Che/Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces operator uses Operator SDK and Go Kube client to deploy, update and manage K8S/OpenShift resources that constitute a multi-user Eclipse Che/Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces cluster.
The operator watches for a Custom Resource of Kind CheCluster
, and operator controller executes its business logic when a new Che object is created, namely:
- creates k8s/OpenShift objects
- verifies successful deployment of Postgres, Devfile/Plugin registries, Dashboard and Che server
- updates CR status (passwords, URLs, provisioning statuses etc.)
- etc
Che operator is implemented using operator framework and the Go programming language. Eclipse Che configuration defined using a custom resource definition object and stored in the custom Kubernetes resource named checluster
(or plural checlusters
) in the Kubernetes API group org.eclipse.che
. Che operator extends Kubernetes API to embed Eclipse Che to Kubernetes cluster in a native way.
make update-go-dependencies
New golang dependencies in the vendor folder should be committed and included in the pull request.
Note: freeze all new transitive dependencies using "replaces" in go.mod
file section
to prevent CQ issues.
make test
make fmt
You have to update development resources
if you updated any files in config
folder or api/v2/checluster_types.go
To generate new resource, run the following command:
make update-dev-resources
make docker-build docker-push IMG=<YOUR_OPERATOR_IMAGE>
For OpenShift cluster:
For Kubernetes cluster:
chectl server:deploy -p (k8s|minikube|microk8s|docker-desktop) --che-operator-image=<YOUR_OPERATOR_IMAGE> --templates <OPERATOR_RESOURCES_PATH>
You can modify any Kubernetes object using the UI (for example OpenShift web console) or you can also modify Kubernetes objects using the terminal:
kubectl edit checluster eclipse-che -n <ECLIPSE-CHE-NAMESPACE>
kubectl patch checluster/eclipse-che --type=merge -p '<PATCH_JSON>' -n <ECLIPSE-CHE-NAMESPACE>
You can run/debug this operator on your local machine (without deploying to a k8s cluster).
make debug
Then use VSCode debug configuration Che Operator
to attach to a running process.
Che operator is an Eclipse Foundation project. So we have to use only open source runtime dependencies with Eclipse compatible license Runtime dependencies license validation process described here: To merge code with third party dependencies you have to follow process: When you are using new golang dependencies you have to validate the license for transitive dependencies too. You can skip license validation for test dependencies. All new dependencies you can find using git diff in the go.sum file.
Sometimes in the go.sum file you can find few versions for the same dependency:
... v0.18.0/go.mod h1:IowGgpVeD0vNm45So8nr+IcQ3pxVtpRoBWb8PVZO0ik= v0.19.2/go.mod h1:3P1osvZa9jKjb8ed2TPng3f0i/UY9snX6gxi44djMjk=
In this case will be used only one version(the highest) in the runtime, so you need to validate license for only one of them(the latest). But also you can find module path with major version suffix in the go.sum file:
... v4.11.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:50XU6AFN0ol/bzJsmQLiYLvXMP4fmwYFNcr97nuDLSk= v5.1.0/go.mod h1:G79N1coSVB93tBe7j6PhzjmR3/2VvlbKOFpnXhI9Bw4=
In this case we have the same dependency, but with different major versions suffix. Main project module uses both these versions in runtime. So both of them should be validated.
Also there is some useful golang commands to take a look full list dependencies:
$ go list -mod=mod -m all
This command returns all test and runtime dependencies. Like mentioned above, you can skip test dependencies.
If you want to know dependencies relation you can build dependencies graph:
$ go mod graph
IMPORTANT: Dependencies validation information should be stored in the
This repo contains several actions, including:
Downstream builds can be found at the link below, which is internal to Red Hat. Stable builds can be found by replacing the 3.x with a specific version like 3.2.
See also:
Che is open sourced under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.