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Thet Naing Oo Raymondnonatus

Millionaire Grace Zone (MGZ) International Company Limited Thailand

MyLife-07 mamun62-ght
♡⎯͢⎯⃝এই_শহরটা_মিথ্যা_মায়াই_আসক্ত♡︎︎নতুন_পেলে_পুরাতন_বিষাক্ত,এই শহরে ঘুমানো নিষেধ🤕কিন্তু জেগে থাকা অপরাধ,আদেশ তো আছে মৃত্যুর🤫কেন জানি আত্মহত্যা মহাপাপ😥♡

mylife-07 Bangladesh

Queen Destryx QueenDestryx

Black Lotus Magick

Rose-Gaëlle rosegaelle
🙃 Geek passionate about technology, the arts, and making this world a better place. FR/EN

New York, NY

ΛBDUL HΛJIYΞV abdulhajiyev
Web Developer ◢◤ Self-taught CG Artist

Eigen LTD Earth

barigye Ronald rigye
web developer

stat solution research network ltd

Haotian Ma qy-liuhuo

UESTC Chengdu,China

Abed Dar Al-Sheikh 11abed


Mohamed Rabeh MohamedRabeh7
programmer/web Developer/php/laravel
Sze Yu Sim szeyu
I am an AI enthusiast who keen on developing an AI product for society. Currently studying in Bachelor's of Computer Science (AI) in Universiti Malaya

Universiti Malaya Kuala Lumpur

Hung Le catmans1
Software Engineer ⚽️🏋🏻‍♂️🐈

@ShareWis Japan

Himanshi codesH-himanshi
🌟Passionate about working collaboratively to solve complex problems and create innovative solutions. Equally comfortable working independently on projects.

Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies Delhi, India

Subhasish Pathak subhasish302
I am handsome

Baddi, Himachal Pradesh

Andrea Mirati PoetSold
Brazilian, single mother, literacy teacher, documentary filmmaker and poet who lives in a community in Niterói, RJ


Florian Grousset floriangrousset
h4ck5 4nd 721ck5 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@globalgig-inc @grousset-technologies @pythopus @c0d3ki113r Austin, TX, USA

Guillaume Landreau Gy0m
I've learned PHP @WildCodeSchool Orléans, and i spend largeamount of time digging inovating applications for my passion to linux and security.

@github France