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Jorrit Willaert JorritWillaert
Co-Founder Jurimesh | Computer Scientist with a specialisation in AI | LegalTech

@Jurimesh Ghent

Kripu Khadka Kripu77
He/Him | Software Engineer | 24

PwC Sydney, Australia

Stijn Dejongh stijn-dejongh
Stijn Dejongh is a software developer, architect, and coach. He has been working in the software industry for over a decade.

@sddevelopment-be Belgium

Java Developer


Martin Debouté mdeboute
French engineer consultant in Operations Research, optimization for decision support @Artelys

Artelys Paris, France

Roy Willemse dynamind

Dynamind Zwolle, the Netherlands

Sunghyouk Bae debop
Backend developer

Seoul, Korea

Victor Andrade victoandrad
AI Researcher | Software Engineer

Londrina, Brazil

Tom Cools TomCools
DevRel @TimefoldAI, Java Champion, BeJUG Leader

TimefoldAI Belgium

Luca Sacchi gurubook
Sviluppatore anziano di un certo livello

Milan, Italy



Tomas Fülöpp Vacilando
Web guru at UIA in Brussels (2000-12). Drupal Technical Lead at HP (2012-17). ICT Architect and Product Manager at Flemish Government (2018-). NextJS superfan!

Vacilando Brussels, Belgium

Riddhesh 404reese
Frontend Developer | Data Scientist
Julian Passebecq julian-passebecq
Energy Engineer with Data Specialization 5 years experience : BI, SQL, Analytics, Big Data, Cloud, ML

Geneva, Switzerland

(Swift + Kotlin) && (Go + HTMX). In my free time, C.

Software Engineer @theinfinitereality United States

Fabian Latz fabianlatz
B. Sc. Computer Science (KoSI) @ Hochschule Darmstadt

@mt-ag Frankfurt am Main

Petro gpowork
We always bring the best automatization solutions and exceed expectations. Creating affordable products that improve life through the use of automation and art

GPO OU Tallinn, Estonia

Saaketh Chaganty saakethtypes
Into Evolutionary algos taking over the world

Boston, MA

Felipe Engelberger engelberger
Meiler Lab @ Insitute for Drug discovery Uni Leipzig

DataRoot Germany

Link-Kou Link-Kou
🐶 徘徊在人生的岔路口,向左或向右,一路走来!或许多了一些不为人知的伤痕,过去岁月峥嵘,未来时光荏苒。 🇨🇳

China shanghai City

Kim ksh5
Extreme Couching

Minden, Germany