Generated Sat Mar 7 2020 1:41 pm
- src/store/user.js
- TODO: Look at push notifications in the browser
- TODO: Add 10 minute interval to check for day change - if change, fire a new user.ready
- TODO: move this to modules/storage
- src/store/trackers.js
- TODO: Move this to BoardStore
- src/store/ledger.js
- TODO: this doesn't seem to be trigger a change in History.svetle
- TODO: Make this use listBooks() array to only look for books that exist
- src/store/boards.js
- TODO: figure out why duplicates happen on board saving
- TODO: tried to make this a spread - but I keep breaking it.
- src/scss/main.scss
- TODO: Organize main into components or containers.
- src/scss/components/_list-item.scss
- TODO: see if making main overflow hidden was a bad idea
- src/routes/stats.svelte
- TODO: Needs to be refactored and cleaned up
- src/routes/stats-og.svelte
- TODO: Needs to be refactored and cleaned up
- src/routes/settings.svelte
- TODO: figure out how to handle a cancel in the interact prompt
- src/routes/history.svelte
- TODO: Have it react when the ledger change, not a hard refresh
- TODO: refactor so it's clean and using the proper amount of Store vs local
- TODO: This is really sloppy - clean it up.
- src/plugins/goals/goals.svelte
- TODO: Finish Goals
- src/modules/stats/stats.js
- TODO: Implement IgnoreZeros
- src/modules/export/csv.js
- end TODO: See why end date is not working in query
- src/containers/tracker/input/input.svelte
- TODO: Figure out wtf is going on with value and data.value - can we just use value?
- src/containers/tracker/editor/editor.svelte
- TODO: Make edit tag work. It when saving the tracker we need to know it's original tag and replace it in the TrackerStore. Right not it just adds a new one since the tag is the key.
- src/containers/setup/setup.svelte
- TODO: Make this design not suck! It's very boring.
- TODO: UserSession shouldn't be in here - login should be fired by Storage.
- src/containers/setup/setup copy.svelte
- TODO: Make this design not suck! It's very boring.
- TODO: UserSession shouldn't be in here - login should be fired by Storage.
- src/containers/map/map.svelte
- TODO: Look at making this curved dotted lines - and not just straight ones
- src/containers/importer/importer.svelte
- Modal will be hidden in settings TODO: make this not hacky -->
- src/containers/board/tracker-button.svelte
- TODO: Move this to components/tracker-button
- src/components/capture-log.svelte
- TODO: Add a media/photo type of thing that can be added to a log..
- await LedgerStore.saveLog($ActiveLogStore); TODO: Make ledger task instead
- src/App.svelte
- TODO: this is not working - why?