TrenchBroom is a modern cross-platform level editor for Quake-engine based games.
- Trailer:
- Website:
- Discord:
- Mastodon:
- Bluesky:
- Video Tutorial Series:
- Manual:
- General
- Full support for editing in 3D and in up to three 2D views
- High performance renderer with support for huge maps
- Unlimited Undo and Redo
- Macro-like command repetition
- Issue browser with automatic quick fixes
- Point file support
- Automatic backups
- .obj file export
- Free and cross platform
- Brush Editing
- Robust vertex editing with edge and face splitting and manipulating multiple vertices together
- Clipping tool with two and three points
- Scaling and shearing tools
- CSG operations: merge, subtract, intersect
- UV view for easy texture manipulations
- Precise texture lock for all brush editing operations
- Multiple texture collections
- Entity Editing
- Entity browser with drag and drop support
- Support for FGD and DEF files for entity definitions
- Mod support
- Entity link visualization
- Displays 3D models in the editor
- Smart entity property editors
- Supported Games
- Quake (Standard and Valve 220 file formats)
- Quake 2
- Quake 3 (partial, no patches or brush primitives yet)
- Hexen 2
- Daikatana
- Generic (for custom engines)
- More games can be supported with custom game configurations
- Binary builds are available from releases.
- Read for instructions
- Bug reports and feature suggestions are welcome. Please submit them at
- If you wish to contribute code or improve the documentation, please get in touch with me at [email protected].
- All help is appreciated!
- Qt
- FreeType
- FreeImage
- TinyXML
- miniz
- Assimp
- Catch2
- CMake
- vcpkg
- Pandoc
- Quake icons by Th3 ProphetMan
- Hexen 2 icon by thedoctor45
- Source Sans Pro font
See releases for latest changes.