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Releases: nextcloud/vm

19.0.1 (Hub)

16 Jul 16:06
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Download can be found here:

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Documentation can be found here:

Small changelog:

  • Hyper-V is now Generation 2! Lowest compatible VM configuration version is 5.
  • Actually disable Simple Signup
  • Add script to check S.M.A.R.T and notify status via Nextcloud GUI
  • Fix Collabora
  • Change port for Talk, and make the script better
  • DNS got a huge refactor, it now works as intended
  • Add more info in the Nextcloud startup script
  • Only install kernels for Hyper-V if it's Hyper-V (the 1 min 30 sec waiting time is gone)
  • Reduce time and % for the ZFS prune script so that it catches more cases
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Full changelog:

Known errors:

IssueTemplate (App) was not compatible with 19.0.1 when the release was made, so it's not included in this release.

Good to know

  • If you plan to install apps that use docker containers such as Collabora or Full Text Search, you need to raise the amount of RAM to at least 4 GB. If you don't, the startup script will fail to set enough max_children to the PHP-FPM configuration as we calculate on available RAM, and not the total.

    Collabora requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Full Text Search requires 2 GB additional RAM

If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB, 1 TB or 2 TB VM you can download it from T&M Hansson IT's shop.
Please note that BOTH disks need to be imported when using the Hyper-V image. The disk ending with _OS for OS, and the disk ending with _DATA for DATA.

PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!

19.0.0 (Hub)

04 Jun 00:09
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Download can be found here:

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Documentation can be found here:

Small changelog:

  • It's now possible to upgrade to specific BETA or RC version with the update script. Please see in this repo
  • Webmin now installs as normal and is shipped with this release
  • Allow Ubuntu 18.04 users to upgrade Redis (update script should now work without any deprecation)
  • Make functions more generic
  • Add to reach all different setup prompts
  • Huge fixes to the SMB-mount script (can be chosen from running sudo bash /var/scripts/
  • Talk does only install on Ubuntu 20.04 from now on due to changed settings in conf file (coturn is newer)
  • Remove since is the default in 18.0.4
  • Fix check to see if PHP-FPM is installed when running the TLS script.
  • Change port check to / since the old one was failing
  • Furhter updates to yaml config
  • Make ZFS import check a function
  • Change max php-fpm children for the Home/SME server, depending on RAM (hard coded)
  • Make last prompt shorter, to avoid users not hitting OK, which will reboot the server and do final settings (important)
  • Fix LVM to autoexpand since the Live installer is broken (Ubuntu bug)
  • Other fixes for NC 19
  • Add back OnlyOffice in the /old folder (in this repo)
  • Use UUID for ZFS (safer)
  • A lot of other fixes for ZFS, it's now more stable than what's coming in Ubuntu standard
  • Make it possible to install on Red Har related distros (not all of them, but for the sysvendor in the format-disk script at least)
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements
  • Much more....

Full changelog:

Known errors:


Good to know

  • If you plan to install apps that use docker containers such as Collabora or Full Text Search, you need to raise the amount of RAM to at least 4 GB. If you don't, the startup script will fail to set enough max_children to the PHP-FPM configuration as we calculate on available RAM, and not the total.

    Collabora requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Full Text Search requires 2 GB additional RAM

If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB, 1 TB or 2 TB VM you can download it from T&M Hansson IT's shop.
Please note that BOTH disks need to be imported when using the Hyper-V image. Disk1 for OS, Disk2 for DATA.

PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!

18.0.4 (Hub)

23 Apr 23:45
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Download can be found here:

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Documentation can be found here:

Small changelog:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • PHP 7.4
  • PostgreSQL 12
  • Default keyboard changed to US (after several requests)
  • Ubuntu 16.04 is deprecated from most of our scripts (we urge you to update your OS!)
  • MySQL/MariaDB is deprecated from all scripts (we urge you to migrate to PostgreSQL!)
  • SMBclient is now installed via PECL (always latest version)
  • is now renamed to
  • FullTextSearch now only allows access to localhost
  • Redis is not updated if you run older OS than 20.04
  • Talk config improved since it's now using newer dependencies
  • Network-Manager is not installed, and we fully adopted Netplan for networking
  • Available memory is calculated differently to allow low spec boards
  • We temporarily install instead of dockers own repository (they haven't made a release for 20.04 yet)
  • Locate mirrors are moved to a separate script and speed is greatly improved
  • notify_admin_gui no longer needs jq and uses Nextcloud default occ mechanisms
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Full changelog:

Known errors:

  • Webmin is missing in this release due to compatibly issues with Ubuntu 20.04
  • Everyone with issue importing /mnt/ncdata causing .ocdata to go missing, please have a look at this

Good to know

  • If you plan to install apps that use docker containers such as Collabora or Full Text Search, you need to raise the amount of RAM to at least 4 GB. If you don't, the startup script will fail to set enough max_children to the PHP-FPM configuration as we calculate on available RAM, and not the total.

    Collabora requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Full Text Search requires 2 GB additional RAM

If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB, 1 TB or 2 TB VM you can download it from T&M Hansson IT's shop.
Please note that BOTH disks need to be imported when using the Hyper-V image. Disk1 for OS, Disk2 for DATA.

PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!

18.0.3 (Hub)

26 Mar 19:35
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Download can be found here:

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Documentation can be found here:

Small changelog:

  • Added Vagrant config
  • Make Talk more stable and reliable
  • Only fetch one occurrence of nextcloud.log in Fail2ban
  • Enable WIFI if nothing else works in the Home/SME Server
  • Remove HTTP/2 cleartext (security improvement)
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Full changelog:

Known errors:

  • N/A

Good to know

  • If you plan to install apps like Collabora, OnlyOffice or Full Text Search, you need to raise the amount of RAM to at least 4 GB. If you don't, the startup script will fail to set enough max_children to the PHP-FPM configuration as we calculate on available RAM, and not the total.

    OnlyOffice requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Collabora requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Full Text Search requires 2 GB additional RAM

If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB, 1 TB or 2 TB VM you can download it from T&M Hansson IT's shop.
Please note that BOTH disks need to be imported when using the Hyper-V image. Disk1 for OS, Disk2 for DATA.

PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!

18.0.2 (Hub)

14 Mar 19:55
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Download can be found here:

Check the latest commits here:

Documentation can be found here:

Small changelog:

  • OnlyOffice now installs without the need for a docker or extra subdomain(!)
  • Apps are now re-installable, or possible to uninstall through a menu.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Full changelog:

Known errors:

  • N/A

Good to know

  • If you plan to install apps like Collabora, OnlyOffice or Full Text Search, you need to raise the amount of RAM to at least 4 GB. If you don't, the startup script will fail to set enough max_children to the PHP-FPM configuration as we calculate on available RAM, and not the total.

    OnlyOffice requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Collabora requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Full Text Search requires 2 GB additional RAM

If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB, 1 TB or 2 TB VM you can download it from T&M Hansson IT's shop.
Please note that BOTH disks need to be imported when using the Hyper-V image. Disk1 for OS, Disk2 for DATA.

PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!

18.0.1 (Hub)

17 Feb 06:05
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Download can be found here:

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Documentation can be found here:

Small changelog:

  • Update all whiptails and set a new standard
  • We only use TLS, not SSL
  • Add local IP to /etc/issue so that its shown before login (If available via DHCP)
  • Fix log permissions
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Full changelog:

Known errors:

  • N/A

Good to know

  • If you plan to install apps like Collabora, OnlyOffice or Full Text Search, you need to raise the amount of RAM to at least 4 GB. If you don't, the startup script will fail to set enough max_children to the PHP-FPM configuration as we calculate on available RAM, and not the total.

    OnlyOffice requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Collabora requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Full Text Search requires 2 GB additional RAM

If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB, 1 TB or 2 TB VM you can download it from T&M Hansson IT's shop.
Please note that BOTH disks need to be imported when using the Hyper-V image. Disk1 for OS, Disk2 for DATA.

PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!

18.0.0 (Hub)

25 Jan 17:36
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Download can be found here:

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Documentation can be found here:

Small changelog:

  • Refactor and improve Previewgenerator
  • Make it possible to set your own value to Cookie Lifetime
  • Disable evasive if enabled when installing OnlyOffice
  • Refactor how TLS certs are generated. Make it a function instead so that it can be used in several scripts
  • Make it possible to send notifications to admins in the VM though a function. (very cool btw) :)
  • Add function to add SMB shares directly in the first setup
  • Add a new notify function in the CLI
  • Notify users about Nextcloud updates via a crontab
  • Fetch from our own repo (safer)
  • Move additional apps to it's own script to make it possible to always get the latest apps, any time
  • Autodetect if the Home/SME server is used and set up the disk accordingly
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Full changelog:

Known errors:

  • N/A

Good to know

  • If you plan to install apps like Collabora, OnlyOffice or Full Text Search, you need to raise the amount of RAM to at least 4 GB. If you don't, the startup script will fail to set enough max_children to the PHP-FPM configuration as we calculate on available RAM, and not the total.

    OnlyOffice requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Collabora requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Full Text Search requires 2 GB additional RAM

If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB, 1 TB or 2 TB VM you can download it from T&M Hansson IT's shop.
Please note that BOTH disks need to be imported when using the Hyper-V image. Disk1 for OS, Disk2 for DATA.

PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!


21 Dec 22:00
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Download can be found here:

Check the latest commits here:

Documentation can be found here:

Small changelog:

  • Improve TLS security, allow TLS 1.3.
  • Hold PHP if the version installed is 7.3
  • Add automatic setup for German-Swiss and French locale
  • Make sure curl is installed to be able to fetch the latest
  • Check if whiptail is installed in the installation script
  • Remove ZFS snapshots if the storage reached more than 85%.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Full changelog:

Known errors:

  • N/A

Good to know

  • If you plan to install apps like Collabora, OnlyOffice or Full Text Search, you need to raise the amount of RAM to at least 4 GB. If you don't, the startup script will fail to set enough max_children to the PHP-FPM configuration as we calculate on available RAM, and not the total.

    OnlyOffice requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Collabora requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Full Text Search requires 2 GB additional RAM

If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB, 1 TB or 2 TB VM you can download it from T&M Hansson IT's shop.
Please note that BOTH disks need to be imported when using the Hyper-V image. Disk1 for OS, Disk2 for DATA.

PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!


07 Nov 21:29
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Download can be found here:

Check the latest commits here:

Documentation can be found here:

Small changelog:

  • Added minor switch to It's now possible to only update to point releases, e.g: XX.0.12
  • Restart VM after keyboard is set to avoid misunderstanding when using the VM console
  • Removed ModSecurity from the first setup. It just caused a lot of trouble for users that activated it without knowing the impacts. It's still available in the Github repo though.
  • From this version at least Python3 is required as the is updated with new libs.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Full changelog:

Known errors:

  • N/A

Good to know

  • If you plan to install apps like Collabora, OnlyOffice or Full Text Search, you need to raise the amount of RAM to at least 4 GB. If you don't, the startup script will fail to set enough max_children to the PHP-FPM configuration as we calculate on available RAM, and not the total.

    OnlyOffice requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Collabora requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Full Text Search requires 2 GB additional RAM

If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB, 1 TB or 2 TB VM you can download it from T&M Hansson IT's shop.
Please note that BOTH disks need to be imported when using the Hyper-V image. Disk1 for OS, Disk2 for DATA.

PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!


26 Sep 20:00
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Download can be found here:

Check the latest commits here:

Documentation can be found here:

Small changelog:

  • File integrity errors are now fixed
  • Change cron to 5 minutes instead of 15 minutes
  • Fix bug in the docker overlay migration script
  • Source a local lib file when running to be able to run the script without internet connection - thanks @kesselb
  • Add info about the first setup only can be run once
  • Improve logging (/var/log/nextcloud/)
  • Make sure all variables and functions are properly fetched in the beginnnig of the startup-script
  • Add mods for Nextcloud Home/SME server
  • Improve index.php
  • Remove misstyped function (caulculate_php_fpm) - thanks @kesselb
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

Full changelog:

Known errors:

  • N/A

Good to know

  • If you plan to install apps like Collabora, OnlyOffice or Full Text Search, you need to raise the amount of RAM to at least 4 GB. If you don't, the startup script will fail to set enough max_children to the PHP-FPM configuration as we calculate on available RAM, and not the total.

    OnlyOffice requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Collabora requires 2 GB additional RAM
    Full Text Search requires 2 GB additional RAM

If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB, 1 TB or 2 TB VM you can download it from T&M Hansson IT's shop.
Please note that BOTH disks need to be imported when using the Hyper-V image. Disk1 for OS, Disk2 for DATA.

PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!