This project implements a set of constructs wrapping the L1 constructs provided by @aws-cdk/aws-greengrass
To use this construct run:
npm install git+
in your CDK project folder.
To create a new Greengrass group use the Group
new Group(this, id, {
core: {
thing: t,
syncShadow: true,
certificateArn: props.certificateArn
functions: [],
subscriptions: subs,
loggers: [],
resources: [],
connectors: [],
devices: []
Where t is a CfnThing
. Functions, subscriptions, etc are exposed as L2 constructs by this library, and you do not need to work with xxxDefinition and xxxDefintionVersions. All that is managed for you.
An example stack to create a Greengrass Group would then be coded like:
let f = new lambda.Function(this, 'f1', {
let alias = f.currentVersion.addAlias('prod')
let t = new iot.CfnThing(this, 'a_thing', {
thingName: 'MyThing'
let tmp_folder: gg.LocalVolumeResource = {
destinationPath: '/tmp',
sourcePath: '/home/ec2/tmp',
groupOwnerSetting: {
autoAddGroupOwner: true
name: 'temp'
let gg_lambda:gg.Function = {
function: f,
alias: alias,
encodingType: gg.Functions.EncodingType.JSON,
memorySize: cdk.Size.mibibytes(16),
pinned: false,
timeout: cdk.Duration.seconds(3),
variables: new Map([
["name": "value"]
let localLogger: gg.LocalLogger = {
component: gg.LoggerProps.Component.GREENGRASS,
level: gg.LoggerProps.LogLevel.DEBUG,
space: 32000
let subs = new Subscriptions(this, 'subscriptions')
subs.add(gg_lambda. '#', new CloudDestination())
subs.add(new CloudDestination(), '#', gg_lambda)
new gg.Group(this, 'a_group', {
core: {
thing: t,
syncShadow: true,
certificateArn: props.certificateArn
functions: [ gg_lambda ],
subscriptions: subs,
loggers: [ localLogger ],
resources: [ tmp_folder ]