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Garbage Collector


This script is an automated turn-burning script for the Kingdom of Loathing that spends a day's resources and adventures on farming in Barf Mountain. This script should ideally be used by folks who have a decent number of IOTMs, but it should have some profit generation even for relatively low-shiny accounts due to the inherent value of Barf Mountain turns.

Garbage Collector, or Garbo for short, is a tool that is designed to maximally extract value from all resources you have available and those you didn't know you had available. When it does something you don't expect, it is either because it has mall data to back up that decision or because the developers intuited that the decision would be profitable. So don't worry about that cognac you were saving for marriage, it's safe.

Garbo is minimally configurable to make things simpler for both the users and the developers, and it will always try to make the most profitable decisions possible.

Is Garbo for me?

Probably! Unlike Volcano farming, a stable 3,450 MPA option which takes a few thousand meat to get permanently set up for, Garbo responds well to various shinies at your disposal. However, it is entirely possible to get respectable results on accounts without a single IotM - a Seal Clubber with Transcendent Olfaction, all the relevant +meat% and +item% skills permed, and a suite of aftercore farmable gear plus a mafia pointer finger ring should be able to still pull in about 4,000 MPA once limited-per-day buffs run out. And the shinier you are, the higher this number grows! High-end users report getting in the range of 6,000 MPA in their end-day turns. A solid part of Garbo's daily haul comes from chaining valuable target monsters, and it will happily use any copier or combat replace IotMs you have toward this goal.

Consult this page for a list of various items that are useful to have for Garbo, as well as a list of shinies that it supports and extracts value from. The baseline 4,000 MPA setup is detailed there as well, with a matching spreadsheet.


To install the script, use the following command in the KoLMafia CLI.

git checkout loathers/garbage-collector.git release

Before running Garbage Collector, there are a few tasks you must do.

Set valueOfAdventure

You need to let Garbo know how much it can expect your turns to be worth near the end of the day. One easy way to do this is to set it at 4000 meat manually, then examine your session logs to see how much value you were actually generating in the last 10-15 turns of the day. To set this, run the following command in the KoLMafia CLI:

set valueOfAdventure = 4000;

Once you're done running Garbo, you can do the following:

  • Take a look at your end of day turns and note the average amount of meat the monsters were dropping. Add the 500 meat from the pointer finger ring, if appropriate.
  • Then take a look at the outfit Garbo equipped for you, note any non-meat-generating options and find a maximizer call toward the bottom of your log. The call will specify a bonus for each of these options it's considering, which is the MPA bonus the item brings with it in your setup. Common non-meat-generating options that work their way into Garbo outfits include the lucky gold ring, Mr. Cheeng's spectacles, mafia thumb ring, and Crown of Thrones/buddy bjorn.

Add all these together and voila - your own valueOfAdventure!

Set your VIP clan

If you have a VIP Lounge Key, Garbo will try to make use of any VIP furniture to augment its farming. To set your VIP clan, copy the name of your intended VIP clan and run the following code (using BAFH as an example):

set garbo_vipClan = "Bonus Adventures from Hell"

This is optional - you can skip providing this clan and Garbo will still run.

Suggested: Universal Recovery

Sometimes, this script will get you caught in a weird loop if your auto-recovery is incorrectly set and Mafia decides to fix HP problems by adventuring at your campsite. To avoid this, uncheck everything in auto-recovery and check out Universal Recovery.

svn checkout

Universal Recovery will look a lot like mafia's default recovery settings, but will be managed in a more sophisticated manner. You can access these settings via the relay browser.

Pull your stuff, please

Garbo uses mafia's availableAmount function to determine whether you have certain items. That function, in turn, checks the autoSatisfyWithStorage property to determine whether to pay attention to stuff in Hagnk's. For most people, that is set to true. And that's a great value for it to be set to! Unlike the closet, items unpulled from Hagnk's are typically items players want to use to do things. If that were to be set to false, garbo would operate under the assumption that you don't own anything left in storage, like a mime army shotglass, or a mafia pointer finger ring, or any of a billion different things we use. Garbo is a big script, we use a lot of stuff.

That being said, having garbo try to pull every single item it tries to use would be burdensome. We'd get features at a snail's pace. It would be incredibly tedious to write code. Which is to say, if garbo thinks you have something, it thinks you have it. That can cause issues when it's in Hagnk's.

We aren't saying garbo won't work if you break prism and leave all of your stuff in Hagnk's. But we are saying that garbo is likely to run into errors, and when you report those errors, our response will inevitably be "you should pull all of your stuff from Hagnk's."

One final note is that we aren't actively opposed to supporting people leaving their stuff in Hagnk's; if you do so, and you find yourself running into specific issues, feel free to put in a PR.

Avoid playing outside mafia, or using another mafia install

Garbo relies on Mafia as a source of truth about the game and about your player-state. Mafia, in turn, relies on watching you play your turns, and remembering certain actions you took, in order to act as that source of truth. If you play outside Mafia, or if you play in a different Mafia install than the one you operate garbo in, you risk creating a schism between the world as it is and the world as Mafia believes it to be. Garbo will base its decisions on the latter, the schism will become a chasm, and your items and meat will fill that chasm. Don't do it!


To invoke Garbage Collector, type garbo in the Mafia GCLI. In addition, you can use various flags to configure how Garbage Collector runs, or specify the number of turns you want garbo to run. Typing garbo help in the CLI will print a helpful list of these arguments and flags and stuff. A typical garbo invocation for you might look like garbo ascend workshed=mts (if you're ascending, and want garbo to switch in the Model Train Set for you), or garbo -1 (if you want garbo to save a turn at the end of running), or garbo nodiet 69 (if you want garbo to only spend 69 turns, and not to diet).

nobarf flag

Running Garbo in nobarf mode will not target spending the bulk of your turns at Barf Mountain. Instead, it will just do your daily flag turns, as well as attempt to fight as many copied target monsters as possible.

ascend flag

Garbo operates under the assumption that you plan on staying in this run over rollover. It will, by default, avoid using borrowed time, charge stinky cheese equipment, and hopefully do other stuff that hinges on this assumption. If that assumption is incorrect, you can call garbo ascend instead of the classic garbo, and it will then operate under the assumption that you do plan to ascend.

garbo ascend will collect Safety Maps to Grimace Prime and will use your overdrunk turns to gain distention pills and synthetic dog hair pills. Simply run garbo ascend again after your nightcap, before you ascend, and it will spend as many turns farming with Drunkula's Wineglass if you have one, and then use remaining turns on maps for pills. Garbo won't obtain more than 100 of each pill, so don't worry about getting too many.

As time goes on, we expect more and more features to pay attention to the ascend flag, so it's good to get in the habit of doing so.

nodiet flag

EXPERIMENTAL Garbo will not eat or drink anything as part of the run (including Pantsgiving snacks). This command can be run in conjunction with the ascend flag ie; garbo nodiet ascend.

simdiet flag

Garbo will list the optimal diet it plans to consume computed from your defined mpa and current prices, and then exit.

workshed arg

Garbo will determine when you are done with your current workshed, and automatically swap to this workshed mid-run. This argument is used in the following manner: e.g. garbo workshed="cold medicine cabinet" ascend. (It will also attempt simple string matching, so workshed=cmc, workshed=pizza or workshed=trainset should also work)

quick flag

Garbo will sacrifice some optimal behaviors to run quicker. Estimated and actual profits may be less accurate in this mode.

  • maximizerCombinationLimit will be set to 100000.
  • Brimstone equipment will be ignored by the maximizer to reduce possible combinations.
  • Stasis at max 5 rounds, instead of up to 20.

Use quickgear to only speed up the maximizer, and quickcombat to only speed up combat.


Garbo can run for a specified number of turns, or run until you have a specified number of turns remaining. To run for N turns, run garbo N. To run until M turns are remaining, run garbo -M.

help flag

Running Garbo help will print out simple help documentation and not run any turns.

If you have issues with this script, please file a bug report!

Frequent Questions

Why is Garbo adventuring outside of Barf Mountain?

Garbo will use your resources to earn meat everywhere possible such as the Hidden Bowling Alley, The Haunted Library, The Deep Dark Jungle, or The Ice Hotel. These generally won't cost a turn to do.

It has been X days since the new IotM was released. Are there any plans to add the support for it to Garbo?

People who volunteer at Garbo during their free time have lives too. In addition, Items of the Month vary in complexity, and we can't support content that isn't fully spaded and included in Mafia. Chances are, someone sometime will add support for the new IotM if it is useful; this person could even be you!

I'm in a clan with a loaded stash, can Garbo make use of the Pantsgiving that's sitting there waiting for me to pull it?

When possible, Garbo will try to access a friendly clan stash to see if it can access certain items you don't have that can profitably augment farming -- things like a Movable Feast, a sheet of Spooky Putty, a Haiku Katana, etc. To set your stash clan, copy the name of your intended stash clan and run the following code (using BAFH as an example):

set garbo_stashClan = "Bonus Adventures from Hell"

Just like garbo_vipClan, this is entirely optional.

Garbo is failing to buy items from the mall?

Increase autoBuyPriceLimit by typing set autoBuyPriceLimit = 1234 where 1234 is the new value you need.

Garbo crashed with error Mall price too high for item?

Try rerunning it once. These checks are emergency stops in case the mall prices go beyond expectations.

Garbo crashed with error Macro Aborted - Unknown predicate: monsterhpbelow 69?

If you own Monster Manuel, factoids are required for the relevant monsters that will be encountered by Garbo. You can just finish combat manually and resume until these errors go away (up to once per unique monster).

Help, I ran garbo and now some of my stuff is missing!

Garbo will use your consumables and potions if it is deemed profitable to do so. Garbo will also deposit certain items into your closet for safe keeping.

I was trying to click around the mall/campground/inventory/etc and then Garbo crashed, and now it is behaving strangely! Is this a bug?

Garbo can be very fragile during some particular segments of the run and it is strongly recommended you do not click on anything while it is performing. This isn't a bug, Garbo is just pretty complex and the last thing either of us wants is to try looking for a bug that isn't there! Go make yourself a sandwich, do some chores, or spend six hours reading random wikipedia pages.

Garbo is sending Kmails to a player named Excavator filled with secret data?

Excavator helps us spade game mechanics, giving us valuable information about things like random item drops, random equipment enchantments, and so on. That data in turn is used to improve Garbo. It does not contain personal data. You can learn more about Excavator here.