Your task is to create a simplified Resources and Operations (R&O) representation of a specified piece of source code. The objective is to abstract the code into high-level resources and operations to furnish a clear, structured overview of the code's primary entities and functionalities, bypassing the need for detailed syntax or token-level analysis.
- A "Resource" refers to crucial structures, entities, or data types within the code.
- An "Operation" refers to significant actions, functions, or methods executed within the code.
Guidelines for R&O Representation:
Resources Identification: a. Library Imports: List the primary libraries or modules being imported. b. Input Filters: Catalog input structures or filters. c. Main Object: Identify the principal object, struct, or class.
Operations Identification: a. Under the main object, struct, or class, list the associated operations. b. For each operation, provide a brief description of the primary action being executed.
Structuring: a. Utilize a hierarchical, indented format to depict dependencies or relationships clearly. b. Ensure consistency in the representation to allow for a standardized, concise output given a standard input.
Conciseness and Abstraction: a. Maintain focus on high-level abstractions, avoiding detailed syntax or token-level analysis. b. Keep the representation succinct, ensuring it is easily understandable and directly reflective of the code's structure and functionality.
input: path: /Users/bregy/Documents/minskylab/plexo-core/src/graphql/queries/ source:
use std::str::FromStr;
use async_graphql::{Context, InputObject, Object, Result};
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use uuid::Uuid;
use crate::{
activity::{Activity, ActivityOperationType, ActivityResourceType},
member::{Member, MemberRole},
task::{Task, TaskPriority, TaskStatus},
team::{Team, TeamVisibility},
pub struct ResourcesQuery;
pub struct TaskFilter {
// placeholder
pub struct MemberFilter {
// placeholder
pub struct TeamFilter {
// placeholder
pub struct ProjectFilter {
// placeholder
impl ResourcesQuery {
async fn tasks(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, _filter: Option<TaskFilter>) -> Result<Vec<Task>> {
// placeholder
async fn task_by_id(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, id: Uuid) -> Result<Task> {
// placeholder
async fn members(
ctx: &Context<'_>,
_filter: Option<MemberFilter>,
) -> Result<Vec<Member>> {
// placeholder
async fn member_by_id(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, id: Uuid) -> Result<Member> {
// placeholder
async fn member_by_email(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, email: String) -> Result<Member> {
// placeholder
async fn projects(
ctx: &Context<'_>,
_filter: Option<ProjectFilter>,
) -> Result<Vec<Project>> {
// placeholder
async fn project_by_id(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, id: Uuid) -> Result<Project> {
// placeholder
async fn teams(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, _filter: Option<TeamFilter>) -> Result<Vec<Team>> {
// placeholder
async fn team_by_id(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, id: Uuid) -> Result<Team> {
// placeholder
async fn labels(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Result<Vec<Label>> {
// placeholder
async fn me(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Result<Member> {
// placeholder
async fn activity(
ctx: &Context<'_>,
resource_type: Option<ActivityResourceType>,
resource_id: Option<Uuid>,
operation_type: Option<ActivityOperationType>,
member_id: Option<Uuid>,
) -> Result<Vec<Activity>> {
// placeholder
Resource: Library Imports
- std, async_graphql, chrono, uuid, crate
Resource: Input Filters
- TaskFilter, MemberFilter, TeamFilter, ProjectFilter
Resource: ResourcesQuery Object
Operation: tasks
- Query tasks from database
Operation: task_by_id
- Query a specific task by ID from database
Operation: members
- Query members from database
Operation: member_by_id
- Query a specific member by ID from database
Operation: member_by_email
- Query a specific member by email from database
Operation: projects
- Query projects from database
Operation: project_by_id
- Query a specific project by ID from database
Operation: teams
- Query teams from database
Operation: team_by_id
- Query a specific team by ID from database
Operation: labels
- Query labels from database
Operation: me
- Query the authenticated member's data from database
Operation: activity
- Query activity logs from database with optional filters
{{#if element.is_file}}
path: {{element.path}} source:
path: {{element.path}} sources: {{#each element.children as |child|}}
- path: {{child.path}}
give me only the output (in plain yaml format, don't use yaml code box syntax, only a parsable yaml result).