The Graph class is important for the neural networks in a way that it keeps track of the relations between the matrices used in these networks.
The following sections further describe the Graph
class and its usage.
- Constructor:
- Provided Matrix Operations:
- Delegate the actual Matrix Operation call
- Keeps protocol of the sequence of matrix operations
- Each operation returns a new
-Object, containing the specific results. - Available Matrix Operations are:
rowPluck(m: Mat, rowIndex: number): Mat
gauss(m: Mat, std: Mat): Mat
tanh(m: Mat): Mat
sig(m: Mat): Mat
relu(m: Mat): Mat
add(mat1: Mat, mat2: Mat): Mat
mul(mat1: Mat, mat2: Mat): Mat
dot(mat1: Mat, mat2: Mat): Mat
eltmul(mat1: Mat, mat2: Mat): Mat
memorizeOperationSequence(isMemorizing: boolean): void
: Switch, whether the graph should keep a protocol of the operation sequence for backpropagationisMemorizingSequence(): boolean
: Get current memorization stateforgetCurrentSequence(): void
: Clear the graph memorybackward(): void
: Calls the Backpropagation Stack in reverse (LIFO) order of Matrix Operation Derivatives.
Create a graph that does (or does not) memorize the sequence of Matrix Operations.
const graph = new Graph();
/* OPTIONAL: Set Backprop-state to `true` */
Create a graph and inject a Mat
object to call a sigmoid operation on its respective elements.
A graph object - with backpropagation enabled - memorizes the derivatives of the matrix operations in the order they have been called.
const graph = new Graph();
/* OPTIONAL: Set Backprop-state to `true` */
const mat = new Mat(4, 1);
mat.setFrom([0.1, 0.3, 0.9, 0.4]); /* fill Matrix with values */
* - calls sigmoid operation on matrix,
* - registers the matrix operation to the backpropagation stack (if activated) and
* - returns a new matrix object with respective results
const result = graph.sig(mat);
After the execution of a sequence of matrix operations via a Graph
-object, this graph is then able to execute the backpropagation process in reverse (LIFO) order.
Prerequisite: The Graph
-object needs to memorize the sequence of matrix operations.
- Call
for that - Check the memorization state of graph with
const graph = new Graph();
const mat = new Mat(4, 1);
mat.setFrom([0.1, 0.3, 0.9, 0.4]); /* fill Matrix with values */
/* IMPORTANT: Set Backprop-state to `true` to be able to memorize matrix operation sequence */
/* now: perform some sequence of matrix operations */
const result = graph.sig(mat);
/* manipulate the derivatives of `result`-Matrix */
result.dw[1] = -0.8;
/* propagate the modification back, by calling the memorized sequence of matrox operations */
/* OPTIONAL: reset the graphs memory/protocol */