Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihen %{count} hapësirat e përzgjedhura?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihet kjo kartelë? Krejt lënda e saj do të hiqet përgjithnjë. Ky veprim s’mund të zhbëhet.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihet kjo dosje? Krejt lënda e saj do të hiqet përgjithnjë. Ky veprim s’mund të zhbëhet.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihen për gjithmonë objektet e paraqitur? Këtë veprim s’mund ta zhbëni.","At least %{param1} character long":["E pakta %{param1} shenjë i gjatë","E pakta %{param1} shenja i gjatë"],"At least %{param1} lowercase character":["E pakta %{param1} shenjë me të vogla","E pakta %{param1} shenja me të vogla"],"At least %{param1} number":["E pakta %{param1} numër","E pakta %{param1} numra"],"At least %{param1} of the special characters: %{param2}":"E pakta %{param1} nga shenjat speciale: %{param2}","At least %{param1} uppercase character":["E pakta %{param1} shenjë me të vogël","E pakta %{param1} shenja me të vogla"],"At most %{param1} character long":["E shumta %{param1} shenjë i gjatë","E shumta %{param1} shenja i gjatë"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Mbrapsht te paneli %{panel}","Back to main panels":"Mbrapsht te panelet kryesore","Can edit":"Mund të përpunojë","Can upload":"Mund të ngarkojë","Can view":"Mund të shohë","Cancel":"Anuloje","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Ndryshoni kuota për %{count} Hapësira","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Ndryshoni kuota për Hapësirën “%{name}”","Change subtitle for space":"Ndryshoni nëntitullin për hapësirën","Changes saved":"Ndryshimet u ruajtën","Close":"Mbylle","Close file sidebar":"Mbyll anështyllë kartelash","Confirm":"Ripohojeni","Connect to %{pluginName}":"Lidhu me %{pluginName}","Connection with Companion failed":"Lidhja me Companion dështoi","Copied to clipboard!":"U kopjua në të papastër!","Copy":"Kopjoje","Copy here":"Kopjoje këtu","Copy here?":"Të kopjohet këtu?","Copy link":"Kopjoji lidhjen","Copy link failed":"Kopjimi i lidhjes dështoi","Copy WebDAV path":"Kopjo shteg WebDAV","Copy WebDAV path to clipboard":"Kopjo shteg WebDAV në të papastër","Copy WebDAV URL":"Kopjo URL WebDAV","Copy WebDAV URL to clipboard":"Kopjo URL WebDAV në të papastër","Create":"Krijoje","Create a new file":"Krijoni një kartelë të re","Create a new folder":"Krijoni dosje të re","Create a Shortcut":"Krijoni një Shkurtore","Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"":["Krijo lidhje për “%{resourceName}”","Krijo lidhje për objektet e përzgjedhura"],"Create links":"Krijo lidhje","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Krijo hapësirë prej “%{resourceName}”","Krijo Hapësirë prej përzgjedhjes"],"Create Space from selection":"Krijo Hapësirë prej përzgjedhjes","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Krijo Hapësirë me lëndën e “%{resourceName}”.","Krijo Hapësirë me kartelat e përzgjedhura"],"Creating space failed…":"Krijimi i hapësirës dështoi…","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Current folder":"Dosja e tanishme","Cut":"Prije","Cut to clipboard!":"Prije në të papastër!","Delete":"Fshije","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["Të fshihet Hapësira “%{space}”?","Të fshihen %{spaceCount} Hapësira?"],"Deleted":"U fshi","Details":"Hollësi","Disable":"Çaktivizoje","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Të çaktivizohet Hapësira “%{space}”?","Të çaktivizohen %{spaceCount} Hapësira?"],"Disable sync":"Çaktivizo njëkohësimin","Disabled":"E çaktivizuar","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"S’mund të jepen hapësira të çaktivizuara","Disabled:":"E çaktivizuar:","Display customization options of the files list":"Shfaq mundësi përshtatjeje të listës së kartelave","Don't Save":"Mos e Ruaj","Download":"Shkarkoje","Download failed":"Shkarkimi dështoi","Duplicate":"Përsëdyte","Edit description":"Përpunoni përshkrimin","Edit expiration date":"Përpunoni datë skadimi","Edit quota":"Përpunoni kuotë","Edit subtitle":"Përpunoni nëntitull","Empty trash bin":"Zbraz koshin e hedhurinave","Enable":"Aktivizoje","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Të aktivizohet Hapësira “%{space}”?","Të aktivizohen %{spaceCount} Hapësira?"],"Enable sync":"Aktivizo njëkohësimin","Enabled:":"E aktivizuar:","Enter the target URL of a webpage or the name of a file. Users will be directed to this webpage or file.":"Jepni URL-në e synuar të një faqeje web, ose emrin e një kartele. Përdoruesit do të ridrejtohen te kjo faqe web, ose kartelë.","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Skadon më %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"S’u arrit të ndryshohej gjendja e parapëlqyer e “%{file}”","Failed to change quota":"S’u arrit të ndryshoheshin kuota","Failed to change space quota":["S’u arrit të ndryshohej kuotë hapësire","S’u arrit të ndryshoheshin kuota për %{count} hapësira"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"S’u arrit të ndryshohej nëntitull hapësire","Failed to change user quota":["S’u arrit të ndryshohet kuotë përdoruesi","S’u arrit të ndryshoheshin kuota për %{count} përdorues"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"S’u arrit të kopjohej “%{name}”","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"S’u arrit të kopjohej %{count} burime","Failed to create file":"S’u arrit të krijohej kartelë","Failed to create folder":"S’u arrit të krijohej dosje","Failed to create link":["S’u arrit të krijohej lidhje","S’u arrit të krijoheshin lidhje"],"Failed to create shortcut":"S’u arrit të krijohej shkurtore","Failed to delete \"%{item}\"":"S’u arrit të fshihet “%{item}”","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\"":"S’u arrit të fshihej “%{resource}”","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\" - the file is locked":"S’u arrit të fshihej “%{resource}” - kartela është e kyçur","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":["S’u arrit të fshihej %{spaceCount} hapësirë","S’u arrit të fshiheshin %{spaceCount} hapësira"],"Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"S’u arrit të fshihej hapësira “%{space}”","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":["S’u arrit të çaktivizohej %{spaceCount} hapësirë","S’u arrit të çaktivizoheshin %{spaceCount} hapësira"],"Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"S’u arrit të çaktivizohej hapësira “%{space}”","Failed to disable sync for the the selected share":["S’u arrit të çaktivizohej njëkohësimi për pjesën e përzgjedhur","S’u arrit të çaktivizohej njëkohësimi për pjesët e përzgjedhura"],"Failed to download the selected folder.":["S’u arrit të shkarkohej dosja e përzgjedhur.","S’u arrit të shkarkohej kartelat e përzgjedhura."],"Failed to duplicate space \"%{space}\"":"S’u arrit të përsëdytej hapësira “%{space}”","Failed to empty trash bin":"S’u arrit të zbrazej koshi i hedhurinave","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":["S’u arrit të aktivizoheh %{spaceCount} hapësirë","S’u arrit të aktivizoheshin %{spaceCount} hapësira"],"Failed to enable sync for the the selected share":["S’u arrit të aktivizohej njëkohësimi për pjesën e përzgjedhur","S’u arrit të aktivizohej njëkohësimi për pjesët e përzgjedhura"],"Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"S’u arrit të aktivizohej hapësira “%{space}”","Failed to hide the share":"S’u arrit të bëhej fshehje e pjesës","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"S’u arrit të lëvizej “%{name}”","Failed to move %{count} resources":"S’u arrit të lëvizeshin %{count} burime","Failed to open shortcut":"S’u arrit të hapej shkurtore","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"S’u arrit të riemërtohej “%{file}” si “%{newName}”","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"S’u arrit të riemërtohej “%{file}” si “%{newName}” - kartela është e kyçur","Failed to rename space":"S’u arrit të riemërtohej hapësirë","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"S’u arrit të rikthehej “%{resource}”","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"S’u arritën të riktheheshin %{resourceCount} kartela","Failed to set space description":"S’u arrit të ujdisej përshkrim hapësire","Failed to set space icon":"S’u arrit të vihej ikonë hapësire","Failed to set space image":"S’u arrit të caktohej figurë hapësire","Failed to unhide share share":"S’u arrit të hiqej fshehja për pjesën","Favorite files":"Kartela të parapëlqyera","file":"kartelë","File already exists":"Kartela ekziston tashmë","File autosaved":"Kartela u ruajt automatikisht","File could not be located":"S’u gjet dot kartela","File name":"Emër kartele","File name cannot be empty":"Emri i kartelës s’mund të jetë i zbrazët","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Emri i kartelës s’mund të jetë i njëjtë me “..”","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Emri i kartelës s’mund të jetë i njëjtë me “.”","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Emri i kartelës s’mund të përmbajë “/”","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Emri i kartelës s’mund të përfundojë me një hapësirë të zbrazët","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Ka tashmë një kartelë me emrin “%{name}”.","Files shared via link":"Kartela të ndara përmes lidhjeje","Files shared with me":"Kartela të ndara me","Files shared with others":"Kartela të ndara me të tjerët","Filter list":"Filtroni listën","folder":"dosje","Folder already exists":"Ka tashmë një dosje të tillë","Folder name":"Emër dosjeje","Folder name cannot be empty":"Emri i dosjes s’mund të jetë i zbrazët","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Emri i dosjes s’mund të jetë i njëjtë me “..”","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Emri i dosjes s’mund të jetë i njëjtë me “..”","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Emri i dosjes s’mund të përmbajë “/”.","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Ka tashmë një dosje me emrin “%{name}”.","Group By:":"Grupoji Sipas:","Hide":"Fshihe","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Nëse çaktivizoni hapësirën e përzgjedhur, s’mund të përdoret \nmë. Vetëm përgjegjës Hapësirash do të mund të hyjnë në të. Shënim: S’do të fshihet ndonjë kartelë nga shërbyesi.","Nëse çaktivizoni %{count} hapësirat e përzgjedhura, s’mund të përdoren më. Vetëm përgjegjës Hapësirash do të mund të hyjnë në to. Shënim: S’do të fshihet ndonjë kartelë nga shërbyesi."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Nëse aktivizoni hapësirën e përzgjedhur, ajo mund të ripërdoret.","Nëse aktivizoni %{count} hapësira të përzgjedhura, ato mund të ripërdoren."],"Importing failed":"Importimi dështoi","Invited people":"Persona të ftuar","Item in processing":"Objekt që po përpunohet","Item locked":"Objekt i kyçur","Items per page":"Objekte për faqe","Keep both":"Mbaji të dyja","Largest":"Më të mëdhave","Last activity":"Veprimtaria e fundit","Link":"Lidhje","Link has been created successfully":"Lidhja u krijua me sukses","Link to a file":"Krijoni lidhje për te një kartelë","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Lidhja funksionon vetëm për persona të ftuar. Lyp bërjen e hyrjes.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"U ngarkuan %{numFiles} kartela","Loading app":"Po ngarkohet aplikacioni","Loading...":"Po ngarkohet…","Log out":"Dilni","Manager":"Përgjegjës","Members":"Anëtarë","Modified":"E ndryshuar","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"S’është i mundur kalimi i kartelave nga një hapësirë në një tjetër. Doni, në vend të kësaj, të kopjohen?","Must not be empty":"S’duhet të jetë i zbrazët","Name":"Emër","New file":"Kartelë e re","New folder":"Dosje e re","New Folder":"Dosje e Re","New project":"Projekt i ri","New Shortcut":"Shkurtore e Re","Newest":"Më të rejave","No changes":"Pa ndryshime","No items selected.":"S’u përzgjodh objekt.","No restriction":"Pa kufizim","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"Shënim: Nuk kopjohen lidhjet dhe ndarjet me të tjerë të kartelës origjinale.","Oldest":"Më të vjetrave","Only for invited people":"Vetëm për persona të ftuar","Open folder":"Hap dosjen","Open in %{app}":"Hape me %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Hap listë lidhjesh te panel ndarjeje me të tjerët","Open member list in share panel":"Hap listë anëtarësh te panel ndarjeje me të tjerët","Open share panel":"Hap panel ndarjeje me të tjerë","Open shortcut":"Hape shkurtoren","Opens in a new window":"Hapet në një dritare të re","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Përmbledhje e hollësive mbi hapësirën e përzgjedhur","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Përmbledhje hollësish mbi hapësirat e përzgjedhura","Password":"Fjalëkalim","Password cannot be set for internal links":"Për lidhje të brendshme s’mund të caktohet fjalëkalim","Password must not be empty":"Fjalëkalimi s’mund të jetë i zbrazët","Paste":"Ngjite","Permanently delete file \"%{name}\"":"Fshije përgjithmonë kartelën “%{name}”","Permanently delete folder \"%{name}\"":"Fshije përgjithmonë dosjen “%{name}”","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Të fshihet përgjithmonë burimi i përzgjedhur?","Të fshihen përgjithmonë %{amount} burimet e përzgjedhur?"],"Personal":"Personale","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Ju lutemi, që të përzgjidhni kartela, bëni mirëfilltësimin me %{pluginName}","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Ju lutemi, jepni një vlerë baras me ose më të vogël se %{ quotaLimit }","Please enter only numbers":"Ju lutemi, jepni vetëm numra","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Ju lutemi, jepni një URL ëpr te një lidhje publike pa mbrojtje me fjalëkalim.","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"Ju lutemi, aktivizoni te rregullimet tuaja të shfletuesit flluskat dhe ridrejtimet, për të siguruar funksionimin në rregull të gjithçkaje.","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"U pikas bllokim flluskash dhe ridrejtimesh","Public file upload":"Ngarkim kartele publike","Public Link URL":"URL Lidhjeje Publike","Quota":"Kuotë","Quota was changed successfully":"Kuotat u ndryshuan me sukses","Remaining quota":"Kuota të mbetura","Remaining quota:":"Kuota të paplotësuara:","Remove expiration date":"Hiqi datë skadimi","Remove from favorites":"Hiqe prej të parapëlqyerve","Rename":"Riemërtoje","Rename file %{name}":"Riemërtoni kartelën %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Riemërtoni dosjen %{name}","Rename space":"Riemërtoni hapësirën","Replace":"Zëvendësoje","Request new project":"Kërkoni projekt të ri","Restore":"Riktheje","Restrictions":"Kufizime","Revert":"Prapaktheje","Save":"Ruaje","Search results":"Përfundime kërkimi","Secret File Drop":"Hedhje e Fshehtë Kartele","Select %{smart_count}":"Përzgjidhni %{smart_count}","Select a role":"Përzgjidhni një rol","Select a space to view details":"Që t’i shihni hollësitë, përzgjidhni një hapësirë","Select all resources":"Përzgjidhni krejt burimet","Select file":"Përzgjidhni kartelë","Select folder":"Përzgjidhni dosje","Select space":"Përzgjidhni hapësirë","Set as space description":"Caktoni një përshkrim hapësire","Set as space image":"Caktoni një figurë hapësire","Set expiration date":"Caktoni datë skadimi","Set icon":"Caktoni ikonë","Set icon for %{space}":"Vini një ikonë për %{space}","Share":"Ndajeni me të tjerë","Share link(s)":"Ndani lidhje me të tjerë","Shared by":"Ndarë me të tjerët nga","Shared on":"Ndarë më","Shared with":"Ndarë me","Shared with me":"Ndarë me","Shares":"Pjesë","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Pjesët, versionet dhe etiketat s’do të kopjohen.","Shortcut name":"Emër shkurtoreje","Shortcut name as it will appear in the file list.":"Emër shkurtoreje si do të shfaqet te lista e kartelave.","Shortcut was created successfully":"Shkurtorja u krijua me sukses","Show":"Shfaqe","Show context menu":"Shfaq menu konteksti","Show deleted files":"Shfaq kartela të fshira","Show file extensions":"Shfaq zgjatime kartelash","Show hidden files":"Shfaq kartela të fshehura","Show invited people":"Shfaq persona të ftuar","Show links":"Shfaq lidhje","Sign in with Google":"Bëni hyrjen me Google","Size":"Madhësi","Skip":"Anashkaloje","Smallest":"Më të voglave","Sort by %{ name }":"Renditi sipas %{ name }","Sort by: ":"Renditi sipas: ","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"Hapësira “%{space}” u fshi me sukses","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"Hapësira “%{space}” u çaktivizua me sukses","Space \"%{space}\" was duplicated successfully":"Hapësira “%{space}” u përsëdyt me sukses","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"Hapësira “%{space}” u aktivizua me sukses","Space description was set successfully":"Përshkrimi i hapësirë u caktua me sukses","Space icon was set successfully":"Ikona e hapësirës u vu me sukses","Space image was set successfully":"Figura e hapësirë u caktua me sukses","Space name":"Emër hapësire","Space name cannot be empty":"Emri i hapësirë s’mund të jetë i zbrazët","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Emri i hapësirës s’mund të përmbajë shenjat vijuese: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Emri i hapësirës s’mund të tejkalojë 255 shenja","Space name was changed successfully":"Emri i hapësirë u ndryshua me sukses","Space quota was changed successfully":["Kuotat e hapësirës u ndryshuan me sukses","Kuotat për %{count} hapësira u ndryshuan me sukses"],"Space subtitle":"Nëntitull hapësire","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Nëntitulli i hapësirës u ndryshua me sukses","Space was created successfully":"Hapësira u krijua me sukses","Spaces":"Hapësira","Status":"Gjendje","Subtitle":"Nëntitull","Sync for the selected share was disabled successfully":["Njëkohësimi u çaktivizua me sukses për pjesën e përzgjedhur","Njëkohësimi u çaktivizua me sukses për pjesët e përzgjedhura"],"Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully":["Njëkohësimi u aktivizua me sukses për pjesën e përzgjedhur","Njëkohësimi u aktivizua me sukses për pjesët e përzgjedhura"],"Tags":"Etiketa","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Lidhja u kopjua te e papastra juaj.","The marked elements will be copied.":"Elementët me shenjë do të kopjohen.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Emri “%{name}” është i zënë tashmë","The name cannot be empty":"Emri s’mund të jetë i zbrazët","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Emri s’mund të jetë i njëjtë me “..”","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Emri s’mund të jetë i njëjtë me “.”","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Emri s’mund të përmbajë “/”","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Emri s’mund të përfundojë me një hapësirë të zbrazët","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"Përzgjedhja tejkalon madhësinë e lejuar të arkivit (maks. %{maxSize})","The share was hidden successfully":"Pjesa u fsheh me sukses","The share was unhidden successfully":"Pjesës iu hoq me sukses fshehja","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"S’ka kuota të mjaftueshme te “%{spaceName}” për të ruajtur këtë kartelë","There is not enough quota to save this file":"S’ka kuota të mjaftueshme për të ruajtur këtë kartelë","This %{ resourceType } is shared by %{ user }":"Ky %{ resourceType } është ndarë nga %{ user }","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Ky %{ resourceType } është ndarë përmes %{ shareCount } ftese","Ky %{ resourceType } është ndarë përmes %{ shareCount } ftesash"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Kjo kartelë qe përditësuar jashtë kësaj dritareje. Ju lutemi, rifreskoni faqen (do të humbin krejt ndryshimet).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Ky objekt ndahet drejtpërsëdrejti, përmes lidhjesh.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Ky objekt ndahet me të tjerët drejtpërsëdrejti.","This item is in processing":"Ky objekt është duke u përpunuar","This item is locked":"Ky objekt është i kyçur","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Ky objekt ndahet përmes lidhjesh që nga një nga dosjet mëmë.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Ky objekt ndahet me të tjerë përmes njërës nga dosjet mëmë.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Kjo hapësirë ka %{memberShareCount} anëtar.","Kjo hapësira ka %{memberShareCount} anëtarë."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"Kjo hapësirë ka %{memberShareCount} anëtarë dhe %{linkShareCount} lidhje.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Kjo hapësirë ka %{memberShareCount} anëtarë dhe një lidhje.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Kjo hapësirë ka një anëtar dhe %{linkShareCount} lidhje.","Kjo hapësirë ka një anëtar dhe %{linkShareCount} lidhje."],"Tile size":"Madhësi kuadrati","Total quota":"Kuota gjithsej","Total quota:":"Kuota gjithsej:","Trash overview":"Përmbledhje hedhurinash","Unhide":"Hiqi fshehjen","Unsaved changes":"Ndryshime të paruajtura","Used quota":"Kuota të përdorura","Used quota:":"Kuota të përdorura:","User quota was changed successfully":["Kuotat e përdoruesit u ndryshuan me sukses","Kuotat për %{count} përdorues u ndryshuan me sukses"],"Webpage or file":"Faqe web, ose kartelë","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["S’mund të ngjitni në këtë vend kartelën e përzgjedhur, ngaqë s’mund të ngjitni një objekt te vetvetja.","S’mund të ngjitni në këtë vend kartelat e përzgjedhura, ngaqë s’mund të ngjitni një objekt te vetvetja."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"S’jeni i autorizuar të ruani këtë kartelë","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Ndryshimet tuaja s’u ruajtën. Doni të ruhen?","Z-A":"Z-A"},"sr":{},"ta":{"Actions":"செயல்கள்","All files":"அனைத்து கோப்புகள்","Cancel":"ரத்துசெய்","Copy":"நகலெடுக்கவும்","Download":"பதிவிறக்க"},"tr":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" başarıyla oluşturuldu","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" başarıyla oluşturuldu","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" çöp kutusuna taşındı","(Opens in new window)":"(Yeni pencerede açılır)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } öge seçildi. Eylemler tablonun üzerinde mevcuttur.","%{ amount } öge seçildi. Eylemler tablonun üzerinde mevcuttur."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } alan seçildi","%{ itemCount } alan seçildi"],"%{appName} for %{fileName}":"%{fileName} için %{appName}","%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} öge başarıyla kopyalandı","%{count} öge başarıyla kopyalandı"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} öge başarıyla taşındı","%{count} öge başarıyla taşındı"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (ben)","%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":["%{itemCount} öge çöp kutusuna taşındı","%{itemCount} öge çöp kutusuna taşındı"],"%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} bağlantı erişim sağlıyor.","%{linkShareCount} bağlantı erişim sağlıyor."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} zaten mevcut","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} başarıyla yenilendi","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} dosya başarıyla yenilendi","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":["%{spaceCount} alan başarıyla silindi","%{spaceCount} alan başarıyla silindi"],"%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} alan başarıyla devre dışı bırakıldı","%{spaceCount} alan başarıyla devre dışı bırakıldı"],"%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} alan başarıyla aktifleştirildi","%{spaceCount} alan başarıyla aktifleştirildi"],"%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} / %{total} kullanıldı (%{percentage}% kullanıldı)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} kullanıldı (kısıtlama yok)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Aksiyonlar","Add to favorites":"Favorilere ekle","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"%{numFiles} dosya(lar) eklendi","All Actions":"Tüm Eylemler","All deleted files were removed":"Tüm silinen dosyalar kaldırıldı","All files":"Tüm dosyalar","An error occurred":"Bir hata oluştu","Anyone with the link can edit":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes düzenleyebilir","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes yalnızca yükleme yapabilir, mevcut içerik açığa çıkmaz.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes yükleyebilir","Anyone with the link can view":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes görüntüleyebilir","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes görüntüleyebilir ve indirebilir.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes görüntüleyebilir, indirebilir ve düzenleyebilir.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes görüntüleyebilir, indirebilir ve yükleyebilir.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Tüm %{count} çakışmaya uygula","Apply to all %{count} files":"Tüm %{count} dosyaya uygula","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Tüm %{count} klasöre uygula","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Seçilen tüm kaynakları silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Tüm içerikleri kalıcı olarak kaldırılacaktır. Bu işlem geri alınamaz.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Seçilen alanı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Seçilen %{count} alanı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Bu dosyayı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Tüm içeriği kalıcı olarak kaldırılacak. Bu işlem geri alınamaz.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Bu klasörü silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Tüm içeriği kalıcı olarak kaldırılacak. Bu işlem geri alınamaz.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Listelenen ögeleri kalıcı olarak silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Bu işlemi geri alamazsınız.","Back to %{panel} panel":"%{panel} paneline geri dön","Can edit":"Düzenleyebilir","Can upload":"Yükleyebilir","Can view":"Görüntüleyebilir","Cancel":"İptal","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"%{count} Alan için kotayı değiştir","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"\"%{name}\" Alanı için kotayı değiştir","Change subtitle for space":"Alan için alt başlığı değiştir","Changes saved":"Değişiklikler kaydedildi","Close":"Kapat","Close file sidebar":"Yan çubuğu kapat","Confirm":"Onayla","Connect to %{pluginName}":"%{pluginName}'ye bağlan","Connection with Companion failed":"Arkadaş ile bağlantı kurulamadı","Copied to clipboard!":"Panoya kopyalandı!","Copy":"Kopyala","Copy here":"Buraya kopyala","Copy here?":"Buraya kopyalansın mı?","Copy link":"Bağlantıyı kopyala","Copy link failed":"Bağlantı kopyalama başarısız","Create":"Yarat","Create a new file":"Yeni bir dosya oluştur","Create a new folder":"Yeni bir klasör oluştur","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["\"%{resourceName}\"den Alan oluştur","Seçimden Alan oluştur"],"Create Space from selection":"Seçimden Alan oluştur","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["\"%{resourceName}\"nin içeriği ile Alan oluştur.","Seçilen dosyalarla alan oluştur."],"Creating space failed…":"Alan oluşturma başarısız...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"Kes","Cut to clipboard!":"Panodan kes!","Delete":"Sil","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["\"%{space}\" Alanı silinsin mi?","%{spaceCount} Alan silinsin mi?"],"Deleted":"Silindi","Details":"Detaylar","Disable":"Devre dışı bırak","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["\"%{space}\" Alanı devre dışı bırakılsın mı?","%{spaceCount} Alan devre dışı bırakılsın mı?"],"Disabled":"Devre dışı bırakıldı","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"Devre dışı bırakılan alanlar girilemez","Disabled:":"Devre dışı bırakıldı:","Display customization options of the files list":"Dosya listesinin özelleştirme seçeneklerini görüntüleyin","Don't Save":"Kaydetme","Download":"İndir","Download failed":"İndirme başarısız","Edit description":"Açıklamayı düzenle","Edit expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihini düzenle","Edit quota":"Kotayı düzenle","Edit subtitle":"Alt başlığı düzenle","Empty trash bin":"Çöp kutusunu boşalt","Enable":"Etkinleştir","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["\"%{space}\" Alanı etkinleştirilsin mi?","%{spaceCount} Alan etkinleştirilsin mi?"],"Enabled:":"Etkin:","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"%{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate}) tarihinde sona eriyor","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"\"%{file}\" favori durumu değiştirilemedi","Failed to change quota":"Kota değiştirme başarısız","Failed to change space quota":["Alan kotası değiştirme başarısız","%{count} alan için kota değiştirme başarısız"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"Alan alt başlığı değiştirilemedi","Failed to change user quota":["Kullanıcı kotası değiştirme başarısız","%{count} kullanıcı için kota değiştirme başarısız"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"\"%{name}\" kopyalanamadı","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"%{count} kaynak kopyalanamadı","Failed to create file":"Dosya oluşturma başarısız","Failed to create folder":"Klasör oluşturma başarısız","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":["%{spaceCount} alan silinemedi","%{spaceCount} alan silinemedi"],"Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\" alanı silinemedi","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":["%{spaceCount} alan devre dışı bırakılamadı","%{spaceCount} alan devre dışı bırakılamadı"],"Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\" alanı devre dışı bırakılamadı","Failed to download the selected folder.":["Seçilen klasör indirilemedi.","Seçilen klasörler indirilemedi."],"Failed to empty trash bin":"Çöp kutusunu boşaltma başarısız","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":["%{spaceCount} alan etkinleştirilemedi","%{spaceCount} alan etkinleştirilemedi"],"Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\" alanı etkinleştirilemedi","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"\"%{name}\" taşınamadı","Failed to move %{count} resources":"%{count} kaynak taşınamadı","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"\"%{file}\", \"%{newName}\" olarak yeniden adlandırılamadı","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"\"%{file}\", \"%{newName}\" olarak yeniden adlandırılamadı - dosya kilitli","Failed to rename space":"Alan yeniden adlandırılamadı","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"\"%{resource}\" geri yüklenemedi","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"%{resourceCount} dosya geri yüklenemedi","Failed to set space description":"Alan açıklaması ayarlanamadı","Failed to set space image":"Alan resmi ayarlanamadı","Favorite files":"Favori dosyalar","file":"dosya","File already exists":"Dosya zaten mevcut","File autosaved":"Dosya otomatik olarak kaydedildi","File could not be located":"Dosya bulunamadı","File name":"Dosya adı","File name cannot be empty":"Dosya adı boş olamaz","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Dosya adı \"..\" olamaz","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Dosya adı \".\" olamaz","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Dosya adı \"/\" içeremez","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Dosya adı boşlukla bitemez","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"\"%{name}\" adlı dosya zaten var.","Files shared via link":"Bağlantı aracılığıyla dosyalar paylaşıldı","Files shared with me":"Benimle paylaşılan dosyalar","Files shared with others":"Diğerleri ile paylaşılan dosyalar","Filter list":"Filtre listesi","folder":"klasör","Folder already exists":"Klasör zaten mevcut","Folder name":"Klasör adı","Folder name cannot be empty":"Klasör adı boş olamaz","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Klasör adı \"..\" olamaz","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Klasör adı \".\" olamaz","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Klasör adı \"/\" içeremez","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"\"%{name}\" adlı klasör zaten var.","Group By:":"Gruplayan:","Hide":"Gizle","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Seçilen alanı devre dışı bırakırsanız, artık bu alana erişilemez. Yalnızca Alan yöneticilerinin erişimi devam eder. Not: Sunucudan hiçbir dosya silinmeyecektir.","Seçilen %{count} alanı devre dışı bırakırsanız, bunlara artık erişilemez. Yalnızca Alan yöneticilerinin erişimi devam eder. Not: Sunucudan hiçbir dosya silinmeyecektir."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Seçilen alanı etkinleştirirseniz, bunlara tekrar erişilebilir.","Seçilen %{count} alanı etkinleştirirseniz, bunlara tekrar erişilebilir."],"Importing failed":"İçe aktarma başarısız","Invited people":"Davetli kişiler","Items per page":"Sayfa başına öge","Keep both":"İkisini de tut","Largest":"En geniş","Last activity":"Son aktivite","Link":"Bağlantı","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Bağlantı yalnızca davet edilen kişiler için çalışır. Giriş gereklidir.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"%{numFiles} dosya yüklendi","Loading app":"Uygulama yükleniyor","Loading...":"Yükleniyor...","Log out":"Çıkış yap","Manager":"Yönetici","Members":"Üyeler","Modified":"Değiştirildi","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"Dosyaları bir alandan diğerine taşımak mümkün değildir. Bunun yerine kopyalamak ister misiniz?","Must not be empty":"Boş olamaz","Name":"İsim","New file":"Yeni dosya","New folder":"Yeni klasör","New Folder":"Yeni Klasör","Newest":"En yeni","No changes":"Değişiklik yok","No items selected.":"Hiçbir öge seçilmedi.","No restriction":"Kısıtlama yok","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"Not: Orijinal dosyanın bağlantıları ve paylaşımları kopyalanmaz.","Oldest":"En eski","Only for invited people":"Sadece davetli kişiler","Open folder":"Klasörü aç","Open in %{app}":"%{app}'da aç","Open link list in share panel":"Bağlantı listesini paylaşım panelinde aç","Open member list in share panel":"Üye listesini paylaşım panelinde aç","Open share panel":"Paylaşım panelini aç","Opens in a new window":"Yeni bir pencerede açılır","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Seçilen alan hakkındaki bilgilere genel bakış","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Seçilen alanlar hakkındaki bilgilere genel bakış","Password":"Parola","Paste":"Yapıştır","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Seçilen kaynak kalıcı olarak silinsin mi?","Seçilen %{amount} kaynak kalıcı olarak silinsin mi?"],"Personal":"Kişisel","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Dosyaları seçmek için lütfen %{pluginName} ile kimlik doğrulaması yapın","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Lütfen %{ quotaLimit } değerine eşit veya daha küçük bir değer girin","Please enter only numbers":"Lütfen sadece sayı girin","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Lütfen parola koruması olmayan genel bir bağlantının URL'sini sağlayın.","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"Her şeyin doğru çalıştığından emin olmak için lütfen tarayıcı ayarlarınızda açılır pencereleri ve yönlendirmeleri açın.","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"Açılır pencere ve yönlendirme engellemesi algılandı","Public file upload":"Herkese açık dosya yüklendi","Public Link URL":"Herkese Açık Bağlantı URL'i","Quota":"Kota","Quota was changed successfully":"Kota başarıyla değiştirildi","Remaining quota":"Kalan kota","Remaining quota:":"Kalan kota:","Remove expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihini kaldır","Remove from favorites":"Favorilerden kaldır","Rename":"Yeniden adlandır","Rename file %{name}":"%{name} dosyasını yeniden adlandır","Rename folder %{name}":"%{name} klasörünü yeniden adlandır","Rename space":"Alanı yeniden adlandır","Replace":"Yer değiştir","Restore":"Geri yükle","Restrictions":"Kısıtlamalar","Revert":"Geri al","Save":"Kaydet","Search results":"Arama sonuçları","Secret File Drop":"Gizli Dosya Bırakma","Select %{smart_count}":"Seç: %{smart_count}","Select a role":"Bir rol seç","Select a space to view details":"Detayları görüntülemek için bir alan seç","Select all resources":"Tüm kaynakları seç","Select file":"Dosyayı seç","Select folder":"Klasörü seç","Select space":"Alan seç","Set as space description":"Alan açıklaması olarak ayarla","Set as space image":"Alan resmi olarak ayarla","Set expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihini ayarla","Share":"Paylaş","Shared by":"Paylaşıldı","Shared on":"Şurada paylaşıldı:","Shared with":"Paylaşlaşılmış","Shared with me":"Benimle paylaşıldı","Shares":"Paylaşımlar","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Paylaşımlar, sürümler ve etiketler kopyalanmayacaktır.","Show":"Göster","Show context menu":"İçerik menüsünü göster","Show file extensions":"Dosya uzantılarını göster","Show hidden files":"Gizli dosyaları göster","Show invited people":"Davet edilen kişileri göster","Show links":"Bağlantıları göster","Sign in with Google":"Google ile kaydol","Size":"Boyut","Skip":"Atla","Smallest":"En küçük","Sort by %{ name }":"%{ name } 'e göre sırala","Sort by: ":"Sırala:","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"\"%{space}\" alanı başarıyla silindi","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"\"%{space}\" alanı başarıyla devre dışı bırakıldı","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"\"%{space}\" alanı başarıyla etkinleştirildi","Space description was set successfully":"Alan açıklaması başarıyla ayarlandı","Space image was set successfully":"Alan resmi başarıyla ayarlandı","Space name":"Alan adı","Space name cannot be empty":"Alan adı boş olamaz","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Alan adı şu karakterleri içeremez: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Alan adı 255 karakterden uzun olamaz","Space name was changed successfully":"Alan adı başarıyla değiştirildi","Space quota was changed successfully":["Alan kotası başarıyla değiştirildi","%{count} alan kotası başarıyla değiştirildi"],"Space subtitle":"Alan alt başlığı","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Alan alt başlığı başarıyla değiştirildi","Space was created successfully":"Alan başarıyla oluşturuldu","Spaces":"Alanlar","Status":"Durum","Subtitle":"Alt başlık","Tags":"Etiketler","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Bağlantı panonuza kopyalandı.","The marked elements will be copied.":"İşaretli elementler kopyalanacak.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"\"%{name}\" ismi zaten alındı","The name cannot be empty":"İsim boş olamaz","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"İsim \"..\" olamaz","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"İsim \".\" olamaz","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"İsim \"/\" içeremez","The name cannot end with whitespace":"İsim boşlukla bitemez","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"Seçim, izin verilen arşiv boyutunu aşıyor (maks. %{maxSize})","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Bu dosyayı kaydetmek için \"%{spaceName}\" üzerinde yeterli kota yok","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Bu dosyayı kaydetmek için yeterli kota yok","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Bu %{ resourceType }, %{ shareCount } davetiyle paylaşılıyor","Bu %{ resourceType }, %{ shareCount } davetiyle paylaşılıyor"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Bu dosya, bu pencerenin dışında güncellendi. Lütfen sayfayı yenileyin (tüm değişiklikler kaybolacak).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Bu öge doğrudan bağlantılar aracılığıyla paylaşılır.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Bu öge doğrudan başkalarıyla paylaşılır.","This item is locked":"Bu öge kilitli","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Bu öge, üst klasörlerden biri tarafından bağlantılar aracılığıyla paylaşılır.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Bu öge, üst klasörlerden biri aracılığıyla başkalarıyla paylaşılır.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Bu alanda %{memberShareCount} üye var.","Bu alanda %{memberShareCount} üye var."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"Bu alanda %{memberShareCount} üye ve %{linkShareCount} bağlantı var.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Bu alanda %{memberShareCount} üye ve bir bağlantı var.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Bu alanın bir üyesi ve %{linkShareCount} bağlantısı var.","Bu alanın bir üyesi ve %{linkShareCount} bağlantısı var."],"Tile size":"Karo boyutu","Toggle selection":"Seçimi değiştir","Total quota":"Toplam kota","Total quota:":"Toplam kota:","Trash overview":"Çöp kutusuna genel bakış","Unsaved changes":"Kaydedilmeyen değişiklikler","Used quota":"Kullanılan kota","Used quota:":"Kullanılan kota:","User quota was changed successfully":["Kullanıcı kotası başarıyla değiştirildi","%{count} kullanıcı kotası başarıyla değiştirildi"],"You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["Bir ögeyi kendi içine yapıştıramayacağınız için seçili dosyaları bu konuma yapıştıramazsınız.","Bir ögeyi kendi içine yapıştıramayacağınız için seçili dosyaları bu konuma yapıştıramazsınız."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"Bu dosyayı kaydetme yetkiniz yok","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Değişiklikleriniz kaydedilmedi. Onları kurtarmak istiyor musun?","Z-A":"Z-A"},"ug":{},"zh":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" 创建成功","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" 创建成功","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" 被移入回收站","(Opens in new window)":"(在新窗口打开)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":"已选择 %{ amount } 项, 表格上方提供了操作。","%{ itemCount } space selected":"已选择 %{ itemCount } 项","%{count} item was copied successfully":"%{count} 项复制成功","%{count} item was moved successfully":"%{count} 项移动成功","%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (我)","%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":"%{itemCount} 个项目被移入回收站","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":"%{linkShareCount} 个链接已授权。","%{name} already exists":"%{name} 已存在","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} 恢复成功","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} 个文件恢复成功","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":"%{spaceCount} 个空间删除成功","%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":"%{spaceCount} 个空间禁用成功","%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":"%{spaceCount} 个空间启用成功","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"已用 %{used} / %{total} (已用 %{percentage}%)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"已用 %{used} (无限制)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"操作","Add to favorites":"添加到收藏","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"已添加 %{numFiles} 个文件","All Actions":"所有操作","All deleted files were removed":"所有已删除的文件均已删除","All files":"所有文件","An error occurred":"发生错误","Anyone with the link can edit":"任何拥有该链接的人都可以编辑","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"任何拥有该链接的人只能上传,现有内容不会被展示。","Anyone with the link can upload":"任何拥有该链接的人都可以上传","Anyone with the link can view":"任何拥有该链接的人都可以查看","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"任何拥有该链接的人都可以查看和下载。","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"任何拥有该链接的人都可以查看、下载和编辑。","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"任何拥有该链接的人都可以查看、下载和上传。","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"应用到所有的 %{count} 个冲突","Apply to all %{count} files":"应用到所有的 %{count} 个文件","Apply to all %{count} folders":"应用到所有的 %{count} 个文件夹","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"确定删除所有选定的资源吗? 这些内容将被永久删除。 此操作无法撤消。","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":"确认删除已选择的 %{count} 个空间吗?","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"确定删除这些文件吗? 这些内容将被永久删除。 此操作无法撤消。","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"确定删除这些文件夹吗? 这些内容将被永久删除。 此操作无法撤消。","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"确定永久删除列出的项目吗? 此操作无法撤销。","Back to %{panel} panel":"返回 %{panel} 面板","Can edit":"可编辑","Can upload":"可上传","Can view":"可查看","Cancel":"取消","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"更改 %{count} 个空间的配额","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"更改空间 \"%{name}\" 的配额","Change subtitle for space":"更改空间的子标题","Changes saved":"更改已保存","Close":"关闭","Close file sidebar":"关闭文件的侧边栏","Confirm":"确认","Connect to %{pluginName}":"连接到 %{pluginName}","Connection with Companion failed":"连接失败","Copied to clipboard!":"已复制到剪贴板!","Copy":"复制","Copy here":"复制这个","Copy here?":"复制这个?","Copy link":"复制链接","Copy link failed":"复制链接失败。","Create":"创建","Create a new file":"创建新文件","Create a new folder":"创建新文件夹","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":"根据已选择项创建空间","Create Space from selection":"根据已选择项创建空间","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":"根据已选择文件创建空间","Creating space failed…":"创建空间失败...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"剪切","Cut to clipboard!":"已剪切到剪切板!","Delete":"删除","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":"删除 %{spaceCount} 个空间?","Deleted":"已删除","Details":"详情","Disable":"禁用","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":"禁用 %{spaceCount} 个空间?","Disabled":"已禁用","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"无法进入已禁用的空间","Disabled:":"已禁用:","Display customization options of the files list":"显示文件列表的自定义选项","Don't Save":"不保存","Download":"下载","Download failed":"下载失败","Edit description":"编辑描述","Edit expiration date":"修改到期日期","Edit quota":"编辑存储空间","Edit subtitle":"编辑子标题","Empty trash bin":"清空回收站","Enable":"启用","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":"启用 %{spaceCount} 个空间?","Enabled:":"已启用:","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"%{timeToExpiry} 后到期 (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"修改 \"%{file}\" 的收藏状态失败","Failed to change quota":"更改配额失败","Failed to change space quota":"更改 %{count} 个空间的配额失败","Failed to change space subtitle":"更改空间的子标题失败","Failed to change user quota":"更改 %{count} 个用户的配额失败","Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"复制 \"%{name}\" 失败","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"复制 %{count} 个资源失败","Failed to create file":"创建文件失败","Failed to create folder":"创建文件夹失败","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":"%{spaceCount} 个空间删除失败","Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\"删除失败","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":"%{spaceCount} 个空间禁用失败","Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"禁用空间 \"%{space}\" 失败。","Failed to download the selected folder.":"下载已选择的文件失败","Failed to empty trash bin":"清空回收站失败","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":"启用 \"%{spaceCount}\" 个空间失败。","Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"启用 \"%{space}\" 空间失败","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"移动 \"%{name}\" 失败","Failed to move %{count} resources":"移动 %{count} 个资源失败","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"重命名 \"%{file}\" 为 \"%{newName}\" 失败","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"重命名 \"%{file}\" 为 \"%{newName}\" 失败 - 文件已被锁定","Failed to rename space":"重命名空间失败","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"恢复 \"%{resource}\" 失败","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"恢复 %{resourceCount} 个文件失败","Failed to set space description":"设置空间描述失败","Failed to set space image":"设置空间图片失败","Favorite files":"收藏的文件","file":"文件","File already exists":"文件已存在","File autosaved":"文件已自动保存","File could not be located":"无法找到文件","File name":"文件名称","File name cannot be empty":"文件名称不能为空","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"文件名称不能为 \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"文件名称不能为 \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"文件名称不能包含 \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"文件名称不能以空格结尾","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"文件 \"%{name}\" 已存在。","Files shared via link":"通过链接共享的文件","Files shared with me":"与我共享","Files shared with others":"与别人共享","Filter list":"过滤列表","folder":"文件夹","Folder already exists":"文件夹已存在","Folder name":"文件夹名称","Folder name cannot be empty":"文件夹名称不能为空","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"文件夹名称不能为 \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"文件夹名称不能为 \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"文件夹名称不能包含 \"/\"","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"文件夹 \"%{name}\" 已存在。","Group By:":"分组依据:","Hide":"隐藏","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":"如果禁用 %{count} 个已选定的空间,则无法再访问它们。 只有空间管理员仍有权访问。 注意:不会从服务器中删除任何文件。","If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":"如果启用 %{count} 个已选定的空间,则可以再次访问它们。","Invited people":"受邀人","Items per page":"项每页","Keep both":"保留两个","Largest":"最大","Last activity":"最新活动","Link":"链接","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"链接仅适用于受邀人员。 需要登录。","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"加载了 %{numFiles} 个文件","Loading app":"正在加载应用","Loading...":"载入中...","Log out":"登出","Manager":"管理员","Members":"成员","Modified":"已修改","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"无法将文件从一个空间移动到另一个空间。是否要复制?","Name":"文件名称","New file":"创建文件","New folder":"创建文件夹","New Folder":"创建文件夹","Newest":"最新","No changes":"没有变化","No items selected.":"没有选择任何项目。","No restriction":"没有限制","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"注意:原始文件的链接和共享不会被复制。","Oldest":"最旧的","Only for invited people":"仅限于受邀人员","Open folder":"打开文件夹","Open in %{app}":"在 %{app} 中打开","Open link list in share panel":"在共享面板中打开链接列表","Open member list in share panel":"在共享面板中打开成员列表","Open share panel":"打开共享面板","Opens in a new window":"新窗口打开","Overview of the information about the selected space":"有关所选空间的信息概览","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"有关所选空间的信息概览","Password":"密码","Paste":"粘贴","Permanently delete selected resource?":"永久删除 %{amount} 个选定资源吗?","Personal":"个人","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"请使用 %{pluginName} 进行身份验证以选择文件。","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"请输入小于等于 %{quotaLimit} 的值","Please enter only numbers":"仅支持输入数字","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"请提供一个没有密码保护的公开链接。","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"请在您的浏览器设置中启用弹出窗口和重定向,以确保一切正常运行。","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"检测到弹出窗口与重定向被禁用。","Public file upload":"公开文件上传","Public Link URL":"公开链接","Quota":"配额","Quota was changed successfully":"配额更新成功","Remaining quota":"剩余配额","Remaining quota:":"剩余配额: ","Remove expiration date":"移除到期时间","Remove from favorites":"从收藏中移除","Rename":"重命名","Rename file %{name}":"重命名文件 %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"重命名文件夹 %{name}","Rename space":"重命名空间","Replace":"替换","Restore":"恢复","Restrictions":"限制","Revert":"恢复","Save":"保存","Search results":"搜索结果","Secret File Drop":"仅上传","Select %{smart_count}":"选择了 %{smart_count} 项","Select a role":"选择一个角色","Select a space to view details":"选择一个空间预览详情","Select all resources":"选择所有资源","Select file":"选择文件","Select folder":"选择文件夹","Select space":"选择空间","Set as space description":"设置为空间描述","Set as space image":"设置为空间图片","Set expiration date":"设置到期日期","Share":"共享","Shared by":"共享通过","Shared on":"共享于","Shared with":"共享给","Shared with me":"与我共享","Shares":"共享","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"共享、版本和标签将不会被复制。","Show":"显示","Show context menu":"显示操作","Show file extensions":"显示文件扩展名","Show hidden files":"显示隐藏文件","Show invited people":"显示受邀请的人","Show links":"显示链接","Sign in with Google":"通过Google登录","Size":"大小","Skip":"跳过","Smallest":"最小","Sort by %{ name }":"按排序 %{ name }","Sort by: ":"排序:","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"空间 \"%{space}\" 删除成功","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"空间 \"%{space}\" 禁用成功","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"空间 \"%{space}\" 启用成功","Space description was set successfully":"空间描述设置成功","Space image was set successfully":"空间图片设置成功","Space name":"空间名称","Space name cannot be empty":"空间名称不能为空","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"空间名称不能包含以下字符: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"空间名称不能超过 255 个字符","Space name was changed successfully":"空间名称更改成功","Space quota was changed successfully":"空间 %{count} 的配额更改成功","Space subtitle":"空间子标题","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"空间子标题更改成功","Space was created successfully":"空间创建成功","Spaces":"空间","Status":"状态","Subtitle":"子标题","Tags":"标签","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"该链接已复制到您的剪贴板。","The marked elements will be copied.":"标记的元素将被复制。","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"名称 \"%{name}\" 已存在","The name cannot be empty":"名称不能为空","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"名称不能为 \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"名称不能为 \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"名称不能包含 \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"名称不能以空格结尾","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"选择超出了允许的存档大小 (最大 %{maxSize})","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"“%{spaceName}”上没有足够的配额来保存此文件","There is not enough quota to save this file":"没有足够的配额来保存此文件","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":"此 %{ resourceType } 通过 %{ shareCount } 邀请共享","This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"该文件是在此窗口之外更新的。 请刷新页面(所有更改都将丢失)。","This item is directly shared via links.":"该项目通过链接直接共享。","This item is directly shared with others.":"该项目直接与其他人共享。","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"该项目通过父文件夹之一的链接共享。","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"该项目通过父文件夹之一与其他人共享。","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":"该空间拥有 %{memberShareCount} 个成员。","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"该空间拥有 %{memberShareCount} 个成员和 %{linkShareCount} 个链接。","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"该空间拥有 %{memberShareCount} 个成员和一个链接","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":"该空间拥有一个成员和 %{linkShareCount} 个链接。","Tile size":"网格大小","Toggle selection":"反向选择","Total quota":"总配额","Total quota:":"总配额:","Trash overview":"回收站预览","Unsaved changes":"未保存的更改","Used quota":"已用配额","Used quota:":"已用配额:","User quota was changed successfully":"%{count} 个用户的配额更新成功","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":"您无法将选定的文件粘贴到此位置,因为您无法将项目粘贴到其自身中。","You're not authorized to save this file":"您无权保存此文件","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"您的更改尚未保存。 要保存这些更改吗?","Z-A":"Z-A"},"uk":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" успішно створено","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" успішно створено","\"%{item}\" was deleted successfully":"\"%{item}\" успішно видалено","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" було переміщено до кошика","(Opens in new window)":"(Відкривається в новому вікні)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.","%{ amount } items selected. Actions are available above the table.","%{ amount } items selected. Actions are available above the table.","Вибрано %{ amount } елементів. Дії доступні над таблицею."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } space selected","%{ itemCount } spaces selected","%{ itemCount } spaces selected","Вибрано %{ itemCount } Просторів"],"%{appName} for %{fileName}":"%{appName} для %{fileName}","%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} item was copied successfully","%{count} items were copied successfully","%{count} items were copied successfully","%{count} елементів успішно скопійовано"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} item was moved successfully","%{count} items were moved successfully","%{count} items were moved successfully","%{count} елементів було успішно переміщено"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (я)","%{itemCount} item was deleted successfully":["%{itemCount} item was deleted successfully","%{itemCount} items were deleted successfully","%{itemCount} items were deleted successfully","%{itemCount} елементів успішно видалено"],"%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":["%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin","%{itemCount} items were moved to trash bin","%{itemCount} items were moved to trash bin","%{itemCount} елементів було переміщено до кошика"],"%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} link giving access.","%{linkShareCount} links giving access.","%{linkShareCount} links giving access.","%{linkShareCount} посилань до яких надано доступ."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} вже існує","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} було успішно відновлено","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} файлів успішно відновлено","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":["%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully","%{spaceCount} spaces were deleted successfully","%{spaceCount} spaces were deleted successfully","%{spaceCount} Просторів успішно видалено"],"%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully","%{spaceCount} spaces were disabled successfully","%{spaceCount} spaces were disabled successfully","%{spaceCount} Просторів успішно вимкнено"],"%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully","%{spaceCount} spaces were enabled successfully","%{spaceCount} spaces were enabled successfully","%{spaceCount} Просторів успішно ввімкнено"],"%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} від %{total} використано (%{percentage}% використано)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} використано (без обмежень)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"А-Я","Actions":"Дії","Add to favorites":"Додати в обрані","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"Додано %{numFiles} файл(ів)","All Actions":"Усі Дії","All deleted files were removed":"Усі видалені файли остаточно видалено","All files":"Всі файли","An error occurred":"Виникла помилка","Anyone with the link can edit":"Редагувати можуть усі, хто має посилання","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Будь-хто, хто має посилання, може лише відвантажувати, існуючий вміст не розкривається.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Будь-хто, хто має посилання, може відвантажувати","Anyone with the link can view":"Переглядати можуть усі, хто має посилання","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Переглядати та завантажувати можуть усі, хто має посилання","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Переглядати, завантажувати та редагувати можуть усі, хто має посилання","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Будь-хто, хто має посилання, може переглядати, завантажувати та відвантажувати.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Застосувати до всіх %{count} конфліктів","Apply to all %{count} files":"Застосувати до всіх %{count} файлів","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Застосувати до всіх %{count} папок","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Ви впевнені, що бажаєте видалити всі вибрані ресурси? Весь їхній вміст буде остаточно видалено. Цю дію не можна скасувати.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?","Are you sure you want to delete %{count} selected spaces?","Are you sure you want to delete %{count} selected spaces?","Ви впевнені, що бажаєте видалити %{count} вибрані Простори?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цей файл? Весь його вміст буде остаточно видалено. Цю дію не можна скасувати.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цю папку? Весь її вміст буде остаточно видалено. Цю дію не можна скасувати.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Ви впевнені, що бажаєте остаточно видалити перелічені елементи? Ви не можете скасувати цю дію.","At least %{param1} character long":["At least %{param1} character long","At least %{param1} characters long","At least %{param1} characters long","Принаймні %{param1} символів"],"At least %{param1} lowercase character":["At least %{param1} lowercase character","At least %{param1} lowercase characters","At least %{param1} lowercase characters","Принаймні %{param1} малих символів"],"At least %{param1} number":["At least %{param1} number","At least %{param1} numbers","At least %{param1} numbers","Принаймні %{param1} чисел"],"At least %{param1} of the special characters: %{param2}":"Принаймні %{param1} спеціальних символів: %{param2}","At least %{param1} uppercase character":["At least %{param1} uppercase character","At least %{param1} uppercase characters","At least %{param1} uppercase characters","Принаймні %{param1} символів у верхньому регістрі"],"At most %{param1} character long":["At most %{param1} character long","At most %{param1} characters long","At most %{param1} characters long","Максимальна довжина: %{param1} символів"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Назад до панелі %{panel}","Back to main panels":"Повернутися до головної панелі","Can edit":"Може редагувати","Can upload":"Можна відвантажувати","Can view":"Можна переглядати","Cancel":"Скасувати","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Змінити квоту для %{count} Просторів","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Змінити квоту для Простору \"%{name}\"","Change subtitle for space":"Змінити опис Простору","Changes saved":"Зміни збережено","Close":"Закрити","Close file sidebar":"Закрити бічну панель файлів","Confirm":"Підтвердити","Connect to %{pluginName}":"Підключитися до %{pluginName}","Connection with Companion failed":"Помилка підключення до Компаньйона","Copied to clipboard!":"Скопійовано в буфер обміну!","Copy":"Копіювати","Copy here":"Скопіюйте сюди","Copy here?":"Копіювати сюди?","Copy link":"Копіювати посилання","Copy link failed":"Не вдалося скопіювати посилання","Copy WebDAV path":"Копіювати шлях WebDAV","Copy WebDAV path to clipboard":"Копіювати шлях WebDAV до буфера обміну","Copy WebDAV URL":"Копіювати URL WebDAV","Copy WebDAV URL to clipboard":"Скопіюйте URL-адресу WebDAV у буфер обміну","Create":"Створити","Create a new file":"Створіть новий файл","Create a new folder":"Створіть нову папку","Create a Shortcut":"Створіть ярлик","Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"":["Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"","Create links for the selected items","Create links for the selected items","Створіть посилання для вибраних елементів"],"Create links":"Створити посилання","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"","Create Space from selection","Create Space from selection","Створити Простір із виділення"],"Create Space from selection":"Створити Простір із виділення","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".","Create Space with the selected files.","Create Space with the selected files.","Створіть Простір із вибраними файлами."],"Creating space failed…":"Не вдалося створити Простір…","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Current folder":"Поточна папка","Cut":"Вирізати","Cut to clipboard!":"Вирізати в буфер обміну!","Delete":"Видалити","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["Delete Space \"%{space}\"?","Delete %{spaceCount} Spaces?","Delete %{spaceCount} Spaces?","Видалити %{spaceCount} Простори?"],"Deleted":"Видалено","Details":"Деталі","Disable":"Вимкнути","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Disable Space \"%{space}\"?","Disable %{spaceCount} Spaces?","Disable %{spaceCount} Spaces?","Вимкнути %{spaceCount} Простори?"],"Disable sync":"Вимкнути синхронізацію","Disabled":"Вимкнено","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"Неможливо ввійти в вимкненний Простір","Disabled:":"Вимкнено:","Display customization options of the files list":"Відображення параметрів налаштування списку файлів","Don't Save":"Не зберігати","Download":"Завантажити","Download failed":"Помилка завантаження","Duplicate":"Дублікат","Edit description":"Редагувати опис","Edit expiration date":"Редагувати термін дії","Edit quota":"Редагувати квоту","Edit subtitle":"Редагувати опис","Empty trash bin":"Очистити кошик","Enable":"Увімкнути","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Enable Space \"%{space}\"?","Enable %{spaceCount} Spaces?","Enable %{spaceCount} Spaces?","Увімкнути %{spaceCount} Простори?"],"Enable sync":"Увімкнути синхронізацію","Enabled:":"Увімкнено:","Enter the target URL of a webpage or the name of a file. Users will be directed to this webpage or file.":"Введіть цільову URL-адресу веб-сторінки або назву файлу. Користувачі будуть направлені на цю веб-сторінку або файл.","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Термін дії закінчується %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Не вдалося змінити стан обраний для \"%{file}\"","Failed to change quota":"Не вдалося змінити квоту","Failed to change space quota":["Failed to change space quota","Failed to change quota for %{count} spaces","Failed to change quota for %{count} spaces","Не вдалося змінити квоту для %{count} Просторів"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"Не вдалося змінити опис простору","Failed to change user quota":["Failed to change user quota","Failed to change quota for %{count} users","Failed to change quota for %{count} users","Не вдалося змінити квоту для %{count} користувачів"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Не вдалося скопіювати \"%{name}\"","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Не вдалося скопіювати %{count} ресурсів","Failed to create file":"Не вдалося створити файл","Failed to create folder":"Не вдалося створити папку","Failed to create link":["Failed to create link","Failed to create links","Failed to create links","Не вдалося створити посилання"],"Failed to create shortcut":"Не вдалося створити ярлик","Failed to delete \"%{item}\"":"Не вдалося видалити \"%{item}\"","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\"":"Не вдалося видалити \"%{resource}\"","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\" - the file is locked":"Не вдалося видалити \"%{resource}\" - файл заблоковано","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":["Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} spaces","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} spaces","Не вдалося видалити %{spaceCount} Простори"],"Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"Не вдалося видалити Простір \"%{space}\"","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":["Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} spaces","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} spaces","Не вдалося вимкнути %{spaceCount} Просторів"],"Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"Не вдалося вимкнути Простір \"%{space}\"","Failed to disable sync for the the selected share":["Failed to disable sync for the the selected share","Failed to disable sync for the selected shares","Failed to disable sync for the selected shares","Не вдалося вимкнути синхронізацію для вибраних спільних ресурсів"],"Failed to download the selected folder.":["Failed to download the selected folder.","Failed to download the selected files.","Failed to download the selected files.","Не вдалося завантажити вибрані файли."],"Failed to duplicate space \"%{space}\"":"Не вдалося дублювати Простір \"%{space}\"","Failed to empty trash bin":"Не вдалося очистити кошик","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":["Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} spaces","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} spaces","Не вдалося ввімкнути %{spaceCount} Просторів"],"Failed to enable sync for the the selected share":["Failed to enable sync for the the selected share","Failed to enable sync for the selected shares","Failed to enable sync for the selected shares","Не вдалося ввімкнути синхронізацію для вибраних спільних ресурсів"],"Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"Не вдалося ввімкнути Простір \"%{space}\"","Failed to hide the share":"Не вдалося приховати спільний доступ","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Не вдалося перемістити \"%{name}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Не вдалося перемістити %{count} ресурсів","Failed to open shortcut":"Не вдалося відкрити ярлик","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Не вдалося перейменувати \"%{file}\" на \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Не вдалося перейменувати \"%{file}\" на \"%{newName}\" - файл заблоковано","Failed to rename space":"Не вдалося перейменувати Простір","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Не вдалося відновити \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Не вдалося відновити %{resourceCount} файлів","Failed to set space description":"Не вдалося зазначити опис Простору","Failed to set space icon":"Не вдалося встановити значок Простору","Failed to set space image":"Не вдалося встановити зображення Простору","Failed to unhide share share":"Не вдалося показати спільний доступ","Favorite files":"Обрані файли","file":"файл","File already exists":"Файл уже існує","File autosaved":"Файл автоматично збережено","File could not be located":"Не вдалося знайти файл","File name":"Ім'я файлу","File name cannot be empty":"Назва файлу не може бути пустою","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Назва файлу не може дорівнювати \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Ім'я файлу не може дорівнювати \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Назва файлу не може містити \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Назва файлу не може закінчуватися пробілом","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Файл із назвою \"%{name}\" уже існує.","Files shared via link":"Файли, надіслані за посиланням","Files shared with me":"Файли, якими зі мною поділилися","Files shared with others":"Файли, надані іншим користувачам","Filter list":"Список фільтрів","folder":"папку","Folder already exists":"Папка вже існує","Folder name":"Назва папки","Folder name cannot be empty":"Назва папки не може бути пустою","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Назва папки не може дорівнювати \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Назва папки не може дорівнювати \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Назва папки не може містити \"/\"","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Папка з назвою \"%{name}\" вже існує.","Group By:":"Групувати за:","Hide":"Сховати","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.","If you disable the %{count} selected spaces, they can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.","If you disable the %{count} selected spaces, they can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.","Якщо ви вимкнете %{count} вибраних Просторів, до них більше не буде доступу. Лише менеджери Просторів матимуть доступ. Примітка: файли не будуть видалені з сервера."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.","If you enable the %{count} selected spaces, they can be accessed again.","If you enable the %{count} selected spaces, they can be accessed again.","Якщо ви ввімкнете %{count} Просторів, до них можна буде знову отримати доступ."],"Importing failed":"Не вдалося імпортувати","Invited people":"Запрошені особи","Item in processing":"Елемент в обробці","Item locked":"Елемент заблоковано","Items per page":"Елементів на сторінці","Keep both":"Оберіть обидва","Largest":"Найбільший","Last activity":"Остання діяльність","Link":"Посилання","Link has been created successfully":"Посилання успішно створено","Link to a file":"Посилання на файл","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Посилання працює тільки для запрошених осіб. Необхідно здійснити вхід.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"Завантажено %{numFiles} файлів","Loading app":"Завантаження програми","Loading...":"Завантаження...","Log out":"Вийти","Manager":"Менеджер","Members":"Учасники","Modified":"Змінено","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"Переміщення файлів з одного Простору в інший неможливе. Бажаєте скопіювати файли ?","Must not be empty":"Не має бути порожнім","Name":"Ім'я","New file":"Новий файл","New folder":"Нова папка","New Folder":"Нова Папка","New project":"Новий проект","New Shortcut":"Новий ярлик","Newest":"Найновіший","No changes":"Без змін","No items selected.":"Елементи не вибрано.","No restriction":"Без обмежень","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"Примітка. Посилання та спільний доступ до оригінального файлу не скопійовано.","Oldest":"Найстаріший","Only for invited people":"Тільки для запрошених осіб","Open folder":"Відкрити папку","Open in %{app}":"Відкрити в %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Відкрити список посилань на панелі спільного доступу","Open member list in share panel":"Відкрити список учасників на панелі спільного доступу","Open share panel":"Відкрити панель спільного доступу","Open shortcut":"Відкрити ярлик","Opens in a new window":"Відкриється в новому вікні","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Попередній перегляд інформації про обраний Простір","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Попередній перегляд інформації про вибрані Простори","Password":"Пароль","Password cannot be set for internal links":"Пароль не можна встановити для внутрішніх посилань","Password must not be empty":"Пароль не повинен бути порожнім","Paste":"Вставити","Permanently delete file \"%{name}\"":"Назавжди видалити файл \"%{name}\"","Permanently delete folder \"%{name}\"":"Назавжди видалити папку \"%{name}\"","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Permanently delete selected resource?","Permanently delete %{amount} selected resources?","Permanently delete %{amount} selected resources?","Назавжди видалити %{amount} вибрані ресурси?"],"Personal":"Особисті","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Щоб вибрати файли, пройдіть автентифікацію за допомогою %{pluginName}","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Будь-ласка введіть значення, що дорівнює або менше %{ quotaLimit }","Please enter only numbers":"Будь-ласка введіть лише цифри","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Будь-ласка, надайте URL-адресу загальнодоступного посилання без захисту паролем.","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"Увімкніть спливаючі вікна та переадресації в налаштуваннях браузера, щоб переконатися, що все працює коректно.","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"Виявлено блокування спливаючих вікон і перенаправлення","Public file upload":"Загальнодоступне відвантаження файлу","Public Link URL":"URL загальнодоступного посилання","Quota":"Квота","Quota was changed successfully":"Квоту успішно змінено","Remaining quota":"Залишок квоти","Remaining quota:":"Залишок квоти:","Remove expiration date":"Видаліть термін придатності","Remove from favorites":"Видалити з обраного","Rename":"Перейменувати","Rename file %{name}":"Перейменувати файл %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Перейменувати папку %{name}","Rename space":"Перейменувати Простір","Replace":"Замінити","Request new project":"Запит на новий проект","Restore":"Відновити","Restrictions":"Обмеження","Revert":"Повернути","Save":"Зберегти","Search results":"Результати пошуку","Secret File Drop":"Перетягнути секретний файл","Select %{smart_count}":"Виберіть %{smart_count}","Select a role":"Виберіть роль","Select a space to view details":"Виберіть Простір, щоб переглянути деталі","Select all resources":"Виберіть усі ресурси","Select file":"Виберіть файл","Select folder":"Виберіть папку","Select space":"Виберіть Простір","Set as space description":"Зазначити як опис Простору","Set as space image":"Установити як зображення Простору","Set expiration date":"Встановіть термін придатності","Set icon":"Встановити значок","Set icon for %{space}":"Установити значок для %{space}","Share":"Поділіться","Share link(s)":"Поділитися посиланням(ами)","Shared by":"Спільний доступ від","Shared on":"Опубліковано на","Shared with":"Спільно з","Shared with me":"Спільні ресурси зі мною","Shares":"Спільний доступ","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Спільні ресурси, версії та теги не будуть скопійовані.","Shortcut name":"Назва ярлика","Shortcut name as it will appear in the file list.":"Ім’я ярлика, яке відображатиметься у списку файлів.","Shortcut was created successfully":"Ярлик успішно створено","Show":"Показати","Show context menu":"Показати контекстне меню","Show deleted files":"Показати видалені файли","Show file extensions":"Показати розширення файлів","Show hidden files":"Показати приховані файли","Show invited people":"Показати запрошених осіб","Show links":"Показати посилання","Sign in with Google":"Увійдіть за допомогою Google","Size":"Розмір","Skip":"Пропустити","Smallest":"Найменший","Sort by %{ name }":"Сортувати за %{ name }","Sort by: ":"Сортувати за:","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"Простір \"%{space}\" успішно видалено","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"Простір \"%{space}\" успішно вимкнено","Space \"%{space}\" was duplicated successfully":"Простір \"%{space}\" був успішно продубльований","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"Простір \"%{space}\" успішно ввімкнено","Space description was set successfully":"Опис Простору налаштовано успішно","Space icon was set successfully":"Значок Простору встановлено успішно","Space image was set successfully":"Зображення Простору налаштовано успішно","Space name":"Назва Простору","Space name cannot be empty":"Назва Простору не може бути пустою","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Назва Простору не може містити такі символи: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Назва Простору не може перевищувати 255 символів","Space name was changed successfully":"Назву Простору успішно змінено","Space quota was changed successfully":["Space quota was changed successfully","Quota of %{count} spaces was changed successfully","Quota of %{count} spaces was changed successfully","Квоту %{count} Просторів успішно змінено"],"Space subtitle":"опис Простору","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Опис Простору було успішно змінено","Space was created successfully":"Простір створено успішно","Spaces":"Простори","Status":"Статус","Subtitle":"Підзаголовок","Sync for the selected share was disabled successfully":["Sync for the selected share was disabled successfully","Sync for the selected shares was disabled successfully","Sync for the selected shares was disabled successfully","Синхронізацію для вибраних спільних ресурсів успішно вимкнено"],"Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully":["Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully","Sync for the selected shares was enabled successfully","Sync for the selected shares was enabled successfully","Синхронізацію для вибраних спільних ресурсів успішно ввімкнено"],"Tags":"Теги","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Посилання скопійовано до буфера обміну.","The marked elements will be copied.":"Позначені елементи будуть скопійовані.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Ім'я \"%{name}\" уже зайнято","The name cannot be empty":"Назва не може бути пустою","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Назва не може дорівнювати \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Ім'я не може дорівнювати \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Назва не може містити \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Ім’я не може закінчуватися пробілом","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"Обрані ресурси перевищують дозволений розмір архіву (макс. %{maxSize})","The share was hidden successfully":"Спільний доступ успішно приховано","The share was unhidden successfully":"Спільний доступ було успішно показано","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Недостатньо квоти на \"%{spaceName}\", щоб зберегти цей файл","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Недостатньо квоти для збереження цього файлу","This %{ resourceType } is shared by %{ user }":"Цей %{ resourceType } був наданий %{ користувачем }","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invites","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invites","Цей %{ resourceType } доступний через %{ shareCount } запрошень"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Цей файл було оновлено поза цим вікном. Будь ласка, оновіть сторінку (всі зміни буде втрачено).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Цей елемент доступний за посиланням.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Цей елемент надається безпосередньо іншим користувачам.","This item is in processing":"Цей елемент знаходиться в обробці","This item is locked":"Цей елемент заблоковано","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Цей елемент доступний через посилання в одній із батьківських папок.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Цей елемент надається спільно з іншими через одну з батьківських папок.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["This space has %{memberShareCount} member.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members.","У цій групі %{memberShareCount} учасників."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"У цій групі %{memberShareCount} учасників та %{linkShareCount} посилань.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Ця група має %{memberShareCount} учасників та одне посилання.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} links.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} links.","У цій групі є один учасник та %{linkShareCount} посилань."],"Tile size":"Розмір плитки","Toggle selection":"Перемкнути вибір","Total quota":"Загальна квота","Total quota:":"Загальна квота:","Trash overview":"Огляд кошика","Unhide":"Показати","Unsaved changes":"Незбережені зміни","Used quota":"Використана квота","Used quota:":"Використана квота:","User quota was changed successfully":["User quota was changed successfully","Quota of %{count} users was changed successfully","Quota of %{count} users was changed successfully","Квоту %{count} користувачів було успішно змінено"],"Webpage or file":"Веб-сторінка або файл","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.","You can't paste the selected files at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.","You can't paste the selected files at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.","Ви не можете вставити вибрані файли в це місце, оскільки ви не можете вставити елемент у нього самого."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"Ви не маєте права зберігати цей файл","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Ваші зміни не збережено. Ви хочете їх зберегти?","Z-A":"Я-А"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"af":{"An error occurred":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten"},"bs":{},"ar":{"Actions":"إجراءات","All deleted files were removed":"تمت إزالة جميع الملفات المحذوفة","All files":"كل الملفات","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف كافة الموارد المحددة؟ سيتم إزالة كل محتوياتهم بشكل دائم. لا يمكن التراجع عن هذا الإجراء.","Cancel":"إلغاء","Close":"غلق","Confirm":"تأكيد","Copy":"نسخ","Create":"أنشأ","Create a new file":"قم بإنشاء ملف جديد","Create a new folder":"انشاء مجلد جديد","Delete":"حذف","Details":"التفاصيل","Disabled":"تعطيل","Download":"تحميل","Download failed":"فشل التحميل ","Edit quota":"تعديل الحصة النسبية","Empty trash bin":"سلة المهملات فارغة","Favorite files":"الملفات المفضلة","File could not be located":"تعذر تحديد موقع الملف","File name":"اسم الملف","File name cannot be empty":"لا يمكن أن يكون اسم الملف فارغًا","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"لا يمكن أن يكون اسم الملف مساويًا لـ \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"لا يمكن أن يكون اسم الملف مساويًا لـ \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"لا يمكن أن يحتوي اسم الملف على \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"لا يمكن لاسم الملف أن ينتهي بمسافة بيضاء","Files shared via link":"تمت مشاركة الملفات عبر رابط","Files shared with me":"الملفات المشتركة معي","Files shared with others":"الملفات المشتركة مع الآخرين","Folder name":"إسم الملف","Folder name cannot be empty":"لا يمكن لاسم المجلد أن يكون فارغًا","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"لا يمكن أن يكون اسم المجلد مساويًا لـ \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"لا يمكن أن يكون اسم المجلد مساويًا لـ \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"لا يمكن أن يحتوي اسم المجلد على \"/\"","Link":"رابط","Log out":"تسجيل الخروج","Manager":"مدير","Members":"اعضاء","Modified":"تم التعديل","Name":"اسم","New file":"ملف جديد","New folder":"ملف جديد","No restriction":"لا قيود","Open folder":"افتح المجلد","Password":"كلمة المرور","Quota":"الحصه النسبيه","Remaining quota":"الحصة المتبقية","Remove expiration date":"إزالة تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية","Rename":"إعادة تسمية","Restore":"استرجع","Save":"حفظ","Share":"شارك","Shared by":"تمت المشاركة بواسطة","Shared with me":"مشاركة معي","Show context menu":"إظهار قائمة السياق","Show links":"اظهار الروابط","Spaces":"مسافات","Status":"حالة","The name cannot be empty":"لا يمكن أن يكون الاسم فارغًا","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"لا يمكن أن يكون الاسم مساويًا لـ \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"لا يمكن أن يكون الاسم مساويًا لـ \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"لا يمكن أن يحتوي الاسم على \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"لا يمكن أن ينتهي الاسم بمسافة بيضاء","This item is directly shared with others.":"ذا العضو المشترك مباشرة مع الآخرين","Total quota":"إجمالي الحصة","Used quota":"الحصة المستخدمة"},"bg":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" е създаден успешно","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" е създаден успешно","(Opens in new window)":"(Отваря се в нов прозорец)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } избран елемент. Действията са достъпни над таблицата.","%{ amount } избрани елемента. Действията са достъпни над таблицата."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } избрано пространство","%{ itemCount } избрани пространства"],"%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} елемент беше копиран успешно","%{count} елемента бяха копирани успешно"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} елемент беше преместен успешно","%{count} елемента бяха преместени успешно"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (аз)","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} връзка, даваща достъп.","%{linkShareCount} връзки, даващи достъп."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} вече съществува","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} е успешно възстановен","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} файла бяха възстановени успешно","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} от %{total} използвани (%{percentage}% used)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} използвани (без ограничение)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"А-Я","Actions":"Действия","Add to favorites":"Добавяне към любими","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"Добавени %{numFiles} файл(а)","All Actions":"Цялата дейност","All deleted files were removed":"Всички изтрити файлове бяха премахнати","All files":"Всички файлове","An error occurred":"Възникна грешка","Anyone with the link can edit":"Всеки, който има връзката може да редактира","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Всеки, който има връзката може само да качва, а съществуващото съдържание не се разкрива.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Всеки, който има връзката може да качва","Anyone with the link can view":"Всеки, който има връзка може да преглежда","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Всеки, който разполага с връзката може да преглежда и изтегля.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Всеки, който има връзката може да разглежда, изтегля и редактира.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Всеки, който има връзката може да разглежда, изтегля и качва.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Прилагане за всички %{count} конфликта","Apply to all %{count} files":"Прилага се за всички %{count} файла","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Прилага се за всички %{count} папки","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете всички избрани ресурси? Цялото им съдържание ще бъде премахнато завинаги. Това действие не може да бъде отменено.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете избраното пространство?","Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете %{count} избрани пространства?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете този файл? Цялото му съдържание ще бъде премахнато завинаги. Това действие не може да бъде отменено.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете тази папка? Цялото ѝ съдържание ще бъде премахнато за постоянно. Това действие не може да бъде отменено.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете окончателно изброените елементи? Не можете да върнете това действие.","Back to %{panel} panel":"Назад към панела %{panel}","Can edit":"Може да редактира","Can upload":"Може да качва","Can view":"Може да преглежда","Cancel":"Отказ","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Промяна на квотата за %{count} Пространства","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Промяна на квотата за Пространството \"%{name}\"","Change subtitle for space":"Промяна на подзаглавието за пространството","Changes saved":"Промените са запазени","Close":"Затваряне","Close file sidebar":"Затваряне на страничната лента на файла","Confirm":"Потвърждаване","Copied to clipboard!":"Копирано в клипборда!","Copy":"Копиране","Copy here":"Копиране тук","Copy here?":"Да се копира ли тук?","Copy link":"Копиране на връзка","Create":"Създаване","Create a new file":"Създаване на нов файл","Create a new folder":"Създаване на нова папка","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Създаване на Пространство \"%{resourceName}\"","Създаване на Пространство от избор"],"Create Space from selection":"Създаване на Пространство от избор","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Създаване на пространство със съдържанието на \"%{resourceName}\".","Създаване на Пространство с избраните файлове."],"Creating space failed…":"Неуспешно създаване на пространство...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"Изрязване","Cut to clipboard!":"Изрязване в клипборда!","Delete":"Изтриване","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["Изтриване на Пространството \"%{space}\"?","Изтриване на %{spaceCount} Пространства?"],"Deleted":"Изтрито","Details":"Подробности","Disable":"Деактивиране","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Деактивиране на Пространството \"%{space}\"?","Деактивиране на %{spaceCount} Пространства?"],"Disabled":"Деактивирано","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"Деактивиране на пространства, в които не може да се въвежда","Disabled:":"Деактивирано:","Display customization options of the files list":"Показване на опциите за персонализиране на списъка с файлове","Don't Save":"Без запазване","Download":"Изтегляне","Download failed":"Неуспешно изтегляне","Edit description":"Редактиране на описание","Edit expiration date":"Редактиране на датата на изтичане на валидността","Edit quota":"Редактиране на квота","Edit subtitle":"Редактиране на подзаглавие","Empty trash bin":"Изпразване на кошчето","Enable":"Активиране","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Активиране на Пространството \"%{space}\"?","Активиране на %{spaceCount} Пространства?"],"Enabled:":"Активирано:","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Изтича на %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Неуспешна промяна на статуса любим на файла \"%{file}\"","Failed to change quota":"Неуспех при промяна на квотата","Failed to change space quota":["Неуспешна промяна на квотата за пространството","Неуспешна промяна на квотата за %{count} пространства"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"Неуспешна промяна на подзаглавието на пространството","Failed to change user quota":["Неуспешна промяна на квотата за потребителя","Неуспешна промяна на квотата за %{count} потребителя"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Неуспешно копиране на \"%{name}\"","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Неуспешно копиране на %{count} ресурса","Failed to create file":"Неуспех при създаването на файл","Failed to create folder":"Неуспех при създаването на папка","Failed to download the selected folder.":["Неуспех при изтеглянето на избраната папка.","Неуспех при изтеглянето на избраните файлове."],"Failed to empty trash bin":"Неуспешно изпразване на кошчето","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Неуспех при преместването на \"%{name}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Неуспешно преместване на %{count} ресурса","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Неуспешно преименуване на \"%{file}\" на \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Неуспешно преименуване на \"%{file}\" на \"%{newName}\" - файлът е заключен","Failed to rename space":"Неуспех при преименуването на пространство","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Неуспешно възстановяване на \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Неуспешно възстановяване на %{resourceCount} файла","Failed to set space description":"Неуспешно задаване на описание на пространството","Failed to set space image":"Неуспешно задаване на изображение на пространство","Favorite files":"Любими файлове","file":"файл","File already exists":"Файлът вече съществува","File autosaved":"Файлът е автоматично запазен","File could not be located":"Файлът не може да бъде намерен","File name":"Име на файл","File name cannot be empty":"Името на файла не може да бъде празно","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Името на файла не може да бъде равно на \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Името на файла не може да бъде равно на \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Името на файла не може да съдържа \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Името на файла не може да завършва с интервал","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Файлът с име \"%{name}\" вече съществува.","Files shared via link":"Файлове, споделени чрез връзка","Files shared with me":"Файлове, споделени с мен","Files shared with others":"Файлове, споделени с други","Filter list":"Списък с филтри","folder":"папка","Folder already exists":"Папката вече съществува","Folder name":"Име на папка","Folder name cannot be empty":"Името на папката не може да бъде празно","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Името на папката не може да бъде равно на \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Името на папката не може да бъде равно на \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Името на папката не може да съдържа \"/\"","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Папка с име \"%{name}\" вече съществува.","Hide":"Скриване","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Ако деактивирате избраното пространство, достъпът до него вече няма да е възможен. Само мениджърите на пространството ще имат достъп до него. Забележка: Никакви файлове няма да бъдат изтрити от сървъра.","Ако деактивирате избраните %{count} пространства, те вече няма да могат да бъдат достъпни. Само мениджърите на пространства все още ще имат достъп. Забележка: Никакви файлове няма да бъдат изтрити от сървъра."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Ако активирате избраното пространство, то ще бъде отново достъпно.","Ако активирате избраните пространства %{count}, те ще бъдат отново достъпни."],"Invited people":"поканени хора","Items per page":"Елемента на страница","Keep both":"Запазване и на двете","Largest":"Най-голямото","Last activity":"Последна активност","Link":"Връзка","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Връзката функционира само за поканени хора. Изисква се вход.","Loading app":"Зареждане на приложение","Log out":"Излизане","Manager":"Мениджър","Members":"Членове","Modified":"Променено","Name":"Име","New file":"Нов файл","New folder":"Нова папка","New Folder":"Нова папка","Newest":"Най-новото","No changes":"Без промени","No items selected.":"Няма избрани елементи.","No restriction":"Без ограничение","Oldest":"Най-старото","Only for invited people":"Само поканените хора","Open folder":"Отваряне на папка","Open in %{app}":"Отваряне в %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Отваряне на списъка с връзки в панела за споделяне","Open member list in share panel":"Отваряне на списъка с членове в панела за споделяне","Open share panel":"Отваряне на панела за споделяне","Opens in a new window":"Отваряне в нов прозорец","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Преглед на информацията за избраното пространство","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Преглед на информацията за избраните пространства","Password":"Парола","Paste":"Поставяне","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Да се изтрие ли за постоянно избраният ресурс?","Да се изтрият ли за постоянно избраните %{amount} ресурса?"],"Personal":"Лични","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Моля въведете стойност, равна или по-малка от %{ quotaLimit }","Please enter only numbers":"Моля, въведете само числа","Public file upload":"Публично качване на файл","Quota":"Квота","Quota was changed successfully":"Квотата е променена успешно","Remaining quota":"Оставаща квота","Remaining quota:":"Оставаща квота:","Remove expiration date":"Премахване на датата на изтичане на срока на валидност","Remove from favorites":"Премахване от любими","Rename":"Преименуване","Rename file %{name}":"Преименуване на файла %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Преименуване на папката %{name}","Rename space":"Преименуване на пространството","Replace":"Замяна","Restore":"Възстановяване","Restrictions":"Ограничения","Revert":"Връщане","Save":"Запазване","Search results":"Резултати от търсенето","Secret File Drop":"Secret File Drop","Select a space to view details":"Изберете пространство, за да видите подробности","Select all resources":"Избиране на всички ресурси","Select file":"Избиране на файл","Select folder":"Избиране на папка","Select space":"Избор на пространство","Set as space description":"Задаване като описание на пространството","Set as space image":"Задаване като изображение на пространството","Set expiration date":"Задаване на дата на валидност","Share":"Споделяне","Shared by":"Споделено от","Shared on":"Споделено на","Shared with":"Споделено с","Shared with me":"Споделено с мен","Shares":"Споделяния","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Споделянията, версиите и етикетите няма да бъдат копирани.","Show":"Показване","Show context menu":"Показване на контекстното меню","Show file extensions":"Показване на файловите разширения","Show hidden files":"Показване на скрити файлове","Show invited people":"Показване на поканените","Show links":"Показване на връзки","Size":"Размер","Skip":"Пропускане","Smallest":"Най-малкото","Sort by %{ name }":"Подреждане по %{ name }","Sort by: ":"Сортиране по:","Space description was set successfully":"Описанието на пространството е успешно зададено","Space image was set successfully":"Изображението на пространството е успешно зададено","Space name":"Име на пространството","Space name cannot be empty":"Името на пространството не може да бъде празно","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Името на пространството не може да съдържа следните символи: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Името на пространството не може да надвишава 255 символа","Space name was changed successfully":"Името на пространството е успешно променено","Space quota was changed successfully":["Квотата на пространството е променена успешно","Квотата на %{count} пространства е променена успешно"],"Space subtitle":"Подзаглавие на пространство","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Подзаглавието на пространството е успешно променено","Space was created successfully":"Пространството беше създадено успешно","Spaces":"Пространства","Status":"Статус","Subtitle":"Подзаглавие","Tags":"Етикети","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Връзката е копирана в клипборда.","The marked elements will be copied.":"Маркираните елементи ще бъдат копирани.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Името \"%{name}\" вече е заето","The name cannot be empty":"Името не може да бъде празно","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Името не може да бъде равно на \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Името не може да бъде равно на \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Името не може да съдържа \"/\".","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Името не може да завършва с интервал","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"Изборът надвишава допустимия размер на архива (макс. %{maxSize})","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Квотата в \"%{spaceName}\" не е достатъчна за запазването на този файл","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Няма достатъчно квота за запазване на този файл","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Този %{ resourceType } се споделя чрез %{ shareCount } покана","Този %{ resourceType } се споделя чрез %{ shareCount } покани"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Този файл е актуализиран извън този прозорец. Моля, презаредете страницата (всички промени ще бъдат загубени).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Този елемент се споделя директно чрез връзки.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Този елемент се споделя директно с други лица.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Този елемент се споделя чрез връзки в една от основните папки.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Този елемент е споделен с други потребители чрез една от основните папки.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Това пространство има %{memberShareCount} член.","Това пространство има %{memberShareCount} члена."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"Това пространство има %{memberShareCount} члена и %{linkShareCount} връзки.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Това пространство има %{memberShareCount} члена и една връзка.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Това пространство има един член и %{linkShareCount} връзка.","Това пространство има един член и %{linkShareCount} връзки."],"Tile size":"Размер на плочките","Toggle selection":"Превключване на избора","Total quota":"Обща квота","Total quota:":"Обща квота:","Trash overview":"Преглед на кошчето","Unsaved changes":"Промените нe са запазени","Used quota":"Използвана квота","Used quota:":"Използвана квота:","User quota was changed successfully":["Квотата на потребителя е променена успешно","Квотата на %{count} потребителя е променена успешно"],"You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["Не можете да поставите избрания файл на това място, защото не можете да поставите елемент в самия него.","Не можете да поставите избраните файлове на това място, защото не можете да поставите елемент в самия него."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"Не сте упълномощени да запазите този файл","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Промените ви не са запазени. Искате ли да ги запазите?","Z-A":"Я-А"},"cs":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" úspěšně vytvořen","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" úspěšně vytvořena","(Opens in new window)":"(Otevře se v novém okně)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["Vybrána %{ amount } položka. Akce jsou k dispozici nad tabulkou.","Vybrány %{ amount } položky. Akce jsou k dispozici nad tabulkou.","Vybráno %{ amount } položek. Akce jsou k dispozici nad tabulkou.","Vybráno %{ amount } položek. Akce jsou k dispozici nad tabulkou."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } místo vybráno","%{ itemCount } místa vybrána","%{ itemCount } míst vybráno","%{ itemCount } míst vybráno"],"%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} položka byla úspěšně zkopírována","%{count} položky byly úspěšně zkopírovány","%{count} položek bylo úspěšně zkopírováno","%{count} položek bylo úspěšně zkopírováno"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} položka byla úspěšně přesunuta","%{count} položky byly úspěšně přesunuty","%{count} položek bylo úspěšně přesunuto","%{count} položek bylo úspěšně přesunuto"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (já)","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} odkaz zprostředkovávající přistup.","%{linkShareCount} odkazy zprostředkovávající přistup.","%{linkShareCount} odkazů zprostředkovávajících přistup.","%{linkShareCount} odkazů zprostředkovávajících přistup."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} již existuje","%{resource} was 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panelu","Cancel":"Zrušit","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Změnit kvótu pro %{count} míst","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Změnit kvótu pro místo \"%{name}\"","Change subtitle for space":"Změnit podtitulek pro místo","Changes saved":"Změny uloženy","Close":"Zavřít","Close file sidebar":"Zavřít postranní panel souboru","Confirm":"Potvrdit","Copied to clipboard!":"Zkopírováno do schránky!","Copy":"Kopírovat","Copy here":"Kopírovat sem","Copy here?":"Kopírovat sem?","Create":"Vytvořit","Create a new file":"Vytvořit nový soubor","Create a new folder":"Vytvořit novou složku","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"Vyjmout","Delete":"Odstranit","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["Smazat %{spaceCount} místo?","Smazat %{spaceCount} místa?","Smazat %{spaceCount} míst?","Smazat %{spaceCount} míst?"],"Deleted":"Smazáno","Details":"Detaily","Disable":"Deaktivovat","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Deaktivovat místo \"%{space}\"?","Deaktivovat %{spaceCount} místa?","Deaktivovat %{spaceCount} míst?","Deaktivovat %{spaceCount} míst?"],"Disabled":"Zakázáno","Disabled:":"Deaktivováno:","Don't Save":"Neukládat","Download":"Stáhnout","Download failed":"Stahování selhalo","Edit description":"Změnit popisek","Edit expiration date":"Změnit datum platnosti","Edit quota":"Změnit kvótu","Edit subtitle":"Změnit titulek","Empty trash bin":"Vyprázdnit koš","Enable":"Povolit","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Aktivovat místo \"%{space}\"?","Aktivovat %{spaceCount} místa?","Aktivovat %{spaceCount} míst?","Aktivovat %{spaceCount} míst?"],"Enabled:":"Povoleno:","Failed to change quota":"Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu","Failed to change space quota":["Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu místa","Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu pro %{count} místa","Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu pro %{count} míst","Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu pro %{count} míst"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"Nezdařilo se změnit podtitulek místa","Failed to change user quota":["Nezdařilo se změnit kvótu 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Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Pokud vybrané místo bude deaktivováno, nebude nadále přístupné. Pouze Manažeři místa budou stále mít přístup. Poznámka: Žádné soubory nebudou smazány ze serveru.","Pokud %{count} vybraná místa budou deaktivována, nebudou nadále přístupná. Pouze Manažeři míst budou stále mít přístup. Poznámka: Žádné soubory nebudou smazány ze serveru.","Pokud %{count} vybraných míst bude deaktivováno, nebudou nadále přístupná. Pouze Manažeři míst budou stále mít přístup. Poznámka: Žádné soubory nebudou smazány ze serveru.","Pokud %{count} vybraných míst bude deaktivováno, nebudou nadále přístupná. Pouze Manažeři míst budou stále mít přístup. Poznámka: Žádné soubory nebudou smazány ze serveru."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Pokud bude vybrané místo aktivováno, bude možno k němu opět přistupovat.","Pokud budou %{count} vybraná místa aktivována, bude možno k nim opět přistupovat.","Pokud bude %{count} vybraných míst aktivováno, bude možno k nim opět přistupovat.","Pokud bude %{count} vybraných míst aktivováno, bude možno k nim opět přistupovat."],"Invited people":"Pozvaní lidé","Last activity":"Poslední aktivita","Link":"Odkaz","Loading app":"Načítání aplikace","Log out":"Odhlásit","Manager":"Manažer","Members":"Členové","Modified":"Změněno","Name":"Název","New file":"Nový soubor","New folder":"Nová složka","No changes":"Žádné změny","No restriction":"Žádná omezení","Open link list in share panel":"Otevřít seznam odkazů v panelu sdílení ","Open member list in share panel":"Otevřít seznam členů v panelu sdílení","Open share panel":"Otevřít panel sdílení","Opens in a new window":"Otevřít v novém okně","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Přehled informací o vybraném místě","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Přehled informací o vybraných místech","Password":"Heslo","Personal":"Osobní","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Prosím vložte hodnotu menší nebo rovnou %{ quotaLimit }","Please enter only numbers":"Prosím vkládejte pouze čísla","Quota":"Kvóta","Quota was changed successfully":"Kvóta byla změněna úspěšně","Remaining quota":"Zbývající kvóta","Remaining quota:":"Zbývající kvóta:","Rename":"Přejmenovat","Rename file %{name}":"Přejmenovat soubor %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Přejmenovat složku %{name}","Rename space":"Přejmenovat místo","Restore":"Obnovit","Revert":"Vrátit zpět","Save":"Uložit","Select a space to view details":"Vybrat místo pro prohlížení detailů","Set as space description":"Nastavit jako popisek místa","Share":"Sdílet","Shared with me":"Sdíleno se mnou","Show":"Ukázat","Show context menu":"Ukázat kontextovou nabídku","Size":"Velikost","Sort by %{ name }":"Seřadit podle %{ name }","Space description was set successfully":"Popisek místa byl úspěšně nastaven","Space name":"Název místa","Space name cannot be empty":"Název místa nesmí být prázdný","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Název místa nesmí obsahovat následující znaku: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Název místa nesmí překročit 255 znaků","Space name was changed successfully":"Název místa byl úspěšně změněn","Space quota was changed successfully":["Kvóta místa byla změněna úspěšně","Kvóta %{count} míst byla změněna úspěšně","Kvóta %{count} míst byla změněna úspěšně","Kvóta %{count} míst byla změněna úspěšně"],"Space subtitle":"Podtitulek místa","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Podtitulek místa byl změněn úspěšně","Spaces":"Místa","Status":"Stav","Subtitle":"Podtitulek","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Jméno \"%{name}\" je již obsazeno","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název nemůže být \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název nemůže být \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Název nemůže končit mezerou","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Na \"%{spaceName}\" není dostatečná kvóta pro uložení tohoto souboru","There is not enough quota to save this file":"K uložení tohoto souboru není dostatečná kvóta","This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Tento soubor byl aktualizován mimo toto okno. Obnovte prosím stránku (všechny změny budou ztraceny).","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Toto místo má %{memberShareCount} člena.","Toto místo má %{memberShareCount} členy.","Toto místo má %{memberShareCount} členů.","Toto místo má %{memberShareCount} členů."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"Toto místo má %{memberShareCount} členů a %{linkShareCount} odkazů.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Toto místo má %{memberShareCount} členů a jeden odkaz.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Toto místo má jednoho člena a %{linkShareCount} odkaz.","Toto místo má jednoho člena a %{linkShareCount} odkazy.","Toto místo má jednoho člena a %{linkShareCount} odkazů.","Toto místo má jednoho člena a %{linkShareCount} odkazů."],"Toggle selection":"Přepínací výběr","Total quota":"Celková kvóta","Total quota:":"Celková kvóta:","Unsaved changes":"Neuložené změny","Used quota":"Využitá kvóta","Used quota:":"Využitá kvóta:","User quota was changed successfully":["Kvóta uživatele byla změněna úspěšně","Kvóta %{count} uživatelů byla změněna úspěšně","Kvóta %{count} uživatelů byla změněna úspěšně","Kvóta %{count} uživatelů byla změněna úspěšně"],"You're not authorized to save this file":"K uložení tohoto souboru nemáte oprávnění","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Změny nebyly uloženy. Chcete je uložit?"},"de":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" wurde erfolgreich erstellt.","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" wurde erfolgreich erstellt.","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" wurde in den Papierkorb verschoben.","(Opens in new window)":"(Wird in neuem Fenster geöffnet)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } Element ausgewählt. Aktionen sind oberhalb der Tabelle verfügbar.","%{ amount } Elemente ausgewählt. Aktionen sind oberhalb der Tabelle verfügbar."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } spaces ausgewählt","%{ itemCount } Spaces ausgewählt"],"%{appName} for %{fileName}":"%{appName} für %{fileName}","%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} Dateie wurde erfolgreich kopiert","%{count} Elemente wurden erfolgreich kopiert."],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} Datei wurde erfolgreich verschoben","%{count} Elemente wurden erfolgreich verschoben."],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (ich)","%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":["%{itemCount} Element wurde in den Papierkorb verschoben.","%{itemCount} Elemente wurden in den Papierkorb verschoben."],"%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} Link gewährt Zugriff.","%{linkShareCount} Links gewähren Zugriff."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} existiert bereits.","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} erfolgreich wiederhergestellt","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} Dateien erfolgreich wiederhergestellt","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":["%{spaceCount} Space wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.","%{spaceCount} Spaces wurden erfolgreich gelöscht."],"%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} Space wurden erfolgreich deaktiviert.","%{spaceCount} Spaces wurden erfolgreich deaktiviert."],"%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} Space wurden erfolgreich aktiviert.","%{spaceCount} Spaces wurden erfolgreich aktiviert."],"%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} von %{total} benutzt (%{percentage}% verwendet)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} benutzt (unbegrenzt)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Aktionen","Add to favorites":"Zu Favoriten hinzufügen","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"%{numFiles} Datei(en) hinzugefügt","All Actions":"Alle Interaktionen","All deleted files were removed":"Alle gelöschten Dateien wurden entfernt","All files":"Alle Dateien","An error occurred":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.","Anyone with the link can edit":"Alle mit dem Link können bearbeiten.","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Alle mit dem Link können nur hochladen; bestehende Inhalte werden nicht angezeigt.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Alle mit dem Link können hochladen.","Anyone with the link can view":"Alle mit dem Link können anzeigen.","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Alle mit dem Link können anzeigen und herunterladen.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Alle mit dem Link können anzeigen, herunterladen und bearbeiten.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Alle mit dem Link können anzeigen, herunterladen und hochladen.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Auf alle %{count} Konflikte anwenden","Apply to all %{count} files":"Auf alle %{count} Dateien anwenden","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Auf alle %{count} Ordner anwenden","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Sollen die gewählten Elemente wirklich gelöscht werden? Der gesamte Inhalt wird endgültig gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Soll der ausgewählte Space wirklich gelöscht werden?","Sollen %{count} ausgewählte Spaces wirklich gelöscht werden?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Soll diese Datei wirklich gelöscht werden? Der gesamte Inhalt wird endgültig gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Soll dieser Ordner wirklich gelöscht werden? Der gesamte Inhalt wird endgültig gelöscht. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Sollen die aufgelisteten Elemente wirklich dauerhaft gelöscht werden? Diese Aktion lässt sich nicht rückgängig machen.","At least %{param1} character long":["mindestens %{param1} Zeichen lang","mindestens %{param1} Zeichen lang"],"At least %{param1} lowercase character":["mindestens %{param1} Kleinbuchstabe","mindestens %{param1} Kleinbuchstaben"],"At least %{param1} number":["mindestens %{param1} Ziffer","mindestens %{param1} Ziffern"],"At least %{param1} of the special characters: %{param2}":"mindestens %{param1} Sonderzeichen: %{param2}","At least %{param1} uppercase character":["mindestens %{param1} Großbuchstabe","mindestens %{param1} Großbuchstaben"],"At most %{param1} character long":["höchstens %{param1} Zeichen lang","höchstens %{param1} Zeichen lang"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Zurück zum %{panel} Panel","Back to main panels":"Zurück zur Hauptansicht","Can edit":"Kann bearbeiten","Can upload":"Kann hochladen","Can view":"Kann anzeigen","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Quota für %{count} Spaces ändern","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Quota für den Space %{name} ändern","Change subtitle for space":"Untertitel für diesen Space ändern","Changes saved":"Änderungen gespeichert","Close":"Schließen","Close file sidebar":"Seitenleiste schließen","Confirm":"Bestätigen","Connect to %{pluginName}":"Verbinden mit %{pluginName}","Connection with Companion failed":"Verbindungsaufbau zu Companion fehlgeschlagen","Copied to clipboard!":"In die Zwischenablage kopiert","Copy":"Kopieren","Copy here":"Hierher kopieren","Copy here?":"Hierher kopieren?","Copy link":"Link kopieren","Copy link failed":"Kopieren des Links fehlgeschlagen","Copy WebDAV path":"WebDAV-Pfad kopieren","Copy WebDAV path to clipboard":"WebDAV-Pfad in die Zwischenablage kopieren","Copy WebDAV URL":"WebDAV-URL kopieren","Copy WebDAV URL to clipboard":"WebDAV-URL in die Zwischenablage kopieren","Create":"Erstellen","Create a new file":"Neue Datei erstellen","Create a new folder":"Neuen Ordner erstellen","Create a Shortcut":"Verknüpfung erstellen","Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"":["Link für \"%{resourceName}\" erstellen","Links für die ausgewählten Objekte erstellen"],"Create links":"Links erstellen","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Aus \"%{resourceName}\" einen Space erstellen","Space aus Auswahl erstellen"],"Create Space from selection":"Space aus Auswahl erstellen","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Neuen Space mit aus Inhalten von \"%{resourceName}\" erstellen.","Neuen Space aus ausgewählten Dateien erstellen."],"Creating space failed…":"Anlegen des Spaces fehlgeschlagen","Ctrl + C":"Strg + C","Ctrl + V":"Strg + V","Ctrl + X":"Strg + X","Current folder":"Aktueller Ordner","Cut":"Ausschneiden","Cut to clipboard!":"In die Zwischenablage verschobenen","Delete":"Löschen","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["Space \"%{space}\" löschen?","%{spaceCount} Spaces löschen?"],"Deleted":"Gelöscht","Details":"Details","Disable":"Deaktivieren","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Space \"%{space}\" 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fehlgeschlagen"],"Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"Löschen von Space \"%{space}\" fehlgeschlagen","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":["Deaktivieren von %{spaceCount} Space fehlgeschlagen","Deaktivieren von %{spaceCount} Spaces fehlgeschlagen"],"Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"Dektivieren von Space \"%{space}\" fehlgeschlagen","Failed to disable sync for the the selected share":["Deaktivierung der Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigabe fehlgeschlagen","Deaktivierung der Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigaben fehlgeschlagen"],"Failed to download the selected folder.":["Fehler beim Herunterladen der ausgewählten Datei.","Fehler beim Herunterladen der ausgewählten Dateien."],"Failed to duplicate space \"%{space}\"":"Duplizieren von Space \"%{space}\" fehlgeschlagen","Failed to empty trash bin":"Leeren des Papierkorbs fehlgeschlagen","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":["Aktivieren von %{spaceCount} Space fehlgeschlagen","Aktivieren von %{spaceCount} Spaces fehlgeschlagen"],"Failed to enable sync for the the selected share":["Aktivierung der Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigabe fehlgeschlagen.","Aktivierung der Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigaben fehlgeschlagen."],"Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"Aktivieren von Space \"%{space}\" fehlgeschlagen","Failed to hide the share":"Ausblenden der Freigabe fehlgeschlagen","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Fehler beim Verschieben von \"%{name}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Fehler beim Verschieben von %{count} Dateien","Failed to open shortcut":"Verknüpfung konnte nicht geöffnet werden","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Fehler beim Umbenennen von \"%{file}\" in \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Fehler beim Umbenennen von \"%{file}\" in \"%{newName}\" - die Datei ist gesperrt","Failed to rename space":"Fehler beim Umbenennen des Space","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Fehler beim Wiederherstellen von \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Fehler beim Wiederherstellen von %{resourceCount} Dateien","Failed to set space description":"Fehler beim Speichern der Space-Beschreibung","Failed to set space icon":"Das Space Symbol konnte nicht festgelegt werden","Failed to set space image":"Fehler beim Speichern des Space-Bildes","Failed to unhide share share":"Einblenden der Freigabe fehlgeschlagen","Favorite files":"Als Favoriten markierte Dateien","file":"Datei","File already exists":"Die Datei existiert bereits.","File autosaved":"Datei automatisch gespeichert!","File could not be located":"Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden","File name":"Dateiname","File name cannot be empty":"Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Dateiname darf nicht \"..\" sein.","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Dateiname darf nicht \".\" sein.","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Dateiname darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Dateiname darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden.","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Die Datei \"%{name}\" existiert bereits.","Files shared via link":"Per Link geteilte Dateien","Files shared with me":"Mit mir geteilte Dateien","Files shared with others":"Mit anderen geteilte Dateien","Filter list":"Liste filtern","folder":"Ordner","Folder already exists":"Der Ordner existiert bereits.","Folder name":"Ordnername","Folder name cannot be empty":"Der Ordnername darf nicht leer sein.","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Ordnername darf nicht \"..\" sein.","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Ordnername darf nicht \".\" sein.","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Ordnername darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Der Ordner \"%{name}\" existiert bereits.","Group By:":"Gruppieren nach:","Hide":"Ausblenden","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Wenn Sie den ausgewählten Space deaktivieren, kann auf ihn nicht mehr zugegriffen werden. Nur Space-Manager haben noch Zugriff.\nHinweis: Es werden keine Dateien von dem Server gelöscht.","Wenn Sie die %{count} ausgewählten Spaces deaktivieren, kann auf sie nicht mehr zugegriffen werden. Nur Space-Verwalter/-innen haben noch Zugriff.\nHinweis: Es werden keine Dateien von dem Server gelöscht."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Wenn Sie den ausgewählten Space aktivieren, kann auf ihn wieder zugegriffen werden.","Wenn Sie die %{count} ausgewählten Spaces aktivieren, kann auf sie wieder zugegriffen werden."],"Importing failed":"Import fehlgeschlagen","Invited people":"Eingeladene Personen","Item in processing":"Position in Bearbeitung","Item locked":"Position gesperrt","Items per page":"Dateien pro Seite","Keep both":"Beide behalten","Largest":"Größte","Last activity":"Letzte Aktivitäten","Link":"Link","Link has been created successfully":"Link wurde erfolgreich erstellt.","Link to a file":"Link zu einer Datei","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Link funktioniert nur für eingeladene Personen. Anmeldung ist erforderlich.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"%{numFiles} Dateien geladen","Loading app":"Lade Anwendung","Loading...":"Laden ...","Log out":"Abmelden","Manager":"Manager/-in","Members":"Mitglieder","Modified":"Bearbeitet","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"Dateien von einem Space in einen anderen zu verschieben ist nicht möglich. Sollen sie stattdessen kopiert werden?","Must not be empty":"darf nicht leer sein","Name":"Name","New file":"Neue Datei","New folder":"Neuer Ordner","New Folder":"Neuer Ordner","New project":"Neues Projekt","New Shortcut":"Neue Verknüpfung","Newest":"Neueste","No changes":"Keine Änderungen","No items selected.":"Keine Elemente ausgewählt.","No restriction":"Unbegrenzt","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"Hinweis: Links und Freigaben der Originaldatei werden nicht kopiert.","Oldest":"Älteste","Only for invited people":"Nur für eingeladene Personen.","Open folder":"Ordner öffnen","Open in %{app}":"In %{app} öffnen","Open link list in share panel":"Liste der Linkfreigaben in der Seitenleiste öffnen","Open member list in share panel":"Liste der Mitglieder in der Seitenleiste öffnen","Open share panel":"Geteilt-mit Bereich öffnen","Open shortcut":"Verknüpfung öffnen","Opens in a new window":"Öffnet in einem neuen Fenster","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Alle Infos zum ausgewählten Space","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Alle Infos zum ausgewählten Space","Password":"Passwort","Password cannot be set for internal links":"Für interne Links kann kein Passwort vergeben werden.","Password must not be empty":"Passwort darf nicht leer sein.","Paste":"Einfügen","Permanently delete file \"%{name}\"":"Datei \"%{name}\" endgültig löschen","Permanently delete folder \"%{name}\"":"Ordner \"%{name}\" endgültig löschen","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Ausgewählte Ressource endgültig löschen?","%{amount} ausgewählte Dateien endgültig löschen?"],"Personal":"Persönlich","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Bitte mit %{pluginName} authentifizieren, um Dateien auszuwählen.","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Bitte geben Sie einen Wert ein, der gleich oder kleiner als %{ quotaLimit } ist.","Please enter only numbers":"Bitte nur Zahlen eingeben.","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Bitte URL zu einem öffentlichen Link ohne Passwortabfrage angeben","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"Bitte schalten Sie Pop-ups und Umleitungen in Ihren Browser-Einstellungen ein, um sicherzustellen, dass alles korrekt funktioniert.","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"Pop-ups und Umleitungen werden geblockt.","Public file upload":"Öffentlicher Datei-Upload","Public Link URL":"URL des öffentlichem Links","Quota":"Quota","Quota was changed successfully":"Quota wurde erfolgreich geändert.","Remaining quota":"Verbleibende Quota","Remaining quota:":"Verbleibende Quota","Remove expiration date":"Ablaufdatum entfernen","Remove from favorites":"Aus Favoriten entfernen","Rename":"Umbenennen","Rename file %{name}":"Datei %{name} umbenennen","Rename folder %{name}":"Ordner %{name} umbenennen","Rename space":"Space umbenennen","Replace":"Ersetzen","Request new project":"Neues Projekt anfordern","Restore":"Wiederherstellen","Restrictions":"Einschränkungen","Revert":"Zurücknehmen","Save":"Speichern","Search results":"Suchergebnisse","Secret File Drop":"File Drop (geheim)","Select %{smart_count}":"%{smart_count} auswählen","Select a role":"Rolle auswählen","Select a space to view details":"Wählen Sie einen Space aus, um hier Details anzuzeigen.","Select all resources":"Alle auswählen","Select file":"Datei auswählen","Select folder":"Ordner auswählen","Select space":"Space auswählen","Set as space description":"Als Space-Beschreibung festlegen","Set as space image":"Als Space-Bild festlegen","Set expiration date":"Ablaufdatum setzen","Set icon":"Symbol festlegen","Set icon for %{space}":"Symbol für %{space} festlegen","Share":"Teilen","Share link(s)":"Link(s) teilen","Shared by":"Geteilt von","Shared on":"Geteilt am","Shared with":"Geteilt mit","Shared with me":"Mit mir geteilt","Shares":"Freigaben","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Freigaben, Versionen und Schlagworte werden nicht kopiert.","Shortcut name":"Name der Verknüpfung","Shortcut was created successfully":"Verknüpfung wurde erfolgreich angelegt.","Show":"Anzeigen","Show context menu":"Kontextmenü anzeigen","Show deleted files":"Gelöschte Dateien anzeigen","Show file extensions":"Dateiendungen anzeigen","Show hidden files":"Versteckte Dateien anzeigen","Show invited people":"Zeige eingeladene Personen","Show links":"Links anzeigen","Sign in with Google":"Über Google anmelden","Size":"Größe","Skip":"Überspringen","Smallest":"Kleinste","Sort by %{ name }":"Nach %{ name } sortieren","Sort by: ":"Sortieren nach:","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"Space \"%{space}\" wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"Space \"%{space}\" wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert.","Space \"%{space}\" was duplicated successfully":"Space \"%{space}\" wurde erfolgreich dupliziert.","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"Space \"%{space}\" wurde erfolgreich aktiviert.","Space description was set successfully":"Die Space-Beschreibung wurde erfolgreich festgelegt.","Space icon was set successfully":"Das Space Symbol wurde erfolgreich gesetzt","Space image was set successfully":"Das Space-Bild wurde erfolgreich festgelegt.","Space name":"Name des Spaces","Space name cannot be empty":"Der Name des Spaces darf nicht leer sein.","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Space-Namen dürfen folgende Zeichen nicht enthalten: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Der Space-Name darf nicht länger als 255 Zeichen sein.","Space name was changed successfully":"Der Space-Name wurde erfolgreich geändert.","Space quota was changed successfully":["Die Space-Quota wurde erfolgreich geändert.","Quota für %{count} Spaces wurde erfolgreich geändert."],"Space subtitle":"Space-Untertitel","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Der Space-Untertitel wurde erfolgreich geändert.","Space was created successfully":"Der Space wurde erfolgreich angelegt.","Spaces":"Spaces","Status":"Status","Subtitle":"Untertitel","Sync for the selected share was disabled successfully":["Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigabe wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert.","Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigaben wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert."],"Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully":["Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigabe wurde erfolgreich aktiviert.","Synchronisation der ausgewählten Freigaben wurde erfolgreich aktiviert."],"Tags":"Schlagworte","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Der Link wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.","The marked elements will be copied.":"Die ausgewählten Elemente werden kopiert.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Der Name \"%{name}\" ist bereits vergeben.","The name cannot be empty":"Der Name darf nicht leer sein.","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Name darf nicht \"..\" sein.","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Name darf nicht \".\" sein.","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Name darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Name darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden.","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"Die Auswahl überschreitet die mögliche Archiv-Größe (max. %{maxSize})","The share was hidden successfully":"Freigabe wurde erfolgreich ausgeblendet.","The share was unhidden successfully":"Freigabe wurde erfolgreich eingeblendet.","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Das Kontingent für \"%{spaceName}\" reicht nicht, um die Datei zu speichern.","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Das Kontingent reicht nicht, um die Datei zu speichern.","This %{ resourceType } is shared by %{ user }":"%{ resourceType } wird von %{ user } geteilt.","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Der/die %{ resourceType } ist via %{ linkCount } Freigabe geteilt","%{ resourceType } ist durch %{ linkCount } Freigaben geteilt."],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Die Datei wurde außerhalb des Fensters aktualisiert. Bitte die Seite neu laden (alle Änderungen gehen verloren).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Dieses Element wurde direkt über Links geteilt.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Dieses Element wurde direkt mit anderen Personen geteilt.","This item is in processing":"Diese Position ist in Bearbeitung","This item is locked":"Dieses Element ist geblockt.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Dieses Element wurde durch einen übergeordneten Ordner über Links geteilt.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Dieses Element wurde durch einen übergeordneten Ordner mit anderen Personen geteilt.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Dieser Space hat %{memberShareCount} Mitglied.","Dieser Space hat %{memberShareCount} Mitglieder."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"Dieser Space hat %{memberShareCount} Mitglieder und %{linkShareCount} Links.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Dieser Space hat %{memberShareCount} Mitglieder und einen Link.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Dieser Space hat ein Mitglied und %{linkShareCount} Link.","Dieser Space hat ein Mitglied und %{linkShareCount} Links."],"Tile size":"Kachelgröße","Toggle selection":"Auswahl umschalten","Total quota":"Gesamtquota","Total quota:":"Gesamtquota","Trash overview":"Papierkorb-Überblick","Unhide":"Einblenden","Unsaved changes":"Ungespeicherte Änderungen","Used quota":"Benutzte Quota","Used quota:":"Benutzte Quota","User quota was changed successfully":["Benutzerquota erfolgreich geändert","Quota für %{count} Personen wurde erfolgreich geändert."],"You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["Ordner können nicht in sich selbst eingefügt werden.","Die ausgewählten Dateien können nicht an dieser Stelle eingefügt werden, da ein Element nicht in sich selbst eingefügt werden kann."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"Keine ausreichenden Berechtigungen für das Speichern der Datei ","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Ungesicherte Änderungen vorhanden. Speichern? ","Z-A":"Z-A"},"el":{"%{name} already exists":"Υπάρχει ήδη το %{name}","Actions":"Ενέργειες","All files":"Όλα τα αρχεία","Cancel":"Ακύρωση","Create":"Δημιουργία","Delete":"Διαγραφή","Download":"Λήψη","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Το όνομα αρχείου δεν μπορεί να ισούται με \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Το όνομα αρχείου δεν μπορεί να ισούται με \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Το όνομα αρχείου δεν μπορεί να περιέχει την \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Το όνομα αρχείου δεν μπορεί να τελειώνει με κενό διάστημα","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Το όνομα φακέλου δεν μπορεί να είναι ίσο με \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Το όνομα φακέλου δεν μπορεί να είναι ίσο με \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Το όνομα φακέλου δεν μπορεί να περιέχει την \"/\"","Log out":"Αποσύνδεση","Name":"Όνομα","Password":"Συνθηματικό","Rename":"Μετονομασία","Rename file %{name}":"Μετονομασία αρχείου %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Μετονομασία φακέλου %{name}","Restore":"Επαναφορά","Save":"Αποθήκευση","Shared with":"Διαμοιράστηκε με","Size":"Μέγεθος","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Το όνομα \"%{name}\" υπάρχει ήδη","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Το όνομα δεν μπορεί να ισούται με \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Το όνομα δεν μπορεί να ισούται με \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Το όνομα δεν μπορεί να περιέχει το σύμβολο \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Το όνομα δεν μπορεί να τελειώνει με κενό διάστημα"},"es":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" fue creado correctamente","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" fue creado correctamente","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" fue movido a la papelera","(Opens in new window)":"(Abrir en nueva ventana)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } objeto seleccionado. Las acciones están disponibles sobre la tabla.","%{ amount } objetos seleccionados. Las acciones están disponibles sobre la tabla.","%{ amount } objetos seleccionados. Las acciones están disponibles sobre la tabla."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } espacio seleccionado","%{ itemCount } espacios seleccionados","%{ itemCount } espacios seleccionados"],"%{appName} for %{fileName}":"%{appName} para %{fileName}","%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} elemento copiado con éxito","%{count} elementos copiados con éxito","%{count} elementos copiados con éxito"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} elemento movido con éxito","%{count} elementos movidos con éxito","%{count} elementos movidos con éxito"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (yo)","%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":["%{itemCount} elemento movido a la papelera","%{itemCount} elementos movidos a la papelera","%{itemCount} elementos movidos a la papelera"],"%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} enlace que da acceso.","%{linkShareCount} enlaces que dan acceso.","%{linkShareCount} enlaces que dan acceso."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} ya existe","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{recurso} se ha restaurado correctamente","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} archivos restaurados correctamente","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":["%{spaceCount} espacio eliminado con éxito","%{spaceCount} espacios eliminados con éxito","%{spaceCount} espacios eliminados con éxito"],"%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} espacio fue desactivado con éxito","%{spaceCount} espacios fueron desactivados con éxito","%{spaceCount} espacios fueron desactivados con éxito"],"%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} espacio fue habilitado con éxito","%{spaceCount} espacios fueron habilitados con éxito","%{spaceCount} espacios fueron habilitados con éxito"],"%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} del %{total} utilizado (%{percentage}% used)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} utilizado (sin restricciones)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Acciones","Add to favorites":"Agregar a favoritos","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"Añadido(s) %{numFiles} archivo(s)","All Actions":"Todas las acciones","All deleted files were removed":"Todos los archivos fueron eliminados","All files":"Todos los archivos","An error occurred":"Ocurrió un error","Anyone with the link can edit":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede editar","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede solamente subir contenido; no se revelara el contenido existente.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede subir contenido","Anyone with the link can view":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede ver","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede ver y descargar","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede ver, descargar y editar.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Cualquiera que tenga el enlace puede ver, descargar y subir contenido.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Aplicar a todos los %{count} conflictos","Apply to all %{count} files":"Aplicar a todos los %{count} archivos","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Aplicar a todas las %{count} carpetas ","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar todos los recursos seleccionados? Se eliminará permanentemente todo su contenido. Esta acción no se puede deshacer.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar el espacio seleccionado?","¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar %{count} espacios seleccionados?","¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar %{count} espacios seleccionados?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este archivo? Todo su contenido será eliminado permanentemente. Esta acción no se puede deshacer.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta carpeta? Todo su contenido será eliminado permanentemente. Esta acción no se puede deshacer.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar permanentemente los elementos de la lista? No puedes deshacer esta acción.","At least %{param1} character long":["Al menos %{param1} carácter de longitud","Al menos %{param1} caracteres de longitud","Al menos %{param1} caracteres de longitud"],"At least %{param1} lowercase character":["Al menos %{param1} carácter en minúscula","Al menos %{param1} caracteres en minúsculas","Al menos %{param1} caracteres en minúsculas"],"At least %{param1} number":["Al menos %{param1} número","Al menos %{param1} números","Al menos %{param1} números"],"At least %{param1} of the special characters: %{param2}":"Al menos %{param1} de los caracteres especiales: %{param2}","At least %{param1} uppercase character":["Al menos %{param1} carácter en mayúscula","Al menos %{param1} caracteres en mayúsculas","Al menos %{param1} caracteres en mayúsculas"],"At most %{param1} character long":["Como máximo %{param1} carácter de longitud","Como máximo %{param1} caracteres de longitud","Como máximo %{param1} caracteres de longitud"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Volver al panel %{panel}","Can edit":"Puede editar","Can upload":"Puede cargar","Can view":"Puede ver","Cancel":"Cancelar","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Cambiar la cuota para el espacio %{count}","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Cambiar cuota para el espacio \"%{name}\"","Change subtitle for space":"Cambiar el subtítulo para el espacio","Changes saved":"Cambios guardados","Close":"Cerrar","Close file sidebar":"Cerrar la barra lateral de archivos","Confirm":"Confirmar","Connect to %{pluginName}":"Conectar a %{pluginName}","Connection with Companion failed":"Conexión con el Compañero fallida","Copied to clipboard!":"Copiado al portapapeles","Copy":"Copiar","Copy here":"Copiar aquí","Copy here?":"Copiar aquí?","Copy link":"Enlace copiado","Copy link failed":"Error al copiar el enlace","Copy WebDAV path":"Copiar ruta WebDAV","Copy WebDAV path to clipboard":"Copiar ruta WebDAV al portapapeles","Copy WebDAV URL":"Copiar URL WebDAV","Copy WebDAV URL to clipboard":"Copiar URL WebDAV al portapapeles","Create":"Crear","Create a new file":"Crear un nuevo archivo","Create a new folder":"Crear una nueva carpeta","Create a Shortcut":"Crear un acceso directo","Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"":["Crear enlace para \"%{resourceName}\"","Crear enlaces para los elementos selecionados","Crear enlaces para los elementos selecionados"],"Create links":"Crear enlaces","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Crear espacio a partir de \"%{resourceName}\"","Crear espacio a partir de la selección","Crear espacio a partir de la selección"],"Create Space from selection":"Crear espacio a partir de la selección","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Crear espacio con el contenido de \"%{resourceName}\".","Crear espacio con los archivos seleccionados.","Crear espacio con los archivos seleccionados."],"Creating space failed…":"Error al crear el espacio....","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Current folder":"Carpeta actual","Cut":"Cortar","Cut to clipboard!":"Cortar al portapapeles","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["¿Borrar espacio \"%{space}\"?","¿Borrar %{spaceCount} espacios?","¿Borrar %{spaceCount} espacios?"],"Deleted":"Eliminado","Details":"Detalles","Disable":"Deshabilitar","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["¿Desactivar espacio %{spaceCount}?","¿Desactivar %{spaceCount} espacios?","¿Desactivar %{spaceCount} espacios?"],"Disable sync":"Deshabilitar sincronización","Disabled":"Deshabilitado/a","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"No se pueden introducir espacios para deshabilitados","Disabled:":"Deshabilitado","Display customization options of the files list":"Mostrar las opciones de personalización de la lista de archivos","Don't Save":"No guardar","Download":"Descargar","Download failed":"Descarga fallida","Duplicate":"Duplicar","Edit description":"Editar la descripción","Edit expiration date":"Editar fecha de expiración","Edit quota":"Editar cuota","Edit subtitle":"Editar subtítulo","Empty trash bin":"Vaciar papelera","Enable":"Habilitar","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["¿Habilitar %{spaceCount} espacio?","¿Habilitar %{spaceCount} espacios?","¿Habilitar %{spaceCount} espacios?"],"Enable sync":"Habilitar sincronización","Enabled:":"Habilitado","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Expira %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Error al cambiar el estado favorito de \"%{file}\"","Failed to change quota":"Fallo al cambiar la cuota","Failed to change space quota":["Error al cambiar la cuota para el espacio","Error al cambiar la cuota para %{count} espacios","Error al cambiar la cuota para %{count} espacios"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"Error al cambiar el subtítulo del espacio","Failed to change user quota":["Error al cambiar la cuota de usuario","Error al cambiar la cuota para %{count} usuarios","Error al cambiar la cuota para %{count} usuarios"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Error al copiar \"%{name}\"","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Error al copiar %{count} recursos","Failed to create file":"Error al crear el archivo","Failed to create folder":"Error al crear la carpeta","Failed to create link":["Fallo al crear enlace","Fallo al crear enlaces","Fallo al crear enlace(s)"],"Failed to create shortcut":"Error al crear acceso directo","Failed to delete \"%{item}\"":"Error al eliminar \"%{item}\"","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\"":"Error al eliminar \"%{resource}\"","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\" - the file is locked":"Error al eliminar \"%{resource}\" - el archivo está bloqueado","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":["Error al eliminar %{spaceCount} espacio","Error al eliminar %{spaceCount} espacios","Error al eliminar %{spaceCount} espacios"],"Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"Error al borrar el espacio \"%{space}\"","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":["Error al deshabilitar %{spaceCount} espacio","Error al deshabilitar %{spaceCount} espacios","Error al deshabilitar %{spaceCount} espacios"],"Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"Error al deshabilitar el espacio \"%{space}\"","Failed to disable sync for the the selected share":["No se ha podido deshabilitar la sincronización de la acción seleccionada.","No se ha podido deshabilitar la sincronización de las acciones seleccionadas.","No se ha podido deshabilitar la sincronización de las acciones seleccionadas."],"Failed to download the selected folder.":["No se ha podido descargar la carpeta seleccionada.","No se han podido descargar los archivos seleccionados.","No se han podido descargar los archivos seleccionados."],"Failed to duplicate space \"%{space}\"":"Error al duplicar el espacio \"%{space}\"","Failed to empty trash bin":"Error al vaciar la papelera","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":["Error al habilitar %{spaceCount} espacio","Error al habilitar %{spaceCount} espacios","Error al habilitar %{spaceCount} espacios"],"Failed to enable sync for the the selected share":["No se ha podido habilitar la sincronización de la acción seleccionada.","No se ha podido habilitar la sincronización de las acciones seleccionadas.","No se ha podido habilitar la sincronización de las acciones seleccionadas."],"Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"Error al habilitar el espacio \"%{space}\"","Failed to hide the share":"Error al ocultar la acción","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Error al mover \"%{name}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Error al mover %{count} recursos","Failed to open shortcut":"Error al abrir el acceso directo","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Error al renombrar \"%{file}\" a \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Error al renombrar \"%{file}\" a \"%{newName}\" - el archivo está bloqueado","Failed to rename space":"Error al renombrar el espacio","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Error al restaurar \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Error al restaurar %{resourceCount} archivos","Failed to set space description":"Fallo al establecer la descripción del espacio","Failed to set space icon":"Error al establecer el icono","Failed to set space image":"Fallo al establecer la imagen espacial","Failed to unhide share share":"Fallo al desocultar el recurso compartido","Favorite files":"Archivos favoritos","file":"Archivo","File already exists":"El archivo ya existe","File autosaved":"Archivo auto-guardado","File could not be located":"No se ha podido encontrar el archivo","File name":"Nombre de archivo","File name cannot be empty":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser vacío","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser igual a \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser igual a \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre del archivo no puede contener \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre del archivo no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"El archivo con el nombre \"%{name}\" ya existe.","Files shared via link":"Archivos compartidos mediante enlace","Files shared with me":"Archivos compartidos conmigo","Files shared with others":"Archivos compartidos con otros","Filter list":"Filtrar lista","folder":"Carpeta","Folder already exists":"La carpeta ya existe","Folder name":"Nombre de carpeta","Folder name cannot be empty":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser vacío","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser igual a \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser igual a \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre de la carpeta no puede contener \"/\"","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"La carpeta con el nombre \"%{name}\" ya existe.","Group By:":"Agrupado por:","Hide":"Ocultar","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Si desactiva el espacio seleccionado, ya no se podrá acceder a el. Solo los administradores del espacio seguirán teniendo acceso. Nota: No se eliminará ningún archivo del servidor.","Si desactiva los %{count} espacios seleccionados, ya no se podrá acceder a ellos. Sólo los administradores de espacios seguirán teniendo acceso. Nota: No se eliminará ningún archivo del servidor.","Si desactiva los %{count} espacios seleccionados, ya no se podrá acceder a ellos. Solo los administradores de espacios seguirán teniendo acceso. Nota: No se eliminará ningún archivo del servidor."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Si habilita el espacio seleccionado, podrá volver a acceder a el.","Si habilita los %{count} espacios seleccionados, podrá volver a acceder a ellos.","Si habilita los %{count} espacios seleccionados, podrá volver a acceder a ellos."],"Importing failed":"Error de importación","Invited people":"Personas invitadas","Item in processing":"Procesando elemento","Item locked":"Elemento bloqueado","Items per page":"Elementos por página","Keep both":"Mantener ambos","Largest":"Mayor","Last activity":"Última actividad","Link":"Enlace","Link has been created successfully":"Enlace creado correctamente","Link to a file":"Enlace a un archivo","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"El enlace funciona solamente para personas invitadas. Se necesita iniciar sesión.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"%{numFiles} archivos cargados","Loading app":"Cargando app","Loading...":"Cargando...","Log out":"Salir","Manager":"Gestor","Members":"Miembros","Modified":"Modificado","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"Mover archivos de un espacio a otro no es posible. ¿Desea copiar en su lugar?","Must not be empty":"No debe estar vacío","Name":"Nombre","New file":"Nuevo archivo","New folder":"Nueva carpeta","New Folder":"Nueva carpeta","New project":"Nuevo proyecto","New Shortcut":"Nuevo acceso directo","Newest":"Más reciente","No changes":"Sin cambios","No items selected.":"No hay elementos seleccionados ","No restriction":"Sin restricciones","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"Nota: Los enlaces y recursos compartidos del archivo original no se copian.","Oldest":"Más antiguo","Only for invited people":"Solo para personas invitadas","Open folder":"Abrir carpeta","Open in %{app}":"Abrir en %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Abrir la lista de enlaces en el panel \"Compartir\"","Open member list in share panel":"Abrir la lista de miembros en el panel de acciones","Open share panel":"Abrir el panel de acciones","Open shortcut":"Abrir acceso directo","Opens in a new window":"Se abre en una nueva ventana","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Resumen de la información sobre el espacio seleccionado","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Resumen de la información sobre los espacios seleccionados","Password":"Contraseña","Password cannot be set for internal links":"No se puede establecer una contraseña para enlaces internos","Password must not be empty":"La contraseña no puede estar vacía","Paste":"Pegar","Permanently delete file \"%{name}\"":"Eliminar archivo \"%{name}\" permanentemente","Permanently delete folder \"%{name}\"":"Eliminar carpeta \"%{name}\" permanentemente","Permanently delete selected resource?":["¿Suprimir permanentemente el recurso seleccionado?","¿Borrar permanentemente los %{amount} recursos seleccionados?","¿Borrar permanentemente los %{amount} recursos seleccionados?"],"Personal":"Personal","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Por favor, autentifíquese con %{pluginName} para seleccionar archivos","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Introduzca un valor igual o inferior a %{ quotaLimit }","Please enter only numbers":"Por favor, introduzca solo números","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Por favor, proporcione un URL a un enlace público sin protección por contraseña.","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"Por favor, activa las ventanas emergentes y las redirecciones en la configuración de tu navegador para asegurarte de que todo funciona correctamente.","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"Bloqueo de ventanas emergentes y redirecciones detectado","Public file upload":"Cargar archivo público","Public Link URL":"URL de enlace público","Quota":"Cuota","Quota was changed successfully":"La cuota se ha modificado correctamente","Remaining quota":"Cuota restante","Remaining quota:":"Cuota restante","Remove expiration date":"Eliminar fecha de vencimiento","Remove from favorites":"Eliminar de favoritos","Rename":"Renombrar","Rename file %{name}":"Renombrar archivo %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renombrar carpeta %{name}","Rename space":"Renombrar espacio","Replace":"Reemplazar","Request new project":"Solicitar nuevo proyecto","Restore":"Restaurar","Restrictions":"Restricciones ","Revert":"Revertir","Save":"Guardar","Search results":"Resultados de la búsqueda","Secret File Drop":"Archivo secreto","Select %{smart_count}":"Seleccione %{smart_count}","Select a role":"Seleccione un rol","Select a space to view details":"Seleccione un espacio para ver los detalles","Select all resources":"Seleccionar todos los recursos","Select file":"Seleccionar archivo","Select folder":"Seleccionar carpeta","Select space":"Seleccione el espacio","Set as space description":"Establecer como descripción del espacio","Set as space image":"Establecer como imagen espacial","Set expiration date":"Fijar la fecha de caducidad","Set icon":"Editar icono","Set icon for %{space}":"Establecer icono para %{space}","Share":"Compartir","Share link(s)":"Compartir enlace(s)","Shared by":"Compartido por","Shared on":"Compartido en","Shared with":"Compartido con","Shared with me":"Compartido conmigo","Shares":"Acciones","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Las acciones, versiones y etiquetas no se copiarán.","Shortcut name":"Nombre del acceso directo","Shortcut name as it will appear in the file list.":"Nombre del atajo tal como aparecerá en la lista de archivos","Shortcut was created successfully":"El acceso directo se ha creado correctamente","Show":"Mostrar","Show context menu":"Mostrar menú contextual","Show deleted files":"Mostrar archivos eliminados","Show file extensions":"Mostrar extensiones de archivo","Show hidden files":"Mostrar archivos ocultos","Show invited people":"Mostrar las personas invitadas","Show links":"Mostrar enlaces","Sign in with Google":"Iniciar sesión con Google","Size":"Tamaño","Skip":"Omitir","Smallest":"Más pequeño","Sort by %{ name }":"Ordenar por nombre }","Sort by: ":"Ordenar por:","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"Se ha eliminado correctamente el espacio \"%{space}\".","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"El espacio \"%{space}\" se ha desactivado correctamente","Space \"%{space}\" was duplicated successfully":"\"%{space}\" duplicado correctamente","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"El espacio \"%{space}\" se ha activado correctamente","Space description was set successfully":"La descripción del espacio se ha establecido correctamente","Space icon was set successfully":"El icono del espacio se ha establecido correctamente","Space image was set successfully":"La imagen del esapcio se ha configurado correctamente","Space name":"Nombre del espacio","Space name cannot be empty":"El nombre del espacio no puede estar vacío","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"El nombre del espacio no puede contener los siguientes caracteres: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"El nombre del espacio no puede superar los 255 caracteres","Space name was changed successfully":"El nombre del espacio se ha cambiado correctamente","Space quota was changed successfully":["La cuota del espacio se ha modificado correctamente","La cuota de %{count} espacios se ha modificado correctamente","La cuota de %{count} espacios se ha modificado correctamente"],"Space subtitle":"Subtítulo del espacio","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"El subtítulo del espacio se ha modificado correctamente","Space was created successfully":"El espacio se ha creado correctamente","Spaces":"Espacios","Status":"Estado","Subtitle":"Subtitulo","Sync for the selected share was disabled successfully":["La sincronización del recurso compartido seleccionado se ha desactivado correctamente","La sincronización de los recursos compartidos seleccionados se ha desactivado correctamente","La sincronización de los recursos compartidos seleccionados se ha desactivado correctamente"],"Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully":["La sincronización del recurso compartido seleccionado se ha activado correctamente","La sincronización de los recursos compartidos seleccionados se ha activado correctamente","La sincronización de los recursos compartidos seleccionados se ha activado correctamente"],"Tags":"Etiquetas","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"El enlace se ha copiado en el portapapeles.","The marked elements will be copied.":"Se copiarán los elementos marcados.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"El nombre \"%{name}\" ya está tomado","The name cannot be empty":"El nombre no puede estar vacío","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre no puede ser igual a \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre no puede ser igual a \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre no puede contener \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"La selección supera el tamaño de archivo permitido (max. %{maxSize})","The share was hidden successfully":"La acción se ha ocultado correctamente","The share was unhidden successfully":"La acción se ha desocultado correctamente","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"No hay espacio en %{spaceName} para guardar el archivo","There is not enough quota to save this file":"No hay espacio para guardar el archivo","This %{ resourceType } is shared by %{ user }":"Este/a %{ resourceType } es compartido por %{ user }","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Este %{ resourceType } se ha compartido a través de %{ shareCount } invitación","Este %{ resourceType } se ha compartido a través de %{ shareCount } invitaciones","Este %{ resourceType } se ha compartido a través de %{ shareCount } invitaciones"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"El archivo se actualizó fuera de la ventana. Actualiza la página (todos los cambios se perderán).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Este artículo se comparte directamente a través de enlaces.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Este elemento es directamente compartido con otros","This item is in processing":"Eeste elemento esta en procesamiento","This item is locked":"Este elemento está bloqueado","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Este elemento se comparte mediante enlaces a través de una de las carpetas principales.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Este elemento se comparte con otros a través de una de las carpetas principales.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Este espacio tiene %{memberShareCount} miembro.","Este espacio tiene %{memberShareCount} miembros.","Este espacio tiene %{memberShareCount} miembros."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"Este espacio tiene %{memberShareCount} miembros y %{linkShareCount} enlaces.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Este espacio tiene %{memberShareCount} miembros y un enlace.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Este espacio tiene un miembro y %{linkShareCount} enlace.","Este espacio tiene un miembro y %{linkShareCount} enlaces.","Este espacio tiene un miembro y %{linkShareCount} enlaces."],"Tile size":"Tamaño de baldosa","Toggle selection":"Alternar selección","Total quota":"Cuota total","Total quota:":"Cuota total","Trash overview":"Visión general de la basura","Unhide":"Desocultar","Unsaved changes":"Cambios sin guardar","Used quota":"Cuota utilizada","Used quota:":"Cuota utilizada","User quota was changed successfully":["La cuota del usuario se ha modificado correctamente","La cuota de %{count} usuarios se ha modificado correctamente","La cuota de %{count} usuarios se ha modificado correctamente"],"Webpage or file":"Página web o archivo","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["No puedes pegar el archivo seleccionado en esta ubicación porque no puedes pegar un elemento en sí mismo.","No puedes pegar los archivos seleccionados en esta ubicación porque no puedes pegar un elemento en sí mismo.","No puedes pegar los archivos seleccionados en esta ubicación porque no puedes pegar un elemento en sí mismo."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"Usted no tiene autorización a guardar este archivo.","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Cambios sin guardar. ¿Quieres guaradarlos?","Z-A":"Z-A"},"et":{},"fr":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" a été créé correctement","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" a été créé correctement","(Opens in new window)":"(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } élément sélectionné. Les actions sont disponibles sous le tableau.","%{ amount } éléments sélectionnés. Les actions sont disponibles sous le tableau.","%{ amount } éléments sélectionnés. Les actions sont disponibles sous le tableau."],"%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} fichier a été copié","%{count} fichier ont été copiés","%{count} fichier ont été copiés"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} fichier a été déplacé","%{count} fichiers ont été déplacés","%{count} fichier ont été copiés"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (Moi)","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} lien donnant accès.","%{linkShareCount} liens donnant accès","%{linkShareCount} liens donnant accès"],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} existe déjà","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} a été restauré avec succès","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} fichier restauré","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} utilisé sur %{total} (%{percentage}% utilisée)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} utilisée (Pas de restriction)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","Actions":"Actions","Add to favorites":"Ajouter aux favoris","All Actions":"Toutes les actions","All deleted files were removed":"Tous les fichiers supprimés ont été retirés","All files":"Tous les fichiers","An error occurred":"Une erreur est survenue","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Appliquer aux %{count} conflits","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer toutes les ressources sélectionnées ? Tout leur contenu sera définitivement supprimé. Cette action ne peut pas être annulée. ","Cancel":"Annuler","Change subtitle for space":"Changer les sous-titres de l''espace","Close":"Fermer","Close file sidebar":"Ouvrir le panneau latéral de fichier.","Confirm":"Confirmer","Copied to clipboard!":"Copier dans le presse papier","Copy":"Copier","Copy here":"Copier ici","Create":"Créer","Create a new file":"Créer un nouveau fichier...","Create a new folder":"Créer un nouveau dossier...","Creating space failed…":"Erreur lors de la création de l'espace...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"Couper","Delete":"Supprimer","Deleted":"Supprimé","Details":"Détails","Disable":"Désactiver","Disabled":"Désactivé","Display customization options of the files list":"Afficher les options de customisation de la liste de fichier","Don't Save":"Ne pas enregistrer","Download":"Télécharger","Download failed":"Echec de téléchargement","Edit description":"Modifier la description","Edit expiration date":"Modifier la date d'expiration","Edit quota":"Modifier le quota","Edit subtitle":"Modifier les sous-titres","Empty trash bin":"Vider la corbeille","Enable":"Activer","Failed to create file":"Echec de création du fichier","Failed to create folder":"Echec de création du dossier","Favorite files":"Fichiers favoris","file":"fichier","File could not be located":"Le fichier n'a pas été trouvé","File name":"Nom de fichier","File name cannot be empty":"Nom de fichier ne peut pas être vide","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas être \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas être \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas se terminer avec un espace","Files shared via link":"Fichier partagé avec un lien","Files shared with me":"Fichiers partagés avec moi","Files shared with others":"Fichiers partagés avec d'autres personnes","folder":"dossier","Folder name":"Nom de dossier","Folder name cannot be empty":"Nom de dossier ne peut pas être vide","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas être \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas être \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","Hide":"Masquer","Invited people":"Invités","Items per page":"Éléments par page","Keep both":"Garder les deux","Last activity":"Dernière activité","Link":"Lien","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Lien disponible seulement pour les invités. Identification requise.","Loading app":"Chargement de l'app","Log out":"Se déconnecter","Manager":"Gestionnaire","Members":"Membres","Modified":"Modifié","Name":"Nom","New file":"Nouveau fichier","New folder":"Nouveau dossier","No changes":"Aucune modification","No items selected.":"Aucun élément séléctionné","No restriction":"Aucune restriction","Only for invited people":"Réservé aux personnes invitées","Open folder":"Ouvrir le dossie","Open in %{app}":"Ouvrir avec %{app}","Opens in a new window":"Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre","Password":"Mot de passe","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Supprimer définitivement la ressource sélectionnée ?"," Supprimer définitivement les %{amount} ressources sélectionnées?"," Supprimer définitivement les %{amount} ressources sélectionnées?"],"Personal":"Personnel","Please enter only numbers":"Merci de ne saisir que des chiffres","Public file upload":"Fichier public téléchargé","Quota":"Quota","Remaining quota":"Quota restant","Remove expiration date":"Supprimer date d'expiration","Remove from favorites":"Retirer des favoris","Rename":"Renommer","Rename file %{name}":"Renommer fichier %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renommer dossier %{name}","Restore":"Restaurer","Revert":"Rétablir","Save":"Enregistrer","Secret File Drop":"Dépôt de fichier secret","Select all resources":"Sélectionner toutes les ressources","Select file":"Sélectionnez un fichier","Select folder":"Sélectionnez un dossier","Set expiration date":"Définir la date d'expiration","Share":"Partager","Shared by":"Partagé par","Shared with":"Partagé avec","Shared with me":"Partagé avec moi","Shares":"Partages","Show file extensions":"Afficher les extensions du fichier","Show hidden files":"Afficher les fichiers masqués","Show invited people":"Voir les personnes invitées","Show links":"Afficher les liens","Size":"Taille","Skip":"Passer","Sort by %{ name }":"trier par %{ name }","Spaces":"Espaces","Status":"État","Subtitle":"Sous-titre","Tags":"Étiquettes","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Le nom \"%{name}\" existe déjà","The name cannot be empty":"Le nom ne peut pas être vide","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom ne peut pas être \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom ne peut pas être \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom ne peut pas finir avec un espace","This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Ce fichier a été modifié en dehors de cette fenêtre. Veuillez rafraîchir la page (tous les changements seront perdus).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Cet élément est diretement partagé par lien.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Cet élément est directement partagé avec d'autres.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Cet élément est partagé par lien au travers de l'un des dossiers parents","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Cet élément est partagé avec d'autres par lien au travers de l'un des dossiers parents","Total quota":"Quota total","Unsaved changes":"Modifications non enregistrées","Used quota":"Quota utilisateur","You're not authorized to save this file":"Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à enregistrer ce fichier","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Les modifications n'ont pas été enregistrées, souhaitez-vous les enregistrer ?"},"gl":{"%{name} already exists":"%{name} xa existe","Actions":"Accións","All deleted files were removed":"Retiráronse todos os ficheiros eliminados","All files":"Todos os ficheiros","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":" \nConfirma que quere eliminar todos os recursos seleccionados? Todo o seu contido eliminarase definitivamente. Esta acción non se pode desfacer.","Cancel":"Cancelar","Confirm":"Confirmar","Copy":"Copiar","Create":"Crear","Create a new file":"Crear un novo ficheiro","Create a new folder":"Crear un novo cartafol","Delete":"Eliminar","Download":"Descargar","Download failed":"Produciuse un fallo na descarga","Empty trash bin":"Cesto do lixo baleiro","File could not be located":"Non foi posíbel localizar o ficheiro","File name":"Nome de ficheiro","File name cannot be empty":"O nome do ficheiro non pode estar baleiro","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode ser igual a «..»","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode ser igual a «.»","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode conter unha «/»","File name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome do ficheiro non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","Folder name":"Nome do cartafol","Folder name cannot be empty":"O nome do cartafol non pode estar baleiro","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode ser igual a «..»","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode ser igual a «.»","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode conter unha «/»","Log out":"Saír","Name":"Nome","New file":"Novo ficheiro","New folder":"Novo cartafol","Open folder":"Abrir cartafol","Password":"Contrasinal","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Eliminar de xeito permanente o recurso seleccionado?","Eliminar de xeito permanente os %{amount} recursos seleccionados?"],"Remove expiration date":"Retirar a data de caducidade","Rename":"Renomear","Rename file %{name}":"Renomear o ficheiro %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renomear o cartafol %{name}","Restore":"Restaurar","Save":"Gardar","Share":"Compartir","Shared with":"Compartido con","Shared with me":"Compartido comigo","Size":"Tamaño","Status":"Estado","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"O nome «%{name}» xa está ocupado","The name cannot be empty":"O nome non pode estar baleiro","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome non pode ser igual a «..»","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome non pode ser igual a «.»","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome non pode conter unha «/»","The name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome non pode rematar cun espazo en branco"},"he":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"„%{fileName}” נוצר בהצלחה","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"„%{folderName}” נוצרה בהצלחה","(Opens in new window)":"(נפתח בחלון חדש)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["פריט אחד נבחר. הפעולות זמינות מעל הטבלה.","%{ amount } פריטים נבחרו. הפעולות זמינות מעל הטבלה.","%{ amount } פריטים נבחרו. הפעולות זמינות מעל הטבלה.","%{ amount } פריטים נבחרו. הפעולות זמינות מעל הטבלה."],"%{count} item was copied successfully":["פריט הועתק בהצלחה","%{count} פריטים הועתקו בהצלחה","%{count} פריטים הועתקו בהצלחה"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["פריט הועבר בהצלחה","%{count} פריטים הועברו בהצלחה","%{count} פריטים הועברו בהצלחה","%{count} פריטים הועברו בהצלחה"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (אני)","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["קישור אחד מעניק גישה.","%{linkShareCount} קישורים מעניקים גישה.","%{linkShareCount} קישורים מעניקים גישה.","%{linkShareCount} קישורים מעניקים גישה."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} כבר קיים","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} שוחזר בהצלחה","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} קבצים שוחזרו בהצלחה","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} מתוך %{total} מנוצלים (%{percentage}% מנוצלים)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} מנוצלים (אין הגבלה)","Actions":"פעולות","Add to favorites":"הוספה למועדפים","All Actions":"כל הפעולות","All deleted files were removed":"כל הקבצים למחיקה הוסרו","All files":"כל הקבצים","An error occurred":"אירעה שגיאה","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"למחוק את כל המשאבים שנבחרו? כל התוכן שלהם יוסר לצמיתות. לא ניתן לבטל פעולה זו. ","Cancel":"ביטול","Change subtitle for space":"החלפת כתובית למרחב","Changes saved":"שינויים נשמרו","Close":"סגירה","Close file sidebar":"סגירת סרגל הצד של הקבצים","Confirm":"אישור","Copied to clipboard!":"הועתק ללוח הגזירים!","Copy":"העתקה","Copy here":"העתקה לכאן","Create":"יצירה","Create a new file":"יצירת קובץ חדש","Create a new folder":"יצירת תיקייה חדשה","Creating space failed…":"יצירת מרחב נכשלה…","Cut":"גזירה","Cut to clipboard!":"גזירה ללוח הגזירים","Delete":"מחיקה","Deleted":"נמחק","Details":"פרטים","Disable":"השבתה","Disabled":"מושבת","Disabled:":"מושבתים:","Display customization options of the files list":"הצגת אפשרות כוונון לרשימת הקבצים","Don't Save":"לא לשמור","Download":"הורדה","Download failed":"הורדה נכשלה","Edit description":"עריכת תיאור","Edit expiration date":"עריכת תאריך תפוגת תוקף","Edit quota":"עריכת מיכסה","Edit subtitle":"עריכת כתובית","Empty trash bin":"פינוי פח אשפה","Enable":"הפעלה","Enabled:":"פעילים:","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"החלפת מצב ההעדפה של „%{file}” נכשל","Failed to change quota":"שינוי המכסה נכשל","Failed to change space subtitle":"שינוי כתובית המרחב נכשל","Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"ההעתקה של „%{name}” נכשלה","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"העתקת %{count} משאבים נכשלה","Failed to create file":"יצירת קובץ נכשלה","Failed to create folder":"יצירת תיקייה נכשלה","Failed to download the selected folder.":["הורדת הקובץ הנבחר נכשלה.","הורדת הקבצים הנבחרים נכשלה.","הורדת הקבצים הנבחרים נכשלה."],"Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"העברת „%{name}” נכשלה","Failed to move %{count} resources":"העברת %{count} משאבים נכשלה","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"שינוי השם של „%{file}” לשם „%{newName}” נכשל","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"שינוי השם „%{file}” לשם „%{newName}” נכשל - הקובץ נעול","Failed to rename space":"שינוי שם המרחב נכשל","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"השחזור של „%{resource}” נכשל","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"שחזור %{resourceCount} נכשל","Failed to set space description":"הגדרת תיאור המרחב נכשל","Failed to set space image":"הגדרת תמונת המרחב נכשלה","Favorite files":"קבצים מועדפים","file":"קובץ","File autosaved":"הקובץ נשמר אוטומטית","File could not be located":"לא ניתן היה למצוא קובץ","File name":"שם קובץ","File name cannot be empty":"השם לא יכול להיות ריק","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"שם הקובץ לא יכול להיות „..”","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"שם הקובץ לא יכול להיות „.”","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"שם הקובץ לא יכול להכיל „/”","File name cannot end with whitespace":"שם קובץ לא יכול להסתיים ברווח","Files shared via link":"קבצים שותפו דרך קישור","Files shared with me":"קבצים שותפו אתי","Files shared with others":"קבצים שותפו עם אחרים","folder":"תיקייה","Folder name":"שם תיקייה","Folder name cannot be empty":"שם תיקייה לא יכול להיות ריק","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"שם התיקייה לא יכול להיות „..”","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"שם התיקייה לא יכול להיות „.”","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"שם תיקייה לא יכול להכיל „/”","Items per page":"פריטים לעמוד","Keep both":"להשאיר את שניהם","Last activity":"פעילות אחרונה","Link":"קישור","Loading app":"יישום נטען","Log out":"יציאה","Manager":"הנהלה","Members":"חברים","Modified":"שינוי","Name":"שם","New file":"קובץ חדש","New folder":"תיקייה חדשה","No changes":"אין שינויים","No items selected.":"לא נבחרו פריטים.","No restriction":"אין מגבלה","Open folder":"פתיחת תיקייה","Open in %{app}":"פתיחה ב־%{app}","Overview of the information about the selected space":"סקירת פרטים על המרחב הנבחר","Password":"סיסמה:","Permanently delete selected resource?":["מחיקה לצמיתות של משאב נבחר?","מחיקה לצמיתות של %{amount} משאבים נבחרים?","מחיקה לצמיתות של %{amount} משאבים נבחרים?"],"Personal":"אישי","Please enter only numbers":"נא למלא מספרים בלבד","Public file upload":"העלאת קובץ ציבורי","Quota":"מיכסה","Remaining quota":"מכסה פנויה","Remove expiration date":"הסרת תאריך תפוגה","Remove from favorites":"הסרה מהמועדפים","Rename":"שינוי שם","Rename file %{name}":"שינוי שם קובץ %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"שינוי שם תיקייה %{name}","Rename space":"שינוי שם מרחב","Replace":"החלפה","Restore":"שחזור","Revert":"שחזור","Save":"שמירה","Search results":"תוצאות חיפוש","Select all resources":"בחירת כל המשאבים","Select file":"בחירת קובץ","Select folder":"בחירת תיקייה","Set as space description":"הגדרה כתיאור המרחב","Set as space image":"הגדרה כתמונת המרחב","Set expiration date":"הגדרת תאריך תפוגה","Share":"שיתוף","Shared by":"שותף על ידי","Shared on":"שותף על גבי","Shared with":"שיתוף עם","Shared with me":"שיתוף איתי","Shares":"שיתופים","Show":"הצגה","Show context menu":"הצגת תפריט הקשר","Show file extensions":"הצגת סיומות הקבצים","Show hidden files":"הצגת קבצים נסתרים","Show invited people":"הצגת אנשים שהוזמנו","Show links":"הצגת קישורים","Size":"גודל","Skip":"דילוג","Space description was set successfully":"תיאור המרחב הוגדר בהצלחה","Space image was set successfully":"תמונת המרחב הוגדרה בהצלחה","Space name":"שם המרחב","Space name cannot be empty":"שם המרחב לא יכול להישאר ריק","Space name was changed successfully":"שם המרחב נערך בהצלחה","Space subtitle":"כתובית מרחב","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"כתובית המרחב נערכה בהצלחה","Spaces":"מרחבים","Status":"מצב","Subtitle":"כתובית","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"השם \"%{name}\" כבר קיים","The name cannot be empty":"השם לא יכול להיות ריק","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"השם אינו יכול להיות זהה ל- \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"השם אינו יכול להיות זהה ל- \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"השם אינו יכול להכיל \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"השם לא יכול להכיל „/”","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"אין מספיק מכסה על גבי „%{spaceName}” כדי לשמור את הקובץ הזה","There is not enough quota to save this file":"אין מספיק מכסה כדי לשמור את הקובץ הזה","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["%{ resourceType } זה משותף דרך הזמנה אחת","%{ resourceType } זה משותף דרך %{ linkCount } הזמנות","%{ resourceType } זה משותף דרך %{ linkCount } הזמנות","%{ resourceType } זה משותף דרך %{ linkCount } הזמנות"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"קובץ זה עודכן מחוץ לחלון. נא לעדכן את העמוד (כל השינויים יאבדו).","This item is directly shared via links.":"הפריט הזה משותף ישירות דרך קישורים.","This item is directly shared with others.":"הפריט הזה משותף ישירות עם אחרים.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"פריט זה משותף באמצעות קישורים דרך אחת מתיקיות ההורה שלו.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"פריט זה משותף עם אחרים דרך אחת מתיקיות ההורה.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["במרחב זה יש חבר אחד","במרחב זה יש %{memberShareCount} חברים","במרחב זה יש %{memberShareCount} חברים"],"Total quota":"מכסה כוללת","Unsaved changes":"שינויים שלא נשמרו","Used quota":"מכסה מנוצלת","You're not authorized to save this file":"אין לך הרשאה לשמור את הקובץ הזה","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"השינויים שלך לא נשמרו. לשמור אותם?"},"hr":{},"id":{"Cancel":"Batal","Create":"Buat","Delete":"Hapus","Link":"Tautan","Manager":"Manajer","Opens in a new window":"Buka di jendela baru","Sort by %{ name }":"Urutkan berdasarkan %{ name }"},"it":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" è stato creato con successo","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"La cartella \"%{folderName}\" è stata creata con successo","(Opens in new window)":"(Apre in una nuova finestra)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } oggetto selezionato. È possibile selezionare le azioni disponibili sopra la tabella.","%{ amount } oggetti selezionati. È possibile selezionare le azioni disponibili sopra la tabella.","%{ amount } oggetti selezionati. È possibile selezionare le azioni disponibili sopra la tabella."],"%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} elemento copiato con successo","%{count} elementi copiati con successo","%{count} elementi copiati con successo"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} elemento spostato con successo","%{count} elementi spostati con successo","%{count} elementi spostati con successo"],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} esiste già","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} ripristinata con successo","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} file ripristinati con successo","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Azioni","Add to favorites":"Aggiungi ai preferiti","All Actions":"Tutte le Azioni","All deleted files were removed":"Tutti i file eliminati sono stati rimossi","All files":"Tutti i file","An error occurred":"Si è verificato un errore","Anyone with the link can edit":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può modificare","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può solamente caricare, il contenuto esistente non sarà visibile.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può caricare","Anyone with the link can view":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può visualizzare","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può visualizzare e scaricare.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può visualizzare, scaricare e modificare.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Chiunque abbia il collegamento può visualizzare, scaricare e caricare.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Applica a tutti e %{count} i conflitti","Apply to all %{count} files":"Applica a tutti e %{count} i file","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Applica a tutti e %{count} le cartelle","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Si è sicuri di voler eliminare tutte le risorse selezionate? Tutto il loro contenuto verrà eliminato definitivamente. Questa azione non è reversibile.","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Si è sicuri di voler eliminare questo file? Tutto il contenuto verrà eliminato definitivamente. Questa azione non è reversibile.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Si è sicuri di voler eliminare questa cartella? Tutto il contenuto verrà eliminato definitivamente. Questa azione non è reversibile.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Si è sicuri di voler eliminare definitivamente gli elementi della lista? Questa azione non è reversibile.","Can edit":"Può modificare","Can upload":"Può caricare","Can view":"Può visualizzare","Cancel":"Cancella","Close":"Chiudi","Confirm":"Conferma","Copied to clipboard!":"Copiato negli appunti!","Copy":"Copia","Copy here":"Copia qui","Copy here?":"Copiare qui?","Copy link":"Copia collegamento","Create":"Creare","Create a new file":"Creare un nuovo file","Create a new folder":"Creare nuova cartella","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Creare Spazio da \"%{resourceName}\"","Creare Spazio dalla selezione","Creare Spazio dalla selezione"],"Create Space from selection":"Creare Spazio dalla selezione","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Creare spazio con il contenuto \"%{resourceName}\".","Creare spazio con i file selezionati.","Creare spazio con i file selezionati."],"Creating space failed…":"Creazione spazio non riuscita...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"Taglia","Cut to clipboard!":"Taglia negli appunti!","Delete":"Elimina","Deleted":"Eliminato","Details":"Dettagli","Disabled":"Disabilitato","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"Gli spazi disabilitati non possono essere immessi","Download":"Scarica","Download failed":"Download fallito","Edit expiration date":"Modifica data di scadenza","Edit quota":"Modifica quota","Empty trash bin":"Svuota cestino","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Scade tra %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Cambiamento di stato preferito del file \"%{file}\" non riuscito","Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Non è stato possibile copiare \"%{name}\"","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Non è stato possibile copiare %{count} risorse","Failed to create file":"Non è stato possibile creare il file","Failed to create folder":"Non è stato possibile creare la cartella","Failed to empty trash bin":"Non è stato possibile svuotare il cestino","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Non è stato possibile spostare \"%{name}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Non è stato possibile spostare %{count} risorse","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Non è stato possibile rinominare \"%{file}\" come \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Non è stato possibile rinominare \"%{file}\" come \"%{newName}\" - il file è bloccato","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Non è stato possibile ripristinare \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Non è stato possibile ripristinare %{resourceCount} file","Failed to set space image":"Non è stato possibile impostare l'immagine dello spazio","Favorite files":"File preferiti","file":"file","File already exists":"Il file esiste già","File could not be located":"Il file non è stato trovato","File name":"Nome file","Files shared via link":"File condivisi tramite collegamento","Files shared with me":"File condivisi con me","Files shared with others":"File condivisi con altri","folder":"cartella","Link":"Collegamento","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Collegamento funzionante solo per persone invitate. È necessario accedere.","Loading app":"Caricamento app","Log out":"Esci","Manager":"Manager","Members":"Membri","Modified":"Modificato","Name":"Nome","No restriction":"Nessuna restrizione","Only for invited people":"Solo per persone invitate","Opens in a new window":"Apri in una nuova finestra","Password":"Password","Personal":"Personale","Quota":"Quota","Remaining quota":"Quota rimanente","Secret File Drop":"Condivisione segreta \"File Drop\"","Share":"Condividi","Show context menu":"Visualizza menu contestuale","Sort by %{ name }":"Ordina per %{ name }","Spaces":"Spazi","Status":"Stato","Total quota":"Quota totale","Used quota":"Quota usata"},"ja":{},"nl":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" is met succes aangemaakt","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" is met succes aangemaakt","(Opens in new window)":"(Opent in nieuw venster)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } onderdelen geselecteerd. Beschikbare acties zichtbaar boven de tabel.","%{ amount } onderdelen geselecteerd. Beschikbare acties zichtbaar boven de tabel."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } ruimte geselecteerd","%{ itemCount } ruimtes geselecteerd"],"%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} item is met succes gekopieerd","%{count} items zijn met succes gekopieerd"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} item is verplaatst","%{count} items zijn verplaatst"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (ik)","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} link geeft toegang.","%{linkShareCount} links die toegang geven."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} bestaat al","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} is met succes hersteld","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} bestanden met succes hersteld","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} van %{total} gebruikt (%{percentage}% gebruikt)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} gebruikt (geen beperking)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","Actions":"Acties","Add to favorites":"Toevoegen aan favorieten","All Actions":"Alle acties","All deleted files were removed":"Alle gewiste bestanden zijn verwijderd","All files":"Alle bestanden","An error occurred":"Er is een fout opgetreden","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Toepassen op alle %{count} conflicten","Apply to all %{count} files":"Toepassen op alle %{count} bestanden","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Toepassen op alle %{count} mappen","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Weet u zeker dat u alle geselecteerde bronnen wilt verwijderen? Al hun inhoud wordt permanent verwijderd. Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde ruimte wilt verwijderen?","Weet u zeker dat u %{count} geselecteerde ruimtes wilt verwijderen?"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Terug naar het deelvenster %{panel}","Cancel":"Annuleer","Change subtitle for space":"Ondertiteling voor ruimte wijzigen","Changes saved":"Wijzigingen opgeslagen","Close":"Sluit","Close file sidebar":"Sluit de zijbalk van het bestand","Confirm":"confirmeren","Copied to clipboard!":"Gekopieerd naar klembord!","Copy":"Kopiëren","Copy here":"Hier kopiëren","Copy here?":"Hier kopiëren?","Create":"Creëren","Create a new file":"Maak een nieuw bestand","Create a new folder":"Maak een nieuwe map","Creating space failed…":"Ruimte maken mislukte...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"Knippen","Cut to clipboard!":"Knip naar klembord!","Delete":"Verwijder","Deleted":"Verwijderd","Details":"Details","Disable":"Uitschakelen","Disabled":"Uitgeschakeld","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"Uitgeschakelde ruimtes kan men niet binnengaan","Disabled:":"Uitgeschakeld:","Display customization options of the files list":"Weergaveopties van de bestandenlijst weergeven","Don't Save":"Niet opslaan","Download":"Downloaden","Download failed":"Download mislukt","Edit description":"Beschrijving bewerken","Edit expiration date":"Vervaldatum bewerken","Edit quota":"Quotum bewerken","Edit subtitle":"Ondertitel bewerken","Empty trash bin":"Prullenbak leegmaken","Enable":"Inschakelen","Enabled:":"Ingeschakeld:","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Kan favoriete status van \"%{file}\" niet wijzigen","Failed to change space subtitle":"Kan de ondertitel van de ruimte niet wijzigen","Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Kan \"%{name}\" niet kopiëren","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Kan %{count} bronnen niet kopiëren","Failed to create file":"Kan bestand niet maken","Failed to create folder":"Kan map niet maken","Failed to download the selected folder.":["Kan geselecteerd bestand niet downloaden.","Kan de geselecteerde bestanden niet downloaden."],"Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Kan \"%{name}\" niet verplaatsen","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Kan %{count} bronnen niet verplaatsen","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Kan de naam van \"%{file}\" niet wijzigen in \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Kan de naam van \"%{file}\" niet wijzigen in \"%{newName}\" - het bestand is vergrendeld","Failed to rename space":"Kan de naam van de ruimte niet wijzigen","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Kan \"%{resource}\" niet herstellen","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Kan %{resourceCount} bestanden niet herstellen","Failed to set space description":"Kan de beschrijving van de spatie niet instellen","Failed to set space image":"Kan image van ruimte niet instellen","Favorite files":"Favoriete bestanden","file":"Bestand","File already exists":"Bestand bestaat al","File could not be located":"Bestand kon niet gevonden worden","File name":"Bestandsnaam","File name cannot be empty":"Bestandsnaam mag niet leeg zijn","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Bestandsnaam mag niet gelijk zijn aan \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Bestandsnaam kan niet gelijk zijn aan ''.","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Bestandsnaam mag geen \"/\" bevatten","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Bestandsnaam kan niet eindigen met een spatie","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Bestand met naam \"%{name}\" bestaat al.","Files shared via link":"Bestanden gedeeld via link","Files shared with me":"Bestanden die met mij zijn gedeeld","Files shared with others":"Bestanden gedeeld met anderen","folder":"Map","Folder already exists":"Map bestaat al","Folder name":"Mapnaam","Folder name cannot be empty":"Mapnaam mag niet leeg zijn","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Mapnaam mag niet gelijk zijn aan \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Mapnaam mag niet gelijk zijn aan \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Mapnaam mag geen \"/\" bevatten","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Map met de naam \"%{name}\" bestaat al.","Hide":"Verbergen","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Als u de geselecteerde ruimte uitschakelt, is deze niet meer toegankelijk. Alleen Ruimte beheerders hebben nog toegang. Opmerking: Er worden geen bestanden van de server verwijderd.","Als u de %{count} geselecteerde ruimtes uitschakelt, zijn deze niet meer toegankelijk. Alleen Ruimte beheerders hebben nog toegang. Opmerking: Er worden geen bestanden van de server verwijderd."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Als u de geselecteerde ruimte inschakelt, kunt u deze opnieuw openen.","Als u de %{count} geselecteerde ruimtes inschakelt, zijn deze opnieuw toegankelijk."],"Items per page":"Items per pagina","Keep both":"Bewaar beide","Last activity":"Laatste activiteit","Link":"Link","Loading app":"App aan het laden","Log out":"Afmelden","Manager":"Beheerder","Members":"Leden","Modified":"Gemodificeerd","Name":"Naam","New file":"Nieuw bestand","New folder":"Nieuwe map","New Folder":"Nieuwe map","No changes":"Geen wijzigingen","No items selected.":"Geen items geselecteerd.","No restriction":"Geen beperking","Open folder":"Open map","Open in %{app}":"Openen in %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Linklijst openen in deelvenster Delen","Open member list in share panel":"Ledenlijst openen in deelvenster Delen","Open share panel":"Deelvenster Delen openen","Opens in a new window":"Opent in een nieuw venster","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Overzicht van de informatie over de geselecteerde ruimte","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Overzicht van de informatie over de geselecteerde ruimtes","Password":"Wachtwoord","Paste":"Plakken","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Geselecteerde bron permanent verwijderen?","%{amount} Geselecteerde bronnen permanent verwijderen?"],"Personal":"Persoonlijk","Please enter only numbers":"Voer alleen nummers in","Public file upload":"Openbaar bestand uploaden","Quota":"Quotum","Remaining quota":"Resterend quotum","Remaining quota:":"Resterend quotum:","Remove expiration date":"Vervaldatum verwijderen","Remove from favorites":"Verwijderen uit favorieten","Rename":"Hernoemen","Rename file %{name}":"Naam van bestand %{name} wijzigen","Rename folder %{name}":"Map %{name} hernoemen","Rename space":"De ruimte hernoemen","Replace":"Vervangen","Restore":"Herstellen","Revert":"Terugdraaien","Save":"Opslaan","Search results":"Zoekresultaten","Select a space to view details":"Selecteer een ruimte om details weer te geven","Select all resources":"Selecteer alle bronnen","Select file":"Selecteer bestand","Select folder":"Selecteer map","Select space":"Ruimte selecteren ","Set as space description":"Beschrijving van de ruimte instellen","Set as space image":"Stel in als image van ruimte","Set expiration date":"Vervaldatum instellen","Share":"Delen","Shared by":"Gedeeld door","Shared on":"Gedeeld op","Shared with":"Gedeeld met","Shared with me":"Met mij gedeeld","Shares":"Gedeelde items","Show":"Toon","Show context menu":"Contextmenu weergeven","Show file extensions":"Toon bestandextensies","Show hidden files":"Toon verborgen bestanden","Show invited people":"Uitgenodigden weergeven","Show links":"Links weergeven","Size":"Grootte","Skip":"Overslaan","Sort by %{ name }":"Sorteren op %{ name }","Space description was set successfully":"Beschrijving van de ruimte is met succes ingesteld","Space image was set successfully":"Image van ruimte met succes ingesteld","Space name":"Ruimtenaam","Space name cannot be empty":"Naam van ruimte kan niet leeg blijven","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Naam van de ruimte kan niet meer dan 255 lettertekens bevatten","Space name was changed successfully":"De naam van de spatie is met succes gewijzigd","Space subtitle":"Ondertitel ruimte","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"De ruimteondertitel is met succes gewijzigd","Spaces":"Ruimtes","Status":"Status","Subtitle":"Ondertitel","Tags":"Tags","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"De naam \"%{name}\" is al in gebruik","The name cannot be empty":"De naam mag niet leeg zijn","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"De naam kan niet gelijk zijn aan \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"De naam kan niet gelijk zijn aan ''.\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"De naam mag geen \"/\" bevatten","The name cannot end with whitespace":"De naam mag niet eindigen met een spatie","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Er is niet genoeg quotum op \"%{spaceName}\" om dit bestand op te slaan","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Er is niet genoeg quotum om dit bestand op te slaan","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Deze %{ resourceType } wordt gedeeld via %{ shareCount } uitnodiging","Deze %{ resourceType } wordt gedeeld via %{ shareCount } uitnodigingen"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Dit bestand is buiten dit venster bijgewerkt. Vernieuw de pagina (alle wijzigingen gaan verloren).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Dit item wordt direct gedeeld via links.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Dit item wordt rechtstreeks met anderen gedeeld.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Dit item wordt gedeeld via links door een van de bovenliggende mappen.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Dit item wordt met anderen gedeeld via een van de bovenliggende mappen.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Deze ruimte heeft %{memberShareCount} lid.","Deze ruimte heeft %{memberShareCount} leden."],"This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Deze ruimte heeft één lid en %{linkShareCount} link.","Deze ruimte heeft één lid en %{linkShareCount} links."],"Tile size":"Tegel grootte","Toggle selection":"Selectie in-/uitschakelen","Total quota":"Totaal quotum","Total quota:":"Totale quotum:","Unsaved changes":"Niet opgeslagen wijzigingen","Used quota":"Gebruikt quotum","Used quota:":"Gebruikt quotum:","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["U kunt het geselecteerde bestand niet op deze locatie plakken omdat u een item niet op zichzelf kunt plakken.","U kunt de geselecteerde bestanden niet op deze locatie plakken omdat u een item niet op zichzelf kunt plakken."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"U bent niet gemachtigd om dit bestand op te slaan","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Uw wijzigingen zijn niet opgeslagen. Wil je ze opslaan?"},"pt":{},"pl":{"\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" został pomyślnie utworzony","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} link nadający dostęp.","%{linkShareCount} linki nadające dostęp.","%{linkShareCount} linków nadających dostęp.","%{linkShareCount} linków nadających dostęp."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} już istnieje","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} został przywrócony pomyślnie ","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Akcje","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"Dodano %{numFiles} plik(i)","All Actions":"Wszystkie akcje","All deleted files were removed":"Wszystkie usunięte pliki zostały usunięte","All files":"Wszystkie pliki","An error occurred":"Wystąpił błąd","Anyone with the link can edit":"Każdy, kto ma link, może edytować","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Każdy kto ma link może jedynie przesłać, obecna zawartość nie zostanie pokazana.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Każdy kto ma link może przesłać.","Anyone with the link can view":"Każdy z linkiem może wyświetlić","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Każdy, kto ma link, może wyświetlić i pobrać.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Każdy, kto ma link, może wyświetlić, pobierać i edytować.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Każdy kto ma link może zobaczyć, pobrać i przesłać.","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Zastosuj do wszystkich %{count} folderów","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie wybrane zasoby? Cała ich zawartość zostanie bezpowrotnie usunięta. Tej czynności nie da się cofnąć.","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten plik? Cała jego zawartość zostanie bezpowrotnie usunięta. Tej czynności nie da się cofnąć.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten folder? Cała jego zawartość zostanie bezpowrotnie usunięta. Tej czynności nie da się cofnąć.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Czy na pewno chcesz bezpowrotnie usunąć wymienione elementy? Tej czynności nie da się cofnąć.","Can edit":"Może edytować","Can upload":"Może przesłać","Can view":"Może zobaczyć","Cancel":"Anuluj","Changes saved":"Zmiany zapisane","Close":"Zamknij","Confirm":"Potwierdź","Connect to %{pluginName}":"Połącz z %{pluginName}","Copy":"Kopiuj","Create":"Utwórz","Create a new file":"Utwórz nowy plik","Create a new folder":"Utwórz nowy folder","Delete":"Usuń","Details":"Szczegóły","Disabled":"Wyłączone","Don't Save":"Nie zapisuj","Download":"Pobierz","Download failed":"Pobieranie nieudane","Edit description":"Edytuj opis","Edit expiration date":"Zmień datę ważności","Edit quota":"Zmień limit","Empty trash bin":"Opróżnij kosz","Failed to create folder":"Nie udało się utworzyć folderu","Failed to download the selected folder.":["Nie udało się pobrać wybranego folderu.","Nie udało się pobrać wybranych plików.","Nie udało się pobrać wybranych plików.","Nie udało się pobrać wybranych plików."],"File autosaved":"Plik zapisany automatycznie","File could not be located":"Nie znaleziono pliku","File name":"Nazwa pliku","File name cannot be empty":"Nazwa pliku nie może być pusta","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"\"..\" nie może być nazwą pliku","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"\".\" nie może być nazwą pliku","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Nazwa pliku nie może zawierać \"/\" ","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Nazwa pliku nie może kończyć się niedrukowalnym znakiem","Files shared via link":"Pliki udostępnione poprzez link","Files shared with me":"Pliki udostępnione dla mnie","Files shared with others":"Pliki udostępnione dla innych","Filter list":"Lista filtrów","folder":"folder","Folder already exists":"Folder już istnieje","Folder name":"Nazwa folderu","Folder name cannot be empty":"Nazwa folderu nie może być pusta","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"\"..\" nie może być nazwą folderu","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"\".\" nie może być nazwą folderu","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Nazwa folderu nie może zawierać \"/\"","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Folder o nazwie \"%{name}\" już istnieje.","Invited people":"Zaproszone osoby","Link":"Link","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Link działa tylko dla zaproszonych osób. Wymagane jest zalogowanie się.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"Załadowano %{numFiles} plików","Loading app":"Ładowanie aplikacji","Loading...":"Ładowanie...","Log out":"Wyloguj","Manager":"Zarządca","Members":"Członkowie","Name":"Nazwa","New file":"Nowy plik","New folder":"Nowy folder","New Folder":"Nowy folder","No changes":"Brak zmian","Only for invited people":"Tylko dla zaproszonych osób","Open folder":"Otwórz folder","Open in %{app}":"Otwórz w %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Otwórz listę linków w panelu udostępniania","Open member list in share panel":"Otwórz listę uczestników w panelu udostępniania","Open share panel":"Otwórz panel udostępniania","Opens in a new window":"Otwieranie w nowym oknie","Password":"Hasło","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Czy bezpowrotnie usunąć wybrany zasób?","Czy bezpowrotnie usunąć %{amount} wybrane zasoby?","Czy bezpowrotnie usunąć %{amount} wybranych zasobów?","Czy bezpowrotnie usunąć %{amount} wybranych zasobów?"],"Personal":"Prywatne","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Uwierzytelnij się za pomocą %{PluginName}, aby wybrać pliki","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Podaj wartość równą lub mniejszą niż %{ quotaLimit }","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Podaj adres URL linku publicznego bez ochrony hasłem.","Public file upload":"Przesyłanie pliku publicznego","Public Link URL":"URL linku publicznego","Quota":"Limit","Remaining quota":"Pozostałe dostępne miejsce","Remaining quota:":"Pozostałe dostępne miejsce:","Remove expiration date":"Usuń datę ważności","Rename":"Zmień nazwę","Rename file %{name}":"Zmień nazwę pliku %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Zmień nazwę folderu %{name}","Restore":"Przywróć","Save":"Zapisz","Select %{smart_count}":"Wybierz %{smart_count}","Select folder":"Wybierz folder","Set expiration date":"Ustaw datę ważności","Share":"Udostępnij","Shared by":"Udostępnione przez","Shared with":"Udostępnione dla","Shared with me":"Udostępnione dla mnie","Shares":"Udostępnione","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Udostępnienia, wersje ani tagi nie zostaną skopiowane.","Show":"Pokaż","Show invited people":"Pokaż zaproszone osoby","Show links":"Pokaż linki","Sign in with Google":"Zaloguj się z Google","Sort by %{ name }":"Sortuj wg %{ name }","Status":"Status","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Nazwa \"%{name}\" jest już zajęta","The name cannot be empty":"Nazwa nie może być pusta","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"\"..\" nie może być użyte jako nazwa","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"\".\" nie może być użyte jako nazwa","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Nazwa nie może zawieać \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Nazwa nie może kończyć się niedrukowalnym znakiem","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Nie ma wystarczającej ilości miejsca na %{spaceName}, aby zapisać ten plik","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Nie ma wystarczającej ilości miejsca, aby zapisać ten plik","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Ten %{ resourceType } jest udostępniany poprzez %{ linkCount } zaproszenie","Ten %{ resourceType } jest udostępniany poprzez %{ linkCount } zaproszenia","Ten %{ resourceType } jest udostępniany poprzez %{ linkCount } zaproszeń","Ten %{ resourceType } jest udostępniany poprzez %{ linkCount } zaproszeń"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Ten plik został zaktualizowany poza tym oknem. Odśwież stronę (wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Ten element jest bezpośrednio udostępniony poprzez linki.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Ten element jest bezpośrednio udostępniony dla innych.","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Ten element jest udostępniony poprzez link do jednego z folderów nadrzędnych.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Ten element jest udostępniony dla innych poprzez jeden z folderów nadrzędnych.","Total quota":"Całkowite dostępne miejsce","Total quota:":"Całkowite dostępne miejsce:","Unsaved changes":"Niezapisane zmiany","Used quota":"Użyte miejsce","Used quota:":"Użyte miejsce:","You're not authorized to save this file":"Nie masz uprawnień do zapisu tego pliku","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Twoje zmiany nie są zapisane. Czy chcesz je zapisać?"},"ka":{},"ro":{"Actions":"Acțiuni","Cancel":"Anulează","Confirm":"Confirmă","Create":"Crează","Delete":"Șterge","Details":"Detalii","Disabled":"Dezactivat","Edit quota":"Editează spațiul","Manager":"Manager","Members":"Membrii","Modified":"Modificat","Name":"Nume","No restriction":"Nicio restricție","Password":"Parola","Quota":"Spațiu","Remaining quota":"Spațiu rămas","Show context menu":"Arată meniul contextual","Spaces":"Spații","Status":"Status","Total quota":"Spațiu total","Used quota":"Spațiu folosit"},"ko":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" 파일 생성됨","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" 폴더 생성됨","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" 휴지통으로 이동됨","(Opens in new window)":"(새 윈도우에서 열기)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":"%{ amount }개 항목을 선택했습니다. 작업은 표 위에서 사용할 수 있습니다.","%{ itemCount } space selected":"스페이스 %{ itemCount }개 선택됨","%{count} item was copied successfully":"%{count}개 항목이 복사되었습니다.","%{count} item was moved successfully":"항목 %{count}개 이동됨","%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (나)","%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":"항목 %{itemCount}개 휴지통으로 이동됨","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":"%{linkShareCount} 링크에 액세스할 수 있습니다.","%{name} already exists":"%{name}이(가) 이미 있습니다.","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} 복원됨","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"파일 %{resourceCount}개 복원됨","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개 제거됨","%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개 꺼짐","%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개 켜짐","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{total} 중 %{used} 사용(%{percentage}% 사용)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} 사용됨(제한 없음)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"이름순","Actions":"작업","Add to favorites":"즐겨찾기에 추가하기","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"파일 %{numFiles}개 추가됨","All Actions":"모든 작업","All deleted files were removed":"모든 삭제된 파일이 제거되었습니다","All files":"모든 파일","An error occurred":"오류가 발생했습니다","Anyone with the link can edit":"링크가 있는 모든 사람이 편집 가능","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"링크가 있는 사람은 업로드할 수 있지만 기존 콘텐츠는 표시되지 않음","Anyone with the link can upload":"링크가 있는 모든 사람이 업로드 가능","Anyone with the link can view":"링크가 있는 모든 사람이 열람 가능","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"링크가 있는 모든 사람이 열람 및 다운로드 가능","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"링크가 있는 모든 사람이 열람, 다운로드 및 편집 가능","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"링크가 있는 모든 사람이 열람, 다운로드 및 업로드 가능","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"모든 %{count}개 충돌에 적용","Apply to all %{count} files":"모든 %{count}개 파일에 적용","Apply to all %{count} folders":"모든 %{count}개 폴더에 적용","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"선택한 리소스를 모두 삭제하시겠습니까? 모든 콘텐츠가 영구적으로 제거됩니다. 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":"선택한 스페이스 %{count}개를 삭제하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"이 파일을 삭제하시겠습니까? 모든 콘텐츠가 영구적으로 삭제됩니다. 이 작업은 취소할 수 없습니다.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"이 폴더를 삭제하시겠습니까? 모든 콘텐츠가 영구적으로 삭제됩니다. 이 작업은 취소할 수 없습니다.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"나열된 항목을 영구적으로 삭제하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 취소할 수 없습니다.","At least %{param1} character long":"최소 %{param1}글자 이상","At least %{param1} lowercase character":"소문자 최소 %{param1}글자 이상","At least %{param1} number":"숫자 최소 %{param1}글자 이상","At least %{param1} of the special characters: %{param2}":"%{param2} 특수 문자 최소 %{param1}글자 이상","At least %{param1} uppercase character":"대문자 최소 %{param1} 이상","At most %{param1} character long":"최대 %{param1}글자","Back to %{panel} panel":"%{panel} 패널로 돌아가기","Can edit":"편집 가능","Can upload":"업로드 가능","Can view":"열람 가능","Cancel":"취소","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"스페이스 %{count}개 할당량 변경","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"\"%{name}\" 스페이스 할당량 변경","Change subtitle for space":"스페이스 부 제목 변경","Changes saved":"변경사항 저장됨","Close":"닫기","Close file sidebar":"파일 사이드바 닫기","Confirm":"확인","Connect to %{pluginName}":"%{pluginName}에 연결","Connection with Companion failed":"컴패니언과의 연결 실패","Copied to clipboard!":"클립보드에 복사됨!","Copy":"복사","Copy here":"여기에 복사","Copy here?":"여기에 복사?","Copy link":"링크 복사","Copy link failed":"링크 복사 실패","Copy WebDAV path":"WebDAV 경로 복사","Copy WebDAV path to clipboard":"클립보드에 WebDAV 경로 복사","Copy WebDAV URL":"WebDAV URL 복사","Copy WebDAV URL to clipboard":"클립보드에 WebDAV URL 복사","Create":"만들기","Create a new file":"새 파일 만들기","Create a new folder":"새 폴더 만들기","Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"":"선택한 아이템으로 링크 생성","Create links":"링크 생성","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":"선택한 항목으로 스페이스 생성","Create Space from selection":"선택한 항목으로 스페이스 생성","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":"선택한 아이템으로 스페이스를 생성합니다.","Creating space failed…":"스페이스 생성 실패...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Current folder":"현재 폴더","Cut":"잘라내기","Cut to clipboard!":"클립보드로 잘라내기!","Delete":"삭제","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개를 삭제하시겠습니까?","Deleted":"삭제됨","Details":"자세히","Disable":"사용 안함","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개를 끄시겠습니까?","Disable sync":"동기화 끄기","Disabled":"꺼짐","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"꺼진 스페이스에는 입장할 수 없습니다","Disabled:":"꺼짐:","Display customization options of the files list":"파일 목록의 사용자 지정 옵션 표시","Don't Save":"저장 안 함","Download":"다운로드","Download failed":"다운로드 실패","Duplicate":"복제","Edit description":"설명 편집","Edit expiration date":"만료 날짜 수정","Edit quota":"할당량 편집","Edit subtitle":"부제 편집","Empty trash bin":"휴지통 비우기","Enable":"활성화","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개를 켜시겠습니까?","Enable sync":"동기화 켜기","Enabled:":"켜짐:","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"%{timeToExpiry}에 만료 (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"즐겨찾기 상태인 \"%{file}\"을(를) 변경하지 못했습니다","Failed to change quota":"할당량을 변경하지 못했습니다","Failed to change space quota":"스페이스 %{count}개의 할당량을 변경하지 못했습니다","Failed to change space subtitle":"스페이스 부 제목을 변경하지 못했습니다","Failed to change user quota":"사용자 %{count}명의 할당량을 변경하지 못했습니다","Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"%{name}을(를) 복사하지 못했습니다.","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"%{count}개의 리소스를 복사하지 못했습니다","Failed to create file":"파일을 만들지 못했습니다","Failed to create folder":"폴더를 만들지 못했습니다","Failed to create link":"링크 생성 실패","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개 삭제 실패","Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 삭제 실패","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":"스페이스 %{spaceCount}개 끄기 실패","Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 끄기 실패","Failed to disable sync for the the selected share":"선택한 공유의 동기화 끄기 실패","Failed to download the selected folder.":"선택된 파일을 다운로드하지 못했습니다.","Failed to duplicate space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 복제 실패","Failed to empty trash bin":"휴지통 비우기 실패","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"%{name}을(를) 이동하지 못했습니다","Failed to move %{count} resources":"%{count}개의 리소스를 이동시키지 못했습니다","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"\"%{file}\"의 이름을 \"%{newName}\"(으)로 바꾸지 못했습니다","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"\"%{file}\"의 이름을 \"%{newName}\"(으)로 바꾸지 못했습니다 - 파일이 잠겨 있습니다","Failed to rename space":"스페이스 이름을 바꾸지 못했습니다","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"\"%{resource}\"을(를) 복원하지 못했습니다","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"%{resourceCount}개의 파일을 복원하지 못했습니다","Failed to set space description":"스페이스 설명을 설정하지 못했습니다","Failed to set space image":"스페이스 이미지를 설정하지 못했습니다","Favorite files":"즐겨찾기 파일","file":"파일","File already exists":"파일이 이미 있습니다","File autosaved":"파일 자동 저장됨","File could not be located":"파일을 찾을 수 없습니다","File name":"파일 이름","File name cannot be empty":"파일 이름은 비워 둘 수 없습니다","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"파일 이름은 \"..\"와 같을 수 없습니다.","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"파일 이름은 \".\"와 같을 수 없습니다.","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"파일 이름에 \"/\"를 포함할 수 없습니다","File name cannot end with whitespace":"파일 이름은 공백으로 끝날 수 없습니다.","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"이름이 %{name}인 파일이 이미 있습니다.","Files shared via link":"링크를 통해 공유된 파일","Files shared with me":"나와 공유한 파일","Files shared with others":"다른 사용자와 공유된 파일","Filter list":"필터 목록","folder":"폴더","Folder already exists":"폴더가 이미 있습니다","Folder name":"폴더 이름","Folder name cannot be empty":"폴더 이름은 비워 둘 수 없습니다","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"폴더 이름은 \"..\"와 같을 수 없습니다.","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"폴더 이름은 \".\"와 같을 수 없습니다.","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"폴더 이름에 \"/\"를 포함할 수 없습니다","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"이름이 %{name}인 폴더가 이미 있습니다.","Group By:":"그룹 만든 이:","Hide":"숨기기","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":"선택한 스페이스 %{count}개를 끄면 더는 접근할 수 없으며, 오직 스페이스 관리자만 접근할 수 있습니다. 참고: 파일은 서버에서 삭제되지 않습니다.","If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":"선택한 스페이스 %{count}개를 켜면 다시 접근할 수 있습니다.","Importing failed":"가져오기 실패","Invited people":"초대한 사람","Items per page":"한 페이지당 아이템","Keep both":"둘 유지","Largest":"크기순","Last activity":"마지막 활동","Link":"링크","Link to a file":"파일에 링크 걸기","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"초대한 사람만 링크를 이용할 수 있으며 로그인이 필요합니다.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"파일 %{numFiles}개 불러옴","Loading app":"앱 불러오는 중","Loading...":"불러오는 중...","Log out":"로그아웃","Manager":"운영자","Members":"구성원","Modified":"수정된","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"다른 스페이스로 파일을 이동할 수 없습니다. 대신 복사하시겠습니까?","Must not be empty":"비워둘 수 없음","Name":"이름","New file":"새 파일","New folder":"새 폴더","New Folder":"새 폴더","New project":"새 프로젝트","Newest":"새로운 항목 순","No changes":"변경 사항 없음","No items selected.":"아무 항목도 선택되지 않았습니다.","No restriction":"제한 없음","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"참고: 원본 파일의 링크와 공유는 복사되지 않습니다.","Oldest":"오래된 항목 순","Only for invited people":"초대한 사람만","Open folder":"폴더 열기","Open in %{app}":"%{app}에서 열기","Open link list in share panel":"공유 패널에서 링크 목록 열기","Open member list in share panel":"공유 패널에서 구성원 목록 열기","Open share panel":"공유 패널 열기","Opens in a new window":"새 창에서 열림","Overview of the information about the selected space":"선택한 스페이스에 대한 정보 개요","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"선택한 스페이스에 대한 정보 개요","Password":"암호","Password cannot be set for internal links":"암호는 내부 링크로 설정할 수 없음","Password must not be empty":"암호는 비워둘 수 없음","Paste":"붙여넣기","Permanently delete selected resource?":"선택한 리소스 %{amount}개를 영구적으로 삭제하시겠습니까?","Personal":"개인","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"파일을 선택하려면 %{pluginName} 플러그인으로 인증","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"%{ quotaLimit } 이하의 값을 입력하십시오","Please enter only numbers":"숫자만 입력하십시오","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"암호 보호 기능이 없는 공개 링크의 URL을 입력하세요.","Public file upload":"공용 파일 업로드","Public Link URL":"공개 링크 URL","Quota":"할당량","Quota was changed successfully":"할당량 변경됨","Remaining quota":"남은 할당량","Remaining quota:":"남은 할당량:","Remove expiration date":"만료 날짜 삭제","Remove from favorites":"즐겨찾기에서 제거","Rename":"이름 바꾸기","Rename file %{name}":"%{name} 파일 이름 바꾸기","Rename folder %{name}":"%{name} 폴더 이름 바꾸기","Rename space":"스페이스 이름 바꾸기","Replace":"교체","Request new project":"새 프로젝트 요청","Restore":"복원","Restrictions":"제한 사항","Revert":"리비전","Save":"저장","Search results":"검색 결과","Secret File Drop":"비밀 파일 드롭","Select %{smart_count}":"%{smart_count}개 선택","Select a role":"역할 선택","Select a space to view details":"세부 정보를 볼 스페이스 선택","Select all resources":"모든 리소스 선택","Select file":"파일 선택","Select folder":"폴더 선택","Select space":"스페이스 선택","Set as space description":"스페이스 설명으로 설정","Set as space image":"스페이스 이미지로 설정","Set expiration date":"만료 날짜 설정","Share":"공유","Shared by":"에 의해 공유 ","Shared on":"공유 위치","Shared with":"공유 대상","Shared with me":"나와 공유됨","Shares":"공유","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"공유, 버전 및 태그는 복사되지 않습니다.","Show":"보이기","Show context menu":"상황에 맞는 메뉴 표시","Show deleted files":"삭제된 파일 표시","Show file extensions":"파일 확장명 표시","Show hidden files":"숨겨진 파일 표시","Show invited people":"초대된 사용자 보기","Show links":"링크 표시","Sign in with Google":"Google로 로그인","Size":"크기","Skip":"건너뛰기","Smallest":"크기 역순","Sort by %{ name }":"%{name}별로 정렬","Sort by: ":"정렬:","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 삭제됨","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 꺼짐","Space \"%{space}\" was duplicated successfully":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 복제됨","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"\"%{space}\" 스페이스 켜짐","Space description was set successfully":"스페이스 설명 설정됨","Space image was set successfully":"스페이스 이미지 설정됨","Space name":"스페이스 이름","Space name cannot be empty":"스페이스 이름은 비워 둘 수 없습니다","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"스페이스 이름에는 다음 문자를 사용할 수 없습니다: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"스페이스 이름은 255자를 초과할 수 없습니다","Space name was changed successfully":"스페이스 이름 변경됨","Space quota was changed successfully":"스페이스 %{count}개의 할당량 변경됨","Space subtitle":"스페이스 부 제목","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"스페이스 부 제목 변경됨","Space was created successfully":"스페이스 생성됨","Spaces":"스페이스","Status":"상태","Subtitle":"부제","Sync for the selected share was disabled successfully":"선택한 공유 동기화 꺼짐","Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully":"선택한 공유 동기화 켜짐","Tags":"태그","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"링크가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다.","The marked elements will be copied.":"표시된 요소가 복사됩니다.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"이름 \"%{name}\"이(가) 이미 존재합니다","The name cannot be empty":"이름은 비워 둘 수 없습니다","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"이름은 \"..\"와 같을 수 없습니다.","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"이름은 \".\"와 같을 수 없습니다.","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"이름에 \"/\"를 포함할 수 없습니다","The name cannot end with whitespace":"이름은 공백으로 끝날 수 없습니다.","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"선택된 항목이 허용된 아카이브 크기를 초과함 (최대 %{maxSize})","The share was hidden successfully":"공유 숨김","The share was unhidden successfully":"공유 숨김 해제함","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"\"%{spaceName}\" 할당량이 부족하여 이 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다.","There is not enough quota to save this file":"할당량이 부족하여 이 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":"이 %{resourceType}은(는) %{shareCount} 초대를 통해 공유됩니다","This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"이 파일은 이 창 밖에서 업데이트되었습니다. 페이지를 새로 고치십시오(모든 변경 내용이 손실됨).","This item is directly shared via links.":"이 항목은 링크를 통해 직접 공유됩니다.","This item is directly shared with others.":"이 항목은 다른 사용자와 직접 공유됩니다.","This item is locked":"이 항목이 잠김","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"이 항목은 상위 폴더 중 하나를 통해 링크를 통해 공유됩니다.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"이 항목은 상위 폴더 중 하나를 통해 다른 사용자와 공유됩니다.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":"이 스페이스에는 구성원 %{memberShareCount}명이 있습니다.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"이 스페이스에는 구성원 %{memberShareCount}명과 링크 %{linkShareCount}개가 있습니다.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"이 스페이스에는 구성원 %{memberShareCount}명과 링크 1개가 있습니다.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":"이 공간에는 구성원 1명과 링크 %{linkShareCount}개가 있습니다.","Tile size":"타일 크기","Toggle selection":"선택 항목 토글","Total quota":"총 할당량","Total quota:":"총 할당량:","Trash overview":"휴지통 개요","Unhide":"숨김 해제","Unsaved changes":"저장되지 않은 변경 사항","Used quota":"이용 중인 할당량","Used quota:":"이용 중인 할당량:","User quota was changed successfully":"사용자 %{count}명의 할당량 변경됨","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":"항목을 이 위치에 붙여넣을 수 없으므로 선택한 파일을 이 위치에 붙여넣을 수 없습니다.","You're not authorized to save this file":"이 파일을 저장할 권한이 없습니다","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"변경 내용이 저장되지 않았습니다. 저장하시겠습니까?","Z-A":"이름 역순"},"sk":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" je úspešne vytvorený","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" je úspešne vytvorený","(Opens in new window)":"(Otvorí v novom okne)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } označený položka. Akcie sú dostupné nad tabuľkou.","%{ amount } označené položky. Akcie sú dostupné nad tabuľkou.","%{ amount } označených položiek. Akcie sú dostupné nad tabuľkou.","%{ amount } označených položiek. Akcie sú dostupné nad tabuľkou."],"Actions":"Akcie","Cancel":"Zrušiť","Create":"Vytvoriť","Delete":"Odstrániť","Details":"Podrobnosti","Download failed":"Stiahnutie zlyhalo","File could not be located":"Súbor sa nenašiel","Loading app":"Načítanie aplikácie","Log out":"Odhlásiť","No changes":"Žiadne zmeny","Password":"Heslo","Revert":"Vrátiť","Save":"Uložiť","Unsaved changes":"Neuložené zmeny"},"si":{"Actions":"ක්‍රියාමාර්ග","All files":"සියලුම ගොනු","Cancel":"අවලංගු","Copy":"පිටපත්","Create":"සාදන්න","Download":"බාගන්න","Download failed":"බාගැනීමට අසමත් විය","File name":"ගොනුවේ නම","Folder name":"බහාලුෙමේ නම","Loading app":"යෙදුම පූරණය වෙමින්","Log out":"නික්මෙන්න","Name":"නම","New file":"නව ගොනුව","New folder":"නව බහාලුම","Open folder":"බහාලුම විවෘත කරන්න","Password":"මුරපදය","Rename":"නැවත නම් කරන්න","Save":"සුරකින්න","Share":"හුවමාරු කරන්න","Size":"ප්‍රමාණය","Status":"තත්ත්වය"},"ru":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"Файл \"%{fileName}\" успешно создан","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"Папка \"%{folderName}\" успешно создана","\"%{item}\" was deleted successfully":"\"%{item}\" успешно удален","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" перемещен в корзину","(Opens in new window)":"(Открывается в новом окне)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } элемент выбран. Действия доступны над таблицей.","%{ amount } элементов выбрано. Действия доступны над таблицей.","%{ amount } элементов выбрано. Действия доступны над таблицей.","%{ amount } элементов выбрано. Действия доступны над таблицей."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } пространство выбрано","%{ itemCount } пространств выбрано","%{ itemCount } пространств выбрано","%{ itemCount } пространств выбрано"],"%{appName} for %{fileName}":"%{appName} для %{fileName}","%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} элемент успешно скопирован","%{count} элементов успешно скопированы","%{count} элементов успешно скопированы","%{count} элементов успешно скопированы"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} элемент успешно перемещен","%{count} элементов успешно перемещены","%{count} элементов успешно перемещены","%{count} элементов успешно перемещены"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (я)","%{itemCount} item was deleted successfully":["%{itemCount} элемент успешно удален","%{itemCount} элементов успешно удалено","%{itemCount} элементов успешно удалено","%{itemCount} элементов успешно удалено"],"%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":["%{itemCount} элемент перемещен в корзину","%{itemCount} элементов перемещены в корзину","%{itemCount} элементов перемещены в корзину","%{itemCount} элементов перемещены в корзину"],"%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} ссылка, предоставляющая доступ.","%{linkShareCount} ссылок, предоставляющих доступ.","%{linkShareCount} ссылок, предоставляющих доступ.","%{linkShareCount} ссылок, предоставляющих доступ."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} уже существует","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} успешно восстановлен","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} файлов успешно восстановлены","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":["%{spaceCount} пространство было успешно удалено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно удалено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно удалено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно удалено"],"%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} пространство было успешно отключено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно отключено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно отключено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно отключено"],"%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} пространство было успешно включено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно включено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно включено","%{spaceCount} пространств было успешно включено"],"%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"Использовано %{used} из %{total} (%{percentage}% использовано)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} использовано (не ограничено)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"А-Я","Actions":"Действия","Add to favorites":"Добавить в избранное","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"Добавлено %{numFiles} файл(ов)","All Actions":"Все действия","All deleted files were removed":"Все удаленные файлы были удалены","All files":"Все файлы","An error occurred":"Произошла ошибка","Anyone with the link can edit":"Любой с этой ссылкой может редактировать","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Любой с этой ссылкой может только загружать, существующее содержимое не отображается.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Любой с этой ссылкой может загружать","Anyone with the link can view":"Любой с этой ссылкой может просматривать","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Любой с этой ссылкой может просматривать и скачивать.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Любой с этой ссылкой может просматривать, скачивать и редактировать.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Любой с этой ссылкой может просматривать, скачивать и загружать.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Применить ко всем %{count} конфликтам","Apply to all %{count} files":"Применить ко всем %{count} файлам","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Применить ко всем %{count} папкам","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить все выбранные ресурсы? Всё их содержимое будет окончательно удалено. Это действие невозможно отменить.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Вы уверены, что хотите удалить выбранное пространство?","Вы уверены, что хотите удалить %{count} выбранных пространств?","Вы уверены, что хотите удалить %{count} выбранных пространств?","Вы уверены, что хотите удалить %{count} выбранных пространств?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот файл? Всё его содержимое будет окончательно удалено. Это действие невозможно отменить.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту папку? Всё её содержимое будет окончательно удалено. Это действие невозможно отменить.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Вы уверены, что хотите окончательно удалить перечисленные элементы? Это действие невозможно отменить.","At least %{param1} character long":["Длиной минимум %{param1} символ","Длиной минимум %{param1} символов","Длиной минимум %{param1} символов","Длиной минимум %{param1} символов"],"At least %{param1} lowercase character":["Минимум %{param1} символ нижнего регистра","Минимум %{param1} символов нижнего регистра","Минимум %{param1} символов нижнего регистра","Минимум %{param1} символов нижнего регистра"],"At least %{param1} number":["Минимум %{param1} цифра","Минимум %{param1} цифр","Минимум %{param1} цифр","Минимум %{param1} цифр"],"At least %{param1} of the special characters: %{param2}":"Минимум %{param1} специальных символов: %{param2}","At least %{param1} uppercase character":["Минимум %{param1} символ верхнего регистра","Минимум %{param1} символов верхнего регистра","Минимум %{param1} символов верхнего регистра","Минимум %{param1} символов верхнего регистра"],"At most %{param1} character long":["Длиной максимум %{param1} символ","Длиной максимум %{param1} символов","Длиной максимум %{param1} символов","Длиной максимум %{param1} символов"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Назад к панели %{panel}","Back to main panels":"Назад к основным панелям","Can edit":"Может редактировать","Can upload":"Может загружать","Can view":"Может просматривать","Cancel":"Отмена","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Изменить квоту для %{count} пространств","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Изменить квоту для пространства \"%{name}\"","Change subtitle for space":"Изменить подзаголовок для пространства","Changes saved":"Изменения сохранены","Close":"Закрыть","Close file sidebar":"Закрыть файловую боковую панель","Confirm":"Подтвердить","Connect to %{pluginName}":"Соединиться с %{pluginName}","Connection with Companion failed":"Не удалось подключиться к Компаньону","Copied to clipboard!":"Скопировано в буфер обмена!","Copy":"Копировать","Copy here":"Копировать сюда","Copy here?":"Копировать сюда?","Copy link":"Копировать ссылку","Copy link failed":"Копировать ссылку не удалось","Copy WebDAV path":"Копировать путь WebDAV","Copy WebDAV path to clipboard":"Копировать путь WebDAV в буфер обмена","Copy WebDAV URL":"Копировать URL WebDAV","Copy WebDAV URL to clipboard":"Копировать URL WebDAV в буфер обмена","Create":"Создать","Create a new file":"Создать новый файл","Create a new folder":"Создать новую папку","Create a Shortcut":"Создать ярлык","Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"":["Создать ссылку для \"%{resourceName}\"","Создать ссылки для выбранных элементов","Создать ссылки для выбранных элементов","Создать ссылки для выбранных элементов"],"Create links":"Создать ссылки","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Создать пространство из \"%{resourceName}\"","Создать пространство из выбранного","Создать пространство из выбранного","Создать пространство из выбранного"],"Create Space from selection":"Создать пространство из выбранного","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Создать пространство с \"%{resourceName}\".","Создать пространство с выбранными файлами.","Создать пространство с выбранными файлами.","Создать пространство с выбранными файлами."],"Creating space failed…":"Не удалось создать пространство…","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Current folder":"Текущая папка","Cut":"Вырезать","Cut to clipboard!":"Вырезать в буфер обмена!","Delete":"Удалить","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["Удалить пространство \"%{space}\"?","Удалить %{spaceCount} пространств?","Удалить %{spaceCount} пространств?","Удалить %{spaceCount} пространств?"],"Deleted":"Удалено","Details":"Сведения","Disable":"Отключить","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Отключить пространство \"%{space}\"?","Отключить %{spaceCount} пространств?","Отключить %{spaceCount} пространств?","Отключить %{spaceCount} пространств?"],"Disable sync":"Отключить синхронизацию","Disabled":"Отключено","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"В отключенные пространства нельзя войти","Disabled:":"Отключено:","Display customization options of the files list":"Отобразить параметры настройки списка файлов","Don't Save":"Не сохранять","Download":"Скачать","Download failed":"Не удалась скачать","Duplicate":"Дублировать","Edit description":"Редактировать описание","Edit expiration date":"Редактировать срок действия","Edit quota":"Редактировать квоту","Edit subtitle":"Редактировать подзаголовок","Empty trash bin":"Очистить корзину","Enable":"Включить","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Включить пространство \"%{space}\"?","Включить %{spaceCount} пространств?","Включить %{spaceCount} пространств?","Включить %{spaceCount} пространств?"],"Enable sync":"Включить синхронизацию","Enabled:":"Включено:","Enter the target URL of a webpage or the name of a file. Users will be directed to this webpage or file.":"Введите целевой URL-адрес веб-страницы или имя файла. Пользователи будут перенаправлены на эту веб-страницу или файл.","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Истекает %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Не удалось изменить статус избранного файла \"%{file}\"","Failed to change quota":"Не удалось изменить квоту","Failed to change space quota":["Не удалось изменить квоту пространства","Не удалось изменить квоту %{count} пространств","Не удалось изменить квоту %{count} пространств","Не удалось изменить квоту %{count} пространств"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"Не удалось изменить подзаголовок пространства","Failed to change user quota":["Не удалось изменить квоту пользователя","Не удалось изменить квоту %{count} пользователей","Не удалось изменить квоту %{count} пользователей","Не удалось изменить квоту %{count} пользователей"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Не удалось скопировать \"%{name}\"","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Не удалось скопировать %{count} ресурсов","Failed to create file":"Не удалось создать файл","Failed to create folder":"Не удалось создать папку","Failed to create link":["Не удалось создать ссылку","Не удалось создать ссылки","Не удалось создать ссылки","Не удалось создать ссылки"],"Failed to create shortcut":"Не удалось создать ярлык","Failed to delete \"%{item}\"":"Не удалось удалить \"%{item}\"","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\"":"Не удалось удалить \"%{resource}\"","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\" - the file is locked":"Не удалось удалить \"%{resource}\" - файл заблокирован","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":["Не удалось удалить %{spaceCount} пространство","Не удалось удалить %{spaceCount} пространств","Не удалось удалить %{spaceCount} пространств","Не удалось удалить %{spaceCount} пространств"],"Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"Не удалось удалить пространство \"%{space}\"","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":["Не удалось отключить %{spaceCount} пространство","Не удалось отключить %{spaceCount} пространств","Не удалось отключить %{spaceCount} пространств","Не удалось отключить %{spaceCount} пространств"],"Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"Не удалось отключить пространство \"%{space}\"","Failed to disable sync for the the selected share":["Не удалось отключить синхронизацию для выбранного общего ресурса","Не удалось отключить синхронизацию для выбранных общих ресурсов","Не удалось отключить синхронизацию для выбранных общих ресурсов","Не удалось отключить синхронизацию для выбранных общих ресурсов"],"Failed to download the selected folder.":["Не удалось скачать выбранную папку.","Не удалось скачать выбранные файлы.","Не удалось скачать выбранные файлы.","Не удалось скачать выбранные файлы."],"Failed to duplicate space \"%{space}\"":"Не удалось дублировать пространство \"%{space}\"","Failed to empty trash bin":"Не удалось очистить корзину","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":["Не удалось включить %{spaceCount} пространство","Не удалось включить %{spaceCount} пространств","Не удалось включить %{spaceCount} пространств","Не удалось включить %{spaceCount} пространств"],"Failed to enable sync for the the selected share":["Не удалось включить синхронизацию для выбранного общего ресурса","Не удалось включить синхронизацию для выбранных общих ресурсов","Не удалось включить синхронизацию для выбранных общих ресурсов","Не удалось включить синхронизацию для выбранных общих ресурсов"],"Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"Не удалось включить пространство \"%{space}\"","Failed to hide the share":"Не удалось скрыть общий ресурс","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Не удалось переместить \"%{name}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Не удалось переместить %{count} ресурсов","Failed to open shortcut":"Не удалось открыть ярлык","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Не удалось переименовать \"%{file}\" в \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Не удалось переименовать \"%{file}\" в \"%{newName}\" - файл заблокирован","Failed to rename space":"Не удалось переименовать пространство","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Не удалось восстановить \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Не удалось восстановить %{resourceCount} файлов","Failed to set space description":"Не удалось задать описание пространства","Failed to set space icon":"Не удалось задать иконку пространства","Failed to set space image":"Не удалось задать изображение пространства","Failed to unhide share share":"Не удалось отменить скрытие общего ресурса","Favorite files":"Избранные файлы","file":"файл","File already exists":"Файл уже существует","File autosaved":"Файл автоматически сохранен","File could not be located":"Файл не удалось найти","File name":"Имя файла","File name cannot be empty":"Имя файла не может быть пустым","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Имя файла не может быть \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Имя файла не может быть \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Имя файла не должно содержать \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Имя файла не должно заканчиваться пробелом","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Файл с именем \"%{name}\" уже существует.","Files shared via link":"Файлы, которыми поделился по ссылке","Files shared with me":"Файлы, которыми поделились со мной","Files shared with others":"Файлы, которыми поделился с другими","Filter list":"Список фильтров","folder":"папка","Folder already exists":"Папка уже существует","Folder name":"Имя папки","Folder name cannot be empty":"Имя папки не может быть пустым","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Имя папки не может быть \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Имя папки не может быть \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Имя папки не должно содержать \"/\"","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Папка с именем \"%{name}\" уже существует.","Group By:":"Группировать по:","Hide":"Скрыть","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Если вы отключите выбранное пространство, доступ к нему больше не будет возможен. Только менеджеры пространства будут иметь доступ. Примечание: никакие файлы не будут удалены с сервера.","Если вы отключите выбранные %{count} пространств, доступ к ним больше не будет возможен. Только менеджеры пространств будут иметь доступ. Примечание: никакие файлы не будут удалены с сервера.","Если вы отключите выбранные %{count} пространств, доступ к ним больше не будет возможен. Только менеджеры пространств будут иметь доступ. Примечание: никакие файлы не будут удалены с сервера.","Если вы отключите выбранные %{count} пространств, доступ к ним больше не будет возможен. Только менеджеры пространств будут иметь доступ. Примечание: никакие файлы не будут удалены с сервера."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Если вы включите выбранное пространство, к нему можно будет снова получить доступ.","Если вы включите выбранные %{count} пространств, к ним можно будет снова получить доступ.","Если вы включите выбранные %{count} пространств, к ним можно будет снова получить доступ.","Если вы включите выбранные %{count} пространств, к ним можно будет снова получить доступ."],"Importing failed":"Импорт не удался","Invited people":"Приглашенные люди","Item in processing":"Элемент в обработке","Item locked":"Элемент заблокирован","Items per page":"Элементов на страницу","Keep both":"Сохранить оба","Largest":"Наибольший","Last activity":"Последняя активность","Link":"Ссылка","Link has been created successfully":"Ссылка успешно создана","Link to a file":"Ссылка на файл","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Ссылка работает только для приглашенных людей. Требуется вход.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"Загружено %{numFiles} файлов","Loading app":"Загрузка приложения","Loading...":"Загрузка...","Log out":"Выйти","Manager":"Менеджер","Members":"Участники","Modified":"Изменено","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"Перемещение файлов из одного пространства в другое невозможно. Хотите вместо этого скопировать?","Must not be empty":"Не должно быть пустым","Name":"Имя","New file":"Новый файл","New folder":"Новая папка","New Folder":"Новая папка","New project":"Новый проект","New Shortcut":"Новый ярлык","Newest":"Самое новое","No changes":"Изменений нет","No items selected.":"Нет выбранных элементов.","No restriction":"Без ограничений","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"Примечание. Ссылки и общий доступ к исходному файлу не копируются.","Oldest":"Самое старое","Only for invited people":"Только для приглашенных людей","Open folder":"Открыть папку","Open in %{app}":"Открыть в %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Открыть список ссылок в панели общего доступа","Open member list in share panel":"Открыть список участников на панели общего доступа","Open share panel":"Открыть панель общего доступа","Open shortcut":"Открыть ярлык","Opens in a new window":"Откроется в новом окне","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Обзор информации о выбранном пространстве","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Обзор информации о выбранных пространствах","Password":"Пароль","Password cannot be set for internal links":"Пароль не может быть установлен для внутренних ссылок","Password must not be empty":"Пароль не должен быть пустым","Paste":"Вставить","Permanently delete file \"%{name}\"":"Окончательно удалить файл \"%{name}\"","Permanently delete folder \"%{name}\"":"Окончательно удалить папку \"%{name}\"","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Окончательно удалить выбранный ресурс?","Окончательно удалить %{amount} выбранных ресурсов?","Окончательно удалить %{amount} выбранных ресурсов?","Окончательно удалить %{amount} выбранных ресурсов?"],"Personal":"Личные","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь с помощью %{pluginName}, чтобы выбрать файлы","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Пожалуйста, введите значение, равное или меньше %{ quotaLimit }","Please enter only numbers":"Пожалуйста, введите только цифры","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Укажите URL публичной ссылки без защиты паролем.","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"Пожалуйста, включите всплывающие окна и перенаправления в настройках вашего браузера, чтобы всё работало правильно.","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"Обнаружена блокировка всплывающих окон и перенаправлений","Public file upload":"Публичная загрузка файлов","Public Link URL":"URL-адрес публичной ссылки","Quota":"Квота","Quota was changed successfully":"Квота была успешно изменена","Remaining quota":"Оставшаяся квота","Remaining quota:":"Оставшаяся квота:","Remove expiration date":"Удалить срок действия","Remove from favorites":"Удалить из избранного","Rename":"Переименовать","Rename file %{name}":"Переименовать файл %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Переименовать папку %{name}","Rename space":"Переименовать пространство","Replace":"Заменить","Request new project":"Запросить новый проект","Restore":"Восстановить","Restrictions":"Ограничения","Revert":"Вернуть","Save":"Сохранить","Search results":"Результаты поиска","Secret File Drop":"Слепая загрузка файла","Select %{smart_count}":"Выбрать %{smart_count}","Select a role":"Выбрать роль","Select a space to view details":"Выберите пространство для просмотра сведений","Select all resources":"Выбрать все ресурсы","Select file":"Выбрать файл","Select folder":"Выбрать папку","Select space":"Выбрать пространство","Set as space description":"Установить как описание пространства","Set as space image":"Установить как изображение пространства","Set expiration date":"Установить срок действия","Set icon":"Установить иконку","Set icon for %{space}":"Установить иконку для %{space}","Share":"Поделиться","Share link(s)":"Ссылка(и) на общий ресурс","Shared by":"Поделился","Shared on":"Поделился","Shared with":"Поделился с","Shared with me":"Поделились со мной","Shares":"Общие ресурсы","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Общий доступ, версии и теги не будут скопированы.","Shortcut name":"Имя ярлыка","Shortcut name as it will appear in the file list.":"Имя ярлыка, которое будет отображаться в списке файлов.","Shortcut was created successfully":"Ярлык успешно создан","Show":"Показать","Show context menu":"Показать контекстное меню","Show deleted files":"Показать удалённые файлы","Show file extensions":"Показать расширения файлов","Show hidden files":"Показать скрытые файлы","Show invited people":"Показать приглашенных людей","Show links":"Показать ссылки","Sign in with Google":"Войти через Google","Size":"Размер","Skip":"Пропустить","Smallest":"Наименьший","Sort by %{ name }":"Сортировать по %{ name }","Sort by: ":"Сортировать по: ","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"Пространство \"%{space}\" успешно удалено","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"Пространство \"%{space}\" успешно отключено","Space \"%{space}\" was duplicated successfully":"Пространство \"%{space}\" успешно дублировано","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"Пространство \"%{space}\" успешно включено","Space description was set successfully":"Описание пространства успешно установлено","Space icon was set successfully":"Иконка пространства успешно установлена","Space image was set successfully":"Изображение пространства успешно установлено","Space name":"Название пространства","Space name cannot be empty":"Название пространства не может быть пустым","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Название пространства не может содержать следующие символы: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Название пространства не может превышать 255 символов","Space name was changed successfully":"Название пространства успешно изменено","Space quota was changed successfully":["Квота пространства успешно изменена","Квота %{count} пространств успешно изменена","Квота %{count} пространств успешно изменена","Квота %{count} пространств успешно изменена"],"Space subtitle":"Подзаголовок пространства","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Подзаголовок пространства успешно изменен","Space was created successfully":"Пространство успешно создано","Spaces":"Пространства","Status":"Статус","Subtitle":"Подзаголовок","Sync for the selected share was disabled successfully":["Синхронизация выбранного общего ресурса успешно отключена","Синхронизация выбранных общих ресурсов успешно отключена","Синхронизация выбранных общих ресурсов успешно отключена","Синхронизация выбранных общих ресурсов успешно отключена"],"Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully":["Синхронизация выбранного общего ресурса успешно включена","Синхронизация выбранных общих ресурсов успешно включена","Синхронизация выбранных общих ресурсов успешно включена","Синхронизация выбранных общих ресурсов успешно включена"],"Tags":"Теги","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена.","The marked elements will be copied.":"Отмеченные элементы будут скопированы.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Имя \"%{name}\" уже занято","The name cannot be empty":"Имя не может быть пустым","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Имя не может быть \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Имя не может быть равно \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Имя не должно содержать \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Имя не должно заканчиваться пробелом","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"Выбор превышает допустимый размер архива (макс. %{maxSize})","The share was hidden successfully":"Общий ресурс успешно скрыт","The share was unhidden successfully":"Отмена скрытия общего ресурса успешна","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Недостаточно квоты \"%{spaceName}\", чтобы сохранить этот файл","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Недостаточно квоты, чтобы сохранить этот файл","This %{ resourceType } is shared by %{ user }":"Этим \"%{ resourceType }\" поделился %{ user }","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Этим \"%{ resourceType }\" поделились через %{ shareCount } приглашение","Этим \"%{ resourceType }\" поделились через %{ shareCount } приглашений","Этим \"%{ resourceType }\" поделились через %{ shareCount } приглашений","Этим \"%{ resourceType }\" поделились через %{ shareCount } приглашений"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Этот файл был обновлен вне этого окна. Пожалуйста, обновите страницу (все изменения будут потеряны).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Этот элемент непосредственно находится в общем доступе по ссылке.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Этим элементом непосредственно поделился с другими.","This item is in processing":"Этот элемент находится в обработке","This item is locked":"Этот элемент заблокирован","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Этот элемент находится в общем доступе по ссылке через одну из родительских папок.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Этим элементом поделился с другими через одну из родительских папок.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["У этого пространства %{memberShareCount} участник.","У этого пространства %{memberShareCount} участников.","У этого пространства %{memberShareCount} участников.","У этого пространства %{memberShareCount} участников."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"У этого пространства %{memberShareCount} участников и %{linkShareCount} ссылок.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"У этого пространства %{memberShareCount} участников и одна ссылка.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["У этого пространства один участник и %{linkShareCount} ссылка.","У этого пространства один участник и %{linkShareCount} ссылок.","У этого пространства один участник и %{linkShareCount} ссылок.","У этого пространства один участник и %{linkShareCount} ссылок."],"Tile size":"Размер плитки","Toggle selection":"Переключить выбор","Total quota":"Общая квота","Total quota:":"Общая квота:","Trash overview":"Обзор корзины","Unhide":"Отменить скрытие","Unsaved changes":"Несохраненные изменения","Used quota":"Использованная квота","Used quota:":"Использованная квота:","User quota was changed successfully":["Квота пользователя успешно изменена","Квота %{count} пользователей успешно изменена","Квота %{count} пользователей успешно изменена","Квота %{count} пользователей успешно изменена"],"Webpage or file":"Веб-страница или файл","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["Вы не можете вставить выбранный файл в это место, так как невозможно вставить элемент в самого себя.","Вы не можете вставить выбранные файлы в это место, так как невозможно вставить элемент в самого себя.","Вы не можете вставить выбранные файлы в это место, так как невозможно вставить элемент в самого себя.","Вы не можете вставить выбранные файлы в это место, так как невозможно вставить элемент в самого себя."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"Вы не авторизованы для сохранения этого файла","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Ваши изменения не были сохранены. Хотите сохранить их?","Z-A":"Я-А"},"sq":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"“%{fileName}” u krijua me sukses","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"“%{folderName}” u krijua me sukses","\"%{item}\" was deleted successfully":"“%{item}” u fshi me sukses","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"“%{item}” u shpu te koshi i hedhurinave","(Opens in new window)":"(Hapet në dritare të re)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } objekt i përzgjedhur. Veprimet shihen sipër tabelës.","%{ amount } objekte të përzgjedhur. Veprimet shihen sipër tabelës."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } hapësirë e përzgjedhur","%{ itemCount } hapësia të përzgjedhura"],"%{appName} for %{fileName}":"%{appName} për %{fileName}","%{count} item was copied successfully":["U kopjua me sukses %{count} objekt","U kopjuan me sukses %{count} objekte"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["U hoq me sukses %{count} objekt","U hoqën me sukses %{count} objekte"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (unë)","%{itemCount} item was deleted successfully":["U fshi me sukses %{itemCount} objekt","U fshinë me sukses %{itemCount} objekte"],"%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":["U shpu te koshi i hedhurinave %{itemCount} objekt","U shpunë te koshi i hedhurinave %{itemCount} objekte"],"%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} lidhje që lejon hyrje.","%{linkShareCount} lidhje që lejojnë hyrje."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} ekziston tashmë","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} u rikthye me sukses","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"U rikthyen me sukses %{resourceCount} kartela","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":["U fshi me sukses %{spaceCount} hapësirë","U fshinë me sukses %{spaceCount} hapësira"],"%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":["U çaktivizua me sukses %{spaceCount} hapësirë","U çaktivizuan me sukses %{spaceCount} hapësira"],"%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":["U aktivizua me sukses %{spaceCount} hapësirë","U aktivizuan me sukses %{spaceCount} hapësira"],"%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} nga %{total} të përdorur (%{percentage}% të përdorur)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} të përdorur (pa kufizim)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Veprime","Add to favorites":"Shtoje te të parapëlqyerit","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"U shtua %{numFiles} kartelë(a)","All Actions":"Krejt Veprimet","All deleted files were removed":"U hoqën krejt kartelat e fshira","All files":"Krejt kartelat","An error occurred":"Ndodhi një gabim","Anyone with the link can edit":"Cilido që ka lidhjen mund të përpunojë","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Cilido që ka lidhjen mundet vetëm të ngarkojë, lënda ekzistuese nuk tregohet.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Cilido me lidhjen mund të ngarkojë","Anyone with the link can view":"Cilido me lidhjen mund të shohë","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Cilido me lidhjen mund të shohë dhe shkarkojë.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Cilido me lidhjen mund të shohë, shkarkojë dhe përpunojë.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Cilido me lidhjen mund të shohë, shkarkojë dhe ngarkojë.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Zbatoje te krejt %{count} përplasjet","Apply to all %{count} files":"Aplikoje mbi krejt %{count} kartelat","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Aplikoje mbi krejt %{count} dosjet","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihen krejt burimet e përzgjedhur? Krejt lënda e tyre do të hiqet përgjithnjë. Ky veprim s’mund të zhbëhet.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihet hapësira e përzgjedhur?","Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihen %{count} hapësirat e përzgjedhura?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihet kjo kartelë? Krejt lënda e saj do të hiqet përgjithnjë. Ky veprim s’mund të zhbëhet.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihet kjo dosje? Krejt lënda e saj do të hiqet përgjithnjë. Ky veprim s’mund të zhbëhet.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihen për gjithmonë objektet e paraqitur? Këtë veprim s’mund ta zhbëni.","At least %{param1} character long":["E pakta %{param1} shenjë i gjatë","E pakta %{param1} shenja i gjatë"],"At least %{param1} lowercase character":["E pakta %{param1} shenjë me të vogla","E pakta %{param1} shenja me të vogla"],"At least %{param1} number":["E pakta %{param1} numër","E pakta %{param1} numra"],"At least %{param1} of the special characters: %{param2}":"E pakta %{param1} nga shenjat speciale: %{param2}","At least %{param1} uppercase character":["E pakta %{param1} shenjë me të vogël","E pakta %{param1} shenja me të vogla"],"At most %{param1} character long":["E shumta %{param1} shenjë i gjatë","E shumta %{param1} shenja i gjatë"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Mbrapsht te paneli %{panel}","Back to main panels":"Mbrapsht te panelet kryesore","Can edit":"Mund të përpunojë","Can upload":"Mund të ngarkojë","Can view":"Mund të shohë","Cancel":"Anuloje","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Ndryshoni kuota për %{count} Hapësira","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Ndryshoni kuota për Hapësirën “%{name}”","Change subtitle for space":"Ndryshoni nëntitullin për hapësirën","Changes saved":"Ndryshimet u ruajtën","Close":"Mbylle","Close file sidebar":"Mbyll anështyllë kartelash","Confirm":"Ripohojeni","Connect to %{pluginName}":"Lidhu me %{pluginName}","Connection with Companion failed":"Lidhja me Companion dështoi","Copied to clipboard!":"U kopjua në të papastër!","Copy":"Kopjoje","Copy here":"Kopjoje këtu","Copy here?":"Të kopjohet këtu?","Copy link":"Kopjoji lidhjen","Copy link failed":"Kopjimi i lidhjes dështoi","Copy WebDAV path":"Kopjo shteg WebDAV","Copy WebDAV path to clipboard":"Kopjo shteg WebDAV në të papastër","Copy WebDAV URL":"Kopjo URL WebDAV","Copy WebDAV URL to clipboard":"Kopjo URL WebDAV në të papastër","Create":"Krijoje","Create a new file":"Krijoni një kartelë të re","Create a new folder":"Krijoni dosje të re","Create a Shortcut":"Krijoni një Shkurtore","Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"":["Krijo lidhje për “%{resourceName}”","Krijo lidhje për objektet e përzgjedhura"],"Create links":"Krijo lidhje","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Krijo hapësirë prej “%{resourceName}”","Krijo Hapësirë prej përzgjedhjes"],"Create Space from selection":"Krijo Hapësirë prej përzgjedhjes","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Krijo Hapësirë me lëndën e “%{resourceName}”.","Krijo Hapësirë me kartelat e përzgjedhura"],"Creating space failed…":"Krijimi i hapësirës dështoi…","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Current folder":"Dosja e tanishme","Cut":"Prije","Cut to clipboard!":"Prije në të papastër!","Delete":"Fshije","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["Të fshihet Hapësira “%{space}”?","Të fshihen %{spaceCount} Hapësira?"],"Deleted":"U fshi","Details":"Hollësi","Disable":"Çaktivizoje","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Të çaktivizohet Hapësira “%{space}”?","Të çaktivizohen %{spaceCount} Hapësira?"],"Disable sync":"Çaktivizo njëkohësimin","Disabled":"E çaktivizuar","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"S’mund të jepen hapësira të çaktivizuara","Disabled:":"E çaktivizuar:","Display customization options of the files list":"Shfaq mundësi përshtatjeje të listës së kartelave","Don't Save":"Mos e Ruaj","Download":"Shkarkoje","Download failed":"Shkarkimi dështoi","Duplicate":"Përsëdyte","Edit description":"Përpunoni përshkrimin","Edit expiration date":"Përpunoni datë skadimi","Edit quota":"Përpunoni kuotë","Edit subtitle":"Përpunoni nëntitull","Empty trash bin":"Zbraz koshin e hedhurinave","Enable":"Aktivizoje","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Të aktivizohet Hapësira “%{space}”?","Të aktivizohen %{spaceCount} Hapësira?"],"Enable sync":"Aktivizo njëkohësimin","Enabled:":"E aktivizuar:","Enter the target URL of a webpage or the name of a file. Users will be directed to this webpage or file.":"Jepni URL-në e synuar të një faqeje web, ose emrin e një kartele. Përdoruesit do të ridrejtohen te kjo faqe web, ose kartelë.","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Skadon më %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"S’u arrit të ndryshohej gjendja e parapëlqyer e “%{file}”","Failed to change quota":"S’u arrit të ndryshoheshin kuota","Failed to change space quota":["S’u arrit të ndryshohej kuotë hapësire","S’u arrit të ndryshoheshin kuota për %{count} hapësira"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"S’u arrit të ndryshohej nëntitull hapësire","Failed to change user quota":["S’u arrit të ndryshohet kuotë përdoruesi","S’u arrit të ndryshoheshin kuota për %{count} përdorues"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"S’u arrit të kopjohej “%{name}”","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"S’u arrit të kopjohej %{count} burime","Failed to create file":"S’u arrit të krijohej kartelë","Failed to create folder":"S’u arrit të krijohej dosje","Failed to create link":["S’u arrit të krijohej lidhje","S’u arrit të krijoheshin lidhje"],"Failed to create shortcut":"S’u arrit të krijohej shkurtore","Failed to delete \"%{item}\"":"S’u arrit të fshihet “%{item}”","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\"":"S’u arrit të fshihej “%{resource}”","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\" - the file is locked":"S’u arrit të fshihej “%{resource}” - kartela është e kyçur","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":["S’u arrit të fshihej %{spaceCount} hapësirë","S’u arrit të fshiheshin %{spaceCount} hapësira"],"Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"S’u arrit të fshihej hapësira “%{space}”","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":["S’u arrit të çaktivizohej %{spaceCount} hapësirë","S’u arrit të çaktivizoheshin %{spaceCount} hapësira"],"Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"S’u arrit të çaktivizohej hapësira “%{space}”","Failed to disable sync for the the selected share":["S’u arrit të çaktivizohej njëkohësimi për pjesën e përzgjedhur","S’u arrit të çaktivizohej njëkohësimi për pjesët e përzgjedhura"],"Failed to download the selected folder.":["S’u arrit të shkarkohej dosja e përzgjedhur.","S’u arrit të shkarkohej kartelat e përzgjedhura."],"Failed to duplicate space \"%{space}\"":"S’u arrit të përsëdytej hapësira “%{space}”","Failed to empty trash bin":"S’u arrit të zbrazej koshi i hedhurinave","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":["S’u arrit të aktivizoheh %{spaceCount} hapësirë","S’u arrit të aktivizoheshin %{spaceCount} hapësira"],"Failed to enable sync for the the selected share":["S’u arrit të aktivizohej njëkohësimi për pjesën e përzgjedhur","S’u arrit të aktivizohej njëkohësimi për pjesët e përzgjedhura"],"Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"S’u arrit të aktivizohej hapësira “%{space}”","Failed to hide the share":"S’u arrit të bëhej fshehje e pjesës","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"S’u arrit të lëvizej “%{name}”","Failed to move %{count} resources":"S’u arrit të lëvizeshin %{count} burime","Failed to open shortcut":"S’u arrit të hapej shkurtore","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"S’u arrit të riemërtohej “%{file}” si “%{newName}”","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"S’u arrit të riemërtohej “%{file}” si “%{newName}” - kartela është e kyçur","Failed to rename space":"S’u arrit të riemërtohej hapësirë","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"S’u arrit të rikthehej “%{resource}”","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"S’u arritën të riktheheshin %{resourceCount} kartela","Failed to set space description":"S’u arrit të ujdisej përshkrim hapësire","Failed to set space icon":"S’u arrit të vihej ikonë hapësire","Failed to set space image":"S’u arrit të caktohej figurë hapësire","Failed to unhide share share":"S’u arrit të hiqej fshehja për pjesën","Favorite files":"Kartela të parapëlqyera","file":"kartelë","File already exists":"Kartela ekziston tashmë","File autosaved":"Kartela u ruajt automatikisht","File could not be located":"S’u gjet dot kartela","File name":"Emër kartele","File name cannot be empty":"Emri i kartelës s’mund të jetë i zbrazët","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Emri i kartelës s’mund të jetë i njëjtë me “..”","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Emri i kartelës s’mund të jetë i njëjtë me “.”","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Emri i kartelës s’mund të përmbajë “/”","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Emri i kartelës s’mund të përfundojë me një hapësirë të zbrazët","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Ka tashmë një kartelë me emrin “%{name}”.","Files shared via link":"Kartela të ndara përmes lidhjeje","Files shared with me":"Kartela të ndara me","Files shared with others":"Kartela të ndara me të tjerët","Filter list":"Filtroni listën","folder":"dosje","Folder already exists":"Ka tashmë një dosje të tillë","Folder name":"Emër dosjeje","Folder name cannot be empty":"Emri i dosjes s’mund të jetë i zbrazët","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Emri i dosjes s’mund të jetë i njëjtë me “..”","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Emri i dosjes s’mund të jetë i njëjtë me “..”","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Emri i dosjes s’mund të përmbajë “/”.","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Ka tashmë një dosje me emrin “%{name}”.","Group By:":"Grupoji Sipas:","Hide":"Fshihe","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Nëse çaktivizoni hapësirën e përzgjedhur, s’mund të përdoret \nmë. Vetëm përgjegjës Hapësirash do të mund të hyjnë në të. Shënim: S’do të fshihet ndonjë kartelë nga shërbyesi.","Nëse çaktivizoni %{count} hapësirat e përzgjedhura, s’mund të përdoren më. Vetëm përgjegjës Hapësirash do të mund të hyjnë në to. Shënim: S’do të fshihet ndonjë kartelë nga shërbyesi."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Nëse aktivizoni hapësirën e përzgjedhur, ajo mund të ripërdoret.","Nëse aktivizoni %{count} hapësira të përzgjedhura, ato mund të ripërdoren."],"Importing failed":"Importimi dështoi","Invited people":"Persona të ftuar","Item in processing":"Objekt që po përpunohet","Item locked":"Objekt i kyçur","Items per page":"Objekte për faqe","Keep both":"Mbaji të dyja","Largest":"Më të mëdhave","Last activity":"Veprimtaria e fundit","Link":"Lidhje","Link has been created successfully":"Lidhja u krijua me sukses","Link to a file":"Krijoni lidhje për te një kartelë","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Lidhja funksionon vetëm për persona të ftuar. Lyp bërjen e hyrjes.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"U ngarkuan %{numFiles} kartela","Loading app":"Po ngarkohet aplikacioni","Loading...":"Po ngarkohet…","Log out":"Dilni","Manager":"Përgjegjës","Members":"Anëtarë","Modified":"E ndryshuar","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"S’është i mundur kalimi i kartelave nga një hapësirë në një tjetër. Doni, në vend të kësaj, të kopjohen?","Must not be empty":"S’duhet të jetë i zbrazët","Name":"Emër","New file":"Kartelë e re","New folder":"Dosje e re","New Folder":"Dosje e Re","New project":"Projekt i ri","New Shortcut":"Shkurtore e Re","Newest":"Më të rejave","No changes":"Pa ndryshime","No items selected.":"S’u përzgjodh objekt.","No restriction":"Pa kufizim","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"Shënim: Nuk kopjohen lidhjet dhe ndarjet me të tjerë të kartelës origjinale.","Oldest":"Më të vjetrave","Only for invited people":"Vetëm për persona të ftuar","Open folder":"Hap dosjen","Open in %{app}":"Hape me %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Hap listë lidhjesh te panel ndarjeje me të tjerët","Open member list in share panel":"Hap listë anëtarësh te panel ndarjeje me të tjerët","Open share panel":"Hap panel ndarjeje me të tjerë","Open shortcut":"Hape shkurtoren","Opens in a new window":"Hapet në një dritare të re","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Përmbledhje e hollësive mbi hapësirën e përzgjedhur","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Përmbledhje hollësish mbi hapësirat e përzgjedhura","Password":"Fjalëkalim","Password cannot be set for internal links":"Për lidhje të brendshme s’mund të caktohet fjalëkalim","Password must not be empty":"Fjalëkalimi s’mund të jetë i zbrazët","Paste":"Ngjite","Permanently delete file \"%{name}\"":"Fshije përgjithmonë kartelën “%{name}”","Permanently delete folder \"%{name}\"":"Fshije përgjithmonë dosjen “%{name}”","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Të fshihet përgjithmonë burimi i përzgjedhur?","Të fshihen përgjithmonë %{amount} burimet e përzgjedhur?"],"Personal":"Personale","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Ju lutemi, që të përzgjidhni kartela, bëni mirëfilltësimin me %{pluginName}","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Ju lutemi, jepni një vlerë baras me ose më të vogël se %{ quotaLimit }","Please enter only numbers":"Ju lutemi, jepni vetëm numra","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Ju lutemi, jepni një URL ëpr te një lidhje publike pa mbrojtje me fjalëkalim.","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"Ju lutemi, aktivizoni te rregullimet tuaja të shfletuesit flluskat dhe ridrejtimet, për të siguruar funksionimin në rregull të gjithçkaje.","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"U pikas bllokim flluskash dhe ridrejtimesh","Public file upload":"Ngarkim kartele publike","Public Link URL":"URL Lidhjeje Publike","Quota":"Kuotë","Quota was changed successfully":"Kuotat u ndryshuan me sukses","Remaining quota":"Kuota të mbetura","Remaining quota:":"Kuota të paplotësuara:","Remove expiration date":"Hiqi datë skadimi","Remove from favorites":"Hiqe prej të parapëlqyerve","Rename":"Riemërtoje","Rename file %{name}":"Riemërtoni kartelën %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Riemërtoni dosjen %{name}","Rename space":"Riemërtoni hapësirën","Replace":"Zëvendësoje","Request new project":"Kërkoni projekt të ri","Restore":"Riktheje","Restrictions":"Kufizime","Revert":"Prapaktheje","Save":"Ruaje","Search results":"Përfundime kërkimi","Secret File Drop":"Hedhje e Fshehtë Kartele","Select %{smart_count}":"Përzgjidhni %{smart_count}","Select a role":"Përzgjidhni një rol","Select a space to view details":"Që t’i shihni hollësitë, përzgjidhni një hapësirë","Select all resources":"Përzgjidhni krejt burimet","Select file":"Përzgjidhni kartelë","Select folder":"Përzgjidhni dosje","Select space":"Përzgjidhni hapësirë","Set as space description":"Caktoni një përshkrim hapësire","Set as space image":"Caktoni një figurë hapësire","Set expiration date":"Caktoni datë skadimi","Set icon":"Caktoni ikonë","Set icon for %{space}":"Vini një ikonë për %{space}","Share":"Ndajeni me të tjerë","Share link(s)":"Ndani lidhje me të tjerë","Shared by":"Ndarë me të tjerët nga","Shared on":"Ndarë më","Shared with":"Ndarë me","Shared with me":"Ndarë me","Shares":"Pjesë","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Pjesët, versionet dhe etiketat s’do të kopjohen.","Shortcut name":"Emër shkurtoreje","Shortcut name as it will appear in the file list.":"Emër shkurtoreje si do të shfaqet te lista e kartelave.","Shortcut was created successfully":"Shkurtorja u krijua me sukses","Show":"Shfaqe","Show context menu":"Shfaq menu konteksti","Show deleted files":"Shfaq kartela të fshira","Show file extensions":"Shfaq zgjatime kartelash","Show hidden files":"Shfaq kartela të fshehura","Show invited people":"Shfaq persona të ftuar","Show links":"Shfaq lidhje","Sign in with Google":"Bëni hyrjen me Google","Size":"Madhësi","Skip":"Anashkaloje","Smallest":"Më të voglave","Sort by %{ name }":"Renditi sipas %{ name }","Sort by: ":"Renditi sipas: ","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"Hapësira “%{space}” u fshi me sukses","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"Hapësira “%{space}” u çaktivizua me sukses","Space \"%{space}\" was duplicated successfully":"Hapësira “%{space}” u përsëdyt me sukses","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"Hapësira “%{space}” u aktivizua me sukses","Space description was set successfully":"Përshkrimi i hapësirë u caktua me sukses","Space icon was set successfully":"Ikona e hapësirës u vu me sukses","Space image was set successfully":"Figura e hapësirë u caktua me sukses","Space name":"Emër hapësire","Space name cannot be empty":"Emri i hapësirë s’mund të jetë i zbrazët","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Emri i hapësirës s’mund të përmbajë shenjat vijuese: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Emri i hapësirës s’mund të tejkalojë 255 shenja","Space name was changed successfully":"Emri i hapësirë u ndryshua me sukses","Space quota was changed successfully":["Kuotat e hapësirës u ndryshuan me sukses","Kuotat për %{count} hapësira u ndryshuan me sukses"],"Space subtitle":"Nëntitull hapësire","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Nëntitulli i hapësirës u ndryshua me sukses","Space was created successfully":"Hapësira u krijua me sukses","Spaces":"Hapësira","Status":"Gjendje","Subtitle":"Nëntitull","Sync for the selected share was disabled successfully":["Njëkohësimi u çaktivizua me sukses për pjesën e përzgjedhur","Njëkohësimi u çaktivizua me sukses për pjesët e përzgjedhura"],"Sync for the selected share was enabled successfully":["Njëkohësimi u aktivizua me sukses për pjesën e përzgjedhur","Njëkohësimi u aktivizua me sukses për pjesët e përzgjedhura"],"Tags":"Etiketa","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Lidhja u kopjua te e papastra juaj.","The marked elements will be copied.":"Elementët me shenjë do të kopjohen.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Emri “%{name}” është i zënë tashmë","The name cannot be empty":"Emri s’mund të jetë i zbrazët","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Emri s’mund të jetë i njëjtë me “..”","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Emri s’mund të jetë i njëjtë me “.”","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Emri s’mund të përmbajë “/”","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Emri s’mund të përfundojë me një hapësirë të zbrazët","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"Përzgjedhja tejkalon madhësinë e lejuar të arkivit (maks. %{maxSize})","The share was hidden successfully":"Pjesa u fsheh me sukses","The share was unhidden successfully":"Pjesës iu hoq me sukses fshehja","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"S’ka kuota të mjaftueshme te “%{spaceName}” për të ruajtur këtë kartelë","There is not enough quota to save this file":"S’ka kuota të mjaftueshme për të ruajtur këtë kartelë","This %{ resourceType } is shared by %{ user }":"Ky %{ resourceType } është ndarë nga %{ user }","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Ky %{ resourceType } është ndarë përmes %{ shareCount } ftese","Ky %{ resourceType } është ndarë përmes %{ shareCount } ftesash"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Kjo kartelë qe përditësuar jashtë kësaj dritareje. Ju lutemi, rifreskoni faqen (do të humbin krejt ndryshimet).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Ky objekt ndahet drejtpërsëdrejti, përmes lidhjesh.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Ky objekt ndahet me të tjerët drejtpërsëdrejti.","This item is in processing":"Ky objekt është duke u përpunuar","This item is locked":"Ky objekt është i kyçur","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Ky objekt ndahet përmes lidhjesh që nga një nga dosjet mëmë.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Ky objekt ndahet me të tjerë përmes njërës nga dosjet mëmë.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Kjo hapësirë ka %{memberShareCount} anëtar.","Kjo hapësira ka %{memberShareCount} anëtarë."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"Kjo hapësirë ka %{memberShareCount} anëtarë dhe %{linkShareCount} lidhje.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Kjo hapësirë ka %{memberShareCount} anëtarë dhe një lidhje.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Kjo hapësirë ka një anëtar dhe %{linkShareCount} lidhje.","Kjo hapësirë ka një anëtar dhe %{linkShareCount} lidhje."],"Tile size":"Madhësi kuadrati","Total quota":"Kuota gjithsej","Total quota:":"Kuota gjithsej:","Trash overview":"Përmbledhje hedhurinash","Unhide":"Hiqi fshehjen","Unsaved changes":"Ndryshime të paruajtura","Used quota":"Kuota të përdorura","Used quota:":"Kuota të përdorura:","User quota was changed successfully":["Kuotat e përdoruesit u ndryshuan me sukses","Kuotat për %{count} përdorues u ndryshuan me sukses"],"Webpage or file":"Faqe web, ose kartelë","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["S’mund të ngjitni në këtë vend kartelën e përzgjedhur, ngaqë s’mund të ngjitni një objekt te vetvetja.","S’mund të ngjitni në këtë vend kartelat e përzgjedhura, ngaqë s’mund të ngjitni një objekt te vetvetja."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"S’jeni i autorizuar të ruani këtë kartelë","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Ndryshimet tuaja s’u ruajtën. Doni të ruhen?","Z-A":"Z-A"},"sr":{},"sv":{"Actions":"Åtgärder","All files":"Alla filer","An error occurred":"Ett fel uppstod","Anyone with the link can edit":"Alla med en länk kan redigera","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Alla med länken kan bara ladda upp, existerande innehåll avslöjas inte.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Alla med länken kan ladda upp","Anyone with the link can view":"Alla med länken kan visa","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Alla med länken kan visa och ladda ner.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Alla med länken kan visa, ladda ner och redigera.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Alla med länken kan visa, ladda ner och ladda upp.","Can edit":"Kan redigera","Can upload":"Kan ladda upp","Can view":"Kan visa","Cancel":"Avbryt","Close":"Stäng","Confirm":"Bekräfta","Copied to clipboard!":"Kopierad till urklipp!","Copy":"Kopiera","Create":"Skapa","Create a new folder":"Skapa en ny mapp","Delete":"Ta bort","Details":"Detaljer","Disabled":"Inaktiverat","Download":"Ladda ned","Edit quota":"Redigera tröskelvärde","Hide":"Dölj","Invited people":"Inbjudna personer","Largest":"Största","Link":"Länk","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Länkar fungerar bara för inbjudna personer. Inloggning krävs.","Log out":"Logga ut","Members":"Medlem","Name":"Namn","New file":"Ny fil","New Folder":"Ny mapp","Newest":"Nyast","No restriction":"Inga begränsningar","Oldest":"Äldsta","Only for invited people":"Bara för inbjudna personer.","Password":"Lösenord","Personal":"Personlig","Quota":"Kvot","Restore":"Återställ","Save":"Spara","Secret File Drop":"Hemlig filyta","Select file":"Välj fil","Select folder":"Välj mapp","Share":"Dela","Shared by":"Delad av","Shared on":"Delad på","Shared with":"Delad med","Shared with me":"Delad med mig","Show":"Visa","Show context menu":"Visa innehållsmeny","Size":"Storlek","Spaces":"Ytor","Status":"Status","Tags":"Taggar"},"ta":{"Actions":"செயல்கள்","All files":"அனைத்து கோப்புகள்","Cancel":"ரத்துசெய்","Copy":"நகலெடுக்கவும்","Download":"பதிவிறக்க"},"ug":{},"tr":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" başarıyla oluşturuldu","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" başarıyla oluşturuldu","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" çöp kutusuna taşındı","(Opens in new window)":"(Yeni pencerede açılır)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } öge seçildi. Eylemler tablonun üzerinde mevcuttur.","%{ amount } öge seçildi. Eylemler tablonun üzerinde mevcuttur."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } alan seçildi","%{ itemCount } alan seçildi"],"%{appName} for %{fileName}":"%{fileName} için %{appName}","%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} öge başarıyla kopyalandı","%{count} öge başarıyla kopyalandı"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} öge başarıyla taşındı","%{count} öge başarıyla taşındı"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (ben)","%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":["%{itemCount} öge çöp kutusuna taşındı","%{itemCount} öge çöp kutusuna taşındı"],"%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} bağlantı erişim sağlıyor.","%{linkShareCount} bağlantı erişim sağlıyor."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} zaten mevcut","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} başarıyla yenilendi","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} dosya başarıyla yenilendi","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":["%{spaceCount} alan başarıyla silindi","%{spaceCount} alan başarıyla silindi"],"%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} alan başarıyla devre dışı bırakıldı","%{spaceCount} alan başarıyla devre dışı bırakıldı"],"%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} alan başarıyla aktifleştirildi","%{spaceCount} alan başarıyla aktifleştirildi"],"%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} / %{total} kullanıldı (%{percentage}% kullanıldı)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} kullanıldı (kısıtlama yok)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"Aksiyonlar","Add to favorites":"Favorilere ekle","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"%{numFiles} dosya(lar) eklendi","All Actions":"Tüm Eylemler","All deleted files were removed":"Tüm silinen dosyalar kaldırıldı","All files":"Tüm dosyalar","An error occurred":"Bir hata oluştu","Anyone with the link can edit":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes düzenleyebilir","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes yalnızca yükleme yapabilir, mevcut içerik açığa çıkmaz.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes yükleyebilir","Anyone with the link can view":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes görüntüleyebilir","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes görüntüleyebilir ve indirebilir.","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes görüntüleyebilir, indirebilir ve düzenleyebilir.","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Bağlantıya sahip olan herkes görüntüleyebilir, indirebilir ve yükleyebilir.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Tüm %{count} çakışmaya uygula","Apply to all %{count} files":"Tüm %{count} dosyaya uygula","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Tüm %{count} klasöre uygula","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Seçilen tüm kaynakları silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Tüm içerikleri kalıcı olarak kaldırılacaktır. Bu işlem geri alınamaz.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Seçilen alanı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?","Seçilen %{count} alanı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Bu dosyayı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Tüm içeriği kalıcı olarak kaldırılacak. Bu işlem geri alınamaz.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Bu klasörü silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Tüm içeriği kalıcı olarak kaldırılacak. Bu işlem geri alınamaz.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Listelenen ögeleri kalıcı olarak silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Bu işlemi geri alamazsınız.","Back to %{panel} panel":"%{panel} paneline geri dön","Can edit":"Düzenleyebilir","Can upload":"Yükleyebilir","Can view":"Görüntüleyebilir","Cancel":"İptal","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"%{count} Alan için kotayı değiştir","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"\"%{name}\" Alanı için kotayı değiştir","Change subtitle for space":"Alan için alt başlığı değiştir","Changes saved":"Değişiklikler kaydedildi","Close":"Kapat","Close file sidebar":"Yan çubuğu kapat","Confirm":"Onayla","Connect to %{pluginName}":"%{pluginName}'ye bağlan","Connection with Companion failed":"Arkadaş ile bağlantı kurulamadı","Copied to clipboard!":"Panoya kopyalandı!","Copy":"Kopyala","Copy here":"Buraya kopyala","Copy here?":"Buraya kopyalansın mı?","Copy link":"Bağlantıyı kopyala","Copy link failed":"Bağlantı kopyalama başarısız","Create":"Yarat","Create a new file":"Yeni bir dosya oluştur","Create a new folder":"Yeni bir klasör oluştur","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["\"%{resourceName}\"den Alan oluştur","Seçimden Alan oluştur"],"Create Space from selection":"Seçimden Alan oluştur","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["\"%{resourceName}\"nin içeriği ile Alan oluştur.","Seçilen dosyalarla alan oluştur."],"Creating space failed…":"Alan oluşturma başarısız...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"Kes","Cut to clipboard!":"Panodan kes!","Delete":"Sil","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["\"%{space}\" Alanı silinsin mi?","%{spaceCount} Alan silinsin mi?"],"Deleted":"Silindi","Details":"Detaylar","Disable":"Devre dışı bırak","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["\"%{space}\" Alanı devre dışı bırakılsın mı?","%{spaceCount} Alan devre dışı bırakılsın mı?"],"Disabled":"Devre dışı bırakıldı","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"Devre dışı bırakılan alanlar girilemez","Disabled:":"Devre dışı bırakıldı:","Display customization options of the files list":"Dosya listesinin özelleştirme seçeneklerini görüntüleyin","Don't Save":"Kaydetme","Download":"İndir","Download failed":"İndirme başarısız","Edit description":"Açıklamayı düzenle","Edit expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihini düzenle","Edit quota":"Kotayı düzenle","Edit subtitle":"Alt başlığı düzenle","Empty trash bin":"Çöp kutusunu boşalt","Enable":"Etkinleştir","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["\"%{space}\" Alanı etkinleştirilsin mi?","%{spaceCount} Alan etkinleştirilsin mi?"],"Enabled:":"Etkin:","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"%{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate}) tarihinde sona eriyor","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"\"%{file}\" favori durumu değiştirilemedi","Failed to change quota":"Kota değiştirme başarısız","Failed to change space quota":["Alan kotası değiştirme başarısız","%{count} alan için kota değiştirme başarısız"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"Alan alt başlığı değiştirilemedi","Failed to change user quota":["Kullanıcı kotası değiştirme başarısız","%{count} kullanıcı için kota değiştirme başarısız"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"\"%{name}\" kopyalanamadı","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"%{count} kaynak kopyalanamadı","Failed to create file":"Dosya oluşturma başarısız","Failed to create folder":"Klasör oluşturma başarısız","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":["%{spaceCount} alan silinemedi","%{spaceCount} alan silinemedi"],"Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\" alanı silinemedi","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":["%{spaceCount} alan devre dışı bırakılamadı","%{spaceCount} alan devre dışı bırakılamadı"],"Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\" alanı devre dışı bırakılamadı","Failed to download the selected folder.":["Seçilen klasör indirilemedi.","Seçilen klasörler indirilemedi."],"Failed to empty trash bin":"Çöp kutusunu boşaltma başarısız","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":["%{spaceCount} alan etkinleştirilemedi","%{spaceCount} alan etkinleştirilemedi"],"Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\" alanı etkinleştirilemedi","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"\"%{name}\" taşınamadı","Failed to move %{count} resources":"%{count} kaynak taşınamadı","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"\"%{file}\", \"%{newName}\" olarak yeniden adlandırılamadı","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"\"%{file}\", \"%{newName}\" olarak yeniden adlandırılamadı - dosya kilitli","Failed to rename space":"Alan yeniden adlandırılamadı","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"\"%{resource}\" geri yüklenemedi","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"%{resourceCount} dosya geri yüklenemedi","Failed to set space description":"Alan açıklaması ayarlanamadı","Failed to set space image":"Alan resmi ayarlanamadı","Favorite files":"Favori dosyalar","file":"dosya","File already exists":"Dosya zaten mevcut","File autosaved":"Dosya otomatik olarak kaydedildi","File could not be located":"Dosya bulunamadı","File name":"Dosya adı","File name cannot be empty":"Dosya adı boş olamaz","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Dosya adı \"..\" olamaz","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Dosya adı \".\" olamaz","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Dosya adı \"/\" içeremez","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Dosya adı boşlukla bitemez","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"\"%{name}\" adlı dosya zaten var.","Files shared via link":"Bağlantı aracılığıyla dosyalar paylaşıldı","Files shared with me":"Benimle paylaşılan dosyalar","Files shared with others":"Diğerleri ile paylaşılan dosyalar","Filter list":"Filtre listesi","folder":"klasör","Folder already exists":"Klasör zaten mevcut","Folder name":"Klasör adı","Folder name cannot be empty":"Klasör adı boş olamaz","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Klasör adı \"..\" olamaz","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Klasör adı \".\" olamaz","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Klasör adı \"/\" içeremez","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"\"%{name}\" adlı klasör zaten var.","Group By:":"Gruplayan:","Hide":"Gizle","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["Seçilen alanı devre dışı bırakırsanız, artık bu alana erişilemez. Yalnızca Alan yöneticilerinin erişimi devam eder. Not: Sunucudan hiçbir dosya silinmeyecektir.","Seçilen %{count} alanı devre dışı bırakırsanız, bunlara artık erişilemez. Yalnızca Alan yöneticilerinin erişimi devam eder. Not: Sunucudan hiçbir dosya silinmeyecektir."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["Seçilen alanı etkinleştirirseniz, bunlara tekrar erişilebilir.","Seçilen %{count} alanı etkinleştirirseniz, bunlara tekrar erişilebilir."],"Importing failed":"İçe aktarma başarısız","Invited people":"Davetli kişiler","Items per page":"Sayfa başına öge","Keep both":"İkisini de tut","Largest":"En geniş","Last activity":"Son aktivite","Link":"Bağlantı","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Bağlantı yalnızca davet edilen kişiler için çalışır. Giriş gereklidir.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"%{numFiles} dosya yüklendi","Loading app":"Uygulama yükleniyor","Loading...":"Yükleniyor...","Log out":"Çıkış yap","Manager":"Yönetici","Members":"Üyeler","Modified":"Değiştirildi","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"Dosyaları bir alandan diğerine taşımak mümkün değildir. Bunun yerine kopyalamak ister misiniz?","Must not be empty":"Boş olamaz","Name":"İsim","New file":"Yeni dosya","New folder":"Yeni klasör","New Folder":"Yeni Klasör","Newest":"En yeni","No changes":"Değişiklik yok","No items selected.":"Hiçbir öge seçilmedi.","No restriction":"Kısıtlama yok","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"Not: Orijinal dosyanın bağlantıları ve paylaşımları kopyalanmaz.","Oldest":"En eski","Only for invited people":"Sadece davetli kişiler","Open folder":"Klasörü aç","Open in %{app}":"%{app}'da aç","Open link list in share panel":"Bağlantı listesini paylaşım panelinde aç","Open member list in share panel":"Üye listesini paylaşım panelinde aç","Open share panel":"Paylaşım panelini aç","Opens in a new window":"Yeni bir pencerede açılır","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Seçilen alan hakkındaki bilgilere genel bakış","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Seçilen alanlar hakkındaki bilgilere genel bakış","Password":"Parola","Paste":"Yapıştır","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Seçilen kaynak kalıcı olarak silinsin mi?","Seçilen %{amount} kaynak kalıcı olarak silinsin mi?"],"Personal":"Kişisel","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Dosyaları seçmek için lütfen %{pluginName} ile kimlik doğrulaması yapın","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Lütfen %{ quotaLimit } değerine eşit veya daha küçük bir değer girin","Please enter only numbers":"Lütfen sadece sayı girin","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Lütfen parola koruması olmayan genel bir bağlantının URL'sini sağlayın.","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"Her şeyin doğru çalıştığından emin olmak için lütfen tarayıcı ayarlarınızda açılır pencereleri ve yönlendirmeleri açın.","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"Açılır pencere ve yönlendirme engellemesi algılandı","Public file upload":"Herkese açık dosya yüklendi","Public Link URL":"Herkese Açık Bağlantı URL'i","Quota":"Kota","Quota was changed successfully":"Kota başarıyla değiştirildi","Remaining quota":"Kalan kota","Remaining quota:":"Kalan kota:","Remove expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihini kaldır","Remove from favorites":"Favorilerden kaldır","Rename":"Yeniden adlandır","Rename file %{name}":"%{name} dosyasını yeniden adlandır","Rename folder %{name}":"%{name} klasörünü yeniden adlandır","Rename space":"Alanı yeniden adlandır","Replace":"Yer değiştir","Restore":"Geri yükle","Restrictions":"Kısıtlamalar","Revert":"Geri al","Save":"Kaydet","Search results":"Arama sonuçları","Secret File Drop":"Gizli Dosya Bırakma","Select %{smart_count}":"Seç: %{smart_count}","Select a role":"Bir rol seç","Select a space to view details":"Detayları görüntülemek için bir alan seç","Select all resources":"Tüm kaynakları seç","Select file":"Dosyayı seç","Select folder":"Klasörü seç","Select space":"Alan seç","Set as space description":"Alan açıklaması olarak ayarla","Set as space image":"Alan resmi olarak ayarla","Set expiration date":"Son kullanma tarihini ayarla","Share":"Paylaş","Shared by":"Paylaşıldı","Shared on":"Şurada paylaşıldı:","Shared with":"Paylaşlaşılmış","Shared with me":"Benimle paylaşıldı","Shares":"Paylaşımlar","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"Paylaşımlar, sürümler ve etiketler kopyalanmayacaktır.","Show":"Göster","Show context menu":"İçerik menüsünü göster","Show file extensions":"Dosya uzantılarını göster","Show hidden files":"Gizli dosyaları göster","Show invited people":"Davet edilen kişileri göster","Show links":"Bağlantıları göster","Sign in with Google":"Google ile kaydol","Size":"Boyut","Skip":"Atla","Smallest":"En küçük","Sort by %{ name }":"%{ name } 'e göre sırala","Sort by: ":"Sırala:","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"\"%{space}\" alanı başarıyla silindi","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"\"%{space}\" alanı başarıyla devre dışı bırakıldı","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"\"%{space}\" alanı başarıyla etkinleştirildi","Space description was set successfully":"Alan açıklaması başarıyla ayarlandı","Space image was set successfully":"Alan resmi başarıyla ayarlandı","Space name":"Alan adı","Space name cannot be empty":"Alan adı boş olamaz","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"Alan adı şu karakterleri içeremez: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"Alan adı 255 karakterden uzun olamaz","Space name was changed successfully":"Alan adı başarıyla değiştirildi","Space quota was changed successfully":["Alan kotası başarıyla değiştirildi","%{count} alan kotası başarıyla değiştirildi"],"Space subtitle":"Alan alt başlığı","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"Alan alt başlığı başarıyla değiştirildi","Space was created successfully":"Alan başarıyla oluşturuldu","Spaces":"Alanlar","Status":"Durum","Subtitle":"Alt başlık","Tags":"Etiketler","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"Bağlantı panonuza kopyalandı.","The marked elements will be copied.":"İşaretli elementler kopyalanacak.","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"\"%{name}\" ismi zaten alındı","The name cannot be empty":"İsim boş olamaz","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"İsim \"..\" olamaz","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"İsim \".\" olamaz","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"İsim \"/\" içeremez","The name cannot end with whitespace":"İsim boşlukla bitemez","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"Seçim, izin verilen arşiv boyutunu aşıyor (maks. %{maxSize})","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Bu dosyayı kaydetmek için \"%{spaceName}\" üzerinde yeterli kota yok","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Bu dosyayı kaydetmek için yeterli kota yok","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["Bu %{ resourceType }, %{ shareCount } davetiyle paylaşılıyor","Bu %{ resourceType }, %{ shareCount } davetiyle paylaşılıyor"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Bu dosya, bu pencerenin dışında güncellendi. Lütfen sayfayı yenileyin (tüm değişiklikler kaybolacak).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Bu öge doğrudan bağlantılar aracılığıyla paylaşılır.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Bu öge doğrudan başkalarıyla paylaşılır.","This item is locked":"Bu öge kilitli","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Bu öge, üst klasörlerden biri tarafından bağlantılar aracılığıyla paylaşılır.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Bu öge, üst klasörlerden biri aracılığıyla başkalarıyla paylaşılır.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["Bu alanda %{memberShareCount} üye var.","Bu alanda %{memberShareCount} üye var."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"Bu alanda %{memberShareCount} üye ve %{linkShareCount} bağlantı var.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Bu alanda %{memberShareCount} üye ve bir bağlantı var.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["Bu alanın bir üyesi ve %{linkShareCount} bağlantısı var.","Bu alanın bir üyesi ve %{linkShareCount} bağlantısı var."],"Tile size":"Karo boyutu","Toggle selection":"Seçimi değiştir","Total quota":"Toplam kota","Total quota:":"Toplam kota:","Trash overview":"Çöp kutusuna genel bakış","Unsaved changes":"Kaydedilmeyen değişiklikler","Used quota":"Kullanılan kota","Used quota:":"Kullanılan kota:","User quota was changed successfully":["Kullanıcı kotası başarıyla değiştirildi","%{count} kullanıcı kotası başarıyla değiştirildi"],"You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["Bir ögeyi kendi içine yapıştıramayacağınız için seçili dosyaları bu konuma yapıştıramazsınız.","Bir ögeyi kendi içine yapıştıramayacağınız için seçili dosyaları bu konuma yapıştıramazsınız."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"Bu dosyayı kaydetme yetkiniz yok","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Değişiklikleriniz kaydedilmedi. Onları kurtarmak istiyor musun?","Z-A":"Z-A"},"zh":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" 创建成功","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" 创建成功","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" 被移入回收站","(Opens in new window)":"(在新窗口打开)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":"已选择 %{ amount } 项, 表格上方提供了操作。","%{ itemCount } space selected":"已选择 %{ itemCount } 项","%{count} item was copied successfully":"%{count} 项复制成功","%{count} item was moved successfully":"%{count} 项移动成功","%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (我)","%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":"%{itemCount} 个项目被移入回收站","%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":"%{linkShareCount} 个链接已授权。","%{name} already exists":"%{name} 已存在","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} 恢复成功","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} 个文件恢复成功","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":"%{spaceCount} 个空间删除成功","%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":"%{spaceCount} 个空间禁用成功","%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":"%{spaceCount} 个空间启用成功","%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"已用 %{used} / %{total} (已用 %{percentage}%)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"已用 %{used} (无限制)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"A-Z","Actions":"操作","Add to favorites":"添加到收藏","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"已添加 %{numFiles} 个文件","All Actions":"所有操作","All deleted files were removed":"所有已删除的文件均已删除","All files":"所有文件","An error occurred":"发生错误","Anyone with the link can edit":"任何拥有该链接的人都可以编辑","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"任何拥有该链接的人只能上传,现有内容不会被展示。","Anyone with the link can upload":"任何拥有该链接的人都可以上传","Anyone with the link can view":"任何拥有该链接的人都可以查看","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"任何拥有该链接的人都可以查看和下载。","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"任何拥有该链接的人都可以查看、下载和编辑。","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"任何拥有该链接的人都可以查看、下载和上传。","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"应用到所有的 %{count} 个冲突","Apply to all %{count} files":"应用到所有的 %{count} 个文件","Apply to all %{count} folders":"应用到所有的 %{count} 个文件夹","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"确定删除所有选定的资源吗? 这些内容将被永久删除。 此操作无法撤消。","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":"确认删除已选择的 %{count} 个空间吗?","Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"确定删除这些文件吗? 这些内容将被永久删除。 此操作无法撤消。","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"确定删除这些文件夹吗? 这些内容将被永久删除。 此操作无法撤消。","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"确定永久删除列出的项目吗? 此操作无法撤销。","Back to %{panel} panel":"返回 %{panel} 面板","Can edit":"可编辑","Can upload":"可上传","Can view":"可查看","Cancel":"取消","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"更改 %{count} 个空间的配额","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"更改空间 \"%{name}\" 的配额","Change subtitle for space":"更改空间的子标题","Changes saved":"更改已保存","Close":"关闭","Close file sidebar":"关闭文件的侧边栏","Confirm":"确认","Connect to %{pluginName}":"连接到 %{pluginName}","Connection with Companion failed":"连接失败","Copied to clipboard!":"已复制到剪贴板!","Copy":"复制","Copy here":"复制这个","Copy here?":"复制这个?","Copy link":"复制链接","Copy link failed":"复制链接失败。","Create":"创建","Create a new file":"创建新文件","Create a new folder":"创建新文件夹","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":"根据已选择项创建空间","Create Space from selection":"根据已选择项创建空间","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":"根据已选择文件创建空间","Creating space failed…":"创建空间失败...","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Cut":"剪切","Cut to clipboard!":"已剪切到剪切板!","Delete":"删除","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":"删除 %{spaceCount} 个空间?","Deleted":"已删除","Details":"详情","Disable":"禁用","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":"禁用 %{spaceCount} 个空间?","Disabled":"已禁用","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"无法进入已禁用的空间","Disabled:":"已禁用:","Display customization options of the files list":"显示文件列表的自定义选项","Don't Save":"不保存","Download":"下载","Download failed":"下载失败","Edit description":"编辑描述","Edit expiration date":"修改到期日期","Edit quota":"编辑存储空间","Edit subtitle":"编辑子标题","Empty trash bin":"清空回收站","Enable":"启用","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":"启用 %{spaceCount} 个空间?","Enabled:":"已启用:","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"%{timeToExpiry} 后到期 (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"修改 \"%{file}\" 的收藏状态失败","Failed to change quota":"更改配额失败","Failed to change space quota":"更改 %{count} 个空间的配额失败","Failed to change space subtitle":"更改空间的子标题失败","Failed to change user quota":"更改 %{count} 个用户的配额失败","Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"复制 \"%{name}\" 失败","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"复制 %{count} 个资源失败","Failed to create file":"创建文件失败","Failed to create folder":"创建文件夹失败","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":"%{spaceCount} 个空间删除失败","Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"\"%{space}\"删除失败","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":"%{spaceCount} 个空间禁用失败","Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"禁用空间 \"%{space}\" 失败。","Failed to download the selected folder.":"下载已选择的文件失败","Failed to empty trash bin":"清空回收站失败","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":"启用 \"%{spaceCount}\" 个空间失败。","Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"启用 \"%{space}\" 空间失败","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"移动 \"%{name}\" 失败","Failed to move %{count} resources":"移动 %{count} 个资源失败","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"重命名 \"%{file}\" 为 \"%{newName}\" 失败","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"重命名 \"%{file}\" 为 \"%{newName}\" 失败 - 文件已被锁定","Failed to rename space":"重命名空间失败","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"恢复 \"%{resource}\" 失败","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"恢复 %{resourceCount} 个文件失败","Failed to set space description":"设置空间描述失败","Failed to set space image":"设置空间图片失败","Favorite files":"收藏的文件","file":"文件","File already exists":"文件已存在","File autosaved":"文件已自动保存","File could not be located":"无法找到文件","File name":"文件名称","File name cannot be empty":"文件名称不能为空","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"文件名称不能为 \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"文件名称不能为 \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"文件名称不能包含 \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"文件名称不能以空格结尾","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"文件 \"%{name}\" 已存在。","Files shared via link":"通过链接共享的文件","Files shared with me":"与我共享","Files shared with others":"与别人共享","Filter list":"过滤列表","folder":"文件夹","Folder already exists":"文件夹已存在","Folder name":"文件夹名称","Folder name cannot be empty":"文件夹名称不能为空","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"文件夹名称不能为 \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"文件夹名称不能为 \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"文件夹名称不能包含 \"/\"","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"文件夹 \"%{name}\" 已存在。","Group By:":"分组依据:","Hide":"隐藏","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":"如果禁用 %{count} 个已选定的空间,则无法再访问它们。 只有空间管理员仍有权访问。 注意:不会从服务器中删除任何文件。","If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":"如果启用 %{count} 个已选定的空间,则可以再次访问它们。","Invited people":"受邀人","Items per page":"项每页","Keep both":"保留两个","Largest":"最大","Last activity":"最新活动","Link":"链接","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"链接仅适用于受邀人员。 需要登录。","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"加载了 %{numFiles} 个文件","Loading app":"正在加载应用","Loading...":"载入中...","Log out":"登出","Manager":"管理员","Members":"成员","Modified":"已修改","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"无法将文件从一个空间移动到另一个空间。是否要复制?","Name":"文件名称","New file":"创建文件","New folder":"创建文件夹","New Folder":"创建文件夹","Newest":"最新","No changes":"没有变化","No items selected.":"没有选择任何项目。","No restriction":"没有限制","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"注意:原始文件的链接和共享不会被复制。","Oldest":"最旧的","Only for invited people":"仅限于受邀人员","Open folder":"打开文件夹","Open in %{app}":"在 %{app} 中打开","Open link list in share panel":"在共享面板中打开链接列表","Open member list in share panel":"在共享面板中打开成员列表","Open share panel":"打开共享面板","Opens in a new window":"新窗口打开","Overview of the information about the selected space":"有关所选空间的信息概览","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"有关所选空间的信息概览","Password":"密码","Paste":"粘贴","Permanently delete selected resource?":"永久删除 %{amount} 个选定资源吗?","Personal":"个人","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"请使用 %{pluginName} 进行身份验证以选择文件。","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"请输入小于等于 %{quotaLimit} 的值","Please enter only numbers":"仅支持输入数字","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"请提供一个没有密码保护的公开链接。","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"请在您的浏览器设置中启用弹出窗口和重定向,以确保一切正常运行。","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"检测到弹出窗口与重定向被禁用。","Public file upload":"公开文件上传","Public Link URL":"公开链接","Quota":"配额","Quota was changed successfully":"配额更新成功","Remaining quota":"剩余配额","Remaining quota:":"剩余配额: ","Remove expiration date":"移除到期时间","Remove from favorites":"从收藏中移除","Rename":"重命名","Rename file %{name}":"重命名文件 %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"重命名文件夹 %{name}","Rename space":"重命名空间","Replace":"替换","Restore":"恢复","Restrictions":"限制","Revert":"恢复","Save":"保存","Search results":"搜索结果","Secret File Drop":"仅上传","Select %{smart_count}":"选择了 %{smart_count} 项","Select a role":"选择一个角色","Select a space to view details":"选择一个空间预览详情","Select all resources":"选择所有资源","Select file":"选择文件","Select folder":"选择文件夹","Select space":"选择空间","Set as space description":"设置为空间描述","Set as space image":"设置为空间图片","Set expiration date":"设置到期日期","Share":"共享","Shared by":"共享通过","Shared on":"共享于","Shared with":"共享给","Shared with me":"与我共享","Shares":"共享","Shares, versions and tags will not be copied.":"共享、版本和标签将不会被复制。","Show":"显示","Show context menu":"显示操作","Show file extensions":"显示文件扩展名","Show hidden files":"显示隐藏文件","Show invited people":"显示受邀请的人","Show links":"显示链接","Sign in with Google":"通过Google登录","Size":"大小","Skip":"跳过","Smallest":"最小","Sort by %{ name }":"按排序 %{ name }","Sort by: ":"排序:","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"空间 \"%{space}\" 删除成功","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"空间 \"%{space}\" 禁用成功","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"空间 \"%{space}\" 启用成功","Space description was set successfully":"空间描述设置成功","Space image was set successfully":"空间图片设置成功","Space name":"空间名称","Space name cannot be empty":"空间名称不能为空","Space name cannot contain the following characters: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'":"空间名称不能包含以下字符: / \\\\ . : ? * \" > < |'","Space name cannot exceed 255 characters":"空间名称不能超过 255 个字符","Space name was changed successfully":"空间名称更改成功","Space quota was changed successfully":"空间 %{count} 的配额更改成功","Space subtitle":"空间子标题","Space subtitle was changed successfully":"空间子标题更改成功","Space was created successfully":"空间创建成功","Spaces":"空间","Status":"状态","Subtitle":"子标题","Tags":"标签","The link has been copied to your clipboard.":"该链接已复制到您的剪贴板。","The marked elements will be copied.":"标记的元素将被复制。","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"名称 \"%{name}\" 已存在","The name cannot be empty":"名称不能为空","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"名称不能为 \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"名称不能为 \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"名称不能包含 \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"名称不能以空格结尾","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"选择超出了允许的存档大小 (最大 %{maxSize})","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"“%{spaceName}”上没有足够的配额来保存此文件","There is not enough quota to save this file":"没有足够的配额来保存此文件","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":"此 %{ resourceType } 通过 %{ shareCount } 邀请共享","This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"该文件是在此窗口之外更新的。 请刷新页面(所有更改都将丢失)。","This item is directly shared via links.":"该项目通过链接直接共享。","This item is directly shared with others.":"该项目直接与其他人共享。","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"该项目通过父文件夹之一的链接共享。","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"该项目通过父文件夹之一与其他人共享。","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":"该空间拥有 %{memberShareCount} 个成员。","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"该空间拥有 %{memberShareCount} 个成员和 %{linkShareCount} 个链接。","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"该空间拥有 %{memberShareCount} 个成员和一个链接","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":"该空间拥有一个成员和 %{linkShareCount} 个链接。","Tile size":"网格大小","Toggle selection":"反向选择","Total quota":"总配额","Total quota:":"总配额:","Trash overview":"回收站预览","Unsaved changes":"未保存的更改","Used quota":"已用配额","Used quota:":"已用配额:","User quota was changed successfully":"%{count} 个用户的配额更新成功","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":"您无法将选定的文件粘贴到此位置,因为您无法将项目粘贴到其自身中。","You're not authorized to save this file":"您无权保存此文件","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"您的更改尚未保存。 要保存这些更改吗?","Z-A":"Z-A"},"uk":{"\"%{fileName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{fileName}\" успішно створено","\"%{folderName}\" was created successfully":"\"%{folderName}\" успішно створено","\"%{item}\" was deleted successfully":"\"%{item}\" успішно видалено","\"%{item}\" was moved to trash bin":"\"%{item}\" було переміщено до кошика","(Opens in new window)":"(Відкривається в новому вікні)","%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.":["%{ amount } item selected. Actions are available above the table.","%{ amount } items selected. Actions are available above the table.","%{ amount } items selected. Actions are available above the table.","Вибрано %{ amount } елементів. Дії доступні над таблицею."],"%{ itemCount } space selected":["%{ itemCount } space selected","%{ itemCount } spaces selected","%{ itemCount } spaces selected","Вибрано %{ itemCount } Просторів"],"%{appName} for %{fileName}":"%{appName} для %{fileName}","%{count} item was copied successfully":["%{count} item was copied successfully","%{count} items were copied successfully","%{count} items were copied successfully","%{count} елементів успішно скопійовано"],"%{count} item was moved successfully":["%{count} item was moved successfully","%{count} items were moved successfully","%{count} items were moved successfully","%{count} елементів було успішно переміщено"],"%{displayName} (me)":"%{displayName} (я)","%{itemCount} item was deleted successfully":["%{itemCount} item was deleted successfully","%{itemCount} items were deleted successfully","%{itemCount} items were deleted successfully","%{itemCount} елементів успішно видалено"],"%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin":["%{itemCount} item was moved to trash bin","%{itemCount} items were moved to trash bin","%{itemCount} items were moved to trash bin","%{itemCount} елементів було переміщено до кошика"],"%{linkShareCount} link giving access.":["%{linkShareCount} link giving access.","%{linkShareCount} links giving access.","%{linkShareCount} links giving access.","%{linkShareCount} посилань до яких надано доступ."],"%{name} already exists":"%{name} вже існує","%{resource} was restored successfully":"%{resource} було успішно відновлено","%{resourceCount} files restored successfully":"%{resourceCount} файлів успішно відновлено","%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully":["%{spaceCount} space was deleted successfully","%{spaceCount} spaces were deleted successfully","%{spaceCount} spaces were deleted successfully","%{spaceCount} Просторів успішно видалено"],"%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} space was disabled successfully","%{spaceCount} spaces were disabled successfully","%{spaceCount} spaces were disabled successfully","%{spaceCount} Просторів успішно вимкнено"],"%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully":["%{spaceCount} space was enabled successfully","%{spaceCount} spaces were enabled successfully","%{spaceCount} spaces were enabled successfully","%{spaceCount} Просторів успішно ввімкнено"],"%{used} of %{total} used (%{percentage}% used)":"%{used} від %{total} використано (%{percentage}% використано)","%{used} used (no restriction)":"%{used} використано (без обмежень)","⌘ + C":"⌘ + C","⌘ + V":"⌘ + V","⌘ + X":"⌘ + X","A-Z":"А-Я","Actions":"Дії","Add to favorites":"Додати в обрані","Added %{numFiles} file(s)":"Додано %{numFiles} файл(ів)","All Actions":"Усі Дії","All deleted files were removed":"Усі видалені файли остаточно видалено","All files":"Всі файли","An error occurred":"Виникла помилка","Anyone with the link can edit":"Редагувати можуть усі, хто має посилання","Anyone with the link can only upload, existing content is not revealed.":"Будь-хто, хто має посилання, може лише відвантажувати, існуючий вміст не розкривається.","Anyone with the link can upload":"Будь-хто, хто має посилання, може відвантажувати","Anyone with the link can view":"Переглядати можуть усі, хто має посилання","Anyone with the link can view and download.":"Переглядати та завантажувати можуть усі, хто має посилання","Anyone with the link can view, download and edit.":"Переглядати, завантажувати та редагувати можуть усі, хто має посилання","Anyone with the link can view, download and upload.":"Будь-хто, хто має посилання, може переглядати, завантажувати та відвантажувати.","Apply to all %{count} conflicts":"Застосувати до всіх %{count} конфліктів","Apply to all %{count} files":"Застосувати до всіх %{count} файлів","Apply to all %{count} folders":"Застосувати до всіх %{count} папок","Are you sure you want to delete all selected resources? All their content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Ви впевнені, що бажаєте видалити всі вибрані ресурси? Весь їхній вміст буде остаточно видалено. Цю дію не можна скасувати.","Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?":["Are you sure you want to delete the selected space?","Are you sure you want to delete %{count} selected spaces?","Are you sure you want to delete %{count} selected spaces?","Ви впевнені, що бажаєте видалити %{count} вибрані Простори?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this file? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цей файл? Весь його вміст буде остаточно видалено. Цю дію не можна скасувати.","Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All its content will be permanently removed. This action cannot be undone.":"Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цю папку? Весь її вміст буде остаточно видалено. Цю дію не можна скасувати.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete the listed items? You can’t undo this action.":"Ви впевнені, що бажаєте остаточно видалити перелічені елементи? Ви не можете скасувати цю дію.","At least %{param1} character long":["At least %{param1} character long","At least %{param1} characters long","At least %{param1} characters long","Принаймні %{param1} символів"],"At least %{param1} lowercase character":["At least %{param1} lowercase character","At least %{param1} lowercase characters","At least %{param1} lowercase characters","Принаймні %{param1} малих символів"],"At least %{param1} number":["At least %{param1} number","At least %{param1} numbers","At least %{param1} numbers","Принаймні %{param1} чисел"],"At least %{param1} of the special characters: %{param2}":"Принаймні %{param1} спеціальних символів: %{param2}","At least %{param1} uppercase character":["At least %{param1} uppercase character","At least %{param1} uppercase characters","At least %{param1} uppercase characters","Принаймні %{param1} символів у верхньому регістрі"],"At most %{param1} character long":["At most %{param1} character long","At most %{param1} characters long","At most %{param1} characters long","Максимальна довжина: %{param1} символів"],"Back to %{panel} panel":"Назад до панелі %{panel}","Back to main panels":"Повернутися до головної панелі","Can edit":"Може редагувати","Can upload":"Можна відвантажувати","Can view":"Можна переглядати","Cancel":"Скасувати","Change quota for %{count} Spaces":"Змінити квоту для %{count} Просторів","Change quota for Space \"%{name}\"":"Змінити квоту для Простору \"%{name}\"","Change subtitle for space":"Змінити опис Простору","Changes saved":"Зміни збережено","Close":"Закрити","Close file sidebar":"Закрити бічну панель файлів","Confirm":"Підтвердити","Connect to %{pluginName}":"Підключитися до %{pluginName}","Connection with Companion failed":"Помилка підключення до Компаньйона","Copied to clipboard!":"Скопійовано в буфер обміну!","Copy":"Копіювати","Copy here":"Скопіюйте сюди","Copy here?":"Копіювати сюди?","Copy link":"Копіювати посилання","Copy link failed":"Не вдалося скопіювати посилання","Copy WebDAV path":"Копіювати шлях WebDAV","Copy WebDAV path to clipboard":"Копіювати шлях WebDAV до буфера обміну","Copy WebDAV URL":"Копіювати URL WebDAV","Copy WebDAV URL to clipboard":"Скопіюйте URL-адресу WebDAV у буфер обміну","Create":"Створити","Create a new file":"Створіть новий файл","Create a new folder":"Створіть нову папку","Create a Shortcut":"Створіть ярлик","Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"":["Create link for \"%{resourceName}\"","Create links for the selected items","Create links for the selected items","Створіть посилання для вибраних елементів"],"Create links":"Створити посилання","Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"":["Create Space from \"%{resourceName}\"","Create Space from selection","Create Space from selection","Створити Простір із виділення"],"Create Space from selection":"Створити Простір із виділення","Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".":["Create Space with the content of \"%{resourceName}\".","Create Space with the selected files.","Create Space with the selected files.","Створіть Простір із вибраними файлами."],"Creating space failed…":"Не вдалося створити Простір…","Ctrl + C":"Ctrl + C","Ctrl + V":"Ctrl + V","Ctrl + X":"Ctrl + X","Current folder":"Поточна папка","Cut":"Вирізати","Cut to clipboard!":"Вирізати в буфер обміну!","Delete":"Видалити","Delete Space \"%{space}\"?":["Delete Space \"%{space}\"?","Delete %{spaceCount} Spaces?","Delete %{spaceCount} Spaces?","Видалити %{spaceCount} Простори?"],"Deleted":"Видалено","Details":"Деталі","Disable":"Вимкнути","Disable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Disable Space \"%{space}\"?","Disable %{spaceCount} Spaces?","Disable %{spaceCount} Spaces?","Вимкнути %{spaceCount} Простори?"],"Disable sync":"Вимкнути синхронізацію","Disabled":"Вимкнено","Disabled spaces cannot be entered":"Неможливо ввійти в вимкненний Простір","Disabled:":"Вимкнено:","Display customization options of the files list":"Відображення параметрів налаштування списку файлів","Don't Save":"Не зберігати","Download":"Завантажити","Download failed":"Помилка завантаження","Duplicate":"Дублікат","Edit description":"Редагувати опис","Edit expiration date":"Редагувати термін дії","Edit quota":"Редагувати квоту","Edit subtitle":"Редагувати опис","Empty trash bin":"Очистити кошик","Enable":"Увімкнути","Enable Space \"%{space}\"?":["Enable Space \"%{space}\"?","Enable %{spaceCount} Spaces?","Enable %{spaceCount} Spaces?","Увімкнути %{spaceCount} Простори?"],"Enable sync":"Увімкнути синхронізацію","Enabled:":"Увімкнено:","Enter the target URL of a webpage or the name of a file. Users will be directed to this webpage or file.":"Введіть цільову URL-адресу веб-сторінки або назву файлу. Користувачі будуть направлені на цю веб-сторінку або файл.","Expires %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})":"Термін дії закінчується %{timeToExpiry} (%{expiryDate})","Failed to change favorite state of \"%{file}\"":"Не вдалося змінити стан обраний для \"%{file}\"","Failed to change quota":"Не вдалося змінити квоту","Failed to change space quota":["Failed to change space quota","Failed to change quota for %{count} spaces","Failed to change quota for %{count} spaces","Не вдалося змінити квоту для %{count} Просторів"],"Failed to change space subtitle":"Не вдалося змінити опис простору","Failed to change user quota":["Failed to change user quota","Failed to change quota for %{count} users","Failed to change quota for %{count} users","Не вдалося змінити квоту для %{count} користувачів"],"Failed to copy \"%{name}\"":"Не вдалося скопіювати \"%{name}\"","Failed to copy %{count} resources":"Не вдалося скопіювати %{count} ресурсів","Failed to create file":"Не вдалося створити файл","Failed to create folder":"Не вдалося створити папку","Failed to create link":["Failed to create link","Failed to create links","Failed to create links","Не вдалося створити посилання"],"Failed to create shortcut":"Не вдалося створити ярлик","Failed to delete \"%{item}\"":"Не вдалося видалити \"%{item}\"","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\"":"Не вдалося видалити \"%{resource}\"","Failed to delete \"%{resource}\" - the file is locked":"Не вдалося видалити \"%{resource}\" - файл заблоковано","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space":["Failed to delete %{spaceCount} space","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} spaces","Failed to delete %{spaceCount} spaces","Не вдалося видалити %{spaceCount} Простори"],"Failed to delete space \"%{space}\"":"Не вдалося видалити Простір \"%{space}\"","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space":["Failed to disable %{spaceCount} space","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} spaces","Failed to disable %{spaceCount} spaces","Не вдалося вимкнути %{spaceCount} Просторів"],"Failed to disable space \"%{space}\"":"Не вдалося вимкнути Простір \"%{space}\"","Failed to disable sync for the the selected share":["Failed to disable sync for the the selected share","Failed to disable sync for the selected shares","Failed to disable sync for the selected shares","Не вдалося вимкнути синхронізацію для вибраних спільних ресурсів"],"Failed to download the selected folder.":["Failed to download the selected folder.","Failed to download the selected files.","Failed to download the selected files.","Не вдалося завантажити вибрані файли."],"Failed to duplicate space \"%{space}\"":"Не вдалося дублювати Простір \"%{space}\"","Failed to empty trash bin":"Не вдалося очистити кошик","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space":["Failed to enable %{spaceCount} space","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} spaces","Failed to enable %{spaceCount} spaces","Не вдалося ввімкнути %{spaceCount} Просторів"],"Failed to enable sync for the the selected share":["Failed to enable sync for the the selected share","Failed to enable sync for the selected shares","Failed to enable sync for the selected shares","Не вдалося ввімкнути синхронізацію для вибраних спільних ресурсів"],"Failed to enabled space \"%{space}\"":"Не вдалося ввімкнути Простір \"%{space}\"","Failed to hide the share":"Не вдалося приховати спільний доступ","Failed to move \"%{name}\"":"Не вдалося перемістити \"%{name}\"","Failed to move %{count} resources":"Не вдалося перемістити %{count} ресурсів","Failed to open shortcut":"Не вдалося відкрити ярлик","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Не вдалося перейменувати \"%{file}\" на \"%{newName}\"","Failed to rename \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Не вдалося перейменувати \"%{file}\" на \"%{newName}\" - файл заблоковано","Failed to rename space":"Не вдалося перейменувати Простір","Failed to restore \"%{resource}\"":"Не вдалося відновити \"%{resource}\"","Failed to restore %{resourceCount} files":"Не вдалося відновити %{resourceCount} файлів","Failed to set space description":"Не вдалося зазначити опис Простору","Failed to set space icon":"Не вдалося встановити значок Простору","Failed to set space image":"Не вдалося встановити зображення Простору","Failed to unhide share share":"Не вдалося показати спільний доступ","Favorite files":"Обрані файли","file":"файл","File already exists":"Файл уже існує","File autosaved":"Файл автоматично збережено","File could not be located":"Не вдалося знайти файл","File name":"Ім'я файлу","File name cannot be empty":"Назва файлу не може бути пустою","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Назва файлу не може дорівнювати \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Ім'я файлу не може дорівнювати \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Назва файлу не може містити \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Назва файлу не може закінчуватися пробілом","File with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Файл із назвою \"%{name}\" уже існує.","Files shared via link":"Файли, надіслані за посиланням","Files shared with me":"Файли, якими зі мною поділилися","Files shared with others":"Файли, надані іншим користувачам","Filter list":"Список фільтрів","folder":"папку","Folder already exists":"Папка вже існує","Folder name":"Назва папки","Folder name cannot be empty":"Назва папки не може бути пустою","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Назва папки не може дорівнювати \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Назва папки не може дорівнювати \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Назва папки не може містити \"/\"","Folder with name \"%{name}\" already exists.":"Папка з назвою \"%{name}\" вже існує.","Group By:":"Групувати за:","Hide":"Сховати","If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.":["If you disable the selected space, it can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.","If you disable the %{count} selected spaces, they can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.","If you disable the %{count} selected spaces, they can no longer be accessed. Only Space managers will still have access. Note: No files will be deleted from the server.","Якщо ви вимкнете %{count} вибраних Просторів, до них більше не буде доступу. Лише менеджери Просторів матимуть доступ. Примітка: файли не будуть видалені з сервера."],"If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.":["If you enable the selected space, it can be accessed again.","If you enable the %{count} selected spaces, they can be accessed again.","If you enable the %{count} selected spaces, they can be accessed again.","Якщо ви ввімкнете %{count} Просторів, до них можна буде знову отримати доступ."],"Importing failed":"Не вдалося імпортувати","Invited people":"Запрошені особи","Item in processing":"Елемент в обробці","Item locked":"Елемент заблоковано","Items per page":"Елементів на сторінці","Keep both":"Оберіть обидва","Largest":"Найбільший","Last activity":"Остання діяльність","Link":"Посилання","Link has been created successfully":"Посилання успішно створено","Link to a file":"Посилання на файл","Link works only for invited people. Login is required.":"Посилання працює тільки для запрошених осіб. Необхідно здійснити вхід.","Loaded %{numFiles} files":"Завантажено %{numFiles} файлів","Loading app":"Завантаження програми","Loading...":"Завантаження...","Log out":"Вийти","Manager":"Менеджер","Members":"Учасники","Modified":"Змінено","Moving files from one space to another is not possible. Do you want to copy instead?":"Переміщення файлів з одного Простору в інший неможливе. Бажаєте скопіювати файли ?","Must not be empty":"Не має бути порожнім","Name":"Ім'я","New file":"Новий файл","New folder":"Нова папка","New Folder":"Нова Папка","New project":"Новий проект","New Shortcut":"Новий ярлик","Newest":"Найновіший","No changes":"Без змін","No items selected.":"Елементи не вибрано.","No restriction":"Без обмежень","Note: Links and shares of the original file are not copied.":"Примітка. Посилання та спільний доступ до оригінального файлу не скопійовано.","Oldest":"Найстаріший","Only for invited people":"Тільки для запрошених осіб","Open folder":"Відкрити папку","Open in %{app}":"Відкрити в %{app}","Open link list in share panel":"Відкрити список посилань на панелі спільного доступу","Open member list in share panel":"Відкрити список учасників на панелі спільного доступу","Open share panel":"Відкрити панель спільного доступу","Open shortcut":"Відкрити ярлик","Opens in a new window":"Відкриється в новому вікні","Overview of the information about the selected space":"Попередній перегляд інформації про обраний Простір","Overview of the information about the selected spaces":"Попередній перегляд інформації про вибрані Простори","Password":"Пароль","Password cannot be set for internal links":"Пароль не можна встановити для внутрішніх посилань","Password must not be empty":"Пароль не повинен бути порожнім","Paste":"Вставити","Permanently delete file \"%{name}\"":"Назавжди видалити файл \"%{name}\"","Permanently delete folder \"%{name}\"":"Назавжди видалити папку \"%{name}\"","Permanently delete selected resource?":["Permanently delete selected resource?","Permanently delete %{amount} selected resources?","Permanently delete %{amount} selected resources?","Назавжди видалити %{amount} вибрані ресурси?"],"Personal":"Особисті","Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files":"Щоб вибрати файли, пройдіть автентифікацію за допомогою %{pluginName}","Please enter a value equal to or less than %{ quotaLimit }":"Будь-ласка введіть значення, що дорівнює або менше %{ quotaLimit }","Please enter only numbers":"Будь-ласка введіть лише цифри","Please provide a URL to a public link without password protection.":"Будь-ласка, надайте URL-адресу загальнодоступного посилання без захисту паролем.","Please turn on pop-ups and redirects in your browser settings to make sure everything works right.":"Увімкніть спливаючі вікна та переадресації в налаштуваннях браузера, щоб переконатися, що все працює коректно.","Pop-up and redirect block detected":"Виявлено блокування спливаючих вікон і перенаправлення","Public file upload":"Загальнодоступне відвантаження файлу","Public Link URL":"URL загальнодоступного посилання","Quota":"Квота","Quota was changed successfully":"Квоту успішно змінено","Remaining quota":"Залишок квоти","Remaining quota:":"Залишок квоти:","Remove expiration date":"Видаліть термін придатності","Remove from favorites":"Видалити з обраного","Rename":"Перейменувати","Rename file %{name}":"Перейменувати файл %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Перейменувати папку %{name}","Rename space":"Перейменувати Простір","Replace":"Замінити","Request new project":"Запит на новий проект","Restore":"Відновити","Restrictions":"Обмеження","Revert":"Повернути","Save":"Зберегти","Search results":"Результати пошуку","Secret File Drop":"Перетягнути секретний файл","Select %{smart_count}":"Виберіть %{smart_count}","Select a role":"Виберіть роль","Select a space 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створено","Show":"Показати","Show context menu":"Показати контекстне меню","Show deleted files":"Показати видалені файли","Show file extensions":"Показати розширення файлів","Show hidden files":"Показати приховані файли","Show invited people":"Показати запрошених осіб","Show links":"Показати посилання","Sign in with Google":"Увійдіть за допомогою Google","Size":"Розмір","Skip":"Пропустити","Smallest":"Найменший","Sort by %{ name }":"Сортувати за %{ name }","Sort by: ":"Сортувати за:","Space \"%{space}\" was deleted successfully":"Простір \"%{space}\" успішно видалено","Space \"%{space}\" was disabled successfully":"Простір \"%{space}\" успішно вимкнено","Space \"%{space}\" was duplicated successfully":"Простір \"%{space}\" був успішно продубльований","Space \"%{space}\" was enabled successfully":"Простір \"%{space}\" успішно ввімкнено","Space description was set successfully":"Опис Простору налаштовано успішно","Space icon was set successfully":"Значок Простору встановлено 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name cannot contain \"/\"":"Назва не може містити \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Ім’я не може закінчуватися пробілом","The selection exceeds the allowed archive size (max. %{maxSize})":"Обрані ресурси перевищують дозволений розмір архіву (макс. %{maxSize})","The share was hidden successfully":"Спільний доступ успішно приховано","The share was unhidden successfully":"Спільний доступ було успішно показано","There is not enough quota on \"%{spaceName}\" to save this file":"Недостатньо квоти на \"%{spaceName}\", щоб зберегти цей файл","There is not enough quota to save this file":"Недостатньо квоти для збереження цього файлу","This %{ resourceType } is shared by %{ user }":"Цей %{ resourceType } був наданий %{ користувачем }","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite":["This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invite","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invites","This %{ resourceType } is shared via %{ shareCount } invites","Цей %{ resourceType } доступний через %{ shareCount } запрошень"],"This file was updated outside this window. Please refresh the page (all changes will be lost).":"Цей файл було оновлено поза цим вікном. Будь ласка, оновіть сторінку (всі зміни буде втрачено).","This item is directly shared via links.":"Цей елемент доступний за посиланням.","This item is directly shared with others.":"Цей елемент надається безпосередньо іншим користувачам.","This item is in processing":"Цей елемент знаходиться в обробці","This item is locked":"Цей елемент заблоковано","This item is shared via links through one of the parent folders.":"Цей елемент доступний через посилання в одній із батьківських папок.","This item is shared with others through one of the parent folders.":"Цей елемент надається спільно з іншими через одну з батьківських папок.","This space has %{memberShareCount} member.":["This space has %{memberShareCount} member.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members.","У цій групі %{memberShareCount} учасників."],"This space has %{memberShareCount} members and %{linkShareCount} links.":"У цій групі %{memberShareCount} учасників та %{linkShareCount} посилань.","This space has %{memberShareCount} members and one link.":"Ця група має %{memberShareCount} учасників та одне посилання.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.":["This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} link.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} links.","This space has one member and %{linkShareCount} links.","У цій групі є один учасник та %{linkShareCount} посилань."],"Tile size":"Розмір плитки","Toggle selection":"Перемкнути вибір","Total quota":"Загальна квота","Total quota:":"Загальна квота:","Trash overview":"Огляд кошика","Unhide":"Показати","Unsaved changes":"Незбережені зміни","Used quota":"Використана квота","Used quota:":"Використана квота:","User quota was changed successfully":["User quota was changed successfully","Quota of %{count} users was changed successfully","Quota of %{count} users was changed successfully","Квоту %{count} користувачів було успішно змінено"],"Webpage or file":"Веб-сторінка або файл","You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.":["You can't paste the selected file at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.","You can't paste the selected files at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.","You can't paste the selected files at this location because you can't paste an item into itself.","Ви не можете вставити вибрані файли в це місце, оскільки ви не можете вставити елемент у нього самого."],"You're not authorized to save this file":"Ви не маєте права зберігати цей файл","Your changes were not saved. Do you want to save them?":"Ваші зміни не збережено. Ви хочете їх зберегти?","Z-A":"Я-А"}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/web-runtime/l10n/translations.json b/packages/web-runtime/l10n/translations.json index 7bfba2874c9..42a5f842352 100644 --- a/packages/web-runtime/l10n/translations.json +++ b/packages/web-runtime/l10n/translations.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"af":{},"ar":{"Access denied":"الدخول مرفوض","Account":"حساب","Account Information":"معلومات الحساب","Account menu":"قائمة الحساب","An error occurred while loading the public link":"حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الرابط العام","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"حدث خطأ أثناء حل الرابط الخاص","Application Switcher":"موزع التطبيق","Authentication failed":"فشلت المصادقة ","chat":"دردشة","Close":"غلق","Close sidebar to hide details":"إغلاق الشريط الجانبي لإخفاء التفاصيل","Continue":"إستمرار","documentation":"توثيق","Edit":"يحرر","Email":"بريد إلكتروني","Enter password for public link":"أدخل كلمة مرور الرابط العام","First and last name":"الاسم الأول والأخير","For help visit our":"للمساعدة قم بزيارة موقعنا","Group memberships":"أعضاء المجموعة","Guest":"ضيف","Incorrect password":"كلمة سر خاطئة","Loading":"جار التحميل","Loading public link…":"تحميل الرابط العام ...","Log out":"تسجيل الخروج","Login":"تسجيل الدخول","Missing or invalid config":"التكوين مفقود أو غير صالح","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"تم الانتقال إلى٪ {page Title}","New file":"ملف جديد","No email has been set up":"لم يتم إعداد بريد إلكتروني","Notifications":"إشعارات","Oidc callback":"رد اتصال Oidc","Oidc redirect":"إعادة توجيه Oidc","Open sidebar to view details":"افتح الشريط الجانبي لعرض التفاصيل","or join our":"او انظم الينا","Password":"كلمة المرور","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"يرجى الاتصال بالمسؤول إذا استمر هذا الخطأ.","Private link":"رابط خاص","Public link":"رابط عام","Resolving private link…":"جارٍ حل الارتباط الخاص ...","Show details":"اظهر التفاصيل","Top bar":"الشريط العلوي","Upload complete":"اكتمل التحميل","Upload failed":"فشل التحميل","User":"مستخدم","Username":"اسم المستخدم","You are not part of any group":"أنت لست جزءًا من أي مجموعة"},"bs":{},"bg":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } от %{ uploads } елемент е неуспешен","%{ errors } от %{ uploads } елемента са неуспешни"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } елемент се качва...","%{ filesInProgressCount } елемента се качват..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["Остава %{ roundedRemainingHours } час","Остават %{ roundedRemainingHours } часа"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["Остава %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } минута","Остават %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } минути"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["Качен %{ successfulUploads } елемент","Качени %{ successfulUploads } елемента"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} от %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} от %{total} използвани","%{used} used":"%{used} използвани","Access denied":"Отказан достъп","Account":"Профил","Account Information":"Информация за профила","Account menu":"Профилно меню","Activities":"Дейности","Admin":"Администратор","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Също така не забравяйте за повече информация да проверите конзолата на браузъра.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Възникна грешка при зареждането на публичната връзка","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Възникна грешка при разрешаването на поверителната връзка","Application Switcher":"Превключвател на приложения","Authentication failed":"Удостоверяването е неуспешно","Back to home":"Обратно към началото","Calculating estimated time...":"Изчисляване на приблизително време...","Can edit":"Може да редактира","Can manage":"Може да управлява","Can upload":"Може да качва","Can view":"Може да преглежда","Cancel upload":"Отмяна на качването","Change password":"Промяна на паролата","chat":"чат","Close":"Затваряне","Close sidebar to hide details":"Затворете страничната лента, за да скриете подробностите","Continue":"Продължете","Current password":"Текуща парола","documentation":"документация","Edit":"Редактиране","Email":"Имейл","Enter password for public link":"Въведете парола за публичната връзка","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Експортирането се обработва. Това може да отнеме до 24 часа.","Failed to change password":"Промяната на паролата е неуспешна ","Few seconds left":"Остават няколко секунди","Finalizing upload...":"Завършване на качването...","First and last name":"Име и Фамилия","For help visit our":"За помощ посетете нашата","GDPR export":"Експорт на GDPR","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"Експортирането на GDPR не може да бъде заявено. Моля, свържете се с администратор.","GDPR export has been requested":"Беше заявено експортиране на GDPR","Group memberships":"Групови членства","Guest":"Гост","Hide details":"Скриване на подробности","Imprint":"Отпечатък","Incorrect password":"Грешна парола","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (текущият ви браузър) не се поддържа официално. От съображения за сигурност, моля, преминете към друг браузър.","Language":"Език","Loading":"Зареждане","Loading public link…":"Зареждане на публичния адрес...","Log in":"Вход","Log in again":"Влезте отново","Log out":"Излизане","Logged out":"Излязохте","Logging you in":"Влизане в","Login":"Вход","Logout":"Изход","Logout from active devices":"Изход от активни устройства","Main navigation":"Основна навигация","Mark all as read":"Маркиране на всички като прочетени","Missing or invalid config":"Липсваща или невалидна конфигурация","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Преминаване към страницата %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Преминаване към страницата с лични файлове","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Преминаване към %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Нов файл","New password":"Нова парола","No activities":"Няма активност","No email has been set up":"Не е настроен имейл","Nothing new":"Нищо ново","Notifications":"Известия","Oidc callback":"Oidc обратно извикване","Oidc redirect":"Oidc пренасочване","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Отваряне на \"Споделено с мен\"","Open sidebar to view details":"Отворете страничната лента, за да видите подробности","Operation denied due to security policies":"Операцията е отказана поради политики за сигурност","or join our":"или се присъединете към нашата","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud анкета за обратна връзка","Parent folder does not exist":"Основната папка не съществува","Password":"Парола","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Паролата и потвърждението ѝ трябва да са идентични","Password was changed successfully":"Паролата е променена успешно","Pause upload":"Пауза на качването","Personal":"Лични","Personal storage":"Лично хранилище","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Лично хранилище (%{percentage}% използвани)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Моля, проверете дали файлът config.json съществува и дали е правилен.","Please choose...":"Моля, изберете...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Моля, свържете се с администратор ако тази грешка продължава.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Моля изчакайте, пренасочваме ви.","Preparing upload...":"Подготовка за качване...","Privacy":"Поверителност","Private link":"Поверителна връзка","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Дайте вашата обратна връзка: Бихме искали да подобрим уеб дизайна и ще се радваме да чуем отзиви ви. Благодарим ви! Екипът на ownCloud.","Public link":"Публична връзка","Quota exceeded":"Квотата е надвишена","Read more":"Прочетете още","Receive notification mails":"Получаване на имейли с известия","Repeat new password":"Повтаряне на новата парола","Request new export":"Заявка за ново експортиране","Resolving private link…":"Разрешаване на поверителната връзка...","Resume upload":"Подновяване на качването","Retry all failed uploads":"Повторен опит за всички неуспешни качвания","Scan for viruses":"Сканиране за вируси","Show details":"Показване на подробности","Show devices":"Показване на устройства","Sidebar navigation menu":"Навигационно меню в страничната лента","Skip to main":"Прескачане към главното","Space Admin":"Администраторско пространство","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Ресурсът не може да бъде намерен, може би вече не съществува.","The resource is not a public link.":"Ресурсът не е публична връзка.","This resource is password-protected":"Този ресурс е защитен с парола","Toggle sidebar":"Превключване на страничната лента","Top bar":"Горна лента","Unable to load account data…":"Неуспешно зареждане на данни за профила...","Unknown error":"Неизвестна грешка","Upload cancelled":"Качването е прекратено","Upload complete":"Качването завърши","Upload failed":"Качването е неуспешно","User":"Потребител","User Menu login":"Вход в потребителското меню","Username":"Потребителско име","View and download.":"Преглед и изтегляне.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Преглед, изтегляне, качване, редактиране и изтриване.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Открит е вирус \" %{description}\". За повече информация, моля свържете се с администратор.","You are not part of any group":"Не сте част от нито една група"},"cs":{"%{used} used":"%{used} použito","Access denied":"Přístup odepřen","Account":"Účet","Account Information":"Informace o účtu","Account menu":"Menu účtu","Activities":"Aktivity","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Při načítání veřejného odkazu došlo k chybě","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Při načítání odkazu nastala chyba","Application Switcher":"Přepínač Aplikací","Authentication failed":"Ověření selhalo","Cancel upload":"Zrušit nahrávání","Change password":"Změnit heslo","chat":"chat","Close":"Zavřít","Close sidebar to hide details":"Skryjte detaily zavřením postranního panelu","Continue":"Pokračovat","Current password":"Současné heslo","documentation":"dokumentace","Edit":"Upravit","Email":"Email","Enter password for public link":"Zadejte heslo pro veřejný odkaz","Failed to change password":"Nezdařilo se změnit 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used)":"Osobní úložistě (%{percentage}% využito)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Prosím zkontrolujte, zda existuje soubor config.json a zda je správně.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Pokud tato chyba přetrvává, kontaktujte administrátora.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Prosím vyčkejte, zatímco probíhá přesměrování.","Preparing upload...":"Příprava nahrávání...","Private link":"Soukromý odkaz","Public link":"Veřejný odkaz","Read more":"Číst dále","Repeat new password":"Zopakujte nové heslo","Resolving private link…":"Načítání soukromého odkazu...","Show details":"Zobrazit detaily","Unknown error":"Neznámá chyba","Upload cancelled":"Nahrávání zrušeno","Upload complete":"Nahrávání dokončeno","Upload failed":"Nahrávání selhalo","User":"Uživatel","Username":"Uživatelské jméno","View and download.":"Zobrazit a stáhnout.","You are not part of any group":"Nejste členem žádné skupiny"},"de":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } von %{ uploads } Datei fehlgeschlagen","%{ errors } von %{ uploads } Dateien fehlgeschlagen"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } Datei wird hochgeladen...","%{ filesInProgressCount } Dateien werden hochgeladen..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } Stunde verbleibend","%{ roundedRemainingHours } Stunden verbleibend"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } Minute verbleibend","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } Minuten verbleibend"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } Datei hochgeladen","%{ successfulUploads } Dateien hochgeladen"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} von %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} von %{total} benutzt","%{used} used":"%{used} verwendet","Access denied":"Zugriff verweigert","Account":"Konto","Account Information":"Kontoinformationen","Account menu":"Konto-Menü","Activities":"Aktivitäten","Admin":"Administrator","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Bitte prüfen Sie auch die Browser-Konsole für weitere Informationen.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Beim Laden des öffentlichen Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Beim Auflösen des privaten Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","Application Switcher":"Apps-Menü","Authentication failed":"Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen","Auto (same as system)":"Automatisch (dem System entsprechend)","Back to home":"Zurück zur Startseite","Calculating estimated time...":"Berechnung der voraussichtlichen Dauer...","Can edit":"Kann bearbeiten","Can manage":"Kann verwalten","Can upload":"Kann hochladen","Can view":"Kann anzeigen","Cancel upload":"Hochladen abbrechen","Change password":"Passwort ändern","chat":"Chat","Close":"Schließen","Close sidebar to hide details":"Seitenleiste schließen, um Details auszublenden","Continue":"Weiter","Current password":"Aktuelles Passwort","documentation":"Dokumentation","Download latest export":"Neuesten Export herunterladen","Edit":"Bearbeiten","Email":"E-Mail","Enter password for public link":"Passworteingabe für öffentlichen Link","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Export wird bearbeitet. Das kann bis zu 24 Stunden dauern.","Failed to change password":"Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts","Few seconds left":"Noch wenige Sekunden","Finalizing upload...":"Hochladen wird finalisiert...","First and last name":"Vor- und Nachname","For help visit our":"Für Hilfe besuchen Sie unsere","GDPR":"DSGVO","GDPR export":"Export nach §20 DSGVO","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"DSGVO-Export kann nicht angefordert werden. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihre Administration.","GDPR export has been requested":"DSGVO Export wird erstellt ...","Group memberships":"Gruppenzugehörigkeiten","Guest":"Gast","Hide details":"Details ausblenden","Imprint":"Impressum","Incorrect password":"Falsches Passwort","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (ihr aktuell verwendeter Browser) wird offiziell nicht unterstützt. Bitte verwenden Sie aus Sicherheitsgründen einen anderen Browser.","Language":"Sprache","Loading":"Lade ...","Loading public link…":"Lade öffentlichen Link…","Log in":"Anmelden","Log in again":"Erneut anmelden","Log out":"Abmelden","Logged out":"Abgemeldet","Logging you in":"Sie werden eingeloggt","Login":"Login","Logout":"Abmelden","Logout from active devices":"Von aktiven Geräten abmelden","Main navigation":"Hauptnavigation","Mark all as read":"Alle als gelesen markieren","Missing or invalid config":"Fehlende oder falsche Konfiguration","My Account":"Mein Konto","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Zur %{ pageName } Seite navigieren","Navigate to personal files page":"Zum persönlichen Speicherbereich navigieren","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Zur Seite %{ pageTitle } navigiert","New file":"Neue Datei","New password":"Neues Passwort","No activities":"Keine Aktivitäten","No email has been set up":"Es wurde noch keine E-Mail eingerichtet","Not logged in":"Nicht angemeldet","Nothing new":"Nichts Neues","Notifications":"Benachrichtigungen","OCM link":"OCM-Link","Oidc callback":"OIDC Callback","Oidc redirect":"OIDC Weiterleitung","OPEN":"ÖFFNEN","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Öffne \"Mit mir geteilt\"","Open sidebar to view details":"Seitenleiste öffnen, um Details einzublenden","Opening files from remote is disabled":"Fernzugriff auf Dateien ist deaktiviert.","Operation denied due to security policies":"Aus Sicherheitsgründen blockiert","or join our":"oder machen Sie mit bei ","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud Feedbackumfrage","Parent folder does not exist":"Der übergeordnete Ordner existiert nicht","Password":"Passwort","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Passwort und Passwort-Bestätigung müssen identisch sein","Password was changed successfully":"Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert","Pause upload":"Hochladen anhalten","Personal":"Persönlich","Personal storage":"Persönlicher Speicherplatz","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Persönlicher Speicher (%{percentage}% benutzt)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Bitte prüfen Sie, ob die config.json Konfigurationsdatei existiert und valide ist.","Please choose...":"Bitte auswählen...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator/die Administratorin, wenn dieser Fehler weiterhin besteht.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Bitte warten, Sie werden weitergeleitet","Preference saved.":"Einstellung gespeichert.","Preferences":"Einstellungen","Preparing upload...":"Hochladen wird vorbereitet...","Privacy":"Datenschutz","Private link":"Privater Link","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Geben Sie uns Feedback: Wir würden unser Webdesign gerne verbessern und freuen uns über Ihre Rückmeldung. Vielen Dank! \nIhr ownCloud Team.","Public link":"Öffentlicher Link","Quota exceeded":"Quota überschritten","Read more":"Mehr anzeigen","Receive notification mails":"Mich per E-Mail über Aktivitäten benachrichtigen.","Repeat new password":"Neues Passwort wiederholen","Request a personal data export according to §20 GDPR.":"Einen persönlichen Datenexport gemäß §20 DSGVO anfordern.","Request new export":"Neuen Export anfordern","Resolving private link…":"Auflösen des privaten Links…","Resume upload":"Hochladen fortsetzen","Retry all failed uploads":"Alle fehlgeschlagenen Downloads erneut starten","Scan for viruses":"Auf Viren prüfen","Set new password":"Neues Passwort festlegen","Show details":"Details anzeigen","Show devices":"Angemeldete Geräte anzeigen","Show WebDAV information in file details":"WebDAV-Information in Detailansicht der Datei anzeigen","Sidebar navigation menu":"Navigation in der Seitenleiste","Skip to main":"Zum Hauptinhalt springen","Space Admin":"Space Manager/-in","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"Der hochzuladende Ordner ist gesperrt.","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Der Link konnte nicht aufgelöst werden. Möglicherweise ist er nicht mehr gültig.","The resource is not a public link.":"Dies ist kein öffentlicher Link.","Theme":"Thema","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Das könnte aufgrund einer routinemäßigen Abmeldung aus Sicherheitsgründen geschehen sein oder Ihr Benutzerkonto ist inaktiv oder noch nicht freigeschaltet. Bitte versuchen Sie es nach einiger Zeit erneut oder wenden Sie sich an Ihre Administration.","This file or folder has been shared with you via \"%{parentShareName}\". Enable the sync for the share \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Diese Datei oder dieser Ordner wurde mit Ihnen über \"%{parentShareName}\" geteilt. Aktivieren Sie die Synchronisierung für die Freigabe \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Geteilt\" > \"Mit mir geteilt\", um sie anzusehen.","This file or folder has been shared with you. Enable the sync in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Dieser Ordner oder diese Datei wurde mit Ihnen geteilt. Aktivieren Sie die Synchronisierung in \"Geteilt\" > \"Mit mir geteilt\", um ihn anzusehen.","This resource is password-protected":"Diese Datei ist passwortgeschützt.","Toggle sidebar":"Seitenleiste ein-/ausklappen","Top bar":"Kopfleiste","Unable to load account data…":"Kontoinformationen konnten nicht geladen werden.","Unable to save preference…":"Einstellung kann nicht gespeichert werden.","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"Leider ist das Passwort ein häufig verwendetes Wort. Bitte wählen sie ein schwerer zu erratendes Wort.","Unknown error":"Unbekannter Fehler","Upload cancelled":"Hochladen abgebrochen","Upload complete":"Hochladen abgeschlossen","Upload failed":"Hochladen fehlgeschlagen","User":"Person","User Menu login":"Anmelden über Benutzer/-innen-Menü","Username":"Anmeldename","View and download.":"Anzeigen und herunterladen","View options":"Optionen anzeigen","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Anzeigen, herunterladen, hochladen, bearbeiten, hinzufügen und löschen","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Virus \"%{description}\" entdeckt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Administrator/Ihre Administratorin für weitere Informationen.","You are not part of any group":"Sie gehören keiner Gruppe an.","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"Diese Seite kann nach der Aktivierung der Synchronisierung der Freigabe neu geladen werden.","You have been logged out successfully.":"Die Abmeldung war erfolgreich."},"el":{"Account":"Λογαριασμός","Account Information":"Πληροφορίες λογαριασμού","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την φόρτωση του δημόσιου συνδέσμου","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την επίλυση του ιδιωτικού συνδέσμου","Continue":"Συνέχεια","documentation":"τεκμηρίωση","Edit":"Επεξεργασία","Email":"Email","For help visit our":"Για βοήθεια επισκεφθείτε την","Loading":"Γίνεται φόρτωση","Loading public link…":"Φόρτωση δημόσιου συνδέσμου…","Log out":"Αποσύνδεση","Login":"Σύνδεση","Logout":"Έξοδος","No email has been set up":"Δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί το ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο","Password":"Συνθηματικό","Resolving private link…":"Επίλυση ιδιωτικού συνδέσμου…","User":"Χρήστης","You are not part of any group":"Δεν είστε μέλος καμιάς ομάδας"},"es":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } de %{ uploads } elemento falló","%{ errors } de %{ uploads } elementos fallaron","%{ errors } de %{ uploads } elementos fallaron"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["Subiendo %{ filesInProgressCount } elemento...","Subiendo %{ filesInProgressCount } elementos...","Subiendo %{ filesInProgressCount } elementos..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } hora restante","%{ roundedRemainingHours } horas restantes","%{ roundedRemainingHours } horas restantes"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuto restante","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutos restantes","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutos restantes"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } elemento subido","%{ successfulUploads } elementos subidos","%{ successfulUploads } elementos subidos"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} de %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} de %{total} usado","%{used} used":"%{used} usado","Access denied":"Acceso denegado","Account":"Cuenta","Account Information":"Información de cuenta","Account menu":"Menú de cuenta","Activities":"Actividades","Admin":"Administrador","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"También, asegúrese de revisar la consola del navegador para más información. ","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Se ha producido un error al cargar el enlace público","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Se ha producido un error resolviendo el enlace privado ","Application Switcher":"Cambio de aplicación","Authentication failed":"Fallo de autentificación","Auto (same as system)":"Automático (igual que el sistema)","Back to home":"Volver a la página de inicio","Calculating estimated time...":"Calculando tiempo estimado...","Can edit":"Puede editar","Can manage":"Puede gestionar","Can upload":"Puede cargar","Can view":"Puede ver","Cancel upload":"Cancelar subida","Change password":"Cambiar contraseña","chat":"chat","Close":"Cerrar","Close sidebar to hide details":"Cerrar el menú lateral para ocultar los detalles","Continue":"Continuar","Current password":"Contraseña actual","Default progress bar":"Barra de progreso por defecto","documentation":"documentación","Download latest export":"Descargar última exportación","Edit":"Editar","Email":"Correo electrónico","Enter password for public link":"Introduce la contraseña para el enlace público","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Se está procesando la exportación. Esto puede tardar hasta 24 horas.","Extensions":"Extensiones","Failed to change password":"Error al cambiar la contraseña","Few seconds left":"Quedan unos pocos segundos","Finalizing upload...":"Finalizando subida...","First and last name":"Nombre y apellido","For help visit our":"Para ayuda visite nuestra","GDPR":"GDPR","GDPR export":"Exportación GDPR","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"No se ha podido solicitar la exportación GDPR. Póngase en contacto con un administrador.","GDPR export has been requested":"Se ha solicitado la exportación GDPR","Global progress bar":"Barra de progreso global","Group memberships":"Membresía de grupo","Guest":"Invitado","Hide details":"Esconder detalles","Imprint":"Aviso legal","Incorrect password":"Contraseña incorrecta","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (su navegador actual) no esta soportado oficialmente. Por razones de seguridad, por favor cambie a otro navegador.","Language":"Idioma","Loading":"Cargando","Loading public link…":"Cargando enlace público...","Log in":"Iniciar sesión","Log in again":"Iniciar sesión de nuevo","Log out":"Salir","Logged out":"Sesión cerrada","Logging you in":"Inicio de sesión en proceso","Login":"Iniciar sesión","Logout":"Cerrar sesión","Logout from active devices":"Cerrar sesión en los dispositivos activos","Main navigation":"Navegación principal","Mark all as read":"Marcar todo como leído","Missing or invalid config":"Configuración faltante o inválida","My Account":"Mi cuenta","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Vaya a la página %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Vaya a la página de archivos personales","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Vaya hasta %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Nuevo archivo","New password":"Nueva contraseña","New password must be different from current password":"La contraseña no puede ser igual que la anterior","No activities":"No hay actividades","No email has been set up":"No se ha establecido ningún correo electrónico","Not logged in":"No ha iniciado sesión","Nothing new":"Nada nueo","Notifications":"Notificaciones","OCM link":"Enlace OCM","Oidc callback":"callback Oidc","Oidc redirect":"redirección Oidc","OPEN":"ABRIR","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Abrir \"Compartido conmigo\"","Open sidebar to view details":"Abrir el menú lateral para ver los detalles","Opening files from remote is disabled":"Abrir recursos remotos está deshabilitado","Operation denied due to security policies":"Operación denegada por políticas de seguridad","or join our":"o únase a nosotros","ownCloud feedback survey":"encuesta de ownCloud","Parent folder does not exist":"La carpeta principal no existe ","Password":"Contraseña","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"La contraseña y la confirmación de contraseña deben ser idénticas","Password was changed successfully":"La contraseña ha sido cambiada con éxito","Pause upload":"Pausar subida","Personal":"Personal","Personal storage":"Almacenamiento personal","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Almacenamiento personal (%{percentage}% usado)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Por favor revise que el archivo config.json existe y es correcto.","Please choose...":"Por favor, elija...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Contacta con el administrador si el error persiste","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Por favor espere. Lo estamos redireccionando.","Preference saved.":"Preferencias guardadas.","Preferences":"Preferencias","Preparing upload...":"Preparando subida...","Privacy":"Privacidad","Private link":"Enlace privado","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Denos su opinión. Queremos mejorar el diseño web y estaríamos felices de escuchar su opinión. ¡Gracias! Tu equipo de ownCloud.","Public link":"Enlace público","Quota exceeded":"Se ha superado la cuota","Read more":"Leer más","Receive notification mails":"Recibir notificaciones por correo electrónico","Repeat new password":"Repite la nueva contraseña","Request new export":"Solicitar nueva exportación","Resolving private link…":"Resolviendo enlace privado...","Resume upload":"Reanudar la carga","Retry all failed uploads":"Reintentar todas las subidas fallidas","Scan for viruses":"Detección de virus","Set new password":"Establece una contraseña nueva","Show details":"Mostrar detalles","Show devices":"Mostrar dispositivos","Show WebDAV information in file details":"Ver información sobre WebDAV en los detalles del archivo","Sidebar navigation menu":"Menu lateral de navegación","Skip to main":"Volver al inicio","Space Admin":"Administrador del espacio","The folder you were accessing has been removed. Please navigate to another location.":"La carpeta a la que estaba accediendo fue eliminada. Por favor vaya a otra carpeta","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"La carpeta a la que intenta subir está bloqueada","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"No se ha podido localizar el recurso, puede que ya no exista.","The resource is not a public link.":"Este recurso no es un enlace público.","Theme":"Tema","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Esto puede deberse a un cierre de sesión de seguridad rutinario o a que su cuenta está inactiva o aún no está autorizada para su uso. Por favor, intente conectarse después de un rato o pida ayuda a su administrador.","This resource is password-protected":"Este recurso está protegido por una contraseña","Toggle sidebar":"Cambiar barra lateral","Top bar":"Barra superior","Unable to load account data…":"No se pueden cargar los datos de la cuenta...","Unable to save preference…":"No se fue posible guardar las preferencias...","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"Desafortunadamente, su contraseña es muy común. Por favor, elija una contraseña más difícil de adivinar para su seguridad.","Unknown error":"Error desconocido","Upload cancelled":"Subida cancelada","Upload complete":"Subida completa","Upload failed":"Subida fallida","User":"Usuario","User Menu login":"Inicio de sesión en el menú de usuario","Username":"Usuario","View and download.":"Ver y descargar.","View options":"Opciones de vista","View, download and edit.":"Ver, descargar y editar","View, download and upload.":"Ver, descargar y subir","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Ver, descargar, subir, editar, añadir y eliminar.","View, download, upload, edit, add, delete and manage members.":"Ver, descargar, subir, editar, añadir, eliminar y gestionar miembros.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Virus \"%{description}\" detectado. Póngase en contacto con su administrador para obtener más información.","You are not part of any group":"No eres parte de ningún grupo","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"Puedes recargar esta página tras habilitar la sincronización de recursos compartidos.","You have been logged out successfully.":"Se ha cerrado sesión con éxito","Your access to this share has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Tu acceso a este recurso ha sido revocado. Por favor vaya a otra ubicación.","Your access to this space has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Tu acceso a este espacio ha sido revocado. Por favor vaya a otra ubicación."},"et":{},"fr":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } élément sur %{ uploads } échoué","%{ errors } éléments sur %{ uploads } échoués","%{ errors } éléments sur %{ uploads } échoués"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["Envoi de %{ filesInProgressCount } élément…","Envoi de %{ filesInProgressCount } élément…","Envoi de %{ filesInProgressCount } éléments…"],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } heure restante","%{ roundedRemainingHours } heure restante","%{ roundedRemainingHours } heures restantes"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute restante","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutes restantes","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutes restantes"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } élément envoyé","%{ successfulUploads } éléments envoyés","%{ successfulUploads } éléments envoyés"],"%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} sur %{total} utilisé","%{used} used":"%{used} utilisé","Access denied":"Accès refusé","Account":"Compte","Account Information":"Informations de compte","Account menu":"Menu du compte","Activities":"Activités","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Aussi, vérifiez la console de votre navigateur pour plus d'informations.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Une erreur est apparue lors du chargement du lien public","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Une erreur est apparue lors de la résolution du lien privé","Application Switcher":" Changeur d'applications","Authentication failed":"Error d'authentification","Calculating estimated time...":"Calcul du temps nécessaire…","Cancel upload":"Annuler l'envoi","Change password":"Modifier le mot de passe","chat":"chat","Close":"Fermer","Close sidebar to hide details":"Fermer le panneau latéral pour cacher les détails","Continue":"Continuer","Current password":"Mot de passe actuel","documentation":"documentation","Edit":"Editer","Email":"Email","Enter password for public link":"Entrer le mot de passe du lien public","Failed to change password":"Échec de la modification du mot de passe","Few seconds left":"Plus que quelques secondes","First and last name":"Prénom et nom","For help visit our":"Pour de l'aide visiter notre ","Group memberships":"Membres du groupe","Guest":" Invité","Hide details":"Masquer les détails","Incorrect password":"Mot de passe incorrect","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (votre navigateur actuel) n'est plus officiellement supporté. Pour des raisons de sécurité, utilisez un autre navigateur.","Loading":"Chargement","Loading public link…":"Chargement du lien public...","Log out":"Se déconnecter","Logged out":"Déconnecté","Logging you in":"En cours d'identification","Login":"Se connecter","Main navigation":"Navigation principale","Missing or invalid config":"Configuration manqante ou incorrecte","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Aller vers la page %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Aller vers la page des fichiers personnels","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Aller vers %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Nouveau fichier","New password":"Nouveau mot de passe","No activities":"Pas d'activités","No email has been set up":"Pas d'adresse e-mail configurée","Notifications":"Notifications","Oidc callback":"Rappel Oidc","Oidc redirect":"Redirection Oidc","Open sidebar to view details":"Ouvrir le panneau latéral pour voir les détails","or join our":"ou rejoigner notre","ownCloud feedback survey":"Enquête d'opinion sur ownCloud","Password":"Mot de passe","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Le mot de passe et la confirmation doivent être identiques","Password was changed successfully":"Le mot de passe a bien été modifié","Pause upload":"Mettre en pause l'envoi","Personal":"Personnel","Personal storage":"Stockage personnel","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Stockage personnel (%{percentage}% utilisé)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"S'il vous plait, vérifiez que le fichier config.json existe et qu'il est correcte","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si cette erreur persiste.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Veuillez patienter, vous allez être redirigé.","Preparing upload...":"Préparation de l'envoi…","Private link":"Lien privé","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Donner votre retour : nous aimerions améliorer le design du site web et nous serions heureux d'avoir votre retour. Merci ! Votre équipe ownCloud.","Public link":"Lien public","Read more":"Lire plus","Repeat new password":"Saisissez à nouveau le nouveau mot de passe","Resolving private link…":"Résolution du lien privé...","Resume upload":"Reprendre l'envoi","Retry all failed uploads":"Réessayer tous les envois échoués","Show details":"Afficher les détails","Sidebar navigation menu":"manu de navigation du panneau latéral","Skip to main":"Passer le principal","This resource is password-protected":"Cette ressource est protégée par mot de passe","Toggle sidebar":"Basculer l'affichage de la barre latérale","Top bar":"Barre supérieure","Unknown error":"Erreur inconnue","Upload cancelled":"Envoi annulé","Upload complete":"Upload terminé","Upload failed":"Upload a échoué","User":"Utilisateur","Username":"Nom d'utilisateur","View and download.":"Afficher et télécharger","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Afficher, télécharger, téléverser, éditer, ajouter et supprimer.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Virus \"%{description}\" détecté. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur pour plus d'informations.","You are not part of any group":"Vous n'êtes membre d'aucun groupe"},"gl":{"Account":"Conta","Account Information":"Información da conta","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Produciuse un erro ao cargar a ligazón pública","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Produciuse un erro ao resolver a ligazón privada","Application Switcher":"Cambiador de aplicacións","Authentication failed":"Produciuse un fallo de autenticación","Continue":"Continuar","documentation":"documentación","Edit":"Editar","Enter password for public link":"Introduza o contrasinal para a ligazón pública","For help visit our":"Para obter axuda visite o noso","Guest":"Convidado","Incorrect password":"Contrasinal incorrecta","Loading":"Cargando","Loading public link…":"Cargando a ligazón pública…","Log out":"Saír","Login":"Acceso","Logout":"Saír","New file":"Novo ficheiro","No email has been set up":"Non se configurou ningún correo-e","Notifications":"Notificacións","Password":"Contrasinal","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se persiste o erro.","Public link":"Ligazón pública","Resolving private link…":"Resolvendo a ligazón privada…","Upload complete":"Envío completado","Upload failed":"Produciuse un fallo no envío","User":"Usuario","You are not part of any group":"Vostede non forma parte de ningún grupo"},"he":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["פריט אחד נכשל","%{ errors } מתוך %{ uploads } פריטים נכשלו","%{ errors } מתוך %{ uploads } פריטים נכשלו","%{ errors } מתוך %{ uploads } פריטים נכשלו"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":[" פריט נשלח…","%{ filesInProgressCount } פריטים נשלחים…","%{ filesInProgressCount } פריטים נשלחים…"],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["נותרה שעה","נותרו שעתיים","נותרו %{ roundedRemainingHours } שעות","נותרו %{ roundedRemainingHours } שעות"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["נותרה דקה","נותרו %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } דקות","נותרו %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } דקות","נותרו %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } דקות"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["פריט נשלח","%{ successfulUploads } פריטים נשלחו","%{ successfulUploads } פריטים נשלחו","%{ successfulUploads } פריטים נשלחו"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} מתוך %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed} לשנייה)","%{used} of %{total} used":"מנוצלים %{used} מתוך %{total}","%{used} used":"%{used} בשימוש","Access denied":"הגישה נדחתה","Account":"חשבון","Account Information":"פרטי חשבון","Account menu":"תפריט חשבון","Activities":"פעילויות","Admin":"ניהול","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"כמו כן, אפשר להציץ במסוף הדפדפן לקבלת מידע נוסף.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"שגיאה אירעה בזמן טעינת הקישור הציבורי","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"שגיאה אירעה בזמן העבודה על הקישור הפרטי","Application Switcher":"בורר יישומים","Authentication failed":"אימות נכשל","Calculating estimated time...":"הזמן שנותר מחושב…","Cancel upload":"ביטול העלאה","Change password":"החלפת סיסמה","chat":"צ׳אט","Close":"סגירה","Close sidebar to hide details":"סגירת הלוח תסתיר את הפרטים","Continue":"המשך","Current password":"סיסמה נוכחית","documentation":"תיעוד","Edit":"עריכה","Email":"דוא״ל","Enter password for public link":"הכנסת סיסמה לקישור ציבורי","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"מתבצע ייצוא. יכול לארוך עד 24 שעות.","Failed to change password":"החלפת הסיסמה נכשלה","Few seconds left":"נותרו שניות ספורות","Finalizing upload...":"ההעלאה מסתיימת…","First and last name":"שם פרטי ומשפחה","For help visit our":"לעזרה, ניתן לבקר ב־","GDPR export":"ייצוא GDPR","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"לא ניתן לבקש ייצוא של ה־GDPR. נא ליצור קשר עם ההנהלה.","GDPR export has been requested":"ייצוא ה־GDPR התבקש","Group memberships":"חברות בקבוצות","Guest":"אורח","Hide details":"הסתרת פרטים","Incorrect password":"סיסמה שגויה","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (הדפדפן הנוכחי) אינו נתמך רשמית. מטעמי אבטחה, מומלץ לעבור לדפדפן אחר.","Language":"שפה","Loading":"בטעינה","Loading public link…":"קישור ציבורי נטען…","Log in again":"כניסה מחדש","Log out":"יציאה","Logged out":"יצאת","Logging you in":"המערכת מכניסה אותך","Login":"כניסה","Logout":"יציאה","Logout from active devices":"יציאה מהתקנים פעילים","Main navigation":"ניווט ראשי","Mark all as read":"לסמן הכול כנקרא","Missing or invalid config":"הגדרות חסרות או שגויות","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"ניווט לעמוד %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"ניווט לעמוד הקבצים האישיים","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"ניווטת אל %{ pageTitle }","New file":"קובץ חדש","New password":"סיסמה חדשה","No activities":"אין פעילויות","No email has been set up":"לא הוגדר דוא״ל","Nothing new":"שום דבר חדש","Notifications":"הודעות","Oidc callback":"קריאה חוזרת של Oidc","Oidc redirect":"הפנייה של Oidc","Open \"Shared with me\"":"פתיחת „שותפו אתי”","Open sidebar to view details":"פתיחת סרגל צד כדי להציג פרטים","or join our":"או להצטרף אל","ownCloud feedback survey":"סקר המשוב של ownCloud","Parent folder does not exist":"תיקיית ההורה לא קיימת","Password":"סיסמה:","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"הסיסמה ואימות הסיסמה חייבים להיות זהים","Password was changed successfully":"הסיסמה הוחלפה בהצלחה","Pause upload":"השהיית העלאה","Personal":"אישי","Personal storage":"אחסון אישי","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"אחסון אישי (%{percentage}% נוצלו)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"נא לבדוק שהקובץ config.json קיים ושהוא נכון.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"יש ליצור קשר עם האדמין אם שגיאה זו נמשכת.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"נא להמתין, מתבצעת הפנייה.","Preparing upload...":"ההעלאה בהכנה…","Private link":"קישור פרטי","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"נא לספק את המשוב שלך: נרצה לשפר את עיצוב המערכת ונשמח לשמוע את המשוב המלא שלך! צוות ה־ownCloud שלך.","Public link":"קישור ציבורי","Quota exceeded":"חריגה מהמכסה","Repeat new password":"חזרה על הסיסמה החדש","Request new export":"בקשת מידע מיוצא חדש","Resolving private link…":"הקישור הפרטי מאותר…","Resume upload":"המשך העלאה","Retry all failed uploads":"לנסות שוב את כל ההעלאות שנכשלו","Scan for viruses":"סריקה לאיתור וירוסים","Show details":"הצגת פרטים","Show devices":"הצגת התקנים","Sidebar navigation menu":"תפריט ניווט בסרגל צד","Skip to main":"דילוג לראשי","This resource is password-protected":"משאב זה מוגן בסיסמה","Toggle sidebar":"החלפת מצב סרגל צד","Top bar":"סרגל עליון","Unknown error":"שגיאה לא ידועה","Upload cancelled":"ההעלאה בוטלה","Upload complete":"העלאה הושלמה","Upload failed":"העלאה נכשלה","User":"משתמש","Username":"שם משתמש","You are not part of any group":"לא הצטרפת לאף קבוצה"},"hr":{},"id":{"Edit":"Ubah","Guest":"Tamu","Read more":"Baca selengkapnya"},"it":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } di %{ uploads } oggetto non caricato","%{ errors } di %{ uploads } oggetti non caricati","%{ errors } di %{ uploads } oggetti non caricati"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["Caricamento di %{ filesInProgressCount } oggetto...","Caricamento di %{ filesInProgressCount } oggetti...","Caricamento di %{ filesInProgressCount } oggetti..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } ora rimanente","%{ roundedRemainingHours } ore rimanenti","%{ roundedRemainingHours } ore rimanenti"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuto rimanente","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuti rimanenti","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuti rimanenti"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } oggetto caricato","%{ successfulUploads } oggetti caricati","%{ successfulUploads } oggetti caricati"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} di %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"Usato %{used} di %{total}","%{used} used":"Usato %{used}","Access denied":"Accesso negato","Account":"Utente","Account Information":"Informazioni utente","Account menu":"Menu utente","Activities":"Attività","Admin":"Amministratore","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Inoltre, si consiglia di controllare la console del browser per ulteriori informazioni","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Si è verificato un errore nel caricamento del collegamento pubblico","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Si è verificato un errore nella risoluzione del collegamento privato","Application Switcher":"Application Switcher","Authentication failed":"Autenticazione fallita","Calculating estimated time...":"Calcolo tempo rimanente...","Can edit":"Può modificare","Can manage":"Può gestire","Can upload":"Può caricare","Can view":"Può visualizzare","Cancel upload":"Annulla caricamento","Change password":"Cambia la password","chat":"chat","Close":"Chiudi","Close sidebar to hide details":"Chiudere la barra laterale per nascondere i dettagli","Continue":"Continua","Current password":"Password corrente","documentation":"documentazione","Edit":"Modifica","Email":"Email","Enter password for public link":"Inserire la password per il collegamento pubblico","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Stiamo processando l'export. Questa operazione può richiedere fino a 24 ore.","Failed to change password":"Non è stato possibile modificare la password","Few seconds left":"Ancora qualche secondo","Finalizing upload...":"Fasi finali del caricamento in corso...","First and last name":"Nome e cognome","For help visit our":"Per aiuto consulta","GDPR export":"GDPR export","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"Non è stato possibile richiedere l'export del GDPR. Contattare un amministratore.","GDPR export has been requested":"È stato richiesto l'export del GDPR","Group memberships":"Appartenenza ai gruppi","Guest":"Ospite","Hide details":"Nascondi dettagli","Incorrect password":"Password sbagliata","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (il suo browser attuale) non è ufficialmente supportato. Per ragioni di sicurezza si prega di cambiare browser.","Language":"Lingua","Loading":"Caricamento","Loading public link…":"Caricamento collegamento pubblico...","Log in again":"Accedere nuovamente","Log out":"Esci","Logged out":"Uscito con successo","Logging you in":"Accesso in corso","Login":"Login","Logout":"Uscita","Logout from active devices":"Uscire dai dispositivi attivi","Main navigation":"Navigazione principale","Mark all as read":"Segna tutti come letti","Missing or invalid config":"Configurazione mancante o invalida","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Vai alla pagina %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Vai alla pagina dei file personali","New password":"Nuova password","No activities":"Nessuna attività","No email has been set up":"Non è stata impostata nessuna email","Nothing new":"Niente di nuovo","Notifications":"Notifiche","Oidc callback":"Callback OIDC","Oidc redirect":"Reindirizzamento OIDC","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Apri \"Condivisi con me\"","Open sidebar to view details":"Apri la barra laterale per visualizzare i dettagli","or join our":"o unisciti a","ownCloud feedback survey":"Sondaggio ownCloud","Parent folder does not exist":"Cartella superiore non esiste","Password":"Password","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"I campi password e conferma password devono combaciare","Password was changed successfully":"Password cambiata con successo","Pause upload":"Metti il caricamento in pausa","Personal":"Personale","Personal storage":"Archivio personale","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Spazio personale (utilizzato al %{percentage}%)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Controlla se il file config.json esiste ed è corretto","Please choose...":"Effettuare una scelta...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Contatta l'amministratore se questo errore persiste","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Reindirizzamento in corso, attendere prego.","Preparing upload...":"Preparazione caricamento...","Private link":"Link privato","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Fatti sentire: cerchiamo costantemente di migliorare il design web e vorremmo sentire la tua opinione. Grazie! Il tuo team ownCloud.","Public link":"Link pubblico","Quota exceeded":"Quota ecceduta","Read more":"Scopri di più","Receive notification mails":"Ricevere notifiche via mail","Repeat new password":"Ripetere la nuova password","Request new export":"Richiedi nuovo export","Resolving private link…":"Risoluzione del collegamento privato in corso","Resume upload":"Riprendere il caricamento","Retry all failed uploads":"Riprovare tutti i caricamenti falliti","Scan for viruses":"Effettua una scansione alla ricerca di virus","Show details":"Visualizza dettagli","Show devices":"Mostra dispositivi","Sidebar navigation menu":"Barra di navigazione laterale","Space Admin":"Space Admin","This resource is password-protected":"Questa risorsa è protetta da password","Toggle sidebar":"Mostra / nascondi barra laterale","Top bar":"Barra superiore","Unable to load account data…":"Impossibile caricare i dati dell'account...","Unknown error":"Errore sconosciuto","Upload cancelled":"Caricamento cancellato","Upload complete":"Caricamento completato","Upload failed":"Caricamento fallito","User":"Utente","Username":"Nome utente","View and download.":"Visualizza e scarica.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Visualizza, scarica, carica, modifica, aggiungi ed elimina.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"È stato rilevato il virus \"%{description}\". Contattare l'amministratore per maggiori informazioni.","You are not part of any group":"Non sei parte di alcun gruppo"},"ja":{},"pl":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["Nieudane przesyłanie %{ errors } z %{ uploads } pliku","Nieudane przesyłanie %{ errors } z %{ uploads } plików","Nieudane przesyłanie %{ errors } z %{ uploads } plików","Nieudane przesyłanie %{ errors } z %{ uploads } plików"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["Przesyłanie %{ filesInProgressCount } pliku...","Przesyłanie %{ filesInProgressCount } plików...","Przesyłanie %{ filesInProgressCount } plików...","Przesyłanie %{ filesInProgressCount } plików..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["Pozostała %{ roundedRemainingHours } godzina","Pozostały %{ roundedRemainingHours } godziny","Pozostało %{ roundedRemainingHours } godzin","Pozostało %{ roundedRemainingHours } godzin"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["Pozostała %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuta","Pozostały %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuty","Pozostało %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minut","Pozostało %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minut"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["Pomyślnie przesłano %{ successfulUploads } plik","Pomyślnie przesłano %{ successfulUploads } pliki","Pomyślnie przesłano %{ successfulUploads } plików","Pomyślnie przesłano %{ successfulUploads } plików"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} z %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"Użyto %{used} z %{total}.","%{used} used":"Użyto %{used}","Access denied":"Odmowa dostępu","Account":"Konto","Account Information":"Informacje o koncie","Account menu":"Menu konta","Activities":"Aktywności","Admin":"Administrator","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Sprawdź jeszcze konsolę przeglądarki, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Wystąpił problem przy próbie otwarcia publicznego linku","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Wystąpił problem przy próbie otwarcia prywatnego linku","Application Switcher":"Przełącznik Aplikacji","Authentication failed":"Uwierzytelnianie nie powiodło się","Back to home":"Wróć na stronę główną","Calculating estimated time...":"Obliczanie przybliżonego czasu...","Can edit":"Może edytować","Can manage":"Może zarządzać","Can upload":"Może przesłać","Can view":"Może zobaczyć","Cancel upload":"Przerwij przesyłanie","Change password":"Zmień hasło","chat":"czat","Close":"Zamknij","Close sidebar to hide details":"Zamknij panel boczny by ukryć szczegóły","Continue":"Kontynuuj","Current password":"Bieżące hasło","documentation":"dokumentacja","Edit":"Edycja","Email":"Email","Enter password for public link":"Wprowadź hasło dla linku publicznego","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Eksport jest przygotowywany. Może to zając do 24 godzin.","Failed to change password":"Nieudana zmiana hasła","Few seconds left":"Pozostało kilka sekund","Finalizing upload...":"Zakańczanie przesyłania...","First and last name":"Imię i nazwisko","For help visit our":"Aby otrzymać pomoc, odwiedź","GDPR export":"Eksport GDPR","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"Żądanie eksportu GDPR nie powiodło się. Skontaktuj się z administratorem.","GDPR export has been requested":"Zażądano eksportu GDPR","Group memberships":"Członkostwa grupy","Guest":"Gość","Hide details":"Ukryj szczegóły","Incorrect password":"Hasło nieprawidłowe","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (obecnie używana przeglądarka) nie jest już oficjalnie obsługiwana. Ze względu na bezpieczeństwo, użyj proszę innej przeglądarki.","Language":"Język","Loading":"Ładowanie","Loading public link…":"Otwieranie linku publicznego...","Log in":"Zaloguj","Log in again":"Zaloguj się ponownie","Log out":"Wyloguj","Logged out":"Wylogowano","Logging you in":"Trwa logowanie","Login":"Logowanie","Logout":"Wylogowanie","Logout from active devices":"Wyloguj z aktywnych urządzeń","Main navigation":"Główna nawigacja","Mark all as read":"Oznacz wszystko jako przeczytane","Missing or invalid config":"Brakująca lub nieprawidłowa konfiguracja","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Przejdź do strony %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Przejdź do strony z plikami prywatnymi","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Przejdź do %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Nowy plik","New password":"Nowe hasło","No activities":"Brak aktywności","No email has been set up":"Nie ustawiono adresu e-mail","Not logged in":"Nie zalogowany","Nothing new":"Brak powiadomień","Notifications":"Powiadomienia","Oidc callback":"Odwołanie oidc","Oidc redirect":"Przekierowanie oidc","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Otwórz \"Udostępnione dla mnie\"","Operation denied due to security policies":"Odmowa wykonania operacji z powodu zasad bezpieczeństwa","or join our":"lub dołącz do naszego","ownCloud feedback survey":"Ankieta informacji zwrotnej ownCloud","Parent folder does not exist":"Folder nadrzędny nie istnieje","Password":"Hasło","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Hasło i jego powtórzenie muszą być takie same","Password was changed successfully":"Hasło zostało pomyślnie zmienione","Pause upload":"Wstrzymaj przesyłanie","Personal":"Prywatne","Personal storage":"Magazyn osobisty","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Magazyn osobisty (%{percentage}% w użyciu)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Sprawdź, czy plik config.json istnieje i jest poprawny.","Please choose...":"Wybierz...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Jeżeli błąd będzie wciąż się pojawiał, skontaktuj się z administratorem.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Poczekaj na przekierowanie.","Preparing upload...":"Rozpoczynanie przesyłania...","Privacy":"Prywatność","Private link":"Link prywatny","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Podziel się swoją opinią: Zależy nam na poprawie projektu strony i z chęcią poznamy Twoją opinię. Dziękujemy! Zespół ownCloud.","Public link":"Link publiczny","Quota exceeded":"Przekroczono limit","Read more":"Przeczytaj więcej","Receive notification mails":"Otrzymuj powiadomienia przez mail","Repeat new password":"Powtórz nowe hasło","Request new export":"Zażądaj nowego eksportu","Resolving private link…":"Otwieranie linku prywatnego...","Resume upload":"Wznów przesyłanie","Retry all failed uploads":"Ponów nieudane przesyłanie","Scan for viruses":"Skanuj w poszukiwaniu wirusów","Show details":"Pokaż szczegóły","Show devices":"Pokaż urządzenia","Sidebar navigation menu":"Boczne menu nawigacyjne","Skip to main":"Przejdź do głównej","Space Admin":"Przestrzeń administratora","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Zasób nie może być zlokalizowany, może już nie istnieć.","The resource is not a public link.":"Zasób nie jest linkiem publicznym.","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Może to wynikać z automatycznego wylogowania lub dlatego, że twoje konto jest nieaktywne, albo jeszcze potwierdzone. Po pewnym czasie spróbuj zalogować się lub skontaktuj się z administratorem.","This resource is password-protected":"Ten zasób jest chroniony hasłem","Toggle sidebar":"Przełącz pasek boczny","Top bar":"Pasek górny","Unable to load account data…":"Nie udało się załadować danych konta...","Unknown error":"Nieznany błąd","Upload cancelled":"Przerwano przesyłanie","Upload complete":"Przesyłanie zakończone","Upload failed":"Przesyłanie nie powiodło się","User":"Użytkownik","User Menu login":"Menu zalogowanego użytkownika","Username":"nazwa użytkownika","View and download.":"Wyświetl i pobierz.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Zobaczyć, pobrać, przesłać, edytować, dodać i usunąć.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Wykryto wirusa \"%{description}\". Skontaktuj się z administratorem by uzyskać więcej informacji.","You are not part of any group":"Nie należysz do żadnej grupy"},"pt":{},"nl":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } van %{ uploads } item is mislukt","%{ errors } van %{ uploads } items zijn mislukt"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } item aan het uploaden...","%{ filesInProgressCount } items aan hetuploaden..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } uur over","%{ roundedRemainingHours } uren over"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuut over","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuten over"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } item geüpload","%{ successfulUploads } items geüpload"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} van %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} van %{total} gebruikt","%{used} used":"%{used} gebruikt","Access denied":"Toegang geweigerd","Account":"Account","Account Information":"Account informatie","Account menu":"Account menu","Activities":"Activiteiten","Admin":"Admin","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Verifieer ook uw browser console voor meer informatie.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het laden van de openbare link","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het oplossen van de privé link","Application Switcher":"Applicatie Wisselaar","Authentication failed":"Authenticatie mislukt","Calculating estimated time...":"Geschatte tijd berekenen...","Cancel upload":"Upload annuleren","Change password":"Wachtwoord wijzigen","chat":"bericht","Close":"Sluit","Close sidebar to hide details":"Sluit zijbalk om details te verbergen","Continue":"Ga door","Current password":"Huidig wachtwoord","documentation":"documentatie","Edit":"Bewerken","Email":"E-mail","Enter password for public link":"Voer het wachtwoord in voor een openbare link","Failed to change password":"Wachtwoord kan niet worden gewijzigd","Few seconds left":"Nog enkele seconden over","Finalizing upload...":"Uploaden voltooien...","First and last name":"Voor- en achternaam","For help visit our":"Bezoek voor hulp","Group memberships":"Groep lidmaatschappen","Guest":"Gast","Hide details":"Details verbergen","Incorrect password":"Onjuist wachtwoord","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (uw huidige browser) wordt niet officieel ondersteund. Vanuit veiligheidsoogpunt, maak gebruik van een andere browser.","Language":"Taal","Loading":"Laden","Loading public link…":"Openbare link wordt geladen...","Log in again":"Log opnieuw in","Log out":"Afmelden","Logged out":"Uitgelogd","Logging you in":"U wordt ingelogd","Login":"Aanmelden","Logout":"Uitloggen","Main navigation":"Hoofd menu","Missing or invalid config":"Configuratie onjuist of niet aanwezig","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Ga naar pagina %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Ga naar uw persoonlijke bestanden pagina","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Genavigeerd naar %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Nieuw bestand","New password":"Nieuw wachtwoord","No activities":"Geen activiteiten","No email has been set up":"E-mail is niet geconfigureerd","Notifications":"Meldingen","Oidc callback":"Oidc verwijzing","Oidc redirect":"Oidc omleiding","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Open 'Met mij gedeeld'","Open sidebar to view details":"Open de zijbalk om details te bekijken","or join our":"of word lid van ons","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud enquête","Parent folder does not exist":"Bovenliggende map bestaat niet","Password":"Wachtwoord","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Wachtwoord en wachtwoordbevestiging moeten identiek zijn","Password was changed successfully":"Wachtwoord is met succes gewijzigd","Pause upload":"Upload pauzeren","Personal":"Persoonlijk","Personal storage":"Persoonlijke opslag","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Persoonlijke opslag (%{percentage}% in gebruik)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Controleer of de config.json bestaat en correct is.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Neem contact op met de beheerder als deze fout zich voor blijft doen.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Uw wordt doorgestuurd","Preparing upload...":"Upload voorbereiden...","Private link":"Privé koppeling","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Geef uw mening: We willen het web design verbeteren en zijn benieuwd naar uw mening. Bedankt! Het ownCloud team.","Public link":"Publieke koppeling","Quota exceeded":"Quotum overschreden","Read more":"Lees meer","Repeat new password":"Herhaal nieuw wachtwoord","Resolving private link…":"Privélink oplossen...","Resume upload":"Upload hervatten","Retry all failed uploads":"Probeer alle mislukte uploads opnieuw","Scan for viruses":"Scannen op virussen","Show details":"Toon details","Sidebar navigation menu":"Zijbalk navigatie menu","Skip to main":"Ga door naar het hoofdmenu","Space Admin":"Ruimte Admin","This resource is password-protected":"Deze bron is beveiligd met een wachtwoord","Toggle sidebar":"Zijbalk wisselen","Top bar":"Bovenste balk","Unknown error":"Onbekende fout","Upload cancelled":"Upload geannuleerd","Upload complete":"Upload compleet","Upload failed":"Upload mislukt","User":"Gebruiker","Username":"Gebruikersnaam","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Virus \"%{description}\" gedetecteerd. Neem contact op met uw adminitrator voor meer informatie.","You are not part of any group":"U bent geen lid van een groep"},"ka":{},"ko":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":" %{ uploads } 항목 중 %{ errors } 실패","%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":"항목 %{ filesInProgressCount}개 업로드 중...","%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":"%{ roundedRemainingHours }시간 남음","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes }분 남음","%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":"%{ successfulUploads } 항목이 업로드됨","%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"총 %{totalBytes} 중 %{uploadedBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/초)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{total} 중 %{used} 사용됨","%{used} used":"%{used} 사용됨","Access denied":"접근 거부됨","Account":"계정","Account Information":"계정 정보","Account menu":"계정 메뉴","Activities":"활동","Admin":"관리자","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"또한 자세한 내용은 브라우저 콘솔을 확인하십시오.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"공개 링크를 불러오는 중 오류 발생","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"개인 링크를 확인하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다","Application Switcher":"앱 전환기","Authentication failed":"인증 실패","Auto (same as system)":"자동 (시스템과 동일)","Back to home":"홈으로 돌아가기","Calculating estimated time...":"예상 시간을 계산하는 중...","Can edit":"편집 가능","Can manage":"관리 가능","Can upload":"업로드 가능","Can view":"열람 가능","Cancel upload":"업로드 취소","Change password":"암호 변경","chat":"대화","Close":"닫기","Close sidebar to hide details":"세부 정보를 숨기려면 사이드바 닫기","Continue":"계속","Current password":"현재 암호","documentation":"문서","Download latest export":"최신 내보내기 다운로드","Edit":"편집","Email":"이메일","Enter password for public link":"공개 링크 암호 입력","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"내보내기가 처리 중입니다. 최대 24시간이 소요될 수 있습니다.","Failed to change password":"암호를 변경하지 못했습니다","Few seconds left":"수 초 남음","Finalizing upload...":"업로드를 완료하는 중...","First and last name":"이름과 성","For help visit our":"도움이 필요하면 다음 사이트를 방문해주세요:","GDPR":"GDPR","GDPR export":"GDPR 내보내기","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"GDPR 내보내기를 요청할 수 없습니다. 관리자에게 문의하세요.","GDPR export has been requested":"GDPR 내보내기 요청됨","Group memberships":"그룹 구성원","Guest":"손님","Hide details":"세부 정보 숨기기","Incorrect password":"잘못된 암호","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"지금 이용하고 계신 Internet Explorer는 공식적으로 지원되지 않습니다. 보안을 위해 다른 브라우저를 이용해 주세요.","Language":"언어","Loading":"불러오는 중","Loading public link…":"공개 링크 불러오는 중...","Log in":"로그인","Log in again":"다시 로그인","Log out":"로그아웃","Logged out":"로그아웃됨","Logging you in":"로그인 중","Login":"로그인","Logout":"로그아웃","Logout from active devices":"활성 장치에서 로그아웃","Main navigation":"주 탐색","Mark all as read":"모두 읽음으로 표시","Missing or invalid config":"설정이 없거나 잘못됨","My Account":"내 계정","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"%{pageName} 페이지로 이동","Navigate to personal files page":"개인 파일 페이지로 이동","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"%{ pageTitle } 이동","New file":"새 파일","New password":"새 암호","No activities":"활동 없음","No email has been set up":"이메일 설정하지 않음","Not logged in":"로그인하지 않음","Nothing new":"새 항목 없음","Notifications":"알림","OCM link":"OLM 링크","Oidc callback":"Oidc 회신","Oidc redirect":"Oidc 리다이렉트","OPEN":"열기","Open \"Shared with me\"":"\"나와 공유\" 열기","Open sidebar to view details":"세부 정보를 보려면 사이드바 열기","Opening files from remote is disabled":"원격에서 파일 열기가 꺼져 있음","Operation denied due to security policies":"보안 정책으로 인해 작업 거부됨","or join our":"또는 우리의","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud 피드백 설문조사","Parent folder does not exist":"상위 폴더 없음","Password":"암호","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"암호 및 암호 확인이 일치해야 합니다","Password was changed successfully":"암호 변경됨","Pause upload":"업로드 일시 중지","Personal":"개인","Personal storage":"개인 저장소","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"개인 스토리지(%{percentage}% 사용)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"config.json 파일이 존재하고 올바른지 확인하십시오,","Please choose...":"선택하세요...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"이 오류가 계속되면 관리자에게 문의하십시오.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"리디렉션 중입니다. 잠시 기다려 주십시오.","Preference saved.":"환경설정이 저장되었습니다.","Preferences":"환경설정","Preparing upload...":"업로드 준비 중...","Privacy":"개인정보 보호","Private link":"개인 링크","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"웹 디자인을 개선하기 위해 당신의 피드백을 듣고자 합니다. 감사합니다! - ownCloud 팀.","Public link":"공개 링크","Quota exceeded":"할당량 초과","Read more":"더 읽기","Receive notification mails":"알림 메일 받기","Repeat new password":"새 암호 반복","Request a personal data export according to §20 GDPR.":"GDPR §20에 따라 개인 데이터 내보내기를 요청합니다.","Request new export":"새 내보내기 요청","Resolving private link…":"개인 링크를 확인하는 중...","Resume upload":"업로드 다시 시작","Retry all failed uploads":"실패한 모든 업로드 재시도","Scan for viruses":"바이러스 검사","Set new password":"새 암호 설정","Show details":"세부 정보 표시","Show devices":"장치 표시","Show WebDAV information in file details":"파일 세부 정보에 WebDAV 정보 표시","Sidebar navigation menu":"사이드바 탐색 메뉴","Skip to main":"메인으로 건너뛰기","Space Admin":"스페이스 관리자","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"업로드하려는 폴더가 잠겨 있음","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"리소스를 찾을 수 없습니다. 더 이상 존재하지 않는 것일 수도 있습니다.","The resource is not a public link.":"리소스가 공개 링크로 게시되지 않았습니다.","Theme":"테마","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"안전을 위한 정기적 로그아웃이거나, 계정이 비활성 상태이거나 아직 사용 권한이 부여되지 않았기 때문일 수 있습니다. 잠시 후 로그인을 시도하거나 관리자에게 도움을 요청하세요.","This file or folder has been shared with you via \"%{parentShareName}\". Enable the sync for the share \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"\"%{parentShareName}\"을(를) 통해 이 파일 또는 폴더가 나에게 공유되었습니다. \"공유\" > \"나와 공유됨\"을 통해 동기화를 켜서 확인할 수 있습니다.","This file or folder has been shared with you. Enable the sync in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"이 파일 또는 폴더가 나에게 공유되었습니다. \"공유\" > \"나와 공유됨\"에서 확인할 수 있습니다.","This resource is password-protected":"이 리소스는 암호로 보호되고 있습니다","Toggle sidebar":"사이드바 전환","Top bar":"맨 위의 바","Unable to load account data…":"계정 정보를 불러올 수 없음...","Unable to save preference…":"환경설정을 저장할 수 없음...","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"이 비밀번호는 너무 흔하게 사용되고 있습니다. 안전을 위해 추측하기 어려운 비밀번호를 사용하세요.","Unknown error":"알 수 없는 오류","Upload cancelled":"업로드 취소됨","Upload complete":"업로드 완료","Upload failed":"업로드 실패","User":"사용자","User Menu login":"사용자 메뉴 로그인","Username":"사용자 이름","View and download.":"열람 및 다운로드","View options":"옵션 표시","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"열람, 다운로드, 업로드, 편집, 추가 및 삭제","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"%{description} 바이러스가 탐지되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 관리자에게 문의하십시오.","You are not part of any group":"사용자가 그룹의 일부가 아닙니다.","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"공유 동기화를 켠 후 이 페이지를 새로 고칠 수 있습니다."},"ru":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } из %{ uploads } элемента не удалось загрузить","%{ errors } из %{ uploads } элементов не удалось загрузить","%{ errors } из %{ uploads } элементов не удалось загрузить","%{ errors } из %{ uploads } элементов не удалось загрузить"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } элемент загружается...","%{ filesInProgressCount } элементов загружается...","%{ filesInProgressCount } элементов загружается...","%{ filesInProgressCount } элементов загружается..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["Остался %{ roundedRemainingHours } час","Осталось %{ roundedRemainingHours } часа","Осталось %{ roundedRemainingHours } часов","Осталось %{ roundedRemainingHours } часов"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["Осталась %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } минута","Осталось %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } минут","Осталось %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } минут","Осталось %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } минут"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["Загружен %{ successfulUploads } элемент","Загружено %{ successfulUploads } элементов","Загружено %{ successfulUploads } элементов","Загружено %{ successfulUploads } элементов"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} из %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/с)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} из %{total} использовано","%{used} used":"%{used} использовано","Access denied":"Доступ запрещен","Account":"Аккаунт","Account Information":"Информация аккаунта","Account menu":"Меню аккаунта","Activities":"Активность","Admin":"Администратор","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Также, проверьте консоль браузера для получения дополнительной информации.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"При загрузке публичной ссылки возникла ошибка","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Произошла ошибка при разрешении приватной ссылки","Application Switcher":"Переключатель приложений","Authentication failed":"Аутентификация не удалась","Auto (same as system)":"Авто (следовать за системой)","Back to home":"Вернуться на главную","Calculating estimated time...":"Расчет оставшегося времени...","Can edit":"Может редактировать","Can manage":"Может управлять","Can upload":"Может загружать","Can view":"Может просматривать","Cancel upload":"Отменить загрузку","Change password":"Изменить пароль","chat":"чат","Close":"Закрыть","Close sidebar to hide details":"Закрыть боковую панель, чтобы скрыть сведения","Continue":"Продолжить","Current password":"Текущий пароль","Default progress bar":"Индикатор выполнения по умолчанию","documentation":"документация","Download latest export":"Загрузить последнюю версию экспорта","Edit":"Редактировать","Email":"Email","Enter password for public link":"Введите пароль для публичной ссылки","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Экспорт в процессе обработки. Это может занять до 24 часов.","Extensions":"Расширения","Failed to change password":"Не удалось изменить пароль","Few seconds left":"Осталось несколько секунд","Finalizing upload...":"Завершение загрузки...","First and last name":"Имя и фамилия","For help visit our":"За помощью обращайтесь в","GDPR":"GDPR","GDPR export":"Экспорт GDPR","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"Не удалось запросить экспорт GDPR. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором.","GDPR export has been requested":"Запрошен экспорт GDPR","Global progress bar":"Глобальный индикатор выполнения","Group memberships":"Членство в группах","Guest":"Гость","Help translate":"Помочь с переводом","Hide details":"Скрыть сведения","Imprint":"Отпечаток","Incorrect password":"Неверный пароль","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (ваш текущий браузер) официально не поддерживается. В целях безопасности перейдите на другой браузер.","Language":"Язык","Loading":"Загрузка","Loading public link…":"Загрузка публичной ссылки...","Log in":"Войти","Log in again":"Войти снова","Log out":"Выйти","Logged out":"Вышли","Logging you in":"Вход в систему","Login":"Вход","Logout":"Выход","Logout from active devices":"Выход из активных устройств","Main navigation":"Основная навигация","Mark all as read":"Отметить все как прочитанные","Missing or invalid config":"Отсутствующий или неверный файл конфигурации","My Account":"Мой аккаунт","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Перейти к странице %{ pageName } ","Navigate to personal files page":"Перейти на страницу личных файлов","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Перешли к %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Новый файл","New password":"Новый пароль","New password must be different from current password":"Новый пароль должен отличаться от текущего","No activities":"Нет активности","No email has been set up":"Электронная почта не настроена","Not logged in":"Не вошли в систему","Nothing new":"Ничего нового","Notifications":"Уведомления","OCM link":"OCM-ссылка","Oidc callback":"Обратный вызов Oidc","Oidc redirect":"Перенаправление Oidc","OPEN":"ОТКРЫТЬ","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Открыть \"Поделились со мной\"","Open sidebar to view details":"Открыть боковую панель для просмотра сведений","Opening files from remote is disabled":"Открытие файлов с удаленного расположения отключено","Operation denied due to security policies":"Операция отклонена из-за политик безопасности","or join our":"или присоединяйтесь к","ownCloud feedback survey":"Оставить отзыв об ownCloud","Parent folder does not exist":"Родительская папка не существует","Password":"Пароль","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Пароль и подтверждение пароля должны совпадать","Password was changed successfully":"Пароль успешно изменен","Pause upload":"Приостановить загрузку","Personal":"Личные","Personal storage":"Личное хранилище","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Личное хранилище (%{percentage}% использовано)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Пожалуйста, проверьте, существует ли файл config.json и является ли он правильным.","Please choose...":"Пожалуйста, выберите...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором, если эта ошибка сохраняется.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Пожалуйста, подождите, идет перенаправление.","Preference saved.":"Предпочтения сохранены.","Preferences":"Предпочтения","Preparing upload...":"Подготовка к загрузке...","Privacy":"Конфиденциальность","Private link":"Приватная ссылка","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Оставьте свой отзыв: мы хотим улучшить дизайн сайта и будем рады услышать ваши отзывы. Спасибо! Ваша команда ownCloud.","Public link":"Публичная ссылка","Quota exceeded":"Квота превышена","Read more":"Подробнее","Receive notification mails":"Получать уведомления по электронной почте","Repeat new password":"Повторите новый пароль","Request a personal data export according to §20 GDPR.":"Запросить экспорт персональных данных в соответствии с §20 GDPR.","Request new export":"Запросить новый экспорт","Resolving private link…":"Определение приватной ссылки…","Resume upload":"Возобновить загрузку","Retry all failed uploads":"Повторить все неудачные загрузки","Scan for viruses":"Сканировать на вирусы","Set new password":"Установить новый пароль","Show details":"Показать сведения","Show devices":"Показать устройства","Show WebDAV information in file details":"Показывать информацию WebDAV в сведениях о файле","Sidebar navigation menu":"Боковое навигационное меню","Skip to main":"Перейти к основному","Space Admin":"Администратор пространства","The folder you were accessing has been removed. Please navigate to another location.":"Папка, к которой вы обращались, была удалена. Пожалуйста, перейдите в другое место.","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"Папка, в которую вы загружаете, заблокирована","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Ресурс не удалось найти, возможно, он больше не существует.","The resource is not a public link.":"Ресурс не является публичной ссылкой.","Theme":"Тема","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Это может произойти из-за обычного выхода из системы или из-за того, что ваша учетная запись либо неактивна, либо еще не авторизована для использования. Пожалуйста, попробуйте войти в систему через некоторое время или обратитесь за помощью к администратору.","This file or folder has been shared with you via \"%{parentShareName}\". Enable the sync for the share \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Вам предоставлен доступ к этому файлу или папке через \"%{parentShareName}\". Включите синхронизацию для общего ресурса \"%{parentShareName}\" в разделе \"Общие ресурсы\" > \"Поделились со мной\", чтобы просмотреть его.","This file or folder has been shared with you. Enable the sync in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Вам предоставлен доступ к этому файлу или папке. Включите синхронизацию в разделе \"Общие ресурсы\" > \"Поделились со мной\", чтобы просмотреть его.","This resource is password-protected":"Этот ресурс защищен паролем","Toggle sidebar":"Переключить боковую панель","Top bar":"Верхняя панель","Unable to load account data…":"Не удалось загрузить данные учетной записи…","Unable to save preference…":"Не удалось сохранить настройки...","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"К сожалению, ваш пароль широко используется. Пожалуйста, выберите более сложный пароль для вашей безопасности","Unknown error":"Неизвестная ошибка","Upload cancelled":"Загрузка отменена","Upload complete":"Загрузка завершена","Upload failed":"Загрузка не удалась","User":"Пользователь","User Menu login":"Вход в меню пользователя","Username":"Имя пользователя","View and download.":"Просмотр и скачивание.","View options":"Опции просмотра","View, download and edit.":"Просмотр, скачивание и редактирование.","View, download and upload.":"Просмотр, скачивание и загрузка.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Просмотр, скачивание, загрузка, редактирование, добавление и удаление.","View, download, upload, edit, add, delete and manage members.":"Просмотр, скачивание, загрузка, редактирование, добавление, удаление и управление участниками.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Обнаружен вирус «%{description}». Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором для получения дополнительной информации.","You are not part of any group":"Вы не состоите ни в одной группе","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"Вы можете перезагрузить эту страницу после того, как включили синхронизацию общего ресурса.","You have been logged out successfully.":"Вы успешно вышли из системы.","Your access to this share has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Ваш доступ к этому общему ресурсу отозван. Пожалуйста, перейдите в другое место.","Your access to this space has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Ваш доступ к этому пространству отозван. Пожалуйста, перейдите в другое место."},"si":{"Account":"ගිණුම","Account Information":"ගිණුමේ තොරතුරු","Authentication failed":"සත්‍යාපනය අසාර්ථක විය","Edit":"සංස්කරණය","Email":"වි-තැපෑල","Loading":"පූරණය වෙමින්","Log out":"නික්මෙන්න","Login":"පිවිසෙන්න","New file":"නව ගොනුව","Notifications":"දැනුම්දීම්","Password":"මුරපදය","User":"පරිශීලක","Username":"පරිශීලක නාමය","You are not part of any group":"ඔබ කිසිදු සමූහයක සාමාජිකයෙක් නොවේ"},"sk":{"Access denied":"Prístup zamietnutý","Account":"Účet","Account Information":"Informácie o účte","Account menu":"Menu účtu","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Tiež skontrolujte konzolu prehliadača, kde nájdete viac informácií.","Application Switcher":"Prepínač aplikácií","Authentication failed":"Prihlásenie zlyhalo","chat":"chat","documentation":"dokumentácia","Edit":"Upraviť","Email":"Email","First and last name":"Meno a priezvisko","For help visit our":"Pre pomoc navštívte našu","Group memberships":"Členstvo v skupine","Log out":"Odhlásiť","Login":"Prihlásiť","Main navigation":"Hlavná navigácia","Missing or invalid config":"Chýbajúca alebo nesprávna konfigurácia","No email has been set up":"Email nie je nastavený","Notifications":"Oznámenia","or join our":"alebo sa pridajte do našej","Password":"Heslo","Private link":"Súkromný odkaz","Public link":"Verejný odkaz","Skip to main":"Preskočiť na hlavné","Username":"Používateľské meno","You are not part of any group":"Nie ste členom žiadnej skupiny"},"ro":{"Close sidebar to hide details":"Închide bara laterală pentru a ascunde detaliile.","Edit":"Editează","Email":"Email","First and last name":"Numele de familie și prenumele","Login":"Autentificare","Open sidebar to view details":"Deschide bara laterală pentru a vedea detaliile","Password":"Parola","Show details":"Arată detaliile"},"sq":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } e %{ uploads } objekti dështoi","%{ errors } e %{ uploads } objekteve dështuan"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } objekt në ngarkim e sipër…","%{ filesInProgressCount } objekte në ngarkim e sipër…"],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["Edhe %{ roundedRemainingHours } orë","Edhe %{ roundedRemainingHours } orë"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["Edhe %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutë","Edhe %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuta"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["U ngarkua %{ successfulUploads } objekt","U ngarkuan %{ successfulUploads } objekte"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} nga %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} nga %{total} të përdorura","%{used} used":"%{used} të përdorur","Access denied":"Hyrje e mohuar","Account":"Llogari","Account Information":"Hollësi Llogarie","Account menu":"Menu llogarie","Activities":"Veprimtari","Admin":"Përgjegjës","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Mos harroni gjithashtu të kontrolloni te konsola e shfletuesit, për më tepër informacion.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Ndodhi një gabim gjatë ngarkimit të lidhjes publike","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Ndodhi një gabim gjatë ftillimit të lidhjes publike","Application Switcher":"Këmbyes Aplikacionesh","Authentication failed":"Mirëfillëtisimi dështoi","Auto (same as system)":"Automatike (njësoj si sistemi)","Back to home":"Mbrapsht te kreu","Calculating estimated time...":"Po llogaritet koha e përafërt…","Can edit":"Mund të përpunojë","Can manage":"Mund të administrojë","Can upload":"Mund të ngarkojë","Can view":"Mund të shohë","Cancel upload":"Anuloni ngarkimin","Change password":"Ndryshoni fjalëkalimin","chat":"fjalosje","Close":"Mbylle","Close sidebar to hide details":"Që të fshihen hollësitë, mbyllni anështyllën","Continue":"Vazhdo","Current password":"Fjalëkalimi i tanishëm","Default progress bar":"Shtyllë parazgjedhje ecurie","documentation":"dokumentim","Download latest export":"Shkarkoni eksportimin më të ri","Edit":"Përpunoni","Email":"Email","Enter password for public link":"Jepni fjalëkalim për lidhje publike","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Eksportimi po përpunohet. Kjo mund të dojë deri në 24 orë.","Extensions":"Zgjerime","Failed to change password":"S’u arrit të ndryshohej fjalëkalimi","Few seconds left":"Edhe pak sekonda","Finalizing upload...":"Po përfundohet ngarkimi…","First and last name":"Emër dhe mbiemër","For help visit our":"Për ndihmë, vizitoni","GDPR":"GDPR","GDPR export":"Eksportim GDPR","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"S’u kërkua dot eksportim GDPR. Ju lutemi, lidhuni me një përgjegjës.","GDPR export has been requested":"Eksportimi GDPR u kërkua","Global progress bar":"Shtyllë globale ecurie","Group memberships":"Anëtarësime grupi","Guest":"Mysafir","Help translate":"Ndihmoni të përkthehet","Hide details":"Fshihi hollësitë","Incorrect password":"Fjalëkalim i pasaktë","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (shfletuesi juaj i tanishëm) nuk mbulohet zyrtarisht. Për arsye sigurie, ju lutemi, hidhuni në një shfletues tjetër.","Language":"Gjuhë","Loading":"Po ngarkohet","Loading public link…":"Po ngarkohet lidhje publike…","Log in":"Hyni","Log in again":"Ribëni hyrjen","Log out":"Dilni","Logged out":"Dolët","Logging you in":"Po bëhet hyrja juaj","Login":"Hyni","Logout":"Dalje","Logout from active devices":"Dil nga pajisjet aktive","Main navigation":"Lëvizjet kryesore","Mark all as read":"Vëru shenjë të tërave si të lexuara","Missing or invalid config":"Mungon formësim, ose është i pavlefshëm","My Account":"Llogaria Ime","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Kaloni te faqja %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Kaloni te faqja e kartelave personale","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"U kalua te %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Kartelë e re","New password":"Fjalëkalim i ri","New password must be different from current password":"Fjalëkalimi i ri duhet të jetë i ndryshëm nga fjalëkalimi i tanishëm","No activities":"Pa veprimtari","No email has been set up":"S’është ujdisur email","Not logged in":"Pa bërë hyrje në llogari","Nothing new":"Asgjë e re","Notifications":"Njoftime","OCM link":"Lidhje OCM","Oidc redirect":"Ridrejtim Oidc","OPEN":"HAPE","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Hap “Ndarë me”","Open sidebar to view details":"Që të shihni hollësitë, hapni anështyllën","Opening files from remote is disabled":"Hapje kartelash që së largëti është e çaktivizuar","Operation denied due to security policies":"Veprim i hedhur poshtë për shkak rregullash sigurie","or join our":"ose bëhuni pjesë e","ownCloud feedback survey":"pyetësor përshtypjesh mbi ownCloud-in","Parent folder does not exist":"Dosja mëmë nuk ekziston","Password":"Fjalëkalim","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Fjalëkalimi dhe ripohimi i tij duhet të jenë identikë","Password was changed successfully":"Fjalëkalimi u ndryshua me sukses","Pause upload":"Ndaleni ngarkimin","Personal":"Personale","Personal storage":"Depozitë personale","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Depozitë personale (%{percentage}% e përdorur)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Ju lutemi, kontrolloni nëse kartela config.json ekziston dhe është e saktë.","Please choose...":"Ju lutemi, zgjidhni…","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Ju lutemi, lidhuni me përgjegjësin, nëse vazhdon ky gabim.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Ju lutemi, pritni, teksa bëhet ridrejtimi juaj.","Preference saved.":"Parapëlqimi u ruajt.","Preferences":"Parapëlqime","Preparing upload...":"Po gatitet ngarkimi…","Privacy":"Privatësi","Private link":"Lidhje private","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Jepni përshtypjet tuaja: Do të donim të përmirësonim konceptimin web dhe do të ishim të lumtur të dëgjonim përshtypjet tuaja. Faleminderit! Ekipi juaj ownCloud.","Public link":"Lidhje publike","Quota exceeded":"U tejkaluan kuota","Read more":"Lexoni më tepër","Receive notification mails":"Merrni email-e njoftimesh","Repeat new password":"Rijepeni fjalëkalimin e ri","Request a personal data export according to §20 GDPR.":"Kërkoni një eksportim të dhënash personale, sipas §20 GDPR.","Request new export":"Kërkoni eksportim të ri","Resolving private link…":"Po ftillohet lidhje private…","Resume upload":"Rimerre ngarkimin","Retry all failed uploads":"Riprovo krejt ngarkimet e dështuara","Scan for viruses":"Kontrollo për viruse","Set new password":"Caktoni fjalëkalim të ri","Show details":"Shfaqi hollësitë","Show devices":"Shfaq pajisje","Show WebDAV information in file details":"Shfaq informacion WebDAV në hollësi kartele","Sidebar navigation menu":"Menu anështylle lëvizjesh","Skip to main":"Kalo te pjesa kryesore","Space Admin":"Përgjegjës Hapësire","The folder you were accessing has been removed. Please navigate to another location.":"Dosja ku donit të hynit, është hequr. Ju lutemi, kaloni në një tjetër vendndodhje.","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"Dosja ku po ngarkoni është e kyçur","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Burimi s’u lokalizua dot, mund të mos ekzistojë më.","The resource is not a public link.":"Burimi s’është lidhje publike.","Theme":"Temë","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Kjo mund të vijë për shkak të një nxjerrje rutinë prej llogarie për arsye sigurie, ose ngaqë llogaria juaj ose është jo aktive, ose ende e paautorizuar për përdorim. Ju lutemi, provoni të bëni hyrjen pas pak, ose kërkoni ndihmë nga Përgjegjësi juaj.","This file or folder has been shared with you via \"%{parentShareName}\". Enable the sync for the share \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Kjo kartelë ose dosje është ndarë me ju përmes “%{parentShareName}”. Që ta shihni, aktivizoni njëkohësimin për ndarjen “%{parentShareName}” te “Ndarje” > “Ndarë me”.","This file or folder has been shared with you. Enable the sync in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Kjo kartelë ose dosje është ndarë me ju. Që ta shihni, aktivizoni njëkohësimin te “Ndarje” > “Ndarë me”.","This resource is password-protected":"Ky burim është i mbrojtur me fjalëkalim","Toggle sidebar":"Shfaq/fshih anështyllën","Top bar":"Shtyllë e epërme","Unable to load account data…":"S’arrihet të ngarkohen të dhëna llogarie…","Unable to save preference…":"S’arrihet të ruhet parapëlqim…","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"Mjerisht, fjalëkalim juaj është një nga ata që përdoren rëndom. Ju lutemi, për sigurinë tuaj, zgjidhni një fjalëkalim që është i vështirë të hamendësohet","Unknown error":"Gabim i panjohur","Upload cancelled":"Ngarkimi u anulua","Upload complete":"Ngarkim i plotësuar","Upload failed":"Ngarkimi dështoi","User":"Përdorues","User Menu login":"Hyrje nga Menu Përdoruesi","Username":"Emër përdoruesi","View and download.":"Të shohë dhe shkarkojë.","View options":"Shihni mundësitë","View, download and edit.":"Të shohë, shkarkojë dhe përpunojë.","View, download and upload.":"Të shohë, shkarkojë dhe ngarkojë.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Të shohë, shkarkojë, ngarkojë, përpunojë shtojë dhe fshijë.","View, download, upload, edit, add, delete and manage members.":"Të shohë, shkarkojë, ngarkojë, përpunojë, shtojë, fshijë dhe administrojë anëtarë.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"U pikas virus “%{description}”. Për më tepër hollësi, ju lutemi, lidhuni me përgjegjësin tuaj.","You are not part of any group":"S’jeni pjesë e ndonjë grupi","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"Këtë faqe mund ta ringarkoni pasi të keni aktivizuar njëkohësimet për pjesën.","You have been logged out successfully.":"U nxorët me sukses nga llogaria.","Your access to this share has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Përdorimi juaj i kësaj pjese është shfuqizuar. Ju lutemi, kaloni në një tjetër vendndodhje.","Your access to this space has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Përdorimi juaj i kësaj hapësire është shfuqizuar. Ju lutemi, kaloni në një tjetër vendndodhje."},"sv":{"Access denied":"Åtkomst nekad","Account":"Konto","Account Information":"Konto information","Account menu":"Konto meny","Activities":"Aktiviteter","Admin":"Administratör","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Ett fel uppstod när den publika länken laddades","Authentication failed":"Autentisering misslyckades","Back to home":"Tillbaka hem","Calculating estimated time...":"Beräknar återstående tid...","Can edit":"Kan redigera","Can manage":"Kan hantera","Can upload":"Kan ladda upp","Can view":"Kan visa","Cancel upload":"Avbryt uppladdninggen","Change password":"Ändra lösenord","chat":"chatta","Close":"Stäng","Close sidebar to hide details":"Stäng sidopanelen för att gömma detaljer.","Continue":"Fortsätt","Current password":"Nuvarande lösenord","documentation":"dokumentation","Edit":"Redigera","Email":"Email","Failed to change password":"MIsslyckades att byta lösenord","Few seconds left":"Några sekunder kvar","Finalizing upload...":"Färdigställer uppladdningen...","First and last name":"För och efternamn","For help visit our":"För hjälp besök våran","GDPR export":"GDPR export","Group memberships":"Gruppmedlemskap","Guest":"Gäst","Hide details":"Göm detaljer","Incorrect password":"Felaktigt lösenord","Language":"Språk","Loading":"Laddar","Loading public link…":"Laddar publik länk...","Log in":"Logga in","Log in again":"Logga in igen","Log out":"Logga ut","Logging you in":"Loggar in dig","Login":"Inloggning","Logout":"Logga ut","Logout from active devices":"Logga ut från aktiv enhet","Main navigation":"Huvudnavigation","Mark all as read":"Markera alla som lästa","My Account":"Mitt konto","New file":"Ny fil","New password":"Nytt lösenord","No activities":"Inga aktiviteter","No email has been set up":"Ingen epost har blivit konfigurerad","Not logged in":"Inte inloggad","Nothing new":"Ingenting nytt","Notifications":"Aviseringar","OCM link":"OCM länk","Oidc callback":"Oidc svar","Oidc redirect":"Oidc ompekning","OPEN":"Öppen","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Öppna \"delat med mig\"","Password":"Lösenord","Personal":"Personlig","Personal storage":"Personlig lagring","Private link":"Privat länk","Public link":"Publik länk","Read more":"Läs mer","Receive notification mails":"Ta emot aviserings-epost","Repeat new password":"Upprepa nytt lösenord","Request new export":"Efterfråga ny export","Show details":"Visa detalje","User":"Användare","View and download.":"Visa och ladda ner.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Visa, ladda ner, ladda upp, redigera, lägg till och ta bort."},"sr":{},"ta":{"Account":"கணக்கு"},"tr":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } / %{ uploads } öge başarısız","%{ errors } / %{ uploads } öge başarısız"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } öge yükleniyor...","%{ filesInProgressCount } öge yükleniyor..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } saat kaldı","%{ roundedRemainingHours } saat kaldı"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } dakika kaldı","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } dakika kaldı"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } öge yüklendi","%{ successfulUploads } öge yüklendi"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} / %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} / %{total} kullanıldı","%{used} used":"%{used} kullanıldı","Access denied":"Erişim reddedildi","Account":"Hesap","Account Information":"Hesap Bilgisi","Account menu":"Hesap menüsü","Activities":"Aktiviteler","Admin":"Yönetici","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Ayrıca, daha fazla bilgi için tarayıcı konsolunu kontrol ettiğinizden emin olun.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Herkese açık bağlantı yüklenirken bir hata oluştu","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Kişiye özel bağlantı çözülürken bir hata oluştu","Application Switcher":"Uygulama Değiştirici","Authentication failed":"Oturum açma başarısız","Back to home":"Ana sayfaya dön","Calculating estimated time...":"Kalan süre hesaplanıyor...","Can edit":"Düzenleyebilir","Can manage":"Yönetebilir","Can upload":"Yükleyebilir","Can view":"Görüntüleyebilir","Cancel upload":"Yüklemeyi iptal et","Change password":"Parolayı değiştir","chat":"sohbet","Close":"Kapat","Close sidebar to hide details":"Ayrıntıları gizlemek için kenar çubuğunu kapatın","Continue":"Devam et","Current password":"Mevcut parola","documentation":"dokümantasyon","Edit":"Düzenle","Email":"E-posta","Enter password for public link":"Herkese açık bağlantı için parolayı gir","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Dışa aktarma işleniyor. Bu 24 saate kadar sürebilir.","Failed to change password":"Parola değiştirme başarısız","Few seconds left":"Birkaç saniye kaldı","Finalizing upload...":"Yükleme tamamlanıyor...","First and last name":"Ad ve soyad","For help visit our":"Yardım için bizi ziyaret edin","GDPR export":"GDPR dışa aktarımı","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"GDPR dışa aktarımı talep edilemedi. Lütfen bir yönetici ile iletişime geçin.","GDPR export has been requested":"GDPR dışa aktarımı talep edildi.","Group memberships":"Grup üyelikleri","Guest":"Misafir","Hide details":"Detayları gizle","Imprint":"Baskı","Incorrect password":"Yanlış parola","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (mevcut tarayıcınız) resmi olarak desteklenmiyor. Güvenlik nedeniyle lütfen başka bir tarayıcıya geçin.","Language":"Dil","Loading":"Yükleniyor","Loading public link…":"Herkese açık bağlantı yükleniyor...","Log in":"Giriş yap","Log in again":"Tekrar giriş yapın","Log out":"Çıkış yap","Logged out":"Çıkış yaptınız","Logging you in":"Oturum açtınız","Login":"Oturum Aç","Logout":"Oturumu Kapat","Logout from active devices":"Aktif cihazlardan çıkış yap","Main navigation":"Ana yönlendirici","Mark all as read":"Tümünü okundu olarak işaretle","Missing or invalid config":"Eksik veya geçersiz yapılandırma","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"%{ pageName } sayfasına yönlendir","Navigate to personal files page":"Kişisel dosyalar sayfasına yönlendir","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"%{ pageTitle }'a yönlendir","New file":"Yeni dosya","New password":"Yeni parola","No activities":"Aktivite yok","No email has been set up":"Hiçbir e-posta yapılandırılmadı","Not logged in":"Giriş yapılmadı","Nothing new":"Yeni bir şey yok","Notifications":"Bildirimler","Oidc callback":"Oidc geri arama","Oidc redirect":"Oidc yönlendirmesi","Open \"Shared with me\"":"\"Benimle paylaşılanlar\"ı aç","Open sidebar to view details":"Detayları görüntülemek için kenar çubuğunu aç","Operation denied due to security policies":"Güvenlik politikaları nedeniyle işlem reddedildi","or join our":"veya bize katılın","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud geri bildirim anketi","Parent folder does not exist":"Üst klasör mevcut değil","Password":"Parola","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Parola ve parola doğrulaması birebir aynı olmalı","Password was changed successfully":"Parola başarıyla değiştirildi","Pause upload":"Yüklemeyi duraklat","Personal":"Kişisel","Personal storage":"Kişisel depolama","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Kişisel depolama (%{percentage}% kullanıldı)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Lütfen config.json dosyasının varlığını ve doğruluğunu kontrol ediniz.","Please choose...":"Lütfen seçin...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Eğer bu hata sürekliyse, lütfen yöneticinizle temasa geçiniz.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Lütfen bekleyin, yönlendiriliyorsunuz.","Preparing upload...":"Yükleme hazırlanıyor...","Privacy":"Gizlilik","Private link":"Gizli bağlantı","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Geri bildirim sağlayın: Web tasarımını geliştirmek istiyoruz ve geri bildiriminizi duymaktan memnuniyet duyarız. Teşekkürler! ownCloud ekibiniz.","Public link":"Herkese açık bağlantı","Quota exceeded":"Kota aşıldı","Read more":"Daha fazlasını oku","Receive notification mails":"Bildirim e-postaları al","Repeat new password":"Yeni parolayı tekrarla","Request new export":"Yeni dışa aktarma isteğinde bulunun","Resolving private link…":"Özel bağlantı çözülüyor...","Resume upload":"Yüklemeyi sürdür","Retry all failed uploads":"Tüm başarısız yüklemeleri yeniden dene","Scan for viruses":"Virüsler için tara","Show details":"Detayları göster","Show devices":"Cihazları göster","Sidebar navigation menu":"Kenar çubuğu yönlendirme menüsü","Skip to main":"Ana sayfaya geç","Space Admin":"Alan Yöneticisi","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Kaynak bulunamadı, artık mevcut olmayabilir.","The resource is not a public link.":"Kaynak herkese açık bir bağlantı değil.","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Bunun nedeni rutin bir güvenlik oturumu kapatma olabilir veya hesabınızın etkin olmaması veya henüz kullanım için yetkilendirilmemiş olması olabilir. Lütfen bir süre sonra oturum açmayı deneyin veya Yöneticinizden yardım isteyin.","This resource is password-protected":"Bu kaynak parola korumalıdır.","Toggle sidebar":"Kenar çubuğunu aç/kapat","Top bar":"Üst çubuk","Unable to load account data…":"Hesap verileri yüklenemiyor…","Unknown error":"Bilinmeyen hata","Upload cancelled":"Yükleme iptal edildi","Upload complete":"Yükleme tamamlandı","Upload failed":"Yükleme başarısız","User":"Kullanıcı","User Menu login":"Kullanıcı Menü girişi","Username":"Kullanıcı adı","View and download.":"Görüntüle ve indir.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Görüntüle, indir, yükle, düzenle, ekle ve sil.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Virüs \"%{description}\" algılandı. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen yöneticinizle iletişime geçin.","You are not part of any group":"Herhangi bir grubun parçası değilsiniz"},"ug":{},"uk":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed","%{ errors } of %{ uploads } items failed","%{ errors } of %{ uploads } items failed","%{ errors } of %{ uploads } файлів вивантажено з помилкою"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...","%{ filesInProgressCount } items uploading...","%{ filesInProgressCount } items uploading...","%{ filesInProgressCount } файлів вивантажується..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left","%{ roundedRemainingHours } hours left","%{ roundedRemainingHours } hours left","%{ roundedRemainingHours } залишилося годин"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutes left","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutes left","Залишилося %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } хвилин"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded","%{ successfulUploads } items uploaded","%{ successfulUploads } items uploaded","%{ successfulUploads } елементів вивантажено"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} з %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} від %{total} використано","%{used} used":"%{used} використано","Access denied":"Доступ заборонено","Account":"Аккаунт","Account Information":"Інформація про обліковий запис","Account menu":"Меню облікового запису","Activities":"Активність","Admin":"Адміністратор","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Крім того, не забудьте перевірити консоль браузера для отримання додаткової інформації.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Під час завантаження загальнодоступного посилання сталася помилка","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Під час перевірки приватного посилання сталася помилка","Application Switcher":"Перемикач додатків","Authentication failed":"Помилка автентифікації","Auto (same as system)":"Авто (згідно системних налаштувань)","Back to home":"Повернутися на Головну","Calculating estimated time...":"Розрахунок орієнтовного часу...","Can edit":"Може редагувати","Can manage":"Може керувати","Can upload":"Може завантажувати","Can view":"Може переглядати","Cancel upload":"Скасувати завантаження","Change password":"Змінити пароль","chat":"чат","Close":"Закрити","Close sidebar to hide details":"Закрийте бічну панель, щоб приховати деталі","Continue":"Продовжити","Current password":"Поточний пароль","Default progress bar":"Індикатор прогресу за умовчанням","documentation":"документація","Download latest export":"Завантажте останню версію експорту","Edit":"Редагувати","Email":"Електронна пошта","Enter password for public link":"Введіть пароль для загальнодоступного посилання","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Наразі виконується експорт. Це може тривати до 24 годин.","Extensions":"Розширення","Failed to change password":"Не вдалося змінити пароль","Few seconds left":"Залишилось кілька секунд","Finalizing upload...":"Завершення завантаження...","First and last name":"Ім'я та прізвище","For help visit our":"Щоб отримати допомогу, відвідайте наш","GDPR":"Загальний регламент про захист даних","GDPR export":"Експорт з виконанням вимог Загального регламенту про захист даних","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"Не вдалося надіслати запит на експорт з виконанням вимог Загального регламенту про захист даних. Будь ласка, зверніться до адміністратора.","GDPR export has been requested":"Надіслано запит на експорт з виконанням вимог Загального регламенту про захист даних","Global progress bar":"Глобальний індикатор прогресу","Group memberships":"Членство в групах","Guest":"Гість","Help translate":"Допомога перекладу","Hide details":"Приховати деталі","Imprint":"Вихідні дані","Incorrect password":"Невірний пароль","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (ваш поточний браузер) офіційно не підтримується. З міркувань безпеки перейдіть на інший браузер.","Language":"Мова","Loading":"Завантаження","Loading public link…":"Завантаження загальнодоступного посилання…","Log in":"Авторизуватися","Log in again":"Увійдіть знову","Log out":"Вийти","Logged out":"Вийшов з системи","Logging you in":"Ви входите в систему","Login":"Логін","Logout":"Вийти","Logout from active devices":"Вийти з активних пристроїв","Main navigation":"Головна навігація","Mark all as read":"Позначити все як прочитане","Missing or invalid config":"Відсутня або недійсна конфігурація","My Account":"Мій Аккаунт","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Перейдіть до сторінки %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Перейдіть на сторінку особистих файлів","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Перейти до %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Новий файл","New password":"Новий пароль","New password must be different from current password":"Новий пароль має відрізнятися від поточного","No activities":"Жодних дій","No email has been set up":"Електронна пошта не налаштована","Not logged in":"Не ввійшли в систему","Nothing new":"Немає змін","Notifications":"Сповіщення","OCM link":"OCM link","Oidc callback":"Oidc callback","Oidc redirect":"Oidc redirect","OPEN":"Відкрити","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Відкрити «Спільний доступ зі мною»","Open sidebar to view details":"Відкрити бічну панель, щоб переглянути деталі","Opening files from remote is disabled":"Віддалене відкриття файлів вимкнено","Operation denied due to security policies":"Операцію відхилено через політику безпеки","or join our":"або приєднайтеся до нашого","ownCloud feedback survey":"Опитування відгуків ownCloud","Parent folder does not exist":"Батьківська папка не існує","Password":"Пароль","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Пароль і підтвердження пароля повинні бути ідентичними","Password was changed successfully":"Пароль успішно змінено","Pause upload":"Призупинити завантаження","Personal":"Особисті","Personal storage":"Особисте зберігання","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Обсяг особистого сховища (%{percentage}% використано)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Будь ласка, перевірте наявність та коректність файлу config.json.","Please choose...":"Будь-ласка оберіть...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Зверніться до адміністратора, якщо ця помилка не зникне.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Будь ласка, зачекайте, вас буде перенаправлено.","Preference saved.":"Налаштування збережено.","Preferences":"Налаштування","Preparing upload...":"Підготовка завантаження...","Privacy":"Конфіденційність","Private link":"Приватне посилання","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Надішліть свій відгук: ми хотіли б покращити веб-дизайн і були б раді почути ваш відгук. Дякую тобі! Ваша команда ownCloud.","Public link":"Загальнодоступне посилання","Quota exceeded":"Квоту перевищено","Read more":"Читати далі","Receive notification mails":"Отримувати сповіщення електронною поштою","Repeat new password":"Повторіть новий пароль","Request a personal data export according to §20 GDPR.":"Запит на експорт персональних даних відповідно до §20 Загального регламенту про захист даних.","Request new export":"Запит на новий експорт","Resolving private link…":"Визначення приватного посилання…","Resume upload":"Відновити відвантаження","Retry all failed uploads":"Повторіть усі невдалі відвантаження","Scan for viruses":"Сканувати на віруси","Set new password":"Встановити новий пароль","Show details":"Показати деталі","Show devices":"Показати пристрої","Show WebDAV information in file details":"Показати інформацію WebDAV у деталях файлу","Sidebar navigation menu":"Меню навігації на бічній панелі","Skip to main":"Перейти до основного","Space Admin":"Адміністратор Простору","The folder you were accessing has been removed. Please navigate to another location.":"Папку, до якої ви мали доступ, видалено. Будь ласка, перейдіть до іншого місця.","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"Папку, до якої ви відвантажуєте, заблоковано","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Не вдалося знайти ресурс, можливо, він більше не існує.","The resource is not a public link.":"Ресурс не є загальнодоступним посиланням.","Theme":"Тема","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Це може бути через те що ви вийшли із системи або через те, що ваш обліковий запис неактивний або ще не авторизований для використання. Будь ласка, спробуйте увійти через деякий час або зверніться по допомогу до адміністратора.","This file or folder has been shared with you via \"%{parentShareName}\". Enable the sync for the share \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"До цього файлу чи папки вам надали доступ через \"%{parentShareName}\". Увімкніть синхронізацію для спільного доступу \"%{parentShareName}\" у розділі \"Спільний доступ\" > \"Спільний доступ зі мною\", щоб переглянути його.","This file or folder has been shared with you. Enable the sync in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Вам надали доступ до цього файлу або папки. Щоб переглянути його, увімкніть синхронізацію в розділі «Спільний доступ» > «Спільний доступ зі мною».","This resource is password-protected":"Цей ресурс захищений паролем","Toggle sidebar":"Перемкнути бічну панель","Top bar":"Верхня панель","Unable to load account data…":"Не вдалося завантажити дані облікового запису…","Unable to save preference…":"Не вдалося зберегти налаштування…","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"На жаль, ваш пароль не відповідає політикам безпеки. будь ласка, створіть надійний пароль","Unknown error":"Невідома помилка","Upload cancelled":"Відвантаження скасовано","Upload complete":"Відвантаження завершено","Upload failed":"Помилка відвантаження","User":"Користувач","User Menu login":"Вхід в меню користувача","Username":"Ім'я користувача","View and download.":"Переглянути та завантажити.","View options":"Переглянути параметри","View, download and edit.":"Переглянути, завантажити та відредагувати.","View, download and upload.":"Переглянути, завантажити та відвантаження.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Переглянути, завантажити, відвантажити, редагувати, додати та видалити.","View, download, upload, edit, add, delete and manage members.":"Переглянути, завантажити, відвантажити, редагувати, додавати, видаляти та керувати учасниками.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Виявлено вірус \"%{description}\". Зверніться до адміністратора для отримання додаткової інформації ","You are not part of any group":"Ви не участником жодної групи","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"Ви можете перезавантажити цю сторінку після того, як увімкнете синхронізацію спільного доступу.","You have been logged out successfully.":"Ви успішно вийшли з системи.","Your access to this share has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Ваш доступ до цього ресурсу скасовано. Будь ласка, перейдіть до іншого місця.","Your access to this space has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Ваш доступ до цього Простору скасовано. Будь ласка, перейдіть до іншого місця."},"zh":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":"更新 %{ uploads } 项失败: %{ errors }","%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":"%{ filesInProgressCount } 项正在上传...","%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":"%{ roundedRemainingHours } 小时左右","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } 分钟左右","%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":"%{ successfulUploads } 项已经上传","%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} / %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} / %{total} 已用","%{used} used":"%{used} 已用","Access denied":"拒绝访问","Account":"账户","Account Information":"账户信息","Account menu":"账户菜单","Activities":"活动","Admin":"管理员","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"另外,请务必检查浏览器控制台以获取更多信息。","An error occurred while loading the public link":"加载公共链接时出错","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"解析私有链接时发生错误","Application Switcher":"切换应用","Authentication failed":"认证失败","Auto (same as system)":"自动(与系统相同)","Back to home":"返回首页","Calculating estimated time...":"正在计算预计时间...","Can edit":"可编辑","Can manage":"可管理","Can upload":"可上传","Can view":"可查看","Cancel upload":"取消上传","Change password":"更改密码","chat":"沟通","Close":"关闭","Close sidebar to hide details":"关闭侧边栏以隐藏详情","Continue":"继续","Current password":"当前密码","documentation":"文档","Download latest export":"下载最新的导出","Edit":"编辑","Email":"邮箱","Enter password for public link":"输入公开链接的密码","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"正在处理导出。 这最多可能需要 24 小时。","Failed to change password":"更改密码失败","Few seconds left":"还剩几秒","Finalizing upload...":"正在完成上传...","First and last name":"姓名","For help visit our":"如需帮助,请访问我们的","GDPR":"GDPR","GDPR export":"GDPR 导出","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"无法请求 GDPR 导出。 请联系管理员。","GDPR export has been requested":"已请求 GDPR 导出","Group memberships":"组织成员功能","Guest":"访客","Hide details":"隐藏详情","Imprint":"标记","Incorrect password":"密码错误","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer(您当前的浏览器)不受官方支持。 出于安全考虑,请切换到其他浏览器。","Language":"语言","Loading":"加载中","Loading public link…":"加载公开链接...","Log in":"登录","Log in again":"再次登录","Log out":"登出","Logging you in":"正在为您登录","Login":"登录","Logout":"登出","Logout from active devices":"从活动设备注销","Main navigation":"主导航","Mark all as read":"标记为已读","Missing or invalid config":"配置丢失或无效","My Account":"账户","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"导航至 %{ pageName } 页面","Navigate to personal files page":"导航至个人文件页面","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"导航至 %{ pageTitle }","New file":"创建文件","New password":"新密码","No activities":"没有活动","No email has been set up":"尚未设置电子邮件","Not logged in":"未登录","Nothing new":"没有新的","Notifications":"通知","OCM link":"OCM 链接","Oidc callback":"Oidc 回调","Oidc redirect":"Oidc 重定向","OPEN":"打开","Open \"Shared with me\"":"打开 \"与我共享\"","Open sidebar to view details":"打开侧边栏以便查看详情","Opening files from remote is disabled":"打开远程文件已禁用","Operation denied due to security policies":"由于安全策略的原因,操作被拒绝","or join our":"或加入我们的","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud反馈调查","Parent folder does not exist":"上级目录不存在","Password":"密码","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"密码和确认密码必须相同","Password was changed successfully":"密码更新成功","Pause upload":"暂停上传","Personal":"个人","Personal storage":"个人存储空间","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"个人存储空间 (%{percentage}% 已用)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"请检查config.json文件是否存在且正确。","Please choose...":"请选择...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"如果此错误仍然存在,请联系管理员。","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"请稍候,正在重定向。","Preference saved.":"偏好设置已保存。","Preferences":"偏好设置","Preparing upload...":"准备上传...","Privacy":"隐私政策","Private link":"私人链接","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"提供您的反馈:我们希望改进网页设计,并很高兴听到您的反馈。 谢谢您! 您自己的云团队。","Public link":"公开链接","Quota exceeded":"超出配额","Read more":"查看更多","Receive notification mails":"接收通知邮件","Repeat new password":"重复新密码","Request a personal data export according to §20 GDPR.":"根据《GDPR》第20条的规定,请求个人数据的导出。","Request new export":"请求新的导出","Resolving private link…":"处理私人链接...","Resume upload":"恢复上传","Retry all failed uploads":"重试所有失败的上传","Scan for viruses":"扫描病毒","Set new password":"设置新密码","Show details":"显示详情","Show devices":"显示设备","Show WebDAV information in file details":"在文件详细信息中显示WebDAV信息","Sidebar navigation menu":"侧边栏导航菜单","Skip to main":"跳转到主页面","Space Admin":"空间管理员","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"上传的文件夹已被锁定","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"无法找到该资源,它可能不存在。","The resource is not a public link.":"该资源不是公开链接。","Theme":"主题","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"这可能是因为安全原因注销,或者因为您的帐户处于非活动状态或尚未获得使用授权。 请稍后尝试登录或向管理员寻求帮助。","This file or folder has been shared with you via \"%{parentShareName}\". Enable the sync for the share \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"该文件或文件夹已通过 \"%{parentShareName}\" 与您共享。在 \"共享\" > \"与我共享\" 中启用共享 \"%{parentShareName}\" 的同步以查看它。","This file or folder has been shared with you. Enable the sync in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"该文件夹已与您共享。在 \"共享\" > \"与我共享\" 中启用同步即可查看它。","This resource is password-protected":"该资源受密码保护","Toggle sidebar":"切换侧边栏","Top bar":"顶栏","Unable to load account data…":"无法加载帐户数据...","Unable to save preference…":"无法保存偏好设置...","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"很遗憾,您的密码很常用。请为了您的安全选择一个更难猜的密码。","Unknown error":"未知错误","Upload cancelled":"上传已取消","Upload complete":"上传完成","Upload failed":"上传失败","User":"用户","User Menu login":"用户菜单登录","Username":"用户名","View and download.":"查看并下载","View options":"查看选项","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"查看,下载,上传,编辑和删除","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"检测到病毒 \"%{description}\"。 请联系您的管理员以获取更多信息。","You are not part of any group":"您不是该组织的成员","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"你可以在启用同步共享后重新加载此页面。"}} \ No newline at end of file +{"af":{},"ar":{"Access denied":"الدخول مرفوض","Account":"حساب","Account Information":"معلومات الحساب","Account menu":"قائمة الحساب","An error occurred while loading the public link":"حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الرابط العام","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"حدث خطأ أثناء حل الرابط الخاص","Application Switcher":"موزع التطبيق","Authentication failed":"فشلت المصادقة ","chat":"دردشة","Close":"غلق","Close sidebar to hide details":"إغلاق الشريط الجانبي لإخفاء التفاصيل","Continue":"إستمرار","documentation":"توثيق","Edit":"يحرر","Email":"بريد إلكتروني","Enter password for public link":"أدخل كلمة مرور الرابط العام","First and last name":"الاسم الأول والأخير","For help visit our":"للمساعدة قم بزيارة موقعنا","Group 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part of any group":"أنت لست جزءًا من أي مجموعة"},"bs":{},"cs":{"%{used} used":"%{used} použito","Access denied":"Přístup odepřen","Account":"Účet","Account Information":"Informace o účtu","Account menu":"Menu účtu","Activities":"Aktivity","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Při načítání veřejného odkazu došlo k chybě","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Při načítání odkazu nastala chyba","Application Switcher":"Přepínač Aplikací","Authentication failed":"Ověření selhalo","Cancel upload":"Zrušit nahrávání","Change password":"Změnit heslo","chat":"chat","Close":"Zavřít","Close sidebar to hide details":"Skryjte detaily zavřením postranního panelu","Continue":"Pokračovat","Current password":"Současné heslo","documentation":"dokumentace","Edit":"Upravit","Email":"Email","Enter password for public link":"Zadejte heslo pro veřejný odkaz","Failed to change password":"Nezdařilo se změnit heslo","Few seconds left":"Zbývá několik sekund","First and last 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if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Prosím zkontrolujte, zda existuje soubor config.json a zda je správně.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Pokud tato chyba přetrvává, kontaktujte administrátora.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Prosím vyčkejte, zatímco probíhá přesměrování.","Preparing upload...":"Příprava nahrávání...","Private link":"Soukromý odkaz","Public link":"Veřejný odkaz","Read more":"Číst dále","Repeat new password":"Zopakujte nové heslo","Resolving private link…":"Načítání soukromého odkazu...","Show details":"Zobrazit detaily","Unknown error":"Neznámá chyba","Upload cancelled":"Nahrávání zrušeno","Upload complete":"Nahrávání dokončeno","Upload failed":"Nahrávání selhalo","User":"Uživatel","Username":"Uživatelské jméno","View and download.":"Zobrazit a stáhnout.","You are not part of any group":"Nejste členem žádné skupiny"},"bg":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } от %{ uploads } елемент е неуспешен","%{ errors } от %{ uploads } елемента са неуспешни"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } елемент се качва...","%{ filesInProgressCount } елемента се качват..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["Остава %{ roundedRemainingHours } час","Остават %{ roundedRemainingHours } часа"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["Остава %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } минута","Остават %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } минути"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["Качен %{ successfulUploads } елемент","Качени %{ successfulUploads } елемента"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} от %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} от %{total} използвани","%{used} used":"%{used} използвани","Access denied":"Отказан достъп","Account":"Профил","Account Information":"Информация за профила","Account menu":"Профилно меню","Activities":"Дейности","Admin":"Администратор","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Също така не забравяйте за повече информация да проверите конзолата на браузъра.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Възникна грешка при зареждането на публичната връзка","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Възникна грешка при разрешаването на поверителната връзка","Application Switcher":"Превключвател на приложения","Authentication failed":"Удостоверяването е неуспешно","Back to home":"Обратно към началото","Calculating estimated time...":"Изчисляване на приблизително време...","Can edit":"Може да редактира","Can manage":"Може да управлява","Can upload":"Може да качва","Can view":"Може да преглежда","Cancel upload":"Отмяна на качването","Change password":"Промяна на паролата","chat":"чат","Close":"Затваряне","Close sidebar to hide details":"Затворете страничната лента, за да скриете подробностите","Continue":"Продължете","Current password":"Текуща парола","documentation":"документация","Edit":"Редактиране","Email":"Имейл","Enter password for public link":"Въведете парола за публичната връзка","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Експортирането се обработва. Това може да отнеме до 24 часа.","Failed to change password":"Промяната на паролата е неуспешна ","Few seconds left":"Остават няколко секунди","Finalizing upload...":"Завършване на качването...","First and last name":"Име и Фамилия","For help visit our":"За помощ посетете нашата","GDPR export":"Експорт на GDPR","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"Експортирането на GDPR не може да бъде заявено. Моля, свържете се с администратор.","GDPR export has been requested":"Беше заявено експортиране на GDPR","Group memberships":"Групови членства","Guest":"Гост","Hide details":"Скриване на подробности","Imprint":"Отпечатък","Incorrect password":"Грешна парола","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (текущият ви браузър) не се поддържа официално. От съображения за сигурност, моля, преминете към друг браузър.","Language":"Език","Loading":"Зареждане","Loading public link…":"Зареждане на публичния адрес...","Log in":"Вход","Log in again":"Влезте отново","Log out":"Излизане","Logged out":"Излязохте","Logging you in":"Влизане в","Login":"Вход","Logout":"Изход","Logout from active devices":"Изход от активни устройства","Main navigation":"Основна навигация","Mark all as read":"Маркиране на всички като прочетени","Missing or invalid config":"Липсваща или невалидна конфигурация","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Преминаване към страницата %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Преминаване към страницата с лични файлове","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Преминаване към %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Нов файл","New password":"Нова парола","No activities":"Няма активност","No email has been set up":"Не е настроен имейл","Nothing new":"Нищо ново","Notifications":"Известия","Oidc callback":"Oidc обратно извикване","Oidc redirect":"Oidc пренасочване","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Отваряне на \"Споделено с мен\"","Open sidebar to view details":"Отворете страничната лента, за да видите подробности","Operation denied due to security policies":"Операцията е отказана поради политики за сигурност","or join our":"или се присъединете към нашата","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud анкета за обратна връзка","Parent folder does not exist":"Основната папка не съществува","Password":"Парола","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Паролата и потвърждението ѝ трябва да са идентични","Password was changed successfully":"Паролата е променена успешно","Pause upload":"Пауза на качването","Personal":"Лични","Personal storage":"Лично хранилище","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Лично хранилище (%{percentage}% използвани)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Моля, проверете дали файлът config.json съществува и дали е правилен.","Please choose...":"Моля, изберете...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Моля, свържете се с администратор ако тази грешка продължава.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Моля изчакайте, пренасочваме ви.","Preparing upload...":"Подготовка за качване...","Privacy":"Поверителност","Private link":"Поверителна връзка","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Дайте вашата обратна връзка: Бихме искали да подобрим уеб дизайна и ще се радваме да чуем отзиви ви. Благодарим ви! Екипът на ownCloud.","Public link":"Публична връзка","Quota exceeded":"Квотата е надвишена","Read more":"Прочетете още","Receive notification mails":"Получаване на имейли с известия","Repeat new password":"Повтаряне на новата парола","Request new export":"Заявка за ново експортиране","Resolving private link…":"Разрешаване на поверителната връзка...","Resume upload":"Подновяване на качването","Retry all failed uploads":"Повторен опит за всички неуспешни качвания","Scan for viruses":"Сканиране за вируси","Show details":"Показване на подробности","Show devices":"Показване на устройства","Sidebar navigation menu":"Навигационно меню в страничната лента","Skip to main":"Прескачане към главното","Space Admin":"Администраторско пространство","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Ресурсът не може да бъде намерен, може би вече не съществува.","The resource is not a public link.":"Ресурсът не е публична връзка.","This resource is password-protected":"Този ресурс е защитен с парола","Toggle sidebar":"Превключване на страничната лента","Top bar":"Горна лента","Unable to load account data…":"Неуспешно зареждане на данни за профила...","Unknown error":"Неизвестна грешка","Upload cancelled":"Качването е прекратено","Upload complete":"Качването завърши","Upload failed":"Качването е неуспешно","User":"Потребител","User Menu login":"Вход в потребителското меню","Username":"Потребителско име","View and download.":"Преглед и изтегляне.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Преглед, изтегляне, качване, редактиране и изтриване.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Открит е вирус \" %{description}\". За повече информация, моля свържете се с администратор.","You are not part of any group":"Не сте част от нито една група"},"de":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } von %{ uploads } Datei fehlgeschlagen","%{ errors } von %{ uploads } Dateien fehlgeschlagen"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } Datei wird hochgeladen...","%{ filesInProgressCount } Dateien werden hochgeladen..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } Stunde verbleibend","%{ roundedRemainingHours } Stunden verbleibend"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } Minute verbleibend","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } Minuten verbleibend"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } Datei hochgeladen","%{ successfulUploads } Dateien hochgeladen"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} von %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} von %{total} benutzt","%{used} used":"%{used} verwendet","Access denied":"Zugriff verweigert","Account":"Konto","Account Information":"Kontoinformationen","Account menu":"Konto-Menü","Activities":"Aktivitäten","Admin":"Administrator","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Bitte prüfen Sie auch die Browser-Konsole für weitere Informationen.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Beim Laden des öffentlichen Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Beim Auflösen des privaten Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","Application Switcher":"Apps-Menü","Authentication failed":"Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen","Auto (same as system)":"Automatisch (dem System entsprechend)","Back to home":"Zurück zur Startseite","Calculating estimated time...":"Berechnung der voraussichtlichen Dauer...","Can edit":"Kann bearbeiten","Can manage":"Kann verwalten","Can upload":"Kann hochladen","Can view":"Kann anzeigen","Cancel upload":"Hochladen abbrechen","Change password":"Passwort ändern","chat":"Chat","Close":"Schließen","Close sidebar to hide details":"Seitenleiste schließen, um Details auszublenden","Continue":"Weiter","Current password":"Aktuelles Passwort","documentation":"Dokumentation","Download latest export":"Neuesten Export herunterladen","Edit":"Bearbeiten","Email":"E-Mail","Enter password for public link":"Passworteingabe für öffentlichen Link","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Export wird bearbeitet. Das kann bis zu 24 Stunden dauern.","Failed to change password":"Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts","Few seconds left":"Noch wenige Sekunden","Finalizing upload...":"Hochladen wird finalisiert...","First and last name":"Vor- und Nachname","For help visit our":"Für Hilfe besuchen Sie unsere","GDPR":"DSGVO","GDPR export":"Export nach §20 DSGVO","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"DSGVO-Export kann nicht angefordert werden. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihre Administration.","GDPR export has been requested":"DSGVO Export wird erstellt ...","Group memberships":"Gruppenzugehörigkeiten","Guest":"Gast","Hide details":"Details ausblenden","Imprint":"Impressum","Incorrect password":"Falsches Passwort","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (ihr aktuell verwendeter Browser) wird offiziell nicht unterstützt. Bitte verwenden Sie aus Sicherheitsgründen einen anderen Browser.","Language":"Sprache","Loading":"Lade ...","Loading public link…":"Lade öffentlichen Link…","Log in":"Anmelden","Log in again":"Erneut anmelden","Log out":"Abmelden","Logged out":"Abgemeldet","Logging you in":"Sie werden eingeloggt","Login":"Login","Logout":"Abmelden","Logout from active devices":"Von aktiven Geräten abmelden","Main navigation":"Hauptnavigation","Mark all as read":"Alle als gelesen markieren","Missing or invalid config":"Fehlende oder falsche Konfiguration","My Account":"Mein Konto","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Zur %{ pageName } Seite navigieren","Navigate to personal files page":"Zum persönlichen Speicherbereich navigieren","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Zur Seite %{ pageTitle } navigiert","New file":"Neue Datei","New password":"Neues Passwort","No activities":"Keine Aktivitäten","No email has been set up":"Es wurde noch keine E-Mail eingerichtet","Not logged in":"Nicht angemeldet","Nothing new":"Nichts Neues","Notifications":"Benachrichtigungen","OCM link":"OCM-Link","Oidc callback":"OIDC Callback","Oidc redirect":"OIDC Weiterleitung","OPEN":"ÖFFNEN","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Öffne \"Mit mir geteilt\"","Open sidebar to view details":"Seitenleiste öffnen, um Details einzublenden","Opening files from remote is disabled":"Fernzugriff auf Dateien ist deaktiviert.","Operation denied due to security policies":"Aus Sicherheitsgründen blockiert","or join our":"oder machen Sie mit bei ","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud Feedbackumfrage","Parent folder does not exist":"Der übergeordnete Ordner existiert nicht","Password":"Passwort","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Passwort und Passwort-Bestätigung müssen identisch sein","Password was changed successfully":"Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert","Pause upload":"Hochladen anhalten","Personal":"Persönlich","Personal storage":"Persönlicher Speicherplatz","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Persönlicher Speicher (%{percentage}% benutzt)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Bitte prüfen Sie, ob die config.json Konfigurationsdatei existiert und valide ist.","Please choose...":"Bitte auswählen...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator/die Administratorin, wenn dieser Fehler weiterhin besteht.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Bitte warten, Sie werden weitergeleitet","Preference saved.":"Einstellung gespeichert.","Preferences":"Einstellungen","Preparing upload...":"Hochladen wird vorbereitet...","Privacy":"Datenschutz","Private link":"Privater Link","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Geben Sie uns Feedback: Wir würden unser Webdesign gerne verbessern und freuen uns über Ihre Rückmeldung. Vielen Dank! \nIhr ownCloud Team.","Public link":"Öffentlicher Link","Quota exceeded":"Quota überschritten","Read more":"Mehr anzeigen","Receive notification mails":"Mich per E-Mail über Aktivitäten benachrichtigen.","Repeat new password":"Neues Passwort wiederholen","Request a personal data export according to §20 GDPR.":"Einen persönlichen Datenexport gemäß §20 DSGVO anfordern.","Request new export":"Neuen Export anfordern","Resolving private link…":"Auflösen des privaten Links…","Resume upload":"Hochladen fortsetzen","Retry all failed uploads":"Alle fehlgeschlagenen Downloads erneut starten","Scan for viruses":"Auf Viren prüfen","Set new password":"Neues Passwort festlegen","Show details":"Details anzeigen","Show devices":"Angemeldete Geräte anzeigen","Show WebDAV information in file details":"WebDAV-Information in Detailansicht der Datei anzeigen","Sidebar navigation menu":"Navigation in der Seitenleiste","Skip to main":"Zum Hauptinhalt springen","Space Admin":"Space Manager/-in","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"Der hochzuladende Ordner ist gesperrt.","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Der Link konnte nicht aufgelöst werden. Möglicherweise ist er nicht mehr gültig.","The resource is not a public link.":"Dies ist kein öffentlicher Link.","Theme":"Thema","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Das könnte aufgrund einer routinemäßigen Abmeldung aus Sicherheitsgründen geschehen sein oder Ihr Benutzerkonto ist inaktiv oder noch nicht freigeschaltet. Bitte versuchen Sie es nach einiger Zeit erneut oder wenden Sie sich an Ihre Administration.","This file or folder has been shared with you via \"%{parentShareName}\". Enable the sync for the share \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Diese Datei oder dieser Ordner wurde mit Ihnen über \"%{parentShareName}\" geteilt. Aktivieren Sie die Synchronisierung für die Freigabe \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Geteilt\" > \"Mit mir geteilt\", um sie anzusehen.","This file or folder has been shared with you. Enable the sync in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Dieser Ordner oder diese Datei wurde mit Ihnen geteilt. Aktivieren Sie die Synchronisierung in \"Geteilt\" > \"Mit mir geteilt\", um ihn anzusehen.","This resource is password-protected":"Diese Datei ist passwortgeschützt.","Toggle sidebar":"Seitenleiste ein-/ausklappen","Top bar":"Kopfleiste","Unable to load account data…":"Kontoinformationen konnten nicht geladen werden.","Unable to save preference…":"Einstellung kann nicht gespeichert werden.","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"Leider ist das Passwort ein häufig verwendetes Wort. Bitte wählen sie ein schwerer zu erratendes Wort.","Unknown error":"Unbekannter Fehler","Upload cancelled":"Hochladen abgebrochen","Upload complete":"Hochladen abgeschlossen","Upload failed":"Hochladen fehlgeschlagen","User":"Person","User Menu login":"Anmelden über Benutzer/-innen-Menü","Username":"Anmeldename","View and download.":"Anzeigen und herunterladen","View options":"Optionen anzeigen","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Anzeigen, herunterladen, hochladen, bearbeiten, hinzufügen und löschen","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Virus \"%{description}\" entdeckt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Administrator/Ihre Administratorin für weitere Informationen.","You are not part of any group":"Sie gehören keiner Gruppe an.","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"Diese Seite kann nach der Aktivierung der Synchronisierung der Freigabe neu geladen werden.","You have been logged out successfully.":"Die Abmeldung war erfolgreich."},"el":{"Account":"Λογαριασμός","Account Information":"Πληροφορίες λογαριασμού","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την φόρτωση του δημόσιου συνδέσμου","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την επίλυση του ιδιωτικού συνδέσμου","Continue":"Συνέχεια","documentation":"τεκμηρίωση","Edit":"Επεξεργασία","Email":"Email","For help visit our":"Για βοήθεια επισκεφθείτε την","Loading":"Γίνεται φόρτωση","Loading public link…":"Φόρτωση δημόσιου συνδέσμου…","Log out":"Αποσύνδεση","Login":"Σύνδεση","Logout":"Έξοδος","No email has been set up":"Δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί το ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο","Password":"Συνθηματικό","Resolving private link…":"Επίλυση ιδιωτικού συνδέσμου…","User":"Χρήστης","You are not part of any group":"Δεν είστε μέλος καμιάς ομάδας"},"es":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } de %{ uploads } elemento falló","%{ errors } de %{ uploads } elementos fallaron","%{ errors } de %{ uploads } elementos fallaron"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["Subiendo %{ filesInProgressCount } elemento...","Subiendo %{ filesInProgressCount } elementos...","Subiendo %{ filesInProgressCount } elementos..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } hora restante","%{ roundedRemainingHours } horas restantes","%{ roundedRemainingHours } horas restantes"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuto restante","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutos restantes","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutos restantes"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } elemento subido","%{ successfulUploads } elementos subidos","%{ successfulUploads } elementos subidos"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} de %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} de %{total} usado","%{used} used":"%{used} usado","Access denied":"Acceso denegado","Account":"Cuenta","Account Information":"Información de cuenta","Account menu":"Menú de cuenta","Activities":"Actividades","Admin":"Administrador","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"También, asegúrese de revisar la consola del navegador para más información. ","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Se ha producido un error al cargar el enlace público","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Se ha producido un error resolviendo el enlace privado ","Application Switcher":"Cambio de aplicación","Authentication failed":"Fallo de autentificación","Auto (same as system)":"Automático (igual que el sistema)","Back to home":"Volver a la página de inicio","Calculating estimated time...":"Calculando tiempo estimado...","Can edit":"Puede editar","Can manage":"Puede gestionar","Can upload":"Puede cargar","Can view":"Puede ver","Cancel upload":"Cancelar subida","Change password":"Cambiar contraseña","chat":"chat","Close":"Cerrar","Close sidebar to hide details":"Cerrar el menú lateral para ocultar los detalles","Continue":"Continuar","Current password":"Contraseña actual","Default progress bar":"Barra de progreso por defecto","documentation":"documentación","Download latest export":"Descargar última exportación","Edit":"Editar","Email":"Correo electrónico","Enter password for public link":"Introduce la contraseña para el enlace público","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Se está procesando la exportación. Esto puede tardar hasta 24 horas.","Extensions":"Extensiones","Failed to change password":"Error al cambiar la contraseña","Few seconds left":"Quedan unos pocos segundos","Finalizing upload...":"Finalizando subida...","First and last name":"Nombre y apellido","For help visit our":"Para ayuda visite nuestra","GDPR":"GDPR","GDPR export":"Exportación GDPR","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"No se ha podido solicitar la exportación GDPR. Póngase en contacto con un administrador.","GDPR export has been requested":"Se ha solicitado la exportación GDPR","Global progress bar":"Barra de progreso global","Group memberships":"Membresía de grupo","Guest":"Invitado","Hide details":"Esconder detalles","Imprint":"Aviso legal","Incorrect password":"Contraseña incorrecta","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (su navegador actual) no esta soportado oficialmente. Por razones de seguridad, por favor cambie a otro navegador.","Language":"Idioma","Loading":"Cargando","Loading public link…":"Cargando enlace público...","Log in":"Iniciar sesión","Log in again":"Iniciar sesión de nuevo","Log out":"Salir","Logged out":"Sesión cerrada","Logging you in":"Inicio de sesión en proceso","Login":"Iniciar sesión","Logout":"Cerrar sesión","Logout from active devices":"Cerrar sesión en los dispositivos activos","Main navigation":"Navegación principal","Mark all as read":"Marcar todo como leído","Missing or invalid config":"Configuración faltante o inválida","My Account":"Mi cuenta","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Vaya a la página %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Vaya a la página de archivos personales","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Vaya hasta %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Nuevo archivo","New password":"Nueva contraseña","New password must be different from current password":"La contraseña no puede ser igual que la anterior","No activities":"No hay actividades","No email has been set up":"No se ha establecido ningún correo electrónico","Not logged in":"No ha iniciado sesión","Nothing new":"Nada nueo","Notifications":"Notificaciones","OCM link":"Enlace OCM","Oidc callback":"callback Oidc","Oidc redirect":"redirección Oidc","OPEN":"ABRIR","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Abrir \"Compartido conmigo\"","Open sidebar to view details":"Abrir el menú lateral para ver los detalles","Opening files from remote is disabled":"Abrir recursos remotos está deshabilitado","Operation denied due to security policies":"Operación denegada por políticas de seguridad","or join our":"o únase a nosotros","ownCloud feedback survey":"encuesta de ownCloud","Parent folder does not exist":"La carpeta principal no existe ","Password":"Contraseña","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"La contraseña y la confirmación de contraseña deben ser idénticas","Password was changed successfully":"La contraseña ha sido cambiada con éxito","Pause upload":"Pausar subida","Personal":"Personal","Personal storage":"Almacenamiento personal","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Almacenamiento personal (%{percentage}% usado)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Por favor revise que el archivo config.json existe y es correcto.","Please choose...":"Por favor, elija...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Contacta con el administrador si el error persiste","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Por favor espere. Lo estamos redireccionando.","Preference saved.":"Preferencias guardadas.","Preferences":"Preferencias","Preparing upload...":"Preparando subida...","Privacy":"Privacidad","Private link":"Enlace privado","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Denos su opinión. Queremos mejorar el diseño web y estaríamos felices de escuchar su opinión. ¡Gracias! Tu equipo de ownCloud.","Public link":"Enlace público","Quota exceeded":"Se ha superado la cuota","Read more":"Leer más","Receive notification mails":"Recibir notificaciones por correo electrónico","Repeat new password":"Repite la nueva contraseña","Request new export":"Solicitar nueva exportación","Resolving private link…":"Resolviendo enlace privado...","Resume upload":"Reanudar la carga","Retry all failed uploads":"Reintentar todas las subidas fallidas","Scan for viruses":"Detección de virus","Set new password":"Establece una contraseña nueva","Show details":"Mostrar detalles","Show devices":"Mostrar dispositivos","Show WebDAV information in file details":"Ver información sobre WebDAV en los detalles del archivo","Sidebar navigation menu":"Menu lateral de navegación","Skip to main":"Volver al inicio","Space Admin":"Administrador del espacio","The folder you were accessing has been removed. Please navigate to another location.":"La carpeta a la que estaba accediendo fue eliminada. Por favor vaya a otra carpeta","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"La carpeta a la que intenta subir está bloqueada","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"No se ha podido localizar el recurso, puede que ya no exista.","The resource is not a public link.":"Este recurso no es un enlace público.","Theme":"Tema","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Esto puede deberse a un cierre de sesión de seguridad rutinario o a que su cuenta está inactiva o aún no está autorizada para su uso. Por favor, intente conectarse después de un rato o pida ayuda a su administrador.","This resource is password-protected":"Este recurso está protegido por una contraseña","Toggle sidebar":"Cambiar barra lateral","Top bar":"Barra superior","Unable to load account data…":"No se pueden cargar los datos de la cuenta...","Unable to save preference…":"No se fue posible guardar las preferencias...","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"Desafortunadamente, su contraseña es muy común. Por favor, elija una contraseña más difícil de adivinar para su seguridad.","Unknown error":"Error desconocido","Upload cancelled":"Subida cancelada","Upload complete":"Subida completa","Upload failed":"Subida fallida","User":"Usuario","User Menu login":"Inicio de sesión en el menú de usuario","Username":"Usuario","View and download.":"Ver y descargar.","View options":"Opciones de vista","View, download and edit.":"Ver, descargar y editar","View, download and upload.":"Ver, descargar y subir","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Ver, descargar, subir, editar, añadir y eliminar.","View, download, upload, edit, add, delete and manage members.":"Ver, descargar, subir, editar, añadir, eliminar y gestionar miembros.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Virus \"%{description}\" detectado. Póngase en contacto con su administrador para obtener más información.","You are not part of any group":"No eres parte de ningún grupo","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"Puedes recargar esta página tras habilitar la sincronización de recursos compartidos.","You have been logged out successfully.":"Se ha cerrado sesión con éxito","Your access to this share has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Tu acceso a este recurso ha sido revocado. Por favor vaya a otra ubicación.","Your access to this space has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Tu acceso a este espacio ha sido revocado. Por favor vaya a otra ubicación."},"et":{},"fr":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } élément sur %{ uploads } échoué","%{ errors } éléments sur %{ uploads } échoués","%{ errors } éléments sur %{ uploads } échoués"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["Envoi de %{ filesInProgressCount } élément…","Envoi de %{ filesInProgressCount } élément…","Envoi de %{ filesInProgressCount } éléments…"],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } heure restante","%{ roundedRemainingHours } heure restante","%{ roundedRemainingHours } heures restantes"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute restante","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutes restantes","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutes restantes"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } élément envoyé","%{ successfulUploads } éléments envoyés","%{ successfulUploads } éléments envoyés"],"%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} sur %{total} utilisé","%{used} used":"%{used} utilisé","Access denied":"Accès refusé","Account":"Compte","Account Information":"Informations de compte","Account menu":"Menu du compte","Activities":"Activités","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Aussi, vérifiez la console de votre navigateur pour plus d'informations.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Une erreur est apparue lors du chargement du lien public","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Une erreur est apparue lors de la résolution du lien privé","Application Switcher":" Changeur d'applications","Authentication failed":"Error d'authentification","Calculating estimated time...":"Calcul du temps nécessaire…","Cancel upload":"Annuler l'envoi","Change password":"Modifier le mot de passe","chat":"chat","Close":"Fermer","Close sidebar to hide details":"Fermer le panneau latéral pour cacher les détails","Continue":"Continuer","Current password":"Mot de passe actuel","documentation":"documentation","Edit":"Editer","Email":"Email","Enter password for public link":"Entrer le mot de passe du lien public","Failed to change password":"Échec de la modification du mot de passe","Few seconds left":"Plus que quelques secondes","First and last name":"Prénom et nom","For help visit our":"Pour de l'aide visiter notre ","Group memberships":"Membres du groupe","Guest":" Invité","Hide details":"Masquer les détails","Incorrect password":"Mot de passe incorrect","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (votre navigateur actuel) n'est plus officiellement supporté. Pour des raisons de sécurité, utilisez un autre navigateur.","Loading":"Chargement","Loading public link…":"Chargement du lien public...","Log out":"Se déconnecter","Logged out":"Déconnecté","Logging you in":"En cours d'identification","Login":"Se connecter","Main navigation":"Navigation principale","Missing or invalid config":"Configuration manqante ou incorrecte","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Aller vers la page %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Aller vers la page des fichiers personnels","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Aller vers %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Nouveau fichier","New password":"Nouveau mot de passe","No activities":"Pas d'activités","No email has been set up":"Pas d'adresse e-mail configurée","Notifications":"Notifications","Oidc callback":"Rappel Oidc","Oidc redirect":"Redirection Oidc","Open sidebar to view details":"Ouvrir le panneau latéral pour voir les détails","or join our":"ou rejoigner notre","ownCloud feedback survey":"Enquête d'opinion sur ownCloud","Password":"Mot de passe","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Le mot de passe et la confirmation doivent être identiques","Password was changed successfully":"Le mot de passe a bien été modifié","Pause upload":"Mettre en pause l'envoi","Personal":"Personnel","Personal storage":"Stockage personnel","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Stockage personnel (%{percentage}% utilisé)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"S'il vous plait, vérifiez que le fichier config.json existe et qu'il est correcte","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si cette erreur persiste.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Veuillez patienter, vous allez être redirigé.","Preparing upload...":"Préparation de l'envoi…","Private link":"Lien privé","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Donner votre retour : nous aimerions améliorer le design du site web et nous serions heureux d'avoir votre retour. Merci ! Votre équipe ownCloud.","Public link":"Lien public","Read more":"Lire plus","Repeat new password":"Saisissez à nouveau le nouveau mot de passe","Resolving private link…":"Résolution du lien privé...","Resume upload":"Reprendre l'envoi","Retry all failed uploads":"Réessayer tous les envois échoués","Show details":"Afficher les détails","Sidebar navigation menu":"manu de navigation du panneau latéral","Skip to main":"Passer le principal","This resource is password-protected":"Cette ressource est protégée par mot de passe","Toggle sidebar":"Basculer l'affichage de la barre latérale","Top bar":"Barre supérieure","Unknown error":"Erreur inconnue","Upload cancelled":"Envoi annulé","Upload complete":"Upload terminé","Upload failed":"Upload a échoué","User":"Utilisateur","Username":"Nom d'utilisateur","View and download.":"Afficher et télécharger","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Afficher, télécharger, téléverser, éditer, ajouter et supprimer.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Virus \"%{description}\" détecté. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur pour plus d'informations.","You are not part of any group":"Vous n'êtes membre d'aucun groupe"},"gl":{"Account":"Conta","Account Information":"Información da conta","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Produciuse un erro ao cargar a ligazón pública","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Produciuse un erro ao resolver a ligazón privada","Application Switcher":"Cambiador de aplicacións","Authentication failed":"Produciuse un fallo de autenticación","Continue":"Continuar","documentation":"documentación","Edit":"Editar","Enter password for public link":"Introduza o contrasinal para a ligazón pública","For help visit our":"Para obter axuda visite o noso","Guest":"Convidado","Incorrect password":"Contrasinal incorrecta","Loading":"Cargando","Loading public link…":"Cargando a ligazón pública…","Log out":"Saír","Login":"Acceso","Logout":"Saír","New file":"Novo ficheiro","No email has been set up":"Non se configurou ningún correo-e","Notifications":"Notificacións","Password":"Contrasinal","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se persiste o erro.","Public link":"Ligazón pública","Resolving private link…":"Resolvendo a ligazón privada…","Upload complete":"Envío completado","Upload failed":"Produciuse un fallo no envío","User":"Usuario","You are not part of any group":"Vostede non forma parte de ningún grupo"},"he":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["פריט אחד נכשל","%{ errors } מתוך %{ uploads } פריטים נכשלו","%{ errors } מתוך %{ uploads } פריטים נכשלו","%{ errors } מתוך %{ uploads } פריטים נכשלו"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":[" פריט נשלח…","%{ filesInProgressCount } פריטים נשלחים…","%{ filesInProgressCount } פריטים נשלחים…"],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["נותרה שעה","נותרו שעתיים","נותרו %{ roundedRemainingHours } שעות","נותרו %{ roundedRemainingHours } שעות"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["נותרה דקה","נותרו %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } דקות","נותרו %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } דקות","נותרו %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } דקות"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["פריט נשלח","%{ successfulUploads } פריטים נשלחו","%{ successfulUploads } פריטים נשלחו","%{ successfulUploads } פריטים נשלחו"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} מתוך %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed} לשנייה)","%{used} of %{total} used":"מנוצלים %{used} מתוך %{total}","%{used} used":"%{used} בשימוש","Access denied":"הגישה נדחתה","Account":"חשבון","Account Information":"פרטי חשבון","Account menu":"תפריט חשבון","Activities":"פעילויות","Admin":"ניהול","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"כמו כן, אפשר להציץ במסוף הדפדפן לקבלת מידע נוסף.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"שגיאה אירעה בזמן טעינת הקישור הציבורי","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"שגיאה אירעה בזמן העבודה על הקישור הפרטי","Application Switcher":"בורר יישומים","Authentication failed":"אימות נכשל","Calculating estimated time...":"הזמן שנותר מחושב…","Cancel upload":"ביטול העלאה","Change password":"החלפת סיסמה","chat":"צ׳אט","Close":"סגירה","Close sidebar to hide details":"סגירת הלוח תסתיר את הפרטים","Continue":"המשך","Current password":"סיסמה נוכחית","documentation":"תיעוד","Edit":"עריכה","Email":"דוא״ל","Enter password for public link":"הכנסת סיסמה לקישור ציבורי","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"מתבצע ייצוא. יכול לארוך עד 24 שעות.","Failed to change password":"החלפת הסיסמה נכשלה","Few seconds left":"נותרו שניות ספורות","Finalizing upload...":"ההעלאה מסתיימת…","First and last name":"שם פרטי ומשפחה","For help visit our":"לעזרה, ניתן לבקר ב־","GDPR export":"ייצוא GDPR","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"לא ניתן לבקש ייצוא של ה־GDPR. נא ליצור קשר עם ההנהלה.","GDPR export has been requested":"ייצוא ה־GDPR התבקש","Group memberships":"חברות בקבוצות","Guest":"אורח","Hide details":"הסתרת פרטים","Incorrect password":"סיסמה שגויה","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (הדפדפן הנוכחי) אינו נתמך רשמית. מטעמי אבטחה, מומלץ לעבור לדפדפן אחר.","Language":"שפה","Loading":"בטעינה","Loading public link…":"קישור ציבורי נטען…","Log in again":"כניסה מחדש","Log out":"יציאה","Logged out":"יצאת","Logging you in":"המערכת מכניסה אותך","Login":"כניסה","Logout":"יציאה","Logout from active devices":"יציאה מהתקנים פעילים","Main navigation":"ניווט ראשי","Mark all as read":"לסמן הכול כנקרא","Missing or invalid config":"הגדרות חסרות או שגויות","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"ניווט לעמוד %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"ניווט לעמוד הקבצים האישיים","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"ניווטת אל %{ pageTitle }","New file":"קובץ חדש","New password":"סיסמה חדשה","No activities":"אין פעילויות","No email has been set up":"לא הוגדר דוא״ל","Nothing new":"שום דבר חדש","Notifications":"הודעות","Oidc callback":"קריאה חוזרת של Oidc","Oidc redirect":"הפנייה של Oidc","Open \"Shared with me\"":"פתיחת „שותפו אתי”","Open sidebar to view details":"פתיחת סרגל צד כדי להציג פרטים","or join our":"או להצטרף אל","ownCloud feedback survey":"סקר המשוב של ownCloud","Parent folder does not exist":"תיקיית ההורה לא קיימת","Password":"סיסמה:","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"הסיסמה ואימות הסיסמה חייבים להיות זהים","Password was changed successfully":"הסיסמה הוחלפה בהצלחה","Pause upload":"השהיית העלאה","Personal":"אישי","Personal storage":"אחסון אישי","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"אחסון אישי (%{percentage}% נוצלו)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"נא לבדוק שהקובץ config.json קיים ושהוא נכון.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"יש ליצור קשר עם האדמין אם שגיאה זו נמשכת.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"נא להמתין, מתבצעת הפנייה.","Preparing upload...":"ההעלאה בהכנה…","Private link":"קישור פרטי","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"נא לספק את המשוב שלך: נרצה לשפר את עיצוב המערכת ונשמח לשמוע את המשוב המלא שלך! צוות ה־ownCloud שלך.","Public link":"קישור ציבורי","Quota exceeded":"חריגה מהמכסה","Repeat new password":"חזרה על הסיסמה החדש","Request new export":"בקשת מידע מיוצא חדש","Resolving private link…":"הקישור הפרטי מאותר…","Resume upload":"המשך העלאה","Retry all failed uploads":"לנסות שוב את כל ההעלאות שנכשלו","Scan for viruses":"סריקה לאיתור וירוסים","Show details":"הצגת פרטים","Show devices":"הצגת התקנים","Sidebar navigation menu":"תפריט ניווט בסרגל צד","Skip to main":"דילוג לראשי","This resource is password-protected":"משאב זה מוגן בסיסמה","Toggle sidebar":"החלפת מצב סרגל צד","Top bar":"סרגל עליון","Unknown error":"שגיאה לא ידועה","Upload cancelled":"ההעלאה בוטלה","Upload complete":"העלאה הושלמה","Upload failed":"העלאה נכשלה","User":"משתמש","Username":"שם משתמש","You are not part of any group":"לא הצטרפת לאף קבוצה"},"hr":{},"id":{"Edit":"Ubah","Guest":"Tamu","Read more":"Baca selengkapnya"},"it":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } di %{ uploads } oggetto non caricato","%{ errors } di %{ uploads } oggetti non caricati","%{ errors } di %{ uploads } oggetti non caricati"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["Caricamento di %{ filesInProgressCount } oggetto...","Caricamento di %{ filesInProgressCount } oggetti...","Caricamento di %{ filesInProgressCount } oggetti..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } ora rimanente","%{ roundedRemainingHours } ore rimanenti","%{ roundedRemainingHours } ore rimanenti"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuto rimanente","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuti rimanenti","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuti rimanenti"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } oggetto caricato","%{ successfulUploads } oggetti caricati","%{ successfulUploads } oggetti caricati"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} di %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"Usato %{used} di %{total}","%{used} used":"Usato %{used}","Access denied":"Accesso negato","Account":"Utente","Account Information":"Informazioni utente","Account menu":"Menu utente","Activities":"Attività","Admin":"Amministratore","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Inoltre, si consiglia di controllare la console del browser per ulteriori informazioni","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Si è verificato un errore nel caricamento del collegamento pubblico","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Si è verificato un errore nella risoluzione del collegamento privato","Application Switcher":"Application Switcher","Authentication failed":"Autenticazione fallita","Calculating estimated time...":"Calcolo tempo rimanente...","Can edit":"Può modificare","Can manage":"Può gestire","Can upload":"Può caricare","Can view":"Può visualizzare","Cancel upload":"Annulla caricamento","Change password":"Cambia la password","chat":"chat","Close":"Chiudi","Close sidebar to hide details":"Chiudere la barra laterale per nascondere i dettagli","Continue":"Continua","Current password":"Password corrente","documentation":"documentazione","Edit":"Modifica","Email":"Email","Enter password for public link":"Inserire la password per il collegamento pubblico","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Stiamo processando l'export. Questa operazione può richiedere fino a 24 ore.","Failed to change password":"Non è stato possibile modificare la password","Few seconds left":"Ancora qualche secondo","Finalizing upload...":"Fasi finali del caricamento in corso...","First and last name":"Nome e cognome","For help visit our":"Per aiuto consulta","GDPR export":"GDPR export","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"Non è stato possibile richiedere l'export del GDPR. Contattare un amministratore.","GDPR export has been requested":"È stato richiesto l'export del GDPR","Group memberships":"Appartenenza ai gruppi","Guest":"Ospite","Hide details":"Nascondi dettagli","Incorrect password":"Password sbagliata","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (il suo browser attuale) non è ufficialmente supportato. Per ragioni di sicurezza si prega di cambiare browser.","Language":"Lingua","Loading":"Caricamento","Loading public link…":"Caricamento collegamento pubblico...","Log in again":"Accedere nuovamente","Log out":"Esci","Logged out":"Uscito con successo","Logging you in":"Accesso in corso","Login":"Login","Logout":"Uscita","Logout from active devices":"Uscire dai dispositivi attivi","Main navigation":"Navigazione principale","Mark all as read":"Segna tutti come letti","Missing or invalid config":"Configurazione mancante o invalida","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Vai alla pagina %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Vai alla pagina dei file personali","New password":"Nuova password","No activities":"Nessuna attività","No email has been set up":"Non è stata impostata nessuna email","Nothing new":"Niente di nuovo","Notifications":"Notifiche","Oidc callback":"Callback OIDC","Oidc redirect":"Reindirizzamento OIDC","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Apri \"Condivisi con me\"","Open sidebar to view details":"Apri la barra laterale per visualizzare i dettagli","or join our":"o unisciti a","ownCloud feedback survey":"Sondaggio ownCloud","Parent folder does not exist":"Cartella superiore non esiste","Password":"Password","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"I campi password e conferma password devono combaciare","Password was changed successfully":"Password cambiata con successo","Pause upload":"Metti il caricamento in pausa","Personal":"Personale","Personal storage":"Archivio personale","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Spazio personale (utilizzato al %{percentage}%)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Controlla se il file config.json esiste ed è corretto","Please choose...":"Effettuare una scelta...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Contatta l'amministratore se questo errore persiste","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Reindirizzamento in corso, attendere prego.","Preparing upload...":"Preparazione caricamento...","Private link":"Link privato","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Fatti sentire: cerchiamo costantemente di migliorare il design web e vorremmo sentire la tua opinione. Grazie! Il tuo team ownCloud.","Public link":"Link pubblico","Quota exceeded":"Quota ecceduta","Read more":"Scopri di più","Receive notification mails":"Ricevere notifiche via mail","Repeat new password":"Ripetere la nuova password","Request new export":"Richiedi nuovo export","Resolving private link…":"Risoluzione del collegamento privato in corso","Resume upload":"Riprendere il caricamento","Retry all failed uploads":"Riprovare tutti i caricamenti falliti","Scan for viruses":"Effettua una scansione alla ricerca di virus","Show details":"Visualizza dettagli","Show devices":"Mostra dispositivi","Sidebar navigation menu":"Barra di navigazione laterale","Space Admin":"Space Admin","This resource is password-protected":"Questa risorsa è protetta da password","Toggle sidebar":"Mostra / nascondi barra laterale","Top bar":"Barra superiore","Unable to load account data…":"Impossibile caricare i dati dell'account...","Unknown error":"Errore sconosciuto","Upload cancelled":"Caricamento cancellato","Upload complete":"Caricamento completato","Upload failed":"Caricamento fallito","User":"Utente","Username":"Nome utente","View and download.":"Visualizza e scarica.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Visualizza, scarica, carica, modifica, aggiungi ed elimina.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"È stato rilevato il virus \"%{description}\". Contattare l'amministratore per maggiori informazioni.","You are not part of any group":"Non sei parte di alcun gruppo"},"ja":{},"nl":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } van %{ uploads } item is mislukt","%{ errors } van %{ uploads } items zijn mislukt"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } item aan het uploaden...","%{ filesInProgressCount } items aan hetuploaden..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } uur over","%{ roundedRemainingHours } uren over"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuut over","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuten over"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } item geüpload","%{ successfulUploads } items geüpload"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} van %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} van %{total} gebruikt","%{used} used":"%{used} gebruikt","Access denied":"Toegang geweigerd","Account":"Account","Account Information":"Account informatie","Account menu":"Account menu","Activities":"Activiteiten","Admin":"Admin","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Verifieer ook uw browser console voor meer informatie.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het laden van de openbare link","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het oplossen van de privé link","Application Switcher":"Applicatie Wisselaar","Authentication failed":"Authenticatie mislukt","Calculating estimated time...":"Geschatte tijd berekenen...","Cancel upload":"Upload annuleren","Change password":"Wachtwoord wijzigen","chat":"bericht","Close":"Sluit","Close sidebar to hide details":"Sluit zijbalk om details te verbergen","Continue":"Ga door","Current password":"Huidig wachtwoord","documentation":"documentatie","Edit":"Bewerken","Email":"E-mail","Enter password for public link":"Voer het wachtwoord in voor een openbare link","Failed to change password":"Wachtwoord kan niet worden gewijzigd","Few seconds left":"Nog enkele seconden over","Finalizing upload...":"Uploaden voltooien...","First and last name":"Voor- en achternaam","For help visit our":"Bezoek voor hulp","Group memberships":"Groep lidmaatschappen","Guest":"Gast","Hide details":"Details verbergen","Incorrect password":"Onjuist wachtwoord","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (uw huidige browser) wordt niet officieel ondersteund. Vanuit veiligheidsoogpunt, maak gebruik van een andere browser.","Language":"Taal","Loading":"Laden","Loading public link…":"Openbare link wordt geladen...","Log in again":"Log opnieuw in","Log out":"Afmelden","Logged out":"Uitgelogd","Logging you in":"U wordt ingelogd","Login":"Aanmelden","Logout":"Uitloggen","Main navigation":"Hoofd menu","Missing or invalid config":"Configuratie onjuist of niet aanwezig","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Ga naar pagina %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Ga naar uw persoonlijke bestanden pagina","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Genavigeerd naar %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Nieuw bestand","New password":"Nieuw wachtwoord","No activities":"Geen activiteiten","No email has been set up":"E-mail is niet geconfigureerd","Notifications":"Meldingen","Oidc callback":"Oidc verwijzing","Oidc redirect":"Oidc omleiding","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Open 'Met mij gedeeld'","Open sidebar to view details":"Open de zijbalk om details te bekijken","or join our":"of word lid van ons","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud enquête","Parent folder does not exist":"Bovenliggende map bestaat niet","Password":"Wachtwoord","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Wachtwoord en wachtwoordbevestiging moeten identiek zijn","Password was changed successfully":"Wachtwoord is met succes gewijzigd","Pause upload":"Upload pauzeren","Personal":"Persoonlijk","Personal storage":"Persoonlijke opslag","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Persoonlijke opslag (%{percentage}% in gebruik)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Controleer of de config.json bestaat en correct is.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Neem contact op met de beheerder als deze fout zich voor blijft doen.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Uw wordt doorgestuurd","Preparing upload...":"Upload voorbereiden...","Private link":"Privé koppeling","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Geef uw mening: We willen het web design verbeteren en zijn benieuwd naar uw mening. Bedankt! Het ownCloud team.","Public link":"Publieke koppeling","Quota exceeded":"Quotum overschreden","Read more":"Lees meer","Repeat new password":"Herhaal nieuw wachtwoord","Resolving private link…":"Privélink oplossen...","Resume upload":"Upload hervatten","Retry all failed uploads":"Probeer alle mislukte uploads opnieuw","Scan for viruses":"Scannen op virussen","Show details":"Toon details","Sidebar navigation menu":"Zijbalk navigatie menu","Skip to main":"Ga door naar het hoofdmenu","Space Admin":"Ruimte Admin","This resource is password-protected":"Deze bron is beveiligd met een wachtwoord","Toggle sidebar":"Zijbalk wisselen","Top bar":"Bovenste balk","Unknown error":"Onbekende fout","Upload cancelled":"Upload geannuleerd","Upload complete":"Upload compleet","Upload failed":"Upload mislukt","User":"Gebruiker","Username":"Gebruikersnaam","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Virus \"%{description}\" gedetecteerd. Neem contact op met uw adminitrator voor meer informatie.","You are not part of any group":"U bent geen lid van een groep"},"pt":{},"pl":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["Nieudane przesyłanie %{ errors } z %{ uploads } pliku","Nieudane przesyłanie %{ errors } z %{ uploads } plików","Nieudane przesyłanie %{ errors } z %{ uploads } plików","Nieudane przesyłanie %{ errors } z %{ uploads } plików"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["Przesyłanie %{ filesInProgressCount } pliku...","Przesyłanie %{ filesInProgressCount } plików...","Przesyłanie %{ filesInProgressCount } plików...","Przesyłanie %{ filesInProgressCount } plików..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["Pozostała %{ roundedRemainingHours } godzina","Pozostały %{ roundedRemainingHours } godziny","Pozostało %{ roundedRemainingHours } godzin","Pozostało %{ roundedRemainingHours } godzin"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["Pozostała %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuta","Pozostały %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuty","Pozostało %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minut","Pozostało %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minut"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["Pomyślnie przesłano %{ successfulUploads } plik","Pomyślnie przesłano %{ successfulUploads } pliki","Pomyślnie przesłano %{ successfulUploads } plików","Pomyślnie przesłano %{ successfulUploads } plików"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} z %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"Użyto %{used} z %{total}.","%{used} used":"Użyto %{used}","Access denied":"Odmowa dostępu","Account":"Konto","Account Information":"Informacje o koncie","Account menu":"Menu konta","Activities":"Aktywności","Admin":"Administrator","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Sprawdź jeszcze konsolę przeglądarki, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Wystąpił problem przy próbie otwarcia publicznego linku","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Wystąpił problem przy próbie otwarcia prywatnego linku","Application Switcher":"Przełącznik Aplikacji","Authentication failed":"Uwierzytelnianie nie powiodło się","Back to home":"Wróć na stronę główną","Calculating estimated time...":"Obliczanie przybliżonego czasu...","Can edit":"Może edytować","Can manage":"Może zarządzać","Can upload":"Może przesłać","Can view":"Może zobaczyć","Cancel upload":"Przerwij przesyłanie","Change password":"Zmień hasło","chat":"czat","Close":"Zamknij","Close sidebar to hide details":"Zamknij panel boczny by ukryć szczegóły","Continue":"Kontynuuj","Current password":"Bieżące hasło","documentation":"dokumentacja","Edit":"Edycja","Email":"Email","Enter password for public link":"Wprowadź hasło dla linku publicznego","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Eksport jest przygotowywany. Może to zając do 24 godzin.","Failed to change password":"Nieudana zmiana hasła","Few seconds left":"Pozostało kilka sekund","Finalizing upload...":"Zakańczanie przesyłania...","First and last name":"Imię i nazwisko","For help visit our":"Aby otrzymać pomoc, odwiedź","GDPR export":"Eksport GDPR","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"Żądanie eksportu GDPR nie powiodło się. Skontaktuj się z administratorem.","GDPR export has been requested":"Zażądano eksportu GDPR","Group memberships":"Członkostwa grupy","Guest":"Gość","Hide details":"Ukryj szczegóły","Incorrect password":"Hasło nieprawidłowe","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (obecnie używana przeglądarka) nie jest już oficjalnie obsługiwana. Ze względu na bezpieczeństwo, użyj proszę innej przeglądarki.","Language":"Język","Loading":"Ładowanie","Loading public link…":"Otwieranie linku publicznego...","Log in":"Zaloguj","Log in again":"Zaloguj się ponownie","Log out":"Wyloguj","Logged out":"Wylogowano","Logging you in":"Trwa logowanie","Login":"Logowanie","Logout":"Wylogowanie","Logout from active devices":"Wyloguj z aktywnych urządzeń","Main navigation":"Główna nawigacja","Mark all as read":"Oznacz wszystko jako przeczytane","Missing or invalid config":"Brakująca lub nieprawidłowa konfiguracja","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Przejdź do strony %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Przejdź do strony z plikami prywatnymi","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Przejdź do %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Nowy plik","New password":"Nowe hasło","No activities":"Brak aktywności","No email has been set up":"Nie ustawiono adresu e-mail","Not logged in":"Nie zalogowany","Nothing new":"Brak powiadomień","Notifications":"Powiadomienia","Oidc callback":"Odwołanie oidc","Oidc redirect":"Przekierowanie oidc","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Otwórz \"Udostępnione dla mnie\"","Operation denied due to security policies":"Odmowa wykonania operacji z powodu zasad bezpieczeństwa","or join our":"lub dołącz do naszego","ownCloud feedback survey":"Ankieta informacji zwrotnej ownCloud","Parent folder does not exist":"Folder nadrzędny nie istnieje","Password":"Hasło","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Hasło i jego powtórzenie muszą być takie same","Password was changed successfully":"Hasło zostało pomyślnie zmienione","Pause upload":"Wstrzymaj przesyłanie","Personal":"Prywatne","Personal storage":"Magazyn osobisty","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Magazyn osobisty (%{percentage}% w użyciu)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Sprawdź, czy plik config.json istnieje i jest poprawny.","Please choose...":"Wybierz...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Jeżeli błąd będzie wciąż się pojawiał, skontaktuj się z administratorem.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Poczekaj na przekierowanie.","Preparing upload...":"Rozpoczynanie przesyłania...","Privacy":"Prywatność","Private link":"Link prywatny","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Podziel się swoją opinią: Zależy nam na poprawie projektu strony i z chęcią poznamy Twoją opinię. Dziękujemy! Zespół ownCloud.","Public link":"Link publiczny","Quota exceeded":"Przekroczono limit","Read more":"Przeczytaj więcej","Receive notification mails":"Otrzymuj powiadomienia przez mail","Repeat new password":"Powtórz nowe hasło","Request new export":"Zażądaj nowego eksportu","Resolving private link…":"Otwieranie linku prywatnego...","Resume upload":"Wznów przesyłanie","Retry all failed uploads":"Ponów nieudane przesyłanie","Scan for viruses":"Skanuj w poszukiwaniu wirusów","Show details":"Pokaż szczegóły","Show devices":"Pokaż urządzenia","Sidebar navigation menu":"Boczne menu nawigacyjne","Skip to main":"Przejdź do głównej","Space Admin":"Przestrzeń administratora","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Zasób nie może być zlokalizowany, może już nie istnieć.","The resource is not a public link.":"Zasób nie jest linkiem publicznym.","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Może to wynikać z automatycznego wylogowania lub dlatego, że twoje konto jest nieaktywne, albo jeszcze potwierdzone. Po pewnym czasie spróbuj zalogować się lub skontaktuj się z administratorem.","This resource is password-protected":"Ten zasób jest chroniony hasłem","Toggle sidebar":"Przełącz pasek boczny","Top bar":"Pasek górny","Unable to load account data…":"Nie udało się załadować danych konta...","Unknown error":"Nieznany błąd","Upload cancelled":"Przerwano przesyłanie","Upload complete":"Przesyłanie zakończone","Upload failed":"Przesyłanie nie powiodło się","User":"Użytkownik","User Menu login":"Menu zalogowanego użytkownika","Username":"nazwa użytkownika","View and download.":"Wyświetl i pobierz.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Zobaczyć, pobrać, przesłać, edytować, dodać i usunąć.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Wykryto wirusa \"%{description}\". Skontaktuj się z administratorem by uzyskać więcej informacji.","You are not part of any group":"Nie należysz do żadnej grupy"},"ka":{},"ko":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":" %{ uploads } 항목 중 %{ errors } 실패","%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":"항목 %{ filesInProgressCount}개 업로드 중...","%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":"%{ roundedRemainingHours }시간 남음","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes }분 남음","%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":"%{ successfulUploads } 항목이 업로드됨","%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"총 %{totalBytes} 중 %{uploadedBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/초)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{total} 중 %{used} 사용됨","%{used} used":"%{used} 사용됨","Access denied":"접근 거부됨","Account":"계정","Account Information":"계정 정보","Account menu":"계정 메뉴","Activities":"활동","Admin":"관리자","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"또한 자세한 내용은 브라우저 콘솔을 확인하십시오.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"공개 링크를 불러오는 중 오류 발생","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"개인 링크를 확인하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다","Application Switcher":"앱 전환기","Authentication failed":"인증 실패","Auto (same as system)":"자동 (시스템과 동일)","Back to home":"홈으로 돌아가기","Calculating estimated time...":"예상 시간을 계산하는 중...","Can edit":"편집 가능","Can manage":"관리 가능","Can upload":"업로드 가능","Can view":"열람 가능","Cancel upload":"업로드 취소","Change password":"암호 변경","chat":"대화","Close":"닫기","Close sidebar to hide details":"세부 정보를 숨기려면 사이드바 닫기","Continue":"계속","Current password":"현재 암호","documentation":"문서","Download latest export":"최신 내보내기 다운로드","Edit":"편집","Email":"이메일","Enter password for public link":"공개 링크 암호 입력","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"내보내기가 처리 중입니다. 최대 24시간이 소요될 수 있습니다.","Failed to change password":"암호를 변경하지 못했습니다","Few seconds left":"수 초 남음","Finalizing upload...":"업로드를 완료하는 중...","First and last name":"이름과 성","For help visit our":"도움이 필요하면 다음 사이트를 방문해주세요:","GDPR":"GDPR","GDPR export":"GDPR 내보내기","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"GDPR 내보내기를 요청할 수 없습니다. 관리자에게 문의하세요.","GDPR export has been requested":"GDPR 내보내기 요청됨","Group memberships":"그룹 구성원","Guest":"손님","Hide details":"세부 정보 숨기기","Incorrect password":"잘못된 암호","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"지금 이용하고 계신 Internet Explorer는 공식적으로 지원되지 않습니다. 보안을 위해 다른 브라우저를 이용해 주세요.","Language":"언어","Loading":"불러오는 중","Loading public link…":"공개 링크 불러오는 중...","Log in":"로그인","Log in again":"다시 로그인","Log out":"로그아웃","Logged out":"로그아웃됨","Logging you in":"로그인 중","Login":"로그인","Logout":"로그아웃","Logout from active devices":"활성 장치에서 로그아웃","Main navigation":"주 탐색","Mark all as read":"모두 읽음으로 표시","Missing or invalid config":"설정이 없거나 잘못됨","My Account":"내 계정","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"%{pageName} 페이지로 이동","Navigate to personal files page":"개인 파일 페이지로 이동","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"%{ pageTitle } 이동","New file":"새 파일","New password":"새 암호","No activities":"활동 없음","No email has been set up":"이메일 설정하지 않음","Not logged in":"로그인하지 않음","Nothing new":"새 항목 없음","Notifications":"알림","OCM link":"OLM 링크","Oidc callback":"Oidc 회신","Oidc redirect":"Oidc 리다이렉트","OPEN":"열기","Open \"Shared with me\"":"\"나와 공유\" 열기","Open sidebar to view details":"세부 정보를 보려면 사이드바 열기","Opening files from remote is disabled":"원격에서 파일 열기가 꺼져 있음","Operation denied due to security policies":"보안 정책으로 인해 작업 거부됨","or join our":"또는 우리의","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud 피드백 설문조사","Parent folder does not exist":"상위 폴더 없음","Password":"암호","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"암호 및 암호 확인이 일치해야 합니다","Password was changed successfully":"암호 변경됨","Pause upload":"업로드 일시 중지","Personal":"개인","Personal storage":"개인 저장소","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"개인 스토리지(%{percentage}% 사용)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"config.json 파일이 존재하고 올바른지 확인하십시오,","Please choose...":"선택하세요...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"이 오류가 계속되면 관리자에게 문의하십시오.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"리디렉션 중입니다. 잠시 기다려 주십시오.","Preference saved.":"환경설정이 저장되었습니다.","Preferences":"환경설정","Preparing upload...":"업로드 준비 중...","Privacy":"개인정보 보호","Private link":"개인 링크","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"웹 디자인을 개선하기 위해 당신의 피드백을 듣고자 합니다. 감사합니다! - ownCloud 팀.","Public link":"공개 링크","Quota exceeded":"할당량 초과","Read more":"더 읽기","Receive notification mails":"알림 메일 받기","Repeat new password":"새 암호 반복","Request a personal data export according to §20 GDPR.":"GDPR §20에 따라 개인 데이터 내보내기를 요청합니다.","Request new export":"새 내보내기 요청","Resolving private link…":"개인 링크를 확인하는 중...","Resume upload":"업로드 다시 시작","Retry all failed uploads":"실패한 모든 업로드 재시도","Scan for viruses":"바이러스 검사","Set new password":"새 암호 설정","Show details":"세부 정보 표시","Show devices":"장치 표시","Show WebDAV information in file details":"파일 세부 정보에 WebDAV 정보 표시","Sidebar navigation menu":"사이드바 탐색 메뉴","Skip to main":"메인으로 건너뛰기","Space Admin":"스페이스 관리자","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"업로드하려는 폴더가 잠겨 있음","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"리소스를 찾을 수 없습니다. 더 이상 존재하지 않는 것일 수도 있습니다.","The resource is not a public link.":"리소스가 공개 링크로 게시되지 않았습니다.","Theme":"테마","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"안전을 위한 정기적 로그아웃이거나, 계정이 비활성 상태이거나 아직 사용 권한이 부여되지 않았기 때문일 수 있습니다. 잠시 후 로그인을 시도하거나 관리자에게 도움을 요청하세요.","This file or folder has been shared with you via \"%{parentShareName}\". Enable the sync for the share \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"\"%{parentShareName}\"을(를) 통해 이 파일 또는 폴더가 나에게 공유되었습니다. \"공유\" > \"나와 공유됨\"을 통해 동기화를 켜서 확인할 수 있습니다.","This file or folder has been shared with you. Enable the sync in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"이 파일 또는 폴더가 나에게 공유되었습니다. \"공유\" > \"나와 공유됨\"에서 확인할 수 있습니다.","This resource is password-protected":"이 리소스는 암호로 보호되고 있습니다","Toggle sidebar":"사이드바 전환","Top bar":"맨 위의 바","Unable to load account data…":"계정 정보를 불러올 수 없음...","Unable to save preference…":"환경설정을 저장할 수 없음...","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"이 비밀번호는 너무 흔하게 사용되고 있습니다. 안전을 위해 추측하기 어려운 비밀번호를 사용하세요.","Unknown error":"알 수 없는 오류","Upload cancelled":"업로드 취소됨","Upload complete":"업로드 완료","Upload failed":"업로드 실패","User":"사용자","User Menu login":"사용자 메뉴 로그인","Username":"사용자 이름","View and download.":"열람 및 다운로드","View options":"옵션 표시","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"열람, 다운로드, 업로드, 편집, 추가 및 삭제","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"%{description} 바이러스가 탐지되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 관리자에게 문의하십시오.","You are not part of any group":"사용자가 그룹의 일부가 아닙니다.","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"공유 동기화를 켠 후 이 페이지를 새로 고칠 수 있습니다."},"ro":{"Close sidebar to hide details":"Închide bara laterală pentru a ascunde detaliile.","Edit":"Editează","Email":"Email","First and last name":"Numele de familie și prenumele","Login":"Autentificare","Open sidebar to view details":"Deschide bara laterală pentru a vedea detaliile","Password":"Parola","Show details":"Arată detaliile"},"ru":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } из %{ uploads } элемента не удалось загрузить","%{ errors } из %{ uploads } элементов не удалось загрузить","%{ errors } из %{ uploads } элементов не удалось загрузить","%{ errors } из %{ uploads } элементов не удалось загрузить"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } элемент загружается...","%{ filesInProgressCount } элементов загружается...","%{ filesInProgressCount } элементов загружается...","%{ filesInProgressCount } элементов загружается..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["Остался %{ roundedRemainingHours } час","Осталось %{ roundedRemainingHours } часа","Осталось %{ roundedRemainingHours } часов","Осталось %{ roundedRemainingHours } часов"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["Осталась %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } минута","Осталось %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } минут","Осталось %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } минут","Осталось %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } минут"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["Загружен %{ successfulUploads } элемент","Загружено %{ successfulUploads } элементов","Загружено %{ successfulUploads } элементов","Загружено %{ successfulUploads } элементов"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} из %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/с)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} из %{total} использовано","%{used} used":"%{used} использовано","Access denied":"Доступ запрещен","Account":"Аккаунт","Account Information":"Информация аккаунта","Account menu":"Меню аккаунта","Activities":"Активность","Admin":"Администратор","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Также, проверьте консоль браузера для получения дополнительной информации.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"При загрузке публичной ссылки возникла ошибка","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Произошла ошибка при разрешении приватной ссылки","Application Switcher":"Переключатель приложений","Authentication failed":"Аутентификация не удалась","Auto (same as system)":"Авто (следовать за системой)","Back to home":"Вернуться на главную","Calculating estimated time...":"Расчет оставшегося времени...","Can edit":"Может редактировать","Can manage":"Может управлять","Can upload":"Может загружать","Can view":"Может просматривать","Cancel upload":"Отменить загрузку","Change password":"Изменить пароль","chat":"чат","Close":"Закрыть","Close sidebar to hide details":"Закрыть боковую панель, чтобы скрыть сведения","Continue":"Продолжить","Current password":"Текущий пароль","Default progress bar":"Индикатор выполнения по умолчанию","documentation":"документация","Download latest export":"Загрузить последнюю версию экспорта","Edit":"Редактировать","Email":"Email","Enter password for public link":"Введите пароль для публичной ссылки","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Экспорт в процессе обработки. Это может занять до 24 часов.","Extensions":"Расширения","Failed to change password":"Не удалось изменить пароль","Few seconds left":"Осталось несколько секунд","Finalizing upload...":"Завершение загрузки...","First and last name":"Имя и фамилия","For help visit our":"За помощью обращайтесь в","GDPR":"GDPR","GDPR export":"Экспорт GDPR","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"Не удалось запросить экспорт GDPR. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором.","GDPR export has been requested":"Запрошен экспорт GDPR","Global progress bar":"Глобальный индикатор выполнения","Group memberships":"Членство в группах","Guest":"Гость","Help translate":"Помочь с переводом","Hide details":"Скрыть сведения","Imprint":"Отпечаток","Incorrect password":"Неверный пароль","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (ваш текущий браузер) официально не поддерживается. В целях безопасности перейдите на другой браузер.","Language":"Язык","Loading":"Загрузка","Loading public link…":"Загрузка публичной ссылки...","Log in":"Войти","Log in again":"Войти снова","Log out":"Выйти","Logged out":"Вышли","Logging you in":"Вход в систему","Login":"Вход","Logout":"Выход","Logout from active devices":"Выход из активных устройств","Main navigation":"Основная навигация","Mark all as read":"Отметить все как прочитанные","Missing or invalid config":"Отсутствующий или неверный файл конфигурации","My Account":"Мой аккаунт","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Перейти к странице %{ pageName } ","Navigate to personal files page":"Перейти на страницу личных файлов","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Перешли к %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Новый файл","New password":"Новый пароль","New password must be different from current password":"Новый пароль должен отличаться от текущего","No activities":"Нет активности","No email has been set up":"Электронная почта не настроена","Not logged in":"Не вошли в систему","Nothing new":"Ничего нового","Notifications":"Уведомления","OCM link":"OCM-ссылка","Oidc callback":"Обратный вызов Oidc","Oidc redirect":"Перенаправление Oidc","OPEN":"ОТКРЫТЬ","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Открыть \"Поделились со мной\"","Open sidebar to view details":"Открыть боковую панель для просмотра сведений","Opening files from remote is disabled":"Открытие файлов с удаленного расположения отключено","Operation denied due to security policies":"Операция отклонена из-за политик безопасности","or join our":"или присоединяйтесь к","ownCloud feedback survey":"Оставить отзыв об ownCloud","Parent folder does not exist":"Родительская папка не существует","Password":"Пароль","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Пароль и подтверждение пароля должны совпадать","Password was changed successfully":"Пароль успешно изменен","Pause upload":"Приостановить загрузку","Personal":"Личные","Personal storage":"Личное хранилище","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Личное хранилище (%{percentage}% использовано)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Пожалуйста, проверьте, существует ли файл config.json и является ли он правильным.","Please choose...":"Пожалуйста, выберите...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором, если эта ошибка сохраняется.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Пожалуйста, подождите, идет перенаправление.","Preference saved.":"Предпочтения сохранены.","Preferences":"Предпочтения","Preparing upload...":"Подготовка к загрузке...","Privacy":"Конфиденциальность","Private link":"Приватная ссылка","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Оставьте свой отзыв: мы хотим улучшить дизайн сайта и будем рады услышать ваши отзывы. Спасибо! Ваша команда ownCloud.","Public link":"Публичная ссылка","Quota exceeded":"Квота превышена","Read more":"Подробнее","Receive notification mails":"Получать уведомления по электронной почте","Repeat new password":"Повторите новый пароль","Request a personal data export according to §20 GDPR.":"Запросить экспорт персональных данных в соответствии с §20 GDPR.","Request new export":"Запросить новый экспорт","Resolving private link…":"Определение приватной ссылки…","Resume upload":"Возобновить загрузку","Retry all failed uploads":"Повторить все неудачные загрузки","Scan for viruses":"Сканировать на вирусы","Set new password":"Установить новый пароль","Show details":"Показать сведения","Show devices":"Показать устройства","Show WebDAV information in file details":"Показывать информацию WebDAV в сведениях о файле","Sidebar navigation menu":"Боковое навигационное меню","Skip to main":"Перейти к основному","Space Admin":"Администратор пространства","The folder you were accessing has been removed. Please navigate to another location.":"Папка, к которой вы обращались, была удалена. Пожалуйста, перейдите в другое место.","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"Папка, в которую вы загружаете, заблокирована","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Ресурс не удалось найти, возможно, он больше не существует.","The resource is not a public link.":"Ресурс не является публичной ссылкой.","Theme":"Тема","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Это может произойти из-за обычного выхода из системы или из-за того, что ваша учетная запись либо неактивна, либо еще не авторизована для использования. Пожалуйста, попробуйте войти в систему через некоторое время или обратитесь за помощью к администратору.","This file or folder has been shared with you via \"%{parentShareName}\". Enable the sync for the share \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Вам предоставлен доступ к этому файлу или папке через \"%{parentShareName}\". Включите синхронизацию для общего ресурса \"%{parentShareName}\" в разделе \"Общие ресурсы\" > \"Поделились со мной\", чтобы просмотреть его.","This file or folder has been shared with you. Enable the sync in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Вам предоставлен доступ к этому файлу или папке. Включите синхронизацию в разделе \"Общие ресурсы\" > \"Поделились со мной\", чтобы просмотреть его.","This resource is password-protected":"Этот ресурс защищен паролем","Toggle sidebar":"Переключить боковую панель","Top bar":"Верхняя панель","Unable to load account data…":"Не удалось загрузить данные учетной записи…","Unable to save preference…":"Не удалось сохранить настройки...","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"К сожалению, ваш пароль широко используется. Пожалуйста, выберите более сложный пароль для вашей безопасности","Unknown error":"Неизвестная ошибка","Upload cancelled":"Загрузка отменена","Upload complete":"Загрузка завершена","Upload failed":"Загрузка не удалась","User":"Пользователь","User Menu login":"Вход в меню пользователя","Username":"Имя пользователя","View and download.":"Просмотр и скачивание.","View options":"Опции просмотра","View, download and edit.":"Просмотр, скачивание и редактирование.","View, download and upload.":"Просмотр, скачивание и загрузка.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Просмотр, скачивание, загрузка, редактирование, добавление и удаление.","View, download, upload, edit, add, delete and manage members.":"Просмотр, скачивание, загрузка, редактирование, добавление, удаление и управление участниками.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Обнаружен вирус «%{description}». Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором для получения дополнительной информации.","You are not part of any group":"Вы не состоите ни в одной группе","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"Вы можете перезагрузить эту страницу после того, как включили синхронизацию общего ресурса.","You have been logged out successfully.":"Вы успешно вышли из системы.","Your access to this share has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Ваш доступ к этому общему ресурсу отозван. Пожалуйста, перейдите в другое место.","Your access to this space has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Ваш доступ к этому пространству отозван. Пожалуйста, перейдите в другое место."},"si":{"Account":"ගිණුම","Account Information":"ගිණුමේ තොරතුරු","Authentication failed":"සත්‍යාපනය අසාර්ථක විය","Edit":"සංස්කරණය","Email":"වි-තැපෑල","Loading":"පූරණය වෙමින්","Log out":"නික්මෙන්න","Login":"පිවිසෙන්න","New file":"නව ගොනුව","Notifications":"දැනුම්දීම්","Password":"මුරපදය","User":"පරිශීලක","Username":"පරිශීලක නාමය","You are not part of any group":"ඔබ කිසිදු සමූහයක සාමාජිකයෙක් නොවේ"},"sk":{"Access denied":"Prístup zamietnutý","Account":"Účet","Account Information":"Informácie o účte","Account menu":"Menu účtu","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Tiež skontrolujte konzolu prehliadača, kde nájdete viac informácií.","Application Switcher":"Prepínač aplikácií","Authentication failed":"Prihlásenie zlyhalo","chat":"chat","documentation":"dokumentácia","Edit":"Upraviť","Email":"Email","First and last name":"Meno a priezvisko","For help visit our":"Pre pomoc navštívte našu","Group memberships":"Členstvo v skupine","Log out":"Odhlásiť","Login":"Prihlásiť","Main navigation":"Hlavná navigácia","Missing or invalid config":"Chýbajúca alebo nesprávna konfigurácia","No email has been set up":"Email nie je nastavený","Notifications":"Oznámenia","or join our":"alebo sa pridajte do našej","Password":"Heslo","Private link":"Súkromný odkaz","Public link":"Verejný odkaz","Skip to main":"Preskočiť na hlavné","Username":"Používateľské meno","You are not part of any group":"Nie ste členom žiadnej skupiny"},"sq":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } e %{ uploads } objekti dështoi","%{ errors } e %{ uploads } objekteve dështuan"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } objekt në ngarkim e sipër…","%{ filesInProgressCount } objekte në ngarkim e sipër…"],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["Edhe %{ roundedRemainingHours } orë","Edhe %{ roundedRemainingHours } orë"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["Edhe %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutë","Edhe %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minuta"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["U ngarkua %{ successfulUploads } objekt","U ngarkuan %{ successfulUploads } objekte"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} nga %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} nga %{total} të përdorura","%{used} used":"%{used} të përdorur","Access denied":"Hyrje e mohuar","Account":"Llogari","Account Information":"Hollësi Llogarie","Account menu":"Menu llogarie","Activities":"Veprimtari","Admin":"Përgjegjës","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Mos harroni gjithashtu të kontrolloni te konsola e shfletuesit, për më tepër informacion.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Ndodhi një gabim gjatë ngarkimit të lidhjes publike","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Ndodhi një gabim gjatë ftillimit të lidhjes publike","Application Switcher":"Këmbyes Aplikacionesh","Authentication failed":"Mirëfillëtisimi dështoi","Auto (same as system)":"Automatike (njësoj si sistemi)","Back to home":"Mbrapsht te kreu","Calculating estimated time...":"Po llogaritet koha e përafërt…","Can edit":"Mund të përpunojë","Can manage":"Mund të administrojë","Can upload":"Mund të ngarkojë","Can view":"Mund të shohë","Cancel upload":"Anuloni ngarkimin","Change password":"Ndryshoni fjalëkalimin","chat":"fjalosje","Close":"Mbylle","Close sidebar to hide details":"Që të fshihen hollësitë, mbyllni anështyllën","Continue":"Vazhdo","Current password":"Fjalëkalimi i tanishëm","Default progress bar":"Shtyllë parazgjedhje ecurie","documentation":"dokumentim","Download latest export":"Shkarkoni eksportimin më të ri","Edit":"Përpunoni","Email":"Email","Enter password for public link":"Jepni fjalëkalim për lidhje publike","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Eksportimi po përpunohet. Kjo mund të dojë deri në 24 orë.","Extensions":"Zgjerime","Failed to change password":"S’u arrit të ndryshohej fjalëkalimi","Few seconds left":"Edhe pak sekonda","Finalizing upload...":"Po përfundohet ngarkimi…","First and last name":"Emër dhe mbiemër","For help visit our":"Për ndihmë, vizitoni","GDPR":"GDPR","GDPR export":"Eksportim GDPR","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"S’u kërkua dot eksportim GDPR. Ju lutemi, lidhuni me një përgjegjës.","GDPR export has been requested":"Eksportimi GDPR u kërkua","Global progress bar":"Shtyllë globale ecurie","Group memberships":"Anëtarësime grupi","Guest":"Mysafir","Help translate":"Ndihmoni të përkthehet","Hide details":"Fshihi hollësitë","Incorrect password":"Fjalëkalim i pasaktë","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (shfletuesi juaj i tanishëm) nuk mbulohet zyrtarisht. Për arsye sigurie, ju lutemi, hidhuni në një shfletues tjetër.","Language":"Gjuhë","Loading":"Po ngarkohet","Loading public link…":"Po ngarkohet lidhje publike…","Log in":"Hyni","Log in again":"Ribëni hyrjen","Log out":"Dilni","Logged out":"Dolët","Logging you in":"Po bëhet hyrja juaj","Login":"Hyni","Logout":"Dalje","Logout from active devices":"Dil nga pajisjet aktive","Main navigation":"Lëvizjet kryesore","Mark all as read":"Vëru shenjë të tërave si të lexuara","Missing or invalid config":"Mungon formësim, ose është i pavlefshëm","My Account":"Llogaria Ime","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Kaloni te faqja %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Kaloni te faqja e kartelave personale","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"U kalua te %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Kartelë e re","New password":"Fjalëkalim i ri","New password must be different from current password":"Fjalëkalimi i ri duhet të jetë i ndryshëm nga fjalëkalimi i tanishëm","No activities":"Pa veprimtari","No email has been set up":"S’është ujdisur email","Not logged in":"Pa bërë hyrje në llogari","Nothing new":"Asgjë e re","Notifications":"Njoftime","OCM link":"Lidhje OCM","Oidc redirect":"Ridrejtim Oidc","OPEN":"HAPE","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Hap “Ndarë me”","Open sidebar to view details":"Që të shihni hollësitë, hapni anështyllën","Opening files from remote is disabled":"Hapje kartelash që së largëti është e çaktivizuar","Operation denied due to security policies":"Veprim i hedhur poshtë për shkak rregullash sigurie","or join our":"ose bëhuni pjesë e","ownCloud feedback survey":"pyetësor përshtypjesh mbi ownCloud-in","Parent folder does not exist":"Dosja mëmë nuk ekziston","Password":"Fjalëkalim","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Fjalëkalimi dhe ripohimi i tij duhet të jenë identikë","Password was changed successfully":"Fjalëkalimi u ndryshua me sukses","Pause upload":"Ndaleni ngarkimin","Personal":"Personale","Personal storage":"Depozitë personale","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Depozitë personale (%{percentage}% e përdorur)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Ju lutemi, kontrolloni nëse kartela config.json ekziston dhe është e saktë.","Please choose...":"Ju lutemi, zgjidhni…","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Ju lutemi, lidhuni me përgjegjësin, nëse vazhdon ky gabim.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Ju lutemi, pritni, teksa bëhet ridrejtimi juaj.","Preference saved.":"Parapëlqimi u ruajt.","Preferences":"Parapëlqime","Preparing upload...":"Po gatitet ngarkimi…","Privacy":"Privatësi","Private link":"Lidhje private","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Jepni përshtypjet tuaja: Do të donim të përmirësonim konceptimin web dhe do të ishim të lumtur të dëgjonim përshtypjet tuaja. Faleminderit! Ekipi juaj ownCloud.","Public link":"Lidhje publike","Quota exceeded":"U tejkaluan kuota","Read more":"Lexoni më tepër","Receive notification mails":"Merrni email-e njoftimesh","Repeat new password":"Rijepeni fjalëkalimin e ri","Request a personal data export according to §20 GDPR.":"Kërkoni një eksportim të dhënash personale, sipas §20 GDPR.","Request new export":"Kërkoni eksportim të ri","Resolving private link…":"Po ftillohet lidhje private…","Resume upload":"Rimerre ngarkimin","Retry all failed uploads":"Riprovo krejt ngarkimet e dështuara","Scan for viruses":"Kontrollo për viruse","Set new password":"Caktoni fjalëkalim të ri","Show details":"Shfaqi hollësitë","Show devices":"Shfaq pajisje","Show WebDAV information in file details":"Shfaq informacion WebDAV në hollësi kartele","Sidebar navigation menu":"Menu anështylle lëvizjesh","Skip to main":"Kalo te pjesa kryesore","Space Admin":"Përgjegjës Hapësire","The folder you were accessing has been removed. Please navigate to another location.":"Dosja ku donit të hynit, është hequr. Ju lutemi, kaloni në një tjetër vendndodhje.","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"Dosja ku po ngarkoni është e kyçur","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Burimi s’u lokalizua dot, mund të mos ekzistojë më.","The resource is not a public link.":"Burimi s’është lidhje publike.","Theme":"Temë","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Kjo mund të vijë për shkak të një nxjerrje rutinë prej llogarie për arsye sigurie, ose ngaqë llogaria juaj ose është jo aktive, ose ende e paautorizuar për përdorim. Ju lutemi, provoni të bëni hyrjen pas pak, ose kërkoni ndihmë nga Përgjegjësi juaj.","This file or folder has been shared with you via \"%{parentShareName}\". Enable the sync for the share \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Kjo kartelë ose dosje është ndarë me ju përmes “%{parentShareName}”. Që ta shihni, aktivizoni njëkohësimin për ndarjen “%{parentShareName}” te “Ndarje” > “Ndarë me”.","This file or folder has been shared with you. Enable the sync in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Kjo kartelë ose dosje është ndarë me ju. Që ta shihni, aktivizoni njëkohësimin te “Ndarje” > “Ndarë me”.","This resource is password-protected":"Ky burim është i mbrojtur me fjalëkalim","Toggle sidebar":"Shfaq/fshih anështyllën","Top bar":"Shtyllë e epërme","Unable to load account data…":"S’arrihet të ngarkohen të dhëna llogarie…","Unable to save preference…":"S’arrihet të ruhet parapëlqim…","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"Mjerisht, fjalëkalim juaj është një nga ata që përdoren rëndom. Ju lutemi, për sigurinë tuaj, zgjidhni një fjalëkalim që është i vështirë të hamendësohet","Unknown error":"Gabim i panjohur","Upload cancelled":"Ngarkimi u anulua","Upload complete":"Ngarkim i plotësuar","Upload failed":"Ngarkimi dështoi","User":"Përdorues","User Menu login":"Hyrje nga Menu Përdoruesi","Username":"Emër përdoruesi","View and download.":"Të shohë dhe shkarkojë.","View options":"Shihni mundësitë","View, download and edit.":"Të shohë, shkarkojë dhe përpunojë.","View, download and upload.":"Të shohë, shkarkojë dhe ngarkojë.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Të shohë, shkarkojë, ngarkojë, përpunojë shtojë dhe fshijë.","View, download, upload, edit, add, delete and manage members.":"Të shohë, shkarkojë, ngarkojë, përpunojë, shtojë, fshijë dhe administrojë anëtarë.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"U pikas virus “%{description}”. Për më tepër hollësi, ju lutemi, lidhuni me përgjegjësin tuaj.","You are not part of any group":"S’jeni pjesë e ndonjë grupi","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"Këtë faqe mund ta ringarkoni pasi të keni aktivizuar njëkohësimet për pjesën.","You have been logged out successfully.":"U nxorët me sukses nga llogaria.","Your access to this share has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Përdorimi juaj i kësaj pjese është shfuqizuar. Ju lutemi, kaloni në një tjetër vendndodhje.","Your access to this space has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Përdorimi juaj i kësaj hapësire është shfuqizuar. Ju lutemi, kaloni në një tjetër vendndodhje."},"sv":{"Access denied":"Åtkomst nekad","Account":"Konto","Account Information":"Konto information","Account menu":"Konto meny","Activities":"Aktiviteter","Admin":"Administratör","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Ett fel uppstod när den publika länken laddades","Authentication failed":"Autentisering misslyckades","Back to home":"Tillbaka hem","Calculating estimated time...":"Beräknar återstående tid...","Can edit":"Kan redigera","Can manage":"Kan hantera","Can upload":"Kan ladda upp","Can view":"Kan visa","Cancel upload":"Avbryt uppladdninggen","Change password":"Ändra lösenord","chat":"chatta","Close":"Stäng","Close sidebar to hide details":"Stäng sidopanelen för att gömma detaljer.","Continue":"Fortsätt","Current password":"Nuvarande lösenord","documentation":"dokumentation","Edit":"Redigera","Email":"Email","Failed to change password":"MIsslyckades att byta lösenord","Few seconds left":"Några sekunder kvar","Finalizing upload...":"Färdigställer uppladdningen...","First and last name":"För och efternamn","For help visit our":"För hjälp besök våran","GDPR export":"GDPR export","Group memberships":"Gruppmedlemskap","Guest":"Gäst","Hide details":"Göm detaljer","Incorrect password":"Felaktigt lösenord","Language":"Språk","Loading":"Laddar","Loading public link…":"Laddar publik länk...","Log in":"Logga in","Log in again":"Logga in igen","Log out":"Logga ut","Logging you in":"Loggar in dig","Login":"Inloggning","Logout":"Logga ut","Logout from active devices":"Logga ut från aktiv enhet","Main navigation":"Huvudnavigation","Mark all as read":"Markera alla som lästa","My Account":"Mitt konto","New file":"Ny fil","New password":"Nytt lösenord","No activities":"Inga aktiviteter","No email has been set up":"Ingen epost har blivit konfigurerad","Not logged in":"Inte inloggad","Nothing new":"Ingenting nytt","Notifications":"Aviseringar","OCM link":"OCM länk","Oidc callback":"Oidc svar","Oidc redirect":"Oidc ompekning","OPEN":"Öppen","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Öppna \"delat med mig\"","Password":"Lösenord","Personal":"Personlig","Personal storage":"Personlig lagring","Private link":"Privat länk","Public link":"Publik länk","Read more":"Läs mer","Receive notification mails":"Ta emot aviserings-epost","Repeat new password":"Upprepa nytt lösenord","Request new export":"Efterfråga ny export","Show details":"Visa detalje","User":"Användare","View and download.":"Visa och ladda ner.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Visa, ladda ner, ladda upp, redigera, lägg till och ta bort."},"sr":{},"ta":{"Account":"கணக்கு"},"ug":{},"tr":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } / %{ uploads } öge başarısız","%{ errors } / %{ uploads } öge başarısız"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } öge yükleniyor...","%{ filesInProgressCount } öge yükleniyor..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } saat kaldı","%{ roundedRemainingHours } saat kaldı"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } dakika kaldı","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } dakika kaldı"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } öge yüklendi","%{ successfulUploads } öge yüklendi"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} / %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} / %{total} kullanıldı","%{used} used":"%{used} kullanıldı","Access denied":"Erişim reddedildi","Account":"Hesap","Account Information":"Hesap Bilgisi","Account menu":"Hesap menüsü","Activities":"Aktiviteler","Admin":"Yönetici","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Ayrıca, daha fazla bilgi için tarayıcı konsolunu kontrol ettiğinizden emin olun.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Herkese açık bağlantı yüklenirken bir hata oluştu","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Kişiye özel bağlantı çözülürken bir hata oluştu","Application Switcher":"Uygulama Değiştirici","Authentication failed":"Oturum açma başarısız","Back to home":"Ana sayfaya dön","Calculating estimated time...":"Kalan süre hesaplanıyor...","Can edit":"Düzenleyebilir","Can manage":"Yönetebilir","Can upload":"Yükleyebilir","Can view":"Görüntüleyebilir","Cancel upload":"Yüklemeyi iptal et","Change password":"Parolayı değiştir","chat":"sohbet","Close":"Kapat","Close sidebar to hide details":"Ayrıntıları gizlemek için kenar çubuğunu kapatın","Continue":"Devam et","Current password":"Mevcut parola","documentation":"dokümantasyon","Edit":"Düzenle","Email":"E-posta","Enter password for public link":"Herkese açık bağlantı için parolayı gir","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Dışa aktarma işleniyor. Bu 24 saate kadar sürebilir.","Failed to change password":"Parola değiştirme başarısız","Few seconds left":"Birkaç saniye kaldı","Finalizing upload...":"Yükleme tamamlanıyor...","First and last name":"Ad ve soyad","For help visit our":"Yardım için bizi ziyaret edin","GDPR export":"GDPR dışa aktarımı","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"GDPR dışa aktarımı talep edilemedi. Lütfen bir yönetici ile iletişime geçin.","GDPR export has been requested":"GDPR dışa aktarımı talep edildi.","Group memberships":"Grup üyelikleri","Guest":"Misafir","Hide details":"Detayları gizle","Imprint":"Baskı","Incorrect password":"Yanlış parola","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (mevcut tarayıcınız) resmi olarak desteklenmiyor. Güvenlik nedeniyle lütfen başka bir tarayıcıya geçin.","Language":"Dil","Loading":"Yükleniyor","Loading public link…":"Herkese açık bağlantı yükleniyor...","Log in":"Giriş yap","Log in again":"Tekrar giriş yapın","Log out":"Çıkış yap","Logged out":"Çıkış yaptınız","Logging you in":"Oturum açtınız","Login":"Oturum Aç","Logout":"Oturumu Kapat","Logout from active devices":"Aktif cihazlardan çıkış yap","Main navigation":"Ana yönlendirici","Mark all as read":"Tümünü okundu olarak işaretle","Missing or invalid config":"Eksik veya geçersiz yapılandırma","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"%{ pageName } sayfasına yönlendir","Navigate to personal files page":"Kişisel dosyalar sayfasına yönlendir","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"%{ pageTitle }'a yönlendir","New file":"Yeni dosya","New password":"Yeni parola","No activities":"Aktivite yok","No email has been set up":"Hiçbir e-posta yapılandırılmadı","Not logged in":"Giriş yapılmadı","Nothing new":"Yeni bir şey yok","Notifications":"Bildirimler","Oidc callback":"Oidc geri arama","Oidc redirect":"Oidc yönlendirmesi","Open \"Shared with me\"":"\"Benimle paylaşılanlar\"ı aç","Open sidebar to view details":"Detayları görüntülemek için kenar çubuğunu aç","Operation denied due to security policies":"Güvenlik politikaları nedeniyle işlem reddedildi","or join our":"veya bize katılın","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud geri bildirim anketi","Parent folder does not exist":"Üst klasör mevcut değil","Password":"Parola","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Parola ve parola doğrulaması birebir aynı olmalı","Password was changed successfully":"Parola başarıyla değiştirildi","Pause upload":"Yüklemeyi duraklat","Personal":"Kişisel","Personal storage":"Kişisel depolama","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Kişisel depolama (%{percentage}% kullanıldı)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Lütfen config.json dosyasının varlığını ve doğruluğunu kontrol ediniz.","Please choose...":"Lütfen seçin...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Eğer bu hata sürekliyse, lütfen yöneticinizle temasa geçiniz.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Lütfen bekleyin, yönlendiriliyorsunuz.","Preparing upload...":"Yükleme hazırlanıyor...","Privacy":"Gizlilik","Private link":"Gizli bağlantı","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Geri bildirim sağlayın: Web tasarımını geliştirmek istiyoruz ve geri bildiriminizi duymaktan memnuniyet duyarız. Teşekkürler! ownCloud ekibiniz.","Public link":"Herkese açık bağlantı","Quota exceeded":"Kota aşıldı","Read more":"Daha fazlasını oku","Receive notification mails":"Bildirim e-postaları al","Repeat new password":"Yeni parolayı tekrarla","Request new export":"Yeni dışa aktarma isteğinde bulunun","Resolving private link…":"Özel bağlantı çözülüyor...","Resume upload":"Yüklemeyi sürdür","Retry all failed uploads":"Tüm başarısız yüklemeleri yeniden dene","Scan for viruses":"Virüsler için tara","Show details":"Detayları göster","Show devices":"Cihazları göster","Sidebar navigation menu":"Kenar çubuğu yönlendirme menüsü","Skip to main":"Ana sayfaya geç","Space Admin":"Alan Yöneticisi","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Kaynak bulunamadı, artık mevcut olmayabilir.","The resource is not a public link.":"Kaynak herkese açık bir bağlantı değil.","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Bunun nedeni rutin bir güvenlik oturumu kapatma olabilir veya hesabınızın etkin olmaması veya henüz kullanım için yetkilendirilmemiş olması olabilir. Lütfen bir süre sonra oturum açmayı deneyin veya Yöneticinizden yardım isteyin.","This resource is password-protected":"Bu kaynak parola korumalıdır.","Toggle sidebar":"Kenar çubuğunu aç/kapat","Top bar":"Üst çubuk","Unable to load account data…":"Hesap verileri yüklenemiyor…","Unknown error":"Bilinmeyen hata","Upload cancelled":"Yükleme iptal edildi","Upload complete":"Yükleme tamamlandı","Upload failed":"Yükleme başarısız","User":"Kullanıcı","User Menu login":"Kullanıcı Menü girişi","Username":"Kullanıcı adı","View and download.":"Görüntüle ve indir.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Görüntüle, indir, yükle, düzenle, ekle ve sil.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Virüs \"%{description}\" algılandı. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen yöneticinizle iletişime geçin.","You are not part of any group":"Herhangi bir grubun parçası değilsiniz"},"uk":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":["%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed","%{ errors } of %{ uploads } items failed","%{ errors } of %{ uploads } items failed","%{ errors } of %{ uploads } файлів вивантажено з помилкою"],"%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":["%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...","%{ filesInProgressCount } items uploading...","%{ filesInProgressCount } items uploading...","%{ filesInProgressCount } файлів вивантажується..."],"%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":["%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left","%{ roundedRemainingHours } hours left","%{ roundedRemainingHours } hours left","%{ roundedRemainingHours } залишилося годин"],"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":["%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutes left","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minutes left","Залишилося %{ roundedRemainingMinutes } хвилин"],"%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":["%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded","%{ successfulUploads } items uploaded","%{ successfulUploads } items uploaded","%{ successfulUploads } елементів вивантажено"],"%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} з %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} від %{total} використано","%{used} used":"%{used} використано","Access denied":"Доступ заборонено","Account":"Аккаунт","Account Information":"Інформація про обліковий запис","Account menu":"Меню облікового запису","Activities":"Активність","Admin":"Адміністратор","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"Крім того, не забудьте перевірити консоль браузера для отримання додаткової інформації.","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Під час завантаження загальнодоступного посилання сталася помилка","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Під час перевірки приватного посилання сталася помилка","Application Switcher":"Перемикач додатків","Authentication failed":"Помилка автентифікації","Auto (same as system)":"Авто (згідно системних налаштувань)","Back to home":"Повернутися на Головну","Calculating estimated time...":"Розрахунок орієнтовного часу...","Can edit":"Може редагувати","Can manage":"Може керувати","Can upload":"Може завантажувати","Can view":"Може переглядати","Cancel upload":"Скасувати завантаження","Change password":"Змінити пароль","chat":"чат","Close":"Закрити","Close sidebar to hide details":"Закрийте бічну панель, щоб приховати деталі","Continue":"Продовжити","Current password":"Поточний пароль","Default progress bar":"Індикатор прогресу за умовчанням","documentation":"документація","Download latest export":"Завантажте останню версію експорту","Edit":"Редагувати","Email":"Електронна пошта","Enter password for public link":"Введіть пароль для загальнодоступного посилання","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"Наразі виконується експорт. Це може тривати до 24 годин.","Extensions":"Розширення","Failed to change password":"Не вдалося змінити пароль","Few seconds left":"Залишилось кілька секунд","Finalizing upload...":"Завершення завантаження...","First and last name":"Ім'я та прізвище","For help visit our":"Щоб отримати допомогу, відвідайте наш","GDPR":"Загальний регламент про захист даних","GDPR export":"Експорт з виконанням вимог Загального регламенту про захист даних","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"Не вдалося надіслати запит на експорт з виконанням вимог Загального регламенту про захист даних. Будь ласка, зверніться до адміністратора.","GDPR export has been requested":"Надіслано запит на експорт з виконанням вимог Загального регламенту про захист даних","Global progress bar":"Глобальний індикатор прогресу","Group memberships":"Членство в групах","Guest":"Гість","Help translate":"Допомога перекладу","Hide details":"Приховати деталі","Imprint":"Вихідні дані","Incorrect password":"Невірний пароль","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer (ваш поточний браузер) офіційно не підтримується. З міркувань безпеки перейдіть на інший браузер.","Language":"Мова","Loading":"Завантаження","Loading public link…":"Завантаження загальнодоступного посилання…","Log in":"Авторизуватися","Log in again":"Увійдіть знову","Log out":"Вийти","Logged out":"Вийшов з системи","Logging you in":"Ви входите в систему","Login":"Логін","Logout":"Вийти","Logout from active devices":"Вийти з активних пристроїв","Main navigation":"Головна навігація","Mark all as read":"Позначити все як прочитане","Missing or invalid config":"Відсутня або недійсна конфігурація","My Account":"Мій Аккаунт","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"Перейдіть до сторінки %{ pageName }","Navigate to personal files page":"Перейдіть на сторінку особистих файлів","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"Перейти до %{ pageTitle }","New file":"Новий файл","New password":"Новий пароль","New password must be different from current password":"Новий пароль має відрізнятися від поточного","No activities":"Жодних дій","No email has been set up":"Електронна пошта не налаштована","Not logged in":"Не ввійшли в систему","Nothing new":"Немає змін","Notifications":"Сповіщення","OCM link":"OCM link","Oidc callback":"Oidc callback","Oidc redirect":"Oidc redirect","OPEN":"Відкрити","Open \"Shared with me\"":"Відкрити «Спільний доступ зі мною»","Open sidebar to view details":"Відкрити бічну панель, щоб переглянути деталі","Opening files from remote is disabled":"Віддалене відкриття файлів вимкнено","Operation denied due to security policies":"Операцію відхилено через політику безпеки","or join our":"або приєднайтеся до нашого","ownCloud feedback survey":"Опитування відгуків ownCloud","Parent folder does not exist":"Батьківська папка не існує","Password":"Пароль","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"Пароль і підтвердження пароля повинні бути ідентичними","Password was changed successfully":"Пароль успішно змінено","Pause upload":"Призупинити завантаження","Personal":"Особисті","Personal storage":"Особисте зберігання","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"Обсяг особистого сховища (%{percentage}% використано)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"Будь ласка, перевірте наявність та коректність файлу config.json.","Please choose...":"Будь-ласка оберіть...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Зверніться до адміністратора, якщо ця помилка не зникне.","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"Будь ласка, зачекайте, вас буде перенаправлено.","Preference saved.":"Налаштування збережено.","Preferences":"Налаштування","Preparing upload...":"Підготовка завантаження...","Privacy":"Конфіденційність","Private link":"Приватне посилання","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"Надішліть свій відгук: ми хотіли б покращити веб-дизайн і були б раді почути ваш відгук. Дякую тобі! Ваша команда ownCloud.","Public link":"Загальнодоступне посилання","Quota exceeded":"Квоту перевищено","Read more":"Читати далі","Receive notification mails":"Отримувати сповіщення електронною поштою","Repeat new password":"Повторіть новий пароль","Request a personal data export according to §20 GDPR.":"Запит на експорт персональних даних відповідно до §20 Загального регламенту про захист даних.","Request new export":"Запит на новий експорт","Resolving private link…":"Визначення приватного посилання…","Resume upload":"Відновити відвантаження","Retry all failed uploads":"Повторіть усі невдалі відвантаження","Scan for viruses":"Сканувати на віруси","Set new password":"Встановити новий пароль","Show details":"Показати деталі","Show devices":"Показати пристрої","Show WebDAV information in file details":"Показати інформацію WebDAV у деталях файлу","Sidebar navigation menu":"Меню навігації на бічній панелі","Skip to main":"Перейти до основного","Space Admin":"Адміністратор Простору","The folder you were accessing has been removed. Please navigate to another location.":"Папку, до якої ви мали доступ, видалено. Будь ласка, перейдіть до іншого місця.","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"Папку, до якої ви відвантажуєте, заблоковано","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"Не вдалося знайти ресурс, можливо, він більше не існує.","The resource is not a public link.":"Ресурс не є загальнодоступним посиланням.","Theme":"Тема","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"Це може бути через те що ви вийшли із системи або через те, що ваш обліковий запис неактивний або ще не авторизований для використання. Будь ласка, спробуйте увійти через деякий час або зверніться по допомогу до адміністратора.","This file or folder has been shared with you via \"%{parentShareName}\". Enable the sync for the share \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"До цього файлу чи папки вам надали доступ через \"%{parentShareName}\". Увімкніть синхронізацію для спільного доступу \"%{parentShareName}\" у розділі \"Спільний доступ\" > \"Спільний доступ зі мною\", щоб переглянути його.","This file or folder has been shared with you. Enable the sync in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"Вам надали доступ до цього файлу або папки. Щоб переглянути його, увімкніть синхронізацію в розділі «Спільний доступ» > «Спільний доступ зі мною».","This resource is password-protected":"Цей ресурс захищений паролем","Toggle sidebar":"Перемкнути бічну панель","Top bar":"Верхня панель","Unable to load account data…":"Не вдалося завантажити дані облікового запису…","Unable to save preference…":"Не вдалося зберегти налаштування…","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"На жаль, ваш пароль не відповідає політикам безпеки. будь ласка, створіть надійний пароль","Unknown error":"Невідома помилка","Upload cancelled":"Відвантаження скасовано","Upload complete":"Відвантаження завершено","Upload failed":"Помилка відвантаження","User":"Користувач","User Menu login":"Вхід в меню користувача","Username":"Ім'я користувача","View and download.":"Переглянути та завантажити.","View options":"Переглянути параметри","View, download and edit.":"Переглянути, завантажити та відредагувати.","View, download and upload.":"Переглянути, завантажити та відвантаження.","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"Переглянути, завантажити, відвантажити, редагувати, додати та видалити.","View, download, upload, edit, add, delete and manage members.":"Переглянути, завантажити, відвантажити, редагувати, додавати, видаляти та керувати учасниками.","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"Виявлено вірус \"%{description}\". Зверніться до адміністратора для отримання додаткової інформації ","You are not part of any group":"Ви не участником жодної групи","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"Ви можете перезавантажити цю сторінку після того, як увімкнете синхронізацію спільного доступу.","You have been logged out successfully.":"Ви успішно вийшли з системи.","Your access to this share has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Ваш доступ до цього ресурсу скасовано. Будь ласка, перейдіть до іншого місця.","Your access to this space has been revoked. Please navigate to another location.":"Ваш доступ до цього Простору скасовано. Будь ласка, перейдіть до іншого місця."},"zh":{"%{ errors } of %{ uploads } item failed":"更新 %{ uploads } 项失败: %{ errors }","%{ filesInProgressCount } item uploading...":"%{ filesInProgressCount } 项正在上传...","%{ roundedRemainingHours } hour left":"%{ roundedRemainingHours } 小时左右","%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } minute left":"%{ roundedRemainingMinutes } 分钟左右","%{ successfulUploads } item uploaded":"%{ successfulUploads } 项已经上传","%{uploadedBytes} of %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)":"%{uploadedBytes} / %{totalBytes} (%{currentUploadSpeed}/s)","%{used} of %{total} used":"%{used} / %{total} 已用","%{used} used":"%{used} 已用","Access denied":"拒绝访问","Account":"账户","Account Information":"账户信息","Account menu":"账户菜单","Activities":"活动","Admin":"管理员","Also, make sure to check the browser console for more information.":"另外,请务必检查浏览器控制台以获取更多信息。","An error occurred while loading the public link":"加载公共链接时出错","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"解析私有链接时发生错误","Application Switcher":"切换应用","Authentication failed":"认证失败","Auto (same as system)":"自动(与系统相同)","Back to home":"返回首页","Calculating estimated time...":"正在计算预计时间...","Can edit":"可编辑","Can manage":"可管理","Can upload":"可上传","Can view":"可查看","Cancel upload":"取消上传","Change password":"更改密码","chat":"沟通","Close":"关闭","Close sidebar to hide details":"关闭侧边栏以隐藏详情","Continue":"继续","Current password":"当前密码","documentation":"文档","Download latest export":"下载最新的导出","Edit":"编辑","Email":"邮箱","Enter password for public link":"输入公开链接的密码","Export is being processed. This can take up to 24 hours.":"正在处理导出。 这最多可能需要 24 小时。","Failed to change password":"更改密码失败","Few seconds left":"还剩几秒","Finalizing upload...":"正在完成上传...","First and last name":"姓名","For help visit our":"如需帮助,请访问我们的","GDPR":"GDPR","GDPR export":"GDPR 导出","GDPR export could not be requested. Please contact an administrator.":"无法请求 GDPR 导出。 请联系管理员。","GDPR export has been requested":"已请求 GDPR 导出","Group memberships":"组织成员功能","Guest":"访客","Hide details":"隐藏详情","Imprint":"标记","Incorrect password":"密码错误","Internet Explorer (your current browser) is not officially supported. For security reasons, please switch to another browser.":"Internet Explorer(您当前的浏览器)不受官方支持。 出于安全考虑,请切换到其他浏览器。","Language":"语言","Loading":"加载中","Loading public link…":"加载公开链接...","Log in":"登录","Log in again":"再次登录","Log out":"登出","Logging you in":"正在为您登录","Login":"登录","Logout":"登出","Logout from active devices":"从活动设备注销","Main navigation":"主导航","Mark all as read":"标记为已读","Missing or invalid config":"配置丢失或无效","My Account":"账户","Navigate to %{ pageName } page":"导航至 %{ pageName } 页面","Navigate to personal files page":"导航至个人文件页面","Navigated to %{ pageTitle }":"导航至 %{ pageTitle }","New file":"创建文件","New password":"新密码","No activities":"没有活动","No email has been set up":"尚未设置电子邮件","Not logged in":"未登录","Nothing new":"没有新的","Notifications":"通知","OCM link":"OCM 链接","Oidc callback":"Oidc 回调","Oidc redirect":"Oidc 重定向","OPEN":"打开","Open \"Shared with me\"":"打开 \"与我共享\"","Open sidebar to view details":"打开侧边栏以便查看详情","Opening files from remote is disabled":"打开远程文件已禁用","Operation denied due to security policies":"由于安全策略的原因,操作被拒绝","or join our":"或加入我们的","ownCloud feedback survey":"ownCloud反馈调查","Parent folder does not exist":"上级目录不存在","Password":"密码","Password and password confirmation must be identical":"密码和确认密码必须相同","Password was changed successfully":"密码更新成功","Pause upload":"暂停上传","Personal":"个人","Personal storage":"个人存储空间","Personal storage (%{percentage}% used)":"个人存储空间 (%{percentage}% 已用)","Please check if the file config.json exists and is correct.":"请检查config.json文件是否存在且正确。","Please choose...":"请选择...","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"如果此错误仍然存在,请联系管理员。","Please wait, you are being redirected.":"请稍候,正在重定向。","Preference saved.":"偏好设置已保存。","Preferences":"偏好设置","Preparing upload...":"准备上传...","Privacy":"隐私政策","Private link":"私人链接","Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.":"提供您的反馈:我们希望改进网页设计,并很高兴听到您的反馈。 谢谢您! 您自己的云团队。","Public link":"公开链接","Quota exceeded":"超出配额","Read more":"查看更多","Receive notification mails":"接收通知邮件","Repeat new password":"重复新密码","Request a personal data export according to §20 GDPR.":"根据《GDPR》第20条的规定,请求个人数据的导出。","Request new export":"请求新的导出","Resolving private link…":"处理私人链接...","Resume upload":"恢复上传","Retry all failed uploads":"重试所有失败的上传","Scan for viruses":"扫描病毒","Set new password":"设置新密码","Show details":"显示详情","Show devices":"显示设备","Show WebDAV information in file details":"在文件详细信息中显示WebDAV信息","Sidebar navigation menu":"侧边栏导航菜单","Skip to main":"跳转到主页面","Space Admin":"空间管理员","The folder you're uploading to is locked":"上传的文件夹已被锁定","The resource could not be located, it may not exist anymore.":"无法找到该资源,它可能不存在。","The resource is not a public link.":"该资源不是公开链接。","Theme":"主题","This could be because of a routine safety log out, or because your account is either inactive or not yet authorized for use. Please try logging in after a while or seek help from your Administrator.":"这可能是因为安全原因注销,或者因为您的帐户处于非活动状态或尚未获得使用授权。 请稍后尝试登录或向管理员寻求帮助。","This file or folder has been shared with you via \"%{parentShareName}\". Enable the sync for the share \"%{parentShareName}\" in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"该文件或文件夹已通过 \"%{parentShareName}\" 与您共享。在 \"共享\" > \"与我共享\" 中启用共享 \"%{parentShareName}\" 的同步以查看它。","This file or folder has been shared with you. Enable the sync in \"Shares\" > \"Shared with me\" to view it.":"该文件夹已与您共享。在 \"共享\" > \"与我共享\" 中启用同步即可查看它。","This resource is password-protected":"该资源受密码保护","Toggle sidebar":"切换侧边栏","Top bar":"顶栏","Unable to load account data…":"无法加载帐户数据...","Unable to save preference…":"无法保存偏好设置...","Unfortunately, your password is commonly used. please pick a harder-to-guess password for your safety":"很遗憾,您的密码很常用。请为了您的安全选择一个更难猜的密码。","Unknown error":"未知错误","Upload cancelled":"上传已取消","Upload complete":"上传完成","Upload failed":"上传失败","User":"用户","User Menu login":"用户菜单登录","Username":"用户名","View and download.":"查看并下载","View options":"查看选项","View, download, upload, edit, add and delete.":"查看,下载,上传,编辑和删除","Virus \"%{description}\" detected. Please contact your administrator for more information.":"检测到病毒 \"%{description}\"。 请联系您的管理员以获取更多信息。","You are not part of any group":"您不是该组织的成员","You can reload this page after you have enabled syncing the share.":"你可以在启用同步共享后重新加载此页面。"}} \ No newline at end of file