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Deguan YinDeGuan

free china

Alfredo Serafini seralf
"don't mind the rust, don't rust the mind"

serendipity expert Rome, Italy

Darui Jin DaruiJin
Post-doc fellow working on computational pathology

DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Angie rorypeck
CPS, HPC, Data Science, AI


Riddhish Riddhish97
Building awesome things for awesome people


Abhishek Tandon abhishektandon
Research Scholar at IIT Mandi

IIT Mandi, HP, India

Yufeng Yang ynyang94

College Station

Learn. Understand. Serve.

@google Bay Area / Seoul

Nhat Tran nhat416

WeCloudData, Beamdata, Elegant by Design Toronto, Canada

Sonjoy Paul SonjoyKP
CS Ph.D. Student, C++ Developer

@tamu-edu College Station, Texas

Shaunak Galvankar shaunakgalvankar
Code Bloded.... The time is not far when people in shorts will rule the world..

San Francisco Bay Area

Ahmed Tadde ahmedtadde
Software Engineer

Washington, D.C

Gautam Jain gautamjain1009

Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg Augsburg, Germany

Vaibhav Tanwar Vaibtan
@iiitd majoring in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

New Delhi, India

Zhao JIe Jerrisk
Computer vision, Recommendation System, NLP

Tongji University Hangzhou, China

Aman Alok amanalok
I am passionate about working on mathematical problems related to game theory, machine learning and online decision making.

New Delhi

huzongxiang huzongxiang
mail [email protected] wechat voodoozx2015

Peking university beijing

Estela estelacode
Data Scientist & Footwear and Product Designer.
Tathya tathya7
Robotics Grad Student @university Of Maryland, College Park

University Of Maryland Maryland

hmmhmmhm hmmhmmhm
Software Engineer

@llami-team Seoul, South Korea

Mayank Deshpande MayankD409
Just an AVid programmer
Midhun Nair midhun1998
Making Developers and ML Engineers self-sufficient. 🦸‍♂️

@Salesforce India

Young D. Kwon theyoungkwon
CS PhD at Univ. of Cambridge
Spandan Chavan Spandan7724
Bygone visions of life asunder, long since quelled by newfound wonder
王佳欣 yzbx
Angry means nothing, hard work counts.


Ashutosh Sinha ashutoshsinha25
Data Scientist at CDM Smith

Sears Global Technology India Bangalore