This is the implementation of the paper "VAW-GAN for Singing Voice Conversion with Non-parallel Training Data". This work is submitted to APSIPA 2020.
In this work, we propose a singing voice conversion framework that is based on VAW-GAN [1]. We train an encoder to disentangle singer identity and singing prosody (F0 contour) from phonetic content. By conditioning on singer identity and F0, the decoder generates output spectral features with unseen target singer identity, and improves the F0 rendering. Our proposed method can significantly reduce the spectrum distortion and improve the converted singing quality. For more details, please refer to our paper.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Python 3.6
- Tensorflow-gpu 1.5.0
- PyWorld
- librosa
- soundfile
- numpy 1.14.0
- sklearn
- glob
- scipy
In this work, we use NUS Sung and Spoken Lyrics Corpus (NUS-48E corpus) [2], which consists of the sung and spoken lyrics of 48 English songs by 12 professional singers. We choose two male singers and one female singers for all the experiments. For each singer, 6 songs are used for training and evaluation.
Please make sure your singing data is saved in the following structure and change the path in .json file:
- Activate your virtual enviroment.
source activate [your env]
- Extract features from raw audio.
$ python
- Analyze features.
$ python
- Train the network.
$ python
- Conversion.
$ python --src 'SOURCE_SINGER_ID' --trg 'TARGET_SINGER_ID' --checkpoint './logdir/train/PLEASE_SPECIFY_YOUR_CHECKPOINT/model.ckpt-46860'
[1] Hsu, Chin-Cheng, et al. "Voice conversion from unaligned corpora using variational autoencoding wasserstein generative adversarial networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.00849 (2017).
[2] Z. Duan, H. Fang, B. Li, K. Chai Sim, and Y. Wang, “The nus sung and spoken lyrics corpus: A quantitative comparison of singing and speech,”APSIPA, 2013
- The codes are based on VAW-GAN Voice Conversion:
- Please feel free to contact me via my email: [email protected] if you are interested in our work.