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Will wrwillrosa
Senior Software Engineer | Rails | Laravel | PostgreSQL | Scrum


Mike Brummett GoDjMike
I curate (and launch) useful AI/ML tools. AI/ML est 2015. Solopreneur, INTJ-A.

Solopreneur (AI/ML, SaaS, B2B) Kansas City, MO

Dragoș Haiduc drakiula

București, România

skeptrune skeptrunedev
Founder and software engineer at Trieve

Devflow, Inc San Francisco, CA

Wisdom Ekpotu wisdomekpotu
DevOps Engineer


Don Onwunumah teopeurt

PigStyCoders Global

Eapen Zacharias eapenzacharias
Full-Stack Rails Developer: Ruby on Ruby, JavaScript

Kottayam, Kerala, India

Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Yuriy Kirillov ineedjet
Indie Hacker Developer: Rails | JS | Swift


Nhat Tran nhat416

WeCloudData, Beamdata, Elegant by Design Toronto, Canada

Rustam Ibragimov 0exp
Team/TechLead at @Cado-Labs / @umbrellio (Software Architecture Design, Software Engineering, Process Management) Creator of @smart-rb and @redis_queued_locks

@umbrellio @cado-labs @smart-rb

Yuriy Galych galichy79
Ruby on Rails developer


Dmitry Gorshkov dgorshkov
Fork everybody, fork everything.


Omar Luq omarluq
Platform @ Austin, Tx

Artem Melnykov ignar
Senior Engineering Manager @ VTS

Ottawa, Canada

Yeradis P. Barbosa Marrero yeradis
Software Engineer at @americanexpress | Mobile | Frontend | Backend | Contactless Payments at Rooam (acquired by @americanexpress)

@americanexpress Barcelona,Spain

Love lngsx
Work for food 🍍🍌🍏🍅
Horacio Bertorello horacio

@wyeworks Buenos Aires, Argentina

Solomon Boloshe LeeCrey
If you live for people's acceptance, you will die with their rejection.

Addis Ababa

Kris FlawlessCasual17
Housing SHOULD be a basic human right.

Alberta, Canada

Ismar ismarsantos

Diamantina Studio Salvador - Ba

Pavel Kalashnikov kalashnikovisme
just look at readme


Sergey Lyoshin SergeyLyoshin
RUBYonRAILS developer. Kazakhstan

Todd V GrimeyPickle
Learning and exploring

@Fluxiit Pennsylvania

Gary Tou garyhtou
Engineering Manager, @hackclub

@hackclub Engineering Seattle

martin drenovac drenovac

Envizion Systems P/L Sydney, Australia