- newer base image will be used: kudulab/python-dojo:2.0.2
- limit output from this image init scripts
- newer base image will be used: kudulab/python-dojo:2.0.1
- dropped support for python 2
- newer base image will be used: kudulab/python-dojo:py3-1.0.2
- fix publish task
- make it a public image
- take base image tag based on gocd pipeline dependency
- do not set any defaults for PyCharm, but set the Pycharm config dir to
, thanks to this we can use different python-gdojo containers and Pycharm configs will be shared for the context of a python project
- newer releaser and docker-ops
- do not use oversion
- transform from ide docker image to dojo docker image #17139
- install gnome-icon-theme or else pycharm 2018.3.2 has no icons
- preserve PyCharm IDE-level settings, however we have to still accept JetBrains policy privacy each time we run in new ide container #11058. Default configs now: set python3.5 interpreter from /ide/virtualenvs/testenv/bin/python3.5, turn off pycharm hints and set /ide/work as workspace
- reproducible builds - build docker image using last version from changelog
- remove configs tests (itests are enough)
- better order of Dockerfile directives (fast to do as last ones)
- remove redundant and misleading /etc/ide.d/variables/ files
- make copying of ~/.gnupg directory not verbose
- remove uneeded tini
- use newer pycharm pycharm-community-2018.3.2 (faster debugger, support for pytest)
- Support multiple python versions in base images.
- Move from ruby to bash tasks
Removed ruby tasks. Introduced invalid release cycle.
- make Dockerfile use Dockerfile.tmpl
- install libxtst6 package to fix pycharm not starting
Initial release with pycharm