Releases: m1k1o/blog
Releases · m1k1o/blog
Blog v1.4.1
Blog v1.4
Users are encouraged to upgrade to this version because of following security fixes:
Thanks for finding and reporting vulnerabilities to @mal33 and @bao104.
- Added RU and NL languages.
- Added postgres support (#31).
- Added config options for footer (#34, #35).
- Fixed implode bug (d5ecdf3).
- Fixed
for SQLite (386707c). - Fixed typos in French translation (#33)
Blog v1.3
- Improved upload error messages.
- Allow uploading large images.
- Set Friends using ENV variables.
- Document access control in readme.
- Added translations: Czech, Bosnian, Spanish,
- Fix directory permissions for images.
- Fix JBBCode class.
- Fixed typo in SK translation.
- Fallback if dictionary does not exist.
- Visitors renamed to friends, while keeping backwards compatibility.
- Updated highlight.js version to support more languages (like go).
Blog v1.2
Major features:
- new theme (dark mode introduced).
- added Docker & docker-compose support.
- added Timezone support.
- added SQLite support.
- added Proxy support.
- new languages:
- SK
- FR by @Phundrak
Minor features:
- upload image from clipboard,
- ajax upload progress bar fallback.
- relative links in curl parse links are supported.
- dispaly between dates (
). - in debug mode check for extensions.
- code cleanup - removed unused files.
- force strings to be UTF-8 (not utf8mb4)
- race coddition while processing url (loaded some posts 2x).
- fixed display issue with translation of
- fixeed datetime 25h day bug.
- turn off listing & disallow certain files in htaccess.
Blog v1.18
- automatically fix images orientation from exif data.
- custom bb tags:
. autocomplete
attributes for nick & password.- show loading while parsing page / uploading image.
compatibity bug fixed.- in debug mode show php errors.
- datepick bug fixed - when month starts with sunday.
- autoresize textarea will expand immediatly.
- drag & drop will accept only one file.
replaced byrandom_bytes
Security issues:
- image upload only using form data
- logs injection prevention.
- filter data SQL parameters using prepared statements only.
replaced by===
.- instad of
is usedcrc32
on server side session check. - session cookie is http only.
- load jQuery only localy.
- XSS prevention on clien side - JS will treat data from server as text, not as html.
Blog v1.1
Blog v1.05
- New BBCode Parser
- Some bugs fixed
Blog v1.03
Latest Release
- Highlight
- DB fatal bug fixed
Blog v1.041
- Custom styles, scripts from config (new)
- New login design
- Focus nick input at login (bug)
- Lightbox for images
Blog v1.04
- Highlight captures now multiline (bug)
- 24 hours a day instead of 60 (bug)
- Textarea instead of contenteditable
- Cover header with custom height. If there's no image, auto height.
- Read more is now not cutting text, but just hiding contebt from user. (bug with highlight)
- Autoresize textara (initialization height is still buggy)