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Example: handling user changed records (simulating math on user changes, change rippling to another record)

Tim Wood edited this page Feb 19, 2016 · 4 revisions

Handle a list of user-changed records that simulates doing some work on the data before saving:

  • Calculating a value based on the user-submitted data

  • Causing a change in a record the user didn't modify

    <button id="eg3">Change the data!</button> <script> // The silly user changed some numbers!!! function fake_user_changing_data(){ var raw_record_list = []; for( var i=0; i<4; i++ ) { raw_record_list[i] = { id : i , name : 'Record ' + i }; }; console.log( 'You changed the data to ' );console.log( raw_record_list ); handle_changes( raw_record_list ); }

      /** Save all the change records and then display the results
      var handle_changes = function( raw_record_list ) {
      	var record_list = doMathOnChangedData( raw_record_list  );
      	// concurrently run the save changes
      	// 	returned_records is what we're promised
      	var returned_records = record ){
      		// console.log( 'map: ' );console.log( record );
      		return save_record( record ).then(function( returned_record ){
      			// funnel it back to returned_records array
      			return returned_record;
      	return Q.all( returned_records ).done(function( a ){
      		// print the record_list when the lookups and processing are done
      		display_changes( returned_records );
      /**	Do calcs... including "updating" the record after the last user-updated one
      var doMathOnChangedData = function( record_list  ) {
      	for( var i=0; i<record_list  .length; i++ ) {
      		record_list[i].s = 
      			record_list[i].id + 
      			Math.floor(Math.random() * (100 + record_list[i].id)) + record_list[i].id;
      	id = record_list.length+1;
      	record_list[ id ] = {
      		id 		: id
      	,	name	: 'Record ' + i
      	, s		: 0
      	return record_list;
      function saveUrl( record ) {
      	var url = '/?id=' +;
      	for( var key in record ) {
      		if( key == 'id' )	continue;
      		url += '&' + key + '=' + record[key];
      	url = url.split(' ').join('%20');	// lazy cleanup
      	// console.log( url );
      	// okay... just in case your localhost go boom on the url
      	url = '/';
      	return url;
      /** Save a changed record
      function save_record( _record ) {
      	var record = _record;
      	console.log( 'saving record: ' );console.log( record );
      	var deferred = Q.defer();
      	$.ajax( {
      		url: saveUrl( record ),
      		success: function( resultRecordIThink ) {
      			// fake a return record
      			var return_record = {};
      			for( var key in record ) {
      				return_record[key] = record[key];
      			return_record['bob'] = 'bob ' +;
      			var max = 100.0; var min =0.0;
      			return_record.percent_done = Math.round( Math.random() * (max - min) + min, 2);
      			console.log( 'save record ' + + ' returned ' );console.log( return_record );
      			deferred.resolve( return_record );
      	return deferred.promise;
      var display_changes = function( returned_records ) {
      	console.log( 'returned_records (same as a): ' );console.log( returned_records );
      $('#eg3').on( 'click', function() {
      } );
