It is a RESTful API written in PHP(Laravel) using Laravel Passport. To be able to interact using postman or external system.
Auth section can:
Expense section can:
Laravel v7.25.0
Passport v9.3
Step 1 - git clone
Step 2 - composer install
Step 3 - Make copy of the .env.example file and change the copy name to .env,
open file and change settings required.
Step 4 - Make database same name as you stated in .env file.
Step 5 - php artisan key:generate
Step 6 - php artisan migrate --seed
Step 7 - php artisan passport:install
Step 8 - php artisan serve
//Read documentations
Go to command line to the root of project and run: php artisan serve
Then visit: http://{url}/api/documentation
//Unit test
Go to command line to the root of project and run: php artisan test
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