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Qingsong Zhu qingsong98
I am a master student. I am interested in global change, ecology and hydrology.



China University of Geoscience (Beijing) Beijing

Junjie YU JunjieYU-UoM
Ph.D. student at The University of Manchester
Bo Yuan boyuan276

Cornell University Ithaca, NY

gully mgully
Climate Tech Scientist @SeekOps, Physics Informed Machine Learning; UT Austin Astrophysics PhD 2015, recently Exoplanet Atmospheres / NASA Ames & JPL.

@SeekOps Austin, TX

Amin Shakya mn5hk

ITC, Department of Water Resources, University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands

Mohandeep Singh mathephysicist7
📚 Philomath 😮 Extremely curious ☮️ Empathetic & Compassionate ⚛️ Novice Mathematical Physicist
Jared Frazier jfdev001
Scientific Programmer @ Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Matt Shin matthewrmshin
Expert Scientific Software Engineer

Met Office Exeter, UK

Manda Chasteen theweathermanda
Postdoc at @NCAR

@NCAR Boulder, CO

Ralph Hightower RalphHightower
Software Developer C#, .Net, Photographer (35mm film, digital). Two final manned space launches: US half of Apollo/Soyuz Test Project, Space Shuttle STS-135

@Permanent-Vacations Chapin, South Carolina, USA

Mansur Ali Jisan (জিসান) mansurjisan
Physical Oceanographer | Numerical Modeler | Aerial Photographer

NOAA's National Ocean Service

Huo Ruiqing GRCROWN
2015-now, Nankai University

Nankai University Tianjin, China

Joseph Gaines JoeGaines
Product and Project Manager with a background in renewables and decarbonization.

@CWorthy-ocean Denver, CO

Yi Yu yuyi13
Postdoc at USYD & CSIRO | Hydrology and Remote Sensing

The University of Sydney Australia

Qianye Su SQYQianYe

Guangdong Ocean University Zhanjiang, China

Sebin john sebinjohn111

University of South Florida

Lorenzo Campoli lkampoli
Research Fellow @unimelb

The University of Melbourne Melbourne

Hong Wang hongolina

Ocean University of China China

PhD Candidate


Yongpeng Zhang jokervTv
Atmospheric Science Student, LZU


Dongdong Kong kongdd
Professor (Associate) At China University of Geosciences; 公众号: eco-hydro

China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Wuhan, China

Lee leeeeeeeee2
Beyond yesterday.


Tao Huang th2018
Machine learning, data mining

Boise State University Boise, ID

Pierre Kestener pkestene
Research engineer in High Performance Computing and embedded systems

CEA France

Minhazul Islam minhazulislam
Ph.D. candidate at Arizona State University

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

Zhang Xiao tgmnb
I'm Zhang Xiao from Beijing, welcome to @painapple-official ,tgm from cugb coming