Fluent is an great DSL for localization. This project allows you to generate TypeScript types for yours .ftl
npx fluent2ts
bunx fluent2ts
yarn dlx fluent2ts
pnpm exec fluent2ts
After that, the locales.types.ts
file is automatically generated in the src
folder. You can also change this path by specifying the -o
(or --output
) argument. For example - npx fluent2ts -o src/some/i18n.ts
You can also specify the glob pattern to search for .ftl
files are specified after the command. For example npx fluent2ts locales/**/*.ftl
. By default it is **/*.ftl
You can also use watch mode
and regenerate the types when the file has been modified. To do this, simply specify the --watch
(or -w
) argument. For example, npx fluent2ts -w
For example for this:
# Simple things are simple.
hello-user = Hello, {$userName}!
# Complex things are possible.
shared-photos =
{$userName} {$photoCount ->
[one] added a new photo
*[other] added {$photoCount} new photos
} to {$userGender ->
[male] his stream
[female] her stream
*[other] their stream
The following will be generated:
import type {
Message as FluentMessage,
// @ts-ignore
} from "@fluent/bundle";
export interface LocalesMap {
"hello-user": {
userName: FluentVariable;
"shared-photos": {
userName: FluentVariable;
photoCount: FluentVariable;
userGender: FluentVariable;
export interface Message<Key extends keyof LocalesMap> extends FluentMessage {
id: Key;
export interface TypedFluentBundle extends FluentBundle {
getMessage<Key extends keyof LocalesMap>(key: Key): Message<Key>;
formatPattern<Key extends keyof LocalesMap>(
key: Key,
...args: LocalesMap[Key] extends never ? [] : [args: LocalesMap[Key]]
): string;
formatPattern<Key extends keyof LocalesMap>(
key: Key,
args: LocalesMap[Key] extends never ? null : LocalesMap[Key],
errors?: Error[] | null
): string;