Metatron supports RESTful API that accepts HTTP requests and responds with JSON data.
First, you need to create a token for the request. Tokens provide authorization for agents, users and external systems or applications.
You can get a token by this method using your existing account,
URL : (POST) /oauth/token
Params (POST data) :
key | value |
grant_type | password |
client_id | polaris_truster |
client_secret | secret |
scope | read write |
username | your id |
password | your password |
"access_token": "string",
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "string",
"expires_in": "long",
"scope": "string",
"jti": "string"
Value of the "access_token" key is what we want to get this time. This value is "Bearer Token" what will be used for calling REST APIs.
Or you can simply do through CURL :
curl {YOUR_BASE_URL}/oauth/token -d grant_type=password -d client_id=polaris_trusted -d client_secret=secret -d scope='read write' -d username={YOUR_ID} -d password={YOUR_PASSWORD}
Now, you can send a HTTP request with Authorization Header. (The "Bearer" prefix is necessary)
For this task, you can use any REST client like postman.
Below are pieces of reference about representative APIs and you can check more information on your application into {YOUR_BASE_URL}/docs/api-guide.html
🚥 Detailed document will be served since 3.2.2 version.
HTTP Request | Description |
(GET) /datasources | list all datasources |
(GET) /datasources/{datasourceId} | Get detail a datasource |
(POST) /datasources | create a datasource |
HTTP Request | Description |
(GET) /dashboards | list all dashboards |
(GET) /dashboards/{dashboardId} | Get detail a dashboard |
(GET) /api/dashboards/{dashboardId}/widgets | list wigets in a dashboard |
HTTP Request | Description |
(GET) /connections | list all connections |
(GET) /connections/available | get available jdbc types |
(GET) /connections/{connectionId}/databases | list databases included in data connection |