a simple node.js server
├── colors.js --- colorful console output
├── README.md --- readme file
├── server.js --- entry file
├── server.conf --- config file
└── license --- license file
The following object sets up the default settings of server.conf
"root": "./", // http server path
"port": 2333, // http server port
"gzip": ["application/javascript"] // which mimeType to use gzip compress
"ignoreExtname": [".DS_Store",".git",".idea"] // extname to ignore
"domainMap": {
"netease.misaka.ota": {
"port": 9527
"cors.misaka.ota": {
"port": 8060
} // Port Mapping,you should map these domains to localhost in your hosts
"style": ... // your customize style
$ npm test
Copyright (c) 2015 contributors. Released under the , licenses