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Victor Lin edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the MultilingualGH wiki!


Simply drag and drop the gha file into grasshopper to install the plugin.
To use translation files, add them to Documents\GHLanguage (Mac users: ~/GHLanguage)

Do NOT store non-translation files in the Documents\GHLanguage folder, as there is no sanity check when reading files from this folder, it'll most likely cause problems


Simply drop the component into the canvas, by default it is enabled, so it'll annotate everything in English
To turn off/clear annotations, simply input false into E input, either using a panel or boolean toggle

If translations files exists in Documents\GHLanguage folder, you should have additional language options in the value list

By default, the following list of components are excluded from annotations:

  • Multilingual GH
  • Scribble
  • Panel
  • Value List
  • Button
  • Boolean Toggle
  • Number Slider

If you with to include additional exclusions, input the exact English full name of those components as a list into X input

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