- 📝 Update README description format [73423bc]
- ✨ Update service worker skipWaiting workflow (#137) [f1eb09d]
- ✨ Add assetlinks file for android apk check [7476d95]
- ✨ Add setup command to npm scripts (#140) [6705d3b]
- ✨ Improve setup command (#173) [1afb74a]
- ✨ Update license link in README (#184) [f2e102e]
- ✨ Enable hashcontent name for generated files (#145) [82335b3]
- ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies (#153) [9abf4a1]
- ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies (#169) [e5c821d]
- ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies (#178) [88d2e20]
- ⬆️ Upgrade bundlesize dependencies (#186) [a201305]
- 🎨 Improve lodash imports with babel-plugin-lodash (#172) [902eab7]
- 🍱 Add missing browsers icons (#146) [d968470]
- 💄 Fix the activate link into navbar (#162) [a51f651]
- ♻️ Setup command refactoring (#175) [11cdca8]
- ♻️ Setup command refactoring (#180) [dc0e280]
- 💬 Fix typo: replace 'Optionnal' by 'Optional' in README (#124) [1194e26]
- 💬 Fixed typo errors [831102a]
- 💬 Adding slack link to README (#133) [4f2a9de]
- 🔧 Update SHA-256 cert fingerprint to match playstore key [1f003a3]
- ⚡ Reduce js vendor bundle size with better lodash imports (#148) [4a0ffd8]
- 🔥 Remove README setup section (#129) [fd26145]
- 🔥 Remove known issues from README (#183) [755786f]
- ➖ Set brotli-size dependency as optional (#152) [d35fa9f]
- 🐛 Fix async firestore import (#154) [178e617]
- 🐛 Fix prettier commands execution for windows (#156) [909799a]
- ✏️ Fix contributing typo (#135) [0efdc24]
- 📝 Add setup in README (#123) [cb0486c]
- 📝 Add code owner and code of conduct (#130) [44fa7d0]
- 📝 Add slack in contributing documentation (#136) [12b688e]
- 📝 Add bento-starter demo Play Store link in README (#167) [17b0ac6]
- 📝 Align title and images in README (#121) [e084399]
- 🎉 First release [9129ff7]