Thanks for contributing to MMM-Face-Reco-DNN.
We hold our code to standard, and these standards are documented below.
Please only submit clean code with correct formatting and good Variable Names.
Please only submit reproducible issues.
When submitting a new issue, please supply the following information:
Platform: Place your platform here... give us your web browser/Electron version and your hardware (Raspberry Pi 2/3, Windows, Mac, Linux, System V UNIX).
Node Version: Version of your Node.
Module Version: Version of MMM-Face-Reco-DNN.
Description: Provide a detailed description about the issue and include specific details to help us understand the problem. Adding screenshots will help describing the problem.
Steps to Reproduce: List the step by step process to reproduce the issue.
Expected Results: Describe what you expected to see.
Actual Results: Describe what you actually saw.
Configuration: What does the used config.js file look like? Don't forget to remove any sensitive information!
Additional Notes: Provide any other relevant notes not previously mentioned. This is optional.