From 668c45fd53f0dcaa78b2473dd4f675ba71b9d94b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vincent Petry <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2019 12:46:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Improve README with more setup information

Reorganize the sections in logical reading order.
Add more detailed and up to date information about setting up Phoenix.
--- | 87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 3cf3a0980b7..d2e9b68b097 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,38 +4,76 @@ Pushing a new design and frontend concept to ownCloud
-[See this online Demo](
+[See this online Demo]( (user: demo, password: demo)
-## How to build
+## Setting up
-- Run `yarn install` to build core
-- Run `yarn install-all` to install dependencies of all apps and core
-- Run `yarn dist` to build all apps configured in config.json
+Decide on which host and port Phoenix will be running, for example `https://phoenix-host:8300/phoenix-path/`.
+In this document, we will refer to the following:
+- `<phoenix-url>` as the full URL, for example `https://phoenix-host:8300/phoenix-path/`
+- `<phoenix-domain>` as the protocol, domain and port, for example: `https://phoenix-host:8300`
+### Setting up the ownCloud Server
+Make sure you have an [ownCloud Server]( already installed.
+#### Adjusting config.php
+Add the following entries to config/config.php:
+- tell ownCloud where Phoenix is located:
+'phoenix.baseUrl' => '<phoenix-url>',
-## ownCloud server prerequisites
-### When running with oauth2
-- installed and enabled oauth2 app
-- entry for Phoenix in User Authentication in admin settings with Redirection URI: `<phoenix-env>/oidc-callback.html`
-- enabled CORS domain entry for Phoenix in config.php:
+- add a CORS domain entry for Phoenix in config.php:
-'cors.allowed-domains' => [
+'cors.allowed-domains' => ['<phoenix-domain>'],
-- when developing against unstable APIs (technical preview), these need to be enabled in the server core:
+- optional: when developing against unstable APIs (technical preview), these need to be enabled in the server core:
 dav.enable.tech_preview => true,
-## Create config.json
-- For reference look into config.json.sample (example with oauth2)
+#### Setting up OAuth2
+To connect to the ownCloud server, it is necessary to set it up with OAuth2.
+Install and enable the [oauth2 app](
+% occ market:install oauth2
+% occ app:enable oauth2
+Login as administrator in the ownCloud Server web interface and go to the "User Authentication" section in the admin settings and add an entry for Phoenix as follows:
-## Run
+- pick an arbitrary name for the client
+- set the redirection URI to `<phoenix-url>/oidc-callback.html`
+- make sure to take note of the **client identifier** value as it will be needed in the Phoenix configuration later on
+### Setting up Phoenix
+In the local Phoenix checkout, copy the `config.json.sample` file to `config.json` and adjust it accordingly:
+- Set the "server" key to the URL of the ownCloud server including path, make sure to include a **trailing slash**
+- Set the "clientId" key to the **client identifier** as copied from the "User Authentication" section before.
+- Adjust "url" and "authUrl" using the ownCloud server URL as prefix for both
+- Optionally adjust "apps" for the list of apps to be loaded. These match the app names inside the "apps" folder.
+## Building Phoenix
+- Run `yarn install` to build core
+- Run `yarn install-all` to install dependencies of all apps and core
+- Run `yarn dist` to build all apps configured in `config.json`
+## Running Phoenix
 - optionally provide custom domain name: `export SERVER_HOST=`
 - run a webpack dev server `yarn watch` (`yarn watch-all` if you want to watch apps as well)
-## Run acceptance tests
+## Running acceptance tests
 - clone and install testing app into owncloud from
 - set `skeletondirectory` of ownCloud to `<oc-root>/apps/testing/data/webUISkeleton` e.g. `occ config:system:set skeletondirectory --value=/var/www/owncloud/apps/testing/data/webUISkeleton`
 - build, configure and run phoenix
@@ -54,21 +92,26 @@ dav.enable.tech_preview => true,
 | `SELENIUM_HOST`    | selenium server host, if not set yarn will start selenum automatically<br/>if running the selenium docker container as mentioned above set to `localhost` |                       |
 | `SELENIUM_PORT`    | port of selenium server                                                | 4445                  |
-## Update dependencies
+## Updating dependencies
 - Run `yarn upgrade-all` to update core and app dependencies
-## Cleanup workspace
+## Cleaning up the workspace
 - Run `yarn clean-all` to remove node_modules and dist folder
-## How to build Phoenix as ownCloud app
+## Phoenix as an ownCloud app
+### Building the Phoenix ownCloud app
 - run `yarn install && yarn dist && yarn build`
 - run `make -f Makefile.release` dist
-## How to deploy the app to ownCloud
+### Deploying the Phoenix app to ownCloud
 - Grab build/dist/phoenix.tar.gz
 - Move to the apps folder on your ownCloud installation
 - `tar -xzf phoenix.tar.gz`
 - Run `./occ apps:enable phoenix`
 - Refresh your webui and see Phoenix in the app menu

From 2f7c6d6ab078d70f63e52d9e1adf90a1fbb019d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vincent Petry <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2019 12:55:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Adjust README to clarify trailing slash in config.json

--- | 6 ++++--
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index d2e9b68b097..ff942a7a433 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,13 +6,15 @@ Pushing a new design and frontend concept to ownCloud
 [See this online Demo]( (user: demo, password: demo)
-## Setting up
+## Prerequisites
 Decide on which host and port Phoenix will be running, for example `https://phoenix-host:8300/phoenix-path/`.
 In this document, we will refer to the following:
 - `<phoenix-url>` as the full URL, for example `https://phoenix-host:8300/phoenix-path/`
 - `<phoenix-domain>` as the protocol, domain and port, for example: `https://phoenix-host:8300`
+## Setting up
 ### Setting up the ownCloud Server
 Make sure you have an [ownCloud Server]( already installed.
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ Login as administrator in the ownCloud Server web interface and go to the "User
 In the local Phoenix checkout, copy the `config.json.sample` file to `config.json` and adjust it accordingly:
-- Set the "server" key to the URL of the ownCloud server including path, make sure to include a **trailing slash**
+- Set the "server" key to the URL of the ownCloud server including path. If the URL contains a path, please also add a **trailing slash** there.
 - Set the "clientId" key to the **client identifier** as copied from the "User Authentication" section before.
 - Adjust "url" and "authUrl" using the ownCloud server URL as prefix for both
 - Optionally adjust "apps" for the list of apps to be loaded. These match the app names inside the "apps" folder.