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Assem-VC — Official PyTorch Implementation

Assem-VC: Realistic Voice Conversion by Assembling Modern Speech Synthesis Techniques

Kang-wook Kim, Seung-won Park, Junhyeok Lee, Myun-chul Joe @ MINDsLab Inc., SNU

Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2022

Audio Samples:

Update: Enjoy our pre-trained model with Google Colab notebook!

Abstract: In this paper, we pose the current state-of-the-art voice conversion (VC) systems as two-encoder-one-decoder models. After comparing these models, we combine the best features and propose Assem-VC, a new state-of-the-art any-to-many non-parallel VC system. This paper also introduces the GTA finetuning in VC, which significantly improves the quality and the speaker similarity of the outputs. Assem-VC outperforms the previous state-of-the-art approaches in both the naturalness and the speaker similarity on the VCTK dataset. As an objective result, the degree of speaker disentanglement of features such as phonetic posteriorgrams (PPG) is also explored. Our investigation indicates that many-to-many VC results are no longer distinct from human speech and similar quality can be achieved with any-to-many models.

Controllable and Interpretable Singing Voice Decomposition via Assem-VC

Kang-wook Kim, Junhyeok Lee @ MINDsLab Inc., SNU

Accepted to NeurIPS Workshop on ML for Creativity and Design 2021 (Oral)

Audio Samples:

Abstract: We propose a singing decomposition system that encodes time-aligned linguistic content, pitch, and source speaker identity via Assem-VC. With decomposed speaker-independent information and the target speaker's embedding, we could synthesize the singing voice of the target speaker. In conclusion, we made a perfectly synced duet with the user's singing voice and the target singer's converted singing voice.


This repository was tested with following environment:

Clone our Repository

git clone --recursive
cd assem-vc


Preparing Data

  • To reproduce the results from our paper, you need to download:
  • Unzip each files, and clone them in datasets/.
  • Resample them into 22.05kHz using datasets/
    python datasets/
    Note that dataset/ was hard-coded to remove original wavfiles in datasets/ and replace them into resampled wavfiles, and their filename *.wav will be transformed into *-22k.wav.
  • You can use datasets/ instead of datasets/ It does the same role.

Preparing Metadata

Following a format from NVIDIA/tacotron2, the metadata should be formatted like:


When you want to learn and inference using phoneme, the transcription should have only unstressed ARPABET.

Metadata containing ARPABET for LibriTTS train-clean-100 split and VCTK corpus are already prepared at datasets/metadata. If you wish to use custom data, you need to make the metadata as shown above.

When converting transcription of metadata into ARPABET, you can use datasets/

python datasets/ -i <input_metadata_filename_with_graphemes> -o <output_filename>

Preparing Configuration Files

Training our VC system is consisted of two steps: (1) training Cotatron, (2) training VC decoder on top of Cotatron.

There are three yaml files in the config folder, which are configuration template for each model. They must be edited to match your training requirements (dataset, metadata, etc.).

cp config/global/default.yaml config/global/config.yaml
cp config/cota/default.yaml config/cota/config.yaml
cp config/vc/default.yaml config/vc/config.yaml

Here, all files with name other than default.yaml will be ignored from git (see .gitignore).

  • config/global: Global configs that are both used for training Cotatron & VC decoder.
    • Fill in the blanks of: speakers, train_dir, train_meta, val_dir, val_meta, f0s_list_path.
    • Example of speaker id list is shown in datasets/metadata/libritts_vctk_speaker_list.txt.
    • When replicating the two-stage training process from our paper (training with LibriTTS and then LibriTTS+VCTK), please put both list of speaker ids from LibriTTS and VCTK at global config.
    • f0s_list_path is set to f0s.txt by default
  • config/cota: Configs for training Cotatron.
    • You may want to change: batch_size for GPUs other than 32GB V100, or change chkpt_dir to save checkpoints in other disk.
    • You can also modify use_attn_loss, whether guided attention loss is used or not.
  • config/vc: Configs for training VC decoder.
    • Fill in the blank of: cotatron_path.

Extracting Pitch Range of Speakers

Before you train VC decoder, you should extract pitch range of each speaker:

python -c <path_to_global_config_yaml>

Result will be saved at f0s.txt.


Currently, the training speed via multi-GPU setting may be slow due to the version issue of pytorch lightning. If you want to train faster, see this issue.

1. Training Cotatron

To train the Cotatron, run this command:

python -c <path_to_global_config_yaml> <path_to_cotatron_config_yaml> \
                           -g <gpus> -n <run_name>

Here are some example commands that might help you understand the arguments:

# train from scratch with name "my_runname"
python -c config/global/config.yaml config/cota/config.yaml \
                           -g 0 -n my_runname

Optionally, you can resume the training from previously saved checkpoint by adding -p <checkpoint_path> argument.

2. Training VC decoder

After the Cotatron is sufficiently trained (i.e., producing stable alignment + converged loss), the VC decoder can be trained on top of it.

python -c <path_to_global_config_yaml> <path_to_vc_config_yaml> \
                              -g <gpus> -n <run_name>

The optional checkpoint argument is also available for VC decoder.

3. GTA finetuning HiFi-GAN

Once the VC decoder is trained, finetune the HiFi-GAN with GTA finetuning. First, you should extract GTA mel-spectrograms from VC decoder.

python -c <path_to_global_config_yaml> <path_to_vc_config_yaml> \
                        -p <checkpoint_path>

The GTA mel-spectrograms calculated from audio file will be saved as **.wav.gta at first, and then loaded from disk afterwards.

Train/validation metadata of GTA mels will be saved in datasets/gta_metadata/gta_<orignal_metadata_name>.txt. You should use those metadata when finetuning HiFi-GAN.

After extracting GTA mels, get into hifi-gan and follow manuals in hifi-gan/

cd hifi-gan

Monitoring via Tensorboard

The progress of training with loss values and validation output can be monitored with tensorboard. By default, the logs will be stored at logs/cota or logs/vc, which can be modified by editing log.log_dir parameter at config yaml file.

tensorboard --log_dir logs/cota --bind_all # Cotatron - Scalars, Images, Hparams, Projector will be shown.
tensorboard --log_dir logs/vc --bind_all # VC decoder - Scalars, Images, Hparams will be shown.

Pre-trained Weight

We provide pretrained model of Assem-VC and GTA-finetuned HiFi-GAN generator weight. Assem-VC was trained with VCTK and LibriTTS, and HiFi-GAN was finetuned with VCTK.

  1. Download our published models and configurations.
  2. Place global/config.yaml at config/global/config.yaml, and vc/config.yaml at config/vc/config.yaml
  3. Download f0s.txt and write the relative path of it at (Default path is f0s.txt)
  4. write path of pretrained Assem-VC and HiFi-GAN models in inference.ipynb.


After the VC decoder and HiFi-GAN are trained, you can use an arbitrary speaker's speech as the source. You can convert it to speaker contained in trainset: which is any-to-many voice conversion.

  1. Add your source audio(.wav) in datasets/inference_source
  2. Add following lines at datasets/inference_source/metadata_origin.txt
    Note that speaker_id has no effect whether or not it is in the training set.
  3. Convert datasets/inference_source/metadata_origin.txt into ARPABET.
    python datasets/ -i datasets/inference_source/metadata_origin.txt \
                            -o datasets/inference_source/metadata_g2p.txt
  4. Run inference.ipynb

We provide three samples including single TTS sample from VITS demo page for source audio.

Note that source speech should be clean and the volume should not be too low.


Disclaimer: We used an open-source g2p system in this repository, which is different from the proprietary g2p mentioned in the paper. Hence, the quality of the result may differ from the paper.

Implementation details

Here are some noteworthy details of implementation, which could not be included in our paper due to the lack of space:

  • Guided attention loss
    We applied guided attention loss proposed in DC-TTS. It helped Cotatron's alignment learning stable and faster convergence. See modules/


BSD 3-Clause License.

Citation & Contact

  title={ASSEM-VC: Realistic Voice Conversion by Assembling Modern Speech Synthesis Techniques},   
  author={Kim, Kang-Wook and Park, Seung-Won and Lee, Junhyeok and Joe, Myun-Chul},  
  booktitle={ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},   

  title={Controllable and Interpretable Singing Voice Decomposition via Assem-VC},
  author={Kim, Kang-wook and Lee, Junhyeok},
  journal={NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design},

If you have a question or any kind of inquiries, please contact Kang-wook Kim at [email protected]

Repository structure

├──         # Trainer file for Cotatron
├──            # GTA mel spectrogram extractor
├── inference.ipynb
├──               # Extracting speakers' pitch range
├── requirements.txt
├──      # Trainer file for VC decoder (named as "synthesizer")
├── config
│   ├── cota
│   │   └── default.yaml        # configuration template for Cotatron
│   ├── global
│   │   └── default.yaml        # configuration template for both Cotatron and VC decoder
│   └── vc
│        └── default.yaml       # configuration template for VC decoder
├── datasets                    # TextMelDataset and text preprocessor
│   ├──         
│   ├──                  # Using G2P to convert metadata's transcription into ARPABET
│   ├──             # Python file for audio resampling
│   └──
│   ├── inference_source
│   │    (omitted)              # custom source speechs and transcriptions for inference.ipynb
│   ├── inference_target
│   │    (omitted)              # target speechs and transcriptions of VCTK for inference.ipynb
│   ├── metadata
│   │    (ommited)              # Refer to within the folder.
│   └── text
│        ├──
│        ├──
│        ├──
│        ├──
│        └──
├── docs                        # Audio samples and code for
│   (omitted)
├── hifi-gan                    # Modified HiFi-GAN vocoder (
│   (omitted)
├── modules                     # All modules that compose model, including
│   ├──
│   ├──       # Guided attention loss
│   ├──            # Implementation of DCA (
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──                  # Code for calculating mel-spectrogram from raw audio
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──              # Zoneout LSTM
└── utils                       # Misc. code snippets, usually for logging


This implementation uses code from following repositories:

This README was inspired by:

The audio samples on the demo page of Assem-VC and the demo page of Assem-Singer are partially derived from:

  • LibriTTS: Dataset for multispeaker TTS, derived from LibriSpeech.
  • VCTK: 46 hours of English speech from 108 speakers.
  • KSS: Korean Single Speaker Speech Dataset.
  • CSD: Children's Song Dataset for Singing Voice Research
  • NUS-48E: NUS-48E Sung and Spoken Lyrics Corpus