The following is the functionality that I need to add to VS Code to make it better
- Go to Definition in New Tab
- Add repo backlinks to the Trailscasts page on VS Code Market Place
- Move through tabs of current editor group only
- The highlight in the Explorer moves back to the open file after deleting a file that's highlighted. This is annoying
- Copy line keyboard shortcut. cmd+c on IntelliJ.
- Change the color of types to orange
- Change color of destructured/renamed, property
- Ability to fold markdown links INVESTIGATE
- Continue comment on new line
- Navigate files in Explorer by typing BLOCKED
- Semantic syntax highlighting BLOCKED
- Set title bar active and inactive colors docs
- Enable ESLint non-stylistic errors for all repos
- Change the color of the gutter and line numbers so that they are not as black as the editable area
- Add syntax highlighting to CSS
- History of recently searched strings
- Auto-hide sidebar
- Highlight matching JSX tag
- Make editing one end of an HTML tag update the closing one
- Go to last edit location
- Get Emmet to work
- Search jump feature, like Ace Jump on IntelliJ
- Improve Open SourceTree extension to make it able to open parent folder git
- Create a repl
- Find/replace keyboard shortcut for entire project and for open file
- Autocomplete based on surrounding words. On IntelliJ, that's CTRL+L
- Add personal ESLint, TSLint, and possibly prettier
- Navigate through occurrences. In IntelliJ that's CMD+SHIFT+Up or down arrow
- Show marker of width
- Spell check text
- Change default split to horizontal BLOCKED
- Delete all white space ahead keyboard shortcut. On IntelliJ that's CTRL+Backspace
- Open Source Tree to current repo
- Change matching bracket highlighting to just be a color instead of a border
- Save all files. On IntelliJ, CMD+S did that
- Add my live templates: console.logging, creating functions, etc
- Find why a line is squiggled. On IntelliJ that's CTRL+ENTER
- Rename all occurrences shortcut. In IntelliJ that's SHIFT+F6
- Open GitHub PR in VS Code
- Key combination to open a new line below the line that I'm in the middle of. In IntelliJ that is possible by pressing enter while holding down shift while in the middle of a line
- Split editor with CMD+SHIFT+S
- Move line shortcut. On IntelliJ that's OPTION+SHIFT+Arrow keys
- Delete line shortcut. On IntelliJ that's CMD+D
- Duplicate line shortcut. On IntelliJ that's CMD+SHIFT+D
- Split editor shortcut. On IntelliJ that's CMD+SHIFT+S
- Change default tab size to 2
- Open recent project. On IntelliJ that's CMD+SHIFT+P. I made it CTRL+P in Code
- Open file. On IntelliJ that's CMD+SHIFT+O. I made it CTRL+O in Code
- Remove open editors tree from Explorer
- Jump between Explorer and editor keyboard shortcuts
- Create a file or folder in the same path as the currently open file
- Rename the currently open file
- "Go to Definition" with CMD+B
- Navigate cursor history. On IntelliJ, CMD+ALT+Back and forward keys are used for that