Our goal is for you to have the highest quality version of your video library to work with in Wurl.
"Preferred" indicates our recommended formats, it’s best if you meet or exceed these levels. "Supported" indicates the minimum supported formats. Video files that do not meet these levels may have noticeable quality issues when your programming airs.
Content Format | Description |
Video | MP4 or MOV container. Preferred: HD 1080p, h.264, High profile, 4.1. Supported: HD 720p, h.264, Main profile, 3.0. No Edit Lists, Closed GOP, 1 second long, Chroma subsampling: 4:2:0 |
Aspect Ratio (16:9) | Preferred: 16:9, 1920x1080. Supported: 16:9, 1280x720. Wurl distributes to 16:9 aspect ratio players. Other aspect ratios will be processed and black bars will be added on the left/right (pillar boxes) or at the top/bottom (letter boxes) to make a 16:9 ratio on playout |
Video Frame Rate | Preferred: 29.97 fps or 30 fps. Supported: 23.98, 24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60 fps. Keep the frame rate in the format in which it was recorded. Interlaced content must be deinterlaced |
Video Bit Rate | Preferred: 1080p at 10 mbps (or higher), 720p at 9.5 mbps (or higher). Supported: 1080p at 6 mbps, 720p at 3 mbps |
Audio | Preferred: AAC, AAC-LC. Supported: PCM 16-bit. All content must have an audio track. |
Audio Setting | 2-channel stereo |
Audio Sample Rate | Preferred: 48 Khz. Supported: 44.1 Khz. |
Audio Bit Rate | Preferred: Stereo at 384kbps. Supported: Stereo at 128kbps (or higher) |
Audio Level | All audio levels must be below 0db. Overall audio level should normalized to -24db. |