This is a project about REST API for a class management system
- Independent instructors can conduct class
- Authentication endpoints - Register, Login, Logout
- CRUD endpoints for instructors to manage their classes
- CRUD endpoints for instructor to manage student participating in the class
- Studentts can see the list of classes they have registered for and corresponding instructors
- Authorization of api endpoints by middleware authentication
- Roles/Permissions for instructors and students
- 200 : success
- 400 : Bad request
- 401 : Unauthorized
- 404 : Cannont be found
- 50x : Server error
You send your registration details
Request : POST
Accept : application/json
Content-type : application/json
"fname" : "fname",
"lname" : "lname",
"email" : "[email protected]",
"password" : "*****",
"role" : "instructor/student"
Successful Response : 201 Created
"User Registerd Successfully"
Failed Response : 400 Bad Request
"User already exist"
500 Server Error
Send your credentials and Authentication-Token will be automatically stored for access other endpoints
Request : POST
Accept : application/json
Content-type : application/json
"email" : "[email protected]",
"password" : "*****"
Successful Response : 200 OK
"Looged in Succesfully"
Failed Response : 500 Server Error
Instructors get their own data
Request : GET
Accept : application/json
Content-type : application/json
"fname" : "fname",
"lname" : "lname",
"email" : "[email protected]",
"password" : "*****",
"role" : "instructor",
Successful Response : 200 OK
get user data
Failed Response : 401 Unauthorized
"Unauthenticated user"
Instructors can schadule their classees
Request : POST
Accept : application/json
Content-type : application/json
"instructorName" : "Your Name"
"title" : "Python",
"date" : "xx/xx/xxxx",
"time" : "10:00 AM"
Successful Response : 200 OK
"Class Created Successfully"
Failed Response : 500 Server Error
Instructors can modify their schaduled classees by sending classId and modified info
Request : PATCH
Accept : application/json
Content-type : application/json
get this data from client side
"classId" : "fhhj4rj3ju3jdi..."
"title" : "JavaScript",
Successful Response : 200 OK
"Update Successfully"
Failed Response : 500 Server Error
Instructors can delete their schaduled classees by sending classId
Request : DELETE
Accept : application/json
Content-type : application/json
get this data from client side
"classId" : "fhhj4rj3ju3jdi..."
Successful Response : 200 OK
"Deleted Successfully"
Failed Response : 500 Server Error
Get all the schaduled classes
Request : GET
Accept : application/json
Content-type : application/json
"title": "Python",
"title": "JavaScript",
Successful Response : 200 OK
get classes
Failed Response : 500 Server Error
401 Unauthorized
"Unauthenticated User"
Students can do registration in any class by sending "studentId" and "classId"
Request : POST
Accept : application/json
Content-type : application/json
"studentId" : "fw4f4748yrr....",
"classId" : "bd378y82hd...."
Successful Response : 200 OK
"Registerd For Class Successfully"
Failed Response : 500 Server Error
Students get all the classes for which they had registered
Request : GET
Accept : application/json
Content-type : application/json
"title": "Python",
Successful Response : 200 OK
get registered classes
Failed Response : 500 Server Error
401 Unauthorized
"Unauthenticated User"
Instructor get all the classes they have scheduled
Request : GET
Accept : application/json
Content-type : application/json
"title": "Python",
Successful Response : 200 OK
get schaduled classes
Failed Response : 500 Server Error
401 Unauthorized
"Unauthenticated User"
Instructors can remove students from their schaduled classees by sending "classId" and "studentId"
Request : DELETE
Accept : application/json
Content-type : application/json
get this data from client side
"classId" : "fhhj4rj3ju3jdi...."
"studentId" : "b63td83j2q9...."
Successful Response : 200 OK
"Participant Removed Successfully"
Failed Response : 500 Server Error
User authentication removed from endpoints
Request : POST
Accept : application/json
Content-type : application/json
Successful Response : 200 OK
"logged out"