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Rizkal Chan junfatt0121
{ "quotes": [ { "author": "周易", "quote": "Self-Discipline and Social Commitment.", "quote_original": 自强不息、厚德载物。", } ] }

Self-employment Malaysia

JackMGSY JackMcLeanGSY
Hello My name is Jack , I am 18 year old code developer and Flight simulator influencer That loves to code


Swampy Orchid oldpond

Victoria BC


Canary Islands




Mercury Technologies

Dale Clack daleclack
Fly to the infinity


Hüseyin Karakaya karakayahuseyin
Computer Engineer Student and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Enthusiast


Luciano lcnssantos
Computer Engineer Senior Software Engineer @ Liber Aviation and Flight Simulation Enthusiast

Liber São Paulo - SP

Andy S. Eagleo0
Penetration Tester
LƎOLION | Sunphase LeolionIII
Photoshop / CSS & HTML / Js / C++ & Python 浮世の風景は幾千年も変わらないというのに、人の世とはこうも白露と泡のように…儚い。

CreeperCorp Paris, France

Sasha Syrotenko Fly-Style
Hacking distributed systems. Compilers lover.


Alexander Leschanz Creative-Difficulty
Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.

unemployed Austria

Thomas Ray The3dVehicleguy

Airplane Simulation Company LLC. Groton, Ct

Helbert Gomes helbertgs
iOS Specialist and Game Developer

Waterloo, Ontario - CA

Daniel Lord daniellord32
Senior software developer specialize in Laravel framework. I do a lot of work with Mautic development for the company I work for.

Texthelp Londonderry

Rudolf Bumm rbumm
Surgeon, project manager, software developer

Kantonsspital Graubünden (KSGR) Chur, Switzerland Chur, Switzerland

Michael Roberts Toneking77
Love the AMAZING work by FlyByWire and Working Title. My heros!

Baltimore, MD