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Reactor Flow
A workflow engine for Java™ with Reactor

MIT license

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Using Gradle

You should add the following in your build.gradle dependencies (do not forget to add mavenCentral() as repository)

compile 'io.github.juliengalet:reactor-flow:${reactor-flow.version}'
compile 'io.projectreactor:reactor-core:${reactor.version}'


Reactor dependency is mandatory, as it is flagged as optional in this project. Actually, 3.4.X release version is used to build the jars (exactly 3.4.12), so you should use a similar version (otherwise, maybe you will have mysterious issues).

How to use

This library aims to create complex workflows using Reactor Mono and Flux. It also manages errors and a global workflow context, in order to be able to share data between workflow steps.

Here is a global example of how to use this workflow engine (go to Available flows in order to see how to use each flow in details). You can nest Flow as you want, as each flow extends Flow class. However, you will always need to finish by StepFlows, as it is the unique flow type that does not need nested flows.

public Mono<GlobalReport<FlowContext>> example() {
  SequentialFlow<FlowContext> complexCase = SequentialFlowBuilder
      .named("Complex case")
      .then(successStep("Seq 1"))
      .then(warningStep("Seq 2"))
          .named("Seq 3 > Recover")
          .tryFlow(errorStep("Seq 3 > Recover > Try"))
          .recover(successStep("Seq 3 > Recover > Recover"))
          .named("Seq 4 > Parallel")
              successStep("Seq 4 > Parallel > 1"),
              successStep("Seq 4 > Parallel > 2"),
              successStep("Seq 4 > Parallel > 3")
          .named("Seq 5 > Conditional")
          .condition(context -> Objects.nonNull(context.get("Seq 3 > Recover > Try")))
          .caseTrue(successStep("Seq 5 > Conditional > True"))
          .caseFalse(successStep("Seq 5 > Conditional > False"))
          .named("Finally > Switch")
          .switchCondition(context -> (String) context.get("Seq 2"))
          .switchCase("Seq 1", successStep("Finally > Switch > Seq 1"))
          .switchCase("Seq 2", successStep("Finally > Switch > Seq 2"))
          .defaultCase(successStep("Finally > Switch > Default"))


private Flow<FlowContext> successStep(String name) {
  return StepFlowBuilder
      .execution(((context, metadata) -> {
        context.put(name, name);
        return Mono.just(Report.success(context));

private Flow<FlowContext> warningStep(String name) {
  return StepFlowBuilder
      .execution(((context, metadata) -> {
        context.put(name, name);
        return Mono.just(Report.successWithWarning(context, new FlowTechnicalException(name)));

private Flow<FlowContext> errorStep(String name) {
  return StepFlowBuilder
      .execution(((context, metadata) -> {
        context.put(name, name);
        return Mono.just(Report.error(context, new FlowTechnicalException(name)));

If you log the result using


You should expect to have something like this

WARNING - SequentialFlow named Complex case ended in 341.45 ms (1594138273)

Errors and warnings
WARNING - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Seq 2 with message Seq 2 (1617838096)
RECOVERED - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Seq 3 > Recover > Try with message Seq 3 > Recover > Try (138776324)

Seq 2 - Seq 2
Seq 1 - Seq 1
Seq 4 > Parallel > 1 - Seq 4 > Parallel > 1
Seq 4 > Parallel > 2 - Seq 4 > Parallel > 2
Seq 4 > Parallel > 3 - Seq 4 > Parallel > 3
Seq 3 > Recover > Try - Seq 3 > Recover > Try
Seq 5 > Conditional > True - Seq 5 > Conditional > True
Finally > Switch > Seq 2 - Finally > Switch > Seq 2
Seq 3 > Recover > Recover - Seq 3 > Recover > Recover

Flow tree
WARNING - SequentialFlow named Complex case ended in 341.45 ms (1594138273)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Seq 1 ended in 3.97 ms (2050339061)
    WARNING - StepFlow named Seq 2 ended in 0.36 ms (1617838096)
    SUCCESS - RecoverableFlow named Seq 3 > Recover ended in 1.63 ms (1579957528)
        ERROR - StepFlow named Seq 3 > Recover > Try ended in 0.62 ms (138776324)
        SUCCESS - StepFlow named Seq 3 > Recover > Recover ended in 0.24 ms (750029115)
    SUCCESS - ParallelFlow named Seq 4 > Parallel ended in 9.67 ms (214187874)
        SUCCESS - StepFlow named Seq 4 > Parallel > 1 ended in 7.67 ms (1528923159)
        SUCCESS - StepFlow named Seq 4 > Parallel > 2 ended in 8.00 ms (1683662486)
        SUCCESS - StepFlow named Seq 4 > Parallel > 3 ended in 8.21 ms (1823409783)
    SUCCESS - ConditionalFlow named Seq 5 > Conditional ended in 1.82 ms (1094523823)
        SUCCESS - StepFlow named Seq 5 > Conditional > True ended in 0.31 ms (384515747)
        IGNORED - StepFlow named Seq 5 > Conditional > False ended in 0.00 ms (657736958)
    SUCCESS - SwitchFlow named Finally > Switch ended in 1.74 ms (867988177)
        SUCCESS - StepFlow named Finally > Switch > Seq 2 ended in 0.33 ms (443934570)
        IGNORED - StepFlow named Finally > Switch > Seq 1 ended in 0.00 ms (1428475041)
        IGNORED - StepFlow named Finally > Switch > Default ended in 0.00 ms (1345483087)

Note - You should call toPrettyString() to log a colorized version of the result, and toString() to log a non colorized version of the result.

Flow context

The context is used in a workflow to share data between each step.

You can either use the provided FlowContext class, or extend it with a custom implementation, if you don't want to directly deal with the Map<String, Object> used inside it.

Provided FlowContext usage

There are two ways to create a provided FlowContext

  • Create an empty one
  • Create a context from an initial Map<String, Object>
FlowContext.createFrom(Map.of("key", "value"));

Custom FlowContext usage

If you don't want to directly access the Map<String, Object>, you can extend FlowContext class, and add methods to wrap access to the Map<String, Object>.

This way, you can type safe access the Map<String, Object>.

public static class CustomContext extends FlowContext {
  private static final String LIST_KEY = "LIST_KEY";

  public List<String> getList() {
    return (List<String>) super.get(LIST_KEY);

  public void setList(List<String> list) {
    super.put(LIST_KEY, list);

Note - If you want to be able to infer your custom context type in the builders, you need to use them like this

    // Create a builder with explicitly specified context type.  
    // Here, customContext variable has CustomContext type.
    .condition(customContext -> customContext.getList().isEmpty())
    // Assuming that trueFlow and falseFlow variables already exist.    

Result report

Reports are used at two levels.

StepFlow level

The StepFlow level, using Report class. A StepFlow execution (see Available flows - StepFlow for more details), should return a Report.

A report can be built using many static methods :

  • Build a success report

Flow context should be the previous one, updated or not, passed as a parameter in StepFlow execution. It can also be a fresh new one, but note the new one will be used for each Flow that follows the one returning it.

  • Build a success report with warning(s)
Report.successWithWarning(flowContext, warnings)

Variable warnings can be a single exception, or a list of exceptions. All exceptions should extend FlowException class. If you want to use the retry or recover on Functional/Technical exception, you should extend FlowTechnicalException or FlowFunctionalException classes, themselves extending FlowException.

  • Build an error report
Report.error(flowContext, errors)

Rules are same than for previous methods.

  • Build an error report with warnings
Report.error(flowContext, errors, warnings)

Rules are same than for previous methods.

Note - If your StepFlow brutally throw, it will be caught as if you do this

FlowException rawError = throwable instanceof FlowException ?
  (FlowException) throwable :
  new FlowTechnicalException(throwable, throwable.getMessage());
return Mono.just(Report.error(context, rawError));

Global level

The global level, using GlobalReport class. A Flow, whatever flow type it is, will emit a GlobalReport instance when ran.

This object contains all the data needed to analyse the result of a Flow.

  • The context

It will return the FlowContext after all the steps are executed. If you use a builder with a custom context type, it will be inferred.

  • The status

It will return the status of the Flow. There are 3 possibilities :

  • SUCCESS - If all is in success (note that if an error is recovered after a retry or a recover using corresponding Flows, it will be considered as a success. See Errors management for more details)

  • WARNING - If at least one warning is raised from any sub Flows.

  • ERROR - If there is non recovered error.

  • The name


It will return the name of the root Flow.

  • The duration

It will return the duration of your Flow (including all its sub Flows) in milliseconds.

  • The errors

It will return all the errors raised during your Flow.

  • The warnings

It will return all the warnings raised during your Flow.

  • The recovered errors

It will return all the recovered errors raised during your Flow (See Errors management for more details).

  • To string methods

Get a summary

globalReport.toPrettyString(); // Same with colors


WARNING - SequentialFlow named Complex case ended in 283.22 ms (1261031890)

Get a string representation of the errors

globalReport.toPrettyExceptionsRaisedString(); // Same with colors


Errors and warnings
WARNING - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Seq 2 with message Seq 2 (764419760)
RECOVERED - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Seq 3 > Recover > Try with message Seq 3 > Recover > Try (1000966072)

Get a string representation of all the sub Flows contained in the Flow

globalReport.toPrettyTreeString(); // Same with colors


Seq 2 - Seq 2
Seq 1 - Seq 1
Seq 4 > Parallel > 1 - Seq 4 > Parallel > 1
Seq 4 > Parallel > 2 - Seq 4 > Parallel > 2
Seq 4 > Parallel > 3 - Seq 4 > Parallel > 3
Seq 3 > Recover > Try - Seq 3 > Recover > Try
Seq 5 > Conditional > True - Seq 5 > Conditional > True
Finally > Switch > Seq 2 - Finally > Switch > Seq 2
Seq 3 > Recover > Recover - Seq 3 > Recover > Recover

Get a string representation of the Map<String, Object> contained in the context (customized or not)

globalReport.getContext().toPrettyString(); // Same with colors


Flow tree
WARNING - SequentialFlow named Complex case ended in 283.22 ms (1261031890)
SUCCESS - StepFlow named Seq 1 ended in 4.21 ms (1926004335)
WARNING - StepFlow named Seq 2 ended in 0.36 ms (764419760)
SUCCESS - RecoverableFlow named Seq 3 > Recover ended in 1.97 ms (95396809)
    ERROR - StepFlow named Seq 3 > Recover > Try ended in 0.72 ms (1000966072)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Seq 3 > Recover > Recover ended in 0.26 ms (1912821769)
SUCCESS - ParallelFlow named Seq 4 > Parallel ended in 9.87 ms (151593342)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Seq 4 > Parallel > 1 ended in 8.28 ms (405215542)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Seq 4 > Parallel > 2 ended in 8.40 ms (1617838096)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Seq 4 > Parallel > 3 ended in 8.46 ms (138776324)
SUCCESS - ConditionalFlow named Seq 5 > Conditional ended in 1.48 ms (1208442275)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Seq 5 > Conditional > True ended in 0.26 ms (1758008124)
    IGNORED - StepFlow named Seq 5 > Conditional > False ended in 0.00 ms (2050339061)
SUCCESS - SwitchFlow named Finally > Switch ended in 1.08 ms (1579957528)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Finally > Switch > Seq 2 ended in 0.20 ms (750029115)
    IGNORED - StepFlow named Finally > Switch > Seq 1 ended in 0.00 ms (214187874)
    IGNORED - StepFlow named Finally > Switch > Default ended in 0.00 ms (1528923159)

Errors management

Basic usage

There are 3 types of errors, each extending FlowException class. Each type can also be extended for custom usage, if needed.

  • FlowTechnicalException This type should handle "Technical" errors, as an unavailable database, or a network issue. Generally, it corresponds to an error that should not be reproduced if you retry.

  • FlowFunctionalException This type should handle "Functional" errors, as a missing business data. Generally, it corresponds to an error that should be reproduced, even if we retry many times.

  • FlowBuilderException This type is used by builders, in order to throw an error if the build parameters are invalid.

As a consequence, for now, you should always use FlowTechnicalException or FlowFunctionalException (or classes that extend them) when returning exceptions in your Report errors or warning.

    .execution(((flowContext, metadata) -> Mono.just(Report.error(flowContext, new FlowTechnicalException("Error message")))))

Note that all the errors or warnings returned during the run of a flow are added to the final GlobalReport, and can be accessed with globalReport.getAllErrors() and globalReport.getAllWarnings().

If you return a raw Mono.error(), or a raw exception, it will be converted to a FlowTechnicalException if your exception does not extend FlowException.

    .execution(((flowContext, metadata) -> Mono.error(new RuntimeException("Error message"))))

    .execution(((flowContext1, metadata) -> { throw new RuntimeException("Error message"); }))

// Those two examples will produce the same result than
    .execution(((flowContext, metadata) -> Mono.just(Report.error(flowContext, new FlowTechnicalException("Error message")))))

How to recover errors

If you use RecoverableFlow or RetryableFlow, if after a retry, or after the recover, there is a success, then the errors will be removed of the global error list, and added to the recovered errors list globalReport.getAllRecoveredErrors()

If warnings occurred during the fail flow(s), the warnings will not be moved, but the concerned Retryable/Recoverable flow will have the SUCCESS status. If new warnings are returned during the recover or the retry, then, the Retryable/Recoverable flow will have the WARNING status.

Examples :

  • A successful recovered flow (with warnings and errors during tryFlow)
    .named("Recover success")
        .execution((ctx, metadata) -> Mono.just(Report.errorWithWarning(ctx, new FlowTechnicalException("Error"), new FlowTechnicalException("Warning"))))
        .execution((ctx, metadata) -> Mono.just(Report.success(ctx)))

The result will be something like (note the global SUCCESS status)

SUCCESS - RecoverableFlow named Recover success ended in 126.44 ms (2107443224)

Errors and warnings
WARNING - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Failure with message Warning (609656250)
RECOVERED - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Failure with message Error (609656250)


Flow tree
SUCCESS - RecoverableFlow named Recover success ended in 126.44 ms (2107443224)
    ERROR - StepFlow named Failure ended in 93.98 ms (609656250)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Success ended in 0.20 ms (1231799381)
  • A successful with warning recovered flow (with warnings and errors during tryFlow)
    .named("Recover success")
        .execution((ctx, metadata) -> Mono.just(Report.errorWithWarning(ctx, new FlowTechnicalException("Error"), new FlowTechnicalException("Warning"))))
        .execution((ctx, metadata) -> Mono.just(Report.successWithWarning(ctx, new FlowTechnicalException("Warning during recover"))))

The result will be something like (note the global WARNING status)

WARNING - RecoverableFlow named Recover success ended in 1.00 ms (1984513847)

Errors and warnings
WARNING - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Failure with message Warning (1241529534)
WARNING - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Success with message Warning during recover (1082309267)
RECOVERED - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Failure with message Error (1241529534)


Flow tree
WARNING - RecoverableFlow named Recover success ended in 1.00 ms (1984513847)
    ERROR - StepFlow named Failure ended in 0.18 ms (1241529534)
    WARNING - StepFlow named Success ended in 0.14 ms (1082309267)

SequentialFlow finally Flow

If you use SequentialFlow, with the .doFially(flow) when building it, then there is an additional error management. Indeed, the finally flow is executed, even if there are errors during a previous .then(flow) (note that the global sequential flow will still have the ERROR status, the idea is that you will be able to do some operations at the end of a sequence, whether the global flow has succeeded or not).

You can get the specific errors that have been raised during the sequential flow and its sub-flows in the Metadata instance passed as second argument in a StepFlow execution.

Example :

        .execution((ctx, metadata) -> Mono.just(Report.errorWithWarning(ctx, new FlowTechnicalException("Error"), new FlowTechnicalException("Warning"))))
        .execution((ctx, metadata) -> {
          System.out.println(metadata.getErrors()); // Will log only the error raised by "Failure" StepFlow, even if you include all this sequence in a more complex flow.
          System.out.println(metadata.getWarnings()); // Will log only the warning raised by "Failure" StepFlow, even if you include all this sequence in a more complex flow.
          return Mono.just(Report.success(ctx));

The result will be something like (note the global ERROR status)

ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential ended in 162.42 ms (1293680734)

Errors and warnings
ERROR - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Failure with message Error (1076641925)
WARNING - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Failure with message Warning (1076641925)


Flow tree
ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential ended in 162.42 ms (1293680734)
    ERROR - StepFlow named Failure ended in 6.57 ms (1076641925)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Finally ended in 1.66 ms (1904783235)

Complex run

It is possible to run Flows from other reactor Mono or Flux.

  • From Mono
Mono<FlowContext> flowContextMono = Mono.just(FlowContext.createFrom(Map.of("Mono", "Mono")));;
  • From Flux
Flux<FlowContext> flowContextFlux = Flux.just(
    FlowContext.createFrom(Map.of("Flux 1", "Flux 1")),
    FlowContext.createFrom(Map.of("Flux 2", "Flux 2")),
    FlowContext.createFrom(Map.of("Flux 3", "Flux 3"))
// Parallelize runs using default concurrency of reactor;
// Parallelize runs with maximum 2 simultaneous runs, 2);
// Do not parallelize runs

WARNING - When you use Flux, you need to take care about errors in your Flux input, as it is outside the library errors management, and so, it can break the reactor chain. Example :

Flux<FlowContext> flowContextFlux = Flux
        Flux.just(Mono.just(FlowContext.createFrom(Map.of("Flux 1", "Flux 1"))))
            .then(Mono.<FlowContext>error(new RuntimeException("Error")))
    .onErrorResume(throwable -> {
        return Mono.empty();

Available flows


You can build a StepFlow using StepFlowBuilder class.

A StepFlow is a unit of work.

It is composed of a name and an execution. The execution is represented by the Step or StepWithMetadata interfaces.

Note - See ParallelFlow and SequentialFlow to see how metadata are used.

Using the builder, the syntax is the following

// Build using default FlowContext and Metadata<Object> types.
    .execution(((flowContext, metadata) -> Mono.just(Report.success(flowContext))))

// Build using a custom context and default Metadata<Object> types.
    .execution(((customContext, metadata) -> Mono.just(Report.success(customContext))))

// Build using default FlowContext and a custom Metadata<String> types.
    .execution(((flowContext, metadata) -> Mono.just(Report.success(flowContext))))

// Build using a custom context and a custom Metadata<String> types.
    .builderForTypes(CustomContext.class, String.class)
    .execution(((customContext, metadata) -> Mono.just(Report.success(customContext))))

You can also extend those two classes if you don't want to use the builder, or if you want to inject services in

  • DefaultStep in order to create steps with default metadata.
public class MyStep extends DefaultStep<FlowContext> {
  private final String name;

   * You can add a constructor, or even use lombok constructors annotations like @RequiredArgsConstructor.
   * So, you will be able to inject services if you want.
   * @param name A name
  public MyStep(String name) { = name;

  protected String getName() {

  protected Mono<Report<FlowContext>> getExecution(FlowContext context, Metadata<Object> metadata) {
    return Mono.just(Report.success(context));

// Usage
SequentialFlow<FlowContext> sequentialFlow = SequentialFlowBuilder
public class MyStepWithMetadata extends DefaultMetadataStep<FlowContext, String> {
  private final String name;

   * You can add a constructor, or even use lombok constructors annotations like @RequiredArgsConstructor.
   * So, you will be able to inject services if you want.
   * @param name A name
  public MyStepWithMetadata(String name) { = name;

  protected String getName() {

  protected Mono<Report<FlowContext>> getExecution(FlowContext context, Metadata<String> metadata) {
    return Mono.just(Report.success(context));

// Usage
ParallelFlow<FlowContext, String> parallelFlow = ParallelFlowBuilder
      .parallelizeFromArray(flowContext -> (List<String>) flowContext.get("List"))


You can build a SequentialFlow using SequentialFlowBuilder class.

Using the builder, the syntax is the following (assuming that sub-flows already exist)

// Build using default FlowContext.
    .then(thenFlowSuccess) // Will be executed
    .then(thenFlowError) // Will be executed
    .then(thenFlowSucess2) // Will NOT be executed as thenFlowError has returned error(s)
    .doFinally(finallyFlow) // Will always be executed, even if one then flow has returned error(s)

// Build using a custom context.
    .then(thenFlowSuccess) // Will be executed
    .then(thenFlowError) // Will be executed
    .then(thenFlowSucess2) // Will NOT be executed as thenFlowError has returned error(s)
    .doFinally(finallyFlow) // Will always be executed, even if one then flow has returned error(s)

Note - See SequentialFlow finally Flow to know how to deal with errors in finally flow.

If you log the result of one of the previous example, you should obtain something like (context is empty as it was a test)

ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential ended in 187.24 ms (1574877131)

Errors and warnings
ERROR - FUNCTIONAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Failure with message Error (2083999882)


Flow tree
ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential ended in 187.24 ms (1574877131)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Success ended in 3.20 ms (809300666)
    ERROR - StepFlow named Failure ended in 0.40 ms (2083999882)
    IGNORED - StepFlow named Success 2 ended in 0.00 ms (1984513847)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Finally ended in 0.31 ms (1241529534)


You can build a ConditionalFlow using ConditionalFlowBuilder class.

Using the builder, the syntax is the following (assuming that trueFlow and caseFlow are already defined)

// Build using default FlowContext.
    .condition(flowContext -> Objects.nonNull(flowContext.get("any")))

// Build using a custom context.
    .condition(customContext -> Objects.nonNull(customContext.get("any")))


You can build a SwitchFlow using SwitchFlowBuilder class.

Using the builder, the syntax is the following (assuming that case1Flow, case2Flow, and defaultFlow are already defined)

// Build using default FlowContext.
    .switchCondition(flowContext -> (String) flowContext.get("any"))
    .switchCase("Case 1", case1Flow)
    .switchCase("Case 2", case2Flow)

// Build using a custom context.
    .switchCondition(customContext -> customContext.getSwitchProperty())
    .switchCase("Case 1", case1Flow)
    .switchCase("Case 2", case2Flow)


You can build a ParallelFlow using ParallelFlowBuilder class.

Parallelize a unique flow

Use this solution if you want to iterate over an array extracted from the context.

With this approach, you should specify the metadata type in the builder, using .builderForMetadataType(metadateType) or .builderForTypes(contextType, metadataType).

// Using builderForMetadataType
    .builderForMetadataType(String.class) // Metadata type should correspond to the type of list item extracted from context
    .parallelizeFromArray(ctx -> (List<String>) ctx.get("list")) // As Metadata data has String type, we need to extract a List<String>
    .parallelizedFlow(flowToParallelize) // 
    .mergeStrategy(ParallelFlowBuilder.defaultMergeStrategy()) // Generally you should use this

// Using builderForTypes, with a custom context
    .builderForTypes(CustomContext.class, String.class) // Also use a custom context
    .parallelizeFromArray(CustomContext::getList) // Assuming the customContext.getList() returns a List<String>
    .mergeStrategy(ParallelFlowBuilder.defaultMergeStrategy()) // Generally you should use this

In flowToParallelize, you should propagate the metadata type in all sub-flows (specially the StepFlows, as you can access the metadata only inside them), in order to have well typed flows. If you don't do that, you will need to manually cast metadata.getData() result every time you need it.


ParallelFlow<CustomContext, String> parallelFlow = ParallelFlowBuilder
    .builderForTypes(CustomContext.class, String.class)
    .parallelizeFromArray(CustomContext::getList) // List contains ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]
        .builderForTypes(CustomContext.class, String.class)
        .execution((ctx, metadata) -> {
          String data = metadata.getData(); // As .builderForTypes(CustomContext.class, String.class) was used for the StepFlow, metadata.getData() already returns String
          ctx.put(data, data); // data is equal to "Item 1", "Item 2", or "Item 3", as if we were iterating over the array
          return Mono.just(Report.success(ctx));
    .build(); CustomContext());

If you log the result, you should expect something like

SUCCESS - ParallelFlow named Parallel ended in 158.50 ms (1916575798)

Errors and warnings
No error or warning

Item 3 - Item 3
Item 2 - Item 2
Item 1 - Item 1

Flow tree
SUCCESS - ParallelFlow named Parallel ended in 158.50 ms (1916575798)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Step (1) ended in 2.92 ms (51554940)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Step (2) ended in 0.17 ms (1399794302)
    SUCCESS - StepFlow named Step (3) ended in 0.13 ms (1924949331)

Parallelize defined flows

If you want to parallelize defined flows, without iterating over an array, you will not need to specify metadata type (except if your ParallelFlow is itself a sub-flow of another one which need to specify metadata type, see Complex example using metadata).

// Using default context

// Using custom context

Merge strategy

With ParallelFlow, you need to provide a merge strategy. As many flows are exacted in parallel, it is mandatory to know how to merge all the resulting contexts.

If you use default Flow context, that uses ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>, and if you don't add non thread-safe entries in the map, you should need the default merge strategy, that takes any of the resulting context. Indeed, all parallelized flows should write to the same context instance, so all the resulting contexts are the same instance in reality. If you use a custom context, beware of concurrent thread access.

If this does not correspond to your need, you can add a custom merge strategy, by specifically implementing the way to merge contexts, two by two.

public BinaryOperator<FlowContext> customMergeStrategy() {
    // Here it is the same as the default merge strategy
    // Always return the first of two, as we assume that context1 and context2 are the object in reality
    return (context1, context2) -> context1;

// Same with a custom context
public BinaryOperator<CustomContext> customMergeStrategy() {
    // Here it is the same as the default merge strategy
    // Always return the first of two, as we assume that context1 and context2 are the object in reality
    return (context1, context2) -> context1;


You can build a RecoverableFlow using RecoverableFlowBuilder class.

Using the builder, the syntax is the following (assuming that tryFlow and recoverFlow already exist)

// Build using default FlowContext.
    .recoverOn(RecoverableFlowException.ALL) // Retry on all exceptions

// Build using a custom context.
    .recoverOn(RecoverableFlowException.FUNCTIONAL) // Retry only on Functional exceptions

Note - You can retry on FUNCTIONAL, TECHNICAL, ALL, or NONE exceptions (see RecoverableFlowException, and Errors management).


You can build a RetryableFlow using RetryableFlowBuilder class.

Using the builder, the syntax is the following (assuming that retryFlow already exists)

// Build using default FlowContext.
    .retryOn(RecoverableFlowException.ALL) // Retry on all exceptions
    .retryTimes(2) // Number of retry
    .delay(100) // Delay in milliseconds

// Build using a custom context.
    .retryOn(RecoverableFlowException.FUNCTIONAL) // Retry only on Functional exceptions
    .retryTimes(2) // Number of retry
    .delay(100) // Delay in milliseconds

Note - You can retry on FUNCTIONAL, TECHNICAL, ALL, or NONE exceptions (see RecoverableFlowException, and Errors management).


You can build a NoOpFlow using NoOpFlow.named(String name) method.

It is a special flow, used in special cases, when you want to do nothing.

For example, you can use it if you want to apply a flow if a specific condition matches, but you want to do nothing if it does not match.

    .condition(flowContext -> Objects.nonNull(flowContext.get("any")))
    .caseFalse(NoOpFlow.named("Nothing")) // Do nothing if condition is false

Complex example using metadata

Java class

Given this Java class

package io.github.juliengalet.reactorflow;

import io.github.juliengalet.reactorflow.builder.ParallelFlowBuilder;
import io.github.juliengalet.reactorflow.builder.SequentialFlowBuilder;
import io.github.juliengalet.reactorflow.exception.FlowException;
import io.github.juliengalet.reactorflow.exception.FlowTechnicalException;
import io.github.juliengalet.reactorflow.flow.DefaultStep;
import io.github.juliengalet.reactorflow.flow.DefaultMetadataStep;
import io.github.juliengalet.reactorflow.flow.Flow;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

public class Example {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Flow<CustomContext> complexFlowUsingMetadata = ParallelFlowBuilder
        .builderForTypes(CustomContext.class, String.class)
                .then(new SuccessStringMetadata("Sequential > String").getStep())
                    .builderForTypes(CustomContext.class, Integer.class)
                    .named("Sequential > Parallel")
                    .parallelizedFlow(new SuccessIntegerMetadata("Sequential > Parallel > Integer").getStep())
                    .builderForTypes(CustomContext.class, Integer.class)
                    .named("Sequential > Parallel other")
                        .named("Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential")
                        .then(new SuccessIntegerMetadata("Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other").getStep())
                        .then(new Error("Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error").getStep())
                        .doFinally(new SuccessFinally<>("Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally").getStep())
                .doFinally(new SuccessFinally<>("Sequential > Finally").getStep())

    GlobalReport<CustomContext> globalReport = CustomContext()).block(); // Use .block() as we are in main


  public static class Error extends DefaultStep<CustomContext> {
    private final String name;

    public Error(String name) { = name;

    protected String getName() {

    protected Mono<Report<CustomContext>> getExecution(CustomContext context, Metadata<Object> metadata) {
      return Mono.just(Report.error(context, new FlowTechnicalException(String.format(
          "%s (%s)",

  public static class SuccessFinally<M> extends DefaultMetadataStep<CustomContext, M> {
    private final String name;

    public SuccessFinally(String name) { = name;

    protected String getName() {

    protected Mono<Report<CustomContext>> getExecution(CustomContext context, Metadata<M> metadata) {
      String randomUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
      String errorEntry = String.format(
          "Name: %s | Metadata: %s (%s) | Errors: %s | UUID: %s",
          metadata.getErrors().stream().map(FlowException::getMessage).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")),
      context.put(errorEntry, randomUUID);
      return Mono.just(Report.success(context));

  public static class SuccessIntegerMetadata extends DefaultMetadataStep<CustomContext, Integer> {
    private final String name;

    public SuccessIntegerMetadata(String name) { = name;

    protected String getName() {

    protected Mono<Report<CustomContext>> getExecution(CustomContext context, Metadata<Integer> metadata) {
      String randomUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
      String metadataEntryKey = String.format("Name: %s | Metadata: %s | UUID: %s",, metadata.getData(), randomUUID);
      context.put(metadataEntryKey, randomUUID);
      return Mono.just(Report.success(context));

  public static class SuccessStringMetadata extends DefaultMetadataStep<CustomContext, String> {
    private final String name;

    public SuccessStringMetadata(String name) { = name;

    protected String getName() {

    protected Mono<Report<CustomContext>> getExecution(CustomContext context, Metadata<String> metadata) {
      String randomUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
      String metadataEntryKey = String.format("Name: %s | Metadata: %s | UUID: %s",, metadata.getData(), randomUUID);
      context.put(metadataEntryKey, randomUUID);
      return Mono.just(Report.success(context));

  public static class CustomContext extends FlowContext {
    private static final String STRING_LIST_KEY = "STRING_LIST";
    private static final String INTEGER_FIRST_LIST_KEY = "INTEGER_FIRST_LIST";
    private static final String INTEGER_SECOND_LIST_KEY = "INTEGER_SECOND_LIST";

    public CustomContext() {
      super.put(STRING_LIST_KEY, List.of("Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"));
      super.put(INTEGER_FIRST_LIST_KEY, List.of(1, 2, 3));
      super.put(INTEGER_SECOND_LIST_KEY, List.of(4, 5, 6));

    public List<String> getStringList() {
      return (List<String>) super.get(STRING_LIST_KEY);

    public List<Integer> getFirstIntegerList() {
      return (List<Integer>) super.get(INTEGER_FIRST_LIST_KEY);

    public List<Integer> getSecondIntegerList() {
      return (List<Integer>) super.get(INTEGER_SECOND_LIST_KEY);

Expected result

The result should be something like (note the UUID, that allows to check each error and each data added to the context are really different)

ERROR - ParallelFlow named Example ended in 568.77 ms (1436901839)

Flow tree
ERROR - ParallelFlow named Example ended in 568.77 ms (1436901839)
    ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential (1) ended in 308.80 ms (999522307)
        SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > String ended in 288.16 ms (1866161430)
        SUCCESS - ParallelFlow named Sequential > Parallel ended in 2.40 ms (2024918163)
            SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel > Integer (1) ended in 0.33 ms (107241811)
            SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel > Integer (2) ended in 0.43 ms (558922244)
            SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel > Integer (3) ended in 0.31 ms (339099861)
        ERROR - ParallelFlow named Sequential > Parallel other ended in 8.85 ms (1653986196)
            ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential (1) ended in 5.20 ms (1197365356)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other ended in 0.47 ms (1702660825)
                ERROR - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error ended in 0.86 ms (1131040331)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally ended in 2.80 ms (254749889)
            ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential (2) ended in 1.52 ms (973576304)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other ended in 0.29 ms (992802731)
                ERROR - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error ended in 0.37 ms (715521683)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally ended in 0.48 ms (1545242146)
            ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential (3) ended in 1.48 ms (1524126153)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other ended in 0.37 ms (102065302)
                ERROR - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error ended in 0.39 ms (63001505)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally ended in 0.35 ms (191037037)
        SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Finally ended in 0.50 ms (330084561)
    ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential (2) ended in 6.87 ms (1043351526)
        SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > String ended in 0.27 ms (937773018)
        SUCCESS - ParallelFlow named Sequential > Parallel ended in 1.30 ms (728258269)
            SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel > Integer (1) ended in 0.23 ms (1572098393)
            SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel > Integer (2) ended in 0.26 ms (1627857534)
            SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel > Integer (3) ended in 0.22 ms (2084663827)
        ERROR - ParallelFlow named Sequential > Parallel other ended in 4.43 ms (360062456)
            ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential (1) ended in 1.27 ms (1790421142)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other ended in 0.22 ms (846947180)
                ERROR - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error ended in 0.35 ms (1172131546)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally ended in 0.35 ms (1616974404)
            ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential (2) ended in 1.22 ms (927327686)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other ended in 0.31 ms (1582071873)
                ERROR - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error ended in 0.23 ms (1908981452)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally ended in 0.44 ms (433287555)
            ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential (3) ended in 1.38 ms (27319466)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other ended in 0.31 ms (1003752023)
                ERROR - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error ended in 0.32 ms (266272063)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally ended in 0.44 ms (226744878)
        SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Finally ended in 0.43 ms (172032696)
    ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential (3) ended in 5.54 ms (299644693)
        SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > String ended in 0.28 ms (1771243284)
        SUCCESS - ParallelFlow named Sequential > Parallel ended in 1.49 ms (2052256418)
            SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel > Integer (1) ended in 0.30 ms (2013559698)
            SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel > Integer (2) ended in 0.32 ms (143695640)
            SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel > Integer (3) ended in 0.30 ms (2043318969)
        ERROR - ParallelFlow named Sequential > Parallel other ended in 3.19 ms (341878976)
            ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential (1) ended in 1.07 ms (1331923253)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other ended in 0.22 ms (1132967838)
                ERROR - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error ended in 0.23 ms (1853205005)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally ended in 0.38 ms (2143431083)
            ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential (2) ended in 0.86 ms (750468423)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other ended in 0.19 ms (1384010761)
                ERROR - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error ended in 0.21 ms (295221641)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally ended in 0.27 ms (2147046752)
            ERROR - SequentialFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential (3) ended in 0.77 ms (182259421)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other ended in 0.18 ms (715378067)
                ERROR - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error ended in 0.18 ms (2124643775)
                SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally ended in 0.23 ms (1262773598)
        SUCCESS - StepFlow named Sequential > Finally ended in 0.23 ms (688726285)

STRING_LIST - [Item 1, Item 2, Item 3]
Name: Sequential > Parallel > Integer | Metadata: 1 | UUID: 24184f4d-504c-49b4-9e58-91d90ff8f787 - 24184f4d-504c-49b4-9e58-91d90ff8f787
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally | Metadata: 6 (Integer) | Errors: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (db884dcb-99fe-47f5-80d5-d926d6a2929c) | UUID: 8bd28bb2-76bb-4abd-ae96-659daa7ffdff - 8bd28bb2-76bb-4abd-ae96-659daa7ffdff
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally | Metadata: 5 (Integer) | Errors: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (24b7cee2-35e6-4bef-9929-ec29f3b9045a) | UUID: b0996d6a-0a0c-4ca1-8e34-ea1d0c8adb8e - b0996d6a-0a0c-4ca1-8e34-ea1d0c8adb8e
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other | Metadata: 6 | UUID: 991ce6f7-c2ef-4705-b88a-15ab8759d988 - 991ce6f7-c2ef-4705-b88a-15ab8759d988
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other | Metadata: 5 | UUID: 3f3c61a2-24aa-491e-a821-c91ad7095d1c - 3f3c61a2-24aa-491e-a821-c91ad7095d1c
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally | Metadata: 6 (Integer) | Errors: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (68c36a50-6cd6-43be-834c-152fb7e77b15) | UUID: 23995d66-e37a-430a-841d-7d57a69358f6 - 23995d66-e37a-430a-841d-7d57a69358f6
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally | Metadata: 6 (Integer) | Errors: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (af641ab1-e05d-45b9-95a0-0a2600335c2b) | UUID: c4e228d0-a22c-4b3b-b248-9c24c7af194f - c4e228d0-a22c-4b3b-b248-9c24c7af194f
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other | Metadata: 6 | UUID: 210eac8b-29a4-4f24-afd7-1f7567d0417f - 210eac8b-29a4-4f24-afd7-1f7567d0417f
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other | Metadata: 5 | UUID: 5235e4b2-867a-45e0-b77a-a2e249daadc8 - 5235e4b2-867a-45e0-b77a-a2e249daadc8
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally | Metadata: 5 (Integer) | Errors: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (bbcca8f2-e09c-4b2c-9afc-f10e9deb80be) | UUID: 6cd167e5-d752-4b4f-a70e-21efe5fb0e5c - 6cd167e5-d752-4b4f-a70e-21efe5fb0e5c
Name: Sequential > Parallel > Integer | Metadata: 1 | UUID: 68f1335b-08ff-47b4-b61b-0b74826e17ae - 68f1335b-08ff-47b4-b61b-0b74826e17ae
Name: Sequential > Parallel > Integer | Metadata: 3 | UUID: 8d8ca1b2-fd2c-4258-802e-1a5e0e030b09 - 8d8ca1b2-fd2c-4258-802e-1a5e0e030b09
Name: Sequential > Parallel > Integer | Metadata: 2 | UUID: 8bebecd2-21f8-4ea4-95c7-fda9acf5355c - 8bebecd2-21f8-4ea4-95c7-fda9acf5355c
Name: Sequential > Parallel > Integer | Metadata: 2 | UUID: ab875ca7-26d2-4f76-8d96-6713dad66af2 - ab875ca7-26d2-4f76-8d96-6713dad66af2
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally | Metadata: 4 (Integer) | Errors: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (1f43ddba-21d4-4e42-90bc-9cbfc48efe20) | UUID: 80d73b59-4de7-4b93-95e0-41d772ffcd92 - 80d73b59-4de7-4b93-95e0-41d772ffcd92
Name: Sequential > String | Metadata: Item 3 | UUID: 6719f311-b430-488c-97f5-d072cfab6b52 - 6719f311-b430-488c-97f5-d072cfab6b52
Name: Sequential > Parallel > Integer | Metadata: 1 | UUID: f5730aa5-70e8-4814-bb37-fd28e1105d67 - f5730aa5-70e8-4814-bb37-fd28e1105d67
Name: Sequential > Parallel > Integer | Metadata: 2 | UUID: c673bd63-860a-4b8f-b8cc-b19a089354d0 - c673bd63-860a-4b8f-b8cc-b19a089354d0
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally | Metadata: 4 (Integer) | Errors: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (d6ae0aed-9d49-4552-86b9-1e5b66c80c8f) | UUID: 4ea26e30-4874-44f8-a6c4-944477243cc8 - 4ea26e30-4874-44f8-a6c4-944477243cc8
Name: Sequential > Finally | Metadata: Item 3 (String) | Errors: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (d6ae0aed-9d49-4552-86b9-1e5b66c80c8f), Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (243577e1-830c-4da4-a611-79f515b6c43f), Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (68c36a50-6cd6-43be-834c-152fb7e77b15) | UUID: e148224d-af11-420b-8740-70e00f407bc8 - e148224d-af11-420b-8740-70e00f407bc8
Name: Sequential > Finally | Metadata: Item 1 (String) | Errors: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (3d619a8a-7295-440a-ad1d-ecae410e05ea), Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (bbcca8f2-e09c-4b2c-9afc-f10e9deb80be), Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (af641ab1-e05d-45b9-95a0-0a2600335c2b) | UUID: 7b16264d-0ade-41db-bcb4-c1b9fbf7ae10 - 7b16264d-0ade-41db-bcb4-c1b9fbf7ae10
Name: Sequential > Parallel > Integer | Metadata: 3 | UUID: dd5961b1-999a-47d8-8629-974aa7bdfd4c - dd5961b1-999a-47d8-8629-974aa7bdfd4c
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other | Metadata: 6 | UUID: a2819b7f-c3aa-4f7c-aed3-96747c1b85be - a2819b7f-c3aa-4f7c-aed3-96747c1b85be
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other | Metadata: 4 | UUID: 5252c540-ab97-4b37-8bf9-3892e5583983 - 5252c540-ab97-4b37-8bf9-3892e5583983
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally | Metadata: 5 (Integer) | Errors: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (243577e1-830c-4da4-a611-79f515b6c43f) | UUID: 50a8e716-ff39-4f90-9a0d-dc6294246779 - 50a8e716-ff39-4f90-9a0d-dc6294246779
Name: Sequential > Parallel > Integer | Metadata: 3 | UUID: ef5f36ad-c82c-44af-9605-3bba3959bfce - ef5f36ad-c82c-44af-9605-3bba3959bfce
Name: Sequential > Finally | Metadata: Item 2 (String) | Errors: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (1f43ddba-21d4-4e42-90bc-9cbfc48efe20), Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (24b7cee2-35e6-4bef-9929-ec29f3b9045a), Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (db884dcb-99fe-47f5-80d5-d926d6a2929c) | UUID: 455a3537-f6b4-42ed-803f-1eba5e994b29 - 455a3537-f6b4-42ed-803f-1eba5e994b29
Name: Sequential > String | Metadata: Item 1 | UUID: 33c31b18-b6b1-4c34-9cdd-930b6937902d - 33c31b18-b6b1-4c34-9cdd-930b6937902d
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other | Metadata: 4 | UUID: baca33da-d2e4-4f68-a3f3-d46189cfe5c2 - baca33da-d2e4-4f68-a3f3-d46189cfe5c2
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Finally | Metadata: 4 (Integer) | Errors: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (3d619a8a-7295-440a-ad1d-ecae410e05ea) | UUID: 01b3c5b0-ac53-4bdd-8997-0ed9296856aa - 01b3c5b0-ac53-4bdd-8997-0ed9296856aa
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other | Metadata: 4 | UUID: c9120de9-30cd-4923-b7c8-0962a0ce1695 - c9120de9-30cd-4923-b7c8-0962a0ce1695
Name: Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Integer other | Metadata: 5 | UUID: fd7274be-b119-4cf7-8e4a-099f61a80341 - fd7274be-b119-4cf7-8e4a-099f61a80341
Name: Sequential > String | Metadata: Item 2 | UUID: 31a74e2d-1f66-4a25-b208-d7723dcb57a7 - 31a74e2d-1f66-4a25-b208-d7723dcb57a7

Errors and warnings
ERROR - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error with message Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (3d619a8a-7295-440a-ad1d-ecae410e05ea) (1131040331)
ERROR - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error with message Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (bbcca8f2-e09c-4b2c-9afc-f10e9deb80be) (715521683)
ERROR - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error with message Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (af641ab1-e05d-45b9-95a0-0a2600335c2b) (63001505)
ERROR - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error with message Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (1f43ddba-21d4-4e42-90bc-9cbfc48efe20) (1172131546)
ERROR - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error with message Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (24b7cee2-35e6-4bef-9929-ec29f3b9045a) (1908981452)
ERROR - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error with message Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (db884dcb-99fe-47f5-80d5-d926d6a2929c) (266272063)
ERROR - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error with message Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (d6ae0aed-9d49-4552-86b9-1e5b66c80c8f) (1853205005)
ERROR - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error with message Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (243577e1-830c-4da4-a611-79f515b6c43f) (295221641)
ERROR - TECHNICAL exception occurred on StepFlow named Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error with message Sequential > Parallel other > Sequential > Error (68c36a50-6cd6-43be-834c-152fb7e77b15) (2124643775)

Features to implement

  • Default parameters for builders
  • Parametrize the concurrency for ParallelFlow
  • Use a more generic way to recover/retry flow on errors (actually it is mandatory to extend FlowFunctionalException or FlowTechnicalException in order to be able to retry on Functional or Technical errors)