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Tutorials | Chain Making
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There are typically two steps to making a permissioned blockchain (for less advanced users we say there are three but really there are two):

  1. Make the necessary files
  2. Instantiate the blockchain

We shall go through these in their logical order.

Chain Design

To design our chain we need to, first, consider, who will get what permissions and why. It is outside the scope of this tutorial to outline all of the considerations which would come into play when thinking about creating a permissioning system, but for the purposes of this tutorial, we will craft the genesis block to use the following paradigm:

  • Administrators (these would be developers who had full control over the chain, but will not be validators on the chain);
  • Validators (these will be set up as cloud instances and they will only be given validation permissions);
  • Developers (who will have partial access to the more advanced featurs of the chain, such as the ability to update burrow's name registry and also create contracts on the chain); and
  • Participants (these will have permissions to do most of the stuff necessary on the chain from a common participants point of view; they'll be able to send tokens and call contracts).

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will have (1) administrator, (7) validators, (3) developers, and (20) participants. This will require a total of 31 keys, and all of their specifics to be generated and added to the genesis block.

If you would like to understand all of the permissions which a burrow smart contract network is capable of providing, please see its documentation.

Step 1. Make the Necessary Files

If you have run through the chain making tool (monax chains make myChain with the --wizard flag) then you will have been introduced to the idea of account-types. In monax, we are not restrictive about what account-types you can use. We expose a wide variety of permissions which you can utilize to add a network level permissioning system to your network of burrow clients (see links above). This adds a large amount of complexity to the equation, however, and to simplify the use of permissions, we utilize a layer of abstraction which are account types. These account types are simply bundles of permissions and tokens which the monax chains make command uses to package up our files for us.

Let's first take a closer look at our account types:

cd ~/.monax/chains/account-types

In this directory you will find a few *.toml files. These files each represent a different account type with its bundles of permissions. Let's see what they look like either open the file in your favorite text editor or:

cat root.toml

At the top of the file you will see the description of the account type and other narrative stuff which is consumed by the chain making wizard that is utilized by monax chains make anotherChain --wizard.

After the description sections you'll see the following lines:

default_number = 3
default_tokens = 9999999999
default_bond = 0

The first line default_number tells the monax chain maker by default how many of the root accounts to make. The default_tokens tells the monax chain maker how many tokens to give each key which is generated and given to this account type. The default_bond tells the monax chain maker by default how many tokens should be bonded by the key which is generated and given to this account type. When default_bond is zero, the monax chain maker will not add the account type's key(s) to the genesis.json as validators.

The third section of the toml file is the permissions table. This section looks something like this:

root = true
send = true
call = true
createContract = true
createAccount = true
bond = true
name = true
hasBase = true
setBase = true
unsetBase = true
setBlobal = true
hasRole = true
addRole = true
rmRole = true

Where a field is 1, the monax chain maker will turn that permission for the account type on; and where it is 0, the monax chain maker will turn that permission for the account type off. To adjust the permissions for a default account type then edit any of the ~/.monax/chains/account-types/*.toml files as you wish. After that, whenever you run the monax chain maker it will respect the changes to any of the fields.

You can also simply add new account types, which is what we're going to do next. Let's make a copy of the developer.toml file and edit it.

cp developer.toml adv_chain_developer.toml

Open ~/.monax/chains/account-types/adv_chain_developer.toml in your favorite text editor. Make the following changes:

name = "Advdeveloper"


bond = true
hasBase = true

What did those changes do? Well the first change should be obvious. For the second change we modified the permission to bond and to utilize the hasBase functionality from 0 (off) to 1 (on) for this account type. We are not going to use either of these permissions that we changed, this is only to demonstrate how we'd update the account types we're gonna use.

At this point once we're happy with the account types for our chain (feel free to look around at the other account types files if you like; but we're just going to use the defaults for the rest of this tutorial), then we can move on to the next step in the process.

Now we are goint to take a look at monax's chain types feature.

cd ~/.monax/chains/chain-types

In this directory is our chain types. Let's take a look at what a chain types file is:

cat simplechain.toml

Similarly to account types files, the chain types files start with some lines describing the chain type. Then there is a table for the account types (as well as some tables monax chains will be utilizing in future versions) which look like this:

Full = 1
Developer = 0
Participant = 0
Root = 0
Validator = 0

That table tells the monax chain maker that when the --chain-type flag is utilized how many of each of the account types to make. So let's make a copy of this file and add our own chain type.

cp simplechain.toml advchain.toml

Open advchain.toml in your favorite text editor and let's edit it to look like the following:

# This is a TOML config file.
# For more information, see

name = "advchain"

definition = ""

Full = 0
Advdeveloper = 3
Developer = 0
Participant = 20
Root = 1
Validator = 7




You can see that we have zeroed out Full (which is a root + validator account type useful in simplechain scenarios) and Developer and utilized our new account type Advdeveloper which we will make three (3) of. The rest of the account types will use the defaults.

Now. After that quick tour we are ready to make the chain.

cd ~/.monax/chains
monax chains make advchain --chain-type advchain

If it paused for a little while then returned you to your terminal that means it was successful. Let's check with:


In your ~/.monax/chains directory you should now have an advchain directory. Let's move into that directory.

cd advchain

Your output should look something like this:

accounts.csv               advchain_participant_006  advchain_participant_018
accounts.json              advchain_participant_007  advchain_participant_019
addresses.csv              advchain_participant_008  advchain_root_000
advchain_advdeveloper_000  advchain_participant_009  advchain_validator_000
advchain_advdeveloper_001  advchain_participant_010  advchain_validator_001
advchain_advdeveloper_002  advchain_participant_011  advchain_validator_002
advchain_participant_000   advchain_participant_012  advchain_validator_003
advchain_participant_001   advchain_participant_013  advchain_validator_004
advchain_participant_002   advchain_participant_014  advchain_validator_005
advchain_participant_003   advchain_participant_015  advchain_validator_006
advchain_participant_004   advchain_participant_016  validators.csv
advchain_participant_005   advchain_participant_017

What are we looking at? Well, we're looking at a bunch of files and directories that we are going to use for starting our chain.

You should look through the files in this directory:

cat accounts.csv

That will output something that looks like this:


These are the accounts that will get made on the chain. This csv can later be utilized by monax chains make --known to remake a genesis.json if needed. The form of this csv is:


You can see that, e.g., each of the validator nodes has the same permission number, that all the accounts have the same setBase and all of the tokens given match the defaults set up in the account types files.

Temporary Hack

Next let's look at the accounts.json

cat accounts.json

This file is useful for testing integration with legacy-contracts.js. Getting legacy-contracts.js fully integrated into monax-keys is on our roadmap for future releases but at this time it is still needed. As of the 0.16.0 release, this file will not have the required privKey field for legacy-contracts.js. You'll need to add the --unsafe flag to monax chains make.

End Temporary Hack

Now let's look at the addresses.json

cat addresses.csv

This file should be self-explanatory. It simply includes the address (which is a hashed version of the public key) and the name. This file is useful when combining monax chain maker with the package manager (monax pkgs) and for scripting interactions over a given chain.

Finally, let's look at the validators.csv

cat validators.csv

As with the accounts.csv, this is a file which can later be fed into monax chains make --known for recreation of the genesis.json. The file looks similar, but distinct from the accounts.json


The form of this csv is:


Note that there are two main differences between the accounts.csv and the validators.csv. (1) Only the validator nodes are in the validator.csv file, and (2) the amount of tokens in the csv file is one less for the validator nodes. This means that all the validator nodes will be given 9999999999 tokens but will bond 9999999998 tokens (leaving them with 1 token unbonded).

Next let's look at the files in all these directories:

cd advchain_root_000

In this directory you should see a priv_validator.json. This is the key that will be used by the burrow client. (Note, we are working on moving signing completely out of burrow and completely into monax-keys but this work is not yet finished.)

There is also a genesis.json file that is within the directory. Finally, there is a config.toml which, for any multi-node chain will need the seeds field filled in. Note that monax chains make has --seeds-ip field to fill the seeds field out automatically.

This directory contains the minimum necessary files to start a chain. As we will see soon, there is one file which is lacking to fully run this chain.

N.B. You will want to export your keys onto the host at this point so that you have them backed up. Run monax keys export --all and you'll see the keys on your host by running monax keys ls or looking in ~/.monax/keys/data.

Step 2. Instantiate the Blockchain

With all the files made for us by the monax chain maker out we're ready to rock and roll.

Let's start the chain and use our root credentials!

monax chains start advchain --init-dir ~/.monax/chains/advchain/advchain_root_000

Boom. You're all set with your custom built, permissioned, smart contract-ified, blockchain. Except for one thing. This particular chain won't run out of the box though. Why? Because you'll need to deploy the validators and connect them to one another.

Let's take a look at the chain for a minute:

monax chains logs advchain -f

That command will follow the logs. To stop following the logs use ctrl+c. As you will see, nothing appears to be happening here. This is a feature not a bug.

A Bit About Validators

Burrow uses the tendermint consensus engine under the hood (on our roadmap is to be able to provide burrow's comprehensive RPC and application manager portion over various consensus engines.

The tendermint consensus engine requires that >2/3 (not >=2/3 !!) of the bonded stake is present in a round of voting in order to add a block to the chain. When we only started one node on this chain, and very much unlike proof of work consensus engines, the chain will not progress by itself. This is because there was only one node on the network and it doesn't actually have any bonded stake. Remember we started the advchain_root_000 node, which according to the genesis.json and validators.csv file has bonded no stake.

So how do we move this chain forward? Basically we have to start nodes which do have bonded stake and connect them together. When the bonded stake "present" on the network is > 2/3 of the total bonded stake then the chain will begin moving forward and blocks will be created.

This trips up a lot of folks when starting to work with proof of stake consensus engines, especially those who are coming from proof of work style consensus engines. In the context of this advchain we are making now. We have seven validators, all with equal stake. These could represent seven parties to a deal, two parties to a deal (with control over the validators split amongst the parties) or anything in between. In order for the network to move forward (add blocks to the end of the chain), then >= 5 of the validator nodes will need to be available to the network.

Note that it is not the "number of nodes" on the network which matters. Rather it is the amount bonded that matters. However for pilots and proofs of concept, we recommend giving validators the same number of tokens bonded and then the "number of nodes" can be used as a proxy for the amount of bonded stake which is present.

So, instead of talking about validators, let's get this chain "turned on"!

But before we do that, let's actually remove the chain for now so it doesn't get in our way.

monax chains rm -xfd advchain