About Cocos2d-x
- A very brief history:
- Prerequisites:
- Operating systems and tools supported:
- For Android development.
- For iOS and OSX development.
- For Linux development.
- For Windows and Windows Phone development.
- Operating systems and tools supported:
- Why choose Cocos2d-x vs other game engines?
- Where to get help:
Basic Concepts and Essentials
- What are Sprites?
- Creating Sprites:
- Creating a Textured Sprite.
- Creating an Untextured Sprite.
- Creating a Sprite From a SpriteFrame.
- Creating a Sprite From SpriteCache.
- Creating a Sprite From a Rect.
- Sprite Manipulation:
- Resizing.
- Anchor Point and Position.
- SpriteSheets.
- What are Basic Actions:
- Animate.
- Fade In/Out.
- Move.
- Rotate.
- Scale.
- Tint.
- Easing.
- What are Sequences:
- Spawn.
- Reverse.
- Running Actions and Sequences.
- What are Basic Actions:
Building and Transitioning Scenes
- What is a Scene?
- Creating a Scene:
- Creating a Node Tree.
- Node properties to its descendants.
- Coordinate Systems:
- Converting between coordinate systems.
- Transitioning between Scenes.
- Labels:
- BMFont.
- TTF.
- Label Atlas.
- SystemFont.
- Label examples.
- Menu/Menu Items:
- What makes up a menu?
- Menu Items and adding to a Menu.
- Examples:
- Create Menu with 1 item.
- Create Menu from array of items.
- Lambdas.
- Buttons.
- Scroll.
- Layout.
- Labels:
Other Node Types
- TMX.
- Particle.
- Parallax.
Event Dispatcher
- What is the EventDispatch mechanism?
- Responds to user events.
- The basics:
- Event listeners encapsulate your event processing code.
- Event dispatcher notifies listeners of user events.
- Event objects contain information about the events.
- 5 types of event listeners:
- responds to touch events- describe what to override.
- responds to keyboard events- describe what to override.
- responds to accelerometer events- describe what to override.
- responds to mouse events- describe what to override.
- responds to custom events- describe what to override.
- Registering event with the dispatcher.
- Removing events from the dispatcher.
- What is the EventDispatch mechanism?
- 3D Sprite.
- 3D Actions.
- 3D Animations.
- Placeholders for: Lights, Shadows, Cameras.
- call custom c++ from Lua.
- bindings to c++.
- subclassing.
- Placeholders for: memory management, Debug a Lua Game.
- Other SDK's.
- Plugin-X.
- Placeholders - IAP, FB.
- What options and why integrated physics engine?
- Physics concepts.
- Physics world, bodies.
- Collision.
- Examples.
Advanced Topics
- Best Practice - optimization, memory, performance, profiling.
- Sound.
- SQLite.
- Subclass Cocos2d-x classes.
- Data structures (i.e Vector).
- Custom OpenGL and Shaders (what to cover here? CustomCommand?).
- c++11 usage.
- Rendering pipeline (notes about this in the wiki).
- Networking - curl, http.
- ccConfig.h (include and the defines that you can enable for debugging memory leaks, drawing, etc.).
- File system access.
- Resolution independence.