Real time monitoring tool for network traffic
sudo yum install libpcap-devel -y
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev -y
git clone
cd lflxp-sflowtool
make install
lflxp-sflowtool -h
For Coder Demo
package main
import (
// ""
log ""
var Con pkg.Collected = pkg.Collected{
DeviceName: "en0",
SnapShotLen: 65535,
Promiscuous: true,
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
func main() {
wait := make(chan int)
item := flag.String("t", "all", "类型:all(sflowSample|Counter),counter(SflowCounter),sample(SflowSample),netflow")
protocol := flag.String("s", "udp", "协议")
port := flag.String("p", "6343", "端口")
eth := flag.String("ee", "en0", "网卡名")
udp := flag.Bool("udp", false, "是否开启udp数据传输,默认不开启")
udport := flag.String("host", "", "udp SFlowSample And Netflow 传输主机:端口")
counterport := flag.String("chost", "", "udp CounterSample 传输主机:端口")
esurl := flag.String("es", "", "elasticsearch 5.6 接口地址")
ises := flag.Bool("ises", false, "是否开启output到elasticsearch")
debug := flag.Bool("debug", false, "是否开启debug model")
index := flag.String("index", "sflow", "es index name, example: sflow-2019-09-06")
Con.DeviceName = *eth
Con.Host = *udport
Con.Udpbool = *udp
Con.CounterHost = *counterport
Con.EsPath = *esurl
Con.IsEs = *ises
Con.Index = *index
// 初始化es index
if Con.IsEs {
pkg.InitEs(Con.EsPath, Con.Index)
// 是否开启udp数据转发
if *udp {
Conn, err := net.Dial("udp", *udport)
defer Conn.Close()
if err != nil {
// 设置日志级别
if *debug {
log.Info("日志模式 DEBUG")
} else {
log.Info("日志模式 INFO")
// 启动命令
if *item == "all" {
SflowAll(*protocol, *port)
} else if *item == "counter" {
SflowCounter(*protocol, *port)
} else if *item == "sample" {
SflowSample(*protocol, *port)
} else if *item == "netflow" {
NetflowV5(*protocol, *port)
func SflowCounter(protocol, port string) {
Con.ListenSflowCounter(protocol, port)
func SflowSample(protocol, port string) {
Con.ListenSFlowSample(protocol, port)
//include SFlowSample and SflowCounter
func SflowAll(protocol, port string) {
Con.ListenSflowAll(protocol, port)
func NetflowV5(protocol, port string) {
Con.ListenNetFlowV5(protocol, port)
➜ lflxp-sflowtool git:(master) ✗ lflxp-sflowtool -h
Usage of lflxp-sflowtool:
-chost string
udp CounterSample 传输主机:端口 (default "")
是否开启debug model
-ee string
网卡名 (default "en0")
-es string
elasticsearch 5.6 接口地址 (default "")
-host string
udp SFlowSample And Netflow 传输主机:端口 (default "")
-index string
es index name, example: sflow-2019-09-06 (default "sflow")
-p string
端口 (default "6343")
-s string
协议 (default "udp")
Strict permission checking on config files (default true)
-t string
类型:all(sflowSample|Counter),counter(SflowCounter),sample(SflowSample),netflow (default "all")
- Read Only Command
sudo ./lflxp-sflowtool -p 9999 -t all --debug --ee enp1s0
- Elasticsearch on
sudo ./lflxp-sflowtool -p 9999 -t all -debug -ee enp1s0 -es -ises
those functions output json used by logstash to collected
SFlowSample just only detectd 5 layers
- SFlowRawPacketFlowRecord
- SFlowExtendedSwitchFlowRecord
- SFlowExtendedRouterFlowRecord
- SFlowExtendedGatewayFlowRecord
- SFlowExtendedUserFlow
"Data": {
"Datagram": {
"SrcMac": "70:99:99:04:99:99",
"DstMac": "70:4d:99:99:99:99",
"SrcIP": "",
"DstIP": "",
"SrcPort": "9999(distinct)",
"DstPort": "9999(distinct)"
"DatagramVersion": 5,
"AgentAddress": "",
"SubAgentID": 2,
"SequenceNumber": 1275756,
"AgentUptime": 3164307152,
"SampleCount": 2
"EnterpriseID": "Standard SFlow",
"Format": "Expanded Flow Sample",
"SampleLength": 244,
"SequenceNumber": 1251869,
"SourceIDClass": "Single Interface",
"SourceIDIndex": "71",
"SamplingRate": 20000,
"SamplePool": 3990725044,
"Dropped": 0,
"InputInterfaceFormat": 0,
"InputInterface": 71,
"OutputInterfaceFormat": 0,
"OutputInterface": 114,
"RecordCount": 3,
"SFlowRawPacketFlowRecord": {
"SFlowBaseFlowRecord": {
"EnterpriseID": "Standard SFlow",
"Format": "Raw Packet Flow Record",
"FlowDataLength": 144
"HeaderProtocol": "ETHERNET-ISO88023",
"FrameLength": 1518,
"PayloadRemoved": 4,
"HeaderLength": 128,
"Header": {
"FlowRecords": 144,
"Packets": 1,
"Bytes": 1518,
"SrcMac": "99:8c:40:99:99:99",
"DstMac": "99:8c:40:99:99:ab",
"SrcIP": "",
"DstIP": "",
"Ipv4_version": 4,
"Ipv4_ihl": 5,
"Ipv4_tos": 0,
"Ipv4_ttl": 62,
"Ipv4_protocol": "TCP",
"SrcPort": "49165",
"DstPort": "33851"
"SFlowExtendedSwitchFlowRecord": {
"SFlowBaseFlowRecord": {
"EnterpriseID": "Standard SFlow",
"Format": "Extended Switch Flow Record",
"FlowDataLength": 16
"IncomingVLAN": 0,
"IncomingVLANPriority": 0,
"OutgoingVLAN": 0,
"OutgoingVLANPriority": 0
"SFlowExtendedRouterFlowRecord": {
"SFlowBaseFlowRecord": {
"EnterpriseID": "Standard SFlow",
"Format": "Extended Router Flow Record",
"FlowDataLength": 16
"NextHop": "",
"NextHopSourceMask": 22,
"NextHopDestinationMask": 21
"SFlowExtendedGatewayFlowRecord": {
"SFlowBaseFlowRecord": {
"EnterpriseID": "",
"Format": "",
"FlowDataLength": 0
"NextHop": "",
"AS": 0,
"SourceAS": 0,
"PeerAS": 0,
"ASPathCount": 0,
"ASPath": null,
"Communities": null,
"LocalPref": 0
"SFlowExtendedUserFlow": {
"SFlowBaseFlowRecord": {
"EnterpriseID": "",
"Format": "",
"FlowDataLength": 0
"SourceCharSet": "",
"SourceUserID": "",
"DestinationCharSet": "",
"DestinationUserID": ""
SFlowCounterSample contain 3 layers
- SFlowGenericInterfaceCounters
- SFlowEthernetCounters
- SFlowProcessorCounters
"Data": {
"Datagram": {
"SrcMac": "99:99:ef:04:99:99",
"DstMac": "99:99:7b:b8:99:99",
"SrcIP": "",
"DstIP": "",
"SrcPort": "9999(distinct)",
"DstPort": "9999(distinct)"
"DatagramVersion": 5,
"AgentAddress": "",
"SubAgentID": 2,
"SequenceNumber": 1280989,
"AgentUptime": 3164899152,
"SampleCount": 3
"EnterpriseID": "Standard SFlow",
"Format": "Expanded Counter Sample",
"SampleLength": 172,
"SequenceNumber": 2865,
"SourceIDClass": "Single Interface",
"SourceIDIndex": "72",
"RecordCount": 2,
"SFlowGenericInterfaceCounters": {
"SFlowBaseCounterRecord": {
"EnterpriseID": "Standard SFlow",
"Format": "Generic Interface Counters",
"FlowDataLength": 88
"IfIndex": 72,
"IfType": 6,
"IfSpeed": 10000000000,
"IfDirection": 1,
"IfStatus": 3,
"IfInOctets": 104160000662999,
"IfInUcastPkts": 92171299,
"IfInMulticastPkts": 82243,
"IfInBroadcastPkts": 1,
"IfInDiscards": 0,
"IfInErrors": 0,
"IfInUnknownProtos": 0,
"IfOutOctets": 992414418961899,
"IfOutUcastPkts": 9939958927,
"IfOutMulticastPkts": 82489,
"IfOutBroadcastPkts": 0,
"IfOutDiscards": 28017,
"IfOutErrors": 0,
"IfPromiscuousMode": 2
"SFlowEthernetCounters": {
"SFlowBaseCounterRecord": {
"EnterpriseID": "Standard SFlow",
"Format": "Ethernet Interface Counters",
"FlowDataLength": 99
"AlignmentErrors": 0,
"FCSErrors": 0,
"SingleCollisionFrames": 0,
"MultipleCollisionFrames": 0,
"SQETestErrors": 0,
"DeferredTransmissions": 0,
"LateCollisions": 0,
"ExcessiveCollisions": 0,
"InternalMacTransmitErrors": 0,
"CarrierSenseErrors": 0,
"FrameTooLongs": 0,
"InternalMacReceiveErrors": 0,
"SymbolErrors": 0
"SFlowProcessorCounters": {
"SFlowBaseCounterRecord": {
"EnterpriseID": "",
"Format": "",
"FlowDataLength": 0
"FiveSecCpu": 0,
"OneMinCpu": 0,
"FiveMinCpu": 0,
"TotalMemory": 0,
"FreeMemory": 0
"version": 5,
"flow_records": 30,
"uptime": 537043304,
"unix_sec": 1509090197,
"unix_nsec": 0,
"flow_seq_num": 245226516,
"engine_type": 0,
"engine_id": 1,
"sampling_interval": 0,
"input_snmp": 50,
"output_snmp": 0,
"in_pkts": 1,
"in_bytes": 476,
"first_switched": 537025674,
"last_switched": 537025674,
"l4_src_port": 53,
"l4_dst_port": 60657,
"tcp_flags": 0,
"protocol": 17,
"src_tos": 0,
"src_as": 0,
"dst_as": 0,
"src_mask": 0,
"dst_mask": 32,
"host": "",
"sampling_algorithm": 0,
"ipv4_src_addr": "",
"ipv4_dst_addr": "",
"ipv4_next_hop": ""